The War ch1 A New Life

Story by Sid burn on SoFurry

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#1 of The War

Ok...a new story here for you guys, this is why i wasn't uplaoding any other stories, i will work on my other stories later. So.....enjoy, i hope you guys like it, i sure did!

"We have to destroy that thing." Dylan said as he looked out at his friends, then at the pictures of what looked like a little dragon, no more than a few months old. I never should have listened to Marcus he let that thing he that thing he calls a friend live, he thought to himself. I should have killed that thing the second I saw it, its real family is gone.

"He is right, we killed its family, if Marcus tells her what we did to her real family she will kill us all!" another man shouted, he grabbed his pistol and loaded it. The others did the same.

Dylan smiled one less dragon in the world. "God damn dragons, they are all just a bunch of over grown lizards with powers. From a different realm, if I find out where I will wipe them out!" He grumbled under his breath.

One hour ago......

On the other side of the Compound, Marcus running down a corridor looking around for any sign of what was after him. He looked behind him and saw what he was looking for chasing after him, a black dragon it had beautiful blue eyes, a pair of white horns that came out of the back of its head, it was around 5 feet from head to tail, and its head reached the middle of Marcus's chest, since he was around 5ft 10. The dragon had four fingers that ending in a claw, and a thumb on the front legs. And five toes that ended in very sharp claws. Its wings were tucked against it back for better speed.

"Come on Caelia you getting tired so soon?" Marcus laughed as he put on a small burst of speed leaving the little dragon to cash after him.

"I'm gonna get you Marcus!" Caelia yelled as she chased after her friend, she was only around four months old and she was still growing. Soon she would be bigger than Marcus by a lot! But she was smart as hell!

Marcus was around twenty-three years old, short brown hair, blue eyes, right now he was wearing normal clothes which consisted of a short sleeve t-shirt, blue jeans, and sneakers.

He rounded a bend in the hall and went left at the junction; he could have gone right but took left instead. He ran down the length of it only to find out he was at a dead end!

"Ah, hell!" Marcus groaned he was dead meat now; he turned around and got greeted with a tackle in the chest from Caelia. The impacted knocked the wind out off him; he hit the floor with a THUD! She attacked him by tickling him like crazy, he tried to get away by crawling but she jumped on top of him and sat on his back.

"Give up now Mark?" she asked in playful tone, Marcus said something unintelligible as he face was squished against the floor. "What was that?" she asked, nipping him on the next slightly, causing him to jump slightly.

Marcus lifted his head up and said, "I will never surrender!" in a fun voice, getting a laugh out of Caelia, he took his chance and pushed himself up causing Caelia to fall off leaving her in his dust as he sped off down the hall. Half an hour later it was over, Caelia got him to surrender, or she would have done death by tickling, which he could only withstand for so long because she was a pro at finding the ticklish spots.

He took a look at his holowatch,today was June first 2156.

Marcus walked with Caelia back to the mess hall for a little snack, ever since the day she hatched she has always been at his side, she didn't like it we he had to leave for a while sometimes on missions. The last time he went and got back, she jumped on him tackling him to the ground and licking his face. He was her first friend and her most loved one of all. He had raised her from the day she hatched.

"Hey, Luke," Marcus said as he saw him, he said hi to Caelia and asked where they were going.

"Were going to get a little snack to eat!" Caelia exclaimed licking her lips, she was hungry.

Luke looked down at her and chuckled, "God, you are just so cute. When you do that, well have fun." He said giving her a friendly pat on the head before heading off to his quarters, tonight was game night. He and a group of people were going to play a bunch of video games and other stuff.

Marcus looked at Caelia a smile on his face, "Comon if we hurry maybe Lu will still have those strawberries you like left." They ran the rest of the way to the mess hall; they walked up to the growing line of people and got in line. Marcus grabbed two trays, one for Caelia and him, he put a good amount on both trays, and he put two scopes of veggies on her tray since she loved them but strawberries were one of her most favorite fruits. Everyone greeted Caelia as if she was one of their own, Lu who loved her to death, because she always said great things about his cooking.

Lu was an African American cook for the compound, everyone loved his cooking, he was around twenty-four, had short cut hair, and was around 6ft 1. He looked like a juggernaut but was a big teddy bear because he was so friendly.

"Hi Lu, how is it going today?!" Caelia said in a cheery tone, happy to see one of her friends.

