Chapter 23: Compliance

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#23 of The Murderess of Maplesburg: Disappearing like Rabbits

This is the penultimate chapter in The Murderess of Maplesburg: Disappearing like Rabbits.

Chapter 23: Compliance

Jason awoke the next morning to find the lights still on. He had no way of knowing what

time it was since he presumed they had been on all night. He tucked his head back under the

blanket: the toasty air was heavy with Ellie's warm rabbit scent, now combined with the lilac

shampoo. He tucked his head back over hers and closed his eyes, attempting to go back to

sleep. He had almost drifted off again when the door to the cell creaked open. Jason poked his

head back out to see the Duchess stepping through the doorway, holding three black travel

mugs, one in her hand and two between her arm and chest. Closing the door, she rearranged

one mug to her free hand.

"Good morning, Your Grace," Jason murmured.

She looked up, "Oh good, you're awake," she chirped. "How about your little friend?"

Ellie stirred under the blankets, probably awoken by the sound of the Duchess' voice.

Jason stroked her chest, and she scooted forward until her head pushed out in front of his. He

leaned his head up to peer over her long ears.

The Duchess smiled warmly, "Both up now. It's simply a lovely morning. Why don't we

take a brisk stroll before breakfast to help work up an appetite?" She nodded to the mugs. "I

brought you some coffee if you need help getting up."

Ellie slid onto the floor, and Jason followed her.

The Duchess handed one of the mugs to her, "Here you go, Dear. I prepared it just how

you like it."

Ellie accepted the mug but sniffed at it suspiciously.

"I'm not trying to poison you, Dear. I could have done that by now if I were inclined to."

She seemed to contemplate the idea. "Although, I've never tried that before; it might be

interesting. I'd have to find the right poison though. Cyanide would be too quick; I'd need to find

something slower, something that takes a few days ideally."

Ellie looked like she wanted to snipe back, but she seemed to stop herself. She glanced

at Jason, sighed, and took a sip of her coffee. "Thank you, Your Grace," she muttered.

At least she's trying what we talked about. Jason knew it was difficult for her, but he

firmly believed it was for the best. Not that it's easy for me. The Duchess handed him the mug

she'd kept tucked in her arm. Jason sipped the bitter black coffee.

"Both ready to go then?" the Duchess asked.

"I have to pee first," Ellie muttered.

The Duchess waved toward the toilet, "Go ahead then, Dear. I won't watch you."

Ellie grumbled under her breath, but then set the coffee down and walked across the

room to the toilet. Jason also averted his gaze while she relieved herself.

"How about you, Jason? Do you need to go?" the Duchess inquired cheerfully.

He nodded. He definitely didn't want to drink a bunch of coffee before emptying his

bladder. The sound of the sink running told Jason Ellie was washing her hands.

"Go ahead then," the Duchess instructed.

Jason set down his coffee and walked across the room. He exchanged a glance with

Ellie as she returned from the sink. Jason sat down embarrassedly on the still warm seat. He

didn't really want to have to urinate with the vixen also in the room, but she didn't show any sign

of leaving.

"Did you sleep well, Ellie?" she asked conversationally.

At least she was still keeping her eyes averted. Disturbed, Jason forced himself to

relieve his bladder: the sound of his pee hitting the water was like the torrent of a waterfall to his

heightened perception, causing him further embarrassment as he knew both of them could

easily hear. He dabbed himself with a piece of toilet paper and flushed before getting up to

wash his hands.

"Ready, Jason?" the Duchess queried.

"Yes," he murmured. He wiped his wet hands on Ellie's towel and stepped back across

the room to collect his coffee.

"Do I have to wear the leash again?" Ellie grumbled.

"Do you want to wear it?" the Duchess responded lightly.


"Then I think your hand will be enough." The Duchess switched her coffee to her left

hand and took Ellie's left in her right. "Let's head out!"

She led them out the door on the far side of the dungeon and up the damp stone stairs

to the side of the manor. The sun was just beginning to peek over the trees, and the pleasantly

cool air was filled with the sweet and musty scents of trees, verdant undergrowth, and the

flowers of the beds in front of the manor.

The Duchess took a deep breath through her nose, "Ahh, a lovely day, like I said. Don't

you think so, Ellie?"

"Nice enough," Ellie mumbled.

The Duchess led them around the front of the manor and into the woods. They

wandered through the trees in no particular direction, the Duchess leading with Ellie in hand and

Jason a few steps behind.

The Duchess spoke conversationally with Ellie, "You said you enjoy jazz, didn't you,


"Yes," Ellie muttered.

"I'll see about getting you some CDs if you like."

"I usually listen on the radio."

"There's one in my room if you'd like to tune in. I use it for the morning news though

typically I only concern myself with such things if I'm expecting an interesting report."

"Thanks," Ellie grumbled.

"Is there anything else you like to listen to?"

"There's a podcast I like."

"You mean online?"


"I'm afraid I can't give you access to the web. We have it of course, but it's quite slow out

here anyway."

After a few more minutes of walking, the Duchess stopped to examine some orange

mushrooms poking up through the leaf litter around a tree. "Do you suppose these are


"Why don't you try them and find out?" Ellie asked dryly.

"I suppose I could collect them and test them on my next guest," the Duchess went on.

She contemplated them further. "But then if they only cause intestinal issues, that would make

an unpleasant mess." She shrugged, "I'll study the matter further later."

"Good to know you like to educate yourself on a subject before diving into practice," Ellie

responded sarcastically.

The Duchess turned to nose Ellie's ear, "Though sometimes that's the best way to

educate yourself. There aren't many books on owning bunnies, yet here we are, learning."

Ellie didn't respond. They continued to ramble. The Duchess kept Ellie close by her side,

and if Jason hadn't known better, he might have imagined the two were close friends out for a

pleasant stroll. However, he knew that, for Ellie, the forced intimacy was far from pleasant. He

wished the Duchess would let Ellie be even if that meant her attentions were focused on him

instead. He had the benefit of being a fellow carnivore, someone whose dignity and personal

autonomy she had at least a modicum of respect for. Poor Ellie was a toy to her, valuable only

as a source of amusement.

At length, they found themselves by a fallen tree. Jason recognized it as the one from

the other day; apparently, the Duchess had had some sense of where she was going. She sat

down on the log, placing her mug on her left, and pulled Ellie down into her lap. Jason sat in the

empty space on her right.

The Duchess nosed Ellie's head and ran her hand down Ellie's cheek, "You smell as

tasty as ever today, Ellie," she teased.

"Wonderful," Ellie grumbled.

"You know, we don't have to go back to the manor for breakfast. We can find you a nice

patch of grass, and then after you're all full and happy," she lowered her hand to trace her claw

around Ellie's belly. "Then we can have our breakfast."

Ellie was obviously unamused, but she said nothing, continuing to scowl.

"So serious," the Duchess commented. "You're more valuable to me than a quick meal,


Ellie's wordless scoff was enough to convey her skepticism.

"It's true; I wouldn't want to lose my new favorite toy, would I?"

Again, Ellie didn't respond.

"So why not give me a little smile? It's a lovely day. Your friend is here. When we get

back, Gustav will have something tasty for you. Your life is pretty good, I think, hardly a care in

the world."

"Except who you'll murder next," Ellie grumbled.

"You needn't concern yourself with that. You and your friend are safe."

Jason knew Ellie wanted to argue, but she held her tongue. It was for the best: nothing

she could have said would have convinced the vixen. It would have only caused more strife

between them, strife that Jason feared would end with him never or rarely ever seeing Ellie

again. They had to stay together even if that meant ignoring the vixen's deranged statements

and monstrous behavior.

The Duchess brought her hands up to massage Ellie's cheeks before turning to Jason,

"Are you enjoying yourself, Jason?"

"It's a lovely morning, as you said, Your Grace."

"Have you worked up an appetite?"

He nodded.

"Excellent, I'm a bit peckish myself. Let's head back before we decide to start nibbling

Ellie here." She lifted Ellie off of her lap, picked up her mug, and took Ellie's hand again before

starting back toward the manor.

When they returned, the pine marten was pacing around out front. He scurried over to

them when they emerged from the woods, "You're back! I-I was worried!"

The Duchess addressed him calmly, "I'm sorry, Edgar. I didn't want to wake you, but

whatever were you worried about?"

He looked confused, "I, I don't know, but you were all gone."

"As you can see, we're all fine. Does Gustav have breakfast ready?"

"Er, I don't know."

"Let's go find out then." She pushed Ellie toward him, "Why don't you look after your

bunny friend? Try to get a smile out of her; she's determined to refuse me."

The Duchess led them in through the kitchen to the dining room. They sat as before, and

the overweight stoat soon served them breakfast.

After a breakfast of a small whole wheat pancake and several links of sausage for the

carnivores and a larger whole wheat flax pancake for Ellie, the Duchess addressed the rest of

them, "Is there something else you'd like to do this morning?"

"I'd like to write the letter to my family if that's still okay, Your Grace," Jason requested.

"Of course, Jason. Thank you for reminding me. Would you like to write one too, Ellie?"

"To say what?" she asked incredulously.

"To tell them you're alright. You don't want them to worry, do you?" the Duchess

answered patiently.

"So you want me to lie to them," Ellie replied dryly.

"They think we're dead, Ellie," Jason explained. "That's what Lily told them."

"Zeus blast her," Ellie grumbled. "Alright, I guess it's better if they at least know I'm


"There's some stationery out in the conservatory," the Duchess chirped. "I'll get you set


She led them out to the card table and dug a box of stationery and some pens out of one

of the shelves on the back wall. Jason knew he couldn't write anything that might give away his

location, but he wanted to relieve his parents' worry. He kept his letter brief.

Dear Mom and Dad,

I know the police have told you I am dead, so I am writing this to let you know I am alive

and well. I don't know when I will see you again, but I am safe. Please don't worry too much

about me.

I love you,


He handed his letter to the Duchess to examine, and she read it quickly and handed it

back with a nod. Ellie took longer to write hers, but after a several minutes, proffered her letter

to the Duchess. The Duchess read it carefully, but then handed it back with a nod as well.

"Acceptable. You just need to address the envelopes, and I'll have Wolfgang post them,"

she instructed.

Jason started to write his parents' address, but Ellie suddenly smacked the pen out of

his hand.

"Don't give her that, Jason!" She glared at the vixen, "Nice try, but I won't tell you where

my family lives even if you torture me!"

"I can't mail the letters without an address," the Duchess replied mildly.

"Stuff them up your ass!" Ellie snarled.

"Ellie!" Jason warned nervously. He turned to the Duchess, "Could you mail them to the

coroner's office?"

She shrugged nonchalantly, "I suppose so. It makes no difference to me where you send


"Fitzie will handle them, Ellie," Jason soothed her.

Jason addressed an envelope to Fitzie and put both letters inside. The Duchess

accepted it and licked it to seal it shut.

She handed it to Edgar. "Take this to Wolfgang and tell him to post it the next time he's

in Maplesburg."

The pine marten took the envelope, nodded quickly, and scurried out of the room. The

vixen scooped Ellie up out of her seat and sat down with her in her lap. She petted her head.

"I promise I wouldn't have gone after your family, Dear," she soothed.

"Right," Ellie growled sarcastically.

The Duchess ran her hand down Ellie's cheek to her neck and began to massage her

throat. "I wish you'd learn to trust me a little, Ellie," she murmured. "I always keep my word.

You're safe here, I promise. Trust me, and we can even be friends."

Jason was particularly skeptical about the final statement. I suppose it depends on what

she means by 'friends'. He doubted the Duchess was interested in an equal relationship with

anyone, let alone prey. After a few minutes, the pine marten returned.

The Duchess turned to address him, "Edgar, why don't you look after Jason for a while?

I want to spend some time with Ellie."

"Y-yes, Your Grace," the pine marten answered nervously. He glanced worriedly at


Jason wasn't sure what the pine marten was worried about, but he was concerned that

the Duchess wanted Ellie by herself where she could torment her more. "What are the two of

you going to do together, Your Grace," he inquired cautiously.

"Spend some time building a rapport," the Duchess replied lightly. "I feel I've been unfair

to your friend up to now. She needs to know that I want her to be comfortable here too."

Jason nodded. He was still worried, but he didn't really have a way to stop it without

risking his agreement with the vixen. He hoped she was telling the truth. The Duchess stood,

lifting Ellie across her arms.

"You two have fun together," she instructed. "Try to get to know each other better too."

She turned and trotted out toward the living room.

Jason turned to the nervous pine marten, "So, uh, do you know how to play Gin?"

* * *

Ellie scowled at the vixen as she carried her upstairs. She didn't bother complaining

about being carried again as being held by the murderous vixen was becoming a frequent

intrusion. She supposed she should try to tolerate it until they could get away, but it wasn't easy

being treated like a toy. The vixen took her into her bedroom and set her down.

"What was the station you listen to, Ellie?"

"Eighty-eight point nine."

The vixen nodded. She clicked on a walnut finished radio on top of the long dresser and

tuned it to the jazz station, pausing to listen to the lively instrumental music a few moments.

"Very nice," she commented. "Now, let's sit together and have a little discussion." She sat down

on the thick maroon carpet, leaning against the pale pink blankets of the foot of the bed and

patted the floor next to her.

Ellie sighed annoyedly and stepped over to crouch next to her, "What is it this time? You

want to gloat?"

"About what, Ellie?" the vixen asked innocently though Ellie was certain she knew

exactly what she meant. "I only wanted to discuss your place here, how I can help you adjust to

your new life. As I'm sure you can see now, your friend is adjusting quite well. Is there

something you need to make you more comfortable?"

"For you to turn yourself in," Ellie stated dryly.

"Let's not get into that again. You get along so well with your feline friend. Is there

something I should do to make you more comfortable with me as a predator?"

"Seriously?" Ellie asked incredulously. "I assumed you were going out of your way to do

the opposite."

"I have been having some fun teasing you, but I don't want you to feel you're in any real

danger from me."

"What about when you told Jason you'd make him watch while you killed me?"

"Well, yes, but that is only if he misbehaves terribly. I don't think you need to worry about


Ellie wished it weren't the case, but she had to conclude the vixen was correct: barring

hurting her, Jason could be relied on to do what the vixen wanted. "You could leave me alone,"

Ellie suggested grumpily, knowing already that this wouldn't be an option.

"I wouldn't be a very good host if I simply ignored you. Besides, if I can't have any fun

with you, then you might as well live with Boots."

The vixen said this all lightly, but Ellie knew it was a threat. It might not be a good idea to

keep giving answers she knew the vixen would reject lest she make the capricious fox angry.

"I'd appreciate it if you'd keep your mouth off of me, and you could keep the 'jokes' about

eating me to a minimum."

"I'll try," the vixen allowed.

"I don't suppose you'd stop picking me up," Ellie stated dryly.

The vixen shook her head, "I like to hold you."

"Could you at least tell me when you are going to?"

"I'll do my best with that. Anything else?"

