Foul Play

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Saul Ashle entered a beauty contest, and is competing against spice. He wins~.Accompanying ComicStory is by tastytalesPosted using PostyBirb

Originally posted on 2020-06-10.

Foul Play

The Ninetales sat in his private waiting room, his tails still shimmering from their recent grooming. He tossed his scarf against his neck before catching the end with one of his tails and batting it forward, causing it to wrap snugly just above his fluffy golden chest. He murred as he leaned forward, batting his deep purple eyes at his reflection. "Mmmh, someone's looking like a winner tonight~" he cooed to himself.

"Thank you, I've been preparing all afternoon."

Spice's ears flicked back as he shot a glare to the Salazzle at the opposite end of the room. The lizard waved in response, a smile crossing his muzzle as he idly applied some polish to his scales. "Pouting gives you wrinkles, you know," Saul commented with a little grin.

"You're one to talk," The Ninetales replied with a lash of his tails, his eyes returning to his reflection as he picked up the brush with his paw and started to run it through his tails. "Hmph, with those bags under your eyes I wonder if you're even ready to perform tonight!"

"Always a pleasure meeting the competition," Saul muttered as he sat back on the beanbag chairs, his thick tail draped over the edge as he inspected his claws. "Aren't you nervous about going up against the best that Alola has to offer?"

"Don't fool yourself, a Poison-type could never be a Beauty Contest Pokemon... all of your moves are revolting," Spice chuckled, his scowl slowly melting into his default condescending smile. "And while I'm sure you're the best Alola has to offer, we both know who the crowds came here to see tonight."

"Ah yes, the Prince of Perfection himself." Saul smirked, his eyes wandering over the Ninetales' form as he continued to groom himself. "Top of the food chain as far as Beauty Contests go, at least here in Sinnoh." The Salazzle smirked, "perhaps literally, judging by that gut of yours."

"I don't have a gut!" Spice snapped, his forepaw pushing his belly up against his body as his tails twitched behind him. "Hmph, I'll have you know I keep a very trim figure. What you're seeing is my winter coat."

"Your winter coat," Saul blinked slowly, "in April."

"Yes." Spice grunted, his tails standing on end at the comment. He glanced back at them, watching as the fur on the nine fluffy appendages slowly settled back down again. "Now look what you've done," he tutted as he gathered them up in his paws and began to brush them again. "I'm going to have to start all over again."

"You know we've only got five minutes before we go on, right?" Saul grinned as he got to his feet, leaving the deep indent in the beanbag chair behind him. "I think you already look perfectly appetising, but if you need some extra time to prepare I guess I could always..." His grin widened in delight as he anticipated the fox's reaction, "...go first~"

"You most certainly will not!" The Ninetales replied as he got up from the velvet cushion turned to face the Salazzle leaning casually against the door, one clawed hand pushing it open to reveal the hallway ahead. Spice stomped past the Salazzle, one of his tails whipping at his face as he went by. "Why waste the audience's time when they could be watching a real performance? Spice Blaise always goes first!"

"Oh, by all means." Saul replied with a gracious bow, only for his tail to curl between the Ninetales' hind paws and trip him up. Spice staggered forward with a yelp, narrowly avoiding landing on his face as the Salazzle snickered under his breath. "Watch your step, furball. Wouldn't want that pretty little nose getting hurt."

"Oh bite me, you walking handbag!" Spice growled in return, his tails swishing back into place behind him as he walked out the front door, his head held high as he stepped towards the distant light of the contest stage.

Saul stood in the doorway for a moment to admire the fox from behind; watching those thick haunches as they swayed with each step he took. He noticed a wetness around the corners of his muzzle, a brief wipe with the back of his hand revealing it to be a copious amount of drool. His stomach groaned in agreement, leaving the Salazzle smirking as he followed behind the Ninetales, one hand resting on his hip.

"Well..." The Salazzle licked his lips, "...since you offered."

* * *

"Welcome one and all to the International Beauty Contest Finals!"

