Under The Cherry Blossoms Chapter Eight Part One

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#8 of Under the Cherry Blossoms (NEW)

Author's Note: If your squeamish don't read this chapter. At least until I tell you to do so. It contains candid mentions of eating insects. Specifically Meal Worms and Giant Ants.


The Desert heat seemed to just sucker punch me as I eased from the VR capsule and sat up. Thankfully I didn't need much more than shorts due to the arid environment and the dry heat made sweating all but impossible even if I wasn't half Thorny Devil.

Still I slowly stood up and stretched groaning as my back and such popped and the many spiny plates began to fill and expand. Once more I was grateful I was a hybrid and was able to retract those spines at will thanks to winning that particular part of the genetic lottery.

"Gabriel come walk the dogs!" came Mom's voice and I sighed before getting to my feet. In truth our "Dogs" were actually monitor lizards that had evolved to be quite bigger than their normal sizes.

As the sand swirled outside our door I slid my goggles over my eyes and then clicked my fingers. Both of the Doberman sized Lizards bounded up to me looking eager. I secured their chocking devices and shock collars...haha had ya going there for a moment didn't I?

Anyway with my good boys properly leashed I began to walk outside forgetting for the moment that I would need shoes and being quickly reminded as the heat of the desert sand lanced through my foot like a hot knife.

"&^%$!" I said quickly falling back into the house and getting slobbered on by Himbo and Jane. Thankfully to me their saliva wasn't poisonous. Still I lightly pushed them back with my scaly hands and sat up slipping on my special cooling Sandals before rising once more and getting ready to head out with them. Thanks to the whipping wind and the sand we saved a bunch on our Electric bills because of the multiple giant wind turbines that we had set up to power our house.

While I walked the Dogs I looked around our property to make sure that everything was in order. The turbines as I mentioned were spinning nicely though if not for the reflected light off their blades I wouldn't be able to see them in the whipping sand.

(Author Warning: Stop Reading here you squeamish ones)

Our trek carried us close to the Ant farms and well these weren't your run of the mill ant's either. Leave it to Australia to just super size everything because it wasn't deadly enough when it was tiny.

The size of our ant farms were easily the equivalent of three story house...but considering the size of the ants...they had to be. Now you might wonder how come if they are so big...why we are still able to treat them like ants of olden times. The answer is simple...their brains never got bigger. They still use Smell to talk to one another. Something that modern science has gotten quite good at manipulating. And do to their size... with the purchase of two of them a normal family of Lizards could eat at least for a few days. Now we had one other venture that was still working surprisingly well..Supersized Meal Grubs.

Now you wouldn't be wrong in thinking something as big as them would need more food. However surprisingly they didn't despite their massive size they survived on about three inches of wheaties cereal and endlessly reproduced. Just one of them could feed a chicken coop for a month and garuntee a bountiful harvest and around here a giant roasted Meal worm served with BBQ sauce was considered a great delicacy.

(Author's Note: You may resume reading here)

We walked a few circuits around the compound before the dogs decided that going inside would be a good idea. They took care of their needs before we finally got back in and I was grateful to be out of the oppressive heat. Sure I could stand it for a bit but not much more than a few hours.

Dog's unleashed and once back inside moved to do the rest of my household chores. Which involved the usual house cleaning. attempting to sweep out any sand though mainly I would just sick the roomba on that. Making sure that we had water pressure so we would be able to cook dinner that night and taking out the trash.

All combined these things didn't take me long so I found myself back in my room on my computer pulling up the usual messaging app to check on my friends around the world though most of them were asleep now.

I would have to go back outside in a few hours to do some maintenance work on the farm then head into town to get some supplies for lunch the next few days but other than that my day was free. Which barring disaster would be a nice change.

I cracked my fingers before beginning to type on my keyboard messaging my friend Zen who seemed to be in game at present. "Hey man hows it going?" I asked of him while taking the time in between replies to head into the kitchen grabbing some Mango juice and then coming back.

On my screen was the following program which could be used to communicate in and outside of game.

~~~~~Oracle Message Program~~~~~~~~

Rainshadow: _Hey Zen. What's happening in your corner of the digital space? _

Zen: Not much. Kinda volonteered with another wolf fella for an escort quest. We've got a human to guard and well there is another Human about...though he seems to be totally new to the game.

Rainshadow: Well not everyone can play as long as we have. Still I wish ya luck. Escort quests are a real drag.

Zen: I have to agree though not much we can do about it. Hopefully the reward is worth it.

Rainshadow: _Where are you at anyway? _

Zen: _The starter town. Had just turned in a quest to the guild and was wondering if anyone needed help. Got sorta dragged along into this. _

Rainshadow: Do ya need rescuing? I can put the twerp six feet under and then just slap a gaint boulder on top of him.

Zen: _Curb your enthusiasm my feathered friend. He's harmless...if a bit odd. _

Rainshadow: Are you sure he's not a mini me?

Zen: *luaghing emote* Nah. He's more tame compared to you. Good Luck with your work later.

Rainshadow: _ Thanks. Good luck with the oddball. _

That bit of conversation completed I moved to head to the back door of the house I still pulled down my goggles as reflex to protect from the glare of the outside sun as I walked towards the pheromone spray area that would let me walk safely among the Ants.

Under The Cherry Blossoms Part Seven

Author's Note: I figured I'd continue the different POV trends with this chapter. At least to start off with. Let's see what thoughts lurk within Zen's brain. (Zen) Beside the Target, we were set to guard I walked leaving the other two to...

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Under The Cherry Blossoms Part Six

_Author's Note: This time I figured we would diverge our path a little and follow the mousemaid Button for a bit._ (Button) Button had many places to be. So they quickly walked efficiently out of the guild house thinking to themselves as they...

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Under The Cherry Blossoms Part Five

(Nakishodo) Trade Request from Romulus Will You Accept? (Y/N) "Yes." I replied aloud and saw that exactly 20G were transferred into my Inventory. Satisfied enough at the moment I moved to sit down by him and he threw up his hands...

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