Ellie couldn't think of anything else the vixen was likely to agree to. She was surprised

she'd agreed to any of her requests as it was. She thought the point was to torment her as

much as possible. At least not having fangs at her throat or being snatched up without warning

would be an improvement. She shook her head.

The vixen smiled warmly, "I'm glad there was something I could do." She stood. "I'm

going to pick you up now," she noted.

Ellie braced herself, and the vixen scooped her up and then hopped up on the bed,

sitting with Ellie across her lap. She tucked Ellie up between her arms, which was rather

undignified as Ellie ended up with her rear in the air.

The vixen looked down at her with gentle amusement, "Like I told your friend, there's

something satisfying about having prey in your claws, but also, you are a cute little thing. If you

were more accepting of my affection, I'd like to cuddle you. Your friend doesn't mind cuddling."

Ellie was happy to let Jason bear the brunt of the murderous vixen's 'cuddling'.

"Maybe you're a little shy to admit you like it," the vixen suggested. "Most people find

foxes alluring. I won't tell your friend you like it if you do."

Ellie neither found foxes 'alluring' nor liked being handled by the vixen. She was going to

tell the vixen as much, but then she remembered what Jason had said about trying to flatter the

fox. "I, I do, Your Grace. I've been having trouble admitting it to myself because of what you do,

but I do like it when you show me affection. Like you said, there's something alluring about

foxes, something, um, mysterious."

Ellie's lie seemed to please the vixen immensely. She beamed down at her before

pulling her up into a sitting position and hugging her tight.

"Now I understand why you've been so recalcitrant," the vixen crooned. "You've been

trying to deny to yourself that you actually like being my toy. Let's not have any more of that

silliness. We'll have a wonderful time together!"

Ellie wasn't sure the lie had been a good idea after all. She may have just condemned

herself to more unwanted contact with the fox. She seemed happy, but again, that wasn't

necessarily a good thing. Cutting people up made her happy. The vixen lay down with Ellie on

top of her and turned onto her side, curling herself around Ellie and holding her close. She

tucked her bushy tail up in front of Ellie, the end sticking in Ellie's face. Ellie would have pulled

her head back, but it was already pressed to the vixen's chest. The vixen waved her tail, and the

long fur tickled Ellie's nose. The vixen snickered softly.

"Cozy now, are we?"

Ellie could either admit she'd told a bold-faced lie in an attempt to manipulate the vixen,

or she could accept the outcome of the vixen believing she found her mysterious and alluring.

Somehow, she didn't think admitting she'd lied would turn out well for her. The vixen had been

quite pleased to think Ellie liked her affection; might she not be enraged to now be told the

opposite? "I am, Your Grace," Ellie murmured.

"Why don't you take a little nap? You're safe with me, your vulpine owner. I'll keep my

bunny toy warm and secure."

Ellie had to fight against the urge to struggle at the thought of being wrapped by the

vixen's body for who knew how long. Hours? There was no way she could sleep pressed

against the vicious fox, her sickly musk all around her. The vixen sighed and squeezed Ellie

tighter. Ellie held motionless, trying to think of what to say to convince the vixen to spend her

afternoon some other way, but before she could think of a good excuse for getting up, she

noticed the vixen's gentle rhythmic breathing. Shit, she's already asleep! This might have been

a good time to try to escape, but the vixen was still holding her tightly. If she tried to get away,

her struggling would undoubtedly wake the vixen, and then she'd have to explain why she'd

been trying to get away. Escape wasn't an option. Ellie shifted slightly, and the vixen squeezed

her tighter: it was getting uncomfortable. Ellie tried to hold perfectly still, hoping the vixen

wouldn't have a dream about strangling someone, or otherwise mauling them. She listened to

the still softly playing music, trying to take her mind off of her present predicament.

Ellie awoke to the feeling of claws gently scraping through her belly fur. She opened her

eyes to see the vixen's tail still in her face. She managed to glance over it at the clock: three

hours had gone by. Ellie wasn't sure whether it was more disturbing that the vixen was still

curled around her or that she had managed to fall asleep with the wicked fox after all.

"You look so peaceful while you're sleeping," the vixen murmured. "When you're awake,

you always look unhappy."

Ellie squirmed uncomfortably at the thought of the vixen watching her while she slept in

her arms.

"Shh, I told you you're safe, remember?" she soothed. She nuzzled Ellie's head then

yawned, showing off her maw of dagger-like fangs. "This is a nice way to spend a lazy

afternoon, don't you think? Curled up with your fox owner. I had some lovely dreams about

bunnies clambering to be my guest or fill my belly, lining up for me to dissect or eat them. It was


Fucking Tartarus! As if being held by the sleeping fox hadn't been disturbing enough!

The vixen noticed Ellie tense in her arms, "Oops, I was going to talk about that sort of

thing less. My apologies." The vixen hugged her. "Let's get up and find out how your friend and

Edgar have been getting along."

The vixen let her go and then let her lead down the stairs. They found Jason and Edgar

in the living room, leaning against opposite arms of the sofa. Jason was reading, and Edgar

appeared to be asleep. Jason turned to look at them as they entered the room: he looked

relieved to see Ellie unharmed. The vixen hurried over to Edgar and jabbed him.

He jumped, "Wha?!"

"Edgar! I told you to get to know Jason, not to take a nap, you lump!"

"We played cards and had a good conversation," Jason defended. "Then I wanted to

read, and he only fell asleep a short time ago."

"I'm sorry, Edgar. Do you need to take a nap? I think I can watch them myself."

Edgar shook his head, "I'm fine, Your Grace. What did you do with Ellie?"

"We came to an understanding," the vixen stated archly. "Let's see about a late lunch,

and then we'll find something to do together."

After a light lunch of sandwiches--Ellie's were spinach and cucumber--the vixen let

Edgar choose something to do. After much hemming and hawing, he decided he wanted to play

some racing video game. He was very good at it; the rest of them had more trouble.

After her third turn losing to Edgar, the vixen set down her controller, "I think I've had

enough of this 'entertainment'. Let's read for a while. I'll read you more about Dorian Gray."

She led them to the living room, collected the book, and indicated for Jason and Ellie to

join her on the couch. As before, they sat next to the vixen, and she pulled them in close. Edgar

climbed up and pressed close to Ellie. Ellie wished she could go a few hours without someone

squashing, holding, or stroking her without her permission. The vixen turned to nuzzle each of

them on the head, even reaching over Ellie to nuzzle Edgar, who let out a little squeak of joy. He

stretched across Ellie to nuzzle the vixen back, squashing Ellie in the process.

"Hey! Why don't you switch me spots?" Ellie complained.

Edgar looked at the vixen hopefully, "Can I, Your Grace?"

"How about we do it this way? Ellie, I'm going to pick you up."

Zeus blast it! I shouldn't have said anything! The vixen set aside the book to lift Ellie into

her lap and then picked it back up, tucking Ellie's ears under her jaw so that they wouldn't

obscure her view. Edgar scooted over next to the vixen and leaned against her shoulder. Ellie

thought it was a fairly ridiculous arrangement. They were adults, not a bunch of children with

their nanny. Or in her mind, her pet, her toy, and whatever Edgar is. The vixen lifted the book

and began to read.

The vixen read until she reached the end of the novel, closing the book, she took on an

instructive tone, "And that shows you how breaking your word can lead to your demise even in

the most favorable of circumstances."

Ellie stopped herself from responding to the absurd takeaway from the novel. The vixen

set aside the book and reached her hands up to massage Ellie's cheeks. Ellie sighed


"Is something the matter, Ellie?" the vixen queried.

"No, Your Grace," Ellie muttered.

The vixen continued to massage her cheeks as she thought aloud, "Let's see; we have a

couple hours before dinner yet. We already went outside and read and played Edgar's game. Is

there something else one of you would like to do?"

"We could play Euchre again," Jason suggested. "That was fun, or another game for four


At least the vixen couldn't hold her if they were playing cards. "I agree," Ellie chimed in.

"Euchre it is then," the vixen agreed. "Let's stop by the kitchen to see if Gustav can bring

us some wine again."

She set Ellie on Jason's lap and hopped off of the couch. Ellie wished Jason would

comfort her after the hours of tension from being in the deranged fox's grasp. She turned her

head to press her face against his shoulder. He seemed to understand and hugged her tight.

Ellie closed her eyes, and for a few moments, she let his scent and embrace fill her world,

leaving the murderous vixen and her brainwashed servants behind.

"Come along you two," the vixen called.

Reluctantly, Ellie opened her eyes and slid off of Jason's lap onto the floor. He followed

her, and together they followed the vixen and Edgar out through the entryway and to the

kitchen. The vixen waved the fat stoat over as they entered, and he quickly waddled over to

greet them.

"Your Grace! Edgar, Miss Ellie, Mister Jason, how nice of you to visit me. Is there

something I can get you?"

"Would you bring us a bottle of merlot in the conservatory, Gustav?" the vixen requested.

"Yes, Your Grace. Is that all?"

"When can we expect dinner?"

"At six, Your Grace.

"Thank you, Gustav." She led them through the dining room to the conservatory. "Why

don't we be partners again, Ellie?" she suggested.

It put the table between them, so Ellie agreed. Ellie and the vixen won the first hand and

kept the lead until Edgar got a loner giving Jason and Edgar the game ten to seven.

"Ah well, that's how the game goes," the vixen consoled Ellie. "You seem to be having a

good day today, Edgar. First your game and now cards. You can't be beat."

"Er, actually, I did lose when Jason and I were playing earlier," Edgar corrected. Even

so, he seemed pleased with himself.

"To what do you attribute your new found luck? Rabbits are lucky, aren't they? Maybe

being around Ellie some luck has worn off on you."

Edgar smiled at Ellie shyly, "I don't know about that, but I am lucky to have met a new


"Very true, Edgar," the vixen agreed. "And I think Ellie is realizing how lucky she is as

well. It wasn't that long ago that she was at the front door shouting about how poor Wolfgang is

a murderer, but look at her now: having a glass of wine, playing a friendly game of cards.

They're both settling in nicely."

Ellie wanted to protest, but she didn't. For one, she was trying not to argue with the

vixen; she'd promised Jason and Edgar both. But moreover, she wasn't sure she could argue. It

was a disturbing feeling. Would Ellie from a couple weeks ago have ever agreed to play cards

and drink with this monster? They had gone through Tartarus, it was true. And Ellie understood

why Jason was ready to comply with the cruel vixen's desires, but could she ever have

imagined being ready to comply herself? She glanced at her feline friend and partner. Only days

ago, he had been on the brink of death, and now he was well on the mend. She had only been

able to tell he'd been starving when she'd felt his ribs. Otherwise, he was his sweet, awkward

self again. Ellie felt a wave of protectiveness inundate her chest, washing away the discomfort

of feeling she had gone wrong: she was doing this for him, for her precious kitty. She couldn't let

him suffer that way again. She couldn't allow the vixen to separate them. He needed her, and so

she complied with the vixen's perverse desires. If it had been her alone, perhaps she would

have remained defiant to the end. Does that mean our relationship makes me weak? Ellie

shoved away the thought. No! They'd only made it this long because of their love and friendship!

Ellie took a deep, calming breath. If the vixen wanted to believe they felt lucky to be here, well,

that was probably for the better anyway.

"Why don't we play another round?" the vixen suggested. "There's still enough time

before dinner."

Ellie took a sip of her wine, which she'd been careful to request less of, and nodded her

assent. The others agreed as well. The second game was a little longer with no one getting a

loner, but Ellie and the vixen won three hands in a row, euchring Jason once and giving them

the victory with a score of ten to six. The vixen packed away the cards, set the box on the table,

and folded her hands over it.

"Why don't the two of you tell me a little bit more about yourselves? Did you attend

college or some other school after high school?" she suggested.

"I attended UNV," Ellie stated.

"What did you major in?"

"Political science."

"Interesting, we should discuss politics sometime."

Ellie felt she'd heard enough about the vixen's skewed views, but she nodded politely.

"How about you, Jason?"

"I, uh, attended police academy."

"Did you really? You don't seem cut out to be an officer."

Jason looked down embarrassedly, "I guess not," he murmured. "I dropped out."

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that," she replied sympathetically. "Funny how things work out,

isn't it? If you'd been an officer, you technically would have been my employee, but we probably

never would have gotten to know each other like we are now."

"The police are your employees?" Ellie inquired disconcertedly. "I thought they were

hired by the mayor or city council."

"Well, I don't oversee the hiring of every officer. That would be tedious. I do review the

candidates for the chief of police though, and I try to get to know the officers at the top to come

to an understanding about how things are."

"So you picked Lily for the job?" Jason murmured.

The vixen nodded, "Maplesburg's current chief of police? Of course. I had to disillusion

her about a few things, but I knew she was promising as soon as I read her record. Ambitious, I

like that. I wouldn't be surprised if she's mayor of Maplesburg before long. She'd be a vast

improvement over that dithering bird in office now. Do you know she called me a couple weeks

ago trying to get me to fire Officer Schulz? Of course, I denied her request."

Ellie felt a pit in her stomach at the vixen's description of their completely broken police

system. Lily could be as negligent or corrupt as she wanted, and their elected officials couldn't

get rid of her. Only the deranged vixen could do that, and they had an 'understanding'.

Everything was completely rigged against us from the very beginning.

The vixen noticed Ellie's disturbed expression and reached across the table to gently

squeeze the wrist of the hand that was absently holding the bottom of her wine glass. "Don't

worry yourself about it, Dear," she soothed. "Especially with a political science degree, it must

be difficult to accept how things really are, but it's all really for the best. We make sure the

people don't do anything that might damage our proud Vulpinevan traditions."

The vixen's assurances were no consolation at all. "Don't you believe in democracy at

all?" Ellie asked, unsettled.

"Democracy is wonderful so long as the people make the correct decisions," the vixen

declared. "I think it's lovely that you get to feel like you have a say."

Again, the vixen's words had the opposite effect of comforting Ellie, but she didn't even

know what to say in reply. If things were as the vixen said, then they really did only have the

illusion of enfranchisement.

"If you think about it, you've never been in a better position to affect policy," the vixen

added. "If you convince me something needs changing, then." She snapped her fingers. "I can

change it!"

Ellie momentarily wondered whether that was a possibility, but then she realized the last

thing she wanted to do was convince the capricious vixen to take a greater interest in public


The vixen smiled, "We'll talk more about such things some other time. Gustav should

have dinner for us any minute." She stood and led them back to the dining room.

At least Ellie's dinner was tasty. She tried to take her mind off of their broken political

system while she ate her ratatouille. After the main course, the fat stoat again brought them

cherry pie. Unfortunately, Ellie didn't get a second piece because he didn't serve Jason one

though she considered asking for another piece anyway. What did she care if the corrupt fox

thought she was a glutton? After bringing out the pie, the stoat returned with what appeared to

be a piece of cheesecake for Jason.

"Why don't you try this, Mister Jason?"

Jason cut off a small bite with his fork and chewed it contemplatively. He swallowed and

smiled, "That's very nice. Thank you."

