Mistaken Deific Identity

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A college student looking for college credit finds himself cataloging an old storage area in a museum, going through a number of artifacts that were related to the deity known as Anubis. But while there is something quite powerful stored within the artifacts the man soon finds that it doesn't relate to the lord of the underworld...

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John let out a deep breath as he stood on the roof of the museum he worked at, trying to expel the dust that he had been no doubt inhaling for the last several hours. Even with wearing a respirator some the storage area that he was clearing out hadn't been touched in what felt like decades, and from some of the boxes that he had moved were at least quite a few years. But up until that point the old curator had somewhat of a hoarder mentality and whenever an exhibit was finished he would just have them pack it up and move it into one of the many rooms in the large complex instead of trying to find another place to show it or sell it if it was just some lower level artifacts. While there were some pieces that would warrant careful storage this was clearly not the case and when the old curator was eventually fired for embezzlement the new one came in and demanded that everything be hauled out, unpacked, catalogued, and then either shipped off or prepared for more proper storage in the case of circulating displays.

There were several archeology and anthropology interns that had the fortune, or misfortune in come cases, of earning credit by going through the massive mounds of stuff, and after doing a random lottery John got was essentially the attic of the Egyptology wing which was a someone large and stylized tower. Though it was a smaller room then some in the main building it made up for the size with sheer stacking power with him having to haul stuff down from ladders more than once and attempting to stop a box avalanche. What made things worse was that since there were so few takers for the job it meant that he was essentially doing everything alone, which made a tough job a slog as he had to try and figure out real artifacts from fakes as well as assign worth to them. While he had thought about going into ancient Egyptian mythos as his dissertation he was finding himself getting really sick of dusty artifacts as he put his respirator back over his mouth and plunged back down into the dusty space.

The next set of boxes that he had looked to tackle before the night was out was a somewhat smaller pile that were simple marked with the name Anubis on them. They surrounded a few larger statues that had a thick layer of dust and John imagined that if the jackal god was real that he would probably have a few things to say about his treatment in this establishment. As he started to open up box after box he found a number of artifacts that were at least carefully packed up and put away, and with some of them still having tags on it he began to think that they didn't even put these ones out for display at all. Unfortunately that was a bit of the old curator's MO; to buy stuff that remotely looked legit in the idea for some grand display, only to either not have room or forget about it and put it away with every other failed conception he had.

As this was the last set that he was probably going to do before he would leave for the night he found himself rushing a bit, most of the artifacts being pieces of sandstone tablets with the visage of the lord of the underworld. As he got to one of the smaller boxes that still had the shipping label on it he found he would have to cut it open, taking out the boxcutter he had been given only to find that while the somewhat dull blade was good for the single layer of packing tape someone had wrapped this one up multiple times. He would need something sharper... and there was only one place that he knew of that had knives that weren't part of some display.

A few minutes later John had made it down to the break room of the museum, the darkness he had been in that was pierced only by a single bulb replaced with the harsh florescence of the ceiling lights. As he had had expected there was no one there as the museum proper had long since closed and they preferred the interns working after hours so they didn't bother anyone. While it made the entire place an eerie experience to be in he almost preferred it that way as no one was around to bother him with his cataloguing. At this point though he hoped that at least someone that was on the staff enjoyed steak or similar for lunch and breathed a sigh of relief when he found a serrated knife that he believed would do the trick.

After a bit of very careful cutting John finally managed to make it so that he could get at whatever was inside, which when he opened it he found that there was a pair of ears sticking out of the Styrofoam packing peanuts. There was only a single item inside and as he lifted it up he found that it was a shiny black jackal mask with gold and purple inlays. It was actually quite the beautiful piece, and almost looked too good to be considered an artifact as he rubbed his fingers along the shiny surface and found it to be smooth to the touch. He was also wondering if this in fact belonged to Anubis... while there were some instances where he had purple highlights to denote royalty as he was considered the lord of the underworld it would still be a bit unusual to have it memorialized in a piece like this.

