Working on V-day. Part-3

Story by SilverWolfen on SoFurry

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#3 of Working on V-day.

Yup, If your not of Legal age... DONT read this.

If you dont like Furs... DONT READ this.

If you dont like anything mentioned in the key words of the story... Dont read!

Get my drift? Good.


This was one of the funner chapters to write so far, though i liked the second alot too. Well Have fun reading, There isnt much in the way of fapping material in this chapter, so if you are only looking for that.. ::Shrugs::

Chapter three.

Troy pulled against the strong paws wrapped around his upper arms but was basically dragged quickly through the crowd. He gave a growl at the Furs holding him and received a heavy blow across his Muzzle.

"Shut up." Came the husky voice of the bear as his paw clamped around the wolf muzzle.

The few Club members that actually registered the strange group of furs moving through the club shrugged it off as a horny group going to the back to have fun, Not even registering the struggling wolf surrounded by large furs.

Keeping a strong grip on their captive the bear's paw still clamped tightly over the growling and whimpering Wolf's Muzzle, they made their way into the back of the club. Quickly moving to one of the rooms the wolf was tossed on to the bed and the Wolf could finally see what kind of trouble he was really in. Looking around the group of several furs he whimpered lightly. The group was all larger furs. Including the Dobie and bear, a black furred panther and a dark grey scaled dragon among others too obscured by the others to be identified.

He growled rolling off the bed and stood only to receive a blow across his muzzle from the bear and fall back onto the bed. Rubbing his jaw he jumped up again towards the Dobie and managed to get his claws into the Dogs chest tearing the clothes and leaving angry red gashes across the dogs black fur.

The Dog gave a howl of pain and watched as the Wolf was quickly surrounded and over come by the Bear and Panther. "That was a bad move." He growled out at the wolf, rubbing his own chest. "I was going to let you enjoy this. Now I really don't care."

'Fuck' Thought the Wolf struggling against the paws on his arms when his legs were roughly kicked out from under him and he fell hard to his knees on the floor. HE growled as a blindfold was slipped over his eyes and cinched tightly behind his head. After a moment he felt his shirt yanked off, He tried to stand when the paws left his arms put the paws quickly returned forcing him back to his knees.

The Dobie grinned looking at the struggling wolf. He leaned down growling into the Wolfs ear. "I bet you like to suck cock, eh?" He asked with a malicious tone.

The Wolf growled loudly at this snapping his fangs in the direction of the voice, The yelp he heard showing that he had indeed come close. He then felt another blow connect with his head. HE shook his head blinking going limp slightly in his captor's arms. Regaining his senses he could smell something, He couldn't quite place it... until he heard the Dobie panting and moaning. He was Pawing off! HE growled moving to stand and received another heavy bear claw against his head. As his senses drifted in and out he swore he could smell the musk of several furs.

Several of the large furs had removed their clothes and begun pawing over the wolf in their midst. The moans and yips of pleasure became more frequent as the furs each got closer to climax.

The wolf would have found this extremely erotic, Had he not been dragged here against his will and wasn't almost passing out from the blows from the bear. He gave a surprised yip as he felt cum suddenly splash across his muzzle, feeling several ropes land across his neck and chest.

The Dobie leaned down rubbing the wolf's Muzzle, yelping when the wolf moved to take off his fingers. "Hmm enjoy my seed, bitch, there's going to be a lot more of it coming."

As if seeing one of their own cum as a signal the rest of the furs started to burst. Rope after rope of different furs splashed against the Wolfs fur soon leaving his chest and back along with his head and muzzle soaked in seed.

The wolf Groaned at the feeling, some what disgusted by the whole thing.

"Troy?!" Came a familiar female voice calling from the hall. Having noticed Troy was gone, and he hadn't mentioned where he was going like normal, the cat and Deer had become worried and went looking.

The Wolf whined and growled against the furs holding him. "Acara!" He called receiving another smack.

The door to the room burst open and after a loud gasp on the Wolf's friend's part. The whole scene stood stock still as if frozen in time.

"Troy!" Called the cat again.

