Sake It to Me [PTRN]

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#57 of Patreon Stories

Weekly Patreon story from February 2023!

Haida and Tadano only recently started dating and are wondering what they could do for the evening when the hyena's penchant for alcohol leads the donkey to remember a strange gift he once received, one that both of them end up enjoying~

12120 words

Aggretsuko © SanrioORIGINAL POST

"I said you didn't have to find any work, you know. I'm more than capable of covering everything we need," Tadano watched the hyena beside him in his personal limo, fingers flying across a laptop with eyes trained on the screen.

Haida sighed. "I know, I know. It's just that..." The words to describe his situation didn't immediately come to him. "It's less that I want to work and more that I don't really want people thinking any less of me for not working."

"Ah, I see." Being in the same position on numerous occasions, Tadano could relate to the yeen's stress and desire to feel productive. "I take it it's your family giving you grief?"

"Yeah, but... not directly," Haida obsessively checked his notifications on the job listings site, frowning when nothing had popped up in the five minutes since he'd last checked. "You know how it is."

"I do," Tadano placed his hand on the hyena's. He offered a warm smile, trying to ease away at the other man's worry. "All I want you to know is that I'm here for you, no matter what you need."

Hearing the donkey had his back got Haida to grin in return, and he flipped his hand over to accept the other man's with his own. "And I appreciate that!"

While it was still recent, the pair of them had actually started dating, much to the shock of their mutual friend group. In all honesty it surprised even themselves that they'd gotten as far as they did. They'd been pretty close with one another as friends, able to confide their issues with the other and offering advice when asked for, but neither of them thought anything beyond that was possible.

And then one night at a random bar changed everything. Haida's fondness for alcohol had him drunk fairly quickly - as he was wont to do - but was surprised that Tadano kept pace pretty well, even when the drinks started affecting the donkey far faster than they did him. He'd seen the hints that the other man might've had a thing for him, and, in his inebriated state, started dishing out some of his own, amazed at how well they were received. One thing led to another and the pair of them ended up locking lips, their act of lovemaking thankfully obscured by the back of the booth they were situated in as well as drowned out by the loud pop music blasting from the crackly speakers overhead.

It was the start of a whirlwind romance that neither saw coming at all, but both welcomed with open arms. Not the donkey nor the yeen had ever thought of a potential mate being a man, yet their relationship progressed so naturally that neither had a problem. It excited the pair of them to their cores!

Which led to them now holding hands in the back of the limousine, the act usually assuaging any concerns that one of them might hold at the time. The relief they felt was immeasurable.

Tadano eyed the laptop the hyena held onto, a brow arching. "Why don't we put that away for now, hmm?" He closed the lid to the computer and placed it on the side of his boyfriend closest to the door.

"Yeah, probably not a bad idea." Even Haida had to admit that he was a little obsessive with his job search; going so far as to try and find gainful employment while out on what was supposed to be a fun night out with his partner might've looked good to the elderly population of the country, but anyone his age would've found it particularly bizarre that he wasn't spending his time enjoying himself.

That didn't mean his mind was clear of worry, however. "Can I be honest with you for a sec?"


Haida fidgeted in his seat, squeezing the donkey's hand tighter. "I'm still surprised you wanted to go out with me at all."

Tadano couldn't help but feel bemused at what he felt was the other man's misplaced anxiety. "Why's that?"

Haida gulped. "I mean, I'm a nobody, and you're one of the most important people in all of Japan!"

"Oh, I wouldn't go that far," Tadano laughed, the sentiment not catching on with his partner. "I just happened to have the right ideas working out at the right time. It's nothing special; anyone could've done it other than me."

"True, but it's just that you were the one that pulled it off."

"Then someone else will come along with better ideas and I'll be obsolete." With a lilt in his voice, Tadano grasped the yeen's hand with his other one, now clasping it from both sides. "Then we'll be on the same level again and you can stop worrying about it!"

Haida couldn't quite figure out what to feel about that. For as long as he knew the other man, he'd always been the one doing grunt work and couldn't conceive the donkey alongside him like that. "That's gonna be a hot minute..."

"Say, I might know a way to calm you down a bit." Hitting a button on the door console beside him, Tadano produced a cabinet of alcohol that instantly perked his boyfriend's ears up - a quirk about the other man he thought was one of the most precious things he'd ever seen before. "Care for a drink?"

"Oh no," a fit of giggles suddenly took over Haida, "you know me well." The selection in front of him was of incredibly high quality, completely unlike what he normally found in the dive bars he frequented. "It's almost like you got a personal file about me or something."

Tadano guided the yeen's face by the chin to meet his gaze, a wry smirk twisting the corner of his mouth. "I don't need a file when I've seen you in restaurants and bars before."

That got Haida to doubt himself hearing that's how others perceived him in public. "Ah, maybe I shouldn't then."

Tadano merely smiled in return. "Hey, I only made the offer, I won't force you. All I did was show you what I've got in stock here," he hovered his hand over the button that would make the cabinet vanish back into his personal vehicle. "Just say the word--"

"Ah, what the hell. One won't hurt," his mind made up, Haida grabbed the nearest bottle he could reach and instantly popped it open before chugging it down, the flavours barely getting an opportunity to dance on his tongue the way he'd let them if he were in a more formal affair. The drink was a fairly expensive beer that'd always remained just out of reach of his working-class mitts, though he couldn't understand why - it tasted the same as any other brand did to him.

Seeing the hyena go to town on the bottle had Tadano a mix of glad that his partner was willing to let loose that evening as well as entranced that anyone could down a drink that quickly. "Hey, slow down and enjoy it! No one's going to take it away from you."

A blush came over Haida's face when the donkey mentioned how fast he finished the beer. "Ah, sorry! Force of habit..."

"Hey, that's alright," Tadano patted the flustered yeen on the shoulder, "I've got more where that came from if you're interested," he reached forward to grab his boyfriend a drink, though making sure to take one for himself as well. "Why don't we enjoy this one together?"

Haida knew the donkey had no issue with his drinking, though understood he could go a bit overboard when left to his own devices. He gladly accepted his partner's offer for the next beer. "Cheers." The bottles were clinked together, giving him the go-ahead to take a swig of the booze, only to realize he was meant to share the moment with the other man beside him.

Tadano couldn't help but laugh when he saw the yeen immediately go to slam back the next drink, trying, and failing, to stifle it. "Old habits really do die hard, huh?"

"You're telling me..." Haida was about to admonish himself for the way he nearly polished off a second bottle before his boyfriend even finished one, only to go wide-eyed when he saw the donkey chug the rest of the drink in his hands.

It wasn't the prettiest display he'd ever put forth - his unaccustomed nature led him to just about spit up some of the alcohol after his throat was deluged with it - but Tadano managed to chug his entire bottle, that being a first for him. He could only chuckle at his accomplishment. "Jeez, that's harder than it looks! You make it seem so easy."

"I've, uh," Haida giggled, though not without his cheeks displaying another rosy blush, "I've had quite a bit of practice in my time."

