Minerva and Tik Tik 5

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#123 of Tik Tik's Tower

Sometimes, a mad scientist has to push the boundaries of science, but when Minerva decides to investigate the secrets of the ancients and applies them to Tik Tik, has she gone too far? Or not far enough?

This is a collaboration written by myself and WhiteFeather#2931 on DiscordPlease support me on SubscribestarThe Adventures of Tik Tik is a fantasy erotica series starring a cute kobold wizard out to make new friends! The readers fund its development. Those who support get early access to stories and rough drafts, the ability to vote and make poll options for monthly bonus stories, and able to produce and direct the plot with other top-tier supporters! Not only that but the more that I'm supported, the more of these stories Check out more of my work through my LinktreeCover art by @heckabun

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Tik Tik gulps with a large lump in her throat, swallowing a payload from Minerva's thick tongue-like appendage. Tik Tik's eyes widen as she proceeds to swallow the spit-coated mixture of herbs again and again. Finally, the tentacle slips into her stomach. The effects are nearly instantaneous as Tik Tik groans and growls, tilting her head back, her legs and arms twitching.

Minerva watches with fascination, pulling herself back from Tik Tik, removing her tentacles from the kobold and removing Telx, tucking the living strap-on back between her robes. His leaking tip trickles down her leg, making her luscious blue skin shimmer. She rarely finds conscious test subjects for her concoctions--even rarer to be able to do a live test in the field. But this spontaneous meeting has been exceptionally fortuitous, and now she is in it for the finale. She will record the results, harvest any valuable byproduct from the kobold, and be on her way~

Tik Tik had theorized about the possibilities of the ingredients when used in tandem. A catalytic transformational herb, a hypothesized augmentation serum--but they were never intended to be taken together in such large doses, especially after all the fore play her body had been made to endure.

The kobold's head falls forward, drool and cum oozing out from between her teeth. She falls to the ground, shuddering and struggling, her pupils slitting and her brows furrowing.

The kobold huffs and pants, her body tugging and pulling at the magical plant bonds. Her tail thrashes and wriggles sporadically.

In case this goes south, Minerva gathers restorative magics in her hand, yet she can only watch as Tik Tik pulls her arms free, tearing the vines with a heavy rumbling growl.

Teeth grit, fangs elongate, jaw lengthens. Newly forming muscles bulge and flex, snapping the remaining vines one-by-one. Her now sharp and elongated claws rip apart the vines on her throat, an aggressive growl rumbling out.

Minerva's head tilts back as the kobold rises up, the changes in Tik Tik's physiology even more apparent. Her scales darken and elongate, going from soft pink to a crimson red. Her bones crack, flesh straining and stretching as they grow. Claws lash outward as her hands explode to three times their size. Toes snap into talons, vicious and strong, quickly digging into the dusty stone floor. She stares face-to-face with Minerva, though Tik Tik hunches over, her shoulders rising and falling. Tik Tik's horns curl and grow into ivory spirals of white majesty. The spikes along her face lengthen into the shape of a crown.

'She must be nearly eight feet tall and growing... by the deep gods, what did I feed her? And what can she do~?'

They say that curiosity kills the cat, but there are more than one species crippled by their need for knowledge. Minerva herself often pays for the price of her own addiction to new experiences... and this situation is heading in the same direction as those others.

The pain of transformation now subsides, and Tik Tik can finally appreciate this change. Her hands run over her body, along her sides. They follow the now powerful and muscular curves of her torso, across her firm abdominals, to her new pair of rocking tits, perfectly plump and perky. Her hands give them a tight squeeze that sends shivers down her core.

A loud "thud" comes from behind her as her tail grows thicker, elongated, and covered in rigged spines. Now, it is a weapon more-than-capable of knocking someone flat.

While Minerva doesn't necessarily have as much of a jaw to drop in surprise, her facial tentacles can still convey emotion quite effectively. In this case, their sporadic wiggling and alluring waves all come to a stop, simply stretched out in disbelief. The small kobold transformed into a dragon, proper and true. She has no wings, but she is undoubtedly powerful.

Minerva takes a step back, dropping the spellwork and ingredients for an antidote.

Tik Tik the Dragon sighs heavily, scattering the dust around her feet with her mighty breath. She takes the time to crack her fingers, smiling but not paying mind to her opponent. Obviously, the herb enhances the slight trace of draconic ancestry locked within her body. It can turn any kobold able to bear the pain into a mighty facsimile of the deific creatures. She glances up toward Minvera, her tongue running along her chops.

As she reaches out for the sorceress, suddenly a jolt hits her core. Her eyes widen in shock as her body trembles. She presses her hands against herself and slowly descends her palms and fingers back down over her body. It feels so good. It is hard to explain, but it is almost as powerful as the buildup before orgasm. That rising pressure of the twisting knot that eventually snaps into waves upon waves of pleasure, except that this time, it's different. It isn't following the same paths it usually does. There is an intense heat upon her core--a burning flame that swelters to grander proportions.

Unable to stop herself as she writhes around, sharp toes clawing marks into the ancient floor, her voice rumbles out in deep moans of delight. With an almost cautious shudder, her palms rest over her wom, pressing slightly against the spot and thrusting her hips forward as instinct takes over.

Minerva yelps when Tik Tik's slit shudders and a long, thick, rigged and tapered cock breaks free from within. The thing could easily be thicker than Minerva's arm, its ridges dripping with delight. Each of those ridges are spread just far enough apart that Minerva knows that each one would tug at her body. Throbbing, glistening with slick wetness from its genesis, it can quickly fulfill its purpose.

Each pulse of Tik Tik's heart causes it to swell until it finally reaches critical mass. A succubus could harness the energy of every virgin who walked into their brothel and still it would pale in comparison to the raw manifestation that rises from the dragon's groin.

Minerva and Tik Tik 6

Tik Tik screams in ecstasy from the emergence of a draconic cock from between her legs. Tik Tik breathes slowly and with control, lowering her gaze as her ametrine eyes disappear under half-lids as she peers straight down towards the cocky sorceress...

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