Changes: Part 1

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Contains: mpreg, transformation, fisting, medical setting, accidental orgasm, embarrassment, dream incest, Father/Son, anal, sexual frustration, and romance.

Lucas landing was trying to be just a normal stallion. Sure, he went into heat every few weeks, but he kept it managed, and he got to grasp tightly onto the things that made him a man. He worked tirelessly on his muscles and did everything he could to be "male", even though his body was designed for something more. What happens to him when someone takes that choice away from him and he has to fly or crash land with a foal in his arms? 

Who will he become? 

==Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3Commission for guri256This was another one of those fun ideas that guri256 came to me with... and I got way too carried away. I never expected this to turn into a novella, but the story just had somewhere it needed to go. It allowed me to expand the mareboi universe a bit, and focus on some of the "what happens after they get knocked up?" aspects the other stories didn't show much. How do you deal with the fact one week you could bench press 225 pounds and the next you can barely do half that as your body relocates its resources? How can something as simple as running be changed when suddenly you have a set of rocking tits you have to deal with for the first time? Or how do you get off once that proud stallion cock no longer rises? Little unsure of how to keyword this one, >technically<, I think it might fall under feminization, but it doesn't feel like that kind of story. Maybe a bit of gender bendy-ness? Honestly, I'm open to suggestions.  Thanks to Dagder for helping with the edits! 

Changes: Part 1

By Ajax B. Coriander

Started: 12/02/2021

Finished: 5/2/2023


"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuuuuck," I repeated to myself as I sat on the edge of my bathtub, and my leg bounced up and down as I waited for the test results.

"How the fuck could this have happened?" I asked myself, knowing full well the answer. I'd been in heat, ovulating, horny, and just wanting to fuck until my nuts were empty. I'd flirted with my friend Stan via text, one thing led to another, and the bull was soon in my apartment. I was careful though, I made him wear a condom, I even made sure he pulled out right after he was done fucking me. The docs had told me these new experimental gen-3 meds might not stop pregnancy like the old ones, but the health benefits had been amazing.

I'd been feeling like a real stallion again. Muscle mass was easy to gain, I didn't have any sickness, and all of those other side effects of the gen-2s didn't pass onto me - like I could sweat or workout until my heart's content, even while ovulating, and no dude would even bat an eye my way... well, unless he was just wanting to have a little stud meat pumped into him.

But I knew the risks, and this was one of them... I checked the timer on my watch again, and it still had more than half the time to go. This was the longest 3 minutes of my life, and it'd been such a long fucking day.

I started to realize something was wrong when my chest started to tingle and I was having a hard time jacking off, like it did in high school when I was taking the gen-2 meds that fucking sucked. I started to just generally panic. I'd had sex at least two weeks ago, and I started to wonder if something had gone wrong. So after the gym, I went straight to the pharmacy and got a test. There were currently two sitting on the counter so I could be sure.

I put my head in my paws, and bounced my leg some more. I hadn't even bothered to change out of my gym clothes, I was still in my workout shorts and sweaty gray tank top. I looked at the painted horse in the mirror, and I started to picture myself changing, my features growing soft, my white and brown splotched belly expanding... and then the alarm went off.

I felt a knot twist like a knife into my stomach, and I got up and looked down at the tests. My heart sank as I saw the two sets of two pink lines looking back at me.

"Fuck!" I shouted, tears welling in my eyes as I angrily pushed the tests off the counter and into the trash bin.

I looked down at them, still in shock, wondering if maybe I'd read them wrong, but they were still showing two pink lines and staring back at me. That's when something caught my eye: the condom wrapper from two weeks ago. Something was off about it though, there was a small hole in the center. I reached down, grabbed my trashcan, and snatched the wrapper. In the center was a perfect pin sized hole that went through-and-through. I felt my stomach lurch and I started digging for the other condom wrappers from that night. Each one had a round hole punched through it, there was no doubt in my mind that this was intentional.

Fear was replaced by righteous anger.

I slammed my bathroom door open and stormed over to my gym bag. I grabbed my phone from it, jabbed Stan's contact, and gnashed my teeth as I waited for him to pick up.

"Hello," said a groggy voice from the other end.

"What," I said in a calm tone, trying to keep from shouting, "the fuck did you do?"

"What are you talking about?" the bull asked.

"The condom wrappers," I snarled into the phone, "why does every single one of them have a hole through the center?"

There was a long pause on the other end of the line. Then he started to ramble. "Look, I found the pill bottle for the Viacicgra in your bathroom, I googled it, and found out what it was. I knew you needed help finding who you really were, and once you realized you were really a mare just pretending to be a stallion, we could be together." He said.

I could hear a little crack in his voice, as he clearly was getting off to what he was saying. Fury bubbled inside of me. I slammed my fist down on my countertop and yelled into my phone.

"What. The. Fuck. Is wrong with you?" I shouted. "Just because you tried to cunt me, you think you own me now? Well, I'm not yours, and I never will be. Don't ever try and contact me again, asshole," I hung up on him, blocked his number, and turned off my phone.

I wanted to throw myself to the ground screaming. I wanted to do something. But my knees just went weak, and I plopped myself down on the barstool I kept by my kitchen counter.

My worst fear had come true. I'd been cunted. Awakened. Whatever. My mind went back to high school. I was that chubby weird nerd boy again, who got a pass from gym because of his special predicament and played chess with the girl's chess club. The one who the girls all laughed at, and the boys avoided because they were worried, I'd give them what I had. I looked down at my body, the thing I'd worked so hard on. It had the muscles of a real stallion I'd gained. The definition I'd worked every day for since I'd started the Viacicgra. It was a life I never thought possible until then, and now one fucking asshole had ruined that for me.

I pulled up my shirt and looked at my six pack abs, and I started to think about all the changes my body was about to go through. I'd lose height, muscle mass, gain fat around my ass, grow breasts, and worst of all... My dick, my dick would slowly lose its ability to get hard. I'd no longer be a stallion, just a mareboi. I had often wondered in my senior year of highschool when this all started if I would be better off that way, just get it over with, and get off those awful drugs. But then I got put in that experimental testing group for the Gen-3 'scripts, and my life changed.

I blossomed into a stallion, and I rode that all the way through college. I tried to bang every girl in sight, but I always managed to strike out and end up fucking one of my bros. I still ovulated, even though I didn't go into heat. This meant, once a month, I still got so horny I wanted to fuck everything I could get my dick into. Very rarely I'd let guys top me, but as the years went on, it usually evened out to 50/50. My body might still have felt very male, but I did have the nerve endings of a mareboi... so I liked feeling a stud take me every now and again. I was always super careful though. Guys were always a little curious why, but I always made it clear that if they ever tried to convince me otherwise, I'd yeet them from my life so fast their head would spin.

I put a paw to my belly, and I just let it rest there. I thought of the life now brewing inside of me, and it did bring a weird tingle to my heart. I'd always wanted to be a dad, and I thought these Gen-3 pills would let me do that.

I was fucked.

