Zoo cleaning part 1

Story by Sindragon on SoFurry

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Zoo cleaning

Sin has a new Job at the Island of Wight zoo, to be the cleaner of the Big cats cages.

But what he didn't know that , the cats had some special powers and kinks.

Warning contains : Scat, scat eating, water sports, farting bestiality .

The Zoo is own by the Island of Wight.

As most of the Animals

I own Sin and the Humans

The Twins toilet

Sin parked his car,in the zoo car pack, as he pulled the door to open. As he then step on to the stones,as he heard the sea behind him. As the zoo was about 300 meters from the sea it self. Since it was built out of a old ruined castle.

Sin was happy,he got his dream job to get close to handling big cats. Even though he was cleaning up after them. He had been given handing skills,with a few of the big cats so , they could get used to Sin.

Sin had got close to the 2 sisters , Zia and Zena. Who were Indian Tigress but Zena was special because she was a white Tigress. When her Sister was just a normal orange Tigress. Via was the more playful out the 2 . While Zena was the more wiser and sneakier out the 2.

Sin him self was an advage 21 year old guy. He was, advage built from going to the gym often. He had long messy brown red hair ,and wore a Black Zoo shirt .With plain black jeans. An wore black skater shoes. As Sin walking up to Staff entrance, he then spotted his boss. Who was Rob a man in his late 50 ,who spotted the young man

" Ahh Sin there you are ,as you know it getting dark. An you will bee there only one here. In the Zoo ,so will you be oh ok" Rob asked Sin.

" Yes Sir I be ok, I had the teaching on what to do" Sin explained to his boss.

" Good ,so I let you get to work ,be careful Zena has been having a upset tummy so,it might be . A mess in there" Rob chuckled ,before walking to his car.

Sin sighed deeply as he watched his boss go home. Sin chuckled deeply, he didn't mind doing loo duty for the cats. He always had been turn on watching cats. Do there stuff in front of people. An off cost he, had a soft spot,for Zena. Her and Nalha were his fav cats at the zoo.

Stuart then begin to walked down the path to the Sister cage. Walking past the other cages, of the other cats. As he gave them chuff in hello to them ,as they responded back to him. It had took-enn him about 5 mints to get to ,Zena and Zia cage. His height didn't help being about 6ft tall. But then his blue eyes looked on to the girl he cared for..

Zena , the beautiful White Tigress who was sitting on her hind paws chuffing at Sin. Sin gave a chuff back, as she rub agents the fence. Which keep them apart,from each other.

" Hey there girl , are you ok" Sin said to her.

Zena gave a chuff , as she was rubbing agents then fence. As he rub 2 fingers on her soft fur. Though Sin couldn't see Zia,but he guessed she was sleeping. Sin then moved down to the door for Staff to enter the sleep cages of the Tigress.

As he open the door,he was welcome with the smell he loved,but smell most people hated. Tiger waste,a strong smell of it to. The smell of sulphate,and rotted eggs ,filed his nose, but he loved it. Tigers will mark anything they believed is there's .With there piss and shit. Ad it was a very strong smell it gave off.

Plus there was 2 Tigress mad even more sticky in there dens. Sin had been given a shovel to scoop up there waste up. An new hey was for the new Tigers beds. Since they used them as toilets as well. As he walked over to the cages , the smell ,got stronger as he sighed in delight. As he looked down into Zena bed. He saw pools of liquid poo everywhere, in her cages.

It was a mess, So he decide to take off, his shirt ,and shoes and jenes. Leaving him in his underwear,for main reason. To keep them cleaned from the poo. Since he enjoyed the smell and sight of tiger waste. Other people didn't.

Sin open the cage door thinking he was safe opening into the cage. He then felt his feet enter into to slurry,of shit by Zena.

" Mmmm that fill nice" Sin mummed to himself, as rub his feet in liquid po

Sin then herd a voice behind him thinking,it was nothing .He the pick up a spade to scoop up some poo,when he herd a voice.

" Hello Sin" Said a voice behind him ,with a strong female voice.

Sin then stop,wait ,who was that?. He was the only human here?,so who was it. As Sin turned around he eyes went into shock, it was Zia.

"Ahhhhhh" Sin screamed ,deeply as fell backward with a splash.

Into more of Zena waste,as it splashed on his face. As he looked over at the large cat.

" Sis ,be careful you nearly killed him" Said a voice behind him.

Still in shock he looked behind him to see Zena,talking ?.

How was that possible,for them to speak English. An for him to understand them.

But what worried him more,was that he was in danger. Getting attacked by the girls. Sure they were kind from ,when there was a fence. But there was no fence this time,so what would they do.

" Sorry I think he scared of us sis" Zia chuckled, as she layed down on the messy floor , as she smudged her fur with her sister waste.

" Ahh ,we not going to hurt you,Sin " Zena told him as layed down purring. As she was rubbing her body threw her waste coating, her chest fur white to a deep brown.

" You can talk" Sin said in gasp,as he felt both tigress purring deeply at him.

" Yes ,we all can Sin,and I know you have a soft spot from me " Zena chuckled.

As Sin blushed bright red,at the mention of his crush on the cat.. After few hrs Sin and the girls had got to used to each other. As they started to snuggle, with each other. Zena then felt a movement in her ass,knowing she had to go.

Zena then moved so her bum was in front of Sin face. As her anus open up as she her let out a right ol fart. Witch smelled of smelly cheese, as she sighed as a downpour of golden piss drip out from her. An on to the hey.

Letting Sin get good view of her bladder emptying it self,on to they hey. Zena sighed in relief,as she pissed deeply like a waterfall. On to the hey next to Sin face. Sin blushed bright red seeing Zena pee right in front of him with no care.

