Swimming With The Sharks

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A surfer falls victim to a wereshark bite in the showers by the beach. Intended as a short forced/dubious TF scene.

Ronnie picked up his bag and headed for the empty shower complex at the end of the beach. It wasn't actually open this late, but he'd gone on enough night surf excursions to know that the snack counter folks left their spare keys hidden out of view behind their dumpster. With no one on the beach so late - the lifeguards should've been gone hours ago - it's not suspicious at all for him to grab the keys and slip in through the employee side door.

From there, the door to the main hallway is unlocked and on the left, the doors to the showers are wide open. He didn't feel bad about the breaking and entering. What was it really costing them, three minutes of hot water to get the ocean out of his skin? He was about to shuck off his surf shorts when he heard a pained yell from the back of the shower complex. It was loud, accompanied with the sound of things rattling and falling over. All the noise was coming from behind a pair of big doors with an 'Employees only' sign plastered on it.

"Hello? Is anyone there?" Ronnie hadn't seen a soul since he'd arrived, so hearing the shouts and clanks followed by silence was unnerving to say the least. But what if someone had fallen and needed help? He approached the doors and realized they're cracked open, wisps of steam creeping out. He can hear running water - a Lifeguards Only shower, perhaps.

"Does anyone need any help?" It's dark in the room before him. It looks like a big storage closet. At the back of it is a door framed by light and steam. The sound of running water pours out of it. Then suddenly, another scream. This one is ear piercing, wordless and stretched out. It sounds like two voices yelling at once, one gutturally low and almost inhuman.

Whatever was happening, all Ronnie could think about was the person in that shower in some sort of horrendous pain. Without thinking about any potential danger, the young man crossed the room briskly and busted the door wide open.

What he sees is not at all what he expects. Some thing is on the ground in the corner where the shower is - it looks humanoid, but it's too grey, and it has a thick tail with fins protruding from a pair of torn red lifeguard shorts. It's heaving in the corner of the hot shower, grunting and panting - something is shifting on its back. It's another fin, rising from the and the figure screams again. It sounds pained.

"Oh Jesus Lord fuck - you, HELP ME!!" His face - the voice and bathing suit indicate a male - isn't human at all. His nose and mouth are now extended out in front of him like the muzzle of some creature, and he's baring his teeth - they're pointy and triangular, and all at once it clicks for Ronnie - he's turning into a fucking shark.

"What the hell do you want me to do!?" Ronnie can only stand there, frozen in a combination of horror and awe. The lifeguard's new shark tail was thrashing and thwapping from side to side, getting larger as the seconds passed.

"I-I don't know, just...I don't want to hurt anyone -" the shark inhales sharply and looks down at his bathing suit. He scrambles to pull them off, stumbling to his feet and then over, the red shorts catching on his tail.

"F-fuck!" He kicks for a moment, then uses his hands - now webbed, his fingernails thicker and pointier - to tear the shorts apart.

"Oh dude, what the hell is that?" Ronnie can't not comment on the equipment that was finishing itself up between the lifeguards legs. It was like his dick had multiplied, two rods poking out of his new slit. The wereshark put his hands on top of his head - Ronnie can read the creature's face. He's distraught.

"Kinda like c-claspers..." The shark whispers to himself.

The two of them stand there for a minute, the shark man standing under the shower and Ronnie peering from the entrance of the shower stall. Ronnie notices the gills on the shark's neck - small openings that open and close ever so slightly as the stranger's legs tremble.

"Are...are you...good?" What do you ask someone who seems to have just turned into a shark? Ronnie glances toward the sharks calves - there's a huge bite mark on one of them, still oozing fresh blood - it's quickly washed away by the water from the shower.

"Do I look good!?" The shark responds sarcastically.

"Do you think you might, uh, hurt someone?"

"I think I'm...Oh God, what the Hell is going on?" One of his hands goes down between his legs - he's pleasuring himself, that much is immediately clear.

"Fuck, fuck..." The shark is quickly enraptured by the feeling of lust, the transformation bringing on a heat the likes of which the lifeguard had never experienced. His mouth hangs open - Ronnie realizes he's still staring, just a bit transfixed.

The lifeguard had retained his muscle mass, his arms still taut with muscle and a pair of pronounced pecs between them. Around his chest and stomach that grey skin turned a creamy white. Ronnie couldn't stop watching those pecs move with his breathing, the lifeguard running one hand over his new junk.

'I should go. I should walk away. This is insane. He might kill me.'

But he also might hurt someone else, and that thought keeps Ronnie staring from a close distance. Unfortunately for him, it's too close and he's staring in the wrong spots - the wereshark, overtaken by lust, steps out of the shower spray for a moment and reaches out with one arm. Ronnie tries to step back but he's too slow, and the shark pulls him under the shower. He tries to jerk away, but the shark is strong - way stronger than he looks.

