Kitsune Incubus

Story by WhiteFire Sondergaard on SoFurry

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Copyright (c) 2007 WhiteFire blah blah blah...

WARNING: This is a piece of pure jackoff material. It makes no attempt to be nothing more. It involves snuff, extreme torture, magic, technology, a kind of gore, and perhaps worse. I beg that you forgive my sick mind it's sins.

It also is unedited other than by spell checker. That may be less forgivable.

I also apologize to all kitsune right here and now. This is not supposed to be representative of the breed in any way shape or form.


Kitsune Incubus

~ the perfect boi ~

He saw the perfect victim on the dance floor. A boi, there was no other word to describe him. A red fox, just as he himself appeared to be. He had a weakness for that. Long blond hair tied in a ponytail that reached his ankles and swung around nearly as much as the glow-sticks he was twirling on strings as his body writhed so energetically. Smooth and sleek, dressed in as close to nothing as they got.

He could not have been more than nineteen. They really should check ID better. Oh, that's right, they didn't.

As he approached, it just got better. He could see the black mesh that pretended to be a shirt didn't even manage to cover his nipples. The boi must have trimmed his fur intentionally for them and their silver rings to stand out the way they did. His slim hips were covered by nothing more than his shoulders, the wide netting doing nothing to hide his form, and the black thong he wore in that patch of white fur between his legs did nothing more than draw attention to what it was desperately trying to contain.

The boi was sex, and he knew it. Yet, he was not aloof or arrogant. When he saw the tall vulpine approach him he smiled and danced for him as if he alone in the world was what he desired. He twisted and turned, and stretched himself to show off every inch of his young form. He was ready. He wanted it. He needed it.

There was a collar, black and snug against his throat. It was the perfect accent. The sign of the submission he would give with out question.

As the taller creature arrived before him, he held out his arms straight to the side, letting the thin cords wrap around his wrists, the glow-sticks coming to a stop that way. It was iff he was bound in place as the hand covered the boi's cheek, and guided his muzzle up into the deep passionate kiss. The young body trembled under his hands as he slid it over his panting chest and stomach, while his tongue claimed that muzzle as his own.

No protest at being handled like this. No hesitation. Just a moan.


He whispered to the boy how his shirt and shorts must feel so hot. If one looked at such a statement rationally, it would have been ridiculous, but the boi's will was already lost. He pulled them off as if they were burning him, letting them drop to the floor with out a thought to the fate of his expensive clothes. He demanded the boi's glow-sticks, and they were handed to him. He spun the slender fox around and pulled his wrists to his back, binding them with one of the cords in moments, faster than should have been possible.

His hands closed over the boi's chest and grasped his nipples, pinching them tight over the rings and he just moaned. He whispered into the boi's ear, "you are my property now", and he responded in a whisper, "I know, Master" with a breath still heavy from dancing.

He was so easy. So wonderfully needy. Perfect for his needs.

The other cord was tied to the ring on his collar, and the glow-stick used as the handle of the impromptu leash. The boi followed with out question, hands bound at his back, on a lead. He didn't even seem to notice the snickers, the gawking, the occasional whistle of appreciation. His eyes were only for his Master.

There were rooms in the back of the place that was "borrowed" for the party that most would use for this. Not him. He would take this boi before the sky and the world. Unerroringly he lead him to the stairs, and up them. The boi was so entranced that he didn't question how the lock came undone in his hand.

When the door closed behind them, unnaturally sharp claws hooked his thong's tiny strings at his hips, and jerked through them, leaving the silk to flutter to the roof top. It freed a lovely erection, jutting out proudly from the boi's snowy white sheath which seemed to glow in the moonlight.

There was no question about how his new master had become undressed himself as he was turned around. Instead he just stared at him, eyes wide with need, the pants now of lust and desire as his cock met the other that he now saw bared. He didn't need to be instructed, he fell to his knees and his muzzle feasted upon that shaft. What he lacked in experience, he more than made up for with pure need as he gagged himself trying to take the entire length. Instead of hesitating, he just did it again.

Still, he took the boi's head in his hand and used him. That only made the young fox at his feet want it more. His cock was sending clear beads of his desire from it's tip as it bounced before him with his energetic sucking. He could feel the young heart racing from here, how it pounded so hard it must be painful in that slender chest.