The doctors had made it clear that if I ever got pregnant, they'd have to take me out of the study. They didn't know what they would do to my body after I had a real pregnancy, and I couldn't stay on them, or I'd risk hurting the baby. Maybe even myself. Mixing alchemy and chemistry was a longshot at the best of times. So after all of this, I'd have to go back on the Gen-2s. I started to think of that nightmare, and I shuddered.

So no matter what I did, my body was going to go under changes, the question now was, what am I going to do? I held my belly, thinking of the foal inside of me, and the cascade of emotions passed through me. Fear, love, hate, joy, and rage. My life had just completely flipped upside down. I don't know when I'd started, but I was crying now. Thick tears were rolling down my face, and I would occasionally scream in frustration. I slammed my fist against the wall, leaving a hole in the drywall, and I looked down at my paw. My knuckle was bloody, and the pain was starting to tingle through me. I caught sight of my stomach, and I reached down and touched it again.

I had options... I knew. But, being a dad has always been my dream. I'd always wanted to have a little foal to call my own. Someone to teach how to ride a bike, take to Disney World, and just be there for. This was my chance for that. I'd never had luck with girls, and at a certain point I'd just stopped trying and focused on guys. I'd thought of adopting a kid, but it was expensive and without a partner it was nearly impossible. So I'd kind of pushed the thought away. But now, there was one inside of me, and all it would cost me was my stallionhood. I wiped my eyes with the back of my free paw, and a look of determination came across my face.

"I don't know if I'm ready, but you're mine, and I'm not going to let anyone take you away from me," I growled, "and that includes the asshole sperm filled turkey baster."

I looked at the phone that had fallen to the counter beside me at some point, and I looked at the cold lifeless rectangle of black glass. That was going to be hard... if Stan ever found out I was pregnant, and that I'd kept the baby, he might try to fight me for custody, and I couldn't let a man who would do something like that to me anywhere near MY foal. I wondered if I should call the cops, what he did was illegal, but I remember hearing horror stories from the group therapy lessons I had when I found out I was a mareboi. How bio-dads would sometimes get visitation rights even if they had been thrown in jail for repeatedly raping their dams. The state always favored the studs over the dams in those cases. If I made that police report, that would forever tie the bull to me. Right now, he doesn't know I'm pregnant, just that I found out about what he tried to do.

I needed to go dark. No social media. No texting. No Howlr. No nothing. At least until I made sure the baby was viable and healthy. Which was likely, something about the magic made that more likely than normal. If I could get out of the state too, that would help. He didn't have a car, and he'd never be able to afford someone to try and track me down. I don't even think he knew what my last name was. It was another reason to not call the cops, he could look up the police report, and use it to find out more about me.

My entire life was about to change, because some asshole decided he could try and control me using my body. I was going to have to leave my friends, my work, and my entire life behind. I hated the idea. I started to think about my options, and I sighed as I realized that I really only had one that checked all of my boxes. A safe place, semi-off the grid, and somewhere far-far away from the bull bastard that had done this to me. I picked up my phone and turned it back on. It was instantly blasted with texts from Stan using a number I didn't recognize. I didn't bother to read the texts, I just closed them out, and scrolled through the contacts in my phone. I pressed on one and held the phone up to my ear.

"Hi, mom... can we talk?" I simply asked.


I rested my head against the steering wheel of my car, and I thought about everything that had happened in the last month. There were lawyers, more legal mumbo jumbo than I ever want to hear again, court filings, and hours spent trying to guess a password to an old laptop I had in high school.

I'd spent a lot of energy trying not to be mad at my mom. I knew she cared about me, and hated what had happened to me... but it was super clear the thought of me coming home and having a grandfoal was filling her with glee. My dad didn't say much, but that was kind of his thing. Just very practical questions.

I knew I needed one thing more than anything else.


I started by cashing in my 401k, it wasn't much, but the last 2 years after college had let me save up. I'd been keeping my student loan payments low so I could save up for an emergency, I didn't realize it'd be because I'd been knocked up, but here I was. I started wracking my brain, trying to think of anything I could do to get some money. I sold stuff I knew I wouldn't need, I cut back on my expenses, and tried to think of what else I could do.

That's when I remembered something.

I had once bought a case of Coke and a pizza for someone in exchange for some crypto currency. I just left the digital wallet on my computer, and as time went by, I forgot about it. I kind of felt guilty and grimy about it knowing just how bad the stuff was for the environment and just how awful the people who tend to use it were. But I was going to need to quit my job, because the internet sucked too much out there to work remotely, and every bit was going to help. As it was, I'd had a feeling I was going to end up waiting tables while twelve months pregnant. Other species had it easy. Nine months was nothing. I wasn't even sure what kind of coin it was or what it was worth, but I wanted every penny I could get. I spent days trying every password I could think of to get into that computer, it barely turned on, and eventually I got into it.

I pulled up the digital wallet, saw that it was some Hootcoin, and I looked to see what it was worth. My jaw dropped as I saw that I had 200 coins, and each coin was worth 500 dollars. I actually panicked realizing I had that much money to work with, and that's when I cashed in a few of the coins and sought out a lawyer to figure out what I should do. That's when I also informed the lawyer of my situation... and he agreed me getting out of state was probably the best course of action, due to some laws that were in place, and he began working on a way to make sure this baby was mine, mine alone, and that bastard would never even get near me again.

I still remember my blood running cold as the lawyer told me:

"He can't hurt you, if he can't find you."

I didn't know what Stan would do to me, and I wasn't ever going to take the chance.

So I cashed out all the coins, a week before the whole market crashed, and the dude running the exchange I used went to jail. I got so lucky.

Before me was such a picturesque sight that it was almost sickening. The sun was just cresting over the forest, the grassy fields were covered in dew making the cascading purple, yellow, orange, and red light dance in the dawn. This all framed my parents' perfect country home. It was a two-story house, with a forest green metal roof and trim, and a bright white paint job that made it practically glow. There was even a wrap-around screened in porch to add to its classic look. In the distance I could see the tool shed, the barns, and a few other outbuildings for various things. Like the woodshop my dad made tables in during the winter, and some of the various yurts and cabins they rented out to out-of-towners on Airbnb.

I got out of the car, and I took a breath of that ranch air for the first time in so long. I'd always vowed never to come back here, not because I hated my folks, but because this place was a symbol of everything I worked so hard to leave behind. I looked down at my stomach and ran my paw over it. "You're damn lucky I love you."

I hadn't started to show, it'd be weeks before that, but some of the changes were already starting to happen as I moved from stallion to mareboi. My six-pack was starting to fade, already developing a thin layer of pudge. All my clothes fit weirdly now too, they were tight in some places and loose in others. I'd started to have to cuff up my pants as my bones shrank and I lost height. I wondered how many inches I'd lose before it was all over. How short and petite would I become?

