A Good Boy

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#1 of All Writings

Commissioner - Kyetwolf

Synopsis - Moving into a new home is hard for everyone, accidentally giving your name to a creature of the forest, causing them to take your identity while you turn into a dog for them to torment? That's RUFF!

Word Count - 7509

Commissions Open here! - https://forms.gle/7ibWQhjz5ij7k6KV9

Comments Welcome and Encouraged!

This is where I will be uploading future stories once I'm done with my backlog! Follow me on SoFurry as I'll post when I upload a new story to Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/writingwillona

There's a lot in my backlog though, so you'll get a good amount of my stuff before I post everything here. If you want my current free content, it's all on my FA: - https://www.furaffinity.net/user/writingwillona

The brown box was lowered to the floor, too quickly, too carelessly. A crunch of glass exploded inside, causing a sigh from my lips. Breaking open the tape, several drink glasses were now ruined.

A move from a small apartment to a house such as this was not easy. Going from an environment you're so familiar with, every day in and out the same place, the same comfortable atmosphere. This new home was so much larger as well. I was still moving everything from the storage units, and technically, I'd been living here for almost two months. Still, everything felt so... different. A variety of rooms that would be empty until I could both afford and think up ideas as to how to furnish them.

Plus, with the grand lawn outside, I figured I should get a dog! A nice husky might liven up the place.

The talk of my backyard brought my gaze outside, examining the grass and vegetation as I wiped my sweaty brow with a hand, staring into the woods that bordered the house. With the double sliding door, I could see my reflection. An even six feet, average in build, even if I liked telling others I was fitter than how I looked, and dark brown hair that just dangled down onto my face with two thick strands. Those green eyes twinkling in the light. A red t-shirt, beige shorts. Hi-top sneakers and white ankle socks.

A perfect outfit for one of the last trips I would need to make to finalize the Springtime move. However, there was a pressing thought in the back of my mind. I haven't really checked the woods yet.

This town was a safe place, so without really thinking, I opened one of the doors and walked. I didn't have a care, nor really a feeling of when I should stop. Carrying heavy boxes to and fro was exhausting, but something about a Sunday stroll through unmapped wilderness spoke to me. Was this what true freedom was?

Blueberry bushes and large trees. Fungi of all types both dangerous and edible. A smell of honey in the air, and bees buzzing past. There was not an open clearing, but rather enough spaces between the trees so as to not feel claustrophobic, and there was little green on the ground. Mostly dirt. This place felt almost stereotypically divine. It brought a bit of suspicion over me, almost like something, or someone, was watching me.

Was that a bee that flew past me? Or was that-

There was a yell from my mouth as something the size of my face smacked against my skull, I fell to my knees in shock, whipping my head left to right in trying to figure out the source of all this.

My body froze as I heard a high-pitched giggle near my ear. I quickly swat at it, delivering a proper smack as this creature hit the dirt with a loud thud.

"Oh... shit!" I said without thinking, covering my mouth as my brain failed to realize just what I was looking at. "I'm so sorry!" was what I blurted out, stopping to raise an eyebrow as this small thing picked themselves up.

"You humans really are all the same!" they said in an even squeakier voice. "Can't even have a bit of fun anymore!"

What the fuck? The words kept repeating in my head again and again. This thing was something my mind wanted to call a pixy, a fae, some kind of fairy. It was like a blobby bean with arms, legs, and a head on top, face full of expression. My own head vibrated slightly, an injection of spinal fluids entering my cerebellum as I twitched from the discovery. "What... what in the world are you?"

"What in the world are you!?" the forest spirit said back.

My shoulders went up as I directed the tips of my open palmed hands towards them. "Y-you know what I am! You just called me a human. Now... what are you?"

The creature didn't seem to abide by the natural rules of law, flying faster than its body should've allowed it. It had a fluidity to how it moved despite its heavier appearance. I could hold it in my hand, if I tried. "I'm not too sure what I am! I just call myself," the thing's eyes rolled into the back of their head, speaking in a harsh demonic tone, "Spiorad a Chlaochlú-"


"But my friends just call me Spiffy! You can be my friend too if you tell me your name! You know, since friends do that stuff." Spiffy moved forward, seemingly okay now as they rested a few inches from my face. "Come on! The more you talk to me, the more you'll feel normal about all of this!"