In shock the Furs holding the Wolf had released their prey and after he tore his Blindfold off, The Dobie and the bear both got a well deserved blow to their groins. Having used his claws the groins of both furs were now bloody even more so for the Dobie since his pants had been open. The dog and Bear doubled over in pain allowing the wolf to get up and run towards his friends but was grabbed by another large black bear.

The Wolf cursed inwardly struggling in his naked captors arms. Suddenly after a loud cracking sound the grip on him loosened and he turned as the bear stumbled. His eyes went wide seeing Jay, the small white dear standing there holding a now broken chair he had obviously used on the bear.

The three friends turned and after Jay dropped the chair ran out of the room and down the hallway. They all ran out of the Club causing quite a stir and ran to Troy's car, The only one of the three who had brought one since the other two lived close to the club, and climbed in. After driving away from the club and calming down a bit the Wolf sighed. HE opened the Window because the scent of so many furs on him was making him a bit nauseas.

"Thanks guys." He said finally breaking the silence.

The Cat smiled from the passenger seat. "No problem at all." She told him. "And you smell." She teased.

The Wolf rolled his eyes. "Thanks, like I didn't notice." He told her his mood already beginning to lighten once more.

The cat got an idea, "Why don't you come shower at my place and then we can all go eat." She suggested.

The wolf shrugged. "But what about clothes?" HE asked.

The cat grinned. "I should have a few of Mikhal's things around, He's a bit slimmer than you, but you always wear your clothes too tight anyway." She accused.

The wolf nodded. "Ok, Sounds good, I'm hungry anyway." He told her chuckling as he turned to go to the cat's apartment.

Once there they piled from the car and up the steps into the music instrument filled place. Troy walked to the shower quickly hopping in. The Cat and Deer retreated to the kitchen to talk about how they had to keep Troy away from home for a while longer.

Feeling much better with his fur scrubbed clean once more he walked out to the kitchen a towel around his waist. "Hey Acara, I need clothes remember?" He asked.

Acara smirked. "That's a nice look, Troy. No wonder you have such a hot Mate," She said smirking and ran off to get him clothes soon returning with some of her own "Mates" Clothes. No one really knew exactly what Acara and Mikhal were to each other.

Troy took the clothes thanking her and then walked back to the bathroom to change into the tight Jeans and t-shirt. Smiling happily, now clean he brushed out his tail and went back to his friends.

"SO where should we eat?" Was the question offered by the white deer. After a quick argument over the options they agreed on a burger joint down the street. They left smiling and decided to just walk down to the place.

Chatting as they walked they all seemed to have quickly forgotten about the incident at the club. Arriving at the sweet smelling restaurant Jay held the door open for the other two and entered quickly being seated.

A few minutes after getting their food Acara's phone rang, She got up and took it outside and could be seen happily chatting through the big window at the front of the building. Returning after a few minutes she sat down to eat.

Jay looked at her. "SO?" He asked curiously.

She just gave him a nod, leaving a bewildered wolf looking on.

Troy just shrugged it off, too distracted by his burger to care.

After a while of silent food munching they were finished and they all took a look at the clock. Troy smiled. "Ok guys, Ill drop you guys off at your places and then I have to head home."

Giggling as she got in the car, Acara smirked thinking about what was in store for Troy when the Wolf did indeed get home.

Working on V-day. Part-4 Finale!!

Hey same as always. If your not of legal age dont read. If you dont like M/M fur action, Dont read. A/N I love this chapter. I had a lot of fun writing it. Hope you have as much reading it. Chapter 4. After heading back at Acara's...

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Working on V-day. Part-2

Same as before. If you arent of Legal age for where you live... Dont read this. This includes adult material.. Specificaly Solo wolf action. All characters (c) ME! Except Acara, Who is (C) Ume makoto. A/N I hope you guys enjoy this as...

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Working on V-day. Part-1

Disclaimer/Author's Notes: This is a work of adult-nature. If you are not an adult (meaning of majority age wherever you live), do not read this. It contains cursing, yiff, etc... and if you get caught by your mommy while reading it, I AM NOT...

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