"I can see that," Tadano observed the yeen knock back the second drink and go for a third one, snickering at the other man's capability to put away booze with little effort. "My god, you're insatiable!"

Haida stopped in his tracks, third bottle scant centimetres from his lips. "I-Is that a problem?"

"Not at all. I had some of these stocked with you in mind, actually." The sight of the perpetually blushing hyena warmed Tadano's heart. "I remember you said you always wanted to try a few of these brands, so I made sure to have some on hand whenever you were interested."

Ordinarily, Haida's admiration for higher-quality alcohol fell on deaf ears as he typically went out with his former colleagues after work had ceased for the day. To know that the donkey went out of the way to provide him with specific brands he'd offhandedly mentioned and promptly forgot about spoke volumes about the relationship he'd entered. "I don't know what to say."

"You don't have to say anything. Just have fun!"

Haida did just that, a goofy grin plastered on his mug. This time he made sure to imbibe slower to fully take in the experience he was meant to have, though he still struggled to see what made this expensive beer so much more valuable than what he regularly had. Maybe it was marginally smoother, with notes of some kind of citrus, but that was about all he could discern. His palate must be too unrefined; at least that's what he assumed those in the upper class would tell him.

Seeing the hyena's shoulders finally relax told Tadano that the other man was ready to enjoy their night, much to his delight. He grinned when the yeen gave off a boozy giggle, punctuated by an unexpected hiccup that his boyfriend embarrassingly tried to cover up. He thought it was cute. "Hey Haida."

With his reaction time a tad slowed down, Haida hadn't prepared for the quick kiss on the lips that the donkey just planted. "Wha... What was that for?"

"For being so adorable," Tadano traced a finger down the hyena's snout, past the underbite.

Haida couldn't stop himself from squirming at his boyfriend's loving attention, even if it didn't quite hit the mark. While nice in his eyes, the peck didn't give him as much satisfaction as it normally did, though it made him wonder if that was just because of the state of mind he was currently in. To fully sate his needs he leaned forward - a bit more forcefully than he anticipated thanks to the drinks in his system - and pressed his lips into a genuine smooch that even caught the donkey off-guard.

While Tadano didn't expect the embrace to return in full force, he wasn't about to complain with the yeen taking the lead. He thoroughly reveled in the way his boyfriend moaned into the kiss, tussling the hair on the back of his head in the process. The other hand, however, wasn't anywhere near the action, instead traveling down his slender trunk, landing on the basket of his pants and feeling how into the whole thing he really was. "Oh, hey, someone's frisky tonight!"

Haida didn't catch onto what the other man was talking about, only to instantaneously go pale when he realized what he unconsciously did. "I'm sorry!" He retreated into the corner of the limo. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm--"

"Haida!" Tadano couldn't believe how afraid the yeen was acting, hunkering down beside his partner on the floor of his vehicle. "Hey, easy. It's okay, trust me. It's not the first time we've fooled around before, and it won't be the last. I want this too." As if to demonstrate his intentions, Tadano led his boyfriend's hand back to his torso, only this time past his shirt and beneath the waistband of his sweatpants. "It's okay."

Heart beating a mile a minute, Haida's eyes nearly bugged out of his skull when he felt the stiffening pole slither down the other man's leg. He looked at his partner for approval, only to get a knowing nod in response. Tentatively, he drew the band of those pants downward, allowing the donkey's flared endowment to show off its tumescence to the pair of lovebirds in the limo. A gasp caught in his throat, he almost allowed himself to go to town on it, only to notice a peculiar look in the other man's eyes. "Wait, are you--"

"Tipsy?" Tadano let out a booming laugh. "Yeah, you're not the only one."

"After a single drink?"

"What can I say? I'm a lightweight!" Tadano's grin could've lit up the world at the moment, especially when he felt the inevitability of his boyfriend slobbering on his knob. He, instead, leaned forward in the yeen's direction, but not with the intention of initiating another kiss, opting to press his mouth as close to the other man's ear as possible. "I wanna see what my big, strong pup is capable of."

To hear his partner be so formal with such a lewd request had Haida internally confused, if incredibly aroused. "Tadano?"

"I want you to give me everything you got," Tadano breathily whispered into the other man's ear. To accentuate his desire, he went ahead and nibbled down the neck of his lover, eliciting a mewl of approval from the spotted yeen.

Haida encouraged his jeans being undone, his turgid member tenting his boxers and staining the fabric. It only then struck him how the donkey went commando that day. "Oh jeez, I think I'm more pent-up than I usually am!"

"Holy!" Tadano's mouth fell agape when he witnessed the spreading splotch of preseed on the yeen's undergarments. Wanting to see the rod in action for himself, he hastily peeled back the other man's underwear and gasped when he saw the abundance of pre drooling from the tip, his own prick throbbing at the sight. "And I thought my species was known to be productive. I think you have me beat!"

The donkey's praise got Haida to blush profusely. "You, uh... you really think so?"

"I _know_so!" A hungry look in his eye, Tadano gently gripped the top of his boyfriend's hyenahood, slathering his fingers with the gooey substance. "So thick..."

While Haida thoroughly appreciated the attention given to his pulsing tool, the act caused him to screw his eyes shut and coaxed many needy grunts from him. And then it stopped. He had no idea what the reason was, only to slowly open his eyes and watch his lover finger that twitching pucker and coat the opening with his pre. "Oh, uh, that's pretty smart!"

It was Tadano's turn to blush. "Not particularly," he shuddered, his toes curling as he pressed against a sensitive spot inside his anal cavity. "Apparently I don't actually have any lube in here, so I needed to think of something to use, and fast." His grin was interrupted by a wince of pleasure. "Luckily for me you got a pair of lemons more than happy to give up their juice. It's perfect!"

The compliment hit Haida in the deepest part of his soul, igniting his pride the way no one else had managed to do before. Still, his bashful nature couldn't prevent him from accepting it outright. "Oh, stop, they're not _that_impressive."

"Are you kidding me right now?" Tadano scoffed, shifting back onto his hands and knees as the abrupt removal of his fingers sent a shiver ripping up his spine. "You got a gorgeous set of orbs on you. I've never seen a pair so _big_before!" His arousal driving his actions, Tadano gripped a testicle in each hand, marveling at the sheer size of someone so unassuming. "I bet you could pump someone full with these things."

"Oh!" The donkey's choice of words had him spurt another glob of pre, dribbling down the length of his shaft in rivulets. "I, uh, wouldn't know! I've never gotten this far with someone before."

To hear that coming from the yeen had Tadano freeze in place, his bewildered gaze cast upon his boyfriend. "You're joking, right?" He couldn't believe no one had thought to hook up with someone so hung and virile before, flabbergasted he was the first. It set his mind spinning with how much he wanted to show his lover how special intimacy can be. "Well then, I wanna feel your bone buried deep inside me. Fill me to the brim."

That had Haida gasping through gritted teeth. "S-Stop, I'm gonna blow my load already!"