Lu smiled, "Well if it isn't my number one customer and cute friend. Its good to see ya again kido, things have been fine but what I should be asking you the same thing." He replied back.

"I caught Marcus again." she laughed, Marcus grinned at the look on Lu's face when she said that.

"Did you tickle him until he surrendered again?" Lu laughed, that was the third time she got him.

"Yea, he was harder to get this time." Lu smiled, gave her a pat on the head, Marcus dug out some money and paid him. He didn't have to pay him but he always gave him some money. The pair then walked over to a table and sat down, Marcus placed Caelia's tray on the table and handed her fork and knife and place the spoon on the side for later. Tonight's dinner was ham with corn bread on the side, mash potatoes with gravy, with some vegetables and two cups of strawberries each. While they ate, a few people came up to them, it was Dylan and his friends, Marcus didn't like them at all and neither did Caelia.

"What do you want Dylan?" Marcus said in an unhappy tone, Caelia was watching them with suspicion, glaring at them. A few of them bolted when she glared at them; once they had gotten her pissed she lashed out at on of them and nearly ripped off his head. She was not punished for it at all, they should know no to make a dragon mad, like they had before when fighting them. No one really knows where they come from but there is some sort of anomaly when they appear.

Marcus didn't like the way Dylan was looking at Caelia, "You even think of hurting or touching her, if you do I will kill you in a heart beat! I wont care if I get in trouble." And to show he meant it he pulled out one of his pistol, a LAR Grizzly Mark I pistol, caliber .45 Winchester Magnum with long slide and 10 inch barrel. They all bolted when they saw him pull it out, those guns are very powerful! Once Marcus got pissed off when fighting an enemy (before all this happened that is) he snuck up behind him and when the guy turned he rammed the barrel into the guys mouth and unloaded the three rounds from the mag and used the rest to take out the two others that ran at him. When Dylan saw that he had nightmares for days on end of that, instead of it being the enemies being killed by Marcus it was him being killed by Marcus.

Marcus only carried three pistols of his choice, one LAR, and two custom made M1911 clones on a STI frame and colt slide, a very accurate gun, he once shot the wings off a butterfly in a bet. Satisfied that the group had left they went back to eating, once finished their way back his quarters, they shared a room but she had the couch to herself, but could come into his room when ever she wanted if she got scared or what not.

As they stepped into the room Marcus saw of the corner of his eye, Dylan and his friends walk past whispering to each other, why are they acting so suspicious? He saw some of them were pointing to Caelia and swore he heard one of them whisper and only got part of it "going to take care of very soon." This was getting weird, and then one of them said, "" That was it time to see what the hell was going on.

Marcus walked up to Caelia who was relaxing on the couch watching Back To The Future the first one, "Caelia listen ill be back soon, I'm going to check out something, you remember what to do if any one comes to the door right, and if they try to hurt you?"

"Yes," she said nodding her head, "Get out of the room and go for help, or try to find you."

"Good I'll be back soon; you'll know it's me when I come to the door." He said as he slowly peeked out of the room and down the hall, making sure Dylan and his gang was gone. He then walked out and shut the door, and made his way to the Briefing room.

He came to a stop and had to hide behind a bunch of weapons crates as one of Dylan's patrols passed by...

"Huh, doesn't want any unwanted guest.....perfect." Marcus whispered to himself.

"What's that!?" one of the men said, looking around and looked to the crates and started to walk towards it. "Ah-hah!" He yelled as he looked over it, nothing was there!

"What the...? I swore I heard something" he said as he turned around and walked away going back to his route. Marcus opened the large weapon case and slipped out quietly; one of the men broke off from the group and stopped by the weapons crates for a smoke, a very bad choice. Marcus grabbed him and smacked his head against the wall knocking him out; he put the man behind the crates and hid him from sight before moving stealthy towards the room. No one saw him open the grating of a vent that was on the ground, it was big enough for a full grown man to crawl through crouched.

It wasn't very dark inside the vent; he could see himself and everything around, he crept through the vent until he made it to the vent that joined to the briefing room, he knew it was the right room because he saw next to one of the big screens on the bottom floor of the room. He looked through the slotted vent the light plastering bars on his face as he looked into the room and saw Dylan and his friends around a small desk.

"It is time guys," Dylan said in a tone that borderline on insane and hatred, "We have to destroy that thing."

