Working on V-day. Part-4 Finale!!

Story by SilverWolfen on SoFurry

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#4 of Working on V-day.

Hey same as always. If your not of legal age dont read.

If you dont like M/M fur action, Dont read.


I love this chapter. I had a lot of fun writing it. Hope you have as much reading it.

Chapter 4.

After heading back at Acara's place he got his car and dropped Jay off home before heading home himself.

Troy sighed pulling up to his apartment, not seeing Omi's car. Valentines day was almost over and his mate wasn't even home yet. He sadly pushed his car door open and slid from it, He pulled the seat cover where He had tossed it on the back seat and just tossed it in the garbage can outside. He groaned softly walking up the steps to the door. He pulled his keys from his pocket and unlocked the door slipping inside. Closing the door behind him he looked around the apartment, which seemed cold and empty all of a sudden.

He pulled the borrowed shirt off, not wanting to stretch Mikhal's shirt out too badly. He gave the shirt a sniff. 'Hmmm can still smell him on it' He thought with a smile. He sighed dropping his paw holding the shirt to his side as He walked through the house. He tossed the shirt on the couch and walked through grabbing a glass from the kitchen cabinet. He filled it with water and drank it down in a single loud gulp. He dropped the glass to the counter and walked down the short hallway to the bedroom fingering the thick collar around his throat.

He could hear the Wolf enter the bedroom with a sigh. 'Good he still figures I'm not home' The dragon thought happily. He watched as Troy moved into his sight moving towards the bed. The Dragon actually stood crouched in the closet at the moment hiding from the Wolf grinning quite mischievously. He wanted to just jump the wolf, Because trust me, A seven foot Dragon crouching in the closet isn't an easy thing.

Troy gave a sigh as he looked at the bed and smirked, It was still a mess from his "Fun" that morning. He was just about to sit on the edge of the bed when he noticed something large begin to move out of the closet. Before he could turn fully he was grabbed. "Ack!" he yiped as he was shoved forwards into a wall and felt a large body press up against his.

The dragon smirked at the Wolf's reaction as he felt his Mate struggle against him. But If a seven foot dragon wants you in hand cuffs, there's not much you can do about it. He grabbed each of Troy's paws and pulled them back clipping a pair of handcuffs on them. Troy whimpered struggling against him. The dragon leaned in and nipped at Troy's ears, which twitched at the feeling. "Hmm Lets get those pants off, I want to smell just you." The dragon growled seductively.

Troy sighed in relief once he realized that his "Captor" Was indeed his mate. He whimpered fakely and struggled as if he didn't want his pants taken off as he felt the dragons claws start to peel the tight clothes from his hips.

The dragon growled nipping at the back of Troy's neck as he pushed down the Wolfs pants revealing that scrumptious looking rump. He felt the wolf wiggle against him as he ran a claw along the under side of that fluffy tail.

Troy pulled uselessly against the hand cuffs, and it dawned on him he was completely at the mercy of his mate. And by the leaking erection he was already sporting, he found that quite exciting. He felt the dragons own erection pressing against his back and gave a small whimper as his arms were tugged on and he was pulled from the wall by the cuffs.

"Down and face me." Growled the dragon, he smirked as the Wolf did just that and dropped to his knees after facing him. This left the canine eye level with his dragon hood. He grabbed a leash from a dresser and clipped it to Troy's collar tugging him into his crotch. "Suck it slave." he snarled down to his mate.

Troy whined at that word, It sent a shiver down his spine. But none the less his slick canine tongue was soon lapping up and down the Dragons member Omi giving a low throaty moan. The taste of pre was sweet on his tongue he gave a soft moan of his own, enjoying doing this. He slowly slipped his lips around the head of the thick member letting his tongue tease along the slit.

Troy received a pat on the head as Omi gave a loud moan arching into the muzzle on his member. Troy pulled back not allowing the Dragon any more than he wanted to give. A firm tug on the leash told him different and the Dragon felt the submissive wolf start to work harder on his member slowly taking more into the moist warmth.

