Shopping Day

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Story Summary: Two avali go shopping together on a space station, and end up getting a bit frisky.

Word Count: 6254

Here's another story for myself, featuring more avali from the Thunderstorm crew! This one is focused on Rock, the heavy lifter and cargo master, and Ralyn, the navigator and pilot, with a few small cameos from other crew members at the beginning. All are my own characters.

This story is more cute and slice-of-life oriented than most of what I write, though it's still mostly nsfw. I felt like some of it was a bit rushed or mundane, but in the end I think it turned out rather nice. It felt good to build more upon this lore, introducing some more of the members and showing what they're like to an extent.

I apologize for the long wait between stories, I've been working on this and a commission at the same time- and been busy or distracted with other things- but things should return a more normal speed now!

Tags: avali, male/male, gay, romance, size difference, small dom, big sub, public, virgin, first time, fellatio, oral, anal, reacharound

Somewhere deep in space, a certain spaceship- among many others- was orbiting around a massive space station. The crew had finished a rather lucrative job, now taking a day off to relax. Some stayed on the ship to laze about or finish work they had, most hanging out in the common room watching the television.

The door slid open as Rosa, the ship's chef, peeked into the room. "Me and Croccy are going on a date, we'll be back later!" She practically shouted before leaving. "Going out doesn't sound too bad.." Zarall, the ship's treasurer yawned, not getting up from their laying position on a beanbag. "Yeah.. Hey Rock, we should go shopping!" Ralyn, the pilot and the shortest member of the crew said to Rock, who was not only the tallest crewmate by far but probably one of the tallest avali there was. Everyone else in the room looked toward him at the exclamation. "Why me?" They asked with an eyebrow raised. "Well if I get a buttload of stuff, there's no chance I can carry it all myself." He laughed. "..Right. I'll change, and meet you at the teleporter." They mumbled, standing up and walking out.

"I didn't know you two were dating too." Trinity, another crewmate, giggled. "Naaah, it's not like that. We're just friends.. if anything, I'd say you and Mia are dating." He replied and rolled his eyes, and she only huffed and pouted in response. Meanwhile Rock had gone straight to the weapons bay of the ship, finding Lori, the ship's security, inspecting his guns. He looked over as the huge avali stepped in, giving them a curious look. "..Something the matter?" He asked. "It's just, uh.." They paused, stepping forward and looking back at the door. "..Ralyn invited me to go out with him. Only so I could carry his stuff, he said, but you know.." They huffed, the faintest blush on their cheeks. He sighed, crossing his winged arms. He was used to them asking for relationship advice, as he was the only one who knew about their little crush- it was entirely by accident, since he walked in on them during their private time with some of the pilot's underwear that just happened to have been misplaced.

"He didn't call it a date, did he?" He asked and they shook their head, a small frown on their face now. "N-no.. I'm nervous, though. I don't want to mess things up." They mumbled. "Hey, you'll be fine. You haven't messed things up yet, and we all know he likes you too. Not quite the same way you like him, but it's on the way." He chuckled, walking up to them and giving them a pat on the back. "Thanks, uh.. that's all, want me to get anything for you?" They asked, poking their fingers together. "Heh, I'll pass. Focus on you two.. Maybe you should suggest dinner if you get a chance." He told them, and they nodded before leaving and going to their own room, letting him go back to his business.

After swapping their cybernetic limbs out to the heavier, work-oriented ones, and changing into a nicer waistcloth, they went to the cargo bay and saw Ralyn waiting there in nothing but the same shorts he had on earlier. "There ya are! I was starting to wonder if you forgot or something." He laughed, and they nodded. "Sorry." They responded, stepping onto the teleporter with him. "Let's get going, there's a-" He was cut off as the two of them were warped down to the station, the environment immediately changing from the cool quiet of the ship to the humid, loud, bustling noise of the merchant station and the countless people all over it. "-a cool store I want to check out first." He finished, immediately scampering off into the crowd. If it weren't for the brightness of his green and yellow feathers it would've been easy to lose him, nearly everyone else being much taller than him and even than Rock themselves, since some of the alien species there were eight feet at the shortest.