He pulled that head from his lap, and turned it up to look at him. Their eyes met, and the boi could not look away, panting heavily with the scent of pre on his long tongue. His eyes were an emerald green. That struck him in that moment. It looked lovely with his orange fur.

No words. the boi knew what was required of him. He stumbled around on his knees and flagged his tail. His long hair was graspped and his head pulled back, and as the larger vulpine dropped behind him and bit his neck he whimpered in need. He whispered to the boi, "you know you can't handle it", and the boi answered, "i don't care master, please, I beg you, use me." His voice was so pure and true. There was no questioning the honesty of the desire and lust in it.

He took him. Teeth on his throat, a hand gripping painfully at his chest fur. The other pulling the slim hips back onto his wet shaft. The boi cried out loudly in pain and need as he was speared, as his body was handled so roughly. And his shaft jumped at it, leaving a long line of desire dangling from it's tip.

He knew he would never even have to touch the boi's cock, it would do what was needed with out it.

So perfect.

Rougher and rougher, teeth drawing blood, fingers twisting nipples until the boi cried and screamed. Still he pressed his body back into the thrusts. Still he wanted it, needed it.

"You can't have it, it will kill you."

"Then kill me, Master."

He gave the boi what he wanted, the power of his lust making the slender frame climax with such force that the boi's heart stopped, clenched in his chest as his shaft shot long lines of white over the dark tar roof. Willing to give his life for that moment, he did.

That is what he wanted. What he needed. Tied to the climaxing body before him, he joined him in release, howling into his fur. Such energy drawn that he would be satiated for weeks.

He heard them yelling behind him, and was in the back of his mind amused. They were too late. Then he collapsed on top of his victim, the world going black.

~ caught ~

As his awareness returned, he could feel the bonds. Strong magic. Powerful, at least, by mortal standards. He thought to himself with amusement, "they went all out, this might actually take some work to break."

Next, he became aware of the physical bonds that went with them. They were solid, cold. It must be steel, welded in place over his throat, his chest, twice over his arms and once over his wrists. The same for his legs and ankles.

Ah, there it was. The tightness around his three tail-roots. That would be required, of course.

There was something else. "Mmmmmm" he thought to himself, "how nice of them" as he felt the tight device bound around his balls, separating them, exposing them, making them ache slightly. The discomfort aroused him, and he made no effort to hide that, his sheath swelling and his cock-tip pressing forth against something cold. He wondered what present awaited it.

"I see you are awake."

The voice came to him, ah yes, that is the presence he felt. He opened his eyes, and sure enough, it was a cat. snow leopard. Smaller breed, they had such cute faces and thick tails. Most cat's didn't have that in their tails. The lab coat really added to the image.

"Yes. Thank you for these lovely accommodations. You must have gone through a lot of work to set this up."

His voice held confidence. He was not worried. This would merely prove entertaining. Especially since they obviously had some demented purpose in mind from how his groin was bound. He could feel it now, there was a metal channel his cock was hardening into. Guide rails, really, exposed most of the way around. It was too bad he could not lift his head, he would have been curious to see what it looked like bound that way.

"It has been costly. Several years, may dollars, and a life."

Ah, the regret in the man's voice. It was sad to hear. He didn't understand. Still, he offered what condolences he could, "You have my word he died in ecstasy."

He could see him shake his head.

"You know you can't hold me long."

That made the cat perk up a little. He could see the pride. He must have been at least in part responsible for this project.

"We will see about that."

He was about to explain how the magic would not take him too long to undo when the cat continued, "I know, our magery is not up to snuff yet. But we have studied you for a long time. Our previous attempts over the years have been very enlightening."

"You need to concentrate for some time to break bonds this well crafted. We do not plan to give you that time to concentrate."

Now that was a curious statement. For a moment, it almost was worrisome.

"Just how do you propose to do that? Even if you torture me eternally I will eventually focus on the task, and if you kill me, you will just have to find me again."

The cat nodded, and he said, "yes, yes, we have realized this. Besides, as we came to understand you, we realized you can not help your nature. You are what you are. It would be cruel of us to give you an eternity of torment for that."

They had him curious, certainly. What were these mortals up to.

"There is one distraction you can not resist. By your very nature, your twisted interpretation of pleasure will make you unable to concentrate."

He thought to himself, "ah, they are getting closer. I need to be more careful in the future." Still, he just chuckled softly.