Tadano sprung into action. "Oh shit, we better do this quick then!" With all the grace his inebriation afforded him - that is, next to none - he spun around with his hands on the seats, his inviting ass pointed in the direction of the yeen with his tail raised in the air. "All yours, lover boy."

"Oh!" Being in that position wasn't something that Haida had experience in, and it showed when it took him a hot second to fully process the donkey's proposition. Carefully he shuffled to his knees, throbbing cock swaying in the air-conditioned interior of the limo, gripping onto his boyfriend's shirt as he got himself into position. The idea of entering someone with only his preseed lubricating the opening had a lump form in his throat, which then caught him by surprise when his girthy schlong was received by the other man's hole no problem. "What the..."

"Now _that_I'm more than prepared for," Tadano twisted around and shot the yeen a sly wink.

His excitement getting the better of him, Haida, simply let himself become accustomed to the situation first before pushing any further, taking in the feeling of his tip being enveloped by the warm rear entrance of his lover. Once his confidence built up - thanks to the booze he drank earlier - he slid himself in deeper, eliciting moans from the both of them simultaneously. His urges coming to the forefront, he pushed himself in further, amazed he didn't need to apply any force in the slightest, though still feeling the resistance of the donkey's hole wrap around his cock.

Tadano was on the edge of his seat in anticipation of taking his lover balls deep - both figuratively and literally. With bated breath he waited for the moment, gleefully accepting every inch given, though wanting nothing more than to feel the instance of his rump touching the other man's pelvis. It took several agonizing moments, but payoff eventually occurred, with a satisfied smile worming its way onto his face as he clamped down on the anal invader like an organic vise.

Undergoing a sensation he'd never previously felt in his life had Haida panting up a storm. His magnum dong had never been so thoroughly engulfed before, and it had his sensitive cockflesh shooting him with unrelenting bliss as he hunkered over his boyfriend. One hand on the donkey's shoulder, he began the process of rocking his hips to actually fuck the other man, something he wasn't familiar with. Even this minuscule amount of action had him mentally begging for release.

Even then, a pace built up as if he'd done the deed his entire life. His fingers trembled as he pounded his lover's cute rear end. He felt wholly out of his depth while humping the donkey, even with all the words of encouragement shot his way. Unknown pleasures pummeled his brain the same way he did to the other man. Barely any time had passed and he already felt the call of climax on the horizon.

Tadano wasn't oblivious to the hyena's internal struggle, feeling how the thrusting in his tailhole faltered as the man above him shook from euphoria never felt before. It emboldened him to act, not wanting to have done nothing to bring about his boyfriend's first nut into someone else before, and clenched his tight inner walls down on the other man's pulsating shaft.

That was the ticket to his lover's release. With a moan coming from the yeen gripping onto his torso, he felt his insides be pumped with shot after sticky shot of hyenabatter, his anal canal being painted a pearlescent white from the copious amounts of cum gushing from the other man's prick. That induced his own orgasm to fruition, not holding back and firing his load against the pricy upholstery of his limousine's seating. Eh, he could get that cleaned no problem.

Every single part of Haida - from his limbs to his very soul - just about collapsed after blasting into the donkey. He couldn't believe how astounding the act ended up being, kicking himself for not having the nerve to do it sooner. His hands became tangled up in the sleeves of his striped long-sleeved shirt and only became aware of it after the fact.

Even then, he couldn't stop himself from wrapping his arms around the donkey's lithe body, his heart beating out of his chest for his boyfriend's reaction. He hoped the fact he didn't last long wasn't an issue!

The sensation of the hyena practically covering him like a blanket brought about a cozy quality to their time that Tadano genuinely appreciated. He nuzzled back into the embrace as best he could before slipping the other man's dick out of his ass, cum dripping from his stretched-out hole. A dopey grin contorted the corners of his mouth, apparently infectious as his partner's expression ended up matching his.

That was the one act that instantly strengthened the bond between them, leveling up their relationship beyond simply dating. The love he felt for the yeen spurred him into mashing his lips against his boyfriend's, hands feeling up the other man's sweat-matted neck as his was also gripped. While that might've been the farthest his partner had ever gone with someone else, the same could be said for him as the only people he fucked were merely hookups, one-night-stands meant to get his rocks off. He never had someone nut inside him and have him wanting more; the feeling thrilled him to no end.

"Tadano, we have reached your desired destination." A disembodied voice called out above the pair of lovers.

Tadano's ears instantly perked up when he heard that, looking out the tinted window to see the visage of the condo tower he lived in directly beside his parked limo. "Oh, thank you, ENI-O!" In a rush he grabbed his sweatpants and slipped back into them, not caring about how soiled they could be by their combined spunk. He then tossed the remaining set of pants at the hyena with the same intention before hopping to his feet. "Well, the night's still young. How about we head up to my penthouse and formulate a game plan, hmm?"


"Okay, a night on the town," Tadano clasped his hands together as he paced around his spacious living room. "You got any ideas?"

"Uh..." Haida's gaze flicked around the room as he struggled to think of an activity. "I honestly don't know. I don't do much in my spare time as it is."

Tadano shrugged, though offered a smile. "Well, there's no rush. I honestly don't mind if we just end up spending time together instead of going out."

"Oh, I actually wouldn't mind that at all!" Haida said with a grin. It was then that the combination of alcohol and sex caught up with him, leading him to realize how dehydrated he'd gotten over the last little while. "Hey, do you care if I get a drink?"

Tadano shook his head. "Not at all! The fridge is pretty stocked, so help yourself."

"Thanks!" Haida jumped to his feet and made his way to the kitchen, his steps grinding to a halt as he felt in awe at the luxurious nature of a room he normally took for granted. He snapped himself out of his momentary daze before heading over to the fridge, only to be even more gobsmacked when recognizing the insane amount of options at his disposal.

He could've been there all day trying to figure out what he felt like having. Milk was always a welcome option, though it tangentially made him think of coffee, and caffeine was the last thing he needed at the moment; that meant the energy drinks he spied in the door shelf were a no-go too, not that he ever had a need for something like that. A look back at the sink told him that water was also a choice to consider, though being told to make himself at home and drinking from the tap got him thinking he'd look absolutely weird in the eyes of his wealthy boyfriend. His indecision could've killed him.

And that's when he discovered the answer to his problems - more booze! Okay, it wasn't exactly the optimal choice in his mind, but his thirsty state had him wanting anything to quench it, even if it meant yet more alcohol.

As this stuff tended to be more expensive than the other options available, he opted to ask the donkey beforehand if it was alright. "Hey, I found some sake if that's cool with you."

"Oh yeah, sure. Knock yourself out." While initially unassuming, something about the hyena's statement felt wrong to Tadano. "Wait, I have sake in _that_fridge?"

And then it hit him.

The sake he had for regular consumption was stored in the mini fridge he kept beside the end of the sofa closest to the wide-screen television, not far from where he stood. What he had in his kitchen fridge wasn't something that he intended to offer any guests but was instead a prototype someone with connections to the brewing industry had hooked him up with, a novelty one with no intentions of being released to the public in any capacity. Aside from that one pack in his possession barely any cases were produced. It'd been sitting so long in his fridge that he'd completely forgotten about it!

