Whole Lottle Fun: ... woods today, your in for a big surprise

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#4 of Whole Lottle Fun

So, I'm doing a thing on my discord where members can request a scenario only using emojis.

This story idea was provided by TheSkyThatShelters https://theskythatshelters.sofurry.com/

If you want to play, join up here https://discord.gg/DbAyYfGXzw

(Overlord Cerath has to approve each story that has Lottle in it, as she belongs to him.)

Raani had been out hunting for his dinner when he noticed the clouds rolling in, casting an ominous shadow over the dense forest below. He knew he had to fly back to home before the storm hit, but the wind had picked up, making it difficult to stay on course.

As he soared over the treetops, the wind howled in his ears, threatening to throw him off course. The scent of rain was in the air, and Raani could feel the electricity building up in the clouds.

Despite the danger, Raani refused to panic. His draconic pride forcing him to stay in the air against common sense. With a few deft twists and turns, he managed to dodge the worst of the gusts and stay on track. As he flew over the woods, Raani marveled at the sight below. The trees were tall and thick, their leaves rustling in anticipation of the coming deluge. A nearby river was already swelling with water, its current becoming more rapid by the minute.

Just then, Raani heard a piercing screech above him. Looking up, he saw a magnificent gryphon soaring through the sky, her golden wings glinting in the sunlight. Her eyes met his, and Raani felt a surge of admiration and respect for this noble creature. Without hesitation, the gryphon swooped down to fly alongside Raani, and together they braved the storm. The wind buffeted them, and the rain stung their scales and feathers, but they persevered, determined to make it back to their respective shelters.

As they flew, Raani and the gryphon exchanged glances, each one silently acknowledging the other's strength and courage. "I'm Harri" the gryphoness shouted, Despite the harsh weather, Harri's voice was warm and inviting as she offered Raani a place to take shelter.

"I have a log cabin nearby," Harri shouted, gesturing with a wing towards the distant horizon. "You're welcome to join me and my friend until the storm passes."

Raani felt a twinge of gratitude towards the gryphon, and a sense of relief at the thought of escaping the worst of the storm. He gave Harri a grateful nod, and they both altered their course towards the cabin.

As they approached, Raani was impressed by the sight of the cozy little cabin nestled amidst the trees. It was a rustic structure, built of logs and sporting a steeply sloping roof that was now slick with rain. Harri landed gracefully on the porch, and Raani followed suit. As they shook off the rain, Raani couldn't help but notice the gryphon's striking appearance.

As Raani followed Harri into the cabin, he couldn't help but notice the strong smell of gryphon in heat. He assumed it was just Harri's scent, but as they entered the dimly lit room, he saw another gryphon lying on the floor, her white feathers ruffled and her eyes half-closed in pleasure.

"this is my friend Lottle," Harri said, introducing the female gryphon. "And yes she's in heat."

"I'm Raani, don't worry I just need to wait out the storm." Raani nodded politely, unsure of what to do in the presence of such an intimate moment. He looked around the cabin, taking in the rustic furniture and the flickering light of the single oil lantern. Outside, the storm raged on, the wind howling and the rain lashing against the roof.

Despite the chaos outside, the cabin felt inviting, and Raani couldn't help but feel grateful for the shelter it provided. He settled in a corner of the room, trying to make himself as inconspicuous as possible.

As the night wore on, the storm outside grew colder, and Raani felt his scales bristle with the chill. He watched enviously as Harri and Lottle snuggled together, their fluffy feathers providing a cozy warmth that he longed for. Raani tried to make himself comfortable, curling up in a corner of the cabin, but the cold was relentless. He shivered, his teeth chattering, and wished he had the luxury of warm feathers like the gryphons. As if sensing his discomfort, Harri began to rub Lottle's feathers, running his paws over her back and wings in a soothing motion. Raani watched, mesmerized, as the two gryphons seemed to either not care that he was watching or were deliberately giving him a show.

Harri's touch was gentle yet firm, and Lottle responded with soft purrs of pleasure. Raani couldn't help but feel a pang of envy as he watched them, their bond evident in every movement and gesture. Harri continued to rub Lottle's feathers, Raani couldn't help but notice the desperate sounds that Lottle was making. Her purrs had turned into throaty moans, and her wings fluttered in ecstasy.

Raani's eyes were drawn to Lottle's vulva, which was on full display, glistening with moisture. Harri had turned around and was using one paw to lift Lottle's feline tail while tracking her puffy wet lips with a soft toe bean. He felt a surge of desire, his own body responding to the scent of the gryphon in heat. Lottle's moans grew louder, and Harri's touch became more urgent. Raani watched as the two gryphons lost themselves in pleasure, their bodies writhing together in a sensual dance.

He felt a mix of arousal and discomfort, unsure of what to do in the face of such forwardness. He didn't want to intrude on their privacy, but at the same time, he couldn't tear his eyes away from the spectacle before him.

Lottle's cries became more desperate, Raani felt a growing sense of excitement and desire building within him. He couldn't resist the pull of the gryphon's scent and the sounds of her pleasure. The storm outside raged on, its howls and gusts of wind serving as a backdrop to the passionate display before him. Raani stood, transfixed, as Harri continued to tend to Lottle, her paws working feverishly over her wet vent.