The stage lit up around the two Pokemon, each getting their own spotlight as the banner of their region flapped in the wind machine behind them. Spice sat back on his haunches, his tails curled professionally behind him as he kept his head at the perfect angle to show his best side to the judges. Saul stood with his arms crossed, a confident smirk across his snout as his tail swayed back and forth behind him.

"We've seen some amazing performances through the course of this tournament, now only two regions remain; Alola's Saul Ashle the Salazzle, and the Prince of Perfection, Sinnoh's very own Spice Blaise the Ninetales!"

The crowd burst into applause once again, leaving the NInetales waving his paw as he soaked in the praise and glory. Saul offered the crowd a light wave, but the fame was hardly why he had gotten into Pokemon Contests. Spice glanced over at him, offering a playful 'oh well~' apologetic shrug, this was his hometown, after all. Of course the Contest Hall would be filled with his fans!

"As always, our contestants will take turns showing off their moves. After each performance the judges will give their verdict; the Pokemon with the highest score will be the winner, and will receive the International Beauty Contest Trophy!"

Another spotlight flashed to life, revealing a pedestal between the two Pokemon with a golden trophy cup on top, surrounded by red roses. Saul and Spice's purple eyes locked in a silent challenge, the judges could practically hear the energy between them. Spice stepped down from his podium and let out a dramatic 'Kyuuu!', sending the crowd into rapturous applause as he made his way center stage, his tails swaying with each step he took.

The stage lights went out, and a new spotlight came up on the Ninetales, bathing him in purple light. Classical music played through the speakers, and the fox began to move and dance, his tails swishing and swaying with each leap he took. He began to spin in place, slowly building momentum until he flung himself back, spinning on one of his hind paws as his tails spread out to keep his balance.

The tips of his tails lit up with blue and purple flames, leaving trails through the air behind him as he continued the pirouette. Finally he came to a stop facing the three judges, resting back on four paws as he smiled down at them. Spice gave them a smug smile as his eyes glowed in vibrant purple light, the coloured embers in the air around him masking the effect seamlessly to the audience. As Saul turned his attention to the judges table he noticed the purple glow reflecting in their eyes, leaving them gradually lifting up the scoreboards in a daze.

"It's another perfect score for our Prince of Perfection! Three hearts across the board, bringing him to a total of 9 points!"

The lights came back on and the Ninetales humbly bowed his head, sneaking a smirk back at the Salazzle before he turned and made his way back towards his podium. He paused to look up at the trophy, or rather his reflection in it. "Mmm, this is going to look so wonderful on my mantle," he thought out loud.

"I saw that Hypnosis you snuck in at the end," Saul hissed at the Ninetales. "Is that how you win all your contests?"

"Don't be a sore loser, Saul. It's unbecoming of a Contest Pokemon," Spice replied with a condescending grin before swishing his tails at the Salazzle dismissively as he climbed back onto his podium. The Ninetales returned to his previous sitting posture, waving a paw to his crowd before sitting back comfortable as Saul made his way towards the center of the stage. The Salazzle raised his chin, his chest puffed out as he looked out towards the back of the audience. For a moment he stood in silence, the spotlight shining down over his dark grey scales.

Purple wisps appeared from his jaws, slowly spilling out from wherever they could. Saul opened his mouth, sending out a torrent of sparkling purple fumes over the crowd. Spice rolled his eyes, an amused grin crossing his muzzle as he watched the haze coming from the Salazzle slowly spreading out over the crowd. 'A Poison Gas move? At a Beauty Contest?' The Ninetales thought, tutting audibly as he shook his head, 'How embarrassing, I can't imagine how he got this far.'

The audience was deathly silent as the judges reached for their scoreboards, the sound of the cards brushing against the wooden table filling the quiet theatre. Spice adjusted his stance, his head raised high as he prepared to accept his trophy.

"And it's a perfect score from all three judges!"