His suspicions raised, he ambled into the kitchen to see the yeen downing a bottle of the stuff as effortlessly as the beer in his limo. In all honesty it had him impressed that someone could handle a drink that strong and still keep powering along.

The sake in question wasn't harmful in any way, merely a bit of a gag concocted by someone with a particular set of interests, with one being alcohol and the other being a bit more fetishistic in nature. The purpose of the drink was an odd one - to induce the growth of muscle in the user through a complex reaction in the person's body. It was utterly impractical and borderline ridiculous in the vast majority of situations, and aggressively unfair to ever _consider_ingesting in the rest. He couldn't even remember why he agreed to accept any of it at all!

And he didn't have any time to mention those details to his boyfriend before the bottle was practically sucked dry. The only thing to do now was sit back and watch the events unfold in front of him. Was it reversible? He swore he remembered something on the subject, but he'd have to double check to be sure.

Still, his concern rested with the man in the striped shirt, licking those lips as the flavour of the drink was contemplated. He thanked his lucky stars his partner seemed no worse for wear.

Haida scrunched his face up as he poured over the bottle, his underbite pressed against his lips as they pursed. He couldn't recall seeing that particular brand in any store he went to, wondering where his lover got it from and how. "Huh, probably the strangest tasting sake I've ever had in my life."

"You good in here?" Tadano padded up to the yeen.

"Oh yeah, totally. Just curious where you picked this up."

A bead of sweat raced down Tadano's face. "It was actually a gift of an unreleased line, which is why you probably haven't seen it until now."

"Ah, that makes total sense," Haida said, shrugging as he placed the empty bottle on the counter.

"So, are you feeling okay? You know, from earlier and everything." While Tadano was reasonably certain of the alcohol's effects on people, that didn't stop his worry from skyrocketing.

Haida could only laugh at the uncharacteristically nervous donkey, though appreciated that someone felt that way about him. "Oh sure. The sex might've been new, but that's nothing I can't handle. I actually feel great!"

"I'm glad to hear that!" Tadano told the truth, his initial alarm assuaged. With the hyena not showing any ill effects from imbibing the booze, the only thing to do now was watch for the positive side effects, which happened to be taking place at that very moment. "Say, have you been hitting the gym lately?"

"Eh?" The inquiry felt rather perplexing to Haida. "Yeah, a bit. I mean, I _was_there at one point, but it's been a while now," he cocked his head to one side in confusion. "Why do you ask?"

Tadano could only act supportive as he observed the yeen's body slowly inflating bigger before his very eyes. "It just seems like you made really good progress!"

"What are you on about?" The way his boyfriend was behaving struck Haida as needlessly obtuse, and it was only when he rubbed the side of his face did he discover the reason behind the donkey's mystifying question. "Wait, what the hell?!"

Indeed, he saw his body gradually grow in real-time, his hands confirming the spectacle that had his brain wondering if reality somehow broke down when he wasn't paying attention. It looked unbelievable to him to have a chest that someone could make out through his clothing, and yet it was as real as the rest of the world around him was. Everything else was the same way, with arms and legs that filled out the clothes they'd been placed into. Even his flat tummy had been replaced with a set of abs he could grate cheese with!

Not a single logical explanation crossed his mind as he racked his brain trying to come up with an answer to the mysterious conundrum. That's when he saw his boyfriend acting sheepish, his brow arching when he realized the solution to the puzzle was right in front of him. "Okay, spill. What's going on here?"

"So," Tadano's face was buried in his hands, his cheeks the reddest they'd ever been in his life, "that sake is special in that it's meant to make people more muscular when they drink it for... some reason, I don't know..." He handwaved his explanation to move it along. "I literally only remembered it was in that fridge when you called it out, but I believe there's the chance to reverse it if that's what you're looking for. Are you--" He hesitated, trying to think of how best to approach the situation of accidentally growing someone without their prior knowledge. "Does any of this upset you in any way?"

That answer was unbelievable to Haida in every conceivable capacity, most of all not understanding why someone would go to the lengths of, not only concocting a drink to develop muscle growth in a user, but to simultaneously make it an alcoholic beverage. Had he discovered it existed back when he got promoted it would've been everything he could've asked for!

Which is why he couldn't say he honestly hated the outcome. Sure, his days of being at the gym were behind him at that point, but he'd put in quite a lot of time for minimal results. Okay, maybe it wasn't as much time as he made it out to be, but it certainly felt like it given how he'd never even stepped foot in one before then. "To answer your question, I don't think this actually upsets me at all," He chuckled as he poked at a pectoral. "Honestly, I kinda like it."

It was as if a weight had just been lifted from Tadano's shoulders, and he couldn't think of anyone else strong enough to do it than the beefcake of a boyfriend inadvertently showing off in front of him. "Alright, I'm really glad to hear that! You have no idea how worried I was when you drank that whole bottle in one go."

"Eh, yeah I do," Haida snickered. "It was written all over your face. I've never seen you that anxious before." The unexpected growth he underwent had him feeling pretty good, though something his partner said earlier just popped into his head. "You mentioned this was reversible, yeah?"

"I think I'm... reasonably certain of that." Trying to recall the exact conversation was tough, but enough of the memory replaying in his mind convinced him that it was true. "Why do you ask?"

Haida wryly smirked. "Can I have another?"

To hear that not only was the hyena unharmed by the strange bottle of sake but also asking for an additional one had Tadano in shock. "You actually want another?"

"Sure. Why not?"

Tadano felt like he was the only person in the room taking the physical ramifications of drinking another dose seriously. "You don't think there's any danger involved with ingesting a second bottle?"

While Haida wanted to protest, the donkey was far more knowledgeable in several subjects that he wasn't, with this seeming like one. "You do?"

"Well, you know, compounding effects and all that," Tadano rapped his fingers against his pants as his brain worked in overdrive attempting to solve the problem. "I was only ever told of what happens after drinking a single portion. It was never mentioned what the effects were like after drinking two or more bottles."

"Okay, then I want you to decide if it's safe." It wasn't often, but there were times when Haida made the call that he intended other people to follow through on; it usually occurred when those around him were being too indecisive for his liking. "Based on what you know, do you see any cause for alarm?"

That was hard for Tadano to say with how little knowledge he had on the subject at hand, but there was a clear path set out in his mind that appeared to be the best route to take. "You sure you feel totally fine?"

Haida could only grin in response, his newfound bulk tensing in excitement as he clasped his hands out in front of him. "Of course! I wouldn't lie to you about something like this."

"Well, I'm aware that the chemical composition of the alcohol is safe for consumption given that's its intended purpose. Perhaps it's possible that the same could be said of a second dose," Tadano feasibly theorized.

With the donkey working as hard as possible to see if him getting bigger was alright in the grand scheme of things, it behooved Haida to alleviate any further concerns that might arise. "If it makes you feel any better, the hospital is pretty much around the corner if anything goes wrong," he gingerly gripped his boyfriend's shoulder, trying to show that he had full faith in the other man.