John decided he would probably put it in the maybe pile for now, and as he looked up and caught his reflection in the small mirror behind the kitchen sink he made a face. He was covered in a layer of dust with only his mouth being somewhat clean, fortunately he had been warned about this ahead of time and with the facilities including a set of showers he could clean himself off and put on a fresh set of clothes he had brought with him. As he looked at the clock and saw that he was pretty close to the end of the day anyway and decided that he would clean up now and drop off the mask in the curator's office for safekeeping before heading home. With no one around he decided to leave the mask in the break room for now and went into the showers with his toiletries so that he could clean himself off before he caught some sort of infection from all that dust.

The water felt very refreshing and he still found himself coughing several times as he was grateful to be out of that atmosphere. He would still have to go back again in the near future to finish the job but for the moment all he could do was think about getting home and relaxing. After rinsing out his hair he reached for the soap on the small shelf, but as his hands hit something hard and rubbery he turned back and gasped in slight surprise at seeing the mask sitting there. That was definitely not there before, he thought to himself as he looked out from the shower stall to see if anyone was messing with him only to find no one around.

As John shook his head he could feel the wet strands of hair against his head and he walked into the locker room where he had stored his stuff. Perhaps it was better if you kept somewhere safe, he thought to himself as he clicked his combination lock close. Once he was done he found himself looking around as though he wasn't alone, but there was still no one else around and most of the interns had either left for the day in frustration or were toiling away to get done. He just let out a sigh of exasperation and told himself he was too tired before heading back in to finish his shower.

More than once as he was under the water yet again he looked several times over to see if the mask came back, only to have the area only have his soap and shampoo. Probably just a prank, John thought to himself as he turned off the shower and let the water drip off of him again before opening the curtain to get his towel. "No way," John exclaimed in shock as he saw the jackal mask once more sitting neatly on top of his towel like he had put it there himself. "That's impossible..."

As he picked it up again John looked around while holding the muzzle in one of his hands, trying to figure out what the hell was going on. He had heard tales of masks of the gods holding mystical powers but there was no way that it could be true. Yet there he was holding something he had put into his locker, and as he turned it around and looked inside he found that there were no eye holes. It was just an artifact... yet as he got closer he found himself peering into the darkness and wondering if the myths weren't actually true. As it hovered only a few feet from his face he found himself whispering if this was really Anubis, only to suddenly hear a dark chuckle as the inside of the mask melted.

It had had happened so fast that it took John by surprise, but when he tried to pull the mask back he found that several thick tentacles of the gooey liquid rubber had wrapped around his elbow and bicep to keep it close to his face. More of the mask's edges turned to goo and soon the human found his upper body having the substance curling over his body. When the shock of the mask suddenly animating had worn off John once more tried to toss the mask away but by that point there several thick strands that had wrapped around his neck. Even though it continued to drip and stick to his body like something viscous the ones wrapped around his neck and the back of his head were like actual rubber and every time he tried to push it back it would just stretch and pull it closer.

While the idea of someone coming in and seeing him standing there naked holding a mask that was dripping liquid rubber over his body was not ideal all John could think of was to call out for help, but the mask seemed ready for that too as a tentacle of the substance defied gravity and lifted up to push its way into his mouth. It was extremely fast and before he knew it the tentacle was practically down into his throat as he felt several more strands fly out and cling to the side of his head. The only noises he could make were gurgling and swallowing as the rubber started to flow into him rather then just gag him, but his look of panic turned to one of shock as he felt a much thinner tendril push its way into his ear.

"There is no need to struggle anymore," the dark voice that he had heard briefly before said in his mind as the rubber melted into his brain, corrupting and assimilating his thoughts faster then the human could process it as the edges of the mask continued to stretch and expand. "You have been chosen as my vessel, feel the pleasure at serving as my host as your body becomes mine."