They ran after him, careful not to run into anyone as their metallic limbs clanked loudly, chasing him down until he stopped in front of a shady-looking store on a narrow street filled with shady people. "Slow down, you know these legs aren't meant for running." They huffed, taking a moment to catch their breath. "Sorry, sorry. I couldn't wait to get here, c'mon." He said, giving their metal thigh a pat before going into the store, and they nodded before quietly following him. The inside of the shop was slightly less suspect. Slightly. There were many shelves filled with different jars of different sizes, containing opaque substances of different colours. Going by the labels they were some sort of food, but not anything that the tall avali recognized. There was an odd smell to it all that made their nose wrinkle, sickeningly sweet yet distinctly spicy. There didn't appear to be anyone else in the store other than them, Ralyn, and the shopkeep who glared at the bright avali who walked around and picked a few jars out.

"Uh, c'mere for a sec." He said, and they walked over to see him utterly failing to reach a certain type of jar that was on a shelf way out of his reach. "I need two of them." He huffed, and they rolled their eyes as they easily grabbed two of the jars and handed them down to him. "Thanks a bunch." He said, going right from them to the counter that was taller than him, almost dropping both jars as he heaved them up high. The shopkeep sighed, looking over what he was getting and accepting payment before giving him the jars in a bag and shooing him out of the store, Rock glaring back as they walked out with him.

"So what even are those?" They asked him, pointing toward the bag he was carrying, the two jars inside clinking against one another. "Glad you asked!" He stopped walking, pulling one of the jars out of the bag. "I have no idea! I just saw that this store was here while on the ship, and that it's edible stuff." He laughed, handing them the jar. "..Are you sure it's safe for us to eat?" They asked in a slightly concerned voice. "I have no idea!" He giggled, putting the jar back into the bag and starting to walk again. They opened their mouth to speak, failing to get any words out and just following instead.

For the next while the two of them went from store to store, entirely led by Ralyn while Rock quietly followed and made sure he stayed out of trouble. They were carrying most of the several heavy things he bought, mostly in bags with one big box being carried over the shoulder. They didn't mind though, enjoying spending time with him even if it was like this. Eventually he turned around in front of another unassuming store, looking right up at them. "Could you wait out here for a minute? Things are kinda fragile in this store, and you're uh.. big." He chuckled, and they nodded. Earlier they were brought into a store full of nothing but glass bowls and it went just fine, but they took the moment to rest anyway, putting down some of the bags as he went in alone.

He came out just a minute later, holding tightly to something in a wrapped-up box. "What'd you get?" They asked him, and he shook his head. "Can't tell ya, it's a secret." He said with a big grin. "Er.. if you say so." They huffed, picking up the bags again. Last time he bought a 'secret', it ended up with someone's cybernetic arm being blown up, so they figured it was best to not question it further. "Where to next? We should head back soon to drop some of this off, I can only fit so much on my arms." They huffed. "Really? I have one more place to go then." He said, and to their surprise he grabbed one of their wrists before pulling them along.

They didn't get a chance to ask where he was so excited to take them, trying not to drop anything they were carrying while they were practically dragged around through alleys and crowds, up and down stairs and ramps. They nearly fell over when he came to a sudden stop, letting go of them. "Here we are!" He said, having to shout over the noises of the station. They were very surprised that they weren't brought to another store, but instead to an overlook that viewed a huge area of the station, as if they were on top of a skyscraper viewing the entire city at nighttime, seeing all sorts of different buildings and lights. Despite how industrial and crowded things were here it was a rather beautiful sight, and definitely not one they got to see too often.

"This is.. Quite nice. Why'd you bring me here?" They asked quietly, glancing down at him before looking at the view again, their cheeks turning red. "Well, when I bought this, the shopkeep told me about it. I had a hunch you'd like it. And the view." He laughed, holding the box he'd just bought up to them, letting them put down the things they were carrying before taking it from him. "..This won't blow up, right?" They huffed after a few seconds of silence, trying to contain their excitement. "Nooo. I don't think it should, at least." He replied.