Despite the heat emanating from the gryphons, Raani felt a chill creeping over him, his scales prickling with goosebumps. But the coolness was quickly replaced by the warmth of desire, fueled by the intoxicating scents and sounds around him. He took a tentative step forward, drawn by the allure of the gryphons' intimacy. As he approached, he could feel the heat emanating from Lottle's body, and the scent of her arousal grew stronger.

Raani's heart raced as he drew closer, the scent of the gryphon driving him wild with desire. He felt his own body responding, his cock growing stiff with need.

But as he drew within a few feet of the gryphons, he hesitated, unsure of whether to join in or to retreat. In the end, he decided to stay where he was, content to watch and savor the experience from a safe distance.

Raani hesitated as Harri rolled Lottle onto her back, revealing her fluffy, warm body. He couldn't believe what was happening before him, and the scent of the gryphon's arousal was driving him wild with desire.

Harri noticed Raani's hesitation and used her toes to spread Lottles vent open, revealing her pinky red interior, she nodded towards Lottle's dripping snatch and teased, "Get in here, don't be shy!"

Raani took a deep breath, his heart pounding in his chest, and slowly made his way towards the gryphons. As he drew closer, he could see that Lottle's vulva was on full display, glistening with moisture and begging for him to fill it. He felt a mix of fear and excitement as he approached, but as he looked into Harri's eyes, he sensed a kind of understanding and acceptance that put him at ease.

With a sense of trepidation, Raani stepped forward and began to explore Lottle's body, reveling in the softness of her feathers and the heat of her skin. He moved closer to her vulva, feeling his own body responding to the scent and warmth of the gryphon in heat.

As he began to lick and probe at Lottle's folds, he could feel Harri's paws on his back, guiding him deeper into the gryphon's embrace. The storm outside continued to rage on, but in that moment his mind was focused on the warm hole in front of his long snout

Raani continued to lick Lottle's folds, he was overwhelmed by the scent and taste of her arousal. He felt his own body responding in kind, his shaft now fully extended and tapered with a knot at the base. The sight of Lottle's vulva, glistening with moisture and begging for attention, was too much for Raani to resist. With a low growl, he pressed his snout against her folds, inhaling deeply as he savored her scent.

As he explored her with his tongue, he felt his shaft begin to dribble with pre-cum. He could feel his own arousal growing with each passing moment, and he knew that he was completely at the mercy of these two soft warm gryphons.

Raani's shaft became fully erect, he shivered with a combination of pleasure and the lingering chill of the storm outside. He looked over at Lottle, her panting growing heavier as she grew more excited with each passing moment. With a sense of anticipation, Raani moved over Lottle's body and positioned himself. He could feel her heat and wetness against his shaft, and he slowly began to enter her, savoring the sensation of her tightness and warmth.

As he pushed himself deeper inside her, Lottle's cries of pleasure grew louder, her body arching and writhing beneath him. He could feel her muscles contracting around him, urging him on to greater heights of pleasure.

"That's it, Raani," Harri whispered, his voice low and husky. "Just take her good."

Raani felt a shiver of pleasure run through him at Harri's words, and he began to move more firmly in Lottle, his body responding to her warmth and wetness. As he thrust himself deeper and deeper inside her, Harri began to stroke Raani's shoulders, his touch both comforting and arousing. Raani felt himself growing more and more aroused with each passing moment, his body responding to the pleasure of the moment.

Through it all, Lottle's panting grew heavier and more desperate, urging Raani on to greater heights of ecstasy.

He could feel Harri's excitement growing. "That's it, Raani," Harri encouraged him. "Show her what you can do. She is a little slut."

Raani felt a thrill of excitement course through him at Harri's words, and he began to move more forcefully, thrusting himself deeper and deeper inside Lottle with each passing moment. As he moved, he could hear Lottle's panting growing more and more frantic, urging him on to greater heights of pleasure. He could feel his body responding to her, his cock growing harder and harder as he pounded into her.

And through it all, Harri continued to encourage him, his voice a low growl in Raani's ear. "That's it, Raani," Harri said. "Let her feel your power. Show her what a real dragon can do."

Harri moved her front paws over to his hips, guiding his heavy thrusts and feeling the power behind them. Raani's gaze was laser focused on the little white hen beneath him, her yellow beak gaping and eyes unfocused as she rode the waves of pleasure the drake was surging into her.

"I want to pretend to be you," Harri growled, her voice low and sultry. "I want to pretend to be taking her, like you are."

Raani was surprised by Harri's words, but the excitement coursing through him was too intense to ignore. He nodded his head eagerly, and Harri began to move behind him, using her front paws to grasp his hips and pull herself up onto the drake, Raani moved his tail to the side to allow Harri to get closer and could feel the gryphon above him start to help him thrust into little Lottles warm pussy. He felt his knot starting to pull and pop into the little heated hen and he had to put some effort into his thrusts to keep moving, Not wanting to stop as he could hear the desperate breaths of Harri next to his ear.