"He is right, we killed its family, if Marcus tells her what we did to her real family she will kill us all!" One of them shouted, he pulled out his pistol and loaded it, the others did the same. Marcus couldn't believe what he was hearing but, here he was hiding in the vent spying on them, this was real and it was happening now!

A man with a large scar on the side of his face spoke up, "When we find her I'm going to kill her friend first, make her suffer for the scar her parents gave me. He took it when we weren't looking and raised it, Marcus will kill us if he finds this out before we kill her!"

"So, when do we make our move, Dylan?" another man asked, racking his Fort-500m with .00 rounds. They were all itching to unload there fair share of blood.

"We move in thirty minutes this is around the time when those two are resting and will be getting ready for bed, its ten o'clock now." Dylan said in a smug tone, "soon we will be rid of that thing, then when can take its DNA and make super soldiers out of it, we will be unstoppable!"

Dear god, Marcus thought, they have gone insane! I have to get to Caelia and get here out of her! He quickly and quietly made his way out, waited for the patrols to pass and booked it to his room nearly taking out two people in the process. He busted through the door to his quarters scaring the living crap out of Caelia who jump into the air in fright, when she saw it was Marcus she calmed down.

"Caelia we need to get out of her now!" he said in between a breath, he had ran all the way from the briefing room and back, almost half a mile.

"What why?" she asked confused and frightened at the same time. It took a few more deep breaths before he responded.

"Dylan and his gang going to kill us we need to get the hell out of here now!" he almost yelled, this scared her.

"Let's go then!" She yelled, they both started to make a run for the vehicle garage it was in the other direction, away from the briefing room, less than half a mile away. They were going to take his car and get out of this place.

Back at the briefing room they were all getting restless.

"Fuck it," Dylan said, let's just go kill them now." Everyone agreed and started to walk out, brandishing their weapons, ready to kill....

"Don't slow down!" Marcus yelled they were taking short cuts down halls to get there faster they weren't far now only a few....more corridors and they would be home free!

"What the hell, they are gone!" one of the men yelled looking around the room and found now traces of the two.

"They knew, how did they find out?!" the man with the scar on his faced asking in an angry tone.

Dylan growled in anger, "Erg....Marcus, that guy is a sneaky bastard. He must have overheard us and followed us. Now just have to find out where they are going..."

"Sir," one of the mean cried, "I am getting reports that they are heading for the garage! If we hurry we can catch them!"

"NO!" Dylan yelled, "If I know Marcus they are already there, get to the heli pad, we will take the UH-760 and blow them to hell, just be sure there is some body left to where we can get some blood."

"Wait," one of the men said, "No need, one of our men cut all the lines on the vehicles, they won't make it out that way. But we will need the heli to search for them.'

"Why?" one of them asked.

Dylan knew why and spoke his mind, "Because, when they find out they will make a run for the forest, they will be hard pressed to hide from us. Lets got." They all made a run for the heli pad it was right next to the briefing room, how ironic.

Marcus and Caelia bust into the garage only to yell for her to stop.

"I smell gas all over the place, they knew we were going to run for it," Marcus said in a grim tone.

"We can make a run for it in the forest." Caelia said in a reassuring, that maybe there only option.

"No, wait" he said, "That's what they are going to expect, they are at the heli pad now getting into one of the helicopters. We will go there; they always keep a few cars over there in case something happens." Dylan and his gang were smart but not smart enough. Time for a diversion, he walked over to one of the M814 trucks.

The heli was now fired up and ready to fly, the UH-760 looked like a mix between a rah-66e super Comanche and S-70A Black Hawk Multi-Mission Helicopter,but more powerful.

Dylan was looking out at the western gate where the garage was at; he saw the garage opened and saw one of the M814s pull slowly out of the garage.

"Hey," he yelled, "I thought you said that all the lines on the vehicles were cut!" the heli took off into the sky and started to chase the truck as it lumbered down the long stretch of straight road.

Like a moth to the flame they took the bait. Too easy, Marcus thought as he and Caelia crept onto the roof of the compound, it was a hot summer night. The crickets could be heard chirping loudly. They were a perfect warning system if anything that they classed as a threat approached they would stop chirping. They didn't class him or Caelia as a threat and just kept on chirping into the night.

"No place to run, you are dead!" the man with the scar yelled as he flew the heli closer, suddenly the truck swung to the left jumping the road and rolled down a small embankment and came to a halt. When no one came out they discovered that they had been tricked!