They couldn't wait any longer, carefully unwrapping and opening the box in their mechanical hands. Their eyes widened as they opened it up, seeing a small, rectangular device inside with an even smaller screen. It was clear that the device was ancient, but had been kept in marvelous condition. "I-is this one of those old terran music players? It must be millenia old..!" They said, looking down at him with wide eyes while he laughed and rubbed his crest. "Yeah. I wouldn't be surprised if it's the last one that could ever be bought. You like it?" He asked. "I do, uh, w-why'd you get this for me? It must've cost a fortune." They mumbled. It looked like there was some wiring in the box as well, so the device could properly be charged and used. "It was no problem, really. Was the least I could do with how much you help around the ship.. even though it's your job.. and cause I broke one of your other music players a while ago." He laughed nervously.

It was his turn to be surprised as the towering, usually stoic avali suddenly lifted him off of the ground, giving him a big hug that was almost uncomfortably tight. It was enough to knock the wind out of him at least, his arms pinned to his sides. "W-woah! You good, Rock?" He laughed, and they set him down on his feet. "Yeah, s-sorry. Just don't get gifts like this often." They responded. "Aw, well I'm glad you like it, man. Think we should head back now?" He asked, and after a long pause they managed to speak up. "A-actually, I was thinking that you and I could.. get dinner together..?" They asked nervously. "Dinner, huh? I could go for a bite to eat for sure, there's no shortage of places for it here." He chuckled as he gave his chubby belly a little pat.

"Could you pick? You seem better at navigating this place than I am." They asked him as they closed up the gift box, picking up everything else they had to carry. "Oh yeah, that sounds great." He smiled, walking away with them. The smell became much nicer as they entered an area full of food stands and restaurants, going from a somewhat dirty and smoggy scent to limitless different foods and spices. Rock already felt quite hungry, but now their stomach really started to growl. "What were you thinking of getting? There's not really a limit to what you can get here." He asked them, looking around at the different choices, or at least what he could see through the crowd. "I think I'll keep it simple. If I eat something that I end up being allergic to, you wouldn't be able to carry me and these things back to the ship." They replied. "Boooo. We rarely get to eat off of the ship, come on and live a little~" He nudged against them, and they huffed. "Besides, worst case scenario, Croc should still be on the station." He chuckled. "Guess so.. I'm not eating anything too weird though." They said.

Eventually he walked up to one of the many food stands, having to stand on his toes and hold onto the side of the counter to see what there was to eat. "We don't serve children here." The person behind the counter grunted, glaring down at him. "I'm an adult, jackass. What is this stuff?" He said, looking at the different tanks of unfamiliar food in front of him, all steaming hot with both delicious and unusual smells. Rock looked around while the vendor begrudgingly went over the different foods to Ralyn, crouching down to him for a moment so they could talk without having to shout. "I'm going to go to the alleyway there, so we can sit. Could you pick out something for me?" They asked him, and he nodded.

They walked over to an alley only a few meters away, setting down everything they were carrying and sitting on the fortunately clean ground, finally relaxing after carrying the many purchases of their crush all day. They looked at the box containing the gift he got for them, holding it close to them in their robotic hands. They still felt surprised that he even bought it, but despite their excitement they wanted to wait until they were back on the ship to try it out.

Soon the short pilot walked into the alley, carrying two small boxes of some hot food, waltzing right over to the larger avali and sitting right next to them on one of the large pieces of equipment he bought earlier. "Here, I got us the same thing. I kept it sorta simple, I think, since I still don't really have any idea what this is." He laughed and handed them one of the boxes with a plastic fork. "Thank you." They mumbled, setting down the present and taking the food, almost losing their composure with him nearly sitting against them. There wasn't exactly a grand view in the somewhat dark alleyway, and there was no amount of silence with the unending noise from everyone and everything on the station, but they felt happy next to him like this.

They opened the box, seeing what appeared to be some sort of cubed meat mixed with a glowing sauce, giving off an odd smell that wasn't unpleasant. "What did he say this was..?" They asked him, picking up one of the pieces of meat on their fork. "I have no clue. I wasn't really paying attention to what he was talking about." He said, getting a big jab at the food and eating a forkful of it without hesitation. He went still for a moment, but before they could ask if he was okay he went for another mouthful. "It's really good, don't worry, I think it just shocked me. I mean actually shocked me, not surprised." He huffed. They gave a hesitant nod, lifting their fork to their mouth and giving the bizarre food a taste. As it turned out he wasn't exaggerating, the meat delivering a small electric shock to their tongue as contact was made, sending a tingle down their mechanical spine. It had a spicy taste that wasn't too harsh, and they found themselves going for another bite despite the electricity. "See? I told you it's good." He gave them a nudge, and they nodded. "Yeah, you were right." They responded and rolled their eyes.