"That's very true," Tadano said into his hands as he factored that piece of information into his thoughts. "Alright, I guess it seems fine considering the details. However," he grabbed the remaining bottles still held in the cardboard six-pack, a sly twinkle in his eye as he closed the fridge behind him and looked at the brawny yeen, "I think we should take this to my room, don't you?"

Haida's face lit up when he heard that. "Oh, lead the way!"

The way the yeen's ears wiggled when happy always tickled Tadano something fierce, though in this case he couldn't stop himself from feeling the same way. Cardboard handle secure in his grip, he meandered through his condo until he came upon his bedroom, something he knew his boyfriend hadn't seen before. "Well, here we are."

"Woah," Haida stopped in his tracks after taking only a single foot into a bedroom that had to have been larger than his entire apartment. Everything about the place felt regal, like he was supposed to be in the presence of royalty and not a tech genius from the modern day. He was almost afraid to make a move in case he accidentally broke something expensive.

Tadano noticed his partner's trepidation, immediately knowing what was up. "It's okay, all of it is just stuff. It's replaceable," he grabbed the yeen's hand with his free one and pulled his partner inside.

Even then, Haida still felt nervous like he was somewhere he shouldn't be, regardless of his boyfriend's insistence. "You sure it's okay to grow in here?"

"I see no reason it can't be," Tadano flashed the hyena a grin. "Your intent is to get bigger, and I'd rather like to watch. Bedrooms are the most intimate room in a home," he used his free hand to caress the front of the other man's burly body, "wouldn't you agree?"

The sensation of the donkey's hand running down the length of his torso had Haida shudder, but the prospect of his boyfriend getting comfortable with his burgeoning bulk had him more excited than anything else they would have planned that night. "You know," he said, guiding the other man's hand under his shirt, feeling those fingers gently course through his fur, "you don't have to be so shy."

Tadano giggled. "Oh, I won't be." With the bottles on a stand beside his bed, he grabbed two and handed one to the yeen, the other in his possession.

"You're getting in on it too?" Haida liked the idea of the slender donkey beefing up as well.

"Why not? Can't let you have all the fun, now can I?" Tadano opened his at the same time as his boyfriend's. "Cheers." While the other man went to town he opted to take a tentative sniff of the drink as he'd never really been one for sake, only to immediately recoil at the overpowering stench of alcohol. And the hyena was chugging it like one would a sports' drink? An iron stomach was needed for this!

Nevertheless, he knew there wasn't any way around the fact that he had to partake of the sake if he wanted to at least keep pace with his partner. Nostrils pinched closed, he took a swig of the fermented liquid - which he nearly regretted as even the taste alone was intense - before tilting the bottom of the bottle to the ceiling and downing the entire thing in one go. Needless to say he'd chug the beer in his limo over this any day of the week.

But with the finished drink came a warmth with it, one he couldn't tell apart from how he regularly felt after a round of alcohol. It was pleasant. He couldn't perceive anything strange about himself, but it wasn't like the yeen grew bigger immediately after either.

The thought of his boyfriend got him to look up at the other man, which is when he discovered that his partner's next expansion was happening. Normally he preferred to have the hyena face him so they could talk to one another without any sound being muffled, but being faced away from led him to discover a view of his boyfriend that got his heart racing.

That was the fifth bottle of booze Haida had polished off that night and he didn't feel any of the effects he usually would. There was no reason not to, especially with how potent this sake ended up being, which got him thinking the increase in size of his body might have something to do with it.

As soon as the thought entered his brain did he think to look down, a content grin stretching from one floppy ear to the next as he got to watch his chest grow before his very eyes. While impressive after only one dose, his pectorals took advantage of the excess of growth solution in his system and inflated as if hooked up to a pump, the densely-packed musculature filling out the front of his shirt. Having his hands holding his meaty chest meant he got to experience getting larger in multiple ways.

Slowly his shirt began to ride up his gradually widening trunk, displaying the taut core he'd never had until that very night. It meant he had to fight with the fabric as his hands kept slipping up his pecs with how tightly he gripped them.

That was due to his arms looking unlike any other individual's, as thick as the average person's leg, only as strong as the steel cables his muscles now resembled. The differing heads of his bicep could be seen through the thin material of his long shirt sleeves, contouring around bulk that normally shouldn't have fit into it. Now it had no choice but to accommodate all of it.

The same was said of his pants, which struggled with the increasingly bulky nature of his thighs and quads. That time, however, there wasn't anywhere near as much give to the fabric, and tears formed along the stress points latent in the design. Having legs as thick as telephone poles wasn't something that a regular person was meant to have, and yet now it was a reality that it had to contend with.

None of that was lost on Tadano, who missed out on his own transformation while gleefully watching his boyfriend blimp up in front of him. He hadn't noticed how his sweatpants no longer felt baggy like they were supposed to, now somewhat clinging to his quads with not a whole lot of clearance available. His shirt was a similar story with how his expanded torso forced the top to outline it. Much of the same was said of his arms, though the difference there was the short sleeves allowed their beef to be paraded to whomever wanted to see it, the hems of those sleeves bunching up closer to his shoulders. He might've been twice the man he used to be, but his eyes were still transfixed on the hyena.

He sauntered up to his partner, hands sliding around the yeen's broad torso as he moved his muzzle in close to the other man's ear. "I think it's time this stuff comes off, hmm?"

Haida didn't protest having his boyfriend strip his clothes off. "I think I might need help with that."

"And I would be more than happy to provide it!" Doing so was Tadano's way of getting his mitts on the yeen's beef, relishing in the firmness acquired from the muscle mass being practically stuffed under that spotted pelt. He couldn't stop himself from copping a feel of the heavy hyena pecs in the process.

The jeans on the other hand... "Hey hon, could you maybe undo your fly?"

It took Haida a second to realize what the other man was getting at, noticing how little room there was to get anything underneath the band of his pants. He opened the front of his jeans - which did help a bit - only that didn't seem to make it as easy as it was supposed to be. That got him in on the action, grunting as he attempted to shuck his bottoms off like he did earlier in the night, only to hear a loud rip sound out through the room as both his pants and boxers succumbed to the might of his dimpled glutes.

Seeing the unintentional display of his boyfriend's powerful ass cheeks had Tadano's face beet red, his boner stiffening in an instant as the spotty rear end shredded the material to ribbons. "I, uh... could get those fixed, maybe?"

Haida took one look at the pile of torn fabric at his feet and, instead of fearing what others might say like he usually did, he laughed, hard enough to boom through the room. "You know what? I wouldn't worry about that. Because," in an instant he spun around on the balls of his feet, "it's your turn now!"

The sensation of holding the yeen's swollen pectorals in his hands was one thing, but Tadano couldn't have imagined how incredible those chest boulders would be to gaze upon. Seeing the carpet of dark body hair trail down the other man's thick trunk only made him swoon harder. He'd fallen so hard for the meaty hyena that he didn't even notice his shirt coming off until it covered his eyes. "Oh!"

