
  12:40 -894th Solar Rotation. 'Tuesday' Smog drifts like oil over water. A swirling mass of poison that remains as inescapable as it is oppressive. It was heavy this morning, as if it had mass, but at the same time it felt dry, cloying. It tugged at...

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Chapter 23: Compliance

Chapter 23: compliance jason awoke the next morning to find the lights still on. he had no way of knowing what time it was since he presumed they had been on all night.

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Mental Compliance Script

"mental compliance script (ver. 1.7.2)."

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Compliance with Police Officers

"besides, the boys will be happy to see that the compliance enforcement beam works. they've been wanting to use that in the field for weeks."

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The Brainwashing of Grace: Part I

"compliance will be rewarded, disobedience will be punished. there is no escape, by failing to comply you have lost the right to wear clothing." the calm voice said.

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Processing Moby Lick

This may potentially have ramifications for lucid trance, as well as lucid compliance.

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The Bus Boi

#3 of commissions from draconicon: spark the police husky a sequel to compliance with police officers that i commissioned from draconicon levi couldn't believe that the police thought this was a good idea.

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Transformation Story: The Bus Boi

A sequel to compliance with police officers (found here or at #39 in the folder), this story shows one use to the new shape that levi has.

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Voluntary Compliance Chapter 1: The Lottery

Voluntary compliance. a workplace traumedy . "in literature, anepigraph is a phrase , paragraph, or poem that is set at the beginning of a document or component.

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Hypnovember 2023 - Day 5: Compliance (Claimed by Blunder)

compliance is very good, right? that's why you wanted me to comply." "... yeah." the response came automatically to lucario's lips. he wondered if he'd thought about his response before muttering, but then he told himself the thief was right.

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Thorough Testing

His breath was short, his heartbeat wild, and the compliance collar felt mercilessly tighter than usual. he was seated, and in front of him, a figure pooled over a thin stack of papers.

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Breed compliance, physical testing, intelligence, police procedure, and goddard's compliance. in breed compliance he scored perfectly, just as i had. we were, in that respect if nothing else, the same dog.

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