Though in the back of his mind John knew that what was being promised wasn't necessarily good whatever was starting to pump into his skull was making it hard to think, his face becoming relaxed while his cock was starting to become erect. Whatever was inside of him was also making the touch of the rubber that was starting to coat his body become much more sensitive to him, which made it harder to think. Give in, don't resist, become part of a god, all those thoughts were being relentlessly fed into him as the mask drifted closer to his face. As John continued to try and put up a mediocre resistance he tried to say something that would stop Anubis from taking him over, but the only thing he got in response to that was more of the thick rubber coming out of the mask and pouring it over his chest to completely coat it in the shiny substance.

"Foolish human, I am not Anubis..." the voice growled as John could see the rubber coating the hand that was holding the mask had short purple claws on it as similarly colored markings were appearing on his chest. "But this is much better, I am far more fun than that second-rate mortician. I am Abrax, and with your body I will manifest once more in this world."

All John could do was let out a muffled grunt as his vision was being filled with the inside of the mask, the darkness coming to envelop him as the tentacle in his maw stretched out his mouth even more. More of his face had been covered by this point and if he had looked in a mirror he would have found himself looking more like a manniquen then a person as the rubber assimilated his hair. When he felt a surge of pleasure go through his body he managed to look down and see in shock that several larger strands of gooey rubber had slithered their way over his other arm, gold markings appearing on the elbow as he felt it move of its own accord to start to stroke his hard cock. It wasn't even his fingers, the tendrils of rubber that were between them had started to slide along the sensitive flesh as John could feel himself losing his thoughts to this creature.

As the eyes of the human rolled back into his head rubber cascaded up them while the mask was affixed into place, the edges immediately stretching out completely and enveloping the human. The mask was pushed tight and there were a few muffled grunts as the sudden takeover overrode the whispers fed to him by the tentacles that were now in both of his ears. Though his one hand was completely under the control of the rubber jackal he tried to reach up to grab at the mask, but once more he was pulled down into the darkness as he was told that he would be the vessel of the god. The voice was unrelenting and with the mask on his head there was nothing he could do but fall to his knees and paw at the shiny substance merging to itself until there was nothing left of the human that could be seen.

The rubber that had engulfed the human continued to warp and morph as it continued to assimilate both the mind and body that it had taken, reshaping the psyche so that soon he would merely believe that he was Abrax to assist in the process. As more of the rubber pumped out of the seams of what was now a jackal hood it coated down his neck and shoulders where more gold designs appeared. There was a bit more struggled but as the half-coated arms feel to his sides the eyes of the mask itself opened to reveal the golden irises contained within. The mouth opened as well with a sigh of relief as he felt his breath go through the new muzzle he could feel the human already starting to lose himself, something that would be much easier for him to do once he had managed to give this body the proper honor.

With the human completely underneath his thrall it was time for the jackal to make some adjustments, though he did enjoy seeing the pink flesh of this creature getting coated with his gooey body. Already he could feel the insides of the man shifting around, becoming more of the same liquid rubber that his body was made of. When he could feel the psyche of the human questioning what was happening to him Abrax merely said that he was being remade, reborn as the god that they truly were as he began to stroke up and down their partially converted member. It was so easy to manipulate these humans, just add a bit of pleasure and soon they would be moaning for more, which was exactly what this one was doing as he plunged a rubber tentacle in between his cheeks while something similar started to form just above it.

That's right, you're a sexy rubber jackal, Abrax reinforcing it as felt the rubber inside his new cock swelling at the base while more designs appeared on him. It had been so long since he had a proper body and as he continued to stroke it up and down he felt his tail sliding about against the wall while the goo cascaded down his thickening thighs. The human was already pretty toned and he didn't really feel the need to go any bigger, though he did make himself a little more defined as he let one hand slide up and down the taut stomach and nice pecs that he had gained. As black rubber drooled from his new tool he did beef it up a bit, what's a god without his staff after all as he gave it a few more strokes.

