New Journey Chapter 37: Recovery (X)

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#39 of New Journey

Seth the Hybrid

Soul the Absol

Sky the Espeon

Drew the Leafeon

Dust the Glaceon

Tiff the Typhlosion

Zip the Luxray

Daim the Mienshao

Star the Latias

Chp 37: Recovery

"Ah. OW! Careful." Seth cried out. He was lying on his back, effectively paralyzed, while Sky in her hybrid form applied pain relieving cream over his body.

"Maybe if you get like this after a battle, you should leave the fighting to us." Soul said.

"Well excuse me, but I was busy taking out half of Riley's team."

"You both did great. We won, so let's just relax and celebrate." Sky said.

"Yeah. Maybe I'll take some of the girls out to celebrate." Soul hopped off the bed and left the room.

"Ow." Seth groaned when he tried to turn his head to watch her.

"What did you even do to get like this?" Sky asked.

"I learned how to use more aura than usual a while ago. During that week of training I mastered it. You saw how powerful it was, but I used it for way too long. I'll be fine. Just sore is all."

"Alright..." She didn't sound convinced.


"Hey, who wants to go out?!" Soul asked as she came bursting into the other bedroom in her human form.

"No." Zip said.

"Yeah, we just got done with a tough fight. I want a nap." Tiff raised her head to speak, but quickly lowered it back down onto the bed.

"Too bad. You're gonna wanna hear what I have to say." She said, brandishing their balls.


"Seth?" Drew asked as he came into the bedroom. "Somebody is banging on the door."

"I'll get it." Sky said, her body losing its fur while she went. A moment later, Seth heard her exclaim, "Star!" He could also hear the latias girl squealing in joy.

"Hey Seth! You look worse for wear. Having a tough time?" Star asked as she came into the bedroom. Seth was lying stretching out in just his underwear on the bed.

"Hi Star. I was wondering if you were gonna make it."

"Yeah, I had to finish up some things. But I'm ready!"

"That's good. As you can see, we already had our battle for today. And we'll probably wait a couple days to rest. But we're halfway there."

"Awesome." The smile never left her face. Until she began to look around the room. "It's uhh... humble. I guess I'll make myself at home." Her body wavered, revealing her true draconic form. "After I settle in, you'll have to tell me everything I missed."


"Where are we even going?" Tiff asked. Her, Zip, and Soul were out in the city, seemingly just wandering with the human form Soul in front.

"I dunno." Soul said. "What do you wanna do?"

"What?!" Zip growled. "You dragged us out here with no plan? I thought you wanted to talk."

"I do. But we have to talk in private."

"And we couldn't do that in the bedroom?" Tiff complained.

"Exactly. How about we... Oh, the pokeathlon!"

"Sounds dumb." Zip said.

"Yeah, stuff like that isn't that private." Tiff added.

"Alright, uh, I guess we could go hang out in the park." Soul said, changing their course accordingly. There were many parks scattered over the island. The largest was situated around a pond. Soul avoided that one, as well as the beach one. They went to the forest instead. There was also a park built into a cave, as well as a large open-air market that also served as a park.

While the public area was built into the forest, it was barely dense enough to classify as one. There were arenas, berry trees, camp sites, and all sorts of things strewn through the area.

"Alright, stay here for a sec." Soul said, going off and ducking into some bushes. She emerged as an absol a moment later. "There, we can talk freely. So I noticed you both eying Seth. You want?"

"You caught that? Yes." Zip said, almost begrudgingly. "I was watching you through the wall last night, I admit it. I find Seth... attractive. He saved my life." Tiff simply blushed and looked away.

"I don't blame you. Seth isn't exactly a tough guy, but its still pretty hot when he gets all heroic. I don't have to give you the whole 'sex isn't bad' lecture, do I?" Soul asked.

"No. I was only dominated once or twice. They wanted to breed, there was no love."

"Good. Now Tiff," Soul said, making the typhlosion quiver. "I see how you look at Seth and how you act around him. You're just shy. I have no idea how, seeing as you hang around pokemon that bang all day. You just gotta grab life, and Seth, by the balls."