The two of them were about halfway through their meals before Ralyn suddenly gasped loudly, making Rock jump. "I know what would go great with this!" He shouted, looking through everything he bought before pulling out one of the jars he bought at the beginning of the trip, popping it open while they looked on. "Uh.. are you sure this is a good idea." They mumbled, but he wasn't listening. "Bleh, this stuff smells awful." He said as he scooped up a forkful of the dark, gelatinous substance, giving it a little sniff. He didn't hesitate to shove it into his mouth though, and it got an immediate reaction. "Fuck! This shit tastes awful!" He spluttered, managing to swallow what was in his mouth and shuddering.

"A-are you okay?" They asked worriedly, gently putting a hand on his shoulder. "Yeah, I'm fine, just.. ew." He spat, closing the jar and putting it away. "Let's just keep eating and uh, let's.. mmrph.." He trailed off, cheeks turning red and heat coursing through his body, focusing on his groin. He let out a pleasant moan, reaching a hand between his legs and giving his hefty bulge a squeeze as it started to grow. "R-Ralyn, what are you doing..?!" They asked in a loud whisper, watching as he suddenly pulled down the front of his shorts, freeing his eight inch long equine phallus, already as hard as could be. It would've looked silly on someone as short as him were it not so arousing, veins bulging as it throbbed hard, his equally disproportionately-huge balls tensing as they churned up plenty of cum. "C-control yourself, man!" They huffed, trying to look away and putting a hand on their face, peeking through their fingers as their own cock started to erect under their clothes.

"S-sorry man, I think that must've been an aphrodisiac or something.. Fuck, I feel so goddamn horny~" He moaned, not even touching himself as precum leaked out onto the ground. "Can't you at least do it s-somewhere more private?" They mumbled. "Yeah, fucking.. C'mere." He huffed, suddenly grabbing their wrist and pulling them a bit further into the alley, behind a curve that took the two of them into a barely hidden area. "W-wait, do you mean.." They asked quietly, heart pounding as they thought about why he would drag them with him in such a moment. "I know you aren't the biggest fan of f-fucking people, but I really need your help here. Just suck me off or something. Please." He practically pleaded with them, and they were so surprised that they hardly even noticed their own prick reaching its full size- a good six inches long, with a foreskinned tip. Not as big as his despite them being twice his height, their crotch nearly on his eye level, but it was well known that he took on a few 'modifications' for such a girth. "I.. o-okay, let me see what I can do." They huffed loudly. Unlike the rest of the crew they weren't the type to fuck everybody, instead keeping themselves to one specific person they fancied.. the real reason for that was unknown, excluding to Rock themselves and Lori. They hadn't even lost their virginity yet, not counting the multiple times that they used their mouth or hands on Ralyn, or he used his on them.

They helped him up onto a box that happened to be there, getting onto their knees in front of him, bringing his tip just an inch or two from their snout. "Just hurry up, I don't think I can hold back for long.." He huffed, the aphrodisiac continuing to wreak havoc on his libido and making him even needier by the second. They nodded, more nervous about letting him down than him being rough, or getting caught in the act. They leaned forward, close enough to feel the heat emanating from his member, sniffing up his musk. It wasn't a dirty scent, more of a raw, natural smell of his virility that made them want him even more. They put their hands on his hips, holding him firmly but carefully, opening their mouth wide enough to take the first inch of his wide prick past their lips. His hot precum splattered onto their tongue, the salty taste coating their taste buds even after they swallowed, more coming out with every other throb as they suckled on him.