I took a deep breath in, trying to push those thoughts out for now, and decided to walk up to the house. Before I was even halfway there, the door burst open, and the most excited looking mare anyone had ever seen was standing there. She was practically glowing as she saw me, her blond mane had turned grey with age, she was soft- pretty much everywhere- and she didn't walk well, but still she came running, well, hobbling out to me as quickly as her hooves would take her. The painted mare wrapped me up in the biggest tightest hug anyone could ask for, and I'd be lying if it didn't make me feel like a colt again. I hugged her back and smiled.

"I've missed you so much," she said.

"I know," I said back, patting her back, trying to get her to let me go, but she kept squeezing, and she leaned up to kiss my cheek in the way parents do to their kids. She broke the hug eventually and wiped some happy tears from her eyes.

We chatted, I said hi to dad, and then she took me to the yurt that would be my new home. I was thankful that it was the one back in the woodlot. I'd be out of sight from the main house, but I'd be close enough that I could get help if need be. It also had a satellite for internet, and that was great since my cellphone barely worked back here.

The yurt was nice. It was an earthy off white with a forest green with a green top, a clear acrylic dome on the peak, and a band across the roof that acted like a sunroof to let light in while keeping it private. It was on a dark red porch that acted as the base. We went inside, and I looked over the space. Right now it just had a queen bed, a dresser, a simple camp kitchen, and a rather nice bathroom... Mom and dad splurged on that to make the guests feel at home. It looked like a bathroom you'd find in a nice hotel, and I was super thankful for that.

I stood in the center of the 24-foot circle, and I took a deep breath. This was mine and my foal's home now, and I was going to do everything I could to make sure it felt like it.


I spent the next few days settling in, getting everything tucked away and how I wanted it, I also started to block off a section I knew I'd want to use as a nursery. I hadn't yet started to buy things for it, but I knew that would come later.

I tried to ignore the changes happening with me, pretending that I was the same I'd ever been. But I began to slowly realize that wasn't the case. My chest felt sore, and it was clear it was trying to make up for lost time as it started to puff out. After that I realized, my arms had started to weaken, and suddenly bench pressing 225 pounds wasn't as easy-peasy as it had been. Sadly, I had to learn this one the hard way.

The moving truck was parked outside of my yurt, the latest load I'd gotten from my storage shed packing it to the brim, one item was which was my fridge. My very large. Heavy. Fridge. In the distance I could hear some of my dad's farmhands felling the dead trees that died in the big spring freeze. I needed to get to some documents that my lawyer wanted, so I was working my way to the back of the moving truck where I knew they were. I wasn't really paying attention as I moved from box to box, moving them out of the way in front of me, but leaving a mess behind me. I knew I'd take care of it later, even as I had to make stacks in the pathway. I finally found the box I needed, and I was rifling through it, not paying attention as I walked back through the messy path I'd left.

I was a millennial, I knew I could multitask.

The leather daddy rubber ducky that had been a gag gift, had other ideas though.

I stepped on it, rolled my ankle, and fell backwards. I grabbed boxes as I fell, trying to keep myself up, but I just managed to knock a few over. I sat there groaning, and I heard a couple of loud crashes; I must have knocked something loose. I heard some more boxes fall, and my eyes went wide as I saw the fridge next to me started to tip towards me. I whinnied in fear and tried to struggle out of the way, but the boxes that fell around me had me trapped. It fell down, just barely above me, its weight being supported by a stack of two cardboard boxes next to me.

After this, I vowed never to cheap out on moving boxes again, because I watched in horror as the boxes started to slowly crumple under the fridge's weight. I tried to wiggle out, but I was stuck. I watched the fridge slowly crush me like a slow-motion YouTube video of a hydraulic press in action. I had moved this fridge out of my apartment a month ago by myself, I knew it couldn't be that heavy, so I reached up and put my paws on it. I tried to bench press it, but it wasn't budging. I looked at my arms, and I whimpered as I realized they weren't as large as when I'd moved this before.

There I was. Going to die under a fridge because I was too weak to move it myself. I pressed against it with all my might, but some other boxes had fallen on top of it, and now it was just getting heavier with each passing second. I was crying now, shouting, "no, no, no, no," as it slowly crumpled the box holding up the weight, and slowly pushed closer to me.

I heard something pounce into the back of the truck, there was the sound of hooves on metal as whoever it was sped towards me, and I heard boxes being hauled away. Before a set of paws came down, grabbed the side of the fridge, and hauled it upward. Standing in front of me was a massive shire horse. He was shirtless, a pair of noise-reducing ear muffs around his thick neck, while his inky black fur glistened from the light behind him.

"Are you alright?" He asked with concern as he reached down with one paw, while the other kept bracing the fridge. His arm holding the fridge was flexing, showing off all the hard-earned muscles he had gained from his farmwork.

"Uhh," was all I managed to say for a moment as I looked at this absolute hunk of a man, trying to figure out if I'd actually died and gone to an afterlife of handsome men, before I finally snapped back and said, "yeah." I took his paw, and he pulled me up, I stumbled a bit, and I fell into him. My body pressing against his shirtless muscular frame. I blushed, and quickly pushed off him.

"Oh, uh," I stammered, "thanks! I really appreciate it." I bit my lower lip, and looked around for an excuse to scamper off, and I saw the box I'd come in here for. "I need to get back to it though, thanks for everything!"

I quickly brushed past him, my nose flaring as I smelled his masculine scent... it had never been something I was super into, but it was doing something to me now. I rushed back into the yurt, and slammed the door, leaving a very confused shire horse looking at the door. I sped to the bathroom, closed the door, and then looked down at my pants.

I was hard... or at least, as hard as I'd been able to get in the last few days. I dropped my pants, and looked at my dick. It had only just dropped out of my sheath, and the marbled flesh was pulsing and dripping, but I wasn't fully hard. It didn't have the vigor it had two months ago. I blushed, and reached down to stroke it, trying to bring it to full hardness, but it didn't work. I stroked it a few times, and while it felt good, I couldn't get it to rise, it was hard sure, but it tended to flop as I ran my fingers down the shaft.

I felt embarrassed, I couldn't even really jackoff like a man anymore. It was a little weird that I was turned on so much by a guy saving me. I felt like such a stereotype, like some dumb mareboi from one of those trashy romance novels. I grumbled and tucked my dick back in my jeans. I decided to go for a run in the woods, and then through the farm proper. I should at least be able to do that. Looking back, I'm starting to wonder if maybe I picked that so I might glance at a certain shirtless farmhand again.


"Mom," I said trying not to sound angry, "I'm not going to have a vet do a check on me."

"He was a doctor before he retired," she said.

"Yeah, but now he fixes dogs and shoves antibiotics down feral cows' throats," I shot back.

"Miss Hasley was just telling me last week that he still has his medical license, he was a family doctor, and after your fall yesterday you really should see someone... I know you said you're fine, and you won't go to the doctor proper, but could you at least go see him? He said he'd give you a quick check before he left today," the old mare pleaded with me, tears welling in her eyes, "Please, I'm sorry, I'm worried about you and the baby."

I rubbed the crown of my nose, something I did so often these days it was starting to turn red under the white fur. I knew she was just being herself, and she was just saying it because she cared, so it was hard to argue back.

