Chapter 1 - Recovery of a Broken Heart

Story by Ein Scorpio on SoFurry

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#1 of Gemstone Family Fun

Welcome the beginning of the "Gemstone Family Fun" short series.

I hope you all enjoy the series and have a lot of fun with it.

I have never written actual yiff before, just the suggestive moments you all have read in the Celesteon series. So please don't hate me for it or any other mistakes I might possibly make.

This first chapter has no major yiff in it; just some tidbits.

Now then, shall we move on to bigger and better things?

*WARNING* This chapter contains material not suited for those under the age of 18, have a weak heart or do not approve of these types of acts. If you fall under any one of these categories, I encourage you to take your leave now unless you wish to be scarred.

Pokémon © of Nintendo & Gamefreak. Storyline and characters © of me (Enigma Eevee).


Gemstone Family Fun

Chapter 1 - Recovery of a Broken Heart

It has been a whole month since the passing of Charles, a doctor to the Pokémon of the forest and a father to the gemstone siblings. His memory lives on in everyone's hearts but none so strongly as one small eevee named Pearl.

The day was another ordinary day with her brothers and sisters; filled with laughter, love, playing and bonding. To Pearl there was nothing different, nothing wrong, nothing out of the ordinary; but little did she know that today would be the day when her relationship with her siblings would start to become stronger and closer than ever.

"Pearl....wake up sleepyhead."

Pearl slowly opens one eye and groans. "Not now; too early."

"It's midday Pearl; it's actually late. You slept in lazy bum."

Pearl closes her eyes and rolls onto her back. "A little while longer Aqua..."

Aqua sighs. "I don't think so Pearl; either you get out of this bed or I am going to make you."

Pearl rolls over to face completely away from her. "Nuh uh; you can't make me."

Aqua grins. "Oh really now?" She walks over to Pearl's sleeping form and places a paw on her side. "How about I do this?" She starts tickling Pearl.

Pearl starts wiggling back and forth screaming in laughter.

"Hahaha...ok ok...I'm awake!"

Aqua stops tickling her and rolls her onto her back. "Now get up; we have stuff to do today." She playfully pokes her on the nose.

Pearl grabs her paw and nuzzles it. "Thank you Aqua, for everything."

Aqua smiles. "Of course Pearl; you are family and we all stick together, no matter what." She pulls her paw from Pearl's grip. "Now time for you to get up; I will be waiting in the dining area." She hops off of Pearl's bed, and then exits the room.

Pearl yawns and rolls to her feet. She looks around at her room and sighs.

"I can't believe it has already been so long since that day..."

A noise sounds and she snaps out of her thoughts. She turns towards the doorway but sees nothing.

"That's weird...I was sure I heard som-"


Topaz jumps out from behind a piece of furniture and playfully tackles Pearl on the bed.

"WHAA!!" Pearl screams out as she is rolled by her brother. She looks up at him in shock. "Taz! Don't scare me like that you big meanie!"

He laughs. "Aw what's the matter; did I scare the baby?"

Pearl grins then fades out from under Topaz. She then flies up over him and reappears; then she falls on top of him.

"Ooof!" Topaz falls on his face from the impact and groans into the bed. "...No...fair..."

Pearl giggles. "That's what you get for scaring me..." She jumps off of him then nuzzles his face. "And this is for being such a cool big brother."

Topaz smiles and nuzzles her back. "Thank you Pearl; I love you."

She licks his face then turns and jumps off the bed. "Well I gotta go get clean because Aqua said I am supposed to be doing things with her today."

"Alright then, you make sure you wash your whole body; don't want a dirty little sister."

Pearl giggles. "Nope; I like to be fluffy and clean like daddy always wanted."

Topaz chuckles. "Of course; well better run along now. I need to go find Ruby because she said she needed me for something."

"Ok; have fun!" Pearl runs out of the room.

Topaz watches as she runs off. A smile slowly forms on his face. "I wonder how long Aqua is going to keep us all a secret from's only a matter of time before she finds one of us." He hops off of the bed and exits the room.