There was hesitation in my voice, but I didn't see the harm. "E-evan."

"Is that with the stutter or without?"

I sighed. "Evan."

"Wanna see something cool?" they said, planting their green hand on my nose.

It felt like my head was spinning around in circles, two parts of me were pulling in different directions. One wanted to see this through, a piece that was enamored by the idea of discovering a new intelligent species, and the other that wanted to leave as soon as possible. Still, I didn't want to be rude. "Sure, I guess? What?"

Speeding backwards with a literal zoom and a puff of air, the fae planted their hands on their sides, beaming with a smile. "Evan!? Meet Evan!"

My eyes squinted at the words said, mouth slowly becoming an 'o' as a single heartbeat struck me. The fae was changing before me! Like a ball of clay, they shifted into themselves, wrapping around their green skin until it became gray, then a new color, the color of my skin.

"What the hell?" I absentmindedly said aloud, my chest rising and falling in an increased tempo.

That ball of clay with a white exterior grew outwards, forming a lower chunk, like a snowman with one sphere on top, and a lumpy bottom that expanded more and more. Appendages began to form, limbs that were like blunted spears, crafting themselves into proper arms with wrists, hands, and then eventually, five fingers. Next came pegs that shifted into legs, feet and toes. The thing was as tall as me. It took on my dark brown hair, it had a face, my face. A nose, a mouth, ears, an expression.

It was me. Clothes wrapped about the clone, and then it smiled right back at me, a smile I often saw in the mirror before meeting someone nice. It spoke, with my own voice. "Wow... Evan... what a nice body! You feel so strong, virile, young. I'm really happy you gave me your name now." The creature masked as me reached towards the shorts they were wearing, peeking inside as they gave slow nods, an apathetic grin. "Seems we're packing pretty good there Evan!"

I slapped myself in the face, hard. "I gotta wake up. I... I gotta... I gotta..." I winced, holding my chest as it felt like I was going to die from heart failure. I turned around, limping in the other direction.

Like the clone was dancing on the wind, it was suddenly in front of me. "Nuh-uh Evan! There can only be one of us, you know?"


"That's right!" The lips curled, becoming something of a duck's bill. "Say bye-bye!" A hand waved, and I covered my eyes as a flash blinded me.

"P-please... fuck, please wait!" I said, waving my arms around from side to side, trying my best to reason with whatever this forest creature wanted from me.

I heard my own voice whisper in my ear. "Too late."

My eyes opened, I looked down, all around, nothing had explicitly changed. I felt weird, but it was mostly from how this whole situation had transpired. Woof. Was it always this hot?

I twitched my head, my eyes following the creature as it bounced around until it rested on a nearby tree stump. I took a single finger and pulled at my red shirt, my breathing becoming irregular. "Oh god." Salvia was forming in my mouth as my teeth gnashed together. Something was becoming incredibly wrong.

"So... hot." Puffs of air were shooting in and out of my lungs, my tongue falling out without my permission. I brought both hands up, trying to shove it back in as it... grew. From once it was a short spade, to now a long roll, something like a cinnamon bun taken from its shape and laid out in a single line. It could fold easily like a taco, and for some reason, I had the hardest time holding it in my hands.

My hands... I raised them to my face, eyes widening as the fingers were shrinking down before my very gaze. Black dots formed where a mustache might've, strands of hair poking out as my face stretched forward slowly into a small muzzle, the nose there becoming... much darker.

The fingers on my hands were becoming nubs, the nails lengthening and sharpening to become canine-like claws. My hyperventilations passed through my nose, becoming high-pitched whines that I could not stop. Like an abandoned puppy at a kennel, I began to cry with dry eyes, and my clothes were starting to become unwearable, my arms twisting and transforming into shorter limbs. Each digit of my former fingers was like a knuckle, creeping close together as black pads would cushion my steps if I were to walk on my new paws.

And I wouldn't even have a choice, my back snapped, and I gave an unholy ARF! my body falling forward as I landed on my hands, thumbs completely gone, having traveled up near my wrists to become some banal feature I did not care enough about to figure out. The heat, I soon learned, was from the fur growing all over my body like fertile grass. The hair on my head extended down my back, a thick husky hide of fluff moving down as a white cream color covered my belly.