Tiff went beet red and yelped when she said that. "I couldn't..." She whispered.

"Why not? You're a good friend. And you have my permission. On one condition. You two have to do it together." Tiff and Zip looked at each other, before looking back at Soul. "Yep. Both of you, or not at all. I'll set up everything perfectly. Deal?"

Zipp turned to Tiff and nodded. "Let's do it."

"Okay..." Tiff muttered, covering her face with her paws.

"Great, let's go back then." Soul said.

"Wait." Zip said. "Why?"


"Why do you want us to have sex with Seth?"

"Besides the fact that I'm a sexual deviant? I want Seth to bang every girl here. I think it'll do him some good. But with all the girls, we don't have much time, so it has to be tonight." Soul explained. With that, they began to walk back to the hotel.


"Well?" Seth asked.

"I dunno." Sky said. "The little bar is half blue. Is that good?"

"It's loading."

"Oh, it just popped up! Okay, stark: severe or bare in appearance."

"I knew that. Is there anything else?"

"Uhh, Stark Mountain? It's here in Sinnoh."


"This large imposing mountain is located in the Sinnoh Battle Frontier. It is an ancient dormant volcano, but lava still flows in certain areas. The mountain is famed for being the most inhospitable place in Sinnoh, with the toughest pokemon in the region. There is evidence of an ancient culture that lived in the area despite this." Sky read from his dex.

"That sounds about right. The unown did say forge. All that lava. I don't know what we'll find there, but once we beat the elite four, that's our next goal."

"I wouldn't mind taking a break, but it's up to you."

"Well, the battle frontier is a famous resort. The league city is based off of that. Wouldn't hurt to stop there. Now search terminus."

"The final point in space or time; the end. I'm guessing that's not it, so Terminus Cave would be the best guess. It's a cave in Kalos. There's a legend of a monster that inhabits the deepest parts of the cave, but no one has ever seen it."

"The protector. Kalos though... That's a long way away."

"Yeah." Sky looked up when the bedroom door opened and Soul walking in. "That was quick."

"Yeah, just went for a quick walk. The girls were tired." Soul explained as she came in and hopped onto the bed, her feral form cuddling against Seth.

He let out an uncomfortable groan when she pushed into him too hard. "Watch it, my nerves are on fire."

"What is even wrong with you?" Soul complained.

"My body feels sore, but I've got that tingly asleep feeling too. It's pretty much a side effect of abusing my aura and transformations like that. I did it before when we were training, so I should recover in a day or so. It's just my body catching up with all the changes I made it do."

"Lame!" Soul groaned.

"Didn't you fight that meloetta?" Sky asked. "How are you not tired too?"

"Her? She was no big deal. I barely had to lift a paw."

"Speaking of freaks, I came up with a theory for why we can do stuff like that. Like my mega evolution." Sky said. "I can't find anything about an espeon mega evolving, at all. And you being able to control your forms so well. And Soul being crazy tough. I think it's because we're hybrids. Like our bodies adapt and grow faster or something. Normal pokemon would have to train for tens of years to get to where we are now. I mean... we've been battling for almost two years now, and we beat half the elite four, trainers who have been fighting for decades."

"Makes sense." Seth said. "Though it's still kinda freaky that I can turn pokemon into hybrids."

"It's weirder that you do it with your jizz." Soul cut in.

Sky cleared her throat. "Speaking of which, when do you think the egg will hatch? And what about names?"

"Can't you just use psychic to find out when it'll open?" Soul asked.

"That's not how it works."

"Name? I have no idea. We don't even know what it'll be. It could even be human." Seth said.

"Ugh, I hope not. I don't want one of those screaming little demons." Soul groaned.

"We'll see." Sky said with a smile, her tail smacking the back of the chair as it tried to wag.

There was suddenly a knock on the open door, Daim poking her head around the corner. "Excuse me."

"It's fine, come on in." Seth said, straining to lift his head to look at her.

"First, congratulations. I hope your child is healthy."

"Thank you." Sky said.