"God dam son of a bitch knew this was going to happen, I underestimated him....he will prove to be one tough enemy." Dylan yelled out to his team, his remembered the time when Marcus got really pissed off and nearly killed him before, he had been scared shitless of him for months before he overcame his fear. But he could feel that old fear resufacin-

There was suddenly a loud beeping alarm screaming off in his ear!

"Stinger!!!" the man with the scar screamed and put the heli into a dive, the stinger was closing in and fast, the heli jerked up and to the left but to no avail. The stinger missile plowed into the back quarter of the heli before blowing up destroying half of the heli, it pulled three of Dylan's men out of the heli and an forty foot fall to the ground. They both had grapple guns and were able to launched them into the canopy's of some trees, which stopped there fall. Them men watch in awe as the heli crashed to the ground with a loud K-THUMP-BOOM! Then all the men ran for the down heli, and found that they were miraculously still alive!

"Hasta la vista motherfuckers!" Marcus yelled before aiming at the downed heli and prepping to fire again!

"I swear to god if I live until tomorrow, I am going to murder that guy!" Dylan said in a shaky tone, he didn't even realize how close he had come to death; Marcus was not going down with out a fight and was pulling out all the stops. The crickets had stopped chirping now, they knew danger was around. His friends started to pull him and everyone out.

Sudden there was a sound approaching fast; Dylan looked out into the night sky and saw another missile heading right for them! Everyone dodge it just in time as it hit the downed heli blowing it into shrapnel! Everyone new that if they stayed there any longer Marcus would be on in the forest by the time they started to chase him.

"Good, now you don't have enough weapons to kill us with, ha-ha" Marcus laughed as he press a button on the stinger, it started to shrink and collapse until it was the size of a domino, That's nano tech for you. He placed the now tiny weapon back into his pack, they had made a stop at the armory and picked up the weapons, gear and some armor that Marcus had made for Caelia. He also trained her to use guns, and had some custom made for her. While there he had swiped around two hundred vehicles that were made with Nano tech, they were the a little bigger than the weapons Nano tech that made it so small and easy to carry. He couldn't use them to get out of here they would be shot down in this zone.

"Come on, we need to get moving before they get into the forest," Marcus said in a calm tone, he pulled out another domino size weapon, press the button and it formed into a ColtM16A2 automatic rifle with a 100-round Beta-C magazine.

Caelia had her own weapons, the guns were as a last resort if need be, they were a Colt Trooper mk.V with 8in barrel and mounted scope, and two Colt Anacondas which were .45LC, she was wearing armor that he and some of his friends had custom made for her, it fit her well and if need be if you got bigger they would make it bigger.

She nodded, he went down the ladder while she fly to the bottom but floated in the air until he landed, they then made a run for it, the crickets were still chirping as they ran. They jumped over a downed load; Marcus nearly slipped and fell but quickly stopped that.

The ground in front of them suddenly ended with a small ledge that dropped out and stopped thirty feet below. Caelia tried to stop but was going to fast and slipped off edge! Marcus lunged for her and grabbed her forelegs, catching her just in time.

"Ahh, don't let me fall!" she almost cried but kept her voice down, Dylan and his team could be anywhere!

Down below them Marcus saw shoulder flashlights sweeping around the land below them, illuminating everything that was within the lights reach, Marcus began to pull her back up just in time as the lights passed over the area. When the owner of the light turned his back they ran, scared for their lives.

One of Dylan's men turned just in time to see Marcus and his dragon friend pass by, "I found them!" he yelled before opening fire with his AICW, the bullets ripped through a large tree that they passed, the bullets missing them by a mere foot! He and everyone began to chase after the two, screaming and yelling out into the night as they chased after them.

"Don't stop, don't stop, just keep running!" Marcus screamed as they ran, jumping over debris and things in their way, he lifted his gun over his head and blind fired trying to hold them back! His combat gear was a little heavy it slowed him down only a small bit, but that was still fatal, he wasn't going to drop it they were going to need it.

Caelia was more scared then she had ever been in her whole life, one minute your calmly relaxing and watching a movie you have never heard of the next your running for your life! They soon lost them; they ran for what seemed an eternity, the forest abruptly stopped at a cave, they ran into it, if anything was in it and tried to attack it was dead. For now this looked like the only option instead of running in the forest like a mad man.