The stoat beamed, "I tried to make you something savory since you don't like sweet. I'm

glad it meets with your approval."

"Do you mean it doesn't have any sugar, Gustav?" the vixen inquired.

"That's correct, Your Grace."

The vixen didn't look impressed with the idea, "I don't think I'll try it then. I'm glad you like

it though, Jason."

Dairy-based and without sugar definitely didn't sound like anything Ellie was going to


When they had all finished, the vixen dropped her napkin on the table and turned to

Ellie, "Did you want to take another shower tonight, Ellie?"

Ellie nodded, "I like to bathe daily."

"I assumed as much. How about your friend?"

"Jason only has to shower once a week," Ellie noted.

"Right," he grumbled, clearly regretting having made such a promise.

"I see. Well then, I'll escort you upstairs to take yours, Ellie. Edgar, can you escort Jason

down to their room? I want to make an early bed." She leered wantonly at the pine marten.

He squirmed in his seat, looking both flustered and excited. Bleck! Ellie really didn't want

to think about that again, especially so soon after dinner.

The vixen stood and motioned to Ellie with a wave of her hand, "Come on, Ellie. Let's get

cleaned up."

The vixen let Ellie go in front and followed her up to the bathroom. As expected, she

came in with her, but she didn't stop following her after closing the door, following her right into

the shower cell and shutting the glass door behind her.

"I'll help you get your back since your feline friend would rather lick himself," she stated


"I, I'd rather take it by myself," Ellie muttered embarrassedly.

"We can take a bath instead," the vixen suggested lightly.

That definitely sounded worse, and the vixen's answer made it clear taking either by

herself wasn't an option. "Uh, shower is okay, Your Grace."

"Lovely." She turned on the water and adjusted the temperature before guiding Ellie into

the streams in front of her.

Ellie stood nervously as the steamy water soaked her. Was the vixen going to try to

make sexual advances on her now?! Ellie had no idea what the vixen's orientation was or

whether she even cared about such things when she thought she could use sex to make a

powerplay. The vixen shut off the water. She reached up to take the shampoo from the rack in

the back corner and squeezed out some of the viscous liquid before handing the bottle to Ellie.

She began to work the shampoo into her own head fur. Ellie breathed a sigh of relief: it didn't

seem she was planning on actually bathing her. Ellie squeezed out a blob of the lilac-scented

liquid and began to work on her own head. Ellie worked her way down her own body washing

her arms and her chest.

She was reaching for her back when the vixen spoke, "Let me get that for you, Ellie."

She took the shampoo from Ellie and squeezed some into her hand. She smeared it on Ellie's

back and began to knead her fingers through Ellie's fur. Ellie stood nervously, feeling the fox's

claws lightly scrape over her skin while the vixen worked the lather down her back. The vixen

reached the bottom and tweaked Ellie's scut, causing her to jump.

"Heeheehee, oops, I guess that's sensitive. Will you do my back now, Ellie?" She

crouched down so that Ellie could reach more easily.

Ellie wasn't sure whether it was a request or an order, but she decided it was best to do

what the vixen wanted. She got a bit more shampoo for the vixen's larger torso and began to

work it into her long auburn fur. Feeling the vixen's ribs and spine under her fingers made Ellie a

bit uncomfortable, and she tried to detach herself from the task. Fortunately, it didn't take long to

finish. Ellie reached the vixen's tail, and the vixen stood.

"Thank you, Ellie." She bent to pick up the shampoo and her wet tail swung up to smack

Ellie in the face. "Oops, sorry about that."

Ellie wasn't sure whether it was an accident or not. Having such a short tail, she was

unsure how difficult it was to control a long one. She took a step back to avoid it happening

again. They finished washing themselves and rinsed off, and finally, the awkward shower was

complete. Ellie and the vixen each grabbed a fresh towel from the cabinet to wipe down, and

then the vixen extracted the blow drier.

"Let me blow you dry."

She turned the drier on Ellie, and Ellie stood with her arms out whilst the vixen dried her.

When she was done, she handed the blow drier to Ellie, and crouched down.

"Now you can do me."

Ellie complied, working from the vixen's head down. She stood as Ellie reached her

lower torso, and Ellie tried not to look too closely at the fox's genitals as she dried her rear.

Then she dried the vixen's shapely legs and finished with her bushy tail, which took a

particularly long time. Switching off the blow drier, she handed it back to the vixen, who

unplugged it and replaced it in the cabinet.

"Thank you, Ellie. That was fun. A nice bonding experience, don't you think?"

Ellie wasn't sure it was anything of the sort. It had certainly been awkward enough to be

an icebreaker, but she didn't feel any closer to the vixen afterward. "Er, I guess so," she fibbed.

"I'll take you down to your friend in a minute, but first I have something for you, a gift."

Ellie blinked. What in the world would the vixen give her as a 'gift' and why? She wasn't

sure she wanted to receive it. The vixen ushered Ellie to her bedroom and retrieved a package

from the closet. The box was wrapped in glossy pink paper and tied with a black ribbon. The

vixen handed it to Ellie, and she accepted it gingerly. The cubic box filled Ellie's forearms but

wasn't very heavy. Ellie hefted it experimentally, trying to guess what might be inside. Hopefully,

it was nothing gruesome.

The vixen watched her expectantly, "Go ahead and open it!"

At least it wasn't likely to be a bomb. Ellie untied the ribbon then tore off the paper. She

opened the box, and her eyes widened in surprise and embarrassment: inside was a sizable

purple dildo affixed to a black belt on a pair of adjustable straps that connected the middle of the

belt to either side of the buckle in the back.

"It's a strap-on!" the vixen chirped, pointing out the obvious.

Ellie's confusion wasn't derived from wondering what the object was but what the vixen

intended her to do with it.

"It's for you to use with your kitty friend," the vixen went on. "I think you'll enjoy it. He

probably will too."

Nonplussed, Ellie was unsure how to respond. She wants me to. Why? So she can

watch? Or maybe the deranged fox actually thought this was a thoughtful gift instead of being

utterly weird and creepy. Ellie closed the box. "Uh, okay then," she mumbled.

"I can take the box," the vixen declared. She took it back from Ellie, pulled out the strap-

on, and handed that back to her while setting the box aside on the dresser.

Ellie felt even weirder holding the toy. "This is, um, clean, isn't it?"

"Of course! It's brand new! I had Wolfgang pick it up just today!"

So multiple people already knew about the vixen gifting Ellie a sex toy. It wasn't getting

any less awkward. Ellie frowned at the purple dildo in her hand: it was kind of big too. Her hand

didn't even reach around it. Poor Jason. Ellie shook away the image; there was no reason they

actually had to use it.

"You can thank me later," the vixen allowed. "After you get a chance to try it out."

"Er, right," Ellie murmured embarrassedly. "Can you take me downstairs now?"

The vixen directed her with her arm, "You know the way."

The vixen followed Ellie down to the cell and guided her inside, shutting her in with

Jason, who was reading on the bed.

"Did you have a nice-" His eyes fell on the strap-on as he looked up from his book, and

he stopped, his sea green eyes widening.

"She, uh, she gave this to me," Ellie murmured awkwardly. She carried it over to the far

corner of the room and hung it on one of the wall hooks.

Jason continued to stare at the toy, and Ellie wasn't sure whether he was shocked,

embarrassed, or maybe aroused. Ellie glanced back at the toy and then to the intently staring

cat. Maybe he really would enjoy it. She'd broach the topic later. Ellie hopped back across the

room and onto the slab.

"Anyway, we never did get to continue our fun after our shower yesterday." Ellie leaned

back on her hands and spread her legs. "Why don't you stop gawking at that and put your

tongue to good use?"

Jason turned back to Ellie and smiled embarrassedly. He crouched down in front of her

and pushed his head between her legs.

* * *

Rita reached her hand up to stroke the still sleeping pine marten's head. The sun was

shining fully through her bedroom window, but Edgar had yet to awaken. Rita watched him

fondly, his side rising and falling gently, as she cradled him in the curve of her body. His nose

was pressed against her chest while his feet were tucked in against her belly. She stroked his

head again and leaned her nose down to touch his velvety little ear, inhaling his tantalizing

sweet musk. Rita had been happy to keep her promise after they'd finished last night. Who

would have thought Edgar would know what he's doing in that area? Tempted by its softness,

Rita nibbled his ear.

"Mmuh? Your Grace?" he mumbled sleepily.

"Sorry about that, Dear. You can go back to sleep if you want," she breathed.

Edgar snuggled closer to her and sighed, "I love you, Your Grace."

"I know you do."

"Can, can we always be like this?" he murmured hopefully.

"You'd like that, wouldn't you, Edgar?" she replied softly.

"More than anything, Your Grace!" he gasped excitedly.

"We'll see then. I can't say I mind having someone to curl up next to. Boots might get

jealous though."

"B-Boots might?" he squeaked nervously.

"Terribly jealous. I don't know what he might do."

Edgar trembled, "Wha-at he might d-do?!"

"Shh, be brave, Edgar. I'm sure it will be quick if it comes to that."

"Y-your Grace!" he cried fearfully.

She hugged him tight, "Don't worry. Boots won't get you as long as you stay close to


He hugged her back, drawing his long body flush with hers and pressing his head under

her jaw, "Y-yes, Your Grace!"

Rita had to hold back a giggle as she held the trembling pine marten close, "I've got you,

Edgar," she soothed.

She'd let him know eventually that Boots wouldn't actually harm him for sleeping with

her. The human was perfectly devoted to her happiness. The only thing that could have upset

him would be for Edgar to upset her. Rita continued to stroke the pine marten, soothing the fear

that she had instilled in him. It wouldn't do to let him get complacent, to forget that everything he

had was a gift of her generosity, regardless of how good he was in bed.

He had calmed down and was slipping back to sleep when Boots' tromping began to

echo up the stairs. Edgar went rigid and whimpered.

"Quickly, let me hide you!" Rita gasped.

Rolling him onto his back, she slid him forward to the carved walnut headboard and

propped her pillow up over his head. Quickly, she plopped down on his chest. The pine marten,

who was less than half her weight, let out a little squeak as she squashed him.

"Shh!" she warned, pulling the blankets up around her waist.

Boots tromped into the room carrying a mug of coffee, "Good morning, Mistress."

"Good morning, Boots." She accepted the mug and took a sip of the hot, sweet brew.

"Breakfast here or downstairs, Mistress?"

"Downstairs, Boots. Our guests." She paused. "The newest members of our household

will be joining me."

"Very good, Mistress." Boots turned to leave.

"Stay and chat awhile, Boots."

He turned back. "Yes, Mistress."

Edgar squirmed underneath her, and she grinned.

"Is something amusing, Mistress?"

"Oh, I was merely thinking about how well our new kitty and bunny are adjusting to life

with us, Boots. Did you ever think we'd have a rabbit in the household again?"

"No, Mistress."

"Yet she's adjusting almost as well as her friend. I'm afraid you won't be getting her after

all, Bootsy."

He frowned disappointedly.

"There, there, we can find you another bunny if you like. I'll help you pick one out. What

kind would you like?"

"One like Ellie."

"Your heart's set on a bunny like her, eh? Hmm, maybe she has siblings. I'll have

Wolfgang and Johann look into it."

Boots smiled, "Thank you, Mistress."

"Why don't you fetch the two of them and then join us for breakfast, unless you've

already eaten."

"I have, Mistress. May I join anyway?"

"Of course, Boots. Edgar and I will meet you down there in a minute."

"Should I get him too, Mistress?"

"That won't be necessary, Boots. I'll drag him out of bed."

Boots nodded and turned to tromp out the door. Rita listened to his heavy footsteps

descending to the basement. She leaned back and took a sip of her coffee.

"Y-your Grace?" Edgar whined.

"What is it, Edgar? Aren't you comfortable down there?"


Rita bounced herself on his chest, and he squeaked again. "You make quite the comfy

seat, Edgar."

"I, I'm glad you're comfortable, Your Grace," he whined.

Rita took another sip of her coffee and sighed with mock mournfulness, "I suppose I

can't sit here all day though. We need to meet Boots and the others for breakfast. Are you

hungry, Edgar?"

"Yes, Your Grace."

Rita leaned forward and pulled away the pillow to reveal the pine marten. She held her

mug out to him, "Hold this, Edgar."

He reached his arms up to take the mug, and Rita stood and hopped off the bed. She

reached back over the bed to take back her mug.

"Thank you, Edgar. Let's go see what Gustav has for breakfast."

She trotted toward the door, and he scrambled to follow her. When they arrived in the

dining room, Boots had yet to arrive with Jason and Ellie. Rita sat at the near end of the table,

and Edgar sat to her left with one seat between them for Ellie. Finally, Rita heard Boots

stomping up the stairs. He strode into the room, carrying Jason and Ellie each in one arm.

Neither of them appeared to be enjoying the ride.

"You could have let them walk, Boots," Rita pointed out chidingly.

"Wouldn't come," Boots replied perfunctorily.

Rita shook her head, "Dear me, you two shouldn't make Boots drag out up here. He

won't hurt you, I promise."

Neither of them responded, still looking uncomfortable in the human's arms. Rita reached her

arms up for the rabbit. Instead, Boots delivered her the cat.

"Oof." Rita quickly sat the heavy cat down on her lap.

"Er, good morning, Your Grace," he mumbled.

Rita scritched him around the base of the ear. "Good morning, Jason. Did you sleep


"Yes, Your Grace. I hope you slept well too."

"Quite well, thank you, Jason. Edgar and I were very comfortable."

Edgar went rigid with horror, and Boots looked at him questioningly. Rita smirked.

"How about late last evening?" she continued. "Did you have fun with Ellie? I hope you're

not too sore this morning."

Jason squirmed embarrassedly, "Er, uh, well, we, uh, we didn't-"

"I see. You didn't try my gift yet. That's okay. I'm sure you'll pluck up the courage before

too long, or at least, you won't be able to resist giving your little friend what she wants."

Jason squirmed embarrassedly again, and Rita grinned. She tweaked the base of his

tail, causing him to give a little jump, and then set him on the floor. He quickly sat in his seat.

Rita reached her hands up for the rabbit again. Boots was now holding her in both arms, gently

stroking the highly disturbed Ellie. He hesitated to hand her over.

"Boots," Rita scolded. "She's been being good. Let her go."

Reluctantly, he lowered Ellie to Rita. Rita felt a tingle of anticipation as her prey lowered

toward her waiting arms and then a shot of ecstasy as she grasped her prey tight.

She grinned down toothily at the rabbit across her arms, "Good morning, Ellie." She

adjusted the rabbit to sit her on her lap. Hugging her tight, she stuck her nose in her ear and

breathed her warm, savory aroma. "Mmm, how's my little morsel this morning?"

Ellie frowned, "None the better for being called a morsel," she grumbled.

"Oops! I was going to try to avoid that. Let me try that again. How are you doing this

morning, Ellie?"


"It's shaping up to be another lovely day. Why don't you give me a little smile? I know

you can manage it."