"Second, I don't mind you not using me in that battle. Third, and most importantly... I heard you mention Stark Mountain. I've always wanted to visit there, but it is too dangerous for a wild pokemon like me to go. Would you please allow me to accompany you?"

"Sure, that's fine." Seth said.

Her whiskers twitched. "My deepest gratitude." She said with a bow and backed out of the room.

"You know who she reminds me of? Cynthia." Sky said. "I wonder how she and her daughter are doing."


What do you want with him?


Answer me!


"Why him?!"

"Huh?" Daim asked.

Mewtwo opened her eyes and looked over. "Sorry. I must have been daydreaming."


"Are..." Tiff started. She had had a blush on her face for the past hour. "Are we really going to... do it?"

"Do what you want." Zip said. "I'm going for it. He deserves a reward."

"Yeah... but..." Tiff turned and stared out the window. "There are reasons not to." She said eventually.


"I don't know."

"We're just gonna fuck." Zip said plainly, making Tiff let out a quiet squeak. "Just follow my lead. I mean, you must know all about sex. Don't you live at a breeding center?"

"It's called daycare." Tiff muttered. "I know... but Seth..."

"Oh, I get it. You love him."

Tiff blushed even harder and looked away again. Her paws came up and began to twiddle with each other.

"I thought so. Drop the shy act. Have you seen Soul? He obviously likes bold girls."


"So what do you think is next?" Sky asked.

"I have no idea." Seth said. "The only requirement is that they have to live in Sinnoh, so it could be anybody. Lucian used psychic types. Riley focused on physical attacks. I feel like there won't be any more single type trainers. It provides focus, but it ends up being a huge handicap. And Riley used double format, so the next could use rotation or triple."

"So we have to be ready for anything." Sky said.

"Are you surprised?" Soul asked.

"No... I just, you know, planning ahead."

"Say, why don't you come with me?" Soul said, already moving for the door.


"'re the only one who hasn't been rewarded for the battle."

"It's late. I don't want to go out. And what about Reginald? He fought hard too."

"That stuffy bird 'll ruin the fun. The hotel has a big pool."

"Pool... swimming does sound nice. But who will make sure Seth is okay?"

"I'll be fine. Go have fun. But I actually think you should bring Reginald. Tell him I ordered him to guard you if he complains. Just leave the door open and the tv on." He said.

"Okay, thanks." Sky smiled happily, grabbed the ball, and followed Soul out.

He just sat there, watching the tv. He really couldn't do anything else.


"There's no one here." Sky said as they came into the pool. It was located at the top of the hotel, with a glass roof looking up into the orange sky as the sun set. "Guess we can talk freely." She, in her feral form, said to the human Soul.

"Yeah." Soul opened Reginald's ball, causing him to appear on the tiled floor next to the water. He immediately raised his long neck and looked around.

"Where is Master?" He asked desperately.

"Relax." Soul said. "He said you need to blow off some steam."

"And you have to keep us safe." Sky added, more for his benefit than hers.

"Very well." He spread his wings and lifted off, flying only a few feet away to land on top of a table, where he settled into place.

Soul reached down and grabbed the bottom of her dress, beginning to pull it up.

"Soul?!" Sky cried out in embarrassment. "We're in... Why are you wearing a bikini?"

"Bikini? I thought these were human girl underwear."

"That doesn't make it better! You were planning on walking around almost nude!"

"No, I was gonna swim almost nude." She stepped back before leaping into a cannonball into the deep end. Her lithe form didn't make much of a splash but Sky was stunned.

"Who are you and what did you do with Soul?"

"It's all that fur. Looks good, but it sucks to get wet. But if I don't gotta worry about that..." She dove down again.

Sky joined her shortly after, using the stairs instead of jumping in. "I'm worried about Seth."

"What else is new?"

"I'm serious. He's covered in cuts and bruises!"

"And? He never goes through the healing machine."

"Do you not pay attention? He heals fast naturally, but this time... I'm worried he's over doing it. This isn't life or death, just friendly competition."

Soul swam over and tapped Sky's nose with a finger. "For the smart one, you really don't get it. He feels guilty and powerless. If he can beat the best trainers here, that means he can protect us."