Pearl enters the dining area after she finishes her bath. She looks around and doesn't see Aqua.

"That's strange...she said she would be in here..."

She walks around the dining area then into the storage but finds no trace of her sister.

"Where could she be...?"

Pearl walks out of the dining area and hears a strange noise coming from within one of her siblings' rooms.

"Hm; I wonder what that is."

She starts walking towards the closest room and the sounds grow louder.

'Whatever it's coming from inside of Topaz's room...'

Pearl sneaks closer to the room and then the noise stops. She perks her ears up and hears a voice from within the room.

"Ah yes...thanks Taz...I needed that."

"Heh, no problem Ruby, but you do realize we are going to be stuck like this for awhile now right?"

"Taz, this isn't the first time we've-"

"Alright Ruby, I think we get your point."

"What are you so tensed about Aqua; I know you enjoyed me licking you."

"Yes...I did...greatly, but I was supposed to meet Pearl a few moments ago. I don't want her to come walking in here and see you two tied to each other and see me with my own fluids running down my legs."

"But you look cute like that Aqua; very sexy."

"Oh please Topaz; you're just saying that because you would rather see your own fluids running down my legs."

"Don't worry I would clean it off Aqua."

"Well I would ask you to do that right now Ruby, but I really need to go meet Pearl. Would you two please clean up your mess while I'm gone?"

"Well as you can see Aqua, Ruby and I are a little stuck at the moment so it will be a little while before we can clean up."

"Ok but please make sure you do it because I really don't need Pearl seeing that stuff all over the floor. Also make sure to take baths and yes that means you too Ruby."

"Aw do I have to?"

"You heard her Ruby; we need baths and maybe we can have some more fun in the water."

"That sounds nice; ok I'll take one with you Taz. Aqua you better get going, Pearl is bound to come looking for you by now."

"Right; well I'll see you two later. Topaz, you and I get to play next, ok?"

"Ok Aqua, I look forward to it; I love the way you like it."

"I know you do, you naughty pin cushion. Well I'll see you two later, bye."

Pearl scrambles away from the entrance and runs to the dining area. She sits there and thinks about the conversation between her siblings.

"I wonder what they were doing..."

"What who was doing?"

Pearl jumps and looks to see Aqua approaching her. "Uh, um...I..."

Aqua raises an eyebrow. "Are you hiding something from me Pearl?"

Pearl's ears lower and she looks at her with a guilty expression.


"Well, what is it?"

"I came to the dining area earlier but you weren't here so I decided to look for you. I looked all around the room and in the storage room in the back but still couldn't find you. When I walked into the hall area I heard noises coming from Topaz's room so I walked over to it and heard you, Ruby and Topaz talking inside of it."

"Oh boy..." Aqua sighs.

"What's wrong Aqua?"

Aqua looks at her with a guilty look. "Well Pearl, what Ruby, Topaz and I were doing in there was something private and should only be done with others you are in love with. You are still kind of young but with all of us engaging with one another, I believe it is time you and I had the talk."

Pearl tilts her head. ""

Aqua nods. "It is something everyone must learn when they come of age, but you will need to learn it earlier because everyone is becoming more intimate with each other. I do not want you to witness one of these events and be completely confused about it."


"But we will have to save that for later today because you and I have some errands to run."

Pearl nods. "Yeah you said we had to do something to do today."

Aqua smiles. "Well shall we get going?" She turns and starts walking out of the dining area.

Pearl yips and follows after her. The two walk out of the cave onto the trail. Aqua turns to Pearl.

"Ok Pearl, we need to go find certain types of berries today. They are oran berries, sitrus berries and, last but not least, lum berries."

"Ok then; why do we need these berries?" Pearl questions.

"They are for medical reasons. These berries help heal us because they have special properties inside of the juices that help us. We ran out yesterday when Amy and Sid were practicing their abilities; you remember don't you?"

Pearl nods. "Yea I remember; Amy got hit really hard when Sid used his dark shadow ball on her."

"Precisely, both types in that attack a very dangerous to a psychic type like Amy; so naturally that shadow ball was a little too much against her. Sid won't leave her side now even though it's just a bruised rib." Aqua states.

