Abandoned For A Reason

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Iris is looking to score big on a derelict ship that he has been sent out to inspect, only to find much more than just a ship waiting for him. A group of cargo smugglers had run afoul of an ion storm and accidentally released a bunch of alien creatures. While Iris believed he would be the one riding in a new ship he found himself becoming the new vessel.

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It had been two days of flying through the void of space before Iris finally saw the vessel that he had been commissioned to investigate. As he got close the usual ping of the distress beacon went off before he silenced it, then began to look for a place that he could put his ship that would have their airlocks facing one another. He hadn't gotten the full dossier on why this ship was ghosted, in fact the only reason he had been called on in the first place was because he happened to be in the nearby area. Since there was no crew that was laying claim to it the only guess that the purple and black fox had was that this was a smuggling vessel that had become disabled and those that operated it had to abandon ship or risk being found with whatever illicit cargo they were carrying.

Unfortunately that meant that he would be going in blind into a ship that he only just read through the schematics of. His job wasn't to try and make it operational or to fly it back to one of the stations, his only job was to make sure that the ship was capable of being towed and wasn't rigged to explode or anything like that. It was a dangerous job but the pay was well worth it since he got the same number of credits whether there was a reactor leak or just a busted plasma coil. As he got in close and found the door the first thing he did was fire a scanner dart inside of it, using the outer airlock door as a point of entry as it could be closed with the inner door to prevent any leaks.

As soon as the metal needle sliced through the door it brought back all kinds of information about things such as the atmosphere inside the ship. No radiation leaks this time, Iris thought to himself as he continued to watch the readout, and it seems that there is breathable atmosphere with no known toxicities. Of course that was just the airlock area but it was a good start as he found pressure and gravity generation normal as well. With the boarding lights green across the board the fox hopped back and put on his personal space suit before entering into his own airlock.

Iris found himself holding his breath despite himself as he stepped out into the empty vastness of space. Even though the other ship was right there the idea of being somehow catapulted away and spinning forever in the void made him tense up, but it was quickly forgotten as he put the keypad cracker against the input pad. Since he didn't have the code he would have to get in another way, and while he could have just used a welder to create an opening he wanted to try and keep the integrity inside as much as possible. Fortunately it seemed the lock wasn't a complex one and within a matter of minutes he was inside the other ship.

As soon as he got inside he saw the lights were still on, another good sign that the reactor was still operational and in good condition. It still didn't solve the mystery of why the crew suddenly decided to scuttle in the middle of space but in all likelihood they had a small survival pod and a beacon linked to one of their fellow smugglers. As soon as he got through the internal airlock he did another survey of the area and once again he found that everything was green as the doors closed. Though he sometimes kept his suit on in case something did go wrong he hadn't found anything that would indicate his life was in danger and removed the helmet and air tanks to set aside and continue on in his bodysuit.

Air, lights, gravity... as Iris made his way to the front of the ship in order to access the cockpit he wondered what could possibly be wrong with this vessel. With it being a smaller craft it didn't take him too long to get to the front of the ship and as he accessed the diagnostics he found that everything was still functional. A quick look of the flight record showed that other than an ion storm that jostled them around a bit they had a pretty smooth travel right up until the moment that they released the pod. With no clues in there he had one last place to look, sitting down in the captain's seat and looking over the cargo manifest to see what they were hauling.

"Organic matter," Iris said with a sigh as he looked over the manifest. "So they were smugglers probably, using the vaguest terms possible to get past docking bay protocols. I guess it's time to check the holds..."

As Iris got up and set the manifest down on the cockpit he was unaware that he was not alone, though when he looked back he found nothing waiting for him. He made his way quickly back towards the cargo bay of the ship, walking the entire length of it to get to the back, and as he got closer to it he did notice something odd. It looked like someone had splashed black paint or something all over the metal walls and the closer he got the thicker the strands got. By the time he got to the small hold he found that the floor seemed to be covered in the rubbery substance and as the door opened he found the cargo hold to have a similar shiny surface.