"Something caught your eye, I see," Haida mischievously smirked. It was his turn to fondle his boyfriend's bulk, though while not as tremendous as his was - yet - it was the size he was before, and that was more than enough to make love to. He gripped the back of the donkey's sculpted torso and pulled the other man in, the kiss he initiated springing his own erection to life and slapping against his shredded abs.

It was the perfect ruse to slip the donkey's sweats off, his hand wandering down his partner's back and sliding underneath the waistband to feel up the other man's pert rump before gently tugging the stretchy fabric past that flared cock. He made sure to give his boyfriend's balls a gentle squeeze in the process.

Tadano felt a gasp involuntarily leave his mouth as he felt his orbs be manhandled by the beefier yeen. At first he thought it was an invitation to get a bit more intimate, though he soon understood his boyfriend's real intentions as the other man reached past him to grab another bottle. "Oh wow, you're really into this!"

"I'm not the only one," Haida pointed out by running a finger along the length of the other man's dribbling pole.

"Can you blame me?" Tadano responded with a fondle of the yeen's rod, noting the increase in size from when he was speared in his limousine. It had him verify that his own had grown larger since then as well. Huh, something about the compounds in the sake must've affected their genitals in the same way their muscles had been. His analytical mind was abuzz at the possibility.

His boyfriend before him resembled an amateur bodybuilder after only a single dose, with him looking bigger than a professional after two. Haida was curious as to what knocking back a third bottle would bring him and did so without any hesitation. Little did he know his years of constant overdrinking had led to that very moment.

With the bottle safely on the floor, he waited with bated breath for the next set of changes to hit him. He welcomed the warming sensation as it radiated through his form, imbuing his bulging muscle mass with its essence.

It was then that he felt the first signs of expansion take place. His arms tensed from the abrupt addition of heft, the split peaks of his biceps cresting higher than his head as his triceps alone surpassed the thickness of the average person's leg. So dense with muscle were his limbs that their measurements jumped by dozens of inches in every direction, needing to utilize three dimensions in order to pile on as much size as possible.

His chest was no different, protruding out more than a foot as the beef bloated his pecs out so much that his fat nipples had no choice but to point straight down. The sensitivity of his chest boulders couldn't be understated, sending shivers racing along his spine from his thumb merely brushing against one. He was in awe at how awesome getting larger felt!

While he had no chance of seeing it for himself, his back offered the same pleasure as moving any part of his upper body forced his mountainous muscles to mash together, heightening the desire for more size so as to feel even more euphoric bliss. The muscle groups themselves were already leaps and bounds ahead of what a person could ever hope to achieve through traditional means of getting huge, as their immense magnitude broadened him in ways he'd never thought possible. Traps that just about swallowed his neck were a reality in his world, as were lats that put the wingspan of quite a few birds to shame!

He was so caught up in revelry that he practically missed his lower body going through the same changes, his meaty quads in particular thickening well beyond the realms of what people would've thought achievable. So dense with heft they became that he was forced to adjust his stance just to allow them to comfortably grow.

That was easier said than done with his billowing pillar fattening up in the process. Men often referred to their dongs as a 'third leg', only his actually looked the part with how thick it became in a matter of moments. Translucent pre drooled from the tip, supplied by what had to have been the largest set of cum tanks ever to grace the planet. Not one part of him screamed 'small' anymore, and he couldn't have been more delighted.

Tadano, meanwhile, opened a second bottle for himself, using the hyena's ascension as entertainment to distract himself from the harsh taste of the sake. It worked as he downed the entire thing before he even knew it.

It wasn't long after that his own growth picked back up, causing him to moan in bliss as the sensation of his bloating bulk returned, only to notice how much stronger it was. Now he knew why his partner had blown up so much from only two doses!

Like the other man, he felt his torso broaden as a result of his body wanting to cram as much meat on his frame as possible, requiring the increase in width to make the magic happen. He didn't mind in the slightest as the sensation of his cannonball-like shoulders creaking outward coaxed a happy groan out of him. He adored the feeling of both his back and front taking full advantage of the increased canvas to grow on, bloating out his physique until it reached twice as wide as what he was like at the beginning of the night. His limbs were no different, making him glad he removed his clothing when he did as now they'd struggle to contain his enormity even with how much they stretched. Being one drink behind the hyena meant he wouldn't quite match the size of his studly boyfriend, but that didn't matter when they found the other to be eye candy no matter what.

It was Haida's turn to notice the donkey's expansion, his tail happily wagging behind him as he witnessed the Adonis his partner had become. It put him over the moon with how masculine the other man now appeared with a few hundred pounds of sumptuous bulk gained, though none of that could ever detract from the cuteness of his boyfriend's face that shone through the muscle mass. It was like he got the best of both worlds and he couldn't be more thrilled.

Tadano was on cloud nine with how both he and the yeen supreme enjoyed the growth. The spectacle of his boyfriend being almost three times the man he made out with earlier had his heart beating out of his chest, which led him to feel up the other's. "Look at you, my powerlifter pup!"

"Hey, you're not so hard on the eyes yourself!" Haida cupped the donkey's hilly back, his shaft belching forth another glob of pre. It was then an idea popped into his head. Using his heavier weight, he pivoted to the point where his partner lost balance, the force of which pushed him backward until he landed on the most luxurious bed he'd ever laid eyes on, with his boyfriend collapsing right on top of him.

Tadano wasn't prepared for the sudden change in stability, though ending up with his nose pressed into a set of hairy pectorals more than made up for it. He grinned like a madman as the hyena's manly scent tickled his nostrils, further solidifying his attraction to the other man. Getting lost in his partner's aroma led to him getting caught by surprise when a pair of rough hands gingerly lifted him up, realizing the purpose was to get the two of them face-to-face.

"I thought you might enjoy this," Haida said with a giggle, smooching the donkey as he savoured the weight the other man brought. His hands roamed free around his boyfriend's brawny body, fingers tracing over whatever bulging muscle they could find. Eventually he came upon his partner's dimpled glutes, which is when he started leaking up a storm; the ass had a set of thickly muscled ass cheeks to die for, and even though his were bigger it didn't stop him from moaning into the smaller man's traps as he kneaded them.

Tadano just about lost composure then and there, not expecting the hulking yeen to play with his immensity so easily. He'd never been one for being manhandled by someone larger than him - as several of his hookups led him to discover - but being huge enough himself made it feel completely different. Plus it only made things better that the person doing it was someone he wanted to grope him.

It was then that an errant gaze over to the stand beside his bed revealed there to be one bottle of sake left. With a playful twinkle in his eye he reached over and grabbed it, opening it up before showing it to the hyena.

"Oh!" Haida's face lit up. "Yeah, go for it. I wanna see you--"

Tadano didn't let his boyfriend finish before popping the opened bottle in the surprised yeen's mouth. "Big, strong men need their vitamins. Drink up," he lilted.

While initially blindsided, that didn't stop Haida from inadvertently swallowing the liquid that poured down his throat, gladly accepting the last dose they had on hand. He gripped the bottle to allow easier flow into his mouth, polishing it off in a matter of seconds.