"Well Sid loves Amy right; so he wants to protect her."

Aqua nods and smiles. "Of course; we all protect the ones we love. It is how we are when we are in love."

Pearl frowns. "I wish I could find someone who would love me like that..."

Aqua hugs her. "You will, I know you will; you are a beautiful, unique eevee. I am sure plenty of Pokémon would love you once they saw your beauty and got to know you. All you have to do is be careful because there are some Pokémon out there that just use others and those are Pokémon that aren't trustworthy and should be avoided."

"How will I know when I'm in love Aqua?"

Aqua sighs. "I can't tell you Pearl. The feeling is unique for everyone, but I am sure that when the time comes; you will know because your heart will tell you." She looks up towards the forest. "Well let's get going; we need to get some more berries for Amy and to refill our supply. You ready to go?"

Pearl nods. "Ok, let's go!" Pearl grabs her berry basket and hangs it around her neck. She walks after Aqua as she enters the forest.

"That should do it, if we get anymore berries, the basket will fall apart. Plus I am sure it is getting a little heavy for you Pearl." Aqua states as she pulls a lum berry off of a bush and places it into the pile of berries.

Pearl nods. "Yea I am sure this will be plenty." She tries to lift the basket and it doesn't budge. "Uh oh...I think we did get too much..."

Aqua walks over to the basket and uses her tail to lift it. "I guess I will need to carry it then." She looks at Pearl and sees her looking down. "What's the matter Pearl?"

Pearl looks up at her with a saddened expression. She then looks at the basket and starts to cry. Aqua sets the basket down and runs over to her and hugs her.

"'s ok Pearl; I am here for you...please, don't cry."

Pearl continues to cry into Aqua's shoulder. Aqua nuzzles her face and looks at her with concern.

"Pearl, what is it that has made you cry so suddenly?"

Pearl looks up at her with tears falling from her eyes. She stammers in her speech as her sobs choke her words.

"I know it has already been awhile since that day but it hurts me every day that daddy is gone. He used to get me to gather berries for him all the time; this just reminds me of him so much."

Aqua hugs her tighter and a tear falls from her eye. "I know you miss him Pearl; I do too. He was so kind and loving to us all and there is no way we can forget him Pearl; I promise you that he will always live on in our hearts. I know he left far too soon for us all but I know you were not ready to lose him so soon and that it has affected you the most. Please Pearl, don't ever let him leave your heart because you are the one his memory, his life and his very soul lives in the strongest; without you to help us remember how wonderful he was, we would never honor his memory so well."

Pearl nuzzles her chest and sniffles. "Thank you Aqua; it's just so hard with him not around. I love you all so much but it doesn't feel the same without him...I'm sorry..."

"It's ok Pearl, I understand. He held a very special place in your heart that none of us can fill because we are your siblings, but please..." Aqua tilts Pearl's head up towards her own and smiles. "...give us that chance to help comfort you and watch you grow up into a beautiful eevee that he has always wanted."

Pearl smiles and snuggles into Aqua. "I promise that I will always love you all even with daddy gone." She looks up at Aqua and licks her face. " are already like a mommy to me Aqua and I want it to stay that way."

Aqua smiles as another tear rolls down her cheeks. She begins to softly cry and hugs Pearl. "Thank you don't know how much it means to me to hear you say that. I promise you that I will try to be the best guardian I can be just for you."

"I don't want you as a guardian..."

Aqua looks at her with a confused expression.

Pearl smiles at her then nuzzles her chin. "You all are my new mommies and daddies." She pounces Aqua to the ground and hugs her tightly.

Aqua wraps her paws around Pearl and pulls her close. "Then I take back what I said; I will not try to be the best guardian for you...I will be the mother you have always deserved and needed; all of us will strive to see you through on your own adventures and your growth. I will never let you go Pearl because you are my ray of hope, my sister and my own adoptive daughter."

Pearl sighs contently and closes her eyes. "Thank you Aqua...I don't know what I would do without you and everyone else; I love you all so much that I feel like I can share any connection with you..."