"What?" Spice gasped, his voice drowned out by the tumultuous applause as the house lights went up. All three judges stood holding their three-heart boards, one had even picked up a second just to award extra points! Saul took a bow and made his way back towards his podium, only to pause he noticed the fox glaring at him. "Explain yourself! How did you get a perfect score from Poison Gas?!"

"Actually, that was Sweet Scent." Saul replied, waving his hand back towards the cheering trio of humans behind him. As Spice peered closer he noticed the purple haze in each of the judge's eyes... but it didn't stop there, everyone in the audience seemed to be affected by the purple smog that lingered in the aisles. Saul grinned over his shoulder, blowing a heart-shaped puff of pheromones as he casually walked back towards his podium.

"H-how dare you!" the Ninetales growled, his dainty forepaw stomping on his podium. "That wasn't a performance! You barely even moved!"

"And yet I still beat you at your own game, funny that." Saul grinned as he checked his claws. He sat down on the edge of his podium, his tail wrapping around the base of the golden trophy between him and the fox. "A Salazzle's pheromones are a lot stronger than Hypnosis, you know... the effects last longer too, since we don't have to keep eye contact with our subjects when they're under."

"Such a vulgar display could never rival true Beauty," Spice hissed as he used one of his tails to swat the Salazzle's tail away from the trophy. "If you think--"

"Now it's Spice's turn to respond!" The announcer's voice blared through the speaker's, leaving the Ninetales' eyes shooting back to the audience who stared at him with tranced out expressions. Spice swished his tails out behind him, striking a pose as he descended from the podium and made his way center stage. "But with a three point lead in Saul's favour, has our Prince of Perfection finally met his match?"

"Psst, Spice!" Saul whispered as the fox passed by, "Good luck out there, don't trip over your tails!"

The Ninetales opened his mouth to make a witty response, only to get a faceful of the Salazzle's pheromones as he faced him. The Salazzle grinned and leaned back on his hands, watching as Spice spluttered and coughed, his paw fanning the air around him to dispel the miasma. The fox scowled at him before turning and stomping to the center of the stage, his tails lashing aggressively at the air with each step he took.

The motion gradually slowed as the Ninetales walked, his paws occasionally disagreeing with which direction they were going and stumbling over each other. The fog made its way up to his mind, clouding his thoughts as he sat before the trio of judges. "Mmmhh..." He mumbled, one forepaw lifting only to quickly return to the ground to balance himself. "Hheelloo~" he continued, his tails swaying drunkenly behind him. "I'm going to... um... perform my... famous..."

He had nothing. In fact, he was sort of hoping one of the judges would give him a hint as to what he was supposed to do next. Something with his tails, perhaps? He did have a lot of them, and they looked so pretty lit up by the spotlights. He swayed them back and forth, mesmerised by their beauty among the cloud of purple pheromones... and the shadowy figure slowly taking a step closer to them.

"A Tail Whip from Spice!" The announcer's voice echoed, bouncing between the Ninetales' ears as he looked back towards the judges table. They held up boards with hearts on them, not as many as the fox was used to seeing though. "Doesn't look like it bought him any points with the judges, but Saul is already on his way to perform his next move!"

The Ninetales stumbled to get out of the Salazzle's way, only to find his tails getting caught on something. As he looked down he found himself staring at Saul's face, his nine tails rapidly disappearing into his jaws as he drooled and slobbered over them. The Salazzle gave a playful wave, only to take a hard slurp to drag the Ninetales' tails into his jaws and pull the fox off his feet. "And it's a Swallow move from Saul! Looks like Spice might be an unwilling volunteer!"

Spice's eyes widened in alarm, his haze breaking for an instant as he realised what was happening. He opened his mouth to yell, only for a plume of pheromones to emerge from between the gaps in his tails as Saul breathed them out over the Ninetales' back. The fox whimpered and turned, holding his breath for as long as he could as the purple cloud wrapped itself around his body, its sweet scent coating his golden fur.

Though through all the slurping and gulping coming from his hindquarters, he could hear something else; the crowd cheering and clapping. He opened one eye and looked down at the judge's table; perfect scores across the board! This new act was doing a lot better than his previous one, it might have even been the best performance of his career!

