Pokephilia Story (NSFW) - The Cat in Remembrance (Natasha Pt. 3)

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#27 of Pokephilia Story - Love has No Bounds (Reboot)

Natasha's Tale Part 3

A story for Memorial Day. I hope you all enjoy.

Natasha is back in Lakeshire Town, this time for Memorial Day, and she once again has to do the harrowing job of visiting her father's grave. But as she prepare herself, other events take hold that spell the coming of chaos for the people of Lakeshire Town, especially with the likes of Teams Shroud.

What will happen during the Memorial Day ceremony?

Poképhilia Story (NSFW) - The Cat in Remembrance

By J.C. Solis

Pokémon is Copyright ©? by Game Freak and The Pokémon Company.

I don't intend to infringe in copyrights.

Poképhilia Story

Love Has No Bounds

The Cat in Remembrance

Memorial Day 2023

By J.C. Solis

It was a warm evening in Lakeshire Town, with people from all over coming over to enjoy the rainy showers that came in the season of May. The rain often drizzled slightly in this kind of weather, moistening the plant life and flora and giving to eat to all of the plant-grazing pokémon and plenty to drink for the grass types. There was hardly anyone who was enjoying this weather, except maybe those who were susceptible to water, like Fire, Rock, and Ground Types. But the ambiance was too good for anyone, even those weak to water, to feel like a spoilsport. And the rains would calmly fall at the arrival of the rainy season in the Lake Shire area. At least the heavy rains were still a ways away from now. Those, however, were the ones that one ought to feel dreary over.

One thing that the rain didn't help with, though, was with driving, and the wet roads certainly didn't help a certain wrestling champion drive down the road in her Jaguar F-Type with safety in mind. Though the tires were brand new, even new treads could still slip and lead to an accident. And the last thing the poor lady wanted was to cause harm to passersby who were innocent from being hurt. And given her celebrity status, some people would be all too willing to drain her bank account once they realized that they were run over by none other than wrestling champion Natasha Anastasia Ivanovna and her Incineroar partner Ivan.

Ivan, for one, was clinging onto whatever he could to brace himself as his trainer slipped and slid down the road. What was surprising was that Natasha was not even going that fast.

"Ivan thinks Wee One should go slower, no?" suggested the bewildered and slightly terrified cat. "Ivan still wants to arrive to Babushka's house with all nine lives still with him."

"Oh relax, you brawny cat," clapped back Natasha. "It's the roads. I swear, it's like someone put oil on them. I had new tires put on this car, so I don't know why we're slipping so much. I'm not even going all that fast just so you know, barely thirty miles an hour."

"Well bring speed down to half, Ivan suggests. I still want be alive to drink more vodka."

"Oh, keep it together, Ivan! We're almost there. Just need to go around this street and then find a parking spot before we get off and unpack our things."

The champion and her pokémon soon arrived at her grandmother's house, the home of the Yurchenko family. It had been quite a while since she had arrived at this home, and she was excited to see that there were more cars parked outside - cars that obviously belonged to her four older brothers. It would be nice to see Vladimir, Gregori, Nikolai, and Alexei all over again, and even more so in the presence of cousin Sergei.

What's more, it seemed as though there was a parking spot just waiting for her in front of the house, especially since a sign was next to it that read: "For the PWF Champion Only". It was clear that this was her VIP spot, and she was more than happy to take it and get ready to meet with her brothers, cousins, aunts, uncles, and more importantly, Babushka and her Mother.

Natasha and Ivan stepped out of their car and into the drizzling rain, wondering if their family was already waiting for them to show up. But just as Ivan got out their suitcase from the jazzy sports car, the front door to the house burst open as little feet began to splash along the puddles, with little kids coming outside and running as fast as they could to meet their older cousin.

"Natasha!" cried out the children as they giggled at their older cousin's arrival.

All the while, Natasha welcomed her cousins with open arms, ecstatic to see them again.

"Cousins! I'm glad to see you all!" replied the champion cheerily. "I got you all candy from Ritz Regal City. It's in my suitcase, so let us bring it inside and I'll all give you some."

"Yay!!!" cried out the kids.

Then, an elderly voice was heard coming from the porch, an elderly woman standing wearing a smock and a red Eastern European head scarf.

"Deti! Bud' spokoyen!" (Children! Be Quiet!) said the old lady as she looked on at her granddaughter with a warm smile. "Ah, so my little vnuchka (granddaughter) had come back home."

At this, Natasha could not contain herself, charging forward and hugging the elderly woman.

"Babushka!" cried out Natasha with cheer, hugging her grandmother with much love. "Oh, I missed you and everyone so much!"

For one, Svetlana Petra Yurchenko couldn't agree more, with her and her adult children having dearly missed Natasha, and were waiting expectantly for her to come home. And with the arrival of Natasha back at the family home, it was now time for the rest of the family to be introduced.

A tall, broad shouldered man wearing a decorative uniform came to the doorframe, the man being someone that Natasha knew very well.

"So, how are things, Natty? Had a good trip from Ritz Regal? I hope the roads weren't too much trouble," said none other than Natasha's oldest brother, Vladimir.

Natasha turned and glared at her brother, not happy being called by her despised nickname.

"Grr, I told you many times not to call me by that name, Vlad!" shouted Natasha. But her angry face soon gave way to joy as she let go of Babushka Svetlana and charged right for her dear older brother, colliding with him as she wrapped her arms around him. "Oh, but I missed you so much. You and all the other big brothers."

"Well, it's a good thing that all the big brothers are here, seeing as how everyone's been waiting for you and Ivan to show up." And on announcing this, Vlad turn to the side so that her young sister could see the brothers all gathered around in the living room: Gregori, Nikolai, and Alexie. And among them was also cousin Sergei and uncles Igor, Boris, and Dimitri. And to the side of them all was none other than Natasha's mother, Lyudmila - now completely cured of her bought with tuberculosis.

Natasha walked into the living room to see everyone present, everyone having waited for the star of the family to show up. And everyone had a giddy look on their faces. The poor lass could only smile as she decided to give everyone a warm welcome at once.

"Vsem privet! (Hello, everyone!)" said Natasha to all her family.