"It sounds like I am going to have some fun."

"Perhaps. I do fear that, to prevent you from concentrating after climaxes, we will need to be a bit harsh. I apologize for that now. But we must protect our own, I do hope you understand."

He became more concerned, perhaps they had been planning a little too much. This might take longer than he would like to work his way out of. There are, however, means beyond simply breaking the magical bonds. He still felt certain he would escape their plans, even if it took some time.

"Well, I would disagree with that, but I do understand you feel that way."

The white clad spotted cat leaned over him to secure a new device over his chest, a thick metal arm that crossed over his nipples. As he took in a breath, he could feel many sharp points scrape his sensitive flesh. As his nipples stiffened from the contact, he found the little points had a perfect gap for the nub with one big point right over the center of it.

He though, "how sweet, they must have custom made this just for me. Mmmmm, it is rather nice."

The device over his balls was closed, and he felt more sharp pricks around the tightly bound orbs, and he made a soft moan of pleasure. Oh they were going to hurt him just right. He could tell.

"I am glad that you appreciate our hard work."

"Oh, yes, it is very thoughtful of you. I can't imagine that is it, though. What do they do?"

The cat grinned, and he said, "you'll see."

He was getting to the feline. He could tell. His charm was irresistible to most. He knew if nothing else, this would enable his eventual escape.

"Oh, well, please continue."

The cat did.

There was the device under his bound tails. Oh yes, they were going to fill him. Lovely. It was thick, too, just how he liked it. He moaned loudly and his cock got wet at the tip as it stretched him. Pure bliss. Oh, and they had aimed it just right, the flexible tip bumped directly into his prostate. He did hope they had it fuck him hard.

He thought just what a wonderful thing this technology was. It allowed the creation of such complex aids to lust.

"Oh, perhaps I will stay a while. You are so thoughtful."

The feline chuckled to himself. He had saved the contraption for his cock for last. The rails of course were just a guide. The thing that went around him, well, he could not be certain it's purpose other than his shaft was surrounded by this mysterious machine. Oh the thrill of the unknown.

"Now, I will warn you, you will want to make each session last as long as you can. You would figure this out for yourself, but, I thought you deserved to know. As much as we are... unhappy... with what you do, to hate you would be like hating the storm. Anyway, I digress."

"We chose a means of sapping your will between climaxes that will be quite painful, as it must be, but one we believe you will not totally disprove of, and may, in fact, make each future session more enjoyable, if our research was correct."

Now he was curious. What could these mortals have possibly come up with to actually contain him? They could not seriously hope to really keep him so distracted that he could not unravel their carefully crafted magics.

Could they?

Fear. He had not felt that in a long time. Did he like it? Hmmmmm....

"In the height of each climax, your testicles will be injected with a weak acid. It will slowly spread through them and painfully castrate you. Now, of course, this is not permanent. You will promptly regenerate, as you will the other abuses you suffer in the name of pleasure. But that sapping of your strength and pain should prevent you from having the strength to escape before your ready for more."

Uh oh. He knew his eyes were getting wide and he could not stop it.

"Yes, that is what we thought. We believe you will quickly learn to find it to be... not entirely a bad thing. Oh, and, one last thing. We will not allow any one person in this room for more than the time it has taken me to explain this. I can already feel your power over me, and I have been preparing for this moment for some time. Instead you will be monitored by video, and only attended to personally when the machinery needs service."

This was bad. This was so bad that, for a change, he could not figure out what to say.

Before he got the chance to collect his wits, the feline left the room and closed the door.

At least he could take some satisfaction in the fact that the feline left the scent of desire in the air through his clothing. He must have quite a wet spot.

Such are the things that go through his head. Such was his nature.

He set to work on the first layer of wards, trying to get a feel for them before they started. They would not give him that time.

He gasped as the first shock from those little sharp spikes hit his nipples. Electricity. He had never taken the time to try this on himself. It was... OH! It was wonderful. He moaned out loud, he never was much one to restrain his expression.

If he pressed hard up against the bar, he could get a little more. Twist his chest, and his nipples would be scraped by the sharp metal. Oh yes.

Wait, he thought. "I need to concentrate."

He settled down as best he could as his nipples were abused, and started to reach out to those magics again.

Then they went for his balls.