The Salazzle's tongue slurped over his ass, wrapping around his thigh Saul's hands wrapped around the Ninetales' slender belly. It seemed the lizard was having some trouble with his haunches, not that Spice could blame him given how wide they were. If the performance was going to continue, the fox would need to do some work too.

"Mmh, wouldn't want to disappoint my fans, would we~?" Spice murred, his eyes lidding as he wiggled his hips playfully, feeling the Salazzle's jagged jaw digging into them. He grinded himself backwards, working his rump into Saul's maw one juicy inch at a time. Finally they passed the threshold, leaving his derriere as a lump bulging out of the Salazzle's neck as it gradually sank down his throat. Spice propped himself up with his front legs, arching his back and posing handsomely as his back legs disappeared into Saul's jaws, his tongue slurping over the pink paw pads as they went past.

"Uuuhh, Mr Blaise?"

The Ninetales turned to face the new voice; a Skuntank holding a microphone, followed closely by a Nidorina with a camera mounted on her shoulder. "I'm from the Contest Channel, we were just wondering what you and your competitor were doing since... well, this isn't in the program."

"Oh this? It's a new kind of performance; the first of it's kind if I'm not mistaken. Two beautiful Pokemon working together to put on a show for a crowd!" The Ninetales announced, his forepaws stumbling awkwardly against the ground as the Salazzle took a particularly firm gulp to finish off his hind legs.

"You do realise you're supposed to be competing against each other, right?" The Skuntank tilted his head as he held the microphone at arm's reach to avoid getting any closer to the hungry Salazzle. "You're twelve points behind right now, Saul's going to win if you don't do something."

"Mmh, oh please. This is intermission, darling! A show within the show. Once we're done I'll give my final performance and sweep this contest out from under him," Spice insisted, posing for the camera as the Salazzle's tongue slurped over his underbelly. "Mmhmh~ But be sure to get plenty of footage, won't you? I imagine this will be in your highlight reel!"

"I... imagine that also." The Skuntank blinked slowly, offering a confused shrug to the Nidorina as she took the camera around Saul's side to get another angle on the action. "So, you really don't think there was any foul play here?" The interviewer asked, cringing as the Ninetales' fluffy chest fur disappeared into the Salazzle's gullet. "Anything at all?" he prompted.

"None whatsoever," The Ninetales replied, a drunken smile crossing his muzzle as another plume of sweet pheromones entered his nostrils, wafting in from either side of his head as Saul's jaws finally reached their destination; framing the fox's head as his throat slowly dragged Spice towards the back of his maw. "Mmph, I was beaten by the best. I should know~"

"Well, uh... Okay then!" The Skuntank replied, shuffling backwards as the Ninetales-filled Salazzle loomed over him. "Nice talking with you, Spice--"

Snap! Saul's jaws snapped shut, finally eclipsing the Ninetales' head. He grabbed the camera off the Nidorina, his head tilting to the side to show the lense the bulge of his opponent's head as it slowly sank down his neck. He moved his free hand to hold the bulge of the Ninetales' face in his throat, gulping saliva past him as he held him in place. The Salazzle gave a cartoonish lick of his lips, then let go out of the bulge and allowed it to plummet down his throat into the bulging mass of his stomach.

"W-Well then, I think that's going to be it from us here at the Contest Channel," The Skuntank grinned nervously at the camera as the Salazzle dragged his gut across the stage towards the trophy.

"Don't be silly, we haven't even finished the performance yet," Saul called over to them, grunting as he hoisted his squirming gut up the steps at the back of the stage. He shoved his belly between himself at the trophy podium, compacting what little room the Ninetales had as he took a bottle of water from his podium and twisted off the cap. "Just need a little intermission, that Fire-type left me a little parched~" The Salazzle grinned as he poured the bottled water into the trophy.

"A-are you going to drink out of the International Beauty Contest trophy?!" The Skuntank gawked as the Salazzle lifted it up.