And after looking at each other, and seemingly inhaling at the same time, everyone said:

"Privet! Dobro pozhalovat' domoy, Natasha! (Hello! Welcome home, Natasha!)," said everyone in unison.

And at that, the three brothers sitting down immediately got off their seats and made a beeline for the youngest sibling, charging for her as they wanted to give her a warm Russian welcome. At this point, Ivan walked through the door carrying Natasha's luggage, only to see his trainer being hugged all over by her three other brothers, with cousin Sergei even joining in the hug fest after the brothers were done. It was indeed a warm family reunion, and everyone was happy to see the dear youngest sibling again.

Natasha and Ivan sat down with the brothers, uncles, and with their grandmother and mother to recount the tales they had to tell while over at Ritz Regal City. Their champion defense matches were all of great allure to everyone in the room, with the champions recounting time in where they almost lost their right to wear the belt. They were all hard fought battles, but the two of them managed to come out on top every time. All the while, Vladimir, Gregori, Nikolai, and Alexei all recounted their own lives, especially Vlad - who was now a proud father, with his wife and baby child off in the kitchen with the aunts and Babushka Svetlana helping them cook.

But the one who Natasha was most interested in seeing was none other than her mother, Lyudmila. Though her bought with Tuberculous Meningitis and Tuberculosis of the Lungs was over, she was not the same woman that she used to be. She still retained her sense of self and her old personality, but her usual vigor and strength had toned down and been reduced to a fraction of what she used to be. The doctors all said that the poor woman had suffered some damage mentally from the illness, and this was hard news for everyone in the family to have to withstand, especially Natasha. She was just thankful that her mother survived the horrific illness, given how close she could have been to passing on.

"How do you feel, Mama?" asked Natasha with interest.

Lyudmila nodded her head, noting to her good mood and health.

"Good, my daughter. I try to help as much as I can now that the damn illness is gone. But Mama Svetlana and your aunts prefer I rest, even though I'm no longer ill," noted Lyudmila to her woes. "I don't like being on my ass while everyone is working hard. But sometimes I do get dizzy when I stand for too long. I can only work in small bouts."

Natasha nodded in return. It must be hard for her mother to come to terms with the fact that she had to take things easy from now on. The tough Russian lady was used to getting things done be herself, though of course she had to take backseat when she fell ill. She hated being unable to provide for her family, and though the illness had robbed her of a bit of her mental faculties and her physical strength, the tough Russian was not about to sit idly by while everyone else was hard at work.

But Natasha and Ivan weren't just here to pay family a visit. The fact that Vladimir, Alexei, and Sergei were wearing decorative military uniforms gave note to the important holiday that was on the horizon. And that holiday was none other than Memorial Day, the Daegar Holiday in which everyone remembered those who had fallen in battle and war. It would also be that time of year when Natasha would make a pilgrimage to the Lakeshire Main Cemetery to pay a visit to one grave in particular.

That grave belonged to Natasha's late father: Aleksander Pyotr Ivanovna, a once mighty special forces operative who loved both his home region of Russo and his adoptive home of Daegar with all his heart - so much that he wanted his children to grow up knowing both countries. And his children were indeed grateful to be able to live in both countries, with the five happy to have spent their time in the two regions. But the memory of Aleksander still remained in the hearts of everyone, being such a strong and masculine man who feared nothing - except for perhaps Lyudmila and Babushka. It was still incredible to think that it was barely sixteen years ago, when Natasha was ten years old, that her father passed away.

Now the whole family was reunited, hoping to prepare themselves for the celebrations that were to come in honoring Daegar's fallen heroes. It would be a difficult time for most of everyone, but the hope was that they could remember their fallen family members and be brought peace.

Natasha no longer got as upset with visiting her father's grave, even though a few emotions would still well up from inside. The fact that she was more stable around the grave meant that she had grown - even if she couldn't completely remove her heartache.

In the kitchen, the aunts and Babushka were cooking beef Stromboli pasta for the reunion of the family. The air was filled with the wonderful aroma of home-style cooking, with Natasha and Ivan realizing just how hungry they had become. It was no surprise that the two were willing to eat after their especially long drive from the desert. And for sure Ivan wanted to take a load off from the trip by indulging in some good ol' fashioned vodka to drink with the other men. But before the booze drinking came eating dinner.

For the moment, Natasha and Ivan went to take their luggage up to their bedroom and rest. The food was not yet ready, and the they wanted to take a load off before coming over to eat. There was a lot to unpack, both in terms of their stay in Lakeshire Town and literally from their suitcase. And yet for some reason, Natasha couldn't help but feel a foreboding. Something was unsettling her, and yet she had no idea why. Perhaps it was due to the turmoil of Poképhilia in the air, and the fact that she and Ivan were a poképhile couple. Even their family was in the dark over their secret affair, even though they knew they would be supportive either way. The only one who knew the full truth was Cousin Sergei, and Natasha was even hesitant to tell him, feeling that he might accidentally snitch.

But Sergei promised that his lips were sealed, and so far the man had kept his word. He was not about to have it go about that his cousin was a Poképhile, and so perhaps tarnish her good name. He did, however, warn her to not do anything too rash that could bring her and Ivan any unwanted attention, noting that not everyone would be supportive of her if the truth came out.

In the end, all Natasha wanted to do was kick her feet up and relax for the week leading up to Memorial Day. She knew that plenty of people would be taking that day off, including some of her friends. And speaking of friends, she was reminded to give her friend, Jason Kitchener, a call to hear how he's been doing. Though when she told Ivan what she wanted to do the cat was not too pleased, still thinking less of the man and his antics.

"Ivan still not like Unova chuvak," grumbled the Incineroar. "Jason comrade thinks he is the shit, when Ivan just think he is just shit."

"Oh, relax, brawny cat. Jason is a good friend," chastised Natasha, not liking her pokémon making derogative remarks on her friend. "Besides, he and the others will be so happy to see me. It's been a long while since I've seen anyone from the gang. And I know that everyone's hoping that we can all meet up sometime." Natasha then sat down on a bean bag chair in her room, her mind filling with all sorts of ideas. "Oh, maybe I should also call Kiara. Or maybe Saria? Or maybe even Francine! Ooh, I just can't decide. I have too many friends, ha-ha!"