"Quit s-staring." His voice is trembling from the heat that's taken over his body. Ronnie is face to face with the shark for just a second, and what he sees in those eyes is something wild and frenzied, possessed. It's a far cry from the way he was just a minute ago. The shark shoves him around, one hand over his chest, pressing his back to him. He can feel the tool (tools?) pressing up against his buttocks through his shorts.

"No!" Ronnie shouts, but it's too late - the shark has given him a hefty love bite on his shoulder and it's broken the skin. He looks over and he can see the blood - he shouts again and jerks his body away.

"What the fuck!" He's actually scared now, first of the shark and then of the bite. The former almost seemed hurt at how Ronnie had pulled himself away. His shoulder is burning - the shark had bit deep, and he was concerned that the marks left would eventually turn him inhuman.

"You kept looking..." It's a horrible excuse, but the face the lifeguard wears and his tone drip with regret. The shark can't control himself - he brings one hand back to his groin.

"You fucking bit me! No, no, no...Tell me I'm not gonna turn into a shark freak, please god please..."

"It feels pretty good-"

"SHUT UP! Oh god, my spine..." Ronnie feels something pushing out above his buttocks and barely manages to pull his shorts off. He can't see what's happening back there, but it feels like a soreness unlike any other that's growing longer and longer, the ache unbearable. He cries out in pain, doubled over from the feeling, focusing on the floor tile. There's a pressure on his face now. His mouth, his teeth are rearranging themselves and it isn't the most pleasant feeling - they change shape, all ending up some form of pointy and triangular like a shark. He doesn't process the gills that grow on his neck, but they're there too, breaking up the thick, grey skin that has started to cover him.

His tail is still coming in when he feels a hand on his back. It's the lifeguard ('That motherfucker') trying to comfort him. The actions were nice, but they didn't take away the creaking and groaning as his body continued to shift - he feels his muscles grow, which feels good compared to everything else. The skin on his hands change, grey and webbed, and his fingernails thicken and grow, sharpening to a point. He didn't think sharks had claws, but he also didn't think that people could turn into sharks.

He's at the point the lifeguard was in when he stumbled upon this whole scene, and the pain of suddenly having a tail is receding. It's still sore, as is his face, but he turns himself over and shakily sits under the shower on his rump. He moved his new tail by itself, holding it with one hand. It's smoother than he expected, and heavier too. No wonder his spine hurt like Hell. One hand runs along his muzzle, feeling its new shape - he opens his mouth to feel the teeth and is surprised at how numerous and sharp they are.

Then of course, his eyes are drawn to his crotch. Thankfully that's all already changed - he would've passed out from shock if he saw his dick turn into whatever he had now. He runs his hand over the 'claspers' - it wasn't proper shark biology. It was more like he now had two dicks that had changed shape, the shafts tapering off to a point. Definitely not what he expected down there.

"You look done." The lifeguard's crouched over him, nude, still looking a little frenzied. He's staring into Ronnies animal eyes.

And then, jarringly, something washes over his mind - it's lust. Pure and relenting, worming its way into his brain in an instant, and he understands why the lifeguard acted the way he did. He can't stop his hand from wrapping around his two dicks and pumping, but the lifeguard can.

Ronnie is brought to his feet by the other shark, and he feels a mix of embarrassment and anger. It's hard for him to look the other shark in the eye, but he does - the lifeguard's got an almost serious look in his eye. Whatever had turned him into this had changed him, and in turn he'd changed Ronnie too. It wasn't ideal, but it was what had happened.

"C'mon." The lifeguard grabs him by the arm and starts walking out of the showers.

"What are you doing?"

"Ocean." No one sees them in the dead of night as they sprint across the sand and into the ocean, their forms accustomed to the water. They find themselves at home more than ever beneath the rolling waves, swimming with a startling speed, taking on the attributes of the sea's most feared creature. But thy only blood they end up being after is each other. On the floor of the ocean, having realized how easy it is to breathe underwater, they sate their lust with each other, learning about their new forms in a primal, carnal way. It lasts for so long, but not long enough - their animal shape doesn't last forever.

They are woken up by an early morning beach walker - some old woman who found the sight of two young men sleeping nude on the shoreline charming and not a public blight, thankfully. They hightail it off of the sand before anyone else sees them, each one driving out of the parking lot in different cars, different directions, but they know they'll both see each other again - the waves were forecast to be great tomorrow. Ronnie would certainly get a Saturday surf in.

-Funkazan, 06/23

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