"What's the problem? it's just a cup." Saul shrugged as he leaned back on the podium, swivelling the water in the trophy before lifting it to his muzzle and taking several heavy gulps. Each left his stomach a bit more active as the cool water splashed against the Ninetales' face, "My cup, specifically. Sounded to me like Spice forfeited just now," The Salazzle chuckled as he grabbed a hunk of his belly fat and jiggled it, causing the Ninetales inside the bounce off the walls either side of him. "Beaten by the best; Isn't that right, Spice~?"

"Mmphh! Mmph!" Spice shouted back, only for Saul's stomach to let out a rumbling Gwwwrrrgggbbbllee in return. The Salazzle grinned and beckoned the Skuntank over with a single claw, only to take the microphone from him as he arrived and press it against the bulge of the Ninetales' face. "L-let me out at once!" Spice shouted, slightly clearer for the microphone though still muffled by the gurgling and groaning the lizard's active digestive system. "You can't allow him to eat me! This is a Beauty Contest!"

"Actually, Alolan rules allow Pokemon on Pokemon contact during their performances," The Nidorina spoke up as she adjusted the focus on the camera and zoomed it in on the bulge of the Ninetales' face. "And since this is an international contest..."

"Yep, gotta allow for all my rules too," Saul grinned, picking some golden fur out of his maw as he leaned back on the stage. Once he had cleared his mouth he returned the hand to massaging over his gut, smearing its slick wall over the Ninetales' face. "Mmmh, any other questions, or are you gonna be a good little gourmet lunch now?"

"Nnghh..." The Ninetales grunted, turning away from the fleshy surface rubbing against his cheek. He pushed all four of his paws against the stomach wall, but that just meant getting smacked back into it the moment he stopped. The Salazzle gave him a hearty belch for his efforts, as well as lifting his stomach up with both hands and dropping it to allow the Ninetales to bounce freely out in front of him.

"W-well, uh... sorry about that, folks!" The announcer's voice called from the speakers, reminding the Salazzle he was still standing before thousands of humans in the audience. Not that they could understand a word that any of the Pokemon had said unless they had translators in the crowd. The camera Nidorina and Skuntank moved to the edge of the stage to avoid getting in the performer's way, leaving Saul alone on stage with the Ninetales thrashing about in his gut. "It looks like Saul's finally finished up with his Swallow move. It looks like Spice might not be able to continue though!"

Saul gagged as he felt a sudden force in his stomach, then something solid making its way up his throat. His mouth flew wide open, revealing the drenched face of the Ninetales as his forepaws clutched onto his top and bottom jaws. "I-I can continue!" He spluttered, his hind paws hammering against the Salazzle's stomach walls as they tried to find purchase on the slick surface. "Aaa-aah! You have to let me do my move, it's in the rules!" He yipped, tossing his head indignantly as he tried to climb out of Saul's throat.

The Salazzle put one claw on the Ninetales' black nose and, with a little grin, condescendingly pushed his head towards the back of his throat. "W-wait! No!" Spice whined, his final words cut off as Saul's jaws snapped shut once again. The Poison-type took a hearty gulp, the Ninetales' final 'Kyyyyuuuu~' lost to the audience as he descended back to his stomach. Saul smacked his lips, his head raised as he let out a flaming belch that lit up the air above him. The judges raised their panels; perfect 3s across the board.

"And one final perfect score for Spice for his signature Flamethrower! Not a bad way to wrap up the night!" The announcer called out, leaving the audience giving a round of applause for the Ninetales. It seemed this happened more often in contests than the Salazzle thought! Saul rolled his eyes as the fox took credit for his Fire Blast, though from the way Spice squirmed it was clear the applause wasn't the kind of support he needed at the time. "Now we're down to the last move of the night, what move will Saul use to secure his victory?"

"Hmmm, what indeed?" Saul thought out loud, one hand rubbing over the bulge of the Ninetales as he pondered the question. He could hear the Ninetales' pouty complaints inside him, his paws pushing weakly at the tight walls around him. "How about we make it..." he clutched his gut posessively, causing Spice to let out a nervous whimper as Saul lifted his belly off the ground. "Gastro Acid?"