My face cringed in pain as I howled without meaning to. The muzzle was fully developed, and the bones there elongated, nose flickering with new information of every smell in the forest. But, that pain, that pain did not stop. It was my... oh no.

I snapped to my rear, cute triangular ears flumping down as right above my fuzzy hind was a protruding appendage, tenting further and further into my shorts as I growled, the brain I used to have shrinking and compacting to fit into a dog's skull. My tail, it needed to come out, it needed, it needed...!

Without even thinking, I hurled my jaws at the short brown breeches, tearing into them with mighty fangs, jerking as hard as I could, flinging my neck and head until a magnificent rip was made, and my pain and anger subsided. It was, really my tail. A curled brown-white tail, the tip just barely brushing against my backside.

So much had changed. My back legs becoming no different than my front, or I guess I should say my arms were gone. I untangled myself from my shirt as it laid on the ground. I felt the breeze along my naked body, my shoes and socks having disposed of themselves in the chaos.

I fell slightly onto my side, it was no longer about keeping myself up on two legs, but now four. I tried to talk out loud, only making cute canine noises that were squeaky and curdling to the ears. Had someone recorded me with a phone, the hearts of thousands would've been aww'ing. My tongue, my mouth, neither were capable of human speech.

It was weirdly intimidating being so much shorter. Everything felt so much more intense with my face inches from whatever I wanted to inspect. My tail wagged, not in excitement, but anxiety. If I was a dog, a husky completely in body, then that could only mean...

I threw my head downwards, looking between my legs, the tip of a fleshy penis poking out from a white-furred sheath. My whole cock had changed and I didn't even notice it until now! The whole transformation was so appallingly fervent. I could only focus on one aspect at a time whilst trying to feel exactly how my body was changing. God, my balls, I could feel them churning. A slow whine exited my muzzle.

And just walking on all fours, I first fell onto my face, my muzzle smacking against the dirt as I heard the giggles of my tormenter in the background. The residuals of the earth were on my moist snout, and I gave an instinctual lick to clean it, tasting the soil, but opening up my nose to a world of smells. My maw opened slightly as I took it all in, sniffing one huff after the other, even taking in my own aroma. The tongue in my muzzle dropped, and my eyes blinked.

I really am a husky! A fucking dog! What the FUCK?! The tone in my head was punctuated with a loud howl as I screamed out in defiance, roaring and changing the pitches from low to high as like a husky might, the araows and ruffs a simple dog would make when wanting to eat food, yelling at their owner that mealtime was thirty minutes late.

I couldn't even slap myself. I wasn't human. I was... a dog.

"That's right Kyet! Oh, yeah, that's your new name, so you best start to respond to it sooner rather than later unless you want this new life of yours to get even worse."

Worse? How could becoming a goddamn dog get worse?

"I bet you're wondering how it can get worse aren't you? Dogs are so easy to read. It's that tilt your head makes when trying to understand something, how your ears turn. Well, you can think as if you were a human! Even if it might be a bit hard to not want to act out like a dog. So, I guess you could say that the only way it could get worse is if you truly were one! Like you couldn't think as a human could, or stop yourself from chasing balls! Or licking your own balls he-he!"

I'd say that this was a dream, but if it was, I think I would've woken up by now. I didn't even have thumbs to pinch myself with. Trying to speak with this tongue was impossible, and it only made that copy of me smile wider. A presence in the back of my throat prompted me to... for lack of a better word, force out. It was wanting to leave, and I could feel myself actively holding it back. With my mind so frazzled on the fact I was having trouble keeping myself up, I let it out, only to surprise myself as I barked. I barked again and again, my gullet rumbling. I couldn't stop it! One bark right after the other. I just had to. This person in front of me was a threat, and it was... acceptable for me to do it. All I did was make that fae grin even wider.

"Oh my! You're getting so into it already! Good boy, Kyet, good boy!"

The barks stopped. Something that wasn't a whine, but more like a noise of curiosity. An aroo?

"Come on then Kyet! Let's get back to your, I guess I mean, my home and we'll figure out what to do from there."

My... old body began to walk away. They didn't stop, didn't turn back, they knew where they were going. This was my chance to escape, and, well, it wasn't really my only chance. I understood it immediately. If I wanted to run away so badly, I could, I would just be a dog forever. A wild dog.