"But we can-"

"Do you really think he'd let himself die? He can be more stubborn than me. If he really thought it was dangerous, he'd stop. Trust me. He won't die."


"Seth?" Zip asked, walking into the room before he even answered. Tiff was right behind her, closing the door as she entered.

"Hey, what's on your mind?"

Zip came further in, coming around to the side of the bed Seth was on. Tiff remained behind, fumbling with the door until there was a faint click of it locking. With that, she came over, standing on the opposite side of the bed, though she wouldn't look at him.

"Strip." Zip ordered suddenly.

"Huh? Oh, I understand. But uh... kinda stuck right now. Tell you what. I'll give you each your own time, but you have to wait until I can move at least." Seth explained.

"No." Zip said. "Soul said we had to do this tonight."

"Of course it was her." Seth sighed. "Explains the sudden departure. Fine." Seth's body changed into a lucario, his clothes vanishing into his other form. "You're gonna have to do all the work."

Zip shuffled down, until her face was close to his sheath. There wasn't room on her side of the bed without climbing on top of Seth, so she just propped herself up with her forepaws. She reached forward with one, pushing against his pouch. Putting the paw back, her face leaned in, her nose tapping his emerging tip. Her face went down, nuzzling into his weighty sack before her tongue emerged to take a lick.

"AH!" Seth cried out. His entire body tensed, but only twitched a bit. "Watch the tongue!" She ignored him and licked again, her bristled tongue raking across the sensitive flesh.

"Baby." She muttered and moved her head away. "Tiff? You just gonna watch?"

"Oh, uh, I... go ahead." She said.

Zip hopped onto the bed, her large feline body covering his easily. However, their anatomy was not a perfect match for this position. It worked fine with Soul and Sky due to their smaller size, but Zip was much larger. Her slit was at the end of her body, while Seth's member was in the middle of his body. Instead of what Soul would do, ride him by sitting up with her paws on his chest, Zip was lying on him, leaving his head buried in her neck. Knowing that he couldn't move much to get a breath, she didn't fully encompass him. Her paws locked onto his shoulders and her hips took to rolling on him right away. The dewy lips nestled there helped to rouse his sheath.

Most of his body was still tingling and numb, however his sensitive flesh was fully awake. It felt strange. Normally, he would feel the soft fur and clutching paws of his partners, but right now, the only thing, besides that strange static feeling, was located at their intersecting genitals. His shaft slowly emerged, until enough was out that the tip pressed into Zip's canal. Without any words, she slammed down, taking the half of him that was out to the hilt. Then she lifted just her hindquarters and dropped it back down, rapidly repeating the humping motion. His hardening bone easily parted the kitty's pussy.

She was surprisingly tight for such a large creature. Not only was she naturally squeezing him, her muscles milked his member for its seed. His bright red canine shaft throbbed and bulged against her cunny, eager to feel her every fold. And he was certainly feeling it. The absence of the rest of his body made it less intimate but seemed to make his sensitive cock sing even louder.

There was a noise to his left. Zip had been almost completely silent. He moved his neck just a bit to see Tiff standing there. Zip's mane was short enough to let him see out the side. One paw was reaching down her body, disappearing between her legs past the bed. Her eyes were staring down at Zip's heaving hips. She let out another squeak when she realized he was looking at her, this time one of surprise. With this view being easier to breath with and having a more enticing view, he left his head that way.

Zip kicked it up a notch. Her paws gripped harder, her claws extending and poking at him. Her hips went into over drive, a blur of humping as she rode his member for all it could take. Her insides weren't the velvet softness he was used to. They were more rough, textured, perhaps due to her incredible grip. Even as she pounded into him, that tightness remained. Pre was flowing heartily, as were her own juices, making the whole experience ever wetter. The sound of squishing and slapping kept growing louder, until he suspected those outside the room could hear.

Seth's hips were quaking of their own will. He wanted so desperately to thrust up into her. But his body could not do so. No matter how much effort he put in, his muscles could do little more than twitch. Her speed kept increasing, now beyond anything that could be considered normal, even for a pokemon. With it, both their climaxes were rushing in. As fast as she was going, she lacked force, making his knot push against her lips, but not go inside. It was quickly too large to fit in her tight pussy, and he came the moment after. The hot seed blasting into her kicked her own off.