Aqua smiles as she watches Pearl peacefully drift into sleep. She begins to close her own eyes and relaxes her head against the ground.

"Then maybe it's time...that we shared our form of love with you too Pearl..."

"Thank you Pearl..."

"Hm; what was that dear?"

"Pearl's thoughts and her sudden uplifting happiness..."

"What is it Amy?"

Amy sheds a tear and looks at Sid. She smiles and hugs him. "Pearl says she doesn't just view us as her brothers and sisters..."

Sid gives her a puzzled expression. "What do you mean?"

Amy licks his cheek and nuzzles his neck. "She said we are her new mommies and daddies."

Sid's eyes widen. "You mean she views all of us as her new parents?"

Amy nods. "She went with Aqua to get me some more healing berries. Something happened during the trip and Pearl became suddenly grieved about our dad again...but she suddenly became happier than she was before."

Sid smiles. "Aqua always seems to know the right thing to say to cheer her up." He sighs. "I wish all of us could do more though; she's always happy on the outside but I know deep down inside she still feels just as heartbroken and hurt as she was the day it happened."

Amy nuzzles his chin. "You're so sweet and I am sure she would love to have us all do something for her but the problem is she just can't let it go."

"I know and I want to do something for her to keep her mind open to all of the possibilities she can accomplish now. I don't want to tell her how to grieve for dad or to push his memory aside but I don't want it to consume her either. I love Pearl too much to see her hurt all of the time; it makes me feel as though I am neglecting her and the pain she feels..."

" can't blame and put all of the weight on yourself. All of us as her siblings and now her adoptive parents, it seems, have a responsibility to ease her pain and comfort her at all times. So please don't feel as though this whole responsibility is upon your shoulders; we all must carry the weight of her happiness and well-being and share it between us as a family."

He sighs then smiles at her. "Yea, it is our duty to make her as happy as can be by any means necessary." He walks over to her and kisses her.

Amy breaks from the kiss. "I am glad you think that way because both Aqua and I agree."

He gives her a puzzled expression. "You and...Aqua?"

She smiles and nods. "Yes Aqua believes it is time for Pearl to have the talk and she also believes that maybe we ought to share our form of love towards her."

Sid's eyes widen. "You mean Aqua thought we should have her..."

"Yes it would seem so but now that I think about it; yes she does seem a bit young for all of this but I also believe that once she feels the connection that we all feel when we are one with each other, she will feel a stronger and closer bond with us all."

Sid thinks to himself for a moment. "It does sound like she would feel a stronger bond, but I do feel as though we might be rushing this. I do believe Aqua and Pearl should have the talk about mating and heat and other various aspects but I feel as though it is too soon for her to be engaging with us."

"Then why don't we just start it off slow by giving her a demonstration first."

"What do you mean?" Sid questions.

"What I mean is that we don't have Pearl engage in the act at first, we will just show her what is to be done. In other words when Aqua is giving the talk, she can use us as visual references for Pearl; to be able to demonstrate what is done and what is used and what not."

"Hm...that could work but honestly dear, I don't think you and I are the best candidates for that because we tend to get a little wild when we play and you have your bruised rib."

Amy gives him an annoyed look. "I told you this bruised rib is nothing I need to worry about; I have had worse before you know. Trust me if I wanted to, I could pounce on you right now and play with you."

Sid grins and raises an eyebrow. "Then what's stopping you?"

Amy grins back at him. "Because you didn't ask for your little girl to play and you seemed like a stuffy butt the whole time."

"You know me Amy; I am always ready to play with you. I told you before that until the day arrives for us to finally start our own family, I will happily mate you as many times as you like."

"Good because I want to play right now." Amy rolls onto her back and spreads her legs; exposing herself to Sid.

He walks over to her body and immediately buries his face into her slit. Amy moans out and places her forepaws onto his head.

"Mmm...good boy..."

He lifts his head and drags his tongue across her clitoris. Amy gasps and arches her back off the ground. She smiles as Sid buries his muzzle within her depths again. She sighs contently as she feels his flexible organ slide along her velvety walls.