I stared around my surroundings, looking at how my paws made prints in the dirt, the smell, how the heat of the Spring sun basked against my brown top fur. Every smell was so overwhelming, and it made me all the more curious to figure out exactly which one was which. All the dogs I've owned and known in my life, in this weird fucking way, I understood why they dug their nose into so much. But, I couldn't be a wild dog, I didn't want to be one. I wanted to be human! I am human!

And so, I caught up to them. They called me a good boy again. It's not like I'm starved for attention, I have people who love me, and I love them, but my tail, this new appendage betrayed me. It wagged from left to right and it only made the fae more proud of me, that I was getting so into it already. It's not like I wanted to! It's this body, this brain I have now. I feel like there's so many parts to humanity I've forgotten, like numbers and historical facts, and it's insane to me that I haven't forgotten everything already for having a husky mind. I just had to keep it together, and see what I could do.

The walk, uh, no, the journey back to the house was simple, and it unnerved me that with every step I was becoming more proficient at walking on all fours. A natural trotter as Spiffy said. It was so weird being at the level of my own crotch. Even the natural musk of the area attracted me, not in some sexual sense, but in a way of comprehending more of the world.

My sliding door was opened, and with a click of Spiffy's human gums, I went in. It, it wasn't because of the clicks! I was just going to head in because they opened the door for me. A door that... I couldn't open anymore. I brought up my right paw, and sure enough, the thumbs were gone. Something desperately needed to interact with all I knew about the world, just gone.

We were in the living room as I watched the forest creature run up to a glass coffee table with smudged marks all over it. "What's this?" It said, picking up my expensive laptop, a computer worth damn near a thousand dollars of my hard earned money. They found out how to open the top, but as they clacked against many of the buttons. As Spiffy figured out that none of them did anything, they threw it across the room, nailing an awning as it smashed to the floor.

I cried in several barks, running over to dig my nose around the haphazard electronics, the scraps of keys and boards all over the ground. The fact that I had to press my snout to examine things now, it creeped me out, mostly because I was already getting so used to it. The thing was completely broken, and as I saw shattered glass, I sat my butt against the carpet, feeling my anus bristle against the fabric strands. I whined, letting my tail descend to the floor.

"Aww, is something the matter puppy?"

The touch of hands, my hands rubbed against the back of my head, right under my ears. God... it felt amazing. My tongue slowly came out, my snout raising up as my eyelids closed halfway, panting breaths still pumping in and out of me as it seemed like so many of my fears were washing away. I didn't want to say it, but being a dog, transforming into one, it aroused me in an erotic sense. My new heart struggled to keep up with the shock of everything, but now with the time that's past, I already felt somewhat comfortable. It allowed a red tip in a fuzzy sheath next to two plump furry balls to poke out, something the fae saw.

I never noticed that the hands slipped something around my neck, and with a snap, a red-blue banded collar was snug against my fur. A medallion the shape of a dog bone with my name on it -- Kyet.

"Either you're getting to be one excited little doggy... or you like this, you want this. You must enjoy being a dog, or maybe you've always wanted to be a dog and now you know just how it feels. Hah! Or perhaps you were really born as a dog, and somehow transformed into a human hm? Come on Kyet, just give in, you know you want to."

I jumped back away from myself, feeling my paw try to take the collar off, only to be rewarded with a jingling sound. While I could not verbally indicate my wants in anything other than dog noises, I could still do much with my head, which I shook side to side in an attempt of defiance.

The forest spirit put a finger on their chin. "Here's the deal, Kyet, I want to see you as you are, a cute doggy. But you want to be human again, and despite what your red rocket down there is telling us, I think I'll give you a chance, but only if you give this life a chance. I want you to be a good boy, a good pup. Be house-trained, domestic, and everything else a well-behaved husky does and if you don't go full dog-brained by the end of it, then I'll let you have your body back."

My eyes went wide! Were they serious?

"However... no cumming. No orgasms. Your mind is teetering on the edge of canine and man. Your instincts will soon prove hard to push away. And I can see they've already made their mark on you. If you cum, the dog in you will win, and I'll have your body forever. All you need to do is to be a good boy, and keep your sanity. Is that acceptable?"