First, there was pressure. Squeezing them. Making them ache. Not to much, just right to make him aware of every bit of his balls. The ones they had promised to destroy over and over again. That thought came unbidden to his mind, and he found his shaft jumping at it. Could he really find that exciting?

Then, before he could even get back to the thought of his imprisonment, came the sharp pricks and scrapes over his sac. Followed by the electricity. Oh, the electricity. Such sharp lovely pain. Really, they should have invented this thousands of years ago.

There was more. As his knot swelled with excitement, he found they had placed little spikes around it, too, such that his own arousal hurt. That was fascinating in of itself.

Yet, it was not all to be erotic torment. That seemed to serve for now just to get him started.

As his mind was getting lost in a sea of pleasure caused by the torment of his sensitive places, came the motion within him. Slow at first, moving only a little bit to caress the tip of that toy against his gland inside. Teasing. Not giving him the pressure he wanted, but letting him know it was there. Waiting to pleasure him. Promising to fuck him wildly when it was time, to pound that button within and make him cum.

Such promises made him pant and moan. His thoughts of escape slipping from him. He let them go thinking, "lets just enjoy this for a bit... see what they have..."

He also thought about that cat, undressing him in his mind. He bet that cat had designed this perversion. Mmmmm what fun he could be. He hoped that he had a good view with his cameras. Could he stop himself from jacking off watching his machine do his dirty work? He hoped not.

It kept at it, slowly increasing the speed of it's fucking, the intensity and frequency of the abuse to his nipples and balls varying, but slowly growing stronger. He realized after a while that it was clearly reacting to his own lust. Giving him ever more as he needed it.

He tried to calm himself, to slow it. Yes, he could. He could think of nothing else, but if he tried, he could keep the build slow. Still, it would not let him do more than that, it was insistent that he grow more aroused, even if a tiny bit at a time.

As his arousal grew he began to think about the threat to his aching balls. Surely they could not really do that to him. But, why not? Why should they not do exactly what they said? It sent a shiver down his spine. The fear making it harder to control himself.

Soon, that brought on more. Something started moving over his cock. A caress, slowly up and down. As he responded to this, it pressed at the top of his knot like a set of fingers wrapped around him. He felt himself swell and strain at the rails, the ache of that just driving him further.

Then he was a pressure under his knot, pushing up on it, tightened at his base. And that, in turn, made it thicker, pressing at the spikes that tormented it. Oh it was so sweet. So much, he could not believe. He had taken many lovers at once and milked them dry, but still, it did not compare to how many things were being done to him at once.

His voice echoed in the small room. His little prison. With hazy thoughts he looked around. The lighting was indirect, soft, the walls a neutral color, he could not see any windows, but then he could not look all the way around with the thick metal encasing his throat.

That toy inside had sped up, longer strokes, firmer attacks on his hidden pleasure. It drove directly into it before the tip bent and slide the thing further up. And again, and again. He could squeeze, but it would not slow it. It had no mercy, no compassion. There was no arguing with it, it was going to make him cum eventually. He knew for certain he had no choice now. They had designed this thing too well for that.

As that toy took him harder and harder, the trickle of electricity was joined by more passing through his pained knot. To much. Oh it's too much. This is it's demand for his orgasm.

Fear gripped him. The threat. Then he felt it, thin needles that were not just there to prick at his sac, no, they had a much more sinister purpose. They pressed inward, through the sac, pushing against the tough outer shell of his orbs. When it punched through into the flesh of his balls he cried out, at the top of his lungs.

Hazy thoughts came to him. Why? Why did such horrible evil make him want to... and as that needle hit the very center of his manhood, he could think no more.

He came.

Dimly he wondered, "can a machine truly make me cum this hard? Is it possible?"

He felt his seed land on his face, his lips. His taste and scent invaded his mind, just as the promised acid invaded his balls.

Oh it hurt. He liked pain, but this caused him fear. Terror. Yet... it was just driving on his climax. Could it? The pain at first was a little knot of heat in the very center of his orbs, but spread slowly, like a fire, all through them.

He screamed as the last of his climax landed in his fur. He was faintly aware that he was struggling to press his body up into the dampness that landed on him. How he could think of the feeling of seed in his fur when his balls cried out with every essence of their being was beyond him.

With the passing of his climax, the pain claimed him. He screamed one time, and then passed out.