Ivan laid himself down on the soft bed in the room, looking on at his trainer as she got out her cellular phone and began to make phone calls. The first, of course, was to her dear friend Jason, to whom she was overjoyed to hear over the phone. The man was definitely happy to hear from his friend, and they then went into agreement to meet up later in the day, along with the other friends. Natasha soon hung up and proceeded to call Kiara, who was currently having dinner with her partner Lance and her roommates Rose and Dante. Finally came calling Saria, who was currently with Razor and were watching TV - or at least that's what Saria said. The lady was talking in a rather strained tone, and she even referred to Razor as "Master" for once, to which Saria immediately corrected herself and tried to play off.

Natasha had no idea what was going on with the Greninja couple, but perhaps the two were having some foreplay bedroom antics. It wasn't in the wrestler's mind to criticize anyone for their choice in sexual gratification, and she wasn't about to judge Saria for being the "submissive trainer" in this case.

The final people to call were Fran, Sarah, and Justin. Justin and Sarah were the first ones, with the two having dinner with the Solis family and agreeing to meet up with Natasha later. And Fran said the same thing when she called her.

It was clear that all of her friends were available to hang out, but mainly after dinner. The agreed time was at six in the evening over at the PokéPark, to which everyone to meet the wrestlers. It truly had been a long while since everyone had come together to meet, and they were all excited to hear Natasha's voice. It was a treat to know that their Russian friend have returned to Lakeshire Town, and perhaps they would all get to hang out even more now that Memorial Day was on the horizon. And Natasha was more than ready to spend time with friends and family on this holiday.

But now was the time for dinner. And speaking of dinner, a zesty and meaty aroma began to fill the air, causing stomachs to rumble in the room. Natasha grimaced as she felt her belly sound off that it was empty. It had been a while since she had a taste of home-style cooking. Her own food paled to that of Babushka and her mother.

"Ivan thinks that Wee One is getting hungry for home cooking, no?" teased the Incineroar.

"Eh heh, I guess my tummy's a bit on empty," noted Natasha. "But nothing that some food that Babushka and Mama can't cure."

The two got off of their seats and headed for the dinner table, and the entire family gathered around to eat a warm and delicious meal of Stromboli pasta in a thick, meaty sauce combined with some pierogi dumplings. It was this kind of cooking that brought a feeling of nostalgia to the young woman, reminding herself of simpler times and the joys of her youth.

It was this cooking that her father, Aleksander, truly enjoyed when he was alive. He always loved returning home to the cooking of Mama Lyudmila, and she always had a warm meal for her husband and for her five children. The Ivanovna family was not the richest family, and everyone had to pitch in to help bring food on the table, especially the older siblings like Vladimir. But when the father died money grew even more tight, and soon they even had to rely on the Yurchenko household - Lyudmila's family - to get by. But over time, the older siblings either went to college or became soldiers just like their father, and the family soon was on track to gaining more of a financial foothold.

But the death of Aleksander brought more than just financial hardship. He was very much the rock of the family, and all five of his children were devastated to hear of his passing. But the man had always wanted that his family remained unified, that there wouldn't be any sort of infighting between siblings and no bad blood from anyone. He always taught that brothers and sisters should support one another, and to support their mother as well when he was not around. He wanted to leave his family unified, to share in a common kinship and take care of each other when he would no longer be around.

Vladimir, for his part, took care of his family well - up until he joined with the Daegar Military and even got to join in the special forces, something which people saw him as replicating what his father had done. Vlad was a chip off the old block, as many people referred to him. And when the youngest brother, Alexei, joined with the military as well he proved to be just as capable a warrior, meaning the youngest and oldest brothers were all tough cookies in their own right. And even though Gregori and Nikolai remained as civilians, their careers as an engineer and a special agent respectively both brought great honor and prestige to the Ivanovna family.

But the most successful of the family were not the four brothers, but their youngest sibling and only sister - Natasha. She clawed her way to an athletic career, hoping to hone her skills with martial arts. Her father taught her from a very young age how to defend herself, and his insistence that she learn everything from Judo to Karate to the various arts of Kung Fu sparked a love of martial arts and a deep seated desire to be a fighter. And her father's death did nothing to hamper her love of fighting, since she even took up wrestling when she entered into high school. And he skill as a fighter and a wrestler earned her scholarships for college wrestling and fighting teams. She was on her way to the top.

Of course, her pokémon Ivan was a key role for her being a wrestler. Ivan was fundamental for her training, and being that he was a heel wrestler pokémon, that only meant that his skills would greatly bolster her. She learned everything there was to learn about pokémon battles, and did her best to build her skills as both a trainer and a wrestler. Eventually, the Pokémon Wrestling Federation took notice of both her incredible skills as a fighter and her pokémon battle abilities. She was on her way to bigger and better things. And soon, she was able to fight her way to the very top and become the champion.

All of this started, of course, with her father Aleksander. It was because of him that Natasha became the success that she was now. And she hoped to keep fighting and make her father proud.

As the family tucked into their meals of pasta and dumplings, the air was filled with the jovial feeling of connection and satisfaction. Everyone was having the time of their lives, a loud Russian family sitting at the table and tucking into food and drink. And when everyone had eaten their fill, the family went to the living room to chat amongst themselves and get even louder. And that loudness was sure to be facilitated with the addition of beer and spirits, preferably vodka. And Ivan couldn't be happier to tuck into a few shots of his favorite spirits of choice as he and his family talked about life and the happenings of their lives. It was truly a wholesome family gathering.

But as the evening carried on and the loud Russians grew even louder, it was then that Natasha remembered that she was to go meet-up with her friends over at the PokéPark. She and Ivan got up from their seats and bid their family goodbye for the time being. They left the Yurchenko household and went down the streets of Lakeshire Town toward the central Pokémon Park. Though it was the evening, with the sun soon about to set below the horizon, there were still plenty of people out and about. And of those people, the Poképhile Friends were waiting for one of their own to return.

Jason was the first among the group to notice the arrival of Natasha, with Camilla also happy to see Ivan come on over as well.

"Sup, pal. Ain't seen your mug around here long," said Jason in his New York-Unova Style accent. "How's the Ritz Regal City limelight treating yah? I hope you've been doing good."

