Of Knights and Dragons..

Story by Dragonizu on SoFurry

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Dragonizu here again. Sorry this has taken so long, the papers are murder. Now this series will continue.

All minors under 18.. I hope you get infected by the plague from reading stuff on this website.

All of Tims stories are his by copywright law, don't steal it, people. Seriously.

During the fight scene, the first song that came to my mind was Going Under by Evanescence. :) Really creepy.

To the story!

Another spring morning, John and Ruby were on the porch, watching their younglings play in the yard. Trina as usual was digging with her claws in the sand and spraying it all over her brother and sister. John smiled and laid against his dragoness wifes neck, there was nothing that could ruin this peaceful moment. Black clouds soon began to appear in the sky and it rained heavily. "Guess thats what happens when you think." John mumbled and headed inside with his soaked children.

Ruby laid down on the couch and flipped a page through the book she was reading, she had begun to quit drinking, but there were times she couldn't help herself. Her husband took the towels and dried off the kids. A knock reverberated through the house, and John went to answer it, the door opened and he looked around, seeing no one there. "Down here."

John looked down and saw a short, fat man in tight clothing standing at half John's height. "I have a notice for John." the messenger unrolls the parchment and recites from it:

'Second place contender of the Championship Tournament, I, the king of Lore, summon you to be at my castle at midday for a proposition. Just be on time!'

The janitor gawked as the REALLY short messenger rolled up the parchment and bowed. John shut the door and informed his wife that he would be gone for awhile. She wished him luck and gave her husband a kiss that seemed to last for hours.

John broke the kiss stroked Ruby's cheek. He went into their room gathered his provisions from his closet, which mostly consisted of his armor, his weapons, a few apples, a tube sock, a sliced up credit card, and a pair of scissors. (Remember kids, don't run with them!)

"Lore, huh? Lore.. Isn't that sorta near where Tim lives?" John muttered to no one in particular. He shrugged and went out the door. The kingdom of Lore wasn't that far away from his home, maybe a two hour jog walk at the most, unless the weather continued to. The road to the castle was shorter than John had expected, maybe a 15 minute hike at the most, he made it to the castle and looked around. Not much to look at, the soldiers looked half starved, a little old lady was feeding birds, the walls looked so thing that John flicked the stone and made a crack. "Oops, I hope no one saw that." John snuck through the front gate, the soldiers were to preoccupied with their growling stomachs and rusty armor they didn't even notice him.

"Ah, John, finally! I thought you would never get your sorry ass here!" the king commented and continued, looking at Johns angry face "I've seen your skill in the Tournament, an even match for--former--Sir Tim, and I hear you are his brother is law yes?" John nodded "Good, how is he?" John cautiously spoke back to the impudent king "He lives in a mansion with his wife and son." The king clasped his hands and said "With Tim gone, the house of knights have been in shambles, I've brought you here to be knighted." The king picked up a sword "Will you take this oath? There will be standard pay from the treasury as well.." John raised an eyebrow, Tim told him about this king, quite an eyesore. It would be best if he could keep his eye on him for a while. "Yes, I swear." The king took the sword and placed it above John.

"John," the King said, "In order for you to become a knight, you must swear to live by the Chivalric code, the code that each and every knight follows and lives by...So John, do you solemnly swear that:

Thou shalt believe all that the Church teaches, and shall observe all its directions,

Thou shalt defend the Church,

Thou shalt respect all weaknesses, and shall constitute thyself the defender of them,

Thou shalt love all men just as Jesus loves thee,

Thou shalt not recoil before thine enemy,

Thou shalt make war against the devil without cessation, and without mercy,

Thou shalt perform scrupulously thy feudal duties, if they be not contrary to the laws of God,

Thou shalt never lie, and shall remain faithful to thy pledged word,

Thou shalt be generous, and give largess to everyone,

Thou shalt be everywhere and always the champion of the right and the good against injustice and evil?" "I do solemnly swear," John said in a somewhat furious tone that made the King turn purple for a second..

The King than set the blade of his sword on his right shoulder, than on his left shoulder, then smacked him on the head with the side of his sword. As he did, he spoke the words that constituted boys and men into full-fledged knights.

"By the power invested in me as the King of Lore, I knight thee 'Sir John'... Now, rise knight."

John irritatedly took his armor and weapons out of the servant hand a stormed out of the room, but stopped as he backed against the wall. Catching a conversation in which the King was going to send a hitman after Tim. "I knew he was up to no good." The former janitor went out to the quarters and instructed a messenger to go to Sir Tim's residence to warn him and bribed him with 20 crowns.