When they entered the cave they found it was lit there were torches in small stone pillars that bathed the room in orange light. There were strange markings on the walls, they didn't look like anything he had ever seen, and they didn't even look human!

"What the hell is this?" Marcus said in amazement.

Caelia was looking around the room, "Wait.... I've seen this my dreams. There a language of my kind, it's old but I can read it, well some of it that is."

"What does it say?"

Caelia looked around and walked down it farther, Marcus following close behind, alert as ever. "It says something about a portal, that they made brought them here," She said I a confused tone, what the hell is going on!? She thought.

"Portal?" Marcus said, and then it finally hit him, "Wait! ....I wonder if that's how your kind got here, those anomalies, that was your kind coming through a portal to here! I bet they made one here so they could go back! I wonder if its still here, if it is maybe we can use it to get out of here!" He hoped he was right and that it was all true, and that a portal brought them here.

Caelia was looking over the markings and then said, "Holy.... Crap," she had a look of pure awe on her face, "What you said about those anoma-whats-its that's was the down side of the portal, it alerted people to their presence." She finished, she was amazed at this.

Outside the cave yelling could be heard, they were getting closer it was time to see if it was here or not! Marcus ran down into the cave, with Caelia right next to him, they went into a large tunnel big enough for a dragon two and a quarter times bigger than Caelia to pass through. When they reached the end of the tunnel their jaws fell through the floor at the sight!

Dragon statues! They went for thirty feet before ending at a large disk that lay on the ground, it had the same markings all over it, and some English markings too.

Marcus and Caelia stood at the lip of the disk, this was insane! Never has anything like this been discovered, and how horrible the problems would be if this fell into the wrong hands!

"I can read all this," Cried Caelia, "It says, to get back from where you came all you have to do is step on the gate and think of the place." The voices of Dylan and the others could be heard echoing in the cave, they had found them and now were coming for them, and it was time to get out of here or fight to the death!

"Lets get outs of here, I hope this thing works!" Marcus said in a scared voice as they stepped onto the disk, Caelia then began to think about the place, where her kind where from at to be taken there with her friend.

Dylan and his men enter the room a second later, and started to walk towards them, he failed to see what was going on, and when he saw it a second later he was at a loss for words.

There was a loud K-BOOM of sound, then the disc was bathed in a band of white light, Dylan instantly knew what it was and opened fire with his deagle, but the bullets glanced off, not even breaking through. Marcus raised his LAR and pulled with trigger, time seem to slow down as he pulled down on it. Dylan and his men ran for cover, and had looks of pure horror on their faces, why? He looked to his left and saw Caelia, bathed in white light, he didn't know why but he felt strange, then a bright flash of light exploded into the room engulfing everything.

When the brightness had faded Dylan came out from cover to see that Marcus and Caelia where gone! They had vanished without a trace, Dylan yelled out in rage that his targets were gone, but stopped when he got up to the disk and saw that this was a portal device.

That meant, that they came from another realm, if they could some how unlock this they could go after them and wipe out the dragons. An evil grin appeared on his face, this was going to be a huge war, but it was going to be fun. He knew every one at the compound and could turn them to his cause.

Marcus and Caelia were falling through what seemed like a tunnel of light. It ended as fast as it started, when the bright light dissipated they saw that there defiantly were not near the compound or anywhere they had ever been, this was not Earth at all. As far as he could see it was night time now, they were in a plain; there were trees everywhere and giant mushrooms!

"What the hel-" Marcus was hit in the back of the head by his rifle that he had dropped back at the gate, it had made a late entry and his helmet had fallen off too. Marcus fell to the ground out cold.

"Marcus are you o-' Caelia was cut off when Marcus's helmet hit her full in the face, knocking her out too, she fell right next to him, out like a light. Nothing happened after that, they were out, if you looked at them it would be as if they were just sleeping, they were kinda sleeping if to take out the fact that they both got hit by flying objects.

Out a ways away in the field someone was watching the unconscious pair, he had been going for a little midnight stroll and saw them pop out of now where, he didn't like that and rushed off get the guardians. They are the only ones who could deal with this. His purple scales shined softly in the moon light.

"I wonder if Ignitus knows what the hell is going on!" the Purple dragon said to himself. He ran off as fast as he could, it would be day time soon; he had to hurry before they woke up and left...