The Sexual Adventures of A & J Hampton, Chapter one: Take it slow.

Story by A and J on SoFurry

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#3 of A & J

Well, since U.D. nearly died on me, I'm writing the things my husband and I have done to each other. In this chapter, I take Allan's virginity, and he tries to take out my organs. Enjoy it, because I didn't. All sex scenes, and real scenes as well, are entirely true. The characters portrayed in this smut are my husband and I, so everything is completely factual. Although for writing's sake, in this series, I've been circumcized. Just in case you were wondering.

(First time)

Allan and I had first gotten a taste of each other's sexual skills two days ago. I had experience, he had exuberance. I knew how to get a man off, but he had raw talent, making me bust before we even moved on to the main event. I was impressed with the ease at which he performed; he seemed to know exactly how I like it. And so today I went over to his house to finally show him what men were made for.

*Knock! Knock!*

"Jack? You're early." He opened the door and swished his tail when he saw me. I pecked him on the cheek, and kicked the door shut. He waved a gray paw towards the living room, and led me in. I smiled at the scene he had spread out for me; the candles, the stack of DVDs, and of course, the large meal set up on a small tray. There were all my favorite foods (Pasta, basically) and a bottle of wine on the table. I turned to look at him grinning sheepishly.

"Allan..." Then I bopped him gently on the nose, starting to laugh, "It's sex, not a date. Although, if that's what you'd like, we can definitely do that." With that, I pressed him against the wall, going full French-Mode on his mouth. His eyes snapped open, but slowly slid back closed, and his paws set around my shoulders. After a furious battle of tongue hockey, he smoothed out my hair, and grabbed my paw. He led me further in, setting me on the couch, and kissing me again. As soon as we broke our kiss, he went to the oversized TV, and bent over to get at the DVD player.

I had to adjust the front of my pants at the view. His long fluffy tail stuck out from his jeans at an attractive angle, and his commando nature let me see just a bit to the sides. His cheeks looked like they could be punished, if they needed to. He finished setting up Airplane! and turned to see me fumbling with my trousers. He chuckled, and swayed his hips provocatively. "Heh, you like the view? Well, if it's alright, I'd rather top." This brought me screeching back to reality. I remember rubbing his crotch, and the feeling of the monolith erecting in his pants. He was tremendously long, which usually leads to problems during anal play. Nevertheless, I accepted. "Alright, but only for you."

His dark eyes glittered, and he joined me on the couch. We traded places, and I snuggled deep into his chest, feeling the sensation of his breathing. After an hour of the movie (To which I paid no heed) I bent my neck to look at him. He gazed back at me. I winked, and trailed a finger down his chest, swirling above his navel. Without a word, he paused the movie, and shifted to where I was laying fully on him. He breathed deeply, and ran his paws over my back. We cuddled for a while, until I started to lightly press my waist against his. I pulled back slightly, and pressed into him again. He moaned into himself, and I could feel him twitch in his pants. I started to make light thrusts, the rough denim titillating me and getting it up even quicker than usual. Without warning, he pressed his lips against mine, properly smooching rather than kissing. He ran his paws down to my tail, and dragged my shirt upwards, then completely off. Our kiss continued through the fabric. Soon, he was starting to undo my belt, his immense talent coming in to play. He was a natural, you could tell he had the whole scene planned in his head. I started using my head, and planned on fast forwarding our little act. "Mmm... bet he's not expecting this!"

I dug a paw between his thighs, and started to stroke his bulging tent. He pulled his tongue away from mine, and whined. Allan retaliated my stroking with some of his own, pulling the seat of my pants down and rubbing my ass. I was now fully erect, and could feel myself pressing against the firm pipe in his pocket. I stopped dry humping him, now focusing on removing his trousers. After a few moments of grunting and fiddling his long shaft was freed, pressing up against my own. "Huf... Jack, are you sure about this?" "Stop worrying, I know what to do."

I raised myself off his torso, and stripped my underwear away. The canine on the couch tore off his shirt, revealing a body that drove me crazy. His fluffy chest led down to a set of slightly defined abs, the kind of body in "Women's Magazines." I dropped to my knees, and gently gripped the base of his cock. Thinking about it, I set a second paw onto him, and slowly drew them up. He moaned at this, and I twiddled my fingers to get him going faster. He couldn't help but lower a paw to his testicles, fondling himself as I worked my manual magic. I decided I ought to make him plead for it, and gently lapped the tip of his huskyness. He bucked into my paws, and I stopped stroking. His bodily instincts kicked in, and he began to hump my paws. Pre dribbled down onto my dark furred fingers, and I let go of him. He stopped too, and opened his eyes. "Why'd you stop, did I do something wr-Aah! Ah!"