2 Hours Later..

"..Knights of Lore," The King was saying "A former knight has turned traitor and is attacking out castle. Kill him." He gave a grin that resembled Satan himself. John and the other guards dawned their armor and weapons, then headed out onto the plains. Tim was already there, saying he was mad was like saying a cat was a lion. The field was covered in the Kings soldiers, each armed with a spear, a sword, a bow, and a shield with a black crown on it. John was in black and red armor with the insignia of the wolf on the chestplate. "So, I see the messenger made it on time?" John asked Tim. Tim nods his head and replies "Yes, the messenger arrived."

"Well, thats good to hear. However, since I am bound by my oath. I have to fight against you."

"Yes, I know. And I know something you don't know. But I wish to speak of that in a minute. Right now, I want to see if you've improved in your fighting skills. Which I hope you have."

"I trained under Master Ju-Long within the castle. Doing so, I learned a few tricks." John drew the Fenrisulfur Hiruq and held it up in the sunlight, the soldiers were at attention and charged when the sword shined."

Tim drew the Kalibur and charged at John.

The knight blocked and swung, the knight behind Tim tried to sweep his legs with a scythe.

Tim jumped to dodge the knight's attack, than spun in midair, letting out a spiral of a gust of wind, knocking the knight back. John held his sword close to his chest and focused on his 'other half' (Lycan) and fur grew through the armor. His face contracted as a wolf snout emerged, five inch claws grew out, and John jumped and their swords collided. Tim swung his sword in an arc and kicked with his leg at the same time, John caught the sword in his jaws and wolf saliva oozed from his muzzle from the blade. The kick made him let go and fall to the ground onto his pawed feet.

"That was quite clever of you," Tim complimented, "Catching the Kalibur in your muzzle."

"I zink it zut my pongue." John grimanced horribly with his tongue lollygagging of his maw. "You're just going to --" Tim said, than suddenly thrust his sword into a guard as he came at him, and pulled it back out in the blink of an eye, "You're just going to let a cut on your tongue put you down?" "Nope. Stenr Reisa!" A rock flew from the ground towards Tim and he sliced the rock into mere pebbles that fell to the ground with a clatter. "Good. Yara Kin!" Flames sprung from John's clawtips and shot the fireball towards his opponent. (Thats one spicy meatball 0_o)

"Heh," Tim said as he let the flames hit him, with no affects on his body. (Refering to his body) "This baby can take temperatures of up to 9000 degrees." "Heh." John clashed swords with Tim, and whispered so low only his senses could pick up "Hurry up and get out of here. I'm trying to make this look as real as possible, here."

"Ave!" Tim said, than became invisible and flew away.

"What the hell? He disappeared!" John said in a believeable deliberate tone that sent surprised murmurs through the remaining knights. 'No more games, this time the King will die.' They all packed up and headed back to the castle and John secretly cast an incognito that gave him the appearance of an old beggar. The King ran his dinner bell and the cleverly disguised John hobbled into the room ("Damn! This disguise is strangly authentic!")

"Taste my food for poison."

The beggar ate a slab of food and sipped the wine, but spat something into it. A pearl dipped with snake poison and mixed with his Lycan antibodies; Thus, making one hell of a killer cocktail.

"Well? Is it poison?"

John smiled "I don't know, your still here. I guess I died and gone to hell."

The King turned purple with rage and swiped the cup out of John's hand and gulped it down. Veins pulsed in his forehead as he gagged and died right then and there. John got out of the room and undid the spell. He could hear the guards talking amongst themselves: "Yes! He's dead!"

"Cool! Lets steal his wallet!"

(5 hours later.)

"I do here by dub thee as the new King of Lore, and please do better than the last one." The priest said after annointing the new king. John smiled and the captain playfully jabbed him on the shoulder "Nicely done!" John's mouth was wide open and the captain replied "I saw you cast a spell, don't worry. I won't tell anyone."


John and Ruby celebrated John's new job as knight, he now could get enough money to support his new family. But, Ruby again was drunken...

So they went inside the, and went straight to the bedroom, wanting to celebrate with some sex. Ruby laid on the bed, and began to lick Johns penis, running her tongue up and down its full length, coating it in saliva and making it erect. John was on tope of Ruby as usual, she stuck her tongue out and began to lick his penis and she began to suck on his penis. They both moaned with pleasure. Ruby suddenly orgasmed and a clear liquid blasten from her pussy. Ruby vigorously sucked on John's penis. Pleasure flooded they bodies, and with cries they orgasmed. John cried out and blasted out his spooge into the dragoness's muzzle, and the dragoness shot her pussy all over the bed. I gave the dragoness a final good licking while she gave his penis a hard suck. Ruby and John, tired from their events, curled up next to each other and Ruby spread her wing to cover the both of them. Their lives couldn't be happier..

The End!

More Chapters to come!

Plus, any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.