He let out a loud moan, standing up on his tiptoes and trying not to thrust while they started to slowly slide deeper down his length, filling their mouth with it. "That's goooood~" He groaned, putting his hands on their head but not pushing them further, just holding them while they continued descending, encouraged by his praise. They stopped about halfway down so they wouldn't gag, moving one of their hands to his virile nuts, gently cradling one of those cum-churning orbs in their palm. Even with their large mechanical hand they could barely hold one of his balls, feeling its heat through the sensors in their prosthetic, and getting another moan out of him from the caressing. "F-fuck.. look up at me, I want to look into your eyes~" He huffed, gently rubbing their ears. They nervously looked up, trying to tilt their head as little as possible, their eyes meeting his, and his wide grin. He was blushing just as much as they were, but he definitely wasn't as embarrassed about this as them, more from the intense heat and arousal he was feeling.

"You look so goddamn cute like this, big guy.." He mumbled as if he was thinking out loud, still rubbing their ears. They huffed loudly, their heart fluttering from the complimenting and petting, trying and failing to hide their embarrassment as they started to suck on him again. They lightly bobbed their head up and down his length, not going past his medial ring or going too close to the tip, occasionally swallowing his precum so it wouldn't leak out of their mouth and fondling his balls, switching from one to the other once in a while so they could keep their other hand on his hip. Their own member freely leaked pre, not as productive as his but enough to make a dark spot on the cloths they wore, their own need pushed aside for now so they could tend to his.

He started to rock his hips, not thrusting hard or fast but coaxing the large avali into taking more at once, their lips sliding over his thick medial ring and his blunt tip prodding the back of their throat. They gagged gently every now and then, trying to suppress their gag reflex as he repeatedly pushed against it. Sometimes he paused to slowly grind as deep as he could, gently pushing their head down but not forcing them to move further, but they were determined to go all the way. They held their breath and pushed forward until they forced his flare into their throat, sliding right to the base of his dick with their nose pressed to his crotch. "Y-you took the whole thing, fuck~" He moaned, trembling lightly while their throat squeezed around his cock, his hot precum pouring down their gullet without them needing to swallow. His member caused a visible bulge in their neck, stretching them out quite a bit.

They put both of their hands on the box by his feet, steadying themselves and glancing up at him with a pleading look in their eyes. He got the message, giving them a little nod in return before he started to thrust faster than before without getting too rough. They closed their eyes, doing their best to relax so it'd be as enjoyable as possible for both of them, but with how their heart was pounding it was impossible for them to calm down- not that they needed to, thoroughly loving it regardless. Their moans vibrated his cock in their throat, making him huff and grunt while more precum spurted down their throat, his hefty sack swinging against their chin again and again.

It didn't take much longer before, without much warning, Ralyn let out a loud moan and squeezed their head, holding them at the hilt of his shaft as he started to cum, the head of his cock flaring wide. They shuddered from the sensation of his thick semen pumping into their belly, so hot that they could feel it warming them up from the inside. He was deep enough that not a single drop touched their tongue, though they could still taste it at the back of their throat, that virile and musky cream overwhelming their senses.

He pulled out as he neared his finish, drawing his flare out of their throat and letting the last few spurts of cum land on their tongue with only the tip past their lips. "Mmff.. T-that was great, Rock." He laughed quietly, petting their head and looking down at them as they swallowed the mouthful of cum before the flare popped out of their lips. He was still hard as steel though, and only a quick few seconds later he began to leak precum again. He was always a bit of a quick cummer, and usually the type to go more than one round, but now it was clear that the aphrodisiacs were still taking their toll on him. "D-do you want me to suck you again?" They asked shyly, and he whimpered. "Fuck, I don't think that's enough. I need more than that.." He took a long, shaky breath in, as if he was going through immense effort to not pleasure himself in some way.

They gulped, trying to think of what they could do to help. Glancing to their sides to make sure nobody else could see them, they made their decision and looked up at him again with a bit of cum dripping from their lips. "I-if you really need to, you could use my, uh.. my butt.." They trailed off, unable to keep eye contact while he looked surprised. "Really? Fuck, thanks, I'll try to go gentle. Just bend over this." He said, hopping off of the box. They hesitantly did so, staying silent as they got onto their hands and knees with their hands up on the box, lifting their long tail up high and lifting their covers with it, exposing their ass to him as he stepped behind them. He'd never done anal with them before, but they never told him that they hadn't done it at all either.. Such a location for losing their virginity wasn't ideal, but with him they weren't complaining.