Swallowing the pre that was dripping onto his tongue the Lupine gave a whimper as he was tugged further onto the large dragon hood, gagging slightly he moved to pull back. The leash slackened enough so he could suck the large member without gagging. Working his tongue around the head of the member he sucked hard feeling the dragon squirm slightly, the member in his muzzle pulsing as it flooded his muzzle with pre.

Dragon chuckled as he watched the Wolf struggle with the pre flowing from his member. He gave a loud throaty moan as he felt himself near the edge. He felt the Wolf suddenly thrust his muzzle down the member and felt his cock slip into the muscled confines of the canines throat.

The Wolf moaned around the thick member of his mate sucking happily. His tongue worked along its length as the Dragon let out moans as his dragon hood pumped pre into the Wolf's throat. He felt a sudden pain as Omi grabbed his head and forced him to take his whole length down his throat.

Omi moaned and Let out a loud roar as he pumped his seed down Toys throat holding the other, keeping his member impaled in the canines throat. He felt the wolf gag and his cum back up around his member dripping from the sides of the Wolf's muzzle.

Troy licked his mates member clean and pulled off panting as he sat back on his heels looking up at Omi. He lapped at the cum at the edges of his muzzle loving the taste of his mates seed. He yiped when his mate grabbed him under the arm and pulled him to his feet, And gave him a rough kiss. He felt the dragons tongue force its way into his muzzle and take a quick swipe around before pulling out again. He whimpered wanting more but was shoved back and motioned to turn around. The wolf quickly did as told and turned away from the dragon.

Omi chuckled looking at the delicious rump of his mate, But he wasn't going there just yet. He quickly undid one cuff and re-cuffed the Wolfs paws in front of him making sure not to let the canine play with himself. Yanking him by the cuffs he pulled him back towards the middle of the room and forced his arms over his head and hooked the cuff's to a hook suspended from the ceiling by a length of chain. Omi chuckled circling his now helpless mate.

Troy whimpered lightly now completely at the Dragons mercy. Omi unclipped the leash from his collar and walked behind him. The Lupine's sight was cut off as a blind fold was placed over his eyes and cinched behind his head. He felt his legs kicked apart and felt his ankles secured into some sort of cuffs. And then found he couldn't move his feet any closer or farther apart. 'Must be a spreader bar' he thought, he couldn't help it as his member leaked pre onto the carpet from his excitement.

Omi smirked as he walked over to the dresser and pulled open the top drawer, he looked over the numerous toys within grinning to himself. 'Hmm witch to use?' he thought mischievously. He grabbed a small cuff on a thick line and then picked up a black leather riding crop. Walking back over to the fox he hooked the cuff to his tail and the line to his collar. This left the canines tail lifted high, immobile and his tail hole and rump quite exposed.

The Lupine instinctively tensed when he heard the sound of something slice through the air. Tensing with each subsequent whistling sound, After a few times he relaxed. A little to early it would seam as he let out a howl when the riding crop suddenly connected with the side of his rump, a satisfying 'crack' echoing through the room. He heard the dragon chuckle softly, as he felt the riding crop brush along the back of his thigh.

Omi smirked, knowing the Wolf could take a lot more than that. He ran the crop across the wolfs glistening member satisfied with the whimpering desperate moan he got in reply. He dragged the leather crop across the wolfs tail hole and received another desperate whimpering. He began lightly tapping the crop against the wolf's rump working up and down his rump making sure to cover the whole furry rear.

Troy gave a soft whimper even to the light swats along his rump. All he wanted to do at the moment was a blow his load, His member was aching. His whole body was shuddering under his mates ministrations as the blows got steadily harder, his member leaking pre.

Omi quickly moved to wailing heavily on his mates furry rump after a minute or two left a whimpering furry mess hanging from hand cuff's. The Dragon grinned knowing full well his mate was fine. He tossed the riding crop to the side and smirked giving the Lupine member a few quick strokes pulling a few moans from the wolf. He gave the wolf a few minutes to rest as he walked back to the dresser and looked over the toys once more.

Troy hung limply from the handcuffs panting lightly. He hung his head as he listened to Omi rustle around in the dresser. The stinging in his rump was satisfying after being worked over like that my his mate. His ear twitched as he heard something, barely a noise. Metal dragging against leather... 'The Knife!!' he thought excitedly, he and his mate kept a knife in the bedroom specifically for blade play.