'I hope what Aqua said had some meaning behind it...because I believe Pearl needs this...'

"Aqua...come on, time to wake up." Pearl instructs as she nudges her face.

Aqua groans and opens one eye then looks over at Pearl whom was smiling. She rolls onto her side and yawns.

"What happened?"

Pearl giggles. "You fell asleep while we were hugging so I just lied down on top of you for awhile."

"How come you didn't wake me up?"

Pearl looks off to the side and blushes. "Well..."

Aqua tilts her head curiously. "What is it?"

"Um...I had to get up to go to the bathroom so I went into the bushes. When I came back I heard you sleep talking so I decided to listen to you."

"Ok...I was sleep-talking, nothing for you to be embarrassed about."

Pearl shakes her head and looks downward. "That wasn't the only thing you were doing."

"What was I doing?" Aqua inquires.

"Well um..." Pearl's blush deepens.

Aqua rolls her eyes. "Pearl, stop hesitating; now please just tell me."

Pearl looks up at her. "When I came back you kept saying Taz's name in your sleep...and then when I went to go wake you up, you um...slid your paw down to your private."

Aqua's eyes widen. "I was doing what?"

Pearl nods. "Yea you were rubbing your private with your paw and you pushed it inside of you. You were making all of these weird noises too."

Aqua swallows audibly and looks down at her lower body. She gasps at the sight of her own cum splattered on the ground and her back legs.

"Oh could I let this happen...?"

"Well was kind of my fault too..."

Aqua gives Pearl a confused look. "What do you mean?"

"Um...well...when you started rubbing yourself, I walked down to your tummy area to see what it was you were doing."

"Go on..."

"I put my paw on your private and you made a squeaky noise so I did it again. I kept doing that and you stopped rubbing yourself so I thought I would do it for you if it felt good. When I was doing it some wet stuff got on my paw and when I sniffed it, it smelled kind of salty but sweet like the lake water."

"So you were rubbing me with your paw..."

"That wasn't all I did." Pearl confesses.

Aqua gives her a curious look. "What else did you do...?"

"After I sniffed the wet stuff, I don't know why but I wanted to taste it and when I did it tasted sweet. So I put my paw inside of you and got more of the stuff. Eventually I just started licking you because it tasted so good but when I did you screamed and a bunch of the wet stuff came out onto the ground. I didn't know what I did or if I hurt you; I'm sorry Aqua."

Aqua smiles. "It's ok Pearl; what you did was something natural called curiosity and it's very strong at your age. You were just very curious why I was doing that and one thing led to another." She leans forward and shoots a water gun at her legs to clean off the fresh fluids. She then rises to her feet and looks at Pearl. "I believe it is time we went home with these berries. I will explain to you everything when the time is right which will be very soon, ok?"

Pearl nods. "Ok."

Aqua grabs the basket and begins to walk back towards the cave. Pearl follows close behind and stares at Aqua's lower body.

'Whatever that stuff tasted yummy...I wonder what it was...'

"Ah...nice hot bath..."

Ruby giggles. "I guess using heat wave on the water was a good idea then?"

Topaz sinks into the water a little. "Yes...ah this feels good..."

Ruby looks down into the water and frowns. Topaz looks up at her and sees her expression.

"Something wrong Ruby?"

She looks at him with a fake smile. "Oh nothing...I'm just..."

Topaz swims over to her and steps out of the spring. "Ok what is it Ruby?"

"Well...I have never taken a bath before..."

Topaz looks at her with a surprised expression. "Are you serious; what about all those times in the past when mom would tell you to take them?"

"I just licked myself clean then went to the mint bush and covered myself in leaves."

"So you have never been in water before?"

She shakes her head. "No, I don't even know how to swim and I was afraid being a fire type would mean that the water was going to hurt me."

"No, no." He shakes his head. "Fire types can still take baths but they prefer to have very hot baths to keep up their body temperature. It's mainly cold water like in the lake and when Aqua shoots us with a water gun that has a bad effect on you."

"But, I can't swim either so how am I to take a bath?" She worriedly asks.