Eventually the human's psyche ceased to flare up and Abrax found that John had been properly assimilated mind and body to become the rubber jackal. It was just as well, Abrax mused as he went over to the nearby shower stall and looked at the gold eyeliner and purple streak that adorned his face, this was his after all. There was still the matter of his memories and as he assimilated them as well he found out the time period and information about the surrounding area. Anything about John's personal life he discarded; he would have no need for anything that the human had and would be making his own way soon enough in this new world.

With his new body Abrax looked around before going and grabbing one of the few things that he would find useful for the moment, taking John's wallet and keys and absorbing them into the rubber of his body for potential later usage. Just because he was rather proud didn't mean that he should struggle early on, though as he did sift through the knowledge that the human had he found that there were a few places where he would be more than welcome. That was just fine with him... the last time period was a bit of snooze fest and he was more than happy to be in a place where his tastes and talents were more appreciated. The only unfortunate was that someone that bore a striking resemblance to him seemed to have become quite popular, but he could certainly change that in time.

Just as he left the break room and was about to leave he heard a voice behind him call out, the golden eyes of the jackal placidly turning back and looking at the human that was running up to him. "Whoa, that is some getup you got there," the guy said as he came up, only to stop when he saw the gooey nature of the creature in front of him as Abrax identified him as another intern working at this place. "I... damn, you're definitely not human, what the hell are you? Anubis?"

Though a flash of anger went through the rubber jackal's face he quickly soothed it over and gave the young man a big smile. "I am someone a little different then the one you speak of," Abrax said as he used the inquisitive nature of the human against him. "From the one that I have assimilated you are another college student studying something called anthropology, and you are working here for college credit... which from I'm gathering is essentially you doing something for free. Well, if you don't mind doing that, then I think it would be more than fitting for you to become my first slave."

There was a bit of a reaction from that, but as Abrax saw the eyes of the other man starting to glow purple he knew that it really didn't matter since he had caught him in his hypnotic gaze. Just a little bit of talking and staring into his eyes and this one would do anything for him, which was good since he was about to do everything for him as he motioned for him to follow back to the break room. He wanted to properly break this one in and he didn't need to get interrupted as he claimed his second human of his return. All he needed was to give this one the proper mindset and body and he would be well on his way to reclaiming his former glory.

The entire time that they moved Abrax made sure to keep in eye contact just in case his powers were still weakened and the way the human followed him around reminded him of when he would have them on leashes. Though this one would be slightly higher than that the idea was something to keep in the back of his mind as he went over to one of the chairs and sat down in it. As his gooey body began to corrupt the fabric beneath him to be just as rubbery as his own skin he commanded the human to get down on his knees and between his legs. With their eyes glowing just as intensely as before he told the human to suck on his shaft and receive his blessing, though he just got out the first part before he grabbed it with one of his hands and stroked on it while licking the head.

This one is certainly eager, Abrax thought to himself as he leaned back and enjoyed the pleasure that was being given to him, he would probably make this one the first in his harem. Already he could see his rubber starting to transfer onto the other man, the sticky substance turning smooth and shiny as it began to crawl its way over his skin. It was also coating the inside of his mouth and even as he started to suck up and down on his shaft he could see the tongue starting to grow longer. Yes, a fine first jackal drone this one would be, and as he said that to the human he just let out a muffled groan in response as he put his hands on the lap of the creature he was trying to pleasure in order to get more of his mouth on it.

It wasn't long before the human found his wish granted as with every slurp he did his lips stretched out, the rubber turning gold as though to highlight how much they were being stretched on his large shiny shaft. His teeth were also starting to grow into fangs and with half of his shaft being enveloped he was starting to get his tongue almost down to his knot. It was a very good effort and as he pushed a little more power into him while rubbing his head he could see that they were soaking it up like a sponge. When the liquid latex reached his eyes it turned gold as well and cascaded around them, but by that point they were already a deep purple glow that showed just how much Abrax had power over him.