Ellie continued to frown. Holding her tight across the chest with her right arm, Rita

lowered her left arm and tickled Ellie's vulnerable belly.

"Akk!" Ellie grabbed Rita's hand in both of her diminutive hands pushing it away. "Stop

that!" she demanded, but Rita could see the beginnings of a smirk elicited by the irresistibly

elating sensation.

Rita pulled her hand away and plunged her fingers back into Ellie's belly fur, wiggling

them mercilessly.

"Eek, ahahaha! No! Ahahahaha!"

Rita stopped, examining the rabbit's grinning visage satisfiedly. "That got a smile out of

you!" she chirped.

"That's cheating!" Ellie protested.

"It's not a competition, Dear. I want you to be happy." Rita stroked her head

affectionately then gave her ear a quick lick.

"Hey! What was that?! Were you tasting me?!" Ellie exclaimed irately.

"Shh, I wasn't tasting you, Dear. It was a, a little sort of kiss."

"You kissed me!?" Ellie asked incredulously. "I am not going to be your next Edgar!"

Edgar went rigid again and began to tremble.

"Don't be silly. Not that kind of kiss, a friendly little lap to show I care. I mean it when I

say I want you to be happy."

"If you really wanted that, you'd let us go."

"You can be happy here, Dear. You're doing so well already. I know you'll be content

and comfortable before long. Besides, I couldn't lose my little bunny; you're precious to me,

Ellie. Guests only stay for a little while, but you're mine forever. And that means I'm going to

take care of you."

Ellie frowned again, and Rita sighed. The rabbit was so determined to be miserable.

There was no reason for it. They were members of her household now, and Rita would make

sure they were comfortable.

"Maybe what you need is a little more excitement. I could invite someone for the

evening, give you someone else to socialize with besides me and Edgar. It would give me a

chance to show you off to another member of the nobility too."

"You'd invite someone here to show them your prisoners?" Ellie asked incredulously.

"'Prisoners' is such an ugly word. This is hardly a prison; it's a beautiful estate where

you're obliged to live out the rest of your days in comfort. But yes, I'll invite someone to meet

you, someone I can trust." She looked up at Boots, "Boots? Could you put Larchwood on the


Boots nodded and withdrew a cell phone from his tuxedo jacket pocket. Rita continued

to stroke Ellie's head while he poked around finding the number and dialed. He handed the

phone to Rita. After a few rings the other line picked up.

"Hello, Larchwood manor, His Lordship speaking, how may I help you?"

"Jean, this is Rita. How are you?"

"Rita? Do you mean Her Grace, Rita Belmont?!"

"The same, Jean."

"Your Grace! To what do I owe this pleasure?"

"I was hoping you'd be able to join me at Belmont Manor this afternoon, Jean."

"It's, thank you for your invitation, Your Grace, but it's very short notice."

"It's not a long drive, Jean. I'm certain the tomatoes will be fine without you. Did you

have other plans?"

"N-nothing concrete, Your Grace."

"Then I'll expect you at three, Jean. Bring your lovely fiancée with you. Penelope, wasn't


"Correct, Your Grace. She'll be delighted to hear you remember her fondly. I'll see you at


"Until then, Jean." Rita hung up. "That's settled then. Edgar, go and see whether Gustav

needs help bringing out breakfast. Boots, have a seat."

Boots walked to the far end of the long table and sat cross-legged on the floor, still

towering above the table. Ellie started to slide off of Rita's lap, but Rita caught her.

"Why don't you sit with me, Ellie?"

The rabbit grumbled under her breath but didn't try to leave again. Rita nuzzled her


"I'm sorry you don't enjoy it, Ellie, but there's something so satisfying about keeping you

close at hand. I hope you'll learn to enjoy my holding you as much as I do."

Ellie sighed grumpily. Rita wrapped her arms around her and squeezed her close,

breathing her tempting scent. My tasty little prey. There was indeed something satisfying about

having prey in hand. Even if you didn't plan on killing them, having them was a thrill all its own.

Shortly, Edgar returned with Gustav to serve breakfast. For the carnivores, there were

poached eggs, ham, and half a slice of whole wheat toast. For Ellie, there was oatmeal and a

bowl of fresh fruit. Rita examined the bowl of colorful mixed fruit.

"Some of your food looks pretty tasty this morning, Ellie," she remarked. She selected a

piece of cantaloupe from the bowl and popped it in her mouth.

"Hey!" Ellie protested.

Rita chewed and swallowed the sweet melon before responding, "Sorry, Ellie. You can

have some of mine if you like."

Ellie scowled at Rita's plate, "No."

When they were finished with breakfast, Rita set Ellie on the floor and hopped up


"Why don't we take a quick jaunt outside before it gets too hot, and after lunch I'll get the

two of you ready to meet Larchwood." She considered the cat, "Though I'm not sure we have

anything in your size, Jason."

"Do you still have my tie and collar?"

"Well, yes, but it isn't much, is it? I suppose it can't be helped if that's all we have to fit

you. Remind me, and I'll take your measurements sometime so that we can get you a nice outfit

for these occasions."

Jason nodded, "Okay."

Rita turned to the pine marten, "Edgar, make sure everyone gets ready for Larchwood's

visit. We'll be back shortly."

"Yes, Your Grace."

She glanced at the human, "Why don't you come with us, Boots? It's not often you get

out for some exercise."

"Thank you, Your Grace," he rumbled.

Ellie and Jason looked at him nervously.

Rita jerked her head toward the entryway, "Right, let's go!"

Rita led them to the door, and Boots held it while they filed out into the bright, sunny

front yard. The sun was already quite warm, so Rita made her way quickly toward the shade of

the trees. She paused at the edge of the woods to let Jason and Ellie go in front and to wait for

Boots. The human strode up to her and stopped.

"Why don't I ride on your shoulder, Bootsy? We'll let those two go in front."

Boots grinned, "Yes, Mistress." He crouched down to lift her onto his shoulder where she

sat, her left hand grasping a tuft of his mop of dark hair for balance.

"Don't crowd them, but don't let them get too far ahead, Boots," Rita instructed.

"Yes, mistress."

Boots followed the cat and rabbit, staying a few of his long strides back. Rita watched

them from on high. They began walking side by side with less than a body width between them.

Then the rabbit glanced back at the cat's flipping tail and quickly snatched it, wrapping it around

herself. She grinned roguishly, and the cat smiled back fondly before wrapping his arm across

her shoulders and pulling her close. They continued to stroll, pressed together, the rabbit

leaning her head against the cat's shoulder.

"You know, Boots," Rita murmured in his ear. "When I first realized the extent of their

relationship, it disturbed me. Seeing such a handsome carnivore with prey simply didn't seem

right, but after getting to know them and understand their relationship better, I think it's lovely. A

bit amusing too, but lovely all the same."

"Amusing, Mistress? You mean because they're predator and prey?"

"Not that, Boots, or at least not only that. If she were his obedient little prey, there

wouldn't be much to be amused about. Instead, well, Edgar may have had a point when he

compared her to me: she's very strong-willed. And he's, well, he's not exactly the opposite. It

certainly took fortitude to make it through his ordeal, but he's quite ready to acquiesce to his

bunny. Look at them at the moment. Are they walking together, or is she leading him around by

his tail?"

"Both, Mistress?"

"Precisely. He's perfectly content in her dominance, dominance by prey a fraction of his

size, and that's the amusing bit. But it's endearing too."

"As you say, Mistress," Boots agreed.

Rita smirked at the enormous human, "Not so different between you and me, eh, Boots?

Except prey and carnivore are swapped." She looked down at the ground so far below while

perched on the human's shoulder. "Although, with such large prey, I might have some trouble if

it came down to it," she noted.

"No trouble, Mistress. I'm yours if you need me."

Rita stroked his head, "Loyal Boots. I always knew I could count on you."

They rambled for an hour before heading back to the manor. They hadn't strayed far,

circumambulating the manor, and made it back within ten minutes. Boots set Rita down in the


"Thank you for the walk, Mistress," he rumbled.

"Anytime, Boots."

He bowed then turned to tromp upstairs.

Rita turned to Jason and Ellie, "That was a pleasant walk. Did the two of you have a

good time?"

Jason nodded with a smile, "Yes, thank you, Your Grace."

Even Ellie nodded in affirmation.

Rita beamed, "Excellent! Let's find a new book, and then we can do a spot of reading

before lunch."

She led them up to her study to look through the books. "Is there something you'd like to

read, Ellie?" Rita inquired.

"I was working through Lovecraft before you confiscated my tablet," she grumbled. "I

don't suppose you have anything by him."

"Of course I do! I told you horror is my favorite genre! Let's see," she scanned the

shelves for her Lovecraft anthology. "Ah, here it is!" She pulled the heavy book off of the shelf.

The black dust cover depicted a gray drawing of Cthulhu. Rita thought Ellie looked a little

bit pleased though she hid it well.

"Was there any particular story you were working on?"

"Call of Cthulhu."

"Perfect. Then we'll start with that one."

"What are his stories like?" Jason queried.

"Cosmic horror, the horror of deep time and space, the vast unknown, with plenty of

slimy monsters," Ellie answered.

"Alright then," he didn't sound convinced he'd enjoy it.

"Are you worried you'll get nightmares, Jason?" Ellie teased. "I'll hold you if you get


Jason flicked an ear, and Rita smirked. They proceeded down to the living room,

meeting Edgar in the entryway on the way.

"Everything will be ready for Lord Larchwood's visit, Your Grace," Edgar assured.

"Thank you, Edgar. Would you like to come listen to me read?"

"Yes, Your Grace!" He followed them to the living room.

Rita set the book on the sofa, hopped up, and patted her lap, "Come sit with me, Ellie."

The rabbit sighed annoyedly but then scrambled up and climbed into Rita's lap. Rita

hugged her prey close and then stroked her head. Jason jumped up beside her and scooted

close. Rita gazed fondly at the tabby and then back at the grumpy Ellie.

"Actually, why don't you hold her, Jason? I think she'll be happier listening to the story

she picked if you do."

Jason nodded and reached across Rita to pull Ellie onto his lap. He nuzzled her head,

and she returned the gesture by turning her head to nuzzle his shoulder.

"Thank you, Your Grace," Jason murmured.

Rita nodded.

"Can I sit with you, Your Grace?" Edgar asked hopefully.

"You may sit beside me, Edgar," she rejoined.

Edgar bobbed his head and scrambled up beside her, leaning in close. He reached an

arm behind her back, slowly sliding it down to the base of her tail.

"What do you think you're doing, Edgar? I don't recall saying you could touch me," Rita

warned softly.

Edgar jerked away, "S-sorry, You Grace!"

"You may lean against my shoulder, but that is all."

"Y-yes, Your Grace." Edgar gingerly leaned his head against her shoulder.

Rita reached around his lithe body to pull him closer. "That's better." She picked up the

book, located Call of Cthulhu in the table of contents, flipped to the page, and began.

Gustav served them a light lunch of sandwiches--Rita had turkey and cheddar--and

then Rita took Jason and Ellie up to her bedroom to get ready. She retrieved her soft bristled

brush from her dresser.

"Let me fix your fur for Larchwood," she piped.

She started with Jason, brushing out his black stripes. He began to purr as she worked

down his back, and Rita smiled at the sound of her pet's contentment. She finished with his tail

and turned to Ellie.

"Your turn, Dear."

Ellie stood rigidly as Rita brushed her short, soft fur, and again she finished with her tail,

teasing out the longer fur of her short scut. She held the brush out to the rabbit.

"Now you do me," she requested.

Ellie hesitated uncomfortably, and Jason stepped forward.

"I'll brush you, Your Grace," he offered.

Ellie eyed Rita and then sighed resignedly, "No, I'll do it if that's what you want." She

took the brush.

"Thank you, Ellie," Rita returned. She crouched down so that the short rabbit could more

easily reach her head.

Ellie began to meticulously smooth Rita's long fur, and Rita allowed the feeling of the

soft brush to soothe her. It was good to get her more reluctant pet to engage in this intimate

exercise. Familiarity would breed attachment, which would grow into affection. Even though Rita

knew the rabbit didn't like her, despite her claim of finding her alluring, which Rita knew better

than to believe, Ellie already disliked her less than when they'd met. She hadn't even been able

to have a conversation with the rabbit without her going into a rage about how Rita was an

irredeemable monster, but now, small acts of--if not friendship--civility were possible between

the two of them. As could only be expected, Rita had to be the one to push those boundaries,

but she was slowly eroding the wall of hatred the rabbit had erected between them.

Rita stood as Ellie reached her lower back, and she continued down toward her legs.

Rita found the rabbit's hesitancy whilst brushing her rear amusing: it wasn't as if there was any

attraction between them. However, she did interpret my kiss in a very sexual context. Perhaps

her lie about finding foxes alluring wasn't completely untrue. Rita had baited her into the lie, but

maybe she actually did feel some attraction for the majestic vulpines. Very understandable, and

she's clearly into cats. Rita wondered if prey often felt a certain attraction to carnivores. Fear

was the primary emotion to be expected, but the idea of being not only overpowered but then

consumed might elicit fascination in a subset of prey. However, judging by her relationship with

Jason, Rita doubted that was a factor for Ellie. Perhaps she's merely concerned that I'm

attracted to her. Rita saw how her affectionate advances could be misinterpreted that way. I

suppose I could disillusion her, but it is rather an amusing misunderstanding. And it put the

rabbit off of her balance, unsure of how to interpret and therefore unsure of how to respond to

Rita's behavior. That hesitancy would give Rita more control in their interactions; it was best to

keep her wondering, at least for now.

Ellie finished with Rita's luxurious tail, and Rita swung it up to brush across her face.

Ellie started back in surprise, and Rita smirked.

She waved her tail again, "Why don't you examine your handiwork? Run your fingers

through to make sure there aren't any tangles."

Ellie obeyed, running her hands down Rita's tail.

"Do you like that? I noticed you holding your friend's tail, you can hold mine sometimes if

you like."

"Er, okay," she didn't sound like she was going to take up that offer.

Rita, of course, hadn't expected otherwise though she found the idea of the rabbit

hugging her bushy tail amusing. "Alright, let's find something nice for each of us to wear." She

glanced at Jason. "Or at least for you and me, Ellie."

"Maybe one of your old dresses will fit Jason too," Ellie jested.

Rita smiled slyly at the handsome tabby, "I'm sure we could make our pretty kitty into

quite the charming belle."

Jason flicked an ear embarrassedly, "My, uh, collar and tie will be enough."

"He does have such pretty stripes. It's a shame to cover them," Ellie teased.

Rita reached out to run a hand down his chest, "Indeed, and such a svelte figure too.

Perhaps fewer clothes are better where our kitty's concerned."

Ellie wrapped her arms around him from behind and stroked her hands down from his

chest to his hips, "Mmm, my thoughts exactly."

Jason shifted embarrassedly, and Rita grinned in amusement.

"Only the collar and tie then," Rita concluded. "I doubt Larchwood will appreciate him as

much as we do, but you never know. And his lovely fiancée is sure to."