Heh. The classic virgin line. He started gasping as I went down on him, tilting his length to fit it in. I knew where his pleasure spots would be, and snaked my tongue accordingly. He lay there moaning and shuddering as I did my work, trying to swallow down his pole. He shot another glob of pre, hitting the back of my throat. I grabbed my otterhood and started jerking wildly, oblivious to any sounds but those of my man. Soon, he was thrusting again, attempting to muzzlefuck me. I slid off, a line of saliva still connected to his tip, and laughed. "Slow down there. No, you know what? I think we're ready for part two. Do you have any kind of lube?" "There's lotion in the bathroom, if that'll work" "Good, be back soon."

I squeezed his testicles together and ran off down the hall. I found the bottle, and ran back. He was still reeling from the passionate grope I gave him. I raised a finger in a 'hold on' gesture, and squirted some of the lotion into my paw. A bit splashed onto the floor. Ignoring it, I started to paw myself, my piece slipping wildly. Perfect. I motioned Allan off the couch, and lubed up one of my fingers. I bent over the couch, and raised my tail, applying the cool lotion liberally. After a few seconds, I tossed the bottle over to Allan. "Here, get it slick, this is gonna be a rough one."

He was already priming himself for entry, his paws getting the entire thing ready. I pushed a finger into myself, getting the feel of what I'd do tonight. Still tight, and begging for it. The best time to penetrate. I shifted positions over to the arm of the couch to allow him easier access, and waved over to him. "Alright, you ready? Take it slow,"

I still haven't forgiven him for this. He lined up the tip of his long cock with my tailhole, and pressed it in. I grunted as the new invader glided past my ring, and clenched onto him. He wuffed, and took a new stance to ease entry. He set his foot right into the lube on the floor, tripped, and hilted himself in me. My shriek hit a note so high that it was surely imaginary. My insides fled in horror at the intrusion as the slick shaft abused my walls. Tears began to bead at my eyes (If you want to simulate this pain, take two Wii Remotes, and glue them together. Lube them up, and ram into your backdoor all the way down to your hand.) and roll down my cheeks. Allan yelled, and slid out of my now burning rear. "Holy shit! Jack, are you alright?!" "AAAAAGGHH! Does THAT answer your question!?! Jesus Al, be more careful next time!" He ran to get some medical supplies (unecessary) and placed me on the couch, trying to be gentle.

After a few minutes of intensive care, I stopped tearing up (I have a great tolerance for pain, but for god's sake...) and found my clothes. Frostily, I began to form some semblance of decency as he ran about making sure everything was alright, that I could walk, that I wasn't bleeding, yadda yadda. Eventually, my temper snapped again. "ALLAN! Just sit down, I'm fine!" He shut his muzzle, and slumped down beside me, running a paw over my neck in a peace offering. He's worked as a masseur before, and his other talent soon had me riding a wave of pleasure. Although he was still naked, our mood had completely bombed, and his ridiculous length was nowhere in sight. I raised my shoulders up, squishing his paws as he rubbed through my fur and into my shoulders. Once again I moaned, this time from relaxation. He sighed as he added more pressure, and I started slapping his sides with my tail. I remember (It gets foggy at this point) making a low growling sound, and saying something like "Deeper... harder..." and moaning even more. The mist in my head suddenly cleared as Al laughed uproariously into my ears. I turned, still a bit pissy, and cocked an eyebrow. "And what's so funny, may I ask?" "Th- those sounds you wer- *sputter* hahaha!" I tried to jog my memory, and burst into paroxysms of laughter as I realized what I had said. "Wow, what would your parents think?" After we calmed down, my normally chipper attitude resurfaced and I cracked a grin. "Heh, that's good. Um, Al? I'm sorry for being a dick earlier-" His tongue struck between my lips, and he forced me down onto the suede.

"Oh, just shut up and look cute, okay? You can feel sorry later, but for now," He snatched the remote from the floor and flicked it at the TV. "We have a date to settle." His mood swings had left me disoriented a bit, but soon we settled back into the mood we had earlier. I pawed at his chest, feeling the dips and bulges of his muscles, and kissed him for the umpteenth time. Who says romance is dead? Once the airplane on the flickering seen took off with Otto the autopilot at the controls, I lowered my paw to his zipper, knowing how to improve this evening. He stopped my advances, and spoke a few words, his pleasant baritone voice adding to the sappiness of the moment.

"It was too long, wasn't it? Not tonight, you've had enough. Maybe later. I'll be more careful next time, shug." This was the first time he used that Texan nickname. I'm glad it wasn't the last.

This was the first time Allan had his way with a man, for as short a time he did. Don't worry, next time, we get nice and dirty as I decide to explore his body, and he discovers how to make me sit up and beg for it. Sorry for the sappy ending, but I'm sticking to the original story, and that is how it happened. Thanks go out to Oblong Pomegranate, SexyKaiser, and anyone who enjoys hearing about my sex life. Feel free to ask for some of our other 'activities' or if you need help pleasing a man in bed. Comments critiquing me are encouraged, and please give this an honest vote. Love, as always,

A & J

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