Only two spurts made it into Zip before she pulled off. Seth was still emptying his balls though, causing a few strands to land on Zip as she moved off him. She rolled off to the side, effortlessly landing on her feet. Her eyes locked onto Seth's pulsing member, staring as he shot a few more streams into the air, before weaker ones began to dribble down the shaft. Seth's head was still facing Tiff, while she stared in awe at his glistening dick.

"I'm done." Zip said. "You just gonna stare?"

"But... he's still all... twitching..."

"It's now or never. Soul will be back any time."

Tiff licked her lips, either out of desire, or more likely to wet her dry mouth. Or maybe both. She reached forward with a quivering paw, holding it halfway between them for a long time. Eventually she managed to gather enough courage to close the gap. The tip of her paw grazed his slick and heated flesh. Once again, she paused.

Seth couldn't help but smile. It was cute seeing such an intimidating looking female act so shy. He wanted to touch and pet her but couldn't. The edge of her paw slowly traced up his member, following a bulging vein but barely grazing the skin. She stopped at the tip when it gave another pulse, drooling some cum onto her fur. "Do whatever you want." Seth reassured her.

Tiff took a deep breath, then climbed onto the bed, sitting on her knees beside him. Her paw moved back towards him, hesitated, then wrapped around his cock. The grip renewed his diminishing climax, causing a large glob of seed to spill out onto her. Her eyes nearly sparkled as she watched this happen. "I've been waiting so long." She let out a rumbling purr. "You just... you are a hero. You saved so many, out of just the kindness of your heart."

Seth barely heard a word she was saying. Her paw was fully wrapped around his still climaxing member. She was gripping it hard and milking it up and down with strong squeezes. The hammering of his heart was plenty loud enough to drown out most of her voice.

"If you hadn't saved not just me but all those pokemon... What would have happened to us? All those pokemon, they seem so happy when they mate. But I've never loved anyone... at least not until I met you."

That last part caught his attention. While a less experienced male might have been a slave to her wonderfully soft and skilled paws, his focus turned right to her words.

"You're so strong... and brave..." Her free paw stroked down his leg, grabbing at the muscles there, before moving back up to cradle his balls. "I..." She took a deep breath, launching forward and burying her face into his chest. "I wuv you." She mumbled, muffled by his fur. Her ears stood up suddenly and she nearly vaulted off the bed. Before Seth could even roll his head over, she had ducked under the edge of the bed to hide. "Sorry!" She cried out.

Seth's dick might have been angry at the sudden loss of contact, but his mind was different. "Why?"

"Well... you already have a mate... I wouldn't want to... get in the way." Her head peaked over the edge to look at him.

"Nonsense. In case you haven't noticed, I end up banging way more pokemon than just my mates."

"But I don't just-!" She said passionately before catching herself. "I want to..."

"You want to be my mate too?"

She blushed and hid again. "Maybe."

"That's fine with me. I have two, might as well have three. You can join my team if you want."

Her head poked over the edge again. "Really?" She asked with starry eyes.

"That means you'll have to leave the daycare." Seth explained.

In another burst of speed, she shot up and nearly tackled him. Her head buried itself in his neck, tears wetting his fur. "Thank you!"

"It's no big deal." Seth said, cursing his paralysis.

"It's a huge deal." She leaned back, a big smile on her muzzle. The blush quickly returned when she realized what was poking her rear. "I... I fell in love with you after that heroic rescue. I wanted... to do this then, but I was so scared. Scared you'd reject me. Or-"

"Just fuck already!" Zip demanded.

Seth smiled. "Guess the audience is getting impatient. You're in charge."

"Okay..." She forced a nervous chuckle. Seth considered pointing out that she had been fondling him quite well a bit ago, but didn't want to ruin the cuteness. She was big, even larger than Zip, and her face could no doubt be intimidating, but right now it was a happy smile with a naughty blush. Despite the thoughts no doubt racing through her mind, she couldn't seem to bear looking directly at him for more than a few seconds. Sky's love, Soul's sexiness and now Tiff's shyness. He could get used to that.