Jason looked extremely uncomfortable at the idea of being the eye candy of three

different women of three different species.

Rita stepped into her closet and began to flip through her dresses. She selected a silky,

midnight blue, sleeveless crew-neck gown. The close-fitting top half ended at her hips and was

followed by a flowing, bell-shaped bottom half that ended just above her knees. She stepped

into the dress and pulled the wide straps over her shoulders. She turned her back to Ellie.

"Would you get the zipper for me, Ellie?"

Ellie zipped up the inconspicuous black zipper. Rita turned and trotted out to her

dresser. She withdrew her jewelry box and donned a necklace of glossy white pearls, which

curled around the collar of the dress. She twirled around for her companions' benefit; the bottom

of the dress and her tail sailed out as she spun.

"Very pretty, Your Grace," Jason complimented.

"Thank you, Jason. Let me find your clothes."

Rita returned to the closet and retrieved the red and gray striped tie and white shirt

collar, which were hanging on a hanger next to her shirts. She delivered them to the cat, and he

put them on.

"Aren't you going to spin around for us?" Ellie demanded.

Jason lifted the tie, "It's, uh, just a tie."

"Spin!" Ellie commanded.

He quickly spun around, his tie flying out.

Ellie snorted in amusement. "You doof," she teased.

"You told me to!" he protested.

"I know. You're my obedient silly kitty."

Jason frowned.

Ellie stepped forward and wrapped him in a hug, "Don't be grumpy. You like it,

remember? Letting your bunny tell you what to do is what you live for," she chaffed.

Jason smiled softly hugged her back, which was all the affirmation required. Rita smiled

too. They were clearly becoming more comfortable with her presence when they could be so

open in front of her.

"Let's go get your dress, Ellie. I know just the one," Rita piped. She led them to the other

bedroom and pulled out the tiered lacy black and white dress with the red sash around the


Jason smirked at Ellie, "I can't wait to see you in that, Cutie Pie."

Ellie glared at him, "Call me that again, and you'll regret it."

Jason grinned good-humoredly. Reluctantly, Ellie stepped into the frilly dress, and Rita

did up the back.

"Spin around for us, Dear," Rita instructed.

The black lace and white ends of the tiers on the bottom half of the short-sleeved black

dress bounced as Ellie turned, and the bottom tier danced around her ankles.

"The big red bow in the back really tops it off," Jason remarked amusedly.

"I think you look lovely, Ellie, adorable," Rita complimented.

"My adorable little Cutie Pie," Jason quipped.

"You're toast tonight, Jason," Ellie growled.

"I can lend you a few more toys if you need them," Rita offered cheerfully. "How about

my handcuffs and riding crop?"

"I think we still have your handcuffs. As for the riding crop," Ellie paused to narrow her

eyes at Jason threateningly. "We'll see how well he behaves the rest of the day."

Jason smiled nervously, "You're, uh, you're joking, right?"

"No," Ellie replied flatly.

Jason swallowed, "Er, um, sorry. The dress, uh, it looks pretty on you. Not that, um, you

don't look cute withou-er pretty I mean! You're always pretty to me."

"Cute or pretty I don't mind," Ellie replied. "'Cutie Pie' is another matter. I'm not your little

doll. You can call me Ellie or Sweetheart like we agreed."

"Yes, Ellie."

"Good." She turned to Rita, "Is that all then?"

Rita nodded, "Let's head downstairs to wait for Larchwood."

Ellie frowned, "Larchwood. I guess I know why you can trust a tool who will eat someone

just because you told him too."

"That's a little unfair, Ellie. He didn't exactly do it because I said so. He did it because I

made him think he should."


"A little peer pressure. I told him everyone does it, and what rock was he living under if

he didn't? He's anxious about his place in the nobility. He barely scrapes by with those

tomatoes, you see. Positive attention from someone of my station could really get him noticed

by the rest of the nobility, might even boost his business."

"Clever," Ellie allowed reluctantly.

"But anyway, you should be nice to him. He's a pleasant chap as far as lords are

concerned, anxious to climb the social ladder but cordial."

"I'll try," Ellie stated.

Rita led them down to the sitting room, and they sat together on one of the light blue

sofas with Ellie in the middle. Rita stroked her head.

"You know you're my Cutie Pie, don't you, Ellie?" she teased.

Ellie grunted noncommittally. Rita nosed her ear.

"My savory little Cutie Pie. I could just gobble you up, metaphorically."

Ellie sighed grumpily. Rita gave her ear a quick lap then gently nibbled the tip.

Ellie pulled away. "You said you were going to keep your mouth off of me!"

Rita reached her arm around the rabbit and pulled her back. "You're fine, Dear. I'm not

going to take a bite." Pulling her close, she nosed the other ear on the far side of her head

before giving it a lap and beginning to nibble it instead.

Jason grasped Ellie's hand, and she seemed to take some comfort from his

reassurance. Rita gave her savory rabbit another good sniff and then let her sit up. She took

Ellie's other hand, which was engulfed in her own, and squeezed it gently.

"I'm sorry it bothers you, Ellie. You can nibble my ear if it makes you feel better."

Ellie looked up at her pointy ears and frowned, "I think I'll pass."

Rita pulled her bushy tail out from where it was tucked behind her and flipped it into

Ellie's lap. "You can hold my tail if you'd prefer that."

Ellie pushed it away. "How about you let me jump up and down on you?"

"You can walk on my back and give me a little massage later if that's what you want. I

don't know about the jumping. You wouldn't want to hurt me, would you?" Rita asked softly.

"No, forget about it," Ellie muttered.

"Why don't you give her a massage while we wait, Jason?" Rita suggested. "It might

improve her mood, and she might go easier on you this evening."

"May I, Ellie?" he asked.

She nodded tersely, "It had better be good if you think it's going to help you tonight."

Jason began rubbing her shoulders, and after a few minutes, she began to relax.

"Lean against the arm, Jason," Ellie instructed.

He turned to lean against the arm of the sofa, and Ellie turned and scooted between his

legs to lean back against his torso. Jason pushed his hands between them to keep rubbing and

pressing her shoulders and back.

Ellie stretched out her legs and dropped her feet in Rita's lap. "Why don't you do my

feet?" she suggested mischievously.

Rita traced a finger down the furry bottom of one of her odd padless feet.

Ellie jerked it away, "I meant massage, not tickle!" she corrected sharply.

Who does this rabbit think she's ordering around?! Rita was about to yank her away

from the cat and dangle her by her feet over the edge of the couch as a reminder, but she

stopped herself. She was still in control: the rabbit was doing everything she wanted her to with

minimal complaint. She didn't need a demonstration. In fact, that would make her seem


She smiled pleasantly at Ellie, "Sorry, let me try again."

Ellie put her foot back in Rita's lap, and she began to squeeze and rub it. Ellie leaned

her head back with a sigh of contentment and shut her eyes. She was perfectly relaxed and

dozing comfortably against Jason's chest while Jason and Rita continued to massage her when

Edgar scurried into the room. He stopped, giving them a funny look.

"Yes, Edgar?" Rita prompted.

"Er, Lord Larchwood is here, Your Grace."

Rita tweaked one of Ellie's toes, "Time to get up and meet our guest, Ellie."

"Mmhm," she sat up and turned to hop off onto the floor.

Jason and Rita followed her off of the couch, and then Rita took the lead to the front

door. Larchwood was standing in the sunny doorway with his white persian fiancée clinging to

his left arm. He wore a velvety violet jacket with large gold buttons and a blue cravat. His

fiancée wore a flowing, full length, pink, sleeveless V-neck gown and ruby earrings near the

bottom of the outer side of her triangular ears. Ouch. Rita assumed cats' ears were as sensitive

as foxes', and she didn't much like the idea of having holes stuck in hers.

"Your Grace!" Larchwood saluted. "I can't tell you how pleased we were to receive this


Rita trotted forward and reached out her hand to the persian. "Good to see you two

again. I hope you've been well since we met at the opera, especially you Penelope. Old

Larchwood hasn't been boring you too much with his tomatoes, has he?"

She held out her own hand to shake Rita's, "Not at all. Jean's quite the conversationalist,

so informed on every subject."

Larchwood took Rita's hand from his fiancée and bent to press his lips to it. Like most

red foxes, he was significantly larger than Rita, standing a head taller. The persian cat was

Jason's size, meaning she didn't reach his shoulder. Rita stepped aside to reveal Jason and

Ellie; Edgar was also lurking behind them for some reason.

"I'd like you to meet my new pets." She guided Ellie forward. "This is-"

"I-inspector!" Larchwood yelped nervously.

Rita blinked, "I see; you've met before. As I was saying, Ellie and Jason here are my

new pets."

Edgar stepped forward expectantly.

"And, uh, that's Edgar."

Larchwood was still looking nervously at the rabbit and tabby but particularly at Ellie,

who was glaring at him with her eyes narrowed fiercely.

"D-did you ever find, uh, what was his name, Barman?"

"Alfred Garmann," Ellie growled. "And we know exactly what happened to him, as do

you. Eating someone is murder, you know."

"I-I, uh, I-"

"We don't know what you're talking about!" the persian shot back. "Anyway, you have

nothing on us!"

"Ellie and Jason have quit the inspector business," Rita interjected mildly. "As I said,

they're occupied as my pets now."

"Your, your pets, Your Grace?" Larchwood responded confusedly.

"Yes, they live with me now. You needn't worry about them telling anyone about your

little snack or anything else for that matter."

Larchwood smiled in relief, "Thank goodness! But where are my manners?!" He took

Ellie's hand and bent low to press his lips to it. The diminutive rabbit only stood as high as his

belly, not counting her long ears. "It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance again, Ellie," he

said smoothly as if nothing had been amiss before. He stood and took Jason's hand in a hearty

handshake, "And you, lad. I'm terribly sorry your venture into investigation went awry, but you

can't do better than working for Her Grace."

The persian took Ellie's hand with a snide smile, "Yes, terribly sorry you failed in that

realm, but I'm sure you make a wonderful pet." She spat the last word insultingly.

Ellie yanked her hand away with a scowl, and the persian sniffed haughtily.

Jason only offered her a wave, "Hi."

The persian snorted contemptuously.

Edgar waved from the back.

"And who is that charming fellow? Edgar, you said, Your Grace?" Larchwood inquired.

"Is he another of your-"

"Edgar is staff," Rita replied. "He ought to be seeing when we can expect dinner."

Edgar bobbed his head, "Yes, Your Grace!" He dashed away to the kitchen.

"Charming. Quite the energetic fellow," Larchwood commented.

Not ordinarily. "Let me show you to the sitting room. Gustav will bring us some drinks


Rita led the four of them back to the sitting room. She sat in the far armchair whilst Ellie

and Jason sat back on the couch to her right, and Larchwood and his fiancée took the couch

opposite them.

"Your decor is lovely, Your Grace, not to mention the beauty of the architecture,"

Larchwood complimented.

"Thank you, Jean."

Edgar scurried into the room, "Dinner will be at seven."

"We have quite a while then. Tell Gustav to hold the drinks until five."

Edgar scurried back out.

"Why don't we head to the conservatory? I'll play some piano for you," Rita suggested.

Larchwood hopped up, "Lead the way, Your Grace!"

Rita led them to the conservatory. They sat at the card table while she went to the

pianoforte. She played Mozart's Piano Sonata Number Sixteen again. When she finished, they

all applauded, including Edgar who was lurking by the door to the dining room, and even Ellie

clapped politely.

Rita beamed, "Thank you."

"Fantastic, Your Grace!" Larchwood praised. "I wish I could play with such flourish and


"Thank you, Jean, but I'm not really that good." She turned to Edgar, "Go fetch Howard,


Edgar bobbed his head and scurried away.

"Howard is much better than me," Rita explained. "While he plays, we should do some


"Excellent idea, Your Grace!" Larchwood exclaimed.

Rita continued to poke around at the piano, playing simple ditties while they waited. After

a few minutes, Edgar returned with Howard.

"Howard, why don't you entertain our guests with your playing?" Rita chirped. "Start with

the seventh sonata. We still have quite a while before dinner."

Howard nodded curtly and sat at the bench beside her. She got up and sauntered over

to the card table while he flipped through the sheet music.

She held out her hand to Larchwood, "Jean? Would you mind?"

"Not at all, Your Grace! It's an honor!" He took her hand and stood.

Howard began to play.

"I'll lead," Rita stated.

They meandered out onto the varnished pine floor, but Rita kept an eye on the others at

the card table. Penelope gazed at the two foxes concernedly before turning back to Jason. She

stared at him expectantly.

"This one's taken!" Ellie proclaimed, grabbing Jason's arm. She stood and pulled him

away from the table, and they also began to glide across the room.

Edgar scurried over to the card table and offered the persian his hand. She frowned and

remained seated. He dropped it disappointedly but then sat next to her. Rita turned her full

attention back to her partner.

"So, Jean, how has everything been at the Larchwood estate? The tomatoes are

growing well, I hope."

"Splendidly, splendidly, though perhaps not as interesting as what you've been up to.

Pets? Those two no less? I can tell you; it gave me quite a shock when I recognized Miss Ellie. I

was certain it was only a matter of time before I was dragged away in chains after they visited

the manor."

"I can be very persuasive. By the way, have you sampled any more rodents since we

last met?"

"I can't say I have, Your Grace. Those two gave me quite a scare. I wasn't anxious to

risk it again nor have I particularly felt the inclination. It may be in vogue, but I'm not certain it's

for me."

"Well, as you can see, they won't be giving you any more trouble. You should really try it

again. I wouldn't assume that sour vole was representative of the order."

"Perhaps I shall, Your Grace. Although, I did feel a bit guilty about the poor fellow. Even

if he was as nasty as you said, it seems like an unfortunate way to shuffle off the mortal coil."

"Poppycock! What better way is there for a rodent than ending up inside such a

handsome tod? If he hadn't been the wretch he was, he would have thanked you!"

Jean didn't seem entirely convinced, but he didn't press the matter further. They danced

several minutes longer, and then Rita led him closer to the tabby and rabbit until they were next

to the other pair.

"What do you say we switch, Ellie?" Rita suggested.

Ellie glared at Larchwood, "Is that an order?"

"A friendly request. I'd like to dance with Jason, and I think you should try to get along

better with Jean. He's a pleasant chap like I told you."

"Fine," Ellie grumbled.

She pulled away from Jason, and Rita took hold of the brown tabby, leading him away

from the mismatched pair.

"So, Jason, tell me more about you and Ellie. How did you end up together?"

* * *

Ellie scowled at the vixen leading Jason away. Now she had to dance with this tool? She

glared at the middle gold button of his jacket, which was right at her eye level. The tod took her

right hand in his left but struggled to determine where to put his right before setting it on her


"Er, a bit awkward, isn't this? Would, um, would you object if I picked you up?" he asked


Ellie tilted her head back to glare up at him, "How about you dance with your fiancée


"Erm, well, Her Grace did request that we socialize. It's, uh, a tad difficult with you down


"I can sit on her shoulders while you dance. Should put me at about the right height,"

Ellie replied sarcastically.