It didn't take long for him to find the source of the contamination as he found one of the steel crates that were stacked up had fallen over. It was probably during the ion storm, Iris mused as he noticed that the solidified black substance had come from there. Was this the organic matter that they were talking about, some sort of strange latex? The atmospheric scanner didn't find any contaminants that came from this area but he decided to run a test to see if it was an actual living organism... and as the test quickly came back he found that while what covered the floor wasn't alive he was surrounded by something that was.

As panic rose in the fox from all the dots that just appeared on his screen he suddenly felt something land on his head with a wet splat. With his thick white headfur it was hard to tell where it was but when he got it off he found that he was holding a black and purple slug-like creature in his hand. It had the same shine as the rubbery substance that was on the floors and as it started to crawl up his arm he saw it leave a similar gooey trail in his fur. He quickly shook it off in case it was poisonous but as he did he saw that the others had quickly started to swarm his position.

By the time Iris realized what was happening they had started to crawl up his boots and bodysuit as several more fell from the ceiling to land on his exposed head. He became acutely aware that he had left his helmet near the airlock and he had no choice but to move towards the door that was crawling with the creatures. He tried to protect himself as best he could as he ran but he could feel more of them dropping on him and crawling up his body. Though he couldn't feel much through his suit the ones on his head were definitely rubbery and by the time he left he had several streaks that ran through his hair as he tried to brush them all off of his head and suit.

The ones that were on his suit seemed to stick to the synthetic material like glue yet still continued to crawl up him, which all he could do was hope that he could seal the suit with his helmet before they got to his neck and that they would freeze off in the vacuum of space. At least he knew what the others abandoned the ship, the fox thought to himself in an attempt to not think about the creatures crawling on him. He still tried to bat them off as he ran but they were continuing to make their approach at a slow and steady pace. Just get to your helmet, Iris continued to repeat to himself, but just as he could see it next to the airlock his entire body froze as he felt something that made him realize...

...he had missed one on his head.

With his large vulpine ears it didn't take much for the slug that had slowly been approaching it to be missed, especially when the others were being incredibly distracting. It made him wonder if they were somehow working together as he tried to bring his fingers up to grab at the thing only to feel it starting to push inside. The slick, almost slimy body of the rubber creature was impossible to grab a hold of it as it seemed to ooze through his ear into his skull, in fact his efforts only seemed to push it in further as a pressure was building up inside. With his fingers proving useless Iris found himself looking around for something he could use as a pair of tweezers even as he could feel the alien creature wiggling inside of it.

The fox could feel the pressure growing, feeling his heartbeat in his ear as the creature somehow was able to stretch it open. It was becoming more distracting by the second as well and Iris kept losing focus as he could feel something happening in there. More than once he brought his fingers up to try and keep feeling it and the more it felt like it was in his head the less he felt as he did. Finally as he felt his left eye squeezing shut from the feeling of tightness he brought up his fingers and couldn't feel anything there except a layer of latex...


The sudden release of pressure was like someone had let an air out of a balloon and Iris felt himself freeze. For a few seconds the fox found himself just standing there as his mind tried to process that it had an alien creature inside of it. The slugs that had been crawling up his bodysuit seemed to sense what had happened and had stopped as he started to rub his head as though he could somehow feel it. There was a bizarre sensation that he could sense, but along with it came a growing presence in his mind that seemed to be getting stronger with every second.


The word came so forcefully to him that Iris found his fingers practically jumping up towards the release button on the collar of his suit. Even though he knew that it would expose even more of his body to these creatures he found himself unable to stop himself. Whatever had given him the command almost seemed to be manipulating him as he found himself pressing the metal button. The collar came off with a click and with it the rest of his suit, which caused the slugs that were already on it to fall away with the fabric to expose his furry form.

As he began to feel panic rise up as the creatures began to move to his position again he quickly found it ebbing away, though he still backed up a few paces at the horde of small alien creatures heading towards him. When he did he found himself stopping once more and felt as though he had just done something wrong even though his instincts were practically screaming at him to eject himself out and try to get away from these creatures. Whatever entity that was inside of him though decided that such thoughts were unacceptable and he found himself leaning down, feeling the alien psyche inside of him guiding him so that he wouldn't have such worries ever again. Panic... fear... those were all things that he no longer needed as long as he was under their care, he would just have to care for them...