She shifted around, planting her paws on either side of his body for stability and placing her rear behind his crotch. His member pressed into her lower belly while her wet mound rested lightly on his balls. While her body was large, she used it well, handling the smaller male just fine. She then closed her eyes and took a deep breath. "Alright. I'm putting it in." Her rear lifted and moved forward a bit, his tip touching her lips. She paused again.

"Just do it!" Zip ordered. Tiff cried out in surprise and lost her balance, falling right onto Seth's dick. The sudden impact of her weight in his lap caused him to grunt. With his member now fully inside her cunny, she squirmed her hips around him. She was hotter inside than anything he had ever felt, even a flareon. Her juices were as close to boiling as they could get without burning him while her molten walls milked at him greedily. It wasn't the skillful movements of Zip, but the manifestations of her body's desire for a belly full of cum. She wasn't too tight, but she was hot as fire and wet as water. And full of wanton lust. Nervous or not, her horniness shined through.

Soul was the best female he'd ever had, no question, but Tiff might be able to give her a run for her money. His dick and balls felt like they could just melt away in her relaxingly warm embrace. Her grinding stopped as she slowly rose up, before just as slowly sinking back onto him.

Seth closed his eyes and let out a pleased rumble. Her pussy wasn't all that was warm. At first, her body had been a normal temperature. But as she worked herself up and down his shaft, she got hotter and hotter. Her warm fur pressing into his lower body felt wonderful on his pained muscles. He opened his eyes again, looking down at their joining. "Tiff?" He said, getting her attention.

For a split second, her eyes widened in fear, but she recovered and smiled down at him. "Hmm?"

"Could you lay down on me?"

"I don't think I can... keep going if I do that." She looked down, rubbing a paw over her belly, feeling the bulk of his member underneath.

"It's okay, just cuddle with me."

She said nothing else and moved her paws to lean down, lying her entire body on him. She easily lifted his back, wrapping her arms around him. Her feet were too stubby to wrap around anything.. Now that she was lying on him, her anatomy forced her to have her head past his, but instead of encompassing him like Zip, she lied it alongside his, lovingly rubbing his head into her neck. He remained inside her the whole time, as his member shifted from vertical to horizontal with her body. Now with herself fully embracing him, she began to purr with joy.

Seth smiled happily as well. It felt like he had just gotten into a steaming bath, except without the wetness, save for her drooling pussy. She was like a more fluffy electric blanket. And the real blankets below him were absorbing her warmth, so he was in a full cocoon of warm softness. "How about a deal?" Seth asked. "You just hold me for a while, and I'll make it up to you when I can move." She gripped him harder in an affirmative response.


"Seth?" Sky asked as she came into the bedroom. "We're back, are you okay? What..."

Soul was right behind her. "Tiff, time's up. You're in my spot."

Tiff raised her head from Seth's and looked back at them. "Oh, sorry."

"It's okay." Seth said from under her. "First off, she's joining the team. Second, her warmth is helping my recovery."

"Is it true? You're coming with us?" Sky asked. Tiff nodded. "Welcome aboard!" She said sunnily, tail wagging.

New Journey Chapter 38: Historian

Chp 38: Historian "Here we go... number three." Seth said, mentally getting himself pumped up before the elevator arrived. This time, his team consisted of Soul, Sky, Star, Mewtwo, Daim, Tiff, and maybe himself. He was feeling good, at least...

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New Journey Chapter 36: Guardian

Chp 36: Guardian Seth cracked his knuckles while the elevator whirred. Soon enough, it stopped. The doors opened to reveal an odd sight. It appeared at first that he was outside, but on closer inspection, he was still indoors. The room...

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New Journey Chapter 35: Casino

Chp 35: Casino "You all did so good." Seth said, currently petting Sky. "We've got the rest of the day, so how should we celebrate?" "Oh casino!" Soul shouted. "Ok, first off, you know way too much for...

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