"Alright fine," I finally said, knowing I was defeated. "I'll make a call and try and go see him today."


It felt a little demoralizing sitting in a vet's office, between Muffin's the cat who needed to re-up her anxiety meds and the dog who had a swollen muzzle from trying to eat a bee. Maybe I should have gone to a proper doctor, but here I was at a vet's office. As I sat there, I slowly realized I didn't want to go to a real doctor because that made all of this real. I'd be put on prenatal vitamins, there would be classes, talks, books, and pamphlets. I... I wasn't ready for that yet. I needed some more time.

The nurse, Miss Hasley, had looked at me a little funny when I told her I didn't have a pet to check in, but when she heard my last name, it must have clicked who I was, and she wrote me in without a blink of an eye. I squirmed a bit every time she glanced up at me. I knew her and my mom were friends, and I wondered just what the old mare had told her before I came in here. My arm crossed my stomach, and I tried not to squirm in my seat. I figured I was just going to have to get used to looks like that, marebois like me tended to be a spectacle. In the old west they'd be sideshow attractions or the ones who were lucky enough not to be knocked up, would have to get really strong fast to beat any man who came near them.

Eventually I heard my name, and I walked back to the vet's office. I sat on the table, and I felt a bit awkward as I dwarfed it. It was made for a creature much smaller than me. I glanced around the room, looking at the pictures of pet cats and dogs, a few diagrams of how their insides worked, and so on before there was a knock at the door.

"Come in," I said.

"Hello," The cheery grizzly bear greeted me. He had gray fur around his muzzle, and he wore some thick coke bottle glasses. He reached out his paw. "You're Lucas Landing, your mother has told me a lot about you and," he looked at my belly, "your condition. Well, I'm Doctor Dale, and I'm going to do my best to make sure you're both okay."

I blushed at that, and I said, "are you sure you want to do this? I can imagine it must be weird."

"Weird?" he asked with a raise of his eyebrows, "not at all. Before starting my family practice I did my rounds at an obstetrician, I helped personally deliver 15 babies from men with the gift of creating life. A ferax-badly, a fertile male, in technical jargon. At my family practice, I'd had a few patients with gifts like you, and I helped them all bring their kits, pups, foals, and even a hatchling into this world." The bear explained as he grabbed a seat and pulled it up to me. "Trust me, you're nowhere near weird. Until you're a werewolf who is stuck between other werewolves' shifts, dragons with e-reptile dysfunction, or a kid who has gotten a magic wand stuck up his nose and shoots lightning bolts when he sneezes- then you'll be weird." He said with a little chuckle, "Now I want to get some blood samples from you, I want to check your hormone levels and make sure they're all in check for this stage of the pregnancy, and if I recall correctly," he said clearing his throat, "this pregnancy was unplanned, correct? In that case we should go over a few things you might not know or have started yet."

As he checked me over and drew my blood we talked. He was such a friendly guy; it was so easy to talk to him. He would tell the occasional dad joke, and it'd make me laugh, and he gave me the names of some books to read and some things that would help me out. I honestly felt more confident about this pregnancy than I had since I'd found out.

"Okay, that about does it," he said as he wheeled himself over to his cabinet. "But I need to do a pelvic and rectal exam to see how things are progressing. Also, I want to check the baby's health, so I'll need to do an ultrasound."

"Yeah, sure doc, that's fine," I said.

"Good, then drop your pants and bend over the table," the bear said.

I blushed a bit but did as he instructed. I kicked out of my pants and bent over the table. I lifted my tail to the side, and I shuddered as I heard the snap of rubber gloves behind me. He moved an LCD screen in sight of me, and then he moved behind me. He started with examining my nuts, he got out a tape measure and wrapped it around my sac.

"Any idea what your testicle size was before?" He asked.

"Uhh... not really." I said, "it's something I never thought of. Maybe like, the size of apples?"

"No worries," he said fondling my nuts, prodding them, and examining them, "turn your head and cough please." I did as I was told, and he said, "good, good, now, what about your penis length and width?" the bear asked. Before he started to fondle my sheath, the sensation made me drop out of it, and I tried to focus on the wall in front of me.

"It was 11 inches..." I said as he measured my shaft.

"Hmm, given how far you are along, that means you've probably lost 3 inches so far," he said matter-of-factly as he prodded onto my groin. "I'm guessing you're having trouble getting erections too?"

"A bit," I admitted, "I can't seem to get fully hard anymore, it's hard to say how much I've lost."

"That is expected, some boys manage to keep their pecker's vigor, but that's rare. Your body is kind of shifting how it works now, you're growing nerves, organs, and bits of flesh you didn't have before. Speaking of which, have you had any pain in your rectum?"

"Other than my parents?" I asked playfully, "no."

The old bear chuckled, "good, good." I heard the sound of ruffling like a plastic bag being opened up, and then the sound of a lube bottle being opened. "Okay, I'm going to start my rectal exam and then the ultrasound if that's okay."

"Yeah doc, you're clearly not the first guy I've had poke back there..." I said.

He laughed again, and I felt his finger slide against my pucker, it prodded the outside and I felt a shudder slide down my spine, and my sheath swell a little more. I took a deep breath in from my nose, trying to stay calm as he probed the round doughnut between my cheeks. "Good, it's already starting to gain the elasticity I would expect at this stage into your first pregnancy." He probed a little deeper, one finger, then two, and finally three. I had to bite my lip at this point... it... it felt more amazing than it ever had before. It was like my whole body was alive with pleasure, and I was just caught in its wake.

"Everything in here seems to be developing well too," he said. "Okay, time to go that ultrasound, I'll try to make it quick, it's always a little odd the first time."

"Sure, but should I get on my back-EHEHEHEH," I shouted as it turned into a whinny of pleasure as the man slipped his entire paw into my ass. I looked behind me, and I realized what the little rustling sound had been before... he'd put on a full arm glove, the same kind they use for preg checks on feral cattle. I opened my mouth to say something else, but that's when he shoved more of his arm into me, and I had to grip the sides of the table. I used to have to prep before taking something that thick, but clearly my body had changed... It felt so different than it had a few weeks ago, it was like my entire body was on fire, I could feel his paw probing inside of me, digging deeper until he said, "there it is..."

I think he noticed the expression on my face, "Oh, oops, I should have said something. I guess I've been around farm animals too long... a cow doesn't usually say it's ready for a preg check." He said with a chuckle, "So you okay?"

"Y-yes," I squired as my ring stretched around his wrist, and I bit my lower lip. I was surprised he was able to do it, normally that would have taken some prep work, but it seems my body had gotten a bit more used to the idea of having something thick and hard rammed into me.

The screen came to life, and I started to see a grainy picture of my insides. "Your ovaries and uterus don't seem to have anything wrong with them, so let's see if we can see your little foal, shall we?" He said as his arm started to move around inside of me, moving back and forth as the picture on the screen changed and moved. I could feel my cock leaking now, pre oozing out of the tip and dripping onto the tile floor. It was kind of humiliating to be checked over like a cow, but I just bit my lip and tried not to think about it.