Ivan growled a little as he heard the man get coy with his trainer, though his anger swayed when he felt someone place a hand on his shoulder. He turned his head to see Camilla the Blaziken come on over, happy as rain to see her dear friend from Russia all over again. For her, it had been too long since she and the Incineroar had last seen each other.

"Hey there, big fellah," replied Camilla. "How's it shaking?"

"Shaking is what Ivan gets when he has no vodka," joked the Incineroar. "Just kidding, my comrade. I am not yet alcoholic, though give me vodka and I'll still be your kitty."

Camilla couldn't help but laugh out loud at the joke, happy to hear her comrade be so jovial and happy to meet her again.

Natasha and Ivan met the other friends as well, with them all hearing how Natasha was heading to Lakeshire Town Cemetery to attend the Military Memorial Day Ceremony, with her father's grave and all the other graves belonging to veterans and fallen heroes being used in the event to give honor to the fallen. And even the Mayor of Lakeshire Town was going to be in attendance. And everyone, from Saria and Razor, Sarah and Virgil, Fran and Christopher, and all the other friends were more than happy to accept the offer of the invite. And some of them even had family members who were in the military buried over at the Military Cemetery.

But to remember her father brought back bad memories to Natasha. It was always difficult for her to approach the tomb of her father on a normal day, let alone during Memorial Day. But that day would take place on the following weekend, and so she had a lot of time to help prepare for when she, her friends, and her family would gather at the cemetery to meet the great man as he lay in state.

Natasha could remember how one time during Day of the Dead she got emotional cleaning the grave of her late father. But she wasn't about to allow for past grief to consume her like last time. She wanted to do her part in attending the ceremony and giving herself some closure, hopefully by paying her father another visit and doing her best to attend the memorial ceremony.

For now, all she could do was invite her friends to come over and pay their respects to the fallen. It was only fitting that the Poképhiles paid their respects to truly honorable people.

And perhaps Natasha would finally be able to have some closure after so long...

It was now Memorial Day over at the Lakeshire Military Cemetery, and the people of the town and the surrounding areas were coming over to pay their respects. It was a difficult thing for people who had lost a loved one in combat to do, or perhaps simply the fact that their loved one was a military man or woman who was interred in the cemetery at the end of their lives. And it was precisely for this reason why the Lakeshire Cemetery was utterly packed with people coming over to pay their respects. It wasn't often that the citizens got to pay their respects to people whom they could consider to be heroes, brave men and women who gave it their all for the interests of their country.

It was precisely for this reason why Natasha felt so mournful. She was at the cemetery with her family and friends. All four brothers had come over to pay their respects to the grave of their father, who lay before them with a tombstone marking his final resting place. And the friends were also there, though only Jason, Justin, and Saria could attend while the other friends had prior engagements to attend to, and so could not come over. Natasha understood, though, since a lot of people didn't have work off on Memorial Day. But having the friends over in spirit was more than enough for Natasha.

The Mayor of Lakeshire Town walked on over, a tall and proud man by the name of Lionel Campbell. He was a generally handsome man, looking especially young for the position of mayor. But in truth, he conveyed a maturity and grace that a young man like him didn't often have - one which earned him the trust of the town and it's community. The man was wearing an all black attire as he greeted his citizens and even chatted with some people. With him was none other than Pastor Solis, who was tending to the masses and even giving rites to the graves of families who specifically asked for them. There was so much that was going on, and the hope was that the families of the departed could share a moment in solidarity with the deceased.

Natasha, though, found it difficult to contain her grief. Her mother, Lyudmila, was also with her, and she was much more stone-faced and serious than her daughter. Though her faculties had diminished, the middle aged Russian woman was tough and emotionally strong. More than anything, she hoped that her late husband would now be at peace, forever with The Alpha as he carried on from this mortal coil and off into the realm of peace and paradise.

Among Pastor Solis and Mayor Campbell, there was also an important person from the government as well: a general of the Daegar Region Military, a man by the name of Marcus Powers. Powers was a high ranking general in the Daegar Military, though being a native of Lakeshire Town the people were also endearing to him as one of their own. He came to head the ceremony in Lakeshire Town, seeing as how this was the biggest Military Cemetery for miles around. And it was his responsibility to represent the military as one of their top brass.

The general, coming forward, walked to a podium as he prepared to give a speech. Seeing the tall, proud and powerful man in his general's uniform and with all his medal gave the look of someone who commanded authority. He commanded respect amongst the people, and when he was about to speak, everyone gave him their attention.

"I thank you all for being here on this fine Monday Morning, Citizens of Lakeshire Town. As you all know, I come from this humble town, a native who has returned to do his duty of celebrating the arrival of yet again another Memorial Day. It is through a heavy heart that we remember those who gave their lives for the sake of this country. All of the brave men and women interred in this cemetery were people who gave it their all for the sake of Arceus and county. And my hope is that-"

Natasha listened intently to all the words that the general spoke, hoping to find some solace in the aged man's speech as he carried on about the sacrifice that all the people within the cemetery gave to serve their country. And one look at the grave of her father was enough to make her eyes water again. She didn't know how to calm herself down at this point, the waterworks sure to come as she kept listening to the general's words and her thoughts returned to thinking about her father.

But as she was about to sob, she felt someone place a hand on her shoulder. She turned around and saw Ivan looking at her, a warm smile on his face. She could feel his warmth and his sincerity, the pokémon hoping that his master wouldn't be alone through her grief. He wanted her to know that he was with her, and that he was there to offer a shoulder to lean on.

Natasha returned the smile, happy to see her pokémon give her comfort and love.

A loud roar could be heard off in the distance, with the General stopping his speech as he wondered what that sound was. The other guests of the speech were also curious as to what on earth could be causing the guttural voice. But they wouldn't have to wait long.

A beam of energy could be seen coming for the crowd, with beam coming directly for the General. But before he could be hit, he was pushed out of the way as Pastor Solis grabbed him and charged forward with the general, saving the military man in the nick of time as the Hyper Beam blasted the podium and turned it to splinters. Everyone then grew in uproar, wondering who had the audacity to order a pokémon a use Hyper Beam on someone as important as the general.