Without even realizing it Iris was starting to see his exposed cock start to get aroused as the slugs began to curl on his toes. He could feel them curling up the white and black fur of his feet but even as he felt he knee jerk reaction to kick them away that instinct was quickly quashed. He needed to be more accepting of his new role in life as their hive. Being compared to a hive was not something that Iris was expecting, but just thinking about having these things inside of them gave him another tiny hit of pleasure and caused his arousal to grow.

Iris had been so focused on the feelings inside his head he didn't even realize that his hand had come up and that there were two of the slugs inside of them. As he could feel them starting to crawl up his shins as well he knew that there was no way he could fight this, or perhaps this was the slug already squirming around inside of his skull that was trying to convince him of such. But if it already had such influence over his being from one of them being inside, did it really pay to fight them? What would he do, hope that he could somehow get his suit back on, put on his helmet, and fly himself to the nearest station three days away while resisting the pleasure that this thing was promising him by just giving in?

By just letting go and giving himself over to them?

By becoming their hive?

Their caretaker?

Their slave?

Just two little slugs inside him and all these pesky thoughts of resistance would be gone and he could finally start his true purpose. As Iris stared glassy eyed at the slugs wiggling his palm the first of those climbing up his body had already started to make it up to their destination, feeling something push between his cheeks and start to slide up to his tailhole. See, his body was already so accommodating for them as he could feel the ring of muscle spreading apart to allow it inside. The fox felt his entire body shake from the insertion and in the back of whatever remained of his untainted mind that he had another one inside of him, and that wouldn't be the only one as his throbbing cock began to feel something spreading on it.

Give in to the pleasure.


Become ours.

The whispers continued to grow stronger as he could still feel the one inside his tailhole squirming around while the one traveling up his shaft was nearing his tip. It was clear these creatures weren't going to wait for him to fully submit to infest him, but with the pleasure growing and the whispers in his mind starting to grow louder he found his other hand going to one of the two slugs and picking them up. Just let them in, let us control you, become our vessel. He would become their ship, their safeguard from the world, and the nagging feeling of resistance and these thoughts of horror at becoming some infested slave to these alien slugs would go away just as soon as he allowed them too.

There was one last moment of hesitation as he found himself holding the two squirming slugs next to his ears, about to willingly let alien creatures crawl inside him and use his body as some sort of host. Would he be doing this if he wasn't infested already, could he resist if he could just stop listening to the whispers in his mind? It would mean the pleasure that it was feeding him for every move towards doing it would stop, replaced with nothingness that seemed like a worse fate. As he held them close enough to the point he could feel them stretching out to go inside the one that had been toying around the tip of his vulpine dick finally began to push itself inside and caused him to jump in pleasure.

And at that moment he felt his fingers lose grip of the slugs. He would have let them go anyway, the presence in his mind reassured, this just made things easier. Once more Iris felt the pressure of the two creatures pushing inside of his skull, biting his lower lip as he could feel them wiggling inside. Though he could have brushed them away before they crawled in the fox found himself secretly craving the sensation of feeling their bodies stretch open his tight spaces, his eyes twitching as he tilted his head so that one of them would get inside him faster.

The one that had taken the same path as the first managed to get in rather easily and the explosion of pleasure that he had gotten from it nearly caused him to cum right then and there. The one already inside of him blocked such a sensation though and as Iris looked down he could see why; the slug pushing into his cock had just managed to get half of his body into his urethra, and though it was getting there on its own he found himself reaching down and pointing his maleness upwards in order to let it slide in easier. Once more he was rewarded for helping with a knee-shaking amount of bliss and it was so much that he finally found himself falling to the floor. It was alright, it would just give the aliens easier access to their new host as Iris found himself pointing his cock upright while using his other finger to help push in the one that was still squirming into his other ear as the second one made its home inside his head.