That was the moment Tadano was waiting for. Content that his partner was finished, he placed the empty bottle back on the stand and turned his attention back to the ecstatic hyena, who couldn't stifle a giggle to save his life. "I love you, Haida."

"I love you too, Tadano. Thanks for that."

"It was my pleasure. Now," Tadano's length throbbed in anticipation, "grow for me."

It was almost as if Haida's body somehow listened to the command, his chest puffing out with every eager breath. He felt the donkey work over his bulk in the meantime.

Barely a moment after that did his final growth spurt begin. A goofy grin became plastered onto his face as he felt his bodybuilder-sized boyfriend be forced away from his form, especially as his prodigious pectorals only got moreso, the slabs of beef now almost miniature planetoids in how swollen with spotted beef they'd gotten. The pleasurable sensation of growth hit him hard, and it didn't help in the slightest that he felt the smaller man caress his burgeoning musculature as it grew. Not that he was about to complain, of course!

Pinned underneath the thickest cocks in the world was his core, already massive in its own right, but about to be bigger than he could've dreamed of. Against what reality normally dictated, those bricks he called his abdominals absorbed so much of the vitality pouring into him that they bulged dramatically with heft to the point of nearing cinder blocks. His trunk had to continue widening to make that happen, and he couldn't have been any happier with the outcome.

It led to his back doing the same, those mountains only growing huger as the distance from those peaks to the ridges between them were thicker than most people's legs. His titanic traps proceeded to surge up his neck, tickling the base of his ears before jumping past that point entirely. Those lats of his did the same, flaring wide and flat enough that someone could actually sit on them without him even feeling it. Just the thought along had him spurting.

As his back pushed him further from the bed, so too did his ass, those mounds of beef bubbling out into boulders gym rats would pay good money to simply witness for themselves. Each one was now heavier than his entire body used to be. So thick and dense were his cheeks that any rock shoved between them would be pulverized to dust, even showing diamonds weren't immune with how cracked the surface would get.

His bloated thighs only got bigger, making the donkey's quads seem quaint in comparison as they inflated with vigour unlike anything either of them knew was feasible for a person to achieve. And yet he did, his legs now giving tree trunks a run for their money in both size and strength, able to turn one to pulp with little effort.

But what commanded the most attention was his pride and joy. Sandwiched between the two hardbodies was his boyfriend's flared cock, but also his billowing crotch rocket that felt just about as large as the donkey's leg at its thickest point. He'd become a monster of a yeen, a veritable titan that would make anyone blush from only a single glance in his direction, if not for his turgid shaft, then for a pair of testosterone factories capable of filling a bathtub. To have orbs bigger than a person's head was one thing, but to have them rival watermelons was another. Were he to stand up they'd hang lower than his knees, ready to tell the world how virile he really was.

The fact that his partner's face rested on pecs just about the size of car tires had Tadano hornier than he'd ever been previously. Such a cute visage surrounded by spotty bulk had him weary, overcome with desire to explore his partner's gargantuan form.

He pressed his muzzle forward to meet with the yeen's, their lips mashing together in fervent want, tongue dancing in harmony as lust for one another consumed them. He moaned into the embrace as his passion for his boyfriend skyrocketed, his pulsing obelisk leaking steady rivulets of cum both along his shaft and the larger man's wide torso. With a little shifting, he managed to wrestle his partner's leviathan prick free, rubbing his muscled rump against it as the craving to have it shoved up his chute intensified.

"Tadano," Haida grunted, his arousal for the situation difficult to overcome with how hard the mere thought alone made him, "we can't--"

"But I want to!" Tadano whined, his eyes pleading with the hyena. "I know you do too."

Haida hadn't seen the donkey act in such a manner before. He caressed the side of his boyfriend's face in empathy for the burning heat he knew they both felt, but ultimately understood they couldn't go through with the act in good conscience. "It would be irresponsible, and I know you know that."

"I know..." Tadano's ears drooped. "It's just that--"

"Hey, that doesn't mean we can't have fun at all," Haida said with a smile. Gently lifting his brawny boyfriend - which was way easier than he thought it'd be - he placed the donkey on the bed, then manoeuvred his hundreds of pounds of delicious bulk on top, his own hypermuscled rear now pushing into the other man's diamond-hard rod. "I still owe you from back in the limo, remember?"

The sensation of having a heaving mass of sweaty hyena bulk clamber on top of him had Tadano just about ready to bust a nut. He shuddered from the colossal man gently resting on his core, his nerves alight with the electric tingles brought upon by his partner's fingers grazing the ridges of his sculpted abs. His heart beat in his throat from the stimulation alone, the monstrous yeen's ministrations doing a number to his sanity. He had to make love to his beast of a boyfriend.

Lust written on the donkey's face told Haida everything he needed to know about what his handsome partner thought of the idea. "I knew you'd agree with me." With a wiggle of his hips, he raised his swollen rump in the air, his globular cheeks parting as much as they could on their own, trying in vain to fit the other man's length in between them before giving up and manually doing the deed himself. Still, he couldn't stifle a gasp from escaping past his lips from the first instant of his boyfriend's throbbing tool contacting his winking pucker. It was his first time bottoming for someone and it had him nervous.

But all his trepidation seemed to melt away the more he got into the process. While having an equine phallus, the blue-furred donkey's flare wasn't as much of an issue as his mind made it out to be, smearing his hole with enough pre to let it pop right in, much to his shock. The only thing that could make that make sense in his head was that his capacity to take dick also increased with his muscle mass, which spurred him into thinking of how much practice he could get now.

While lost in the pleasure given by having his tumescent cock clamped down on by the biggest behemoth in history, Tadano also couldn't fathom the heat pouring off the yeen's monumental pillar, acting like a phallic space heater that caused him to spurt precum inside his partner's tailhole. The length of it wasn't lost on him, but in his horny stupor he almost didn't notice how the tip of that schlong went from resting on top of his pecs to being shoved between them, just about smacking him in the mouth.

The smell rolling off the mushroom head alone was intense, motivating him to lick the preseed oozing from the slit with his broad tongue before taking as much of it in his mouth as he could, moaning around the throbbing flesh the whole while. His tongue curled under the bunched-up foreskin, eliciting a yip of surprise from his hyena. That put a grin on his mug.

Haida was suddenly assaulted by his donkey on multiple fronts - the pole in his quivering ass seemed to buck in sync with his heartbeat, his own girthy log of hyena fuckmeat was being slathered over by his partner's tongue, and his fat nipples were being tugged on at the same time. He was a mess of horny emotion, arousal flourishing, igniting the longing in his very being. It was nearly too much for even a guy his size to handle, and yet everything he wanted.

He hunkered over the smaller man, his chest now also stimulating his turgid hog as his solid pectoral mass rubbed against his veiny cockflesh. The ensuing barrage of pleasure had him scrunching up his eyes as he struggled to maintain any semblance of composure. He panted from the heat, both what he felt from exertion and also what he hoped to quell by getting fucking in the ass. All the arousal welling up in his soul had made him a needy mess that only his partner could help with.