Omi smiled running his claw over the blade of the knife as he dropped the leather sheath back into the drawer. The single ruby in the pommel glinted in the light as he walked back over to his mated and gave his knot a light squeeze dragging a moan from the Lupine. He fingered the blade lightly before lifting it up to the Wolfs Muzzle and poked his nose gently and then dragged it lightly along his muzzle.

Troy shuddered under the blade whimpering lightly as the blade moved lightly along his fur down his neck. He gasped when he felt the blade press a bit harder into the skin of his chest, he could feel it cutting his flesh, shallowly but enough to make him shudder.

Omi chuckled watching red lines appear under the wolfs fur as he worked across the Lupines chest and down his abs. he let the flat of the blade brush the canine member grinning as the Wolf shuddered whimpering in want. "Omi" Came the desperate cry.

Troy tensed and whimpered as he felt the blade leave shallow cuts along his stomach and then move to his back and up across his shoulders. He felt a claw wrap around his member and stroke quickly causing him to shuddered and moan his legs collapsing. He panted for a while before he came into Omi's claw.

Omi chuckled at the look of relief from the Wolf. He let the Wolf hang for awhile as he went to go get new toys. He retrieved two nipple clamps and a large cone shaped Dildo from the drawer and went back to the Wolf.

The Wolf hung panting till he managed to get his feet under him again. He gasped at a sudden pain lancing through one nipple and then again as pain lanced through the other. He panted as his limp member quickly slipped from his sheath again reaching full length.

Omi smirked watching the Wolf's member and used the Wolfs cum to lube up the Dildo. He placed it at the lupines entrance and pushed in, grinning at the long lusty moan that issued from the Canines muzzle.

Troy shuddered feeling his tail hole spread wider and wider as the dildo was pushed in. he gave another loud moan arching back against the invader. He felt the dildo pushed deep as the cuffs were released from the ceiling hook. He was pulled over to the bed and shoved up onto it on his knees his tail still held up the spreader still on his ankles. He moaned feeling the dildo worked in and out of his entrance. After a few minutes the Dildo was suddenly pulled from his entrance leaving him wanting more.

Omi growled lustily as he got on the bed behind Troy and pushed his member into the loosened tail hole. He moaned feeling warmth engulf his member.

Troy moaned loudly finally feeling what he wanted all along. His mates member spread his tail hole even further than the dildo giving him a satisfying full feeling. He felt Omi's claws drag along his hips digging in as the dragon started a quicker pace. The wolf let out loud moans as he felt his rear pounded by the dragon hood.

Omi growled digging his claws into Troy's hips as he started pulling out almost the whole way out before pounding back in. He gave a loud growl feeling blood along his mates hips. He pounded mercilessly into the Wolfs warmth having worked over his mate making him just want to get off as well. After a few minutes of pounding his gave a loud raor pushing in as deep as he could and blew his load deep into his mate.

The feeling of his mates seed filling him sent him over the edge and he blew his seed onto the bed. Panting lightly he and his mate rolled to their sides on the bed, The dragon still in him. He felt his mate shift and his ankles were released from the spreader and then his tail and paws were released. He gasped when his nipples were released from the clamps.

Omi smiled as he released his mate and gently stroked his head snuggling against him. "Happy Valentines day." he whispered gently.

Troy didn't respond as he had drifted off in his mates arms, exhausted by the work over he had been given by the dragon.

Working on V-day. Part-3

Yup, If your not of Legal age... DONT read this. If you dont like Furs... DONT READ this. If you dont like anything mentioned in the key words of the story... Dont read! Get my drift? Good. A/N This was one of the funner chapters to write...

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Working on V-day. Part-2

Same as before. If you arent of Legal age for where you live... Dont read this. This includes adult material.. Specificaly Solo wolf action. All characters (c) ME! Except Acara, Who is (C) Ume makoto. A/N I hope you guys enjoy this as...

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Working on V-day. Part-1

Disclaimer/Author's Notes: This is a work of adult-nature. If you are not an adult (meaning of majority age wherever you live), do not read this. It contains cursing, yiff, etc... and if you get caught by your mommy while reading it, I AM NOT...

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