I saw a dark clear patch come into view on the screen as I was gritting my teeth, and I felt the paw stop inside of me. "There it is," he said happily, before saying. "See that little bump along that clear patch? It might not seem like much, but that's your foal."

I think I would have been more awestruck if there wasn't a grizzly bear with his arm up my ass, but it was still an amazing sight. He started to move around again, getting some different angles, and I couldn't help but whimper as he did so. I arched my back, my hooves digging into the floor, and my balls churning. He pulled his arm out without much fanfare, the sensation slamming into me, and a loud whinny escaping my lips as I came.

There was no warning.

No leadup.

I just came.

I shot all over the side of his exam table, and it splashed on the floor. My semi-chub seeming to pump out every ounce of cum I'd made since I last got off two weeks ago. I panted, and I saw stars. I quickly turned beet red, and I turned around. "Omg, I'm so sorry... I... it just... fuck." I said as tears started to well in the corners of my eyes. "I didn't mean to..."

"Hey now," he said with a soft caring grin before peeling off his shoulder length glove, and giving me a comforting smile. "That's very natural. You're not the first mareboi who's spurted on my table."

"Really?" I asked, rubbing the tears from my eyes.

"Yes, I fully expect you to do it more, actually." He said with a shrug, "I'll need to see you once a month to track how things are going, and with your anatomy, this is the best way to check on the baby's health. It has to do with how everything is positioned inside of you." He said before continuing, "Anyway, everything seems to be healthy, but I'll be sure when the blood tests get back." He turned over to the counter, and grabbed a roll of paper towels. "Here, why don't you get cleaned up, and just let my nurse know you need an appointment for next month."

I didn't say anything, I just nodded. He gave me a tight squeeze on the shoulder and then left the room. I heard him say, "Miss Hasley, would you get the mop ready?"


I knew this would happen eventually, but it was still so embarrassing. The sports bra in my paw looked up at me, seeming to mock me about how I wasn't really a stallion anymore. I'd kept running, just as something to do and for some exercise. I also made sure to fervently tell myself that it was not a way to occasionally, accidentally, run into Shane the shire horse who had saved me. Yes, I was for sure not stalking him, or just trying to see him with his shirt off, his fur glistening with his body covered in sweat and his muscles flexing under his short trimmed fur, or hear his dreamy deep voice.

Yes, I was for sure not trying to do that.

It was clearly all for exercise.

I gulped and shook my head to clear my thoughts away. But, as my chest had grown, I found running with just a shirt harder and harder. There was a weight on my back that was causing me pain and things kept... bouncing around. I texted with an old friend from my high school es-gender support group, one who had been a dam for his stud a few times over by now, and he told me what I needed... I wasn't really happy about it, but it made sense.

My eyes glanced over to the other box he'd sent me as a gift, and I shuddered as I saw that one. No. I wasn't ready for that yet. I slipped on the sports bra, and I felt it compress my chest, keeping everything in place. While it did seem to make my chest flatter, it made my belly bump more prominent. I was at month 4 now, and seemed like I had a deflated beach ball where my flat washboard abs had once been. I reached down and stroked my white and brown splotched belly, and sighed.

I'd felt myself growing a little more and more attached to the foal growing inside of me. Every ultrasound made me feel closer to the little critter. I'd watched as they'd gone from a little bundle of cells to something that looked horse like. I kept wondering what their fur would be like, how big their smile was going to be, if they were going to like sour or sweet things, and any number of other things.

I began looking forward to the checkups with Doctor Dale. I could see just how much my foal had grown in a month. And well... I blushed when I thought about it... but being with him was really the only time I'd had a chance to get off. I always came whenever he gave me an ultrasound, I'd started to notice he always had a collection tray ready for me when I came over now. I'd watched him take my measurements every time. He'd take the circumference of my belly to track the progress, he would check my BMI to make sure I was eating right, he'd work over my arms and legs to make sure my bones were adjusting the right way, and he'd check my background magic levels to make sure nothing was out of whack.

And every time I went, he'd measure my bits. I watched visit after visit as he'd measure my dick, the inches shedding off as I got farther along. I went from 11 inches, down to the 2 I had now that I always stayed soft. My balls had also lost a lot of their mass, they'd gone from apples, to kiwis, and now they were just some very small grapes. My sac and sheath were tightening up too, so it looked as if it was the most natural thing in the world for me. The magic coursing through me was changing my body, making me into a perfect mareboi.

I'd tried to jackoff by myself, but I just couldn't get there. I wasn't sure if it was the stress, hormones, or the way my body had changed, but I just couldn't get off. I'd given up after the last attempt where I'd spent an hour on a dildo, trying to get hard, but unable... My balls had just bounced uselessly under my floppy sheath as I tried with all my might to cum around that shaft. I rubbed at my cock, trying to get it hard, but it would not budge.

That had been another problem... the jocks I'd used to wear didn't really fit anymore. My hips had grown too wide, and my balls had shrunk so much they just sort of hung loose in them. It wasn't something I'd liked to think about, but it was what was happening to me. I'd broken down and ordered some women's running shorts, and some tight briefs just to keep everything in place. Guy shorts just weren't cut in the ways I needed right now. I pulled those on now, the dark blue fabric clinging to my new curves, and I hoped the underwear would do its job. I threw on one of my old workout tanks, and it seemed to go way too far down now. I grumbled, and grabbed a pair of scissors and cut off the bottom few inches, going a bit too far, and my belly poked out from under it. I sighed, but decided to just get started with my run.

I put on my headphones, and did a few stretches before I took off down the path that took me around the farm.

Our property had always been a little weird, when magic had been young, it'd been on some powerful ley lines, but they had dried up long before even my grandfather was born. We had the remnants of a stone henge that countless centuries of teenagers had graffitied. My path took me past the remains of a town hall that had been there during the Mythic Wars, but all that was left of it was a very melted stone statue that the dragon fire hadn't claimed. The rest of the town had been mostly wood and thatch, so it wasn't exactly what you'd exactly call fireproof. Occasionally we had a person from one of the state schools come and give a rummage around, but the dragons had been pretty through, and there wasn't anything really left, besides the odd tooth. The ground had been pretty fertile after it stopped smoldering, so my many greats grandfather had started a farm here.

That residual magic did also cause some strange plants to grow. We got flowers that would bloom out of season, and a few trees that glowed at night, but as long as you had a wizard come by every few decades and siphon off any background magic, it was practically fine. On these runs, I'd often wondered if it was the magic of this place that had caused my unique condition... but I'd come to realize that was just fate. My brothers nor any of my uncles had this, so I was just one of those lucky boys who that had an ancient repopulation spell lock onto and change their biology.

Speaking of biology... with the new foal that was pressed into my bladder, when I had to piss, I had to PISS. I stopped in my tracks near the old sugarhouse, where we'd make maple syrup in the fall, and I trundled into the bushes a little ways. I went to whip out my dick and... then I remembered the last time I'd tried that and went home with wet shoes... I blushed. My dick was too small for that now, it would barely leave my sheath, so I'd had to start squatting to piss. I moved behind a bush, and did what I had to do.