And, just as promised, the nagging doubts and lingering fear that Iris had to deal with were gone, replaced with the love and devotion for the creatures that removed such pesky emotions from him. As he laid there on the floor and felt the rubber alien slugs crawling over him he viewed them all with reverence instead of horror, groaning loudly as the one that had stretched out the shaft of his cock finally slid all the way into his balls. With the third slug inside his skull there was no more need for things like thought either, much like the ship he was on he would be responsible for moving around and getting them where he needed to go as the true pilots of his body took control.

With his own mind reinforcing the very whim of these creatures the pleasure that suffused though his form all his body was doing was twitching and spasming on the floor as the remaining slugs that surrounded him continued to push into his body. Most were content to enter into his lubed up tailhole while others had gathered around his head and began to slither into his maw. With each one he swallowed up in either orifice he found another wave of pleasure waiting for him while several more squeezed their way into his cock to nestle down into his engorged sack. As the third one pushed in Iris felt his purple cock spasm and saw that it had started to drool the same black and purple latex that the creatures exuded as each slug that pushed into one of his holes made it easier for the next one to do the same.

As two more crawled into his ears Iris suddenly found himself sitting up, letting out a gasp that was tinted with a wet gurgling sound as the last of the slugs moved into his maw. He wasn't sure how many slugs had just infested his body but given the latex-like slime that matted his fur it was a lot. Even though he felt incredibly full as the last of the squirming around in his body, most notably his sack that still looked swollen even when still, died down and allowed him to stand up. As he looked at the mess that his new roommates had made he found that there were still a few stragglers that were crawling slowly around his body, and since he didn't want to have to wait Iris just gathered them up and popped them into his maw before swallowing them all down.

Once he was sure that all his new cargo was safe Iris slowly stood himself back up, wobbling slightly as his cock was still erect despite the pleasure dying down. After the first creature had stretched out his urethra the next few practically slid in, and as he put a finger into his ear he could feel the latex that went all the way down until he could feel himself wiggling inside of his head. As he pulled out he was surprised he could even hear, but considering that would make him a less than optimal vessel it seemed they had managed to alter his physiology. That was good, he thought to himself as he put on his suit and helmet to go back to his ship, he wanted to be as efficient as possible for his new masters after all...

After a few days Iris found himself docking aboard a small space station, which as he did he saw that the tow that was going to bring in the cruiser he found had come back empty. That was a surprise to the fox and as he went inside he saw the dock supervisor waiting for him and gave him a questioning look. "Sorry, the sterilization guys went through and said that we were better off disposing of it," the large rhino man said as he handed Iris the manifest and destruction order. "Looks like they're still going to pay you the fee for scouting it, so there's that."

"Yeah, but my sales commission on it is zero," Iris said with a sigh. "Hey, is Leonard in the shop still? There's something going on with my hydrogen conversion module they installed and I wanted to talk to them about it."

The rhino nodded and motioned back to the small area in back that housed the mechanics bay. The fox thanked him and made his way towards it, a hand going to his stomach as he did. While he tried to play it cool it was the first time in days since they had gotten anywhere else and they were growing anxious. But that was just fine with the vulpine, he knew exactly where to go to satisfy his masters and also keep their presence relatively low even on the small station. As he walked inside the mechanic station he found himself licking his lips, whisking away a droplet of shiny drool as he walked inside.

The mechanics bay was a loose term as it just had one man on duty, the lion flipping through the magazine as he waited for freighters he could overcharge on repairs since the station was so out of the way. When the door opened and iris stepped through he looked up and saw the purple and black furred fox take off his helmet and ruffled the thick white hair on his head before going back to his magazine. "If you're here to complain about the converter I told you that was the only one we had in stock and it was used," Leonard said, unaware that Iris had started to strip off his bodysuit as a shiny latex-like substance began to leak out of his ears, nostrils, and drip from his open maw. "Now I can try and get you another one on order but that's going to take a while, so I would suggest dealing with it until you can get to New Ray station."