He smiles. "You need not worry about that because in this spring, the water is shallow enough for you to touch the bottom."


He nods. "Come here, I'll take you in slowly so you can adjust. First though you might want to use another heat wave on the water because fire types prefer hot water."

"Ok." Ruby takes in a deep breath and builds up her inner flame. She exhales and blasts scalding hot air into the water and it begins to steam out of the spring."

"There we go, now let's get you into the water to relax. Trust me Ruby you will love taking nice long hot baths; it relaxes you and relieves any aches and pain in your muscles." He nudges Ruby toward the water.

She walks over to the edge and stares at her reflection in the water. Topaz walks up along side of her and smiles.

"One little baby step at a time dear; try just your paw for starters."

She nods and lifts her paw. She slowly lowers it until it was right above the surface.

"Almost there Ruby; don't stop now." Topaz encourages.

Ruby shuts her eyes and takes a deep breath then lowers her paw into the water. After a few moments she lies down and puts more of her leg into the water.

"Feel good?" Topaz asks as he lies down next to her.

Ruby turns to him with a content expression. " feels nice and soothing."

He smiles and rises to his feet. "Well I'm going in so whenever you are ready, just let me know because I will help ease you in." He places his forepaws in the water and hisses. "Ooh...nice and hot..." He continues his movements until his whole body is in.

Ruby lies on the edge for awhile, staring into her own reflection. 'I have to overcome whatever is holding me back...he will keep me safe, I know he will.' She looks up at Topaz and smiles. "Taz..."

Topaz stops floating around and looks over at her. "Hmm?"

"I'm ready..."

"Ok cool; hold on one second." He dives under the water and emerges in front of her. "Ok, I'm going to float on my back; I want you to walk out and lie down on top of me."

Ruby blushes. "Ok." She slowly places her legs into the water and breathes heavily.

Topaz reaches forward and grabs her. He pulls her on top of his body and lies back into the water. Ruby grabs a hold of him in fear and buries her head into his chest fur.

"It's ok Ruby, I won't let you get hurt and I promise you that it's nothing to be feared." He assures her.

She looks at him and sees his smile. "Thank you Taz; it's just really hard for me to get used to."

He nods. "I understand, now let's get you into the shallower area; this way you can do it all on your own and feel proud."

Topaz turns his head and looks behind him then starts to swim backwards towards the shallow area in the spring. When he floats into the area, he suddenly rolls over and drops Ruby into the water. She starts panicking and screams out.

"Taz, help; you know I can't swim!"

Topaz grabs a hold of her and tries to calm her down. "Ruby, it's alright!" He turns her to look at him and smiles. "Come on now Ruby; I may play jokes and pranks on people but I will never intentionally risk the safety of my family especially after what happened to Aqua."

Ruby hugs him tightly. "Please don't let go..."

"I won't, now just try to relax."

She nods slowly. "Ok then, I'll try."

They continue to float there for a short while until Topaz clears his throat. He pulls her closer and whispers into her ears. "Congratulations Ruby, you made it into the deep end."

Ruby's eyes widen and she looks around at her surroundings. " did-?"

Topaz chuckles. "Right after I grabbed you to calm you, I kicked off the ledge in the shallow water gently. We have been drifting into the deep end ever since." He gives her a serious yet loving look. "Do you wish to try to swim now or should I just hold you longer?"

Ruby sticks her tongue out at him and then nuzzles his neck. "I just want you to hold me for now. We can always come back tomorrow for another bath after we have some more fun."

He grins. "Who says we have to wait until tomorrow to have some more fun?"

Ruby giggles and playfully pokes his nose. "Aqua is right; you are a naughty pin cushion."

"You like it."

She murrs and snakes her forepaw down to his crotch and pushes against it.

"Oh you know why don't we get you ready to play?"

Topaz grunts and as he feels the added pressure on his groin. " do you want to do it?"

"Well this hot water feels really nice on my body right now but I kind of feel hot in more than one way now...and I like it. Let's stay in here."

He nods. "Ok then dear, do what you wish."

"First, take me back to the shallow end so I can get to you better."