More and more he bounced on the other man's cock, the viscous pre lubricating his anal cavity and letting the second-largest dick on the planet easy access to his innards. He panted as his buttons were pressed, moaning the name of his boyfriend as his urges took over, wanting nothing more than to get the pair of them off and focusing all his efforts on doing so.

Having ass cheeks bigger than his pecs repeatedly slam against his pelvis might've seemed rather intimidating to Tadano if asked about it before, only finding out while railing the yeen how much the sensation egged his libido on. Every clap brought about from the colliding flesh induced a spasm in their bodies, musculature tensing as a shockwave of ecstasy practically fried their nerves.

Breathing was somehow never a problem for him, even with a cock the size of his leg stretching his mouth as far as it could go. While taking the entire thing was a total pipe dream, he didn't let that stop him from doing what he could to what he was able to envelop, sending his tongue into the yeen's cumpipe and evoking a needy moan from the behemoth. It brought about a sense of pride that he was able to not only pump his shaft into the other man's hungry asshole but also tongue his partner's crotch rocket at the same time and be damn good at both.

He felt his boyfriend's tail whipping his aching balls, but he paid it no mind. In fact, the repetitive slaps only stimulated his orbs into a higher gear, audibly gurgling as he ground the hyena's prostate flat. His own need to cum was rising, the pressure in his lower half mounting as the smell of musky fuckflesh inundated his nostrils and had him mentally begging for release. Every fibre of his being screamed for climax; he'd have to see if he'd falter first, or if he could induce orgasm in the hulking hunk as well.

One could perceive Haida's proximity to blowing his load by how much his underbite wriggled as unrelenting euphoria pummeled the pleasure centre of his brain. His eyes had been screwed shut as he drew closer to climax, his libido clambering up the mountain of orgasm, coming upon the sheer cliff face that led to the peak. It surprised him how easily that obstacle was overcome, though the way his nips were played with like car radio dials certainly helped a ton in that regard.

That was all his body could take. Even though he was a colossal titan of a yeen that tipped the scales at over several hundred pounds, the heightened sensitivity that came bundled with his lascivious bulk proved too strong for him to edge out any longer. It'd take quite a while before he could master the art of inhibiting orgasm, but the day he managed that wouldn't be any time soon.

Without any warning he cried aloud as his dam burst, his vocalizations partially muffled by his face being shoved into his overmuscled pectorals. The pressure now released, his engorged cum tanks let loose all they'd produced since getting bigger, draining at a breakneck pack and bulging out his cumpipe as potent spunk geysered into his boyfriend's awaiting maw. He wasn't sure if the smaller man was able to take the deluge about to come, but he knew neither of them had any chance of stopping the flow once it started.

Tadano's eyes nearly bugged out of their sockets the second all that jizz flooded his mouth, swallowing as much of it as he could before spitting the head of that girthy dick and letting the remaining hyenabatter paint the wall behind him instead. He just about choked on what felt like cum being shot out of a firehose, finding it miraculous that he didn't, but wondering if one day he might be able to manage a torrent as violently lewd as that.

But his slip in concentration led to his own balls emptying of everything they had, right into the yeen that stole his heart all those many nights ago. Every sweet nothing whispered to one another, every passionate fantasy they began to share with each passing day, every ardent desire they craved from each other... All of that built up to that very moment, their hearts beating as one as they creamed themselves to the thought of their lover. It'd be a night he wouldn't soon forget.

The overwhelming pleasure hammering his burly body had his toes curling in delight as he splooged into his partner's guts. He'd scrambled the hyena's insides with his donkeyhood as best he could, realizing how much stronger the effect could've been had he been any bigger. Perhaps a correspondence could be made to see if any surplus sake was still kicking around...

Several long moments passed before Haida even thought of removing the equine shaft plugging his ass, having done his very best to clamp down on it like a vise to prevent any liquids from spilling out during the act. That had to be abandoned if he wanted to move around again, which let the copious amounts of jizz stuffing his inner walls to pour out like a waterfall, the abrupt empty sensation having him shudder uncontrollably.

That was quickly dealt with, soon after returning to some semblance of normalcy as his emotions tempered, only to immediately burst out laughing when he saw the disoriented visage of his lover splattered with his juices. He knew what he had to do now.

It took Tadano a hot second to regain his bearings after being inundated with the powerful cascade of spunk that coated his face. The musky scent baked into the cum contributed to his delirious state, though he didn't mind in the slightest. One thing that did strike him as odd, however, was a certain something lapping away at his thick, bull-like neck, going over the same spots for some reason and leaving his fur matted. What could that be...

And then he realized, and it put the biggest grin on his face. The giggling commenced when the yeen's tongue licked the cum dripping from his chin, the sensation driving him wild as he felt the warm muscle slathering up his cheek. He wiped the jizz from the rest of his face and saw the handsome visage of his partner; in that moment he knew life was good.

"So," Haida ducked down, his muzzle resting beside the donkey's ear, "I think I did pretty good for my first time."

"That was your first time?!" Tadano twisted his head to look at the yeen, an incredulous look on his face. "I refuse to believe it."

Haida could only snicker as he shrugged his boulder shoulders. "What can I say? I'm not the pretty-boy tech genius you are, I'm just some nobody who gets passed over by anyone actually wanting a good time."

Tadano caressed his boyfriend's cheek with his fingers. "Well, you won't have to worry about that any longer. I won't leave you alone now. I'm sure you'll be sick of me soon enough."

That got Haida to chuckle, though not for very long as a pertinent thought came to the forefront of his mind. "You think you wanna get this reversed soon? I know you have appearances to maintain and all that."

"It doesn't really matter to me. I've been out of the spotlight long enough that my physique might seem halfway plausible. With you, though..." Tadano grimaced as he looked over his yeen supreme. As much as he simply adored the gargantuan form that he got to cuddle with now, his own desires shouldn't dictate how his boyfriend's life played out. "I'd hate for you to lose out on any job opportunities for the sake of pleasure."

"Eh, I'm okay to give it some time. It's not like I'm working at the moment, so what's the harm in having a little fun in the meantime?" A sly look in his eye, Haida wrapped a brawny arm around the comparatively smaller donkey, bringing his partner under his heavy frame. "You think you can get any more of that sake?"

Tadano bit his lip as he contemplated whether or not the possibility was achievable in any capacity. "I'd say that would be a very firm... 'maybe'"

Hearing anything other than a 'no' thrilled Haida, who went and kissed his donkey on the cheek. "Good enough for me."

A Love Forged Across Realities [PTRN]

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If You Want Something Done Right... [PTRN]

The finishing touches to Rocket's latest invention were finally being made. It'd taken him ages to complete - the process of going from rough idea to tangible product was unbearably long, with simply planning the whole thing out being the biggest time...

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Thievius Realitus [PTRN]

Desert as far as the eye could see. A town built in the middle of nowhere, now bustling with people from all walks of life. Rolling tumbleweeds. Trains are the most efficient means of transportation. The burning midday sun overhead beating down anyone...

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