Horsin' Around With His Mum 5

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#5 of Horsin' Around With His Mum

Edric and Florence, his Mum, spend their last day together for his winter break, and say goodbye.

Sunday morning, Edric wakes to a sunbeam cutting through a gap in the curtains and landing directly on his face. Blinking away the light, he rolls over to find Florence still asleep.

Edric lays his hand across her belly, and just takes her in.

She's lying on her back, quietly snoring, soft smile gracing her muzzle. Her mane is tussled from sleep and last night's marathon lovemaking. Sometime, the sheet has fallen to her waist, leaving her beautiful breasts exposed, and now the sunlight streaming into the room dances across her gorgeous dark-chestnut coat, casting shadows of her soft, dark peaks. Soon, its travel across the bed will light her face, and wake her as well.

Unless he wakes her first.

Because she is stunning, even asleep. Edric feels all his love for her well up, fill his heart and overflow it with a need to kiss her awake, hold her in his arms, make love to her.

He draws himself across the space between them to wrap her up, place a kiss to the side of her muzzle, then another and another, until her eyes flutter open and she giggles.

"Good morning, baby."

"Sure you have everything?"

It's not the first time Florence has asked Edric that question since he started packing his bag this afternoon. He smiles down at his gym bag as he zips it, then turns to her where she's standing in the doorway to his room, blanket draped over her shoulders.

"Yeah, Mum, I think so." He strides over and takes her hand in his. "But if not, it's just another reason I should visit again as soon as I can."

"Look at you being smooth. Where was this when you got here two weeks ago, blushing and stammering while you tried--and failed, I'll remind you--not to stare at my body?" She steps closer to lean up and press a kiss to his nose.

"I had to learn fast, you kinda threw me in on the deep end there, so it was sink or swim--or I guess flirt or die of embarrassment." He places his hand on her bare hip to draw her in closer. She responds by wrapping her arms around the back of his neck.

"I'm gonna miss you, baby." Her head rests against the join of his shoulder and neck and she sighs.

"I'm gonna miss you, too, Mum." He brings his other hand up to card his fingers through her mane. "But I'll be back soon. Just a month, and then mid-February, I'll drive back for a weekend."

"And then end of March you have spring break." She starts them rocking, slowly, back and forth.

"And I'll spend the whole time here with you." They continue swaying, a slow dance to no music, for a quiet moment.

She hums a sigh against him.

"Baby, I know you just got changed, and you should be leaving, but--" she presses her body against his, lets the blanket fall away from her nude frame, "--think we could do it one last time?"

He doesn't even have to think about it.

"Gods_please_." He wraps her up and presses a kiss to the white mark between her eyes. "I don't want to leave, and I'm gonna miss you so much, and you're so beautiful I wanna rut you so bad."

His clothes go flying as they tumble from his bedroom to hers, landing on her bed in a tangle of limbs. She rolls them over onto his back and straddles him.

"Edric, baby, I love you."

She lifts her hips and guides his tip to her entrance.

"I love you too, Mum."

She slides down his shaft, all the way, until their hips meet and her clit winks out against him.

"One last time, baby." They join hands as she lifts herself, then she drops back down with a muted clap.

That "one last time" turns out to be two more times then a shower, and they end up doing it in the shower, too.

On his way out, Edric pauses. It's already sundown, light rapidly bleeding from the sky, and the light above the door isn't on. He looks over to the switch, and suddenly remembers. With a chuckle, he drops his bag and turns back to Florence.

"Be right back, Mum."

She gives him a quizzical look, but lets him stride past her into the kitchen. When he returns a moment later, it's with a new outdoor bulb in hand, and that gets a cackle from her.

"Can't believe we forgot to change it out the whole time I was here." He steps out, reaching above the door to unscrew the dead bulb.

"Well I can, baby." She watches appreciatively from the doorway as he works. "We were a little bit preoccupied with one another. I didn't even get any groceries."

He freezes, new bulb nearly settled.

"Oh gods you're right." He finishes up. "We're a bit dangerous for one another. Maybe it's a good thing I only had the two weeks, we might've starved to death mid-rut!"

That gets a laugh from his mum, who swats at him. She flicks the switch and the light turns on.

"Oh hush, you."

They make eye contact again, love and lust and home and longing passing between them.

"Love you, baby."

"Love you too, Mum."

"Love_all of you_, baby. With all of me."

"All of you, all of me, Mum."

They kiss, one last time, and then he does his best not to fixate on her form watching from the porch as he turns onto the road.