When all the lion heard was a gurgle Leonard found himself looking up from his magazine in question, only to fall backwards from his chair as he saw the creature that stood there. The fox's stomach was squirming and he could see something like tentacles slithering around his skull and pushing out the fur of his head that was leaking copious amounts of latex. As he stepped forward the swollen sack of the vulpine was also practically bouncing about at this new host and the erect member of the creature was pointed straight at him while leaking more of the alien rubber. Before the lion could react the hive creature had pounced on top of him, pinning him down and clamping his muzzle over the leonine one beneath him.

For a few brief moments the throat of the fox bulged upwards before reaching his muzzle, and a few seconds later the lion's did the same thing but in reverse as more of the shiny substance leaked from their lips. Iris only stayed in the embrace for a few seconds and as he pulled away there were still some slugs that could be seen crawling down inside of the lion's throat as he moved his naked body up. The initial kiss was just to ensure infestation and to keep the new hive quiet, now it was time to introduce the spaceship mechanic to his new masters. While he could have just put his mouth over the ear of the lion he found it much easier to introduce them another way, taking his cock and pressing the tip against one side while holding him with the other.

Even before he had pounced on the other man one of the slugs had slowly been making its way up the shaft of his throbbing member, and with implantation necessary to make sure he didn't alert anyone else in the station as he felt the masters in his head prepare him with a hair trigger. As soon as he had the tip up against the feline's head the lion let out a gasp as he was suddenly flooded with alien rubber and a slug that wiggled out of his cock and into the ear. Even though it was already too late for the mechanic to avoid his new fate Iris pushed a few times against it with his maleness just to make sure that it was nestled nice and snug, the head of his cock eventually sliding inside of his skull as his ear canal was converted to a pathway for his new masters. Though it would only take one for the lion to submit Iris kept thrusting forward to get a few more inside of him, partially to snuff out any resistance and somewhat because he knew that the lion had scammed him on that converted.

Once he was done with the lion Iris found himself standing up, his ears twitching as he suddenly heard the door open. With every orifice leaking alien fluid and the lion still twitching and spasming on the ground as the alien slugs infested him the rhino that stood at the door dropped his shipping manifest in pure shock. This wasn't good, and with the element of surprise lost all Iris could think of doing was grabbing the bigger man by the horn and pulling him in. Though the slugs didn't augment his strength the shock plus the rubber that was still gooey on the floor had gotten him to fall forwards, and as he did Iris leapt over him and kicked the door shut.

Even though he had successfully gotten the rhino inside the office there was still the fact that he had to get a slug inside the much bigger man. He didn't have any on hand either... though as he looked down at the lion he got an idea and brought his foot down on the prone man's stomach. The mechanic coughed and caused one of the alien slugs to get spit up, which Iris grabbed and pressed against the rhino's ear as he tried to get back to his feet. As the creature started to squirm in the slugs inside him rewarded the fox with an orgasm as he watched the black and purple body slide inside.

"That's it," Iris said as he watched the shock on his face turn to horror before quickly shifting to a placid stare. "Good boys, good hives, you will make excellent slaves for our masters. Now it's time for you to stock up, I've got plenty waiting for you two to spread to others."

It wasn't long before the two men slowly stood up, the lion dribbling the alien latex from his maw as the two stripped off their clothing. While they were still getting used to their new roles in life Iris had others to infest, his masters rewarding his efforts with wonderful pleasure that he was sure the others were getting for their compliance. He just wanted to make sure that the two had enough slugs everywhere else just in case and he knew the best way to get them, having the rhino lie down on the floor on his back with the fox getting on top of him between his legs and the lion getting behind him once the two were completely naked. Already the rhino was half-hard just from the stimulation of one slug inside his brain and as Iris began to push his cock into the tight tailhole of the other man he leaned forward to feed him more just like he had done with Leonard. At the same time the lion used his cock to push deep into the fox, whose altered physiology was able to handle getting hilted in one thrust, and as the man held there his entire body began to shudder as bulges could be seen traveling up his shaft and into his balls.

Soon they would become complete hives, just like the rest of this station be very soon...

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