Soon, a few round balls were thrown into the area, and the balls erupted into a cloud of smoke, blocking the area with a thick smoke cloud and obscuring their vision. The people all around the cemetery began to scream and shout, wondering what on earth was going on. It was when the smoke cleared that ten hooded people were stood in front of the podium. All ten looked on, their hood obscuring their faces and keeping them hidden.

These people were none other than Team Shroud, and they were on a mission.

"Let the sinners be punished, so may Our God cast judgement on the masses," said the leader up in front. "People of Lakeshire Town, you are being deceived. The people who are here are trying to confuse you on your stance with Poképhilia. And I hope that you turn your backs from these sinners before things get out of control."

At this moment, Natasha, her cousin Sergei, and her four brothers stepped forward, getting ready for a fight. Vladimir sent out an Tyranitar, Gregori an Alakazam, Nikolai an Arcanine, and Alexei a Aggron, all while Sergei sent out his Ursaring Pyotr. All five men had tremendously powerful pokémon, especially Vlad and Alex, and with the addition of Ivan the Incineroar Natasha also joined in the fight to make sure that Team Shroud didn't hurt anyone.

"You bastards!" yelled out Natasha. "Why are you here on a day like this?!? Can't you see that we're mourning?!"

"And people will mourn even more when we tell the truth, Miss Ivanovna," relayed the Team Shroud leader. "You are a Poképhile. You dishonor the memory of your late father. He would be upset with you for doing something so unconsecrated."

At this, Natasha froze.

"How do you know about my father?" she said rather spooked.

The Team Shroud Squad Leader let out a cackle, feeling as though he struck a nerve.

"Because I know your father personally. He was a friend of mine, and someone whom I served with. He hated Poképhilia, and he wanted nothing to do with them. Whether you choose to believe me or not, just remember that your current actions disgrace your father's memory."

At this, Natasha felt rattled. It was true. She remembered her father berating Poképhiles when he was still alive. He hated them, and even told his children to never be like them. Was she disgracing his memory then? Was she doing something that was against his wishes?

But the brothers were not going to stand for this.

"Don't you dare talk shit about my dad and my little sister!" roared Vladimir.

"And even if she were a Poképhile, Dad would still be proud of her for all that she's achieved!" added in Gregori as he defended his sister.

"I'm a Special Agent working for the Federal Bureau of Investigation. And I intend to bring you all in right here and now," joined in Nikolai. "And I'll include threatening my little sister to your growing list of crimes, Team Shroud."

"Little sis did nothing wrong, you assholes!" said Alexei finally. "And if you intend to harm her, my family, or anyone here, then I intend to give you all a beating you won't soon forget."

The members of Team Shroud remained unmoving as they released their own pokémon. The pokémon of Team Shroud consisted of everything form Hydreigon to Gengar and even a Salamence, and they too all looked powerful. But it seemed that a nerve was struck among the crowds, with Natasha's Poképhile friends stepping forwards with their own pokémon to defend their friend and the people who were all over. Everyone from Saria to Fran to Justin and even Sarah stepped forwards to fight.

The place was now a bona fide powder keg, with the only thing to set if off being who lob the first move.

And that first move happened to come from the Team Shroud Leader's Garchomp.

"Use Earthquake!" commanded the Leader.

And the Garchomp did as he was told, with the ground shaking and causing tremendous damage to the pokémon in front, but Ivan charged forwards using Darkest Lariat, stopping the move before the other pokémon would continue to get hurt.

And with that, the scene erupted into utter mayhem. Pokémon moves were lobbed at one another as the two sides fought with each other. Everything from Water and Fire type moves, to Steel, Dark, and even Psychic were all used to inflict as much damage as possible. The melee was utter chaos, with pokémon being hurt left and right. But what was quickly becoming clear was that Team Shroud was losing. It was a battle that was sorely against them since the Poképhiles had the numbers advantage.

But when things were getting too much, the Team Shroud leader decided to go after their target - none other than Natasha herself.

"Garchomp, obliterate the interloper," said the Leader.

And with that the Garchomp opened it maw and prepared to throw a beam of Hyper Beam at its intended target. Natasha was too preoccupied with fighting to notice the move. And when she turned to see the ball of the beam form in front of the maw of the Garchomp, she was too late to duck out of the way. She was going to be hit.

But someone did notice what was going on, and that person rushed to push Natasha out of the way. That person was none other than her oldest brother Vladimir.

The Hyper Beam hit Vladimir, not directly but just enough to send him flying. The poor man was sent careening towards a gravestone, where he was slammed hard against none other than the tomb of his father. And the poor man was unconscious, unable to move as he lay still on the ground.

"Vladimir!!!" screamed Natasha as she rushed to his aid. She reached her dear brother and tried her best to revive him. But the man was out cold, and he couldn't respond.

It was this hit that stopped the fighting. Everyone looked on in shock at what they had witnessed. Vladimir sacrificed himself to save his little sister, and even the members of Team Shroud looked on uneasily. They perhaps potentially killed an honorable man, someone whom they weren't intending to hurt. But what was done was done, and the surrounding people booed and jeered at Team Shroud for what they had done. With the support of the people gone, Team Shroud knew their mission had failed. And with the sound of police sirens off in the distance, it was clear that their plans had been foiled.

"This is not the last you'll hear of us!" screamed the Team Shroud Leader. "Our God will find deem you unworthy of life, and his judgement will be passed!" He then turned to face Natasha. "As for you, Natasha, if you wish to discover the truth about how I know about you, look to your father's past. I'm sure you will soon find out."

And with that, the members threw smoke bombs down onto the ground, but Natasha was not amused. She got up and ran into the smoke. "Get back here, you monsters!" she called out, wanting to choke out the life of those who were responsible. And when she extended out her arm, she grabbed someone who was trying to flee. Using her strength and her Mixed Martial Arts experience, she wrapped her arm around the neck of the fleeing suspect, putting a vicious chokehold on him. The sounds of rasping and gurgling could be heard, and when the smoke cleared everyone could see Natasha on the ground as she grappled onto the body of the Team Shroud member.

When Nikolai came over to put handcuffs on the man, he told his sister to stop, but she didn't listen to his words, continuing to choke the man. "Natasha, stop already!" commanded Nik again. But still she wouldn't stop. "Stop it, damn it!" But still, she would not let go. It was only when He pulled on Natasha's shoulders that she at last let go.