"I don't think Penelope would approve that. Do you mind? It'll be like dancing with one of

my little nieces."

Wonderful. "If you must," Ellie grumbled.

The tod lifted her on his right arm, still holding her right hand in his left. Ellie put her left

hand on his neck to steady herself.

"Not too uncomfortable is it?" he inquired embarrassedly.

"I'll live," Ellie answered tersely.

"I do like your dress by the way, very fashionable."

"It's hers. I didn't get to pick it out."

"I see. Uh, it looks pretty on you all the same."

Ellie didn't respond.

"Er-hem, yes, well, I feel we may have gotten off on the wrong paw as it were. I, uh,

don't normally do that kind of thing, you see. I have a great many rodents who live around my

estate, fine folks; I have the greatest respect for them."

"I'm sure Mr. Garmann would be comforted to know that," Ellie replied scathingly. "If only

he realized while his flesh was being melted off that the person murdering him had the 'greatest

respect' for rodents."

He winced, "Yes, um, I do feel sorry for that. Not a pleasant way to go, I'm sure."

"Why don't you try telling his friends and family that?" Ellie cut back. "'I brutally murdered

your friend. Sorry, I don't normally do that sort of thing.'"

"Did he have many?" He inquired worriedly. "Her Grace said he wouldn't be missed."

"How would she know?!" Ellie demanded angrily. "How do you think we got the case?!

His bodyguards, who Her Grace had arrested, came in worried sick because he didn't come

home from the opera!"

"They were already gone when I got there. I didn't even know he'd been attending the

opera until you arrived. He was already in Her Grace's purse," he explained lamely.

"And that would have made it alright!?" Ellie shot back. "It's okay to murder someone so

long as no one misses them!?"

"I-I suppose not, but Her Grace made it sound very in vogue, and, and she was going to

eat him anyway. So what I did didn't change anything."

"You could have reported it!" Ellie pointed out. She huffed angrily. "Though I guess that

wouldn't have changed anything either. It just would have been another murder she got away


"You mean because of all of the rodents she's eaten herself?" he asked confusedly.

Ellie gave him a baleful look, "Don't play dumb. I don't even know if she eats rodents. I

mean all of the prey she's tortured and murdered for her sick thrills."

The tod's countenance took on a look of shock that quickly transitioned to anger. "How

dare you?!" he growled. "I can understand that you're unhappy about failing in the Garmann

case, but that doesn't excuse such wicked lies!"

"Lies?! It's the truth! You don't know?! Ask her yourself!"

"You think I won't? I wouldn't like to be you when she hears you've been propagating

such slander!" He tromped over to where the vixen and Jason were dancing, having been

ignoring their argument. "Your Grace, this little lady would have me believe that you torture and

murder prey. I don't know how she thought she'd convince me of such nonsense, but-"

"Is that a problem for you, Jean? You know I have the authority to do what I like," the

vixen responded mildly.

His mouth dropped open and he gawked at the vixen, "Y-your Grace! It's true!?"

"You can join me sometime, Jean. Quite the rush your first time. I don't suppose you got

the full experience with your prey tucked away where you couldn't properly hear and see him."

He stared at her, aghast, "But, but what would the King think?!"

"What would he think about snarfing down voles? I think Frederick has more pressing

issues to deal with, don't you, Jean?"

"You made me do that!"

"Made you? I don't recall ordering you to, and I certainly didn't shove him down your

throat. I suggested it, and you decided to go forward. I was happy to keep him for myself."

The tod looked at Ellie queasily, "I, I'm sorry, Miss, I didn't realize. I, um, I hope you're

not in any danger. I wouldn't want to think-"

"She's perfectly safe, Jean," the vixen interrupted. "I'm not upset with her for telling you

about my hobby. I knew she would of course though I hoped the two of you might get along

better. Maybe now this is out of the way, you can turn to more stimulating topics. This one is

becoming quite stale."

"Y-yes, Your Grace." The tod stumbled across the room and slumped heavily in the

other chair beside the long-haired white cat.

"You can put me down now," Ellie pointed out dryly.


He set her on the floor, and she sat in the fourth seat, across from the persian. Her blue

eyes regarded Ellie coldly.

"You cause a lot of trouble for a pet," the persian rebuked condescendingly.

"Telling the truth is causing trouble!?" Ellie rejoined irately.

"One should know when to be discrete. Jean didn't need to know about Her Grace's

vices. You've placed an unnecessary burden on him. Jean is a gentleman; he doesn't want to

imagine such barbarity."

"He could tell someone! Like the King for instance! If he's the only one who can put a

stop to it, then you have a duty to let him know what's going on!"

"If the Duchess wants to take a few prey, that's her right," the persian dismissed. "I don't

find the practice in good taste, but we all have our vices."

"'Her right!'" Ellie spat. "That's insanity! How can she have the 'right' to kill people?!

Murdering people isn't like picking your nose!"

"It's not like she murdered anyone important," the persian dismissed again. "A bunch of

nobodies, there are plenty of nobodies to take their place."

Before Ellie could rebuke the persian's grotesque elitism, the tod cut in, "That's not fair,

My Dear. Even if they didn't accomplish much, they were somebody to someone." He turned to

Ellie apologetically, "I'm afraid there's nothing I can do though, Miss Ellie. I feel for your plight

and that of Her Grace's other victims, but if I brought this to the King, it could ruin me. The King

might take her side, and then I'd certainly be ruined, but even if he censured her, even if he put

her under house arrest, which is the most to be hoped for, I might still be ruined. I may be a lord

but only just, I've worked hard to keep the family estate, and I can't afford a reputation for

bringing down nobility of higher standing when they've brought me into their confidence.

Conversely, Her Grace's patronage could ensure the security of my estate. So you see, my

hands are tied."

"I've never heard such a cowardly bunch of excuses," Ellie growled. "You might have to

sell some land? People are losing their lives!"

"Silence, pet!" the persian hissed.

The tod ignored the cat and went on apologetically, "I understand your feelings, Miss

Ellie, and perhaps it is cowardly. I wish I could help, but I can't."

"You mean you won't!"

"Fair enough, but the answer is the same."

Ellie lowered her voice so that the vixen wouldn't be able to hear, "Listen, even if you

won't tell the King, you could help us escape. Make some excuse to spend the night; drink too

much if you have to. She locks us in a cell downstairs at night. It's on the left when you come

through the door at the bottom of the stairs; you can't miss it. You don't need a key to open it.

You only need to come let us out. Take us with you if you can, but even just letting us out will be


"I-I don't think I can do that either. She'd suspect it was me; I'd be ruined all the same."

The persian snorted contemptuously. "Besides, I like the idea of you as her pet," she

taunted. "You thought you were so clever with your questions! Ha! Where did that get you? You

tried to entrap us, and now you're trapped. It's sweet irony."

"She has a point," the tod agreed. "Why would we want to help someone who wants to

have us charged with murder?"

"She tortures people like me to death!" Ellie pressed. "You'll let that happen?!"

"The Duchess is a fox of her word, and she promised you were safe," the tod rejoined.

"She didn't even deny your accusation when it would have been your word against hers. She's

honest even if what she does to prey is cruel."

Ellie could tell there was no use arguing with these two. She crossed her arms with a

huff, and glared at the table, trying not to let her disappointment affect her too strongly. She

wouldn't show weakness in front of these smug carnivores even if she wanted to scream in

frustration at the insane injustice of it all. Here she was begging this pair of murderers to rescue

her from another murderer. We will get away. We don't need these tools. Jason and I can

manage it on our own.

The ferret finished playing, and the vixen sauntered over to the table with Jason.

"It seems like everyone is finished dancing," the vixen noted. "Although, you never had

the opportunity, Penelope. Would you like to have a turn with Jason? Howard can play another


The persian shook her head, "He had his chance. I wouldn't mind having a turn with


The tod stood, "I would be remiss not to, My Dear." He offered his hand, and she took it,

standing from her seat.

"Could you play the tenth for us, Howard?" the vixen called to the ferret.

He nodded curtly and flipped through the pages. He began to play, and the cat and tod

sauntered out onto the floor. The vixen took the tod's seat next to Ellie, and Jason took the one

across from Ellie.

"Have you been enjoying the company of our guests?" the vixen inquired.

"Not particularly," Ellie stated.

"I'm sorry to hear that, Dear. Can you think of someone else I could invite? Perhaps that

ambitious police chief. Would you like to see her again?"

"No!" Ellie could hardly think of anyone she wanted to see less. Lily's gloating when she

found out Ellie was the vixen's 'pet' would certainly be unbearable.

"Let me know if you think of someone acceptable, not that I mind having you all to


Ellie couldn't think of anyone she disliked enough to turn over to the vixen, and

obviously, anyone who wouldn't be willing to help them was no friend to her. The vixen reached

over to place a hand on Ellie's shoulder.

"Don't worry, Dear. I'm sure you'll become fond of your new family here. You and Edgar

are already friends, aren't you?"

Ellie glanced at the pine marten grumpily, and he smiled back at her fondly. Ellie held

back an annoyed sigh. They had a mutual understanding, but again, he wouldn't help them.

Friends helped each other. He liked her--that much was true--but he wanted her to stay with

this murderous vixen. Part of it was naiveté, the belief that somehow she could change the

vixen, but another part was simple selfishness. He was happy, so he didn't want to change


They sat in silence, listening to the music until the ferret finished the second piece. The

tod and persian returned to the table, and the vixen hopped up.

"Let's go back to the sitting room. Edgar, see about those drinks," the vixen decided.

Ellie and the others stood as well, and Ellie walked next to Jason as they returned to the

blue and yellow room. He took her hand and squeezed it comfortingly. Ellie squeezed his back.

Even if no one else was willing to help them, at least they were together. They would help each

other through this, and together, they would get away.

The vixen hopped up onto the sofa on their left, and patted the space to her left, "Why

don't you come sit with me, Jason?"

Jason gave Ellie's hand another squeeze before jumping up beside her. She pulled him

close and nosed his ear. Jason nuzzled her neck in return. Ellie frowned; she knew why Jason

thought he had to reciprocate the vixen's affection, but that didn't mean she liked it. Ellie

climbed into one of the armchairs, and the other two sat together on the sofa on the right.

Shortly, Edgar and the fat stoat entered with glasses and a bottle of wine. Ellie refused a glass:

she didn't feel like drinking and socializing with the vixen or her guests. Edgar sat on the other

armchair at the far end of the rough rectangle of furniture, and the others sipped the white wine

while Ellie watched them, bored and annoyed.

"So, Penelope, I noticed you chatting with Edgar for a while," the vixen spoke. "I hope he

didn't bore you with his gloomy pontificating."

"We had a rather interesting discussion, actually. When you introduced him as staff, I

didn't realize that meant your consort," she meowed amusedly. "Do you foxes always prefer

smaller species when you venture outside of your own?"

The vixen kept an amiable smile, but she gave the pine marten a quick glance that didn't

bode well for him. "I wouldn't say consort," she replied calmly. "He does have his uses though."

"I see, and what about that one?" the persian asked, eyeing Jason.

"He belongs to Ellie in that regard. I wouldn't get in the way of my pets' relationship."

The persian gave Ellie a disturbed glance before addressing Jason, "A rabbit? Please

tell me she has a trust fund somewhere."

"I don't," Ellie answered dryly. "Is that why you're marrying him? For money?"

"Of course not! Jean is a gentleman, and I adore him!"

"I'm afraid I have more debt than money at any rate," the tod added embarrassedly.

The persian leaned against him and rubbed her cheek on his arm, "That's not what's

important, Jean."

"Then why is that the assumption for me?" Ellie demanded.

"Not for you," the persian rejoined condescendingly. "I'm sure you've done very well for

yourself, but why a feline would stoop to the level of prey without significant financial incentive is

beyond me."

"For love!" Ellie shot back. "Maybe it's impossible for you to imagine, but we love each


"I'm sure that's what you tell him," the persian replied dryly.

"You're quite wrong, Dear," the vixen cut in coolly. "There's nothing false in their

relationship. I would know by now if there were. They truly are devoted to each other."

The persian frowned, "If you say so, Your Grace," she murmured.

Ellie might have felt smug satisfaction at the cat's embarrassed concession, but she

didn't like the vixen defending her; it felt dirty.

"I think it's lovely," the tod declared smoothly. "You know, the King often encourages

camaraderie between predator and prey. We're all Vulpinevan. What better expression of our

unity is there than such a relationship?"

"Old Frederick does enjoy his platitudes," the vixen commented. "It might be rather

amusing if he were to witness this culmination of his ideology. I'm afraid he might have a few


The tod looked puzzled, "In what way?"

The vixen grinned, "Tell them which of you is getting punished this evening, Ellie."

"It's none of their business," Ellie muttered.

"Never mind, I'll tell them." She squeezed Jason closer, "This one!" she piped. "Guess

what for."

The tod shrugged.

"For using the wrong pet name!" the vixen crowed. "And you're going to take it, aren't

you, Jason? Whatever it is, you disobeyed your bunny, and you're going to accept the


Jason squirmed embarrassedly, "Ellie, um, Ellie wouldn't really hurt me."

The vixen stroked his head, "That's right. You trust your bunny, and you're right to. But

that's beside the point. However she wants to punish you, you're going to let her have her way,

even if that means she borrows my riding crop. Isn't that right?"

Jason gave Ellie a quick glance before looking down at the floor, "I love her. And, er, I, I

like her to be in control."

The vixen stroked his head again, "You certainly are a lucky kitty to have found a bunny

to satiate those desires."

"Stop trying to shame him for it!" Ellie demanded. "Jason is a sweetheart, and his

proclivities are none of your concern!"

"I'm not trying to shame him, Dear!" the vixen exclaimed. "I think it's endearing, but back

to my original point: what would Old Frederick think? The ultimate culmination of the unity of

predator and prey is prey taking charge? He might recant everything he's ever said on the


The tod and persian looked highly disturbed.

Ellie rolled her eyes. "I think you're overthinking it. We're one couple. It's ridiculous to

think that's how the dynamic would always be."

The vixen grinned slyly at her, "Ridiculous at least in one respect." She patted her leg,

"Come here, Ellie."

Ellie sighed annoyedly but got up from her chair and climbed up onto the vixen's lap.

The vixen squeezed her close with one arm and, setting down her glass, brought the other up to

massage Ellie's throat. Ellie tried to ignore the feeling of the fox's claws gently scraping over her

vulnerable neck, but it still made her uncomfortable.

"Ridiculous because even if you subjugated all the rest of the predators, as long as we

were here, you'd still belong to us," the vixen crooned.

Ellie didn't dignify the taunt with a response; it was based on an absurd premise to begin

with as she'd already stated.

The tod regarded the two of them curiously, "What's it like having pets, Your Grace? I

have heard of it, but it's a bit of an odd concept. Paying someone to do what? Let you stroke


"That is the general idea; although, if you capture a pair of troublemakers, you're not

obliged to pay them."