He chuckles. "As you command." He grabs a hold of her and lies on his back with her on his stomach. He then starts to swim across the spring.

Ruby slides along his body towards his face and smiles when she feels a slight pressure on her stomach.

"At this rate, it won't take long for me to get you ready Taz."

He looks at her. "What?"

She giggles and hops off of him when they reach the shallower water. She walks over to his floating body and grips his exposed member.

"Looks like you already got excited and all I did was lay on top of you."

He blushes. "What can I say; you have a warm soft and sexy body that I just can't resist."

She smiles and walks away from him into the water a bit. She lowers her front half of her body and lifts her tail.

"And it is all yours do with whatever you wish."

He grins and rolls onto his feet then slowly approaches her. "So Ruby, what do you want me to do?"

She turns her head to look over her shoulder at him. She smiles. "Just put something inside me."

Topaz snickers. He steps forward towards her exposed pussy then thrusts his tongue inside of her. Ruby moans out his name and pushes her rump against his face to push him further inside of her.

"Oh Taz...I always loved the feel of that tongue of yours; always so eager to play."

He pulls his tongue out of her slit and slides it up to her clitoris. Ruby squeaks and bucks her hips forward. He starts laughing.

"Haha; how cute, you let out a little squeak when I did that."

She blushes deeply. "Well I can't help it when you play with-" She suddenly cuts off and moans deeply.

Topaz hops on her back and starts thrusting wildly into her. Ruby gasps and moans deeply as she feels him dominate her.

"Oh are such a wonderful master..."

Aqua and Pearl arrive at their home and walk inside. When they enter the dining area they see Lapis and Jade sitting next to each other. They look up and smile as the pair enters the room.

"Hey Aqua and Pearl; where have you two been?" Jade questions.

Aqua walks up to the table and sets the basket upon it. "I decided to take Pearl with me while I went to get some medicine berries for Amy and to refill our supplies."

"Yea it was fun!"

Lapis giggles. "Sounds like someone had a good time."

Aqua smiles and ruffles Pearl's head fur. "Yea, she always loves gathering berries." She looks around with a puzzled expression. "Where are the others?"

"Amy and Sid are resting because they were playing earlier and I haven't seen Topaz or Ruby since they went to take a bath." Jade answers.

"Ah ok; so what have you two been doing?" Aqua inquires.

"Jade and I just got finished eating some lunch and taking a nap."

Pearl looks at the two. "Why did you two have to take a nap?"

Jade and Lapis exchange glances then shift their attention to Aqua whom shakes her head. They return their attention to Pearl.

"Um we were playing a game earlier Pearl."

"Yea, it's really hard to play and it always wears us out."

Pearl's ears perk up. "Ooh a tough game it sounds fun; can I play with you two sometime?"

The twins' eyes widen and they immediately look at Aqua, but to their surprise, she smiles and nods. They look at each other then back at Pearl with smiles of their own.

"Sure thing Pearl; when we go to play next, we will let you join too." Jade states.

"Yay!" Pearl gleefully shouts out and jumps up and down.

A sudden voice sounds and the four siblings look towards the entrance of the dining area. They see Topaz walk in with Ruby.

"What's with all the noise?"

"Taz!" Pearl happily yells and runs towards Topaz. She pounces on him and starts nuzzling his face.

He starts laughing and hugs her tightly. "Hey Pearl, how's my little light princess of a sister doing?"

Pearl blushes and lowers her ears. "'re embarrassing me..."

He licks her cheek and nuzzles her. "You know we love you Pearl and you will always be our little sister to spoil and care for."

Pearl yips, then looks at Ruby. "Hiya Ruby!"

Ruby giggles. "Hey 'lil sis."

"I'm happy and I want to play."

"Well maybe we should get out our ball that we practice with." Aqua suggests.

"Hey that's a great idea; it's been awhile since I have had some decent exercise." Topaz states as he stretches.

Ruby smirks. "I think you got plenty of exercise play with me today Taz."

He blushes. "Ruby not in front of Pearl..."

"Can we play?" Jade asks.

Aqua smiles. "Of course Jade. This is family fun and we all share our lives and love together; that includes you and Lapis if she wants to come."