"Let me know if it's too much, alright?" He said as he stepped forward, standing on top of their calves as they kneeled, holding his shaft with one hand to guide it to their tailhole and gently rubbing one of their feathery cheeks with the other. They bit their lip and nodded, trying their hardest to relax their body to make penetration easier. He pushed forward, gradually applying more pressure to their ass with the blunt head of his phallus, still flared up from his recent orgasm. They were worried that it might not even fit, but he was insistent on getting in, and they wanted it just as badly as he did, if not more.

Finally, with one more shove his tip popped into their tight rear, along with an extra two inches of his shaft. They made a surprised squeak unbefitting of someone their size, clenching hard around his prick and keeping him from moving. "You're really tight for such a big dude, you know.." He said with a wince, putting both hands on their rear now. "S-sorry, just didn't expect it to be so sudden.." They huffed, looking away while they tried relaxing, reflexively squeezing every few seconds without meaning to. "Here let me help you..~" He said, leaning forward and reaching an arm underneath them, his arm just barely long enough for him to reach and grab their needy prick- his hand wasn't big enough for his fingers to encircle their girth, but it got a soft gasp out of them regardless.

"There we go..~" He chuckled, slowly stroking what he could reach and starting to push his hips forward, sliding more of his horsemeat into their tight behind. They failed to stay silent, letting out a whimpering moan as his wide flare rubbed by their sensitive prostate, their shaft twitching in his grasp and shooting more pre onto the ground. The only experience they'd had with anal before was with one of their own fingers, and even then they weren't able to properly reach their prostate, so feeling it this intensely here while they were already being stretched more than ever before really had them shivering with delight.

Being penetrated so deeply was almost overwhelming, the large avali squeezing hard with their tailhole while he inched further, medial ring sliding into them. They were about to ask him to stop and give them time to acclimate, but before they could get a word out they felt his hips press against them, his heavy balls against the back of their own, every last inch of the pilot's oversize cock hilted inside their (formerly) virgin ass. "Y-you got the whole thing in..?" They huffed, shyly looking back at him. "Barely, I never thought you'd be so tight." He grunted in response, already slowly pulling back and tugging at their insides. They held their tongue, instead letting out another little moan as his medial ring dragged by their prostate again.

He started to thrust back and forth, going slower than he did with their mouth but being much more firm, lightly digging his fingers into their muscular ass while he fucked it. Both of them had practically forgotten that they were in public, moaning blissfully without any shame or worry, lost in the passion of the moment. He kept stroking their shaft the whole time, even managing to reach his other arm under them to use both hands to jerk them off, the dual pleasure of being fucked and rubbed making them melt. He used some of their precum to coat their prick, using it as lube to stroke them faster and harder in time with his thrusts. They even started to rock their hips with him, giving more force to his thrusts and making a quiet 'smack' each time his balls swung against their rear.

It wasn't long before they felt close to finishing, reaching back to place their hand on his chest, getting him to stop. "H-hold on Ralyn, pull out for a second, I want to change positions.." They huffed. "Fff.. okay, but be quick. I'm pretty damn close." He replied, letting go of them and slowly pulling out, his flare tugging at their rim before it came out and left them with a slight gape, and he stepped aside. They shivered from how empty they suddenly felt, some precum leaking out and running down their taint. They moved around, rolling over onto their back and spreading their legs, precum dripping onto their belly. "O-okay." They said, looking away from him with their hands on their face, trying to hide their embarrassment. He grinned, stepping forward and immediately grabbing onto their thick cock, pressing his flare against their tailhole once again. "Yeah, this is much better~" He laughed, pushing his prick in easier than before and immediately starting to thrust again, getting a loud but pleasured gasp out of them.

Their legs trembled, wrapping around his waist light enough to squeeze him but not keep him from moving despite their immense strength. He responded by thrusting harder, panting softly while his nuts swung against their ass. They were leaking pre almost nonstop, milked out of them by the pounding against their prostate and his quick stroking, sometimes shooting thick spurts onto their belly as they got closer and closer to cumming. They couldn't form any words now though, any attempt instead resulting in moans or gasps of pleasure. No words were needed though, only the blissful, hard pounding of his hips meeting theirs, and the heat coming from both of them as they mated with one another..