~ Observation ~

His private office. His monitor. He dreaded it, but he needed to watch. He had to verify it worked.

This was wrong, why was he so hard? It must be the creature's influence. He could not possibly be getting off on what was being done to him. This was rape. It was necessary to save lives, but it was still evil what his machine was doing.

His creation. Designed for no other purpose than to keep this creature's mind in check for as long as possible. Forever, if it could be managed, or at least until our grasp on magic grew to the point it was unnecessary.

By the gods he was attractive. So smooth, perfectly built, graceful lines. Even bound and helpless, his every motion was lust as the machine started on him. How he so obviously was trying to encourage it to hurt his nipples. How he writhed, twisted, the look on his elegant muzzle.

He realized he was twisting his own nipple, and that brought to mind that his cock ached it was pressing so tight to his pants. He looked down and found he had seeped through the cloth, which made his ears lay back.

Surely it must be the creature's influence. He could not possibly...

He found himself unbuttoning his pants and easing his shaft free as he watched, touching himself, fascinated. He knew each step by heart. He had programmed it, designed it. Seen it tested, at least to the extent that could safely be done. But he had never felt like this about it.

His had was slick around his cock, gliding so smoothly over himself. That was the next thought he had. He watched as more was done to that vulpine, who would appear just like any other but for the number of tails he sported.

That, and his beauty. Vulpines were pretty and all, but nothing compared to this.

Just as they expected, he reacted to the pain as if it were pure pleasure. The creature could hardly tell the difference. I was his nature. It was a think of beauty.

He could not see the shocks, of course, but he knew what it was doing. He could see the toy moving through those firm cheeks, in and out, seeping lube out pours built into it, violating the kitsune with out concern for his wishes.

The thing's shaft was perfect. He didn't remember liking knots that much, but this one, pressed against the little spikes that surrounded it. Oh... yes.

He bit his lip as he saw the needles. The true evil of his creation. Yet, there it was, the creature was crying out in lust as it sank into his balls. He could not believe his eyes. Just as it was planned. When the first rope of the vulpine seed landed on the kitsune, he found his own striking the underside of his jaw.

Even realizing what he had just done, he could not tear his eyes away from the sight. How he kept cumming. He knew that those balls had to be in agony, but the creature came anyway. Spent himself fully, and with a scream passed out.

It was a long time before he could think to move, just staring, his chin dripping cum onto his hand, his coat covered with it. Had he ever cum like that? What was wrong with him, he was watching someone being tortured by his own creation.

He was very glad he had a private office and had locked the door.

~ new beginnings ~

His clouded mind slowly regained focus as his body healed itself. Ten minutes perhaps? That would be about right, but he had no way to tell time.

He was restored. He had been washed, even, his fur slightly damp. He thought he could spot the little nozzles that must have sprayed him off while he was passed out.

Oh yes. The wards guarding the magical bonds. He began to reach out to them with his mind.

A trickle of current passed through his nipple just then. Oh no, it had started again. He must ignore it.

His nipples stiffened, and came more into contact with the device. The tip of his nubs pressing to that one spike right at the center of each. More current. He moaned, and whimpered, "no..."

He was pressing into the thing again, twisting, scraping his nipples against it the little bit he could.


Maybe he could control himself next time. It felt so good... why not enjoy it for a while. There was no harm in that.

The first shock to his balls. Oh his balls! No, he must concentrate. Focus. It was going to ruin his balls, destroy them, hurt them, make him scream.

Why oh why was the very idea of that making pre seep from his tip.

It all went downhill from there.

If anything, knowing what was coming made it worse this time.

He came.

He passed out.

It began anew.

He resisted. He failed.

"Next time. There is always next time. I have all the time in the world."

~ fin ~


Isbre By Peter "WhiteFire" Torkelson Copyright (C) 2006 - 2007 [[email protected]](/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection) []( DRAFT WARNING: This is a work in progress. It may or may not...

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Tan II

Tan II (?) By Peter "WhiteFire" Torkelson Copyright (C) 2000 - 2007 [[email protected]](/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection) []( Edited by WhiteFire 1/10/07 This is for the moment the second...

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Tan By Peter "WhiteFire" Torkelson Copyright (C) 1998 - 2007 [[email protected]](/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection) []( Edited by Keepiru 12/19/98 Edited by WhiteFire 1/10/07 NOTES: ...

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