The Salazzle turned and moved off the stage, one hand raised to the crowd as he headed back towards the waiting room. "O-okay! Well, it looks like Saul needs a moment to prepare for his final move. Let's all take a short break and reconvene in an hour."

"I usually take a lot longer than that..." Saul thought out loud, only for his hands to wander over his gut as he thought of the diva stewing in his stomach. "...But we wouldn't want to disappoint your fans, would we~?" He grinned, his stomach gurgling ominously as he closed the door behind him.

The next few hours were spent laying back and massaging his gut, occasionally gulping to quell the Ninetales' escape attempts. The first hour was all 'do you know who I am?!' and 'My poor fur!', as it usually was with Contest types, but a quick belch or a firm rub seemed to silence the former champion... or at least reduce his voice to muffled gurgles.

It wasn't long before Saul's first hairball; one of many given how fluffy and well-groomed the Ninetales' fur had been. The Salazzle grunted and coughed, bringing up the wad of fur into his jaws before spitting it out with a "hhck!" of disgust. His eyes glistened as he realised why it had been such a big one; it was mostly made up of the Ninetales' red scarf. "Wish I had thought to use this for a napkin before," he muttered, pulling it out of the wad of fur and leaving it to dry on the radiator. "I'm sure I can find another use for it though~"

"Don't.. Nngh, even think about it..!" Spice grunted, making another attempt to push the nearest wall. The Salazzle's stomach bulged out slightly, only to immediately collapse back into place and Grrrrgggggnnnn at the Ninetales, shushing him into submission as it continued to work over his body. Saul smirked, his palm slapping his gut as he collapsed back onto the beanbag chair, his arms resting either side of him as he sank into it.

As the hours passed by the Ninetales' form became harder to make out in the Salazzle's distended midsection; where he could once find proud, glorious curves was now little more than a soupy, sloshy mess. Occasionally someone would come back to check on the two contestants, but Saul would simply blow some pheremones and they would be on their way... once they had given him a proper belly rub, at least.

The Salazzle breathed out a sigh as he trailed his hand over his gut, one claw picking some golden fur out of his teeth as he got back to his feet. He stumbled with the new weight the Ninetales had added to his hips, though he found his balance in the time it took him to walk to the mirror. He posed in front of it, his fat tail hiked upwards to reveal the two jiggling asscheeks beneath it. "Hmmph, always the center of attention, aren't you, Spice?" Saul hissed playfully as he dug his claws into his left cheek, watching the tips of his fingers disappear as he squeezed it.

His attention drifted lazily to the door, picturing the audience waiting for the two Contest Pokemon to emerge. No doubt they were on the edge of their seats wondering what the two had been working on backstage, despite the hours of waiting for the grand finale. Saul grinned to himself as he walked towards the door, his tail and hips swaying with each step as he made his way back towards the stage. Oh yes, this would be a performance to remember.

The house lights went out all at once, drawing the audience's attention back to the stage as the Salazzle emerged from the curtains. "Welcome back to the International Beauty Contest Finals, folks! Sorry for the delay, our performers needed a moment before their final move," the announcer's voice called from the loud speakers, leading an unenthusiastic clap from the few remaining fans in the stalls. Saul waved to the crowd with as much energy as he could muster while teetering on the edge of a food coma. "It seems that Saul is back and ready for his final performance of the night, but where's Spice?"

Saul belched, sending the Ninetales' red scarf flying out of his jaws and splattering on the stage. The audience let out a nervous chuckle in response to the gag, maybe they thought it was just a joke? Oh, this was going to be a fun reaction. The Salazzle grinned, picking up the slobber-soaked scarf and playfully using it as a napkin before flicking it over his shoulder like a wet towel. "W-well then! I suppose that means Spice is no longer able to perform. Good thing this final move is all Saul's!"