"Good grief, I thought you were going to kill the guy," noted Nik with apprehension.

"I would have," said Natasha coldly. "These monsters deserve the worst."

She then turned and went back for Vladimir, who was still unconscious but still alive. Alexei and Sergei were already there, giving first aid to the man as they tried to keep him alive. All the while, armed police officers with Attack Pokémon charged forward and made for the scene of the action. Paramedics had arrived, and soon Vlad was put on a stretcher and was on his way to the hospital.

But when Natasha saw her brother being taken to the ambulance vehicle, the realization hit that she was almost about to lose her dear older brother. At this, she fell to the floor as she began to cry hysterically. She didn't want to lose her brother just like how she lost her father, and her family and friends came over to comfort her as she saw the paramedics scream off to take Vladimir to the hospital. Alexei even went with the ambulance inside to offer assistance and to protect the vehicle from any sort of ambush or ploys that Team Shroud might have.

As for Natasha, her grief showed no end. She didn't want to lose her brother, and as her pitiful wails filled the area Ivan walked forwards and hugged her. She was in a sorry state, and she would need time to recover.

As for the fate of Vladimir, much remained to be seen...

It was now the morning after the assault over at the cemetery, and the Ivanovna brothers and sister were in the Intensive Care Unit over at Lakeshire Memorial Hospital. When Vlad arrived he was in critical condition, with one of his lings collapsed, several broken ribs, and with some internal bleeding. He was in bad shape, and Natasha could only look on stoically as she saw her oldest brother clinging onto life, with machines making sure that he wasn't going to die. All the while, Ivan was there with her as she tried her best to give comfort to his dear trainer during this difficult time. His usual wide, toothy smile, was replaced by a somberness that was unusual for the jolly Russian cat. And he was there to give his support to his partner and lover.

This was a difficult time for the Ivanovna family, and when Natasha left the room of her brother she was greeted by the presence of Jason, Kiara, Saria, Justin, and their pokémon. It was a difficult time for everyone, seeing the pure grief that was in the eyes of Natasha, her eyes red from all of the tears that she gave, and she didn't know whether or not she could find solace right now. She was grateful for the presence of her friends, and their support was something that she really needed right now.

The Ivanovna family soon left the hospital, leaving their deal eldest brother to his fate. All the while, Mother Lyudmila and Babushka Svetlana both took their turn to see the ailing son in his bed, with both of them with tears in their eyes.

According to Nikolai, the FBI interrogated the man that Natasha caught, and it turned out to be a trove of information. He reveled the names and the locations of several Team Shroud bases, though when the Feds went to investigate they found these places to be empty and long since abandoned. Team Shroud left them, knowing that they've been compromised. As for names and addresses of members of the cult-like organization, one name stood out to Natasha and the brothers.

The names was that of Cecil Martins, and they knew him well.

He was a dear friend to their late father, and even served alongside him. Cecil was a renowned military hero, though he was a staunch Anti-Poképhilia Crusader. Perhaps he was the reason why Aleksander too was also against Poképhilia.

This betrayal didn't sit lightly with Natasha. If she ever came across Cecil again, she wanted to demand why he would target the children of his dear late friend. It was because of Cecil that Vlad was put in a coma, and the siblings were not about to let this matter go.

They'd make Cecil and whoever he worked for pay, in one form or another.

But one curious things that Nikolai noted was as to the god that Team Shroud supposedly worshiped, the one that was supposedly against Poképhilia. The suspect would not divulge this information, but one thing was clear: it wasn't Arceus, nor was it the Devil, Giratina. This entity was a creature that didn't like the practice, but didn't seem to care about good or bad. It's origins was a mystery, and nobody had the foggiest idea which of the countless legendary, god-like pokémon was the one that ordered Team Shroud to do the things that it wanted to do.

Perhaps the pokémon was a lie, and Team Shroud was merely using the guise of a divine entity to justify their cruel actions against people and their campaigns of fear. Whatever the case, it became clear that Poképhiles were still very much in danger.

As for why Team Shroud wanted to attack General Powers remained unknown. Perhaps it was because they wanted to send a message. Mayor Campbell and Pastor Solis were obvious, since the two have been vocal about their stance with Poképhilia, but attacking a top ranking official would at the very least put Team Shroud on the headlines for weeks to come. Perhaps they really were trying to send a message after all?

But what was done was done. Mama Lyudmila and Babushka Svetlana both came out of Vlad's room with tears in their eyes as the family and friends went on their way back home. It was a difficult time for everyone, and the hurt was in everyone's eyes. The Ivanovna family returned home while the friends went back to their homes as well. It was going to be a difficult time for everyone involved. And for Natasha, this was a pain that would not away easily, even with time. And if the worst was going to happen, she would never forgive Team Shroud for what they did to her brother.

This grief was the same grief that she felt when her father passed away. Though her brother was not yet dead, she felt the same feeling of hurt as when Aleksander tragically died all those years ago. In many ways, Vladimir filled the void left behind when their father passed. He became the new father figure, and he was cherished by everyone.

For now, all Natasha could do was lay down on her bed as she tried her best to push the thought of Vlad's potential death off to the side. She had hope in her heart that her brother would pull through this. The man had been through far worse scenarios and he came out alive every time. Just like his father, he was not about to give up when those who needed him most still wanted him around.

For his part, Ivan lay on bed with Natasha, pulling her close to him as she quietly cried into his warm and furry red chest. She would need much more time to recover, and the hope was that everything would turn out okay.

But in truth, only Arceus knew of the fate of Vladimir. His life was on the balance...

It was now one week after the traumatic Memorial Day event that put Vladimir Ivanovna in the Hospital, and the man himself was up and about, having suffered no serious lasting damage other than having been in a coma for around four days. His body was still battered, though, and it still hurt to move. But for now, Vlad was alive, and that was enough for him and his family. Everyone was absolutely elated when Vlad hopped out of Uncle Igor's beat-up Jalopy of a Peugeot car walked towards the Yurchenko household with crutches in his arms, all while Uncles Dimitri and Boris helped him along and made sure that the man wouldn't topple over from the exertion.