I tucked everything back up when I was done, still feeling pretty weird about that... I never realized I wasn't going to be able to piss like a man anymore. I sighed, and I wondered how long I'd even be able to work any of it out of my sheath or if it was going to just get swallowed by my insides. I was so lost in thought that I didn't hear the creak of rotted wood under me.

There was a snap, and I felt the ground give way. I reached out widely and grabbed a root as it went by. It was thick and strong enough for me to hold onto but, it felt very slick under my fingers. I looked down, and I could see the floor under me, it had to only be 2 or 3 feet down. I tried to pull myself up, something I'd used to be easily able to do, but my arms just wouldn't respond. I'd lost too much muscle mass. I grunted in frustration, and tried again, and my fingers started to slip. I made a split-second decision. I could pick how I landed now, and land without getting hurt or I could land whenever I lost my grip and maybe hurt myself or the foal. I decided on the former. I looked down, the ground looked solid enough, so I let go and fell, like I'd practiced doing in summer adventure camp. I stood up, and checked over myself, there wasn't a scratch on me and other than my arms and paws being a bit sore, I was perfectly fine otherwise.

I looked up at the hole I'd fallen through, and realized that's where the main problem laid... The hole was at least 5 feet above my head. There was no way I could jump that high, and it's not like there was a ladder I could use to get out. I looked around the small space, there were a few rotted shelves on a back wall, and there were some wooden support beams keeping the roof up. It must have been a root cellar of some kind.

I looked around for a way out, I could make out what looked like a hallway that lead somewhere, but that had caved in at some point. There was no way out other than the way I'd come in.

"Well... fuck..." I cursed, before I looked around the space again. Something told me heading off to where the light didn't touch was a bad idea. I'd already weakened the roof, and who knew what else could fall. I went to grab my phone, but then I'd remembered I'd set it down on a stump outside near where I'd taken a leak.

I tried not to panic, but I did the only thing I could think of.

"Help!" I yelled, "Help!"


"I'm going to die in this hole," I said allowed to myself as I laid on the dirt floor.

Next to me was a crude pole I'd fashioned out of some splinters of shelves, some fallen branches, strips from my sports bra and tanktop, and the last remnants of my white tank tied to the end end in the hopes I could use it to signal someone. I'd tried every way I could think of to get out, but I was thoroughly trapped. Without a ladder, a few extra feet of height, or a rope, I was stuck in this hole. Or hell, even a shovel, then I could try to dig out the tunnel that must have led to the old entrance.

But here I was, shirtless, my tits hanging out, on the cold floor and looking up at a treeline that was too far away to touch.

Someone had to come looking for me eventually, right? But how long would that be... would they not realize I was gone until tomorrow? How cold was it going to be tonight? Was I going to freeze to death in this place before anyone even knew I was gone? I found my arms wrapping around my waist... were... were we going to die here? I was about to start sobbing, but then I heard it. There was the sound of a UTV somewhere in the distance. I scrambled to my feet, and I grabbed the signal pole I'd made, and I stood on tip toes as I shoved it as high up as I could, waving it back and forth, while yelling for help.

I heard the UTV get louder as it grew closer, I started to jump up and down, and that was my mistake. The shaky pole snapped, the rotted wood giving up the ghost and crumbling down. I had to jump out of the way to avoid it hitting me. I heard the sounds of the UTV get farther away, and I cursed myself. This was my only chance, and I'd fucked it up. I was about to cast myself into despair, but then I heard the UTV circle back around. I heard it get closer, and then stop. There was a pause, and then someone yelled, "Hello?"

"Help! I'm stuck in a hole! Over here!" I shouted back.

"Are you okay?" The voice asked, and I heard a rustling of equipment. "Did you hit your head? Is anything broken?"

"Yeah I'm fine, I just can't get out," I shouted back. "And I don't know how stable the ground around where I fell in. So be careful!"

"Okay, give me a minute," I heard him get closer to the hole, he moved slowly and cautiously. I saw his head peak over the side, and I blushed as I saw who it was. It was Shane. The shire horse looked down, judging the depth of the hole, and then he moved back. Oh god... not again. I felt a blush start to creep over my face, this was going to be the second time he'd saved me in the last few months... This was so embarrassing.

I heard the distant squawk of a walkie talkie, and I realized he was letting one of the other workers or even my dad know what had happened. I heard some rustling above, and then I saw a rope with a loop on the end fly over a thick tree branch overhead. The rope slowly lowered down, and I got a look at it. There was a loop big enough for my foot to slip into, and there was another loop further up the line.

"Okay, put your foot into the loop on the end, and hold onto the pawhold tight. Let me know when you're ready," he shouted.

I did so, and I shouted up that I was ready. I heard the sound of a winch, and I started to slowly ascend out of the hole. I watched as the forest floor came into view, and then I saw Shane. The bastard was shirtless, every one of his rippling muscles on clear display, his glossy black fur glistening in the afternoon light. I could see the outline of every one of his muscles, his powerful pecks, and his perfect six pack. His thick arms were guiding the rope back into the winch as he used the remote control to slowly lift me up. He was tied to the UTV by the waist, and he was holding an extra length of rope.

"Okay, I'm going to toss you another bit of rope, and try and pull you away from the hole. Do you think you can catch it and hold on?" He asked.

"Yeah, I think so." I replied.

He nodded and tossed me the rope. The end had a loop in it to use like a pawhold, and I snagged it. He slowly pulled and I gently swung out over solid ground. He carefully let some slack back into the rope that pulled me out of the hole, so I moved towards him and back onto stable ground. When I was about a foot away, he reached out and grabbed me, pulling me into him, before letting the rope attached to the limb go fully slack.

"Okay, all safe now." He said letting me down, and he took a step back. "I should look you over though, just in case you did hurt something." Shane looked at me for the first time. Like really looked at me. I watched as something clicked in his head, and a blush suddenly started to bloom under his fur, and turned the white stripe down the center of his face nearly pink. His eyes glanced at my bare chest, and his eyes quickly darted down to the ground. "That is... uh if that's okay. I've had a lot of experience with examining people's bodies." He blurted out, and he blushed harder. "Um... not that I'm some pervert or something!" He said shaking his paws in a way to help try and deny that. He glanced at my chest again, and he then covered his eyes. I covered my chest with my arms, realizing for the first time that I now had something that might make other guys act a little weird around me.

"I'm a volunteer firefighter, I've helped the EMTs a few times, and I have to take a training and refresher course every six months. We practiced with each other there. I've seen and had my paws on all the guys at the station."

The stallion paused, and he seemed to taste the words in his mouth as he realized what he said. "I'ma... gonna shut up now..."

I was feeling a little exposed now, I guess I hadn't realized that standing shirtless in front of another guy might be a little bit scandalous now.