"Yea I'll go 'cause I can't stand to be without jade. Also, I want to try some new tricks as well." Lapis happily inputs.

Topaz jumps to his feet. "Alright let's go have some fun!" He turns to run out of the room but yells in surprise when he sees Sid and Amy standing behind him.

"You two trying to give me a heart attack!?"

Amy giggles. "Maybe..."

"Hehe...that reaction was priceless Taz; you gotta admit it was funny."

Topaz pounces on Sid and starts to playfully nip at his ear. Sid laughs and rolls him onto his back and pins him down.

"What now Taz-"

Topaz shifts his weight and pushes his body upward. Sid flies backward and Topaz lands on top of him.

"Looks like I got you Back Sid."

Sid smirks and fades into the floor. Topaz looks around frantically and sees no trace of Sid.

"Ok where did he-AH!"

Topaz yelps and thrusts his hips forward as he feels a wet tongue run across his sheath. After a few moments, Sid emerges from the ground next to Amy, licking his lips.

"Mmm...still that same great taste brother."

Amy smacks him over the head with her tail and he yelps. "Sid, not in front of Pearl, you know better."

"Ouch, I'm sorry; I just can't help it when he plays around. It always gets me worked up."

"Well dear, you and I had plenty of fun and games earlier so I think you could use a little break before you're ready again." Amy explains.

"Can we play now; I wanna practice with the ball!" Pearl asks as she bounces up and down in anticipation.

Aqua giggles. "Alright then, let's go play. It's been a little while since all of us have had a good time together as a family." She looks at Pearl and smiles. "Lead the way Pearl."

Pearl's faces beams and she jumps and does a back flip. "Yay; I get to play with my new mommies and daddies!" She scrambles around then runs out of the cave in a flash of light.

Topaz, Ruby, Jade and Lapis all look at Aqua.





Aqua smiles and nods. "It happened when Pearl and I were gathering berries for Amy earlier. She suddenly became upset because gathering berries was something she always did for dad; so she kind of had a flashback."

"Aw Pearl..." Lapis states in concern.

"What happened, Aqua?" Jade asks.

Aqua clears her throat then smiles. "She said she loves us all but it just didn't feel the same without dad around. I pleaded with her to never forget him and that we will always be here for her as her siblings like our mom wanted. She then told me she would adjust to us in time but she also said that she felt like I, myself, was a mother to her in some way. Her words touched my heart and I told her that I would always be a guardian for her, but she said she didn't want a guardian."

"So what did she say afterward?" Ruby curiously asked.

"I didn't understand so I questioned her. She smiled at me then started to cry again, saying that we were her new mommies and daddies. She jumped on me and hugged me tightly. I swore that we wouldn't let her down and that we accept our new roles for her."

A tear falls from Lapis' eye. "I am so happy Pearl has come to view us as such. I always wanted to be a mom of my very own little ones and Pearl has given me my first chance."

Jade smiles and hugs Lapis. "She has given all of us our first chance to be a parent and be able to witness the growth of our very own child."

Ruby nods and wipes a tear from her eye. "I couldn't ask for anything more than to take care of her as if she were my own. I can't wait to have a litter of my own, so she has given me the chance to be able to feel the joys.

"I'll admit that being a father does sound like a whole lot of fun and being able to help her grow up and show her, her way is something I will happily do." Topaz states.

Aqua nods. "Well then...what are we waiting for? Our daughter wants to play with her parents; so let' snot keep her waiting!"

All the siblings chime in. "YEA!"

With smiles on their faces and a new place in their hearts filled; Aqua, Topaz, Ruby, Amy, Sid, Jade and Lapis run after their new adoptive daughter with wings of pure happiness enough to lift them from any darkness.

End Chapter 1 - Recovery of a Broken Heart


Well that's it folks, the yiffy madness has begun with our favorite group of siblings.

Who will be the ones that we first witness? When will Pearl learn the secrets of her siblings?

These questions and more shall be answered as the short series plays on.

Now let's move onto the next chapter to see what happens next shall we?