As he did this ,he gasp felling teeth on his under-were. As he looked up to See Zia mouth, ripping off his under were of his body leaving him. Completely naked with a bemused Zia. Who was looking at his tool which had started to be come hard. From the rough play from Zia.

Sin then watched Zia drop his pants in to the poo slurry. But what she did next shocked him. Zia than lift her tail up, as she sat her ass deep into the shit slurry. An then rubbed her ass up and down smearing her beautiful ass ,in her sister slurry. As it coated her bum in brown shit. As it drip of her ass hole and pussy. As she let out a happy moan of pleasure. Zena gave a smirk at Sin knowing he was enjoying the show. By the way his cock had grown fully to 20 cm long.

" An we know you like us taking shit. Ann we can tell you want our shit too" Zena chuckled to Sin.

Sin blushed,deeply , as he felt a tail warp around his neck. As he then felt Zena muzzle pressing agents his face. The smell of shit and raw meat, meet Sin mouth,which he did not mind.

" How about you become our loo ,so it been easer on you. Plus you get some messy and naughty fun with us. An the other cats, would like to us you as a loo." Zena chuckled deeply.

" I ,what about the other humans and I will be covard in your waste" Sin asked her.

" Don't worry ,we have a special water area. For you to clean,up. " Zena told him purring.

" Ok I will" Sin said ,as he pressed her into a kiss. Which took Zena into a happy surprised.

Zena then press her sandpaper like tongue into his mouth as, he did with her. As they kissed,Sin the felt a warm felling on his cock,as he mange to get a eye past the view. The large white Tigress,to see Zia mounted over his cock. As she was pissing on it.

" Mmm " Sin moaned filling the pleasure of kissing Tigress,and a Pissing Tigress on him.

Zena chuckled deeply as ,she saw the haapy sight of her sis,peeing on her lover. As she broke from her kissed with Sin. As she saw her sis,flow of golden piss stop hitting ,Sin cock. Zia then winked at her Sis,as she loward her smell dirty bum. An then coating Sin balls in the brown shit. As she then loward her ass on to his cock.

Pushing it deep into her dirty pussy,as she let out roar of pleasure. As Sin let out a shout of pleasure,from Zia action.

Zena chucked deeply as she moved to Sin face. With her coated Scat brown paws ,from her waste of the floor.

Sin panted deeply,from filling Zia move her large body up down on his cock ,as he thusted in her. He then saw a smug look from Zena.

" Seam Sis ,wanted to ride your first,so I get to used use as my loo." Zena purred deeply.

As she brought her paws on Sin face making him sniff. The strong smell of meat,piss shit ,and god know what under her paws.

Sin moaned taking a long sniff of her large paws. As he took in her strong cheesy scent. Which he loved,as he rang his tongue on her paws. Licking up the stuff on her paws. Zena purred happy,as it tickled a lot. She then rubbed her paws over his face . Smearing his face with his spit ,and the mud and Scat ,on his face.

Zena then looked over to her Sis. Who was panting and, moaning deeply. As pre cum was leaking from her ,and onto Sin balls. As he thrusted hard into her womb. Making her let out powerful roars,from her ridding. And Sin hard thrusting in her womb.

"Oh gods ,Sis he so big ,and deep oh" Zia panted deeply,digging her claws in to the messy hey.

As Sin carried on licking her paws .As she sniffed him,knowing he could need a new smell. Showing who was his mate and belong to.

Zena then removed her paws ,from his face much to Sin sadness,but then saw Zena turn around. So he was looking up at Zena dirty brown ass.

" Time to feed you Sin" Zena purred ,as her wet pussy,drip her pre on his face. Which he happily licked up.

Zena then loward her body down,so his nose was touching her ass .As she grunted letting out, a deep blast fart. Which smelt of sulphate, Sin sighed as he sniffed her fart deeply. As he felt a grumble sound,as Zena ass crack open up.

As to his surprised, a rain of liquid shit hit his face. The strong musky scent hit his nose,and all he could smell. Was the manure of Zena, who was panting deeply. It smelt of beef and horse manure ,as felt it splash all over his face.

Sin then open his mouth as Zena moved her ass .So it was above his, mouth. As the down pour of brown shit enter his mouth. As he chewed what he could ,as taste was very over powering. Zena then grunted ,as a few logs splatted on to his face .As the liquid shit ran over his ears nose, and neck.

As he then feed on her waste like a slut. As he also felt Zia was close to climaxing from the tightness . That her womb was giving to his cock.

" That mmm, you like my food Sin" she purred deeply.

" Yes " Sin said gulp down ,fresh logs of shit. Chewing it up,as white teeth was stained brown.

From Zena poo, but he then Saw the poo stop. But them felt a warm golden drink fill into his mouth. Zena was purring as she, was pissing all over Sin face.

Zia then let out a huge roar,as she climaxed heavy .As she felt Sin do the same,as he climaxed deeply into the tigress womb. Filling her ,with his seed. Zia gasp as she felt woozy, as her juices oozed over Sin cock .An his balls,and the dirty hey bellow. As she felt Sin cock pumping, his seed into her.

Zia then layed down , with Sin still in her. As she then watched her Sister finishing off. Her marking ,of Sin.

Zena purred as the golden spray enter Sin mouth. While he was panting deeply,as he drank it up like milk. As Zena then stop her flow of piss to see the smelly human .Who now had a scat face mask. As bit poo ,had gone into his hair.

As the strong scent of shit ,piss and sex filled the air.

" This is only, your starter Sin" Zena said evilly, but smirking playfully at the human.

Sin then looked up at Zena ,wounding what she had plan to do with him

End chapter1

Next chapter will be more dirty,this was just and introduction ^.^

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