Reunions and Battles

Story by Dragonizu on SoFurry

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Hiya! Dragonizu here with chapter 3. Tim and I worked together for this story, so half the credit goes to him. Thanks! We both worked out one hell of a storyline, so hope this works.

Both our respective characters are ours by copyright law (C) So no stealing. We Beg you!

Tim: All minors under 18. Everytime you look at something like this, God kills a kitty.. Please, think of the kitties.

Dragonizu:All minors under 18.. Whatever Tim said. Hehe..

We made a dialogue, but it may be LONG.. Sorry for the inconveniance.

It was a hot day, and John and his dragoness wife Ruby were invited to a reunion. None of these people he knew, but noticed a couple of familiar faces. Tim and Hana were in a corner, talking to each other. Ruby shouts a 'hello' to them and they turned their heads.

"Hey, what are you guys doing here?" John asked inquisitively

"We were invited to the family reunion," Tim replied, "What are YOU doing here?"

"We were invited as well. This invitation magically appeared and smacked me in the face."

"Oh. We got our invitation via P.O. Box." Their mother told Hana and Ruby they were sisters.

Tim reply, "W-what?"

The father sighs and said "Ruby and Hana are half-sisters. I got a vasectomy, and your mother," He nudged his wife "Wanted another child, so we went to the sperm bank. So, basically Hana, Ruby is your baby sister." (Hence the 30 feet size difference)

Hana dances and says, "I have a siiiiiiister!"

John raises an eyebrow as he watches, and Ruby gives a loud 'HIC!' and passes out.

Than the father says, "Poor child, she's overwhelmed with joy."

The mother replies, "I think it's the beer, dear."

"Ruby really needs to break that habit."

John quickly changed the subject as the parents moved Ruby to the couch "Its really strange watching a dragon dance, isn't it?"

"Yes it is," Tim reply, than turn to Hana, "I just hope she doesn't do it all day today."

"Why do you say that?" John asks

"Because she might wear herself out," I say.

Hana replies, "Don't worry, I'd still have plenty of energy for us to celebrate tonight even if I did dance all day."

"...Damn...She must have fun with you at celebrations." "Sometimes I wonder if she thinks I'm her personal sex toy...Not that I don't mind having a brutal sex life."

"Eh...You ARE her husband 'til death do ye part'...Hehe..."

"Even if I did die, Hana would probably find a way to revive me," Tim replies.

"That's true...Hehehe... You know, I could just IMAGINE what the look on the priest's face when Hana walked into the church."

"You should have seen his face when she turned around and bent over to pick up her bouquet of roses she accidentally dropped."

"I bet the guy wet his robes!"

"Hehe. Twice," Tim reply, "But enough about me, how about What's your sex life like?"

"Well, Ruby just likes to have sex only when she wants to get pregnant. Or when she's drunk."

"And seeing as she's drunk now..."

"Yeah...You know, from what you told me about Hana, it seems they are both complete opposites."

"Save for their appearances...sort of."

"Well. Hana is adventurous and Ruby is shy."

"That's true. Hana only has two children, and Ruby has triplets."

"Well, let's just say. Dragonesses shouldn't have beer when they are in heat." "Yes, they might end up with a draglet that's part wolf..."

"Err..." John coughs and grins "No comment."

Tim smiles in return, than change the subject. "So, what made you fall in love with Ruby?"

"It was an accident really. I invoked a draconic thing and we got married. Over time we grew to love each other."

"Ah. Wait, what draconian thing?"

" was my shift in the female dragonesses bathroom and she was drunk, tripped coming to the sink and I, er...well..." John whispered what happened to Tim.

"Oh. Well...Now, that does explain a lot about my first meeting with Hana..."

"Really? What happened?"