As his hands rubbed over the head of the transforming human, pushing his hair into the rubber cascading over his skull to get rid of it while his ears stretched out around them, he stood up and gave a few deep thrusts to really slide down into his rubberized throat before pulling out and having him stand. Before they went any further with this transformation he wanted to mark this one for good, giving him a true symbol that showed this human was going to be his. The rubber jackal-headed man let out a groan as he felt the heavy weight of a golden rubber collar form around his neck, which seemed to stop the spread of the shiny substance for the moment. Abrax said if he wanted the rest of his adornments he was going to have to work for them, which started with him stripping down so that he could see the rest of his body.

With the mind of the human completely enslaved already and filled with the power, and latex, of the one that he called master he quickly stripped down until he stood there naked. As Abrax looked over his latest catch he found himself nodding in approval as this one seemed to be taking care of themselves. He had always liked a nice muscular build on his harem and this one would be no exception, but before they started he wanted to do one thing first. He got up behind the man and placed his hand over his groin, which his somewhat small member was already hard, and began to rub against it. At first the partially transformed human probably thought that they were going to get released before Abrax would take them, but it turned out to be quite the opposite as the rubber flowed from his palms onto his cock and balls and completely enveloped them before being smoothed over.

Though Abrax could see the shock that was on the jackal face of his new servant he took his tongue and slid it into the ear of the bigger man, watching it turn to languid desire and passive worship for the one that was giving him so much pleasure in the first place. He knew that it would take a little work and training to make sure his slave knew how to please his master but it was something that he was willing to work for as he took the tip of his own cock and had the other man bend over while sliding it up and down his rear. Before he had gotten inside this creature he was already starting to turn with the rubber spreading quickly over his butt and tightening it up while his spine began to stretch out into a tail.

At least his body knew who his master was, Abrax thought to himself while he began to push in. There was really no need for prep as his tailhole was made to please his lord and as he watched the shiny black rubber spread over them he knew it would be the first of many that he would do that too. As he watched his shiny shaft sink inch after inch into the other man, who moaned very loudly until the jackal had the rubber of his lips melt together to form a solid hood muzzle, he found himself licking his lips as he thought about all the shiny jackal slaves that he would soon be creating. Of course they wouldn't all be that way, he would need soldiers, lovers, servants, and those who would merely come to worship him, but that could all come later after he established what was most important to him.

"I do have to say that's one thing you humans are very good at," Abrax told his newest slave as he rubbed up and down his back, causing the rubber to extended along it to connect to the collar he made while a gold pattern formed over the spine. "You know who your master is, and you know how to please a god. I think you're definitely going to be one of my favorites... whatever your name is, we're going to change it later anyway and if we're being completely honest here it's probably just going to be Slave."

There was a muffled grunt that came from the sealed mask of the jackal drone as he was filled inside and out with the rubber, which Abrax assumed was probably a deep gratitude for transforming him into such a wonderful form. As his tail continued to grow out and his cock sank in deeper he had the man stand back up, which served to slide him in deeper while his hands slid up and down the muscular chest of the other male. The feeling of flesh being covered in his shiny latex was a feeling he didn't like to miss and more than once he squeezed against those thick pecs before roaming down the washboard abs. While he had to do a bit of tweaking here and there, thickening up his arms a bit as he formed a pair of cuffs around them, the human had a nice base to work with and he hoped this one would know more like him.

Though Abrax would have liked to pleasure himself and his jackal drone with slow, intense strokes of his cock against his inner walls he knew that his power had a limit from being just reconstituted and that while he could enslave everyone in this museum it would probably cause quite the splash. Two would as well but he could probably use the information in their minds to have them fake it for a while, at least until they couldn't connect it to the museum anymore. As he rubbed his foot paws against the ones that were forming from the last of the human's body he found himself grinning as he imagined that he could potentially just blame it on some curse of Anubis instead. Humans are pretty gullible, Abrax thought with a chuckle as he let their smooth bodies continue to rub up against one another in passionate rutting until he was ready to go...

...and a few minutes later the two shiny entities were running across the museum parking lot, with only the eye of a few cameras being the witness to the potential birth of a new era.


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