"Uh no, it's alright." I said after a moment. "I'm not in any pain, but I wouldn't mind having you check me out." I said, my heart fluttering a bit as I realized the phrasing I'd used.

"Okay, is it alright if I uh," he gulped, "touched you? I need to make sure everything is okay under the surface?"

"Yeah sure," I replied.

He nodded and grabbed a first aid kit from the back of the UTV's cab, and he started to look me over. He found a cut on the back of my leg that I'd missed, he cleaned it up, and put a bandage over it. He prodded my ankles, legs, and squeezed them a bit. He checked over my arms next, there was another cut there and he cleaned it.

"Have you had your tetanus shot?" He asked. He looked back over to the hole, and then also asked, "And have you ever been warded against wood sprites?"

"Yeah for both, I got my tetanus last year and I re-upped on all my wards before moving back out here," I said. He nodded and he moved to my back.

"Okay, good, I'm... going to need to check the baby now. Did you hit your stomach? Do you have any pain in your pelvis, stomach, or uh," he said having to think for a second, "um, uterus?"

I started to wonder where my uterus even was. It's not like it was an organ I had considered much, but eventually I flashed back to health class and remembered.

"Everything feels good," I replied.

"Okay, I just want to do a quick check and make sure, is it alright if I touch your back and stomach?" He asked, his voice cracking as he did. Like he was asking some forbidden question no man should ever ask in polite company.

"Yeah, it's fine," I said with a soft smile, trying to make him feel more at ease with everything.

I felt his paws slide along my lower back, and I felt him push into the area around my kidneys. I felt some pressure, but nothing hurt. His paws were big, but gentle. I felt them slowly slide around me, and I felt his chest press into the back of my head. A few months ago I'd been around his height, and now the top of my head came up to his chin. I could feel his muscles flexing against me as he touched down along my sides, and I felt his digits slowly slide to my belly. He held me gently, and I felt my heart start to pound as he handled me. It felt... so good. This was the first time I'd been touched like this outside of a doctor's appointment in months, and his arms around me felt like heaven.

He pushed in gently, and he seemed to hold his breath as he listened for my reaction. He prodded a few more places, checking around the spot the baby was, and then he did something odd. Maybe I was just imagining it, but his paw seemed to rest on my belly for a moment. I could feel his heart beat a little faster against the back of my head, and I wondered if he was trying to feel my foal move. It was a bit too early for that, but something about it was just so sweet.

It was like he realized what he was doing, and he backed away. He cleared his throat, and he walked over to the cab again. He rifled around in it, and he pulled out a very large white sweat-stained t-shirt, it had some motor oil and hay clinging to it, but it seemed fresh from that day. He covered his eyes, and turned back to me.

"Um here, sorry I don't have something cleaner..." He said, his face still blushing furiously. The scent of arousal was in the air too. It was deep and rich, it made me gulp, and my head fog. I could feel pre pooling in my sheath now, I wasn't hard, but clearly he'd gotten to me... I grabbed the shirt, and slipped it on. It was only a horse XXL, and it hung off me, it went at least a 3rd of the way to my knees. I sighed, knowing that my closet wasn't going to fit me anymore. But I was very thankful to have it go below my waist and hide the pre-soaked front of my running shorts.

He peeked quickly to make sure I was wearing his shirt, and then he relaxed some. "Okay, let me help get you home." He smiled and opened the cab door of the UTV. I wanted to tell him not to, that I was still a dude just like him... but it was kind, and honestly I just wanted to get back. I stepped inside and the two of us started to drive back to my yurt.

We chatted a little bit on the way back, he was a pretty friendly guy. I found out he'd wanted to be a Budweiser Clydesdale as a kid, before he'd realized they only let Clydesdales on the team. He'd toyed with being a wizard, but he was fairly un-magical, so as he'd gotten older he'd floated around, before sometime after high school he found my dad's ad for a farmhand, and he'd worked here ever since. He became a volunteer firefighter later, because he liked to help people, and it reminded him of his dream to be on the Budweiser team when he was a colt.

I told him about how I'd tried to be a researcher for druid studies, something I could do even though I was unmagical like him, but after I managed to kill even the cactuses in my dorm, I decided to switch to computers. After all, a good henge was basically just a supercomputer for plants and magic when you got down to it, so a lot of the skills I'd gained transferred over. He asked if I was close to the baby's father, and I think the pause I had made him realize it was a sore subject. He flicked one of his ears out of nervousness, and he quickly changed the subject to the farm. He told me what he and my dad had been up to, and some of the side projects they were working on.

I found I just liked listening to him talk, he had a nice deep voice, with just a touch of drawl every now and then. He'd occasionally drop a "g" on an "ing" or he'd throw in a "ya'll". Before I knew it we were back outside my yurt, and he was scrambling to get out to open the door for me before I had a chance to protest. I blushed and he helped me out.

"Thanks," I said, I went to take off his shirt to give it back, but he looked a little panicky.

"Oh no, keep it. It's fine, I'll grab another one." He quickly spat out. He cleared his throat again, and I could smell a faint whiff of his musk. I wondered if just the thought of me taking off my shirt was turning him on. "Anyway... I uh... should get back to work. But um, I don't know if your dad told you, but he let me move into the cabin over the way." He said as he pointed back to a spot behind my home, where there was a building about 200 yards away through the thick brush. "I don't have all my stuff in there yet, but if you need anything tonight," he began, before he blushed, and then said, "or um, well if you start to feel bad, I bet you could yell and I'd hear you. You can also come over whenever." He said, before he rubbed the back of his head, and his tail swished behind him. "You know, if you're worried about the baby."

"Yeah sure," I said lamely. He waved goodbye, gave a shy smile, and then got back into the UTV. I watched as he drove away, some new fence posts jostling in the back as he went down the dusty road.

I turned and went back through my door. I closed it behind me, and I stood in the living room for a moment... well, it was all one room, but this part had a couch, so I was calling it my living room. I took the shirt off, and I went to toss it, but something stopped me. I breathed in, and I got a smell of the intoxicating scent coming off of it. I shuddered, and my whole body felt like it tingled. I'd... I'd never reacted like this before, it was like some switch had flipped in my head, and I found myself shoving my nose into the crumpled shirt. I breathed in, and I felt the tingles spread through me again. They started at my hooves and worked all the way up to the tip of my nose. I shuddered, and I felt the precum start to pool in my sheath as my limp pool noodle drooled at this stallion's scent. My body was crying out to me, it was telling me that I needed to be covered in this smell, I needed to have it over every inch of my fur, I needed to have it intertwined with my scent as I did everything I could to make the man attached to it happy. Wheather that be from the spot under my tail, my muzzle, or my new tits.

I whimpered, and I felt light headed. It was like I was high, the past hours faded away, and I found myself just getting lost in the scent...


I felt groggy, that manly scent was still clinging to my nose, and I found the shirt wrapped around my muzzle. I pushed it off, and the effort felt tremendous. I felt like I was hungover, I could barely think as I felt the bed shift next to me and I heard a creek. I turned my head and I could see a horse shaped figure in the darkness, it was larger than me, and gave a heavy snort that just impressed onto me it's size. I tried to focus on who it was, I wanted to say something, but my mouth felt like it was stuffed with cotton.