"In other words, it's what you call your prisoners when you think you're being nice to

them," Ellie put in dryly.

The vixen pinched her cheek gently. "Some are more grateful than others. It's sort of the

inverse of a servant. A servant you pay to take care of you; a pet you pay to take care of them.

Unless they're not paid, as in this case."

"So then you are like the servant?" the tod asked confusedly.

"That would depend on the relationship, but generally, there is the understanding that

the pet gives up some of their autonomy to comply with the wishes of their benefactor."

"Or all of it," Ellie added, deadpan.

"Or most of it when you're dealing with a pair of troublemakers," the vixen amended.

"If they're troublemakers why didn't you, er, you know? You do it with other prey

already," the tod questioned awkwardly.

Ellie glared at him, "She tried to," she growled.

"Er, uh, sorry, Miss! I didn't realize! I'm, uh, I'm glad you made it through."

"I'm glad too," the vixen responded. She stroked Ellie's head. "I never realized how

satisfying keeping pets could be, especially Ellie. No offense, Jason, you make a fine pet too,

and I appreciate your affection. But there's something about keeping prey that's especially

satisfying. I suppose it has to do with the feeling of having your next meal at hand though I

wouldn't harm Ellie here. I've come to enjoy her company." The vixen pressed her cold nose to

Ellie's ear and inhaled deeply. "Her delicious aroma doesn't hurt," she teased.

"It sounds like an interesting arrangement, Your Grace," the tod concluded politely.

"Why don't you try holding her, Jean?" the vixen piped. "I think you'll see what I mean. If

you like her, you could see about catching your own pet bunny."

"I, uh, suppose that's a possibility, Your Grace," he replied dubiously. "I'm not sure Miss

Ellie would appreciate me holding her though."

"I insist," the vixen rejoined. "Come take her."

Setting aside his glass, the tod reluctantly slid off of the sofa and stepped up in front of

Ellie and the vixen. He reached out his arms, "I hope this isn't too uncomfortable for you, Miss."

He scooped Ellie up off of the vixen's lap under her arms and carried her back over to the other

couch, sitting and adjusting her in his lap awkwardly.

"Hold her, Jean," the vixen instructed.

He loosely wrapped his arms across Ellie's chest. "I don't see the appeal, Your Grace. I

feel I'm imposing on the lady."

"Tosh, give her a sniff."

The tod hesitated.

"Sniff her. She smells good," the vixen ordered.

He gave her a cursory sniff. "Huh." He pressed his nose to her head and sniffed again. "I

uh." He swallowed. "I see what you mean, Your Grace." His arms tightened across Ellie's chest,

and he stuck his nose in her ear, breathing deeply. "Ahh, it does elicit a, um, a certain

satisfaction." One of his hands gently squeezed Ellie's left arm, massaging her muscle between

finger and thumb. "When did you say dinner was?"

Shit! Ellie couldn't see the tod's face, but she could imagine his overly interested

expression. She could feel his amber eyes boring into her, hungrily. The persian blinked at them

curiously. Leaning over, she also sniffed Ellie's head. Her pupils widened in her blue eyes.

"You know, I don't know if I've ever given prey a really good sniff before," the white cat

murmured distractedly. "It never seemed polite, but if they smell this good, one can hardly be

blamed." She grasped Ellie's right arm, "Let me have a turn, Jean."

"Her Grace told me to hold her, My Dear," the tod returned.

The persian pulled at Ellie's arm, but the tod held her tight. "Let me have her, Jean!" she


"Not until I'm done!" he snapped.

Oh Zeus! If the two larger carnivores fought over her, they could easily dislocate her

shoulder, or worse. Ellie tried not to panic, struggling would only excite them more.

The vixen leapt up, "Both of you let her go this instant!" she snarled furiously.

The persian and tod immediately released her, and Ellie quickly slipped away onto the

floor. The vixen caught her in a tight hug.

"I'm so sorry, Ellie! I didn't mean to put you in danger!" she cried.

As disturbing as it was to admit to herself, Ellie was unable to hear anything but sincere

concern and remorse in the vixen's tone. "I'm okay. Thanks," she muttered.

"But you might have been hurt!" she fretted. "I told you I'd take care of you, not hand you

over to," she paused to glare at the persian and tod. "To wild beasts who can't control


"I-it is getting close to dinner, and we've been drinking," the tod whined lamely. "But I'm

sure we wouldn't have, we didn't mean to, um. I'm sorry, Miss Ellie."

"Me too. That was completely uncivilized," the persian added.

The vixen sniffed haughtily. She released Ellie from her hug and guided her back toward

the other sofa, "Why don't you sit with Jason?"

Ellie climbed up beside the tabby, and he wrapped an arm behind her to gently hug her

to his side. She leaned her head against his shoulder, and he nuzzled her between the ears.

The vixen sat in the armchair Ellie had vacated.

After a few minutes of awkward silence, the tod broached conversation again, but Ellie

didn't pay attention. She closed her eyes and pressed her face against Jason's shoulder,

breathing his comforting scent. He gently stroked her side and back with the arm wrapped

around her, and she relaxed in his reassuring hold. It had taken starvation for Jason to begin to

scent her as food, and even then, he'd had more self-control than these undisciplined jerks. But

his discipline wasn't what assured Ellie that he would never hurt her. He cared for her more than

anything, and she cared for him just as strongly. Even if he had been as undisciplined as these

two, the idea of hurting her would have been unthinkable. Eventually, Ellie lay down and dozed

off with her head in her sweet kitty's lap.

* * *

Rita bid Larchwood and his fiancée farewell following dinner. They waved as they

climbed into Larchwood's green pick-up truck that was emblazoned in red with 'Larchwood

Vineyard'. Vineyard. What a pretentious twit. Rita felt considerably less warmth toward the pair

than she had after their previous encounter, especially after they'd lost control and almost hurt

Ellie. Rita was surprised by the surge of protectiveness she'd felt when she'd seen the rabbit in

trouble. A few days ago, she would have relished in the rabbit's sudden misfortune, but Ellie

was more than the insolent prey she had been then: she was a member of Rita's household and

one she'd become increasingly attached to. That didn't mean the rabbit didn't still smell tasty,

but now that savory aroma was part of someone whose wellbeing Rita valued. Indeed, her

delicious scent now did more to endear her to Rita than to stimulate Rita's hunger. It made her

seem more vulnerable. She was vulnerable in fact, a small rabbit surrounded by much larger

carnivores, but her scent emphasized the fact, clearly marked her as someone good for eating,

as someone who needed protection from the visceral instincts of everyone around her.

And yet, she was confident, assertive, unafraid in the face of so many carnivores who

could rip her apart. Perhaps it wasn't insolent at all but admirable. She stood up for herself in

the face of danger and not only for herself but for her friend as well. If she wouldn't hesitate to

defend herself, she even more certainly wouldn't hesitate to defend her kitty. Rita's warm

feelings for the rabbit were not unlike those she'd felt for the little mice, possessive but

combined with genuine affection, but she also had a certain respect for the plucky rabbit that

she hadn't had for the truly helpless mice. If they hadn't been afraid, that had been because

they had trusted her implicitly, hadn't known better than to second guess her kindness. Ellie did

know better, yet she wasn't cowed. She went along with Rita's desires but not out of fear,

stoically, out of practicality.

Rita made her way back to the dining room where Ellie was enjoying a second piece of

peach pie while Jason watched her affectionately.

"So, Jason, were you disappointed that you didn't get to dance with the pretty kitty?" Ellie

teased. "She seemed pretty put out when you danced with me instead."

"Not particularly. She seemed like kind of a snob."

"Definitely a snob and a jerk all around. Even worse than her idiot fiancé, to be honest,

and she didn't eat anyone."

"I'm sorry you found our guests so unpleasant," Rita interrupted from the doorway.

They started and turned to look at her.

"I was disappointed with their behavior too. Especially, when she was so rude to you,

Ellie, and then when they almost hurt you, I had a mind to send them home right then."

"Thanks for your concern," Ellie responded dryly.

Rita sauntered across the room and sat in her chair at the end of the table. "I know you

have ample reason not to trust me when I say this, but I really was concerned, Ellie. I don't want

you to be hurt. I'll try to be more mindful of your safety in the future. I wanted to show you off to

our guests. I didn't realize they couldn't control themselves."

"I don't appreciate being 'shown off' like some sort of prize to begin with," Ellie groused.

"I don't like being toyed with. If you're really concerned about my comfort, you could be more

mindful of that."

"I'll consider it," Rita allowed. "But if that means I couldn't handle you at all, then I'm

afraid it's something you'll have to get used to. I did win our little competition. You did your best

to catch me and have me dragged off to prison, but instead I caught you. As the victor, I have

certain privileges."

"The 'competition' was rigged from the start!" Ellie protested.

"I'm not at fault for your misconceptions. If you'd understood the nature of the game, you

would've had a better chance, but you lost regardless."

"Whatever," Ellie grumbled. She went back to eating her pie.

Rita contemplated the rabbit as she ate. Was there a way to make her more comfortable

with Rita's affection? Nothing could erase the fact that Rita had tried to make her friend kill her

or make her forget the other prey Rita had killed, so maybe it was a fruitless effort. Ellie really

would just have to get used to Rita handling her. Rita tried to imagine how she would feel in her

situation: perhaps it was the feeling of lacking control that disturbed Ellie most of all. Rita didn't

want to relinquish her own control, but maybe she could make Ellie feel she was more in control

without granting her much.

"After this, I'd like to read some more," Rita commented. "Would you rather read to

yourselves or let me read to you?"

"Read to myself," Ellie replied immediately.

"Jason?" Rita prompted.

"Whatever you want, Your Grace."

"We'll read silently so as not to disturb Ellie," Rita decided.

Rita waited patiently whilst Ellie finished the piece of pie. Maybe I could feed her pie

while I held her, but then she'd get terribly fat. After Ellie finished, Rita took them downstairs to

collect their books, and then they returned to the living room. Rita hopped up on the couch and

picked up the Lovecraft anthology, flipping to The Shadow Over Innsmouth.

"You may sit on my lap or beside me, Ellie," she stated.

Ellie climbed up with her own book and sat a short distance from her. Jason sat close to

Ellie on her other side. Rita began to read, but after a few minutes, she glanced up at the rabbit

snuggling close to her kitty. She could call for Edgar if she wanted, but she wasn't happy with

him at the moment. He was already being punished by washing dishes, and he'd be lucky if that

was the only consequence for his indiscretion.

Rita patted her lap, "I'd like you here, Ellie."

Ellie glanced up from her book. She turned to lean against Jason's shoulder and flopped

her feet in Rita's lap. Rita blinked in surprise.

Ellie's whiskers twitched as she smirked amusedly, "There you go. You can massage

them again if you like."

Rita could have pulled her into her lap, but she felt that would be counterproductive.

Even if she was being disobedient, the rabbit's willingness to joke with her about anything was a

move in the right direction. Besides, Rita didn't mind massaging her feet; she thought the long,

padless paws were oddly cute. Rita set aside the heavy tome and began to squeeze and press

Ellie's right foot. Ellie's smirk spread into a grin, and she wiggled her toes. Smiling amusedly,

she went back to reading. Somehow, Rita found massaging the rabbit's feet calming; focusing

on applying the right pressure in the right areas cleared her mind of other concerns. Absorbed in

the task, she was startled by a soft cough.

"Ahem, Your Grace?"

Rita paused in her massaging, still holding Ellie's foot, and looked up to see Edgar

standing in front of her, watching her worriedly.

"Er, what are you doing, Your Grace?" he murmured.

"What does it look like?" she asked annoyedly.

"Massaging Ellie's feet, Your Grace."

"Very perceptive, Edgar. Did you finish with the dishes?"

"N-no, Gustav, uh, he sent me away after I broke one."

Rita rolled her eyes.

"I-it's just that, uh, B-Boots massages your feet, so, uh,"

"When you're in charge, you can do what you want," Rita replied testily.

"A-alright, Your Grace."

"Go fetch Wolfgang," Rita commanded. She watched the obnoxious pine marten scurry

out of the room. She sighed exasperatedly and went back to massaging Ellie's foot. Maybe she

should have let him pine over the rabbit instead of intervening. He was forgetting his place in his

new found confidence, second-guessing her and sharing private information with her guests.

She'd have to nip such insolence in the bud.

After a few minutes, Edgar returned with the wolverine, and Rita paused again.

She nodded to the pine marten, "Wolfgang, take this one and get him ready for me

downstairs. Edgar and I are going to have a little heart to heart this evening."

Edgar's dark eyes bulged in horror as the powerful wolverine grabbed him, "Y-Your

Grace!" he cried.

"Silence, Edgar. Don't make it worse for yourself than it already is," Rita commanded.

Edgar whimpered as Wolfgang shoved him out of the room. Rita sighed and shook her

head. She noticed Ellie and Jason staring at her in shock.

"Don't worry, Dears. You'll see Edgar again tomorrow," she promised.

"In one piece?" Ellie asked.

"For the most part. He'll survive."

Rita went back to massaging Ellie's foot, but she pulled both away. Rita frowned and

looked up at her questioningly.

"Why are you going to hurt him? What did he do?" Ellie demanded.

"His primary offense was blabbering about our intimacy to the cat, but in general, he's

been stepping out of line, assuming too much. He wants correction. I'm afraid I won't be able to

lend you my riding crop this evening after all, Ellie."

Ellie frowned worriedly, "Couldn't you explain that to him? I don't think he'd act against

your wishes on purpose."

"I am going to explain, and I'm going to make sure it sinks in. What's the difference

between that and you punishing Jason?"

Ellie quickly glanced at the cat. "Jason isn't being dragged away by force, crying in fear.

If he really didn't want me to do something, he wouldn't let me. If he really didn't want me to do

something, I wouldn't." She eyed him sideways. "Tickling aside. Tickling never hurt anyone. But

he likes that too."

"So you think I should only punish him how he wants to be punished? I don't think that

will be very effective."

"I don't think you need to punish him at all. Edgar is devoted to you; he'll do what you tell

him if you make your desires clear."

"I don't need you to tell me how to manage my staff, '' Rita stated annoyedly. "I think it's

time you go to bed." Maybe she was giving the rabbit too much leeway. She hopped off of the

sofa, "Come on."

The cat and rabbit obeyed, allowing Rita to usher them down to their cell. They passed

the surgery table on the way where Wolfgang was still tying Edgar.

"I'll be with you in just a minute, Edgar," Rita taunted.

He whimpered.

Rita shut Ellie and Jason in their room unceremoniously and trotted back out to the table

in the center of the dungeon. She glared down at the helpless pine marten, and he sobbed.

"What do you think I should do to you, Edgar?" she growled softly. "What made you think you

could share our intimate activities with Larchwood's fiancée?"

"I-I thought we, uh, that we-"

"That we're a couple? Is that what you thought?"

"I don't know, I-I hoped I-"

"You're my servant, Edgar. If I have uses for you we both find pleasurable, that's all they

are. They're not topics for public discussion."