'It's really more a collaboration,' the Salazzle thought as he made his way to the center of the stage. They had already set up the winner's podium to save some time, and the golden trophy was in place at the top. His stomach let out a low grrrrrn as a pang of desperation shot through him. "Nngh, of course he'd want to come out on stage." The Salazzle hissed, one hand clutching his gut as he felt the pressure building up in his bowels. He could feel the eyes on the crowd watching him from the darkness, yearning for the final move they had been kept waiting for for so long.

Saul took a deep breath to prepare himself, feeling his chest warming up as the energy of his move surged under his scales. His stomach bubbled, dragging out the last of the Fire-type's remains to fuel the flames of the Salazzle's performance. Finally all that energy escaped his jaws as a jet of flames that exploded in the air like a firework. The audience whooped and cheered, their excitement restored by the Fire Blast. "Mmh, brighter than usual." The Salazzle grinned, his hands resting proudly on his hips as he watched the last few embers flicker away. "maybe I should be eating Fire-types more often."

Saul took a bow as the final fanfare began to play, one hand clutching his gut as he made his way towards the winner's podium.


He climbed to the top spot, his eyes on the trophy between his legs. It was tempting to lift it above his head and wave it around like the Ninetales' would have, but another groan from his gut left him with a much more rewarding idea. Spice deserved the trophy just as much as he did, after all.

The Salazzle turned, one hand clapping down on each cheek as he lifted his tail towards the audience. He couldn't hear their reaction beyond the fanfare, but he could tell they weren't quite as excited for this performance as they were for the previous one. A wet spluttering fart announced the Ninetales' return to the outside world, followed by several logs of dark brown Salazzle shit sliding out of his cheeks and landing on the trophy.

"Aaah, trophy's all yours, Spice~" Saul moaned, widening his stance as another few chunks of the former Beauty star joined the pile forming on the rapidly disappearing golden cup. The Salazzle hooked one arm under his tail, holding it up for the crowd to see as he looked over his shoulders at them and licked his lips. He could see the looks of disgust on the judge's faces; to think this was the Pokemon who was just voted the International Beauty Contest Champion.

He wiggled his hips playfully in their direction, allowing a stuck log to fall loose and splat again the others, caked in yellow and orange fur. The Salazzle moaned out as a firm bone pressed against his prostate, leaving him reaching one hand between his legs as it fell and joined the rest of the mound. "Mmh, so smooth. Must've been all that grooming~" Saul teased his former prey as he posed with his scarf.

Suddenly the flow stopped as a particularly firm bone found its way to the Pokemon's tailhole; the final part of the Ninetales' performance. Saul steadied himself on all fours against the podium, his claws digging into its wood surface as he spread his legs behind him. "Hnngh," he grunted, his eyes shutting as he gritted his teeth to force the last of the diva out of his system.

'Frrrrpt!' The Ninetales' skull rolled out from between the Salazzle's cheeks, landing with a 'clank' as it hit the trophy. The Salazzle shakily got to his feet, glancing over his shoulder to admire his work for the first time. The mound was dangerously close to spilling over the front of the podium, the audience was silent, and one of the judges had passed out. There was very little chance the Salazzle would ever be allowed in a Contest Hall again.

Saul shrugged to himself as he took the scarf off his shoulders and wiped it against his ass, making sure to clean whatever of the Ninetales had clung to his body. He draped it around the side of the pile, grinning down at his former opponent before hopping down from the stage and heading for the exit. He took one last look over his shoulder at the scene; a pile of Salazzle shit with a Ninetales' skull and a trophy sitting perfectly at the center, and a dirty red scarf curled around it. Seeing it under the spotlights was well worth sacrificing his Contest career over... and somehow he doubted the Contest Hall would be seeing that particular Ninetales again any time soon.

"C'mon, Spice," Saul said as he delivered one final slap to his backside, "Let's go check out that Pokeathlon thing and see if we can work you into some muscle..." the Salazzle grinned as he shut the door behind him, "...or find you some company~"

The End

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