He felt Lottles walls gripping his shaft firmly and Raani's eyes snapped open and quickly looked behind him as he felt something hard and wet push against his tight puckered tailhole. The smiling beak of Harri next to his head. "Let me help you" Harri whispered with a blush, before the drake could interrupt he felt the tip of Harri's shaft press firmly against his tailhole, He let out an undignified moan as the tip opened him up, squirting a fresh batch of pre into his depths that helped the rest of Harri's shaft squeeze into his tight body.

Harri pushed himself in suddenly, causing Raani to thrust deep into Lottle, The dragon's swollen knot the only thing stopping him from fully driving into the young hen. The sudden impact took Lottle by surprise, and with a gaping beak she let out a loud moan as her feathers puffed up against the scaled hide of Raani.

Harri started pound into Raani, his cock sliding in and out of the dragon's tight hole. Raani felt a slight burn but then felt himself getting lost in the pleasure, and he began to move even harder into Lottle with the help of Harri, the three of them becoming a tangle of limbs and feathers.

The storm outside raged on, the wind howling and the rain lashing against the cabin. But inside, the gryphons and the dragon were lost in a world of pleasure, their bodies writhing together as they sought release. The sounds and smells of their hides slapping wetly together filled the cavern, Lottle's fertile body hugging the drake as his shaft burried itself into her again and again, A smirk on Harri's beak as he powered into the strong dragon beneath him.

Harri's breathing grew heavier as he pounded into Raani, and the dragon could feel his own orgasm building deep within him. Lottle was moaning and writhing beneath them, her body slick with sweat and juices.

The gryphon's cock was thick and hard, and Raani could feel it stretching him as Harri pushed deeper inside him. He gasped at the sensation, his body clenching around Harri's shaft as if trying to hold it inside him forever. At the same time, he could feel Lottle's walls pulsing around his own cock as he thrust into her, and he knew that he was on the verge of something incredible. Harri was relentless, his body moving with a rhythm that drove Raani wild. He could feel the gryphon's muscles tensing and relaxing above him , the heat of his body radiating into his own.

Harri whispered in Raani's ear, "You're doing so well, my love. Let me help you give Lottle what she needs." Her words sent shivers down Raani's spine as he felt her thrusting into him. He couldn't believe how good it felt to be taken by Harri while he took Lottle.

Lottle's moans grew louder, and her walls tightened around Raani's shaft, making him feel even more sensitive. Harri reached around and started to trace a paw around the back of Raani's swollen knot, sending him into a frenzy. "Come on, you can get that in" Harri teased, his beak right next to the dragon's ear.

Raani couldn't believe how amazing it felt to be with Harri like this. He had never experienced anything like it before. He felt himself getting close to the edge, and he knew he wouldn't be able to hold back for much longer.

Raani gasped as he felt his knot growing even bigger, becoming way to big for him to get it inside Lottle. He could feel her walls clenching around him, trying to draw him in deeper.

"Harri," he panted. "Can you help me?"

Harri nodded and leaned back, placing his hands on Raani's hips and putting his weight on the dragon's hips which in turn pressed down on Lottle. With a sudden, powerful thrust, she pushed Raani's knot into Lottle's tight entrance. Lottle cried out in pleasure and pain as Raani's knot stretched her to the limit. Raani could feel the pressure building inside him, and he knew he was about to come. He thrust into Lottle as hard as he could in sharp jabs, the sensation of his knot locking inside her sending him over the edge.

With his tip mashed deep against her innermost barrier, she lets out a loud and long wail of pleasure, her body convulsing beneath the strong drake. Raani feels his own body tightening with pleasure as he releases himself inside her. His shaft being driven deeper and deeper with each thrust of Harri on his back. Raani moaned out as his seed blasted inside the heated little hen, her body clenching and milking him for his essence. Every time Harri's shaft rubbed against a spot inside him it caused him to clench and shoot another rope inside the little white cum sock.

Raani's tight tunnel clenched and pulsed with each throb of his cock, causing great pleasure for the male gryphon who had his shaft deep inside the dragon's depths, Harri, feeling Raani's release, took it as a signal to take his own pleasure from the drake, thrusting into him assertively as he strokes Raani's back and praises him for doing so well. "That's it, fill her up while I fill you" He said while hammering his fluffy hind end against the dragon's scaled hips.

With a grit of his beak and a stiffled groan Harri thrust deep one last time, his tip burried deep inside the male dragons not so virgin tail hole and his hot sticky cum hosed the dragon's insides. Harri gave a few half hearted thrusts into the dragon before collapsing on the back of his new scaled friend.

The storm outside continues to rage, but inside the cabin, the three of them are lost in their own world of pleasure the sounds of their pleasured panting echoed off the walls as Raani collapsed onto the fluffy used body of Lottle, her feathers soft and inviting as he burried his snout into her neck, His knotted shaft tieinig them together for the night as his body continued to slowly dribble his dragon juice in too her welcoming folds. With Harri above him and Lottle below him, he felt warm and comforted by their fluffy feathered cocoon.