They didn't care about who came first, it felt too good to be worried about that, and they knew that they wouldn't be able to hold back when they got close anyways. The same went for him, each thrust bringing him nearer to finishing, until he rode the pleasure right into a second orgasm. "F-ffhuuuck, I'm cumming~!" He cried out in joy, slamming balls deep in their ass and staying there as he started to pump hot seed deep into their bowels. The feeling of him filling them up with his warmth was enough to set them off too, their legs tightening and keeping him pressed against them, dick throbbing hard enough that it nearly jumped right out of his hands as he squeezed it, the large avali blasting themselves with their own cum. It splattered onto their stomach and chest, some of it even reaching up to their face and getting on their tongue as they moaned. He rocked against them through their orgasms, grinding against their prostate while he kept filling them up with more of his heat.

Soon they were both done, cocks starting to soften as the two avali tired out. He let go of their shaft and flopped on top, his own still buried inside of them as some cum dripped from their hole. "Wow, that was amazing.. I wasn't expecting you to be so tight, but I guess it was enough for the aphrodisiac to wear off." He chuckled, looking up at them with his head resting on their tough stomach. They peeked down at him, giving him a shy smile with a hand still on their cheek. "That was actually, uh.. that was my first time.." They said just barely audibly, and his eyes widened. "No. Really? Nooo.." He stood up, hands moving to their legs as he gently pulled most of his shaft out of them. "Aw fuck, I feel bad now. You deserve somewhere way better than this dumpy alley for that." He laughed awkwardly. "N-no, it's fine. You.. did good." They huffed in response. "Well I'm glad you liked it, then. Don't feel too sore?" He asked. "Yeah, I'm- nnf! I-I'm good." They replied, shuddering as he tugged his flare out, cum spilling out of their gaped, quivering tailhole.

"Oh, you're.. pretty messy. My bad." He laughed, looking through the things he bought and taking out a rather nice towel, using it to try wiping up some of the mess from their body, climbing onto the box next to them to reach everywhere. They could only stammer in embarrassment as he rubbed them, his hands feeling their muscles through the towel. "W-woah, hold on..!" They gasped, putting a hand against him while he was right by their side. "Just didn't expect you to.. do that so fast.." They mumbled. "Heh, sorry. It's best to clean that stuff off as quick as possible.. you're still leaking a lot too." He chuckled, and they gave a little nod.

"C-can you keep all of this a secret between us..?" They asked him, letting their legs rest down. "Of course, man. You might want to shower as soon as you get back then, you kinda smell like my cum, at least Ralt would notice." He laughed, giving their head a rub to clean a spot he missed and making them huff. "Wait, won't people notice on the way back to the ship..?" They asked, tensing up as he carefully cleaned off their tailhole and their junk with the towel, wiping up the mess of cum. Fortunately they managed to tighten back up, so it seemed like no more was going to leak out for now. "Here? Nahh. On stations like this, people wouldn't bat an eye even if you were five times as messy, and fully naked." He laughed, helping them get back to their feet and tossing the cumrag into a nearby dumpster.

"Let's hurry back, t-then." They said, the two of them walking back around the corner. All of their stuff was still there, but a small, reptilian alien was crouching down to look through it all. Ralyn and Rock shared a brief glance before the latter sighed, stomping up to the scaly thief, who looked up at them and went still. Even though they weren't the tallest, they were considerably taller than the thief and definitely much stronger. The thing shrieked before scampering away, the pilot unable to hold back a snicker. "Let's get out of here, man." He said, giving them a pat on the lower back and picking up what he could, while they nodded and lifted up the rest. They were happy that they weren't caught in the act, but they were still rather nervous about being found out on the way or later.. regardless, they couldn't help but feel all warm and fuzzy inside after that, smiling slightly with a blush on their cheeks as they started to head back to the ship with their friend. They didn't get the courage to tell him their true feelings, but for now, this was enough..

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Not so Glorious

One normal afternoon at the mall, many different people were going about their business. Some were alone and some came with others, whether it was just a pair of people or a whole group of them, whether it was friends or family or whatever else. One...

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