"Well, I had thought the King had told me to lay a dragon, but he actually told me to slay a dragon, so, any way, while I was in the cursed forest nearby the kingdom I used to live in, I found Hana, and, being that she was the first dragoness I had seen, I decided to get her laid, as I thought His Royal Pain The Ass commanded me to do. So I go up to her and touch her, and she immediately turns to me, her eyes full of love and affection. I thought it was just a bit strange, but now that you've explained to me about that draconian thing, I understand why she immediately took a liking to me." "Well. It's not uncommon to have more than one mate or whatever in the dragon world. Just giving you a heads up."

"Come again?"

"Well. It's all from a dragon book I used to read. But, some dragons have a three-some so to speak. Like two females to one male for example."

"Wait...are you suggesting that Hana and Ruby and you...?"

"What? No! Of course not. Its just an example, 2 females and one male, its completely common for dragons to have more than one mate."

"Hana has no other but me. As I am sure Ruby has no other but you."

"That's true. But just letting you know, just as a warning. Trust me, in my line of work ya see some pretty weird situations."

"Hana would never betray me, as I would never betray her, because our life together is a covenant, a vocation, a symbol and pledge of the love between Christ and the Church."

"I know that.. Anyway, what's being a knight like?"

"Well, back when I was working for the King, it was pretty rough. Every Christmas I'd have to make a peace offering with the monsters of the cursed forest so they wouldn't attack the kingdom, and every other day I had to hunt for monsters to kill for meat. Otherwise I had to eat gruel. I was really quite poor, and contrary to popular belief of knights, did not see a lot of action. It was mostly the King's favorites who did. After Hana and I left the kingdom, we found treasure, and I settled down. Than we moved again to Venin City, and now I am living quite a good life, with a little bit of action here and there, given the strange things that happen in the city...The life of the knight is quite different from it's portrayal in pop culture. Quite different." "Wow. Compared to my job that actually sounds like fun, we should switch for a day sometime."

"I'm not very much of a janitorial person. Especially when it comes to 'dragoness crap and puke'. And if you like my job, why don't you just become a knight?"

"Eh.. social status prevents me." John says sullenly

"I could knight you...and lend you some treasure."

"Like I said, would probably end up as a royal guard, more of an archer than anything else."

"Alright, alright. The opportunity to be my collaborator and earn half of one hundred pounds of gold a day is always open, though. So...I'm curious, what has been your best day at work?"

"..Do I have to answer that?" John sighs and says "I make a pound a month."

"C'mon! Just tell me your best day. I'll tell you my worse day, in return."

"When I got my leg bit off about a year ago, believe it or not."

"Ouch...Best day, huh? worse day was the first day I went into the cursed forest. I had no map and no idea where to go. I went around in a circle for about four hours, and than I had to face a giant minotaur. Almost got killed. Killed the minotaur, but forget to step back when it toppled over, so I almost got crushed under it. Not to mention my clothes splattered in its blood. Than I finally found the monster palace, but the monsters there kept trying to eat me, so I had to run all the way back to the King and tell him what happened, and he got pissed. Said I had to go back and give the offering. I went back to the forest, got confronted by a second minotaur. Killed it. Made it to the monster palace again. Gave the offering. Ran for my life. I kept looking back over my shoulder, so I tripped on a branch and landed face first into some horse feces. Got up, and ran back home. The King was furious that I didn't go back to him first, but I didn't care. However, he did cut my month's pay in half, so I could only afford half the gruel I usually ate. And I couldn't get my sword sharpened, so I couldn't get any meat for the rest of the month, either." John snored loudly, with drool out of his mouth and bolted up with a start "Oh, sorry. What about cutting a pay in half?"

Tim gives a broad grin "You would make a lousy knight..."

"Oh. Really? Why don't we prove that fact? Sword to Sword."

"Fine by me. But why don't we kick it up a notch? If I win, you have to give me your month's pay, and if you win..."

"You have to help me clean up in the dragoness bathroom for a month."

"Very well." Tim drew his sword, the Kusanagi.

John draws a pair of shortswords and makes a stance. His swords are Wakisashi and Jutte.

"Oh, two swords, huh? Very well!" Tim got out Excalibur as well.