"I-I understand, Your Grace."

"Good. Now what kind of punishment do you think fits such an indiscretion?"

"I-I don't know," he whined.

"A few swats with the riding crop, perhaps?"

"Th-that seems f-fair, Your Grace," he whimpered.

"Ellie doesn't think I should punish you at all, that you'll learn your lesson without it. What

do you think?"

"I-I will, Your Grace! I'll never speak about it again!"

"On the other hand, I wouldn't want you to think I'm letting her tell me what to do now,

would I?"

"I-I don't think that! I'm sorry!"

Rita glared into his dark eyes, and he trembled.

"Alright, I won't punish you then."

"You won't?!" he gasped.

Rita shook her head. "However, I'm also not going to help you; I'll let someone else untie


Edgar strained against the bonds, "But, but what if they don't?!" he cried.

"That would be a pity," Rita stated matter-of-factly. She patted him on the head,

"Goodnight, Edgar." She turned toward the door.

"What if I have to use the bathroom?" he cried.

She glanced back, "If you wet yourself, it will drain into the bucket. Hopefully, you can

hold it." She trotted to the exit to the stairs, slamming the heavy door behind her.

* * *

Jason heard one of the doors to the dungeon slam. They had both been waiting

uncomfortably for the pine marten's screams. A few minutes later Edgar began to wail in

distress though not in obvious pain.

"S-someone! Come let me up!" He paused a few seconds. "Hello? Can anyone hear?

Please come let me up!" He paused a few seconds again. "Hello?! Someone! Please! I-I have to

pee! Please come let me up!" Again, no one answered his calls. "PLEASE! SOMEONE!" he


One of the doors slammed open.

"H-Howard! Thank goodness! Please-Ow! H-hey! No!" There was a series of squeaks

and cries from the pine marten. "P-please no more. I'll be quiet," he sobbed.

The door slammed again, followed by silence. Listening closely with his acute hearing,

Jason could hear the occasional whimper from the still trapped pine marten.

"The ferret doesn't seem very nice," Jason remarked, disturbed. "He could have just let

him up instead of attacking him or whatever he did."

"I'll have to thank Edgar tomorrow," Ellie replied. "That was her second choice for my


Jason turned to regard the rabbit, "I thought you did really well today. I know it isn't easy

for you dealing with her, and the other two didn't make it any easier."

"Is that supposed to convince me to forgo your punishment?" Ellie asked suspiciously.

"N-no, I meant it. I-"

Ellie grinned in amusement, "I know, silly kitty, but I think I'll let you off the hook this time.

I didn't really have a good idea of what to do anyway."

"You didn't?"

Ellie shrugged, "I suppose I could have tickled you again unless you wanted to try that."

She glanced at the strap-on the Duchess had given her.

Jason glanced at the toy nervously, "Do you want to?"

"It's not my asshole, but if you beg for it, I might comply," Ellie replied mischievously.

Jason wasn't sure he was ready for Ellie to penetrate him, especially given the size of

the toy, but part of him did want to experience the release of giving himself up completely to the

rabbit by giving her access to his private, tender innards. "I, uh." He swallowed. "We'd need to

get lube first," he concluded, relieved to have thought of an excuse.

Ellie smirked, "I suppose you're right. I wonder how she overlooked that." Her smirk

turned to a frown, "On second thought, I don't want to know."

"Do you want to keep reading then?"

"What I'd like is a bath. She neglected to let me take one this evening. I guess I'm stuck

with cat tongue tonight."

Jason blinked in surprise, and his mouth spread in a grin, "You want me to? You don't

mind having my saliva on you?"

"It wasn't so bad," Ellie answered lightly. "Anyway, you like it, and I like to make my kitty

happy." She hopped off of the bed where she'd been seated. "Help me out of this ridiculous


Jason unzipped the back of the dress, allowing Ellie to step out of it. He hung it on one

of the hooks on the wall. He also removed his collar and tie. "I did think it looked pretty on you,"

he commented.

"It's not really my style," Ellie stated dryly.

Jason had thought she looked adorable in the frilly dress, but he supposed cutesy wasn't

really what Ellie went for. She typically wore simple, professional shirts. He decided not to

comment on the matter further as he didn't want to risk her changing her mind on his

punishment. Jason hung up his clothes and returned to the bed. Ellie hopped up to sit beside

him. He leaned over to give her head a quick sniff, examining her familiar warm scent.

"Are you ready?" he asked.

"Yes, go ahead."

He began to lap her soft head fur, moving down from her forehead to her face. She

closed her eyes as his tongue rasped down her nose. The sensation of her eyes and nose

underneath the sensitive organ was one of the odder feelings involved with bathing her as he

wasn't able to lick those areas on himself. Her eyes moved beneath her lids, and her breath

blew against his tongue. In addition, her eyes and nose yielded salty flavors not present on the

rest of her fur. He lapped carefully, especially around her eyes, wary of causing her any

discomfort with his rough tongue. Completing her face, he returned to the top of her head,

washing around her ears before licking the long, smooth ears themselves. With his muzzle

pressed so close, he was absorbed in her scent, and while her fur didn't taste like much, he

could taste subtle hints of her oils along with the slightly stronger bitter taste of the residual

shampoo. Jason soon began to purr with the pleasure elicited by the intimate task.

Jason paused to peek inside her ears, "Looks like you've built up some gunk again," he

commented amusedly. "Don't you wash in there?"

"Maybe I was leaving it for you since you enjoy it so much," Ellie returned testily.

Jason's purr intensified with his amusement. Pressing his muzzle in, he reached his long

tongue inside her right ear to lap the earwax away from the smooth skin. He worked diligently

clearing away the bitter wax from one ear and then the other. While it did taste gross, he was

pleased to feel his tongue rasp over the clean skin at the end.

Jason continued to move down the back of her head and neck. With long laps, he

covered her arms and back. Pushing her down on the bed, he moved back to her front, lapping

down from her neck to her belly. She stroked his head as he pressed his muzzle into her soft

belly fur.

"I love you, Jason," she murmured. "Even if they're gross sometimes, I love your silly

kitty ways too."

Jason paused and sat up, gazing down at her adoringly, "And I love your bunny ways."

Ellie smirked, "Even the poop eating part?"

"Even that part."

"That's a weird thing to love," she teased. "But I'll accept it." She stretched out her right

leg toward his face. "Make sure you do a good job on my feet."

Jason grasped her ankle and began to work on the thick fur she had instead of pads.

Her feet weren't very dirty from spending most of the time walking around on the carpet, but

Jason spent extra effort washing them anyway, cleaning her claws and licking between her

toes, because he knew Ellie enjoyed the sensation as well as the idea of someone pampering

her feet.

Finishing her feet, Jason worked down her right leg and then her left with long laps.

When he reached her rear the second time, he couldn't help but notice the warm fluid

moistening the labia of her vulva. He glanced up for confirmation that he should continue.

"Go on, kitty," she encouraged. "Put that lovely tongue of yours to work."

Jason smelled her, opening his mouth to taste the scent of her arousal: it was similar to

her normal warm, herbal scent but different, hotter, sharper. If her normal scent was like sun-

warmed hay, the scent of her arousal was like fresh cut grass. Jason lapped her vulva before

pressing his muzzle into her hot, wet vagina and reaching his tongue inside to drink her tangy

juices. He worked to stimulate her, rubbing her clitoris with his nose while he stretched his

tongue to lick the tender walls deep inside. Ellie gave a moan of pleasure and crossed her feet

behind his head. She stretched forward to grasp his ears, holding him close. Closing his eyes,

Jason's world became one of Ellie's sharp scent and tangy flavors, of the warmth of her legs

encircling his head and the moist, radiating heat of her genitals pressing around his muzzle.

Ellie's moans intensified until she let out a little cry of ecstasy, pulling his ears and squeezing his

head between her legs. Jason didn't stop but redoubled his efforts, and soon Ellie gasped out

another cry of intense pleasure. Jason didn't stop until she finally pushed him away. His muzzle

was drenched in her fluids and his tongue was tired from licking, but his heart was still pumping

fast with the fervor of his love. Sitting up, he looked down at his beloved partner adoringly, and

she gazed back at him with equal passion.

Ellie sat up, "Let me return the favor. Lay down."

Jason complied, and Ellie crouched between his legs. His penis was already erect from

the intense pleasure he'd felt in satisfying her, and Ellie wrapped a hand around it, squeezing

firmly. He shifted his legs at her slightly uncomfortable grip on the sensitive member.

"Good kitty, putting it out where I can touch it for a change," she teased. Still holding tight

to the shaft, she ran a finger of her other hand over the spines on the head. "These wicked little

things could do a number on you if you weren't careful," she commented.

"Do they hurt you? I'm sorry, Ellie."

"It hurts, but kind of in a good way as long as we're careful. I'll let you know if it's a


She leaned her head down to take the head in her mouth, holding it gently between her

large incisors. Letting go of the shaft, she moved her hand down to hold his right testicle, gently

squeezing it between thumb and palm. Jason's senses were heightened with anticipation of the

fellatio, but he also felt vulnerable, feeling her teeth on his penis and her hand ready to crush his

testicle. However, that was quickly forgotten as she began to suckle, her tongue wrapping

around the head and rapidly moving up and down. He sighed with pleasure as her tongue

tickled and bathed the head, but he wanted to feel the sensation cover more of his penis.

Leaning forward, he placed a hand on her head to coax her down, to push more of the member

into her mouth. He began to push her down, but Ellie almost immediately stopped suckling and

pinched him between her teeth, at the same time closing her hand tightly around his testicle.

Jason gasped in surprise, quickly pulling his hand away.

Ellie let go and sat up, staring at him dangerously, "I'm not going to gag on it, Jason!"

"S-sorry! I didn't mean to-"

"Let's make sure you don't!" Ellie turned and hopped off of the bed. She crouched down

on the floor and came back up with the handcuffs. "Hands behind your back."

"I-I don't think that's necessary. I won't-"

"Put them behind you," she demanded.

Jason quickly sat up and put his hands together behind his back. Ellie climbed up behind

him and locked them in place. She crawled around in front.

"Lay back down," she commanded.

He flopped back on the bed, his hands squashed uncomfortably underneath him.

"That's better." She crawled back between his legs and crouched down, reaching her

mouth around the head again to return to suckling.

Jason tried to shift his arms underneath him without effect. Still, as his pleasure built

again, he supposed it was worth it. He would be more careful with his actions in bed in the

future. However, Ellie didn't only return to suckling: she grasped both of his testicles, one per

hand, and squeezed them alternatively as if trying to milk him. Jason wasn't sure whether he

should tell her it didn't work that way. Her squeezing caused his testicles to ache, but the mild

pain combined with the pleasure to form a more intense sensation, one Jason was beginning to

enjoy. His head began to feel light with the intensity of his pleasure, and then he gasped in

ecstasy as euphoria pulsed up from his loins. Ellie continued suckling, receiving his fluids as he

had hers. Jason relaxed with a sigh, as his orgasm receded.

Ellie stopped and looked up, "Is that all you have for me? I think you can give more."

Squeezing his testicles tight, she returned to suckling. Jason squirmed in the pain of her

tight grip. He could have used his feet to push her away, but he didn't want to hurt her by

accident. Besides, what if she didn't let go? Ellie squeezed tighter, and he whined.

Lightheadedness returned but this time with the intensity of pain coursing through him, making

his whole body ache and spasm. But then he climaxed again, even more intensely than before,

white hot ecstasy filling his head. He cried out in pleasure and pain as he ejaculated into Ellie's

suckling mouth, releasing even more semen than the time before. Shaking, he lay flat.

Ellie let go and sat up, licking her lips, "I knew you could give me more. I guess now I

can say I've tasted cat. It wasn't bad."

She caressed his sore testicles, and he trembled at her touch, partly with worry, partly

with anticipation of further ecstasy.

Ellie grinned down at him, "Did you like that, kitty?"

"I-it hurt, but, but it was like nothing I've ever felt before, unbelievable. I never thought

pain could turn to pleasure like that."

"I'm glad I showed you something new then. Your balls might not like me much, but they

don't have a say." She climbed on top of him and lay down, chest-to-chest, with a sigh. She

tucked her head under his jaw.

"I, uh, still have to finish your bath," Jason reminded.

"Oh right." Ellie got up and turned around, pushing her rear in his face as she crouched

down. "Finish up then."

Jason dried her vulva and then moved to her short tail though he could only reach the

bottom. Finally, he moved down to her anus, lapping at the tight hole until it was completely

clean. Typically, he would have rinsed his mouth somehow after this last area. But Ellie was

holding him down, and he didn't have his hands to push her off.

"Are you going to let me up and take off the cuffs now?" Jason asked.

Ellie sat up, ending up with her butt on his nose, and peered back behind her, her brown

eyes twinkling mischievously. She wiggled her tail over his eyes, "I probably should do that,

huh? Are you sure you don't like it down there?"

Jason pushed his nose out under her tail to catch a breath, "It's a little hard to breathe,"

he tried to reply, but it came out muffled by her rear.

Ellie moved to trap his nose under her again, "What was that? You want to see how long

you can hold your breath? Okay then."

Jason wriggled and managed to turn his head sideways, "I'm ready to get up now," he


Ellie stood, "We'll try that some other time, see if we can think of a way to keep you from

getting away."

Jason wasn't sure he'd enjoy that, but on the other hand, he wouldn't have thought he'd

have enjoyed the pain he'd just experienced. I thought Lily showed me all these kinds of things,

but maybe she was less adventurous than I thought. She'd certainly liked to be in control and

even had utilized a strap-on on occasion, but that had been the extent of her dominant

proclivities. Ellie might show him many more ways to submit control to her in bed. The thought

made him a bit nervous but excited at the same time.

Ellie removed the handcuffs, and then they both brushed their teeth. They crawled into

bed, Jason holding Ellie's back to his chest as they lay on their sides.

Jason squinted at the bright lights, "Do you think they forgot about those again? They

really should put them on a timer if they aren't going to let us turn them off."

In response, the lights shut off.

Jason laughed embarrassedly, "Eheheh, who do you think that was, and uh, how long

do you think they were watching?"

"We know it wasn't Edgar, so probably the ferret."

Jason didn't know how to feel about the idea of the surly hob watching them have sex,

especially given his part in it. Angry? Mortified?

"Don't worry about it," Ellie soothed. "He's a jerk anyway, and it's not like he tries to

socialize with us. Besides, it's like you said: we shouldn't let them prevent us from expressing

our love for each other."

Jason hugged her close and nuzzled her between the ears, "You're right, Ellie," he

breathed. "I don't care so long as I'm with you. I love you more than anything."

"I love you too, Sweetheart."

Jason closed his eyes, letting sleep creep over him. He'd thought their death was

imminent when they'd been captured, but now he was happier than he'd been most of his life.

Things would work out. They'd get away eventually, but for now, this wasn't so bad. Even the

Duchess wasn't so bad when she wasn't trying to kill you. But most of all, as long as he had

Ellie by his side, safe and well, he knew he'd always have their love.