When Vlad stepped through the front door, his body covered in bandages underneath his clothes, and with a bandage wrapped around his head, the family was overjoyed to see him walk through the front door. Though the doctors wanted to keep him around and monitor him, the man wanted nothing more than to walk forward and meet with his family. And his wife Diana was definitely waiting there with her son for him to return.

And of everyone who was happy to see him up and about again, none was more elated than Natasha. The poor Russian lass wanted nothing more than to see her brother walking again. And him sitting down on the sofa carefully with his brothers made him feel all the better. What would make him feel even better was all the alcohol the brothers brought with them, and Vlad was more than happy to partake with a couple of shots of vodka to both celebrate and help take his mind off of the pain from barely surviving a Hyper Beam attack. For one, Ivan was more than willing to partake in some old fashioned Russian drunkenness to pass the time and calm some bodily pains.

The family spent the rest of the evening reminiscing and reflecting, chattering and bickering. There was a lot to unpack from Vlad almost being taken out, but perhaps some food to pair with the alcohol would also serve well. This Saturday, though, take out was on the menu as five boxes of pizza were delivered to the house. Babushka was not all too pleased that she didn't get to cook for her boys, but that didn't stop her from tucking into a few slices of pepperoni.

But for all the jolliness that came with Vlad's revival, there was still the tension and uncertainty with how the family would carry on from the attack at the cemetery. There was the worry that Team Shroud might retaliate against them, though all five siblings displayed no fear with the thought that they'd be targeted by the terrorists for whatever schemes they had planned. And that fear was mostly belayed due to the fact that they all had powerful pokémon that were more than willing to put their own hides on the line to defend their trainers if push came to shove.

For their part, Natasha and Ivan were more than happy to spend time with family, watching some funny stand-up comedy videos on the TV, both in English and in Russian to add some variety. And everyone was laughing their rear ends off to the jokes and skits that the comedians gave. And when Babushka laughed at the Russian comics, she gave a laughter that sounded more like a screeching Mandibuzz rather than an older woman with dignity.

Towards the end of the evening everyone decided that it was time to head to bed, with everyone either returning to their rooms or going off to their homes in the neighborhood. Some of them even had to stay in hotel rooms considering they lived out of town. But as for Natasha, she was fortunate to have her room in the house, close to her mother and grandmother so that she wouldn't have to rent a hotel room. As for what she hoped to do when she was inside remained to be seen.

Natasha sat on her beanbag chair as Ivan hopped onto bed to rest from the all the alcohol he drank. He didn't drink enough to get completely intoxicated, but the brawny cat was more than a little tipsy. The two spend the rest of the evening wondering what they'd like to do in the days to come now that Memorial Day was more than a week past. There were so many places to see and visit in town, and just as usual the townsfolk wouldn't bother them since the community respected their privacy as members of their own. But most of the time they spent here in Lakeshire Town was spent worrying over Vladimir.

Perhaps it was time to unwind and relax, take a load off, and get comfortable.

Natasha turned to see her pokémon laying down on the bed, asleep as he was trying his best to shake off the weariness that came from drinking almost half a liter of vodka. But one look at his crotch and Natasha could see his pokémon start to have an erection. It seemed that whatever he was dreaming of was giving him a hard on, and his cock was slowly starting to poke out as his dreams inadvertently got him aroused. It was this erection that made Natasha feel a little horny. She began to feel turned on, and her mind was thinking of all sorts of things to do with her pokémon while he was asleep. And a wicked smile began to form on the Russian lass' face as she thought up of all sorts of things she could do to him.

For starters, Natasha got up from her beanbag chair and went for the door, locking it with both the doorknob lock and the closing bolt to make sure she would have absolute privacy. And with that done, she proceeded to take off her clothes slowly and quietly, hoping her partner wouldn't suddenly wake up from the shuffling of clothes. Her large breasts were sheer eye candy, and any man would be happy to have a partner with honkers as big as these. The rest of her body was just as impressive, with Natasha sporting a trim frame with a flat tummy, one which almost formed a six pack. Her body was fit and in shape, which only added to her natural beauty when she was naked, her hourglass frame especially being an enticing feature for anyone out there.

It was only a pity that Natasha only had eyes for Ivan, and so she crept towards the cat and laid herself gently on the bed. With the cat still sound asleep - and snoring loudly, to say the least - the sexy vixen felt it was a good a time as any to give her partner an old fashioned.

Natasha lowered her head down towards Ivan's balls, the red scrotum containing his testicles looking smooth and utterly full of semen. It was here where Natasha's prize was, and so she got to work with her little ploy. She placed her nose and mouth to her lover's balls, the musk coming from them so euphoric and pleasing. With her mouth open, she placed his scrotum into her mouth as she began to suckle his balls with gusto - though not with enough force to perhaps wake up Ivan. The musky taste of Ivan's sack was something that she couldn't get enough of, her tongue lapping at the smooth skin that covered his testes as she properly worshiped them.

She felt how plump and full of seed her pokémon's balls were, and she hoped that her partner would pump all of that wonderful semen deep inside of her body. For now, she was just content with suckling his family jewels and taking in the lovely, musky scent and taste that came from them. As for the cat himself, he was still sound asleep, perhaps thinking that he was having a vivid dream where someone was giving him head. And this carried on for the following ten minutes. The arousal was getting to the point that Ivan's pointed, feline cock became erect, standing tall and proud and ready to penetrate.

For sure Natasha would love for Ivan to stick his long and meaty member deep into her moist and tight snatch. She just wondered how she was going to wake up Ivan for the grand affair. She hoped that he wouldn't be too groggy so that the two could have some good sex.

Natasha pulled her mouth away from Ivan's balls, the leathery skin moist after having been given a thorough suckling and worshiping session. She looked up to Ivan to see his eyes still closed and a smile on his face. With that, she reached out to touch him on the shoulder to try and rouse him. She was already starting to feel horny, and she wanted to get started with the sex.

But just as Natasha tapped the sleeping Incineroar on the shoulder, the cat said:

"Blyat Ad (fucking hell), Wee one knows how to make cat feel like luckiest son of bitch on Earth," said Ivan as he opened his eyes, much to Natasha's shock.