Without warning, it reached out and flipped me over onto my stomach, I whimpered, realizing I was naked. I tried to yell again, but again the words wouldn't form.

"Oh colt," I heard a familiar voice growled, I was having a hard time placing it as I felt heavy paws hold down my back, and I felt a thick cock slap against my ass. My eyes shot open, and I tried to struggle out of their grasp. They leaned down and I felt hot breath on my nose, "Or maybe I should say gelding?" It said, before it moved a paw down and grabbed one of my breasts that was now pinned between his paw and the fabric. "Actually, mare might be better, since you ain't no filly with a belly like that." It growled. "Good thing I know how to treat a mare..."

That's when it clicked.

"Dad?!" I screamed into the pillow my face was now pressed into.

"That's right... I heard how horny you've been girl, you should have just come to daddy, he knows what you need to do with a girl in need..." The man growled into my ear. Panic filled my muzzle, and I tried to fight against him, but my every move felt sluggish. The worst part was as I felt that cock sliding along my cheeks, there was like a fire deep inside of me burning. It only got worse as his paw squeezed at my chest, and teased my sensitive nipples, the new nerve endings there feeling like they were on fire as he rubbed them.

I felt my cock twitching, begging to rise, but unable. I found myself arching my back, and my ass rubbing at the length of stallion cock teasing my ass. I whimpered and squeezed onto the bed sheets.

"My, my, my, you are a little pent-up mare, aren't you?" He mumbled as he kissed along the nape of my neck. "Come on girl, tell Daddy you want him to breed you, and I'll give you all the stallion dick you need." He growled into my ear. It twitched as that tingle ran through me and I whined in need.

The lust was clouding my mind now. I felt like I had when I'd gone into heat before I was on the pills. That primal urge in my body begging me to take any cock I could, just be a little slut for any man who would wave a cock my way. I squeezed the sheets tighter, "Please daddy," I panted, "Please breed me..." I could hardly believe the words coming out of my mouth, but there they were.

I felt that heavy cock pull back, the paw that wasn't grabbing my chest spread my ass, and the tip of his unflared cock press against my ready puckered hole. "If that's what Daddy's girl wants..." He groaned before he thrust forward, and I gasped as I felt that hard stallion length sink into me. My body parted for him, like it was made for it... which I guess it was now. I felt him slide into me, inch by inch as his heavy stomach rested on my back.

The nerve endings inside of me had never felt so raw before, the toy had been one thing, but now it was like something was super charging the sensations. Then I smelled it, the scent of a stallion, and it was making me weak again. That musky scent was filling me, wrapping around my brain, and making every part of me sensitive. Every inch of his cock was pleasure that sparked like electricity between my nerves.

And then he hit my prostate. I whinnied out loud, and if my legs hadn't of been pinned under him, I'm sure I would have kicked out behind me. I felt like putty, my brain melting, my brain only wanting one thing... more of this stallion's dick. I arched my back and tried to get more inside of me. I felt him bite down on the back of my neck as he bred me, holding me between his teeth as his fat body pinned me below him. His paws were all over me, they were teasing my breasts or stroking my sides, or just grabbing one part of me or another.

I felt his heavy potent balls slapping against my ass. The balls of a true male, unlike mine that just hung useless in their little sac under my flaccid sheath. Really only there for the stallions to tease as I was used for my true purpose. I was a vessel to breed. I was here for them to pump with their seed and fill me with their need as my own was quenched.

I felt something building up in me, and I squirmed under the heavy thrusting stallion. I arched my back again, crying out as my prostate was stroked by that flared head, his thrusts growing harder now, and then I felt it. I felt that heavy seed spilling inside of me, for the first time a man had really filled me. It wasn't like with the sabotaged condom. No, this was intentional. This was a man filling me with his seed, and my body had pleasure shoot through me like a crack of thunder. It wasn't a feeling of lightning, no, that's just a flash in the pan. This was a boom that wracked every part of my body, and echoed on through me.

"So I called up the Captain, Please bring me my wine.

He said, We haven't had that spirit here since nineteen sixty nine.

And still those voices are calling from far away.

Wake you up in the middle of the night.

Just to hear them say..."

"Whaaa," I mumbled as I heard my phone blasting from my nightstand, I reached out, sleepily grabbing for it. I could feel something wrapped around my nose, and I looked down at it- quite the feat when you're a horse. The shirt from yesterday was still wrapped around my nose, it smelled more like me now, but it was still there. I was biting into it and the pillow.

I pulled my phone in front of my face, and tried to remember how the stop button worked, and it managed to belt out the last few lines of the song.

"Welcome to the Hotel California.

Such a lovely place.

Such a lovely face.

They livin' it up at the Hotel California."

I vaguely became aware of myself, I felt frustrated and aroused. I felt something wet against my crotch, and I pulled back the covers. My legs were wrapped around a pillow, and I was covered in pre, it wasn't thick enough to be cum, my balls and prostate ached too much for that relief to have come. I wanted to cum so bad, I felt so horny and pent up, I wondered if maybe I'd be able to finish for the first time in weeks. I started to try and recall the dream I had, wondering if I could use that to finally get the pressure release that I needed. I felt pre start to ooze from my tip again as I remember big rough paws grab me. I huffed and reached for my toys in my drawer, but then another flash, and another, and I began to remember the other details about that dream. I remembered my dad there, and suddenly all desire to get off died... I grabbed the pillow I'd bit and drooled on in my sleep. I shoved my face into it, trying to find a spot that wasn't too wet, and groaned in frustration and embarrassment.

I hadn't had a sex dream that intense since I was a teenager. I hadn't been that horny in years. I'd either always found my paw, or once I was on my drugs, someone to breed.

Okay, well, a dude to breed anyway... not for lack of trying though.

It's amazing how many times you can end up at a girl's house, get blue balled, and end up sucking off and fucking her brother. I swear, I was like a magnet for closeted gay stallions.

Well, the sisters of closeted gay stallions.

I threw off the pillow, and kept my eyes closed tight as I tried to fight off the morning sun. I tried to push the memories from the dream out of my head. But the thoughts of riding a big stallion would just not go away, though.

"I need to get laid..." I sighed.

Changes: Part 2

Changes: Part 2 By Ajax B. Coriander Started: 12/02/2021 Finished: 5/2/2023 === It turns out getting laid was harder than I thought it would be, my hookup apps only showed guys 100s...

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The Carriage's Fleshlight - commission for Guri

The Carriage's Fleshlight By Ajax B. Coriander Commission for: Guri Linus Start Date: 11/23/2019 End date: 1/02/2023 == Sedgwick kicked the broken wheel of his...

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Puppies Play

Puppies Play By Ajax B. Coriander Started: May 7th, 2017 Finished: March 26th, 2023 == Quinn squirmed as he sat next to the cute dalmatian boy. In another life he might have asked him out on a date, but thanks to the...

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