"Excalibur? Isn't that cheating?"


"You wish." John sheathed the Jutte and drew a shortsword with the inscription 'Fenrisulfur Hiruq' "Are you?"

"Not at all. First to draw blood, wins."

"Fine with me." John swung the sword in his left hand in an arc and the Fenrisulfur Hiruq in a clear down motion.

I do a back flip, and in midair, swing the Kusanagi in John's direction, causing a fierce gust of wind that can cut through steel to go at him. John canceled his motion and used the Hiruq to defend. The smoke cleared and both are untouched. "This sword can't be scratched, dented, or be rusted. You really think you'll win?" He clashed his swords together and swung from both sides.

"There is no No, there is no Yes, but only the will of the Lord." Tim's hands glow, and than he put the Kusanagi in his right hand, and suddenly, the two swords become one, with a blade that is exactly ten feet long. "The Kalibur: light as a feather, able to cause gusts of wind that can cut through steel, unbreakable, and I cannot bleed in battle. Plus, I can always use my draconian speed and strength..."

"Protection by magic? Stenr Reisa!" A rock flew from the ground and came towards Tim.

I use telekinesis to make the rock stop in midair, than swung my sword, causing a small whirlwind.

"Jierda." The rock shatters and John drops his shortsword on the ground and grasps the Fenrisulfur Hiruq. He swings in an arc.

Tim did a long jump in the air, toward John, and, in midair, swing his sword at him in a frenzied 360 degree spin. "36 degrees to the right...X axis is 65 degrees, armspan is approximately 3 feet so the directory of the strike will be here!" John swung and stopped Tim in mid-flight.

"You are indeed brave, sir, but the fight is mine."

Tim and John swung at each other and made a small gash on each others face "...You sure about that? It looks like we are even."

"You may have cut me, but I cannot bleed in battle, as I said. And it is whoever bleeds first that loses...But how about this: Whoever can break the other's sword first wins..."

"That would take forever. Excalibur can't break, nor my Fenrisulfur Hiruq." John said, "Let's call it off, we both have swords that can't break. You know more magic than I do, I know the basic spells 'Stone' 'Heal' and 'Break'. So..."

"Let us compensate. I get half of your month's pay, and you get me to help you in the restrooms for half of the month."

"Deal. You better be ready for some pretty nasty shit."

The former knight gives another broad grin" What is a knight's life if not a steaming pile of shit?" "Well. You'll be seeing a lot of it, plus some tampons, some dragonesses will be drunk and have sex in the bathroom...There will be condoms..." John rattles on.

"Don't forget the size of the sinks I'll have to help you clean..."

"If I'm right. They are 4 meters deep and 7 meters wide."

"Living with a dragoness (Tim leans his head toward Hana for a sec), you get used to big things. Although, I will have to worry about that draconian thing..."

"Just be careful, you could end up with more than one wife."

"Yeah, Hana would be pissed if that happened...and speaking of Hana, she probably wants to get back home now. To celebrate. So..."

"Yeah. See you all later, and don't you dare forget you start on Tuesday."

"I'll see you than and there!" Tim goes over to Hana, gets on her back, and they fly off at lightning speed.

Ruby celebrated with her husband that night. They were fucking each other at a fast pace, with John at her vagina and his wife screaming in pain and pleasure. It was so strange, she seemed to tingle with happiness through the day, maybe she found out she was Hana's baby sister. But they continued to fuck each other all night. Ruby took her husband and curled up with him next to her head.

A rough start

Alright.. Lets see how this one will hold up. This is a continuation of the story 'Watch the booze, its been 9 months since John and Ruby met each other (and knocked her up for that matter. With TRIPLETS none-the-less.) Ruby, since then has held off...

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Watch the Booze

Hiya! Dragonizu here! This is my very very very FIRST story, so be gentle with your criticism, but don't hold back on it either. Actually tried to post this story earlier, but the power went out and have to retry now.. Minors that are under 18, don't...

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