"You've been awake this whole time?!" shrieked Natasha.

"Da (yes). And you still know how to give good head, Natasha." It was then that Ivan sniffed the air. "You horny little minx, are you not? Ivan can smell you, and you smell like sexy pokémon in heat."

At this, Natasha's cheek turned red as she felt the embarrassment. She indeed was a horny woman, and she wanted a little bit of loving from her pokémon.

"Yep. I'm horny, Ivan. Would you mind helping me out here?" asked Natasha as she pouted her lips and looked at him endearingly.

"Ivan will do his best," accepted the big cat with a wide, toothy smile.

With blazing speed, Ivan jumped forwards from his laying down position and lunged for Natasha. He grabbed her and brought her close to him, all while the Russian lady giggled into her being lunged at. He planted a quick kiss on her lips as he then leaned her off to her side, lifting up her leg in a scissor position. Ivan was standing upright on the floor as he angled Natasha into this position, with clear access to her now wet and awaiting pussy. And the scent of her arousal was wonderful, something that brought the cat's mind into a state of desire.

With this in mind, Ivan aligned his cock with her entrance, with Natasha biting her lip as she saw the Incineroar prepare himself to penetrate her. She was waiting for him to get started, to feel his large and meaty member to bury itself as deep into her as it could go.

And when the moment came, it was pure bliss for them both.

Ivan pushed his pointed phallus into his lover, his flesh feeling warm to the touch and slick from all of the pre cum that dribbled down his length. He continued to push himself deeper and deeper into the tight love canal of his lover, with her snatch feeling warm and tight and wet. And Natasha was sure to voice her elation as she felt her pokémon begin to pleasure her. She had been craving this for the longest time. And it was only fair, since she had been suckling her pokémon's balls while making it seem like he was having a wonderful dream. It was only fair that the Incineroar return the favor.

Soon, Ivan reached all the way towards Natasha's cervix, his cock reaching all the way towards the back of her vaginal canal. Any more and he would push directly into her womb, and painfully for Natasha at that. But the fact that he still reached to the back wall was impressive. And Natasha loved every inch of pokémon penis that was inside of her.

"Ready to give it to me, Brawny Cat?" asked Natasha teasingly.

"Ivan is ready, Moy Lyubovnik (My Lover)," replied Ivan endearingly.

The big cat began to pull out of Natasha, and then proceeded to push his way back into her again. He thrust and pulled back in a continuous rhythm, hoping to get as much pleasure out of this session as he could for the both of them. And Natasha's moaning was evident to the fact that she was being pleased. Ivan was just so big, and poor lass was in pain as well as pleasure. She thought that Ivan was going to split her in half due to how bad his penis stretched her vaginal walls, her womanhood being forced to accommodate such a large size deep into her.

And the sex session carried on with even more fervor, with Ivan still lifting up Natasha's flexible leg as he proceeded to pound her with even more vigor. The room was filling even more with the sound of his crotch slamming against hers, and it was music to both of their ears. And the continued oozing of pre-cum made sure that the thrusts would be as smooth and seamless as could be. Natasha moaned even more into the repeated thrusts deep into her body, her mind coming alive from the sheer elation she felt from the continued rubbing.

Their combined panting was evident that things were getting close to the end, however. Ivan could feel his cock starting to burn as a tension could be felt deep inside of his loins. And Natasha was feeling the same as she could feel herself reaching the point of no return soon. She was getting so close to the end, and she wanted desperately to have that feeling again. She wanted to orgasm into her lover's continued pounding, to have her walls squeeze his cock so that every drop of Incineroar cum could shoot into the deepest reaches of her womb and fill her with his deliciously warm baby batter. She wanted all of his semen to squirt deep inside of her, the thought of having her partner squirting gobs and gobs of pokémon sperm something that she's always wanted.

The moment was on the cusp, and when it arrived it rocked both Natasha and Ivan to their cores.

Ivan rammed his cock as deep as he could go into Natasha's pussy, pushing his pointed tip past her cervix and into her womb. Natasha let out a soft cry as she felt the sharp pain of having her innermost region violated, but that feeling was soon eclipsed when the Incineroar's cock gushed a torrent of hot pokémon spunk directly inside her. Natasha's mind went out like a burnt out light bulb, unable to comprehend the feeling of her rapture anymore. Her eyes closed and she remained silent. All the while, Ivan too also stood with a silence as he felt spasms of pleasure shoot up his spine.

This indeed was a wonderful sex session, and the two lovers were in their moment of shared passion. Ivan soon pulled his cock out of Natasha and lowered her flexible leg as then climbed onto bed to join his lover.

Natasha opened her eyes to see the warm smile of Ivan, something which touched her heart and made her feel loved.

"Thank you, Ivan," said Natasha with a gentle grin.

"Ivan should be thanking you for starting this, Natasha," replied Ivan. "Ivan hopes we can keep doing this again and again."

"We will, you Brawny Cat. And I can't wait until then."

The two cuddled and kissed as they tongued at each other, continuing to share in their passion as they hoped to enjoy many more sessions like this in the future.

This had been a chaotic couple of weeks, from her meeting her family to her family being attacked by Team Shroud. It was good that Vladimir survived the attack, but the danger was far from over. And who knew when another attack like this was bound to happen. It wasn't clear whether Poképhiles within Lakeshire Town would be safe, but at the very least the attack on General Powers, Mayor Campbell, and Pastor Solis proved that the criminal organization was out of line and crossing said line. It was hoped that the future would bring peace, now that the worst of the Team mean that they'd start losing support because of their violence.

But for now, Natasha and Ivan were content. They had spent Memorial Day together, and got to visit the grave of Aleksander during the festivities. Natasha felt as though she had gotten stronger, though the site of her father's grave was still something that got her a little upset. But she was managing now, and that was all that mattered.

The two would spend the following few days in Lakeshire Town before returning to Ritz Regal City, and the hoped was to return with a less heavy heart after all that's happened.

For one, Natasha was glad to have become a Poképhile. No criminals would make her turn her back against the pokémon she loved, and Ivan felt the same way with his "Wee One". The two had many more adventures and misadventures to come.

Tomorrow was a new day. And the day brought along all sorts of hopes for the future... together...

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