I looked up to her, nodding my head in a dramatic fashion. My gaze was strict, and I was incredibly nervous. I didn't want to fuck this up.

"Dogs don't nod their heads like that. I want you to sit."


"I said, sit." Spiffy said with dominance.

My back legs crumpled and my rear was against the floor once more.

"Good, good boy. Now speak."

There was no hesitation, I let out forth a large RUFF straight from my lungs. My tail wagged, I really was being a good boy!

"Are you actually a good boy?"

Another bark came from my maw, I could barely stop myself, it was like something else was making the actions for me, but I knew a part of me was allowing it to happen. After all, I had to let it happen if I wanted to turn back.

"Good boys get treats you know?"

There was a sudden grumble in my stomach, as if I hadn't eaten all day.

The fae with my cloned body reached behind their back, only to quickly whip it out and reveal a tan treat, a rather large milk-bone that had the same design as the nameplate on my collar did. For some reason, it felt like I had to get that thing in their hand, that I needed to crunch it between my fangs and swirl it around my tongue. A whine came from me, and this time, I did it on purpose. I... I needed to show submission because, in a way, without thumbs I was at this fae's mercy. Plus, if these were the terms, then I'd have to play into them, even if it'd hurt my soul.

What in the world was I saying!? I need to play along being a damned dog? No, no-no-no, I need to find a neighbor, I need to alert the police even! Why, why was I subjecting myself to this.

It didn't matter. My ass was struggling not to lift itself from the carpet, and the bone-shaped treat was lowered closer and closer, I opened my muzzle, allowing it to come inside.

"Ah-ah. You need to do a trick for a treat. You're going to balance this one on your snout, and if you do it without succumbing to your baser instincts, then I'll give you permission to eat it." I never once thought my own face could look so smug, as if Spiffy was dramatically adjusting my facial expressions to creep me out.

Giving a small aroo, I closed my lips, and let my snout be flat. Time felt so slow as the dog-snack was brought closer, and closer, and closer. I blinked in surprise as finally it was on the bridge, and my eyes locked in on it, my tongue instinctively licking my lips.

"Oh gosh Kyet, you really are one of the cutest dogs I've ever seen! Not yet! Not yet!"

My canine heart was getting almost too excited. I need this, I needed this so badly. A promotion at work, meeting up with an old friend, getting that raise, all of it paled in comparison to being a good boy, a good dog, and getting this treat in my mouth.

"Good boy! Go ahead!"

It happened in a microsecond. Using reflexes imbued in my thanks to the transformation, I angled my muzzle, letting the treat slowly slide off as I opened my maw in a flash, biting into the milk-bone as it crumpled into shards, the crunches so satisfying to my teeth. Innate carnal instincts in my new brain made me think of great-great-grandfathers, the wolves of olden time chomping on a prey's neck. My rocket-shaped dick was stimulated from exciting arousal rather than something sexual, like my tail couldn't deal with my feelings, and so blood rushed into my penis to accommodate. I gave a happy expression as human nails kept scratching into my ears.

"I think it's funny Kyet. You're being a much better boy than I thought. Yet, I know you'll plead here soon, so that I might let you be human again. And you know what you'll do? You'll whine, bark, cry, just like the brown husky you are now. That's not what humans do, right?"

I didn't want to think about this. A whimper came from my moist, black nose as my ears drooped to the side, my tail no longer wagging, and going between my back legs. Either I had no control of my new body, or all the human things I was trying to do were becoming doggish actions, because that's all my form could perform now.

With a clap of their hands, the fae moved into the kitchen, a wonderful place with a granite island in the middle. The magic had somehow altered reality for there was a reflective metal bowl that had my name on it.

"Time for food Kyet, then after that, it'll be a w-a-l-k."

The spelt word made zero sense to me, from one triangular ear to the other. I tipped my head, a natural sign for a need for more information.

Spiffy sighed. "By that, I mean... walkies!"

A torrent of barks, roars, and woofs snapped from my maw, my body changing immediately to extreme excitement, and even in my human mind, I found it hard to resist. Get a hold of yourself goddammit! There was a burst of humanity that coursed through my body as I stood up on two legs, holding my front paws on my nose as I moved the upper half of my body left to right, trying to control my actions. I nearly went full dog, and I didn't even cum! What humiliating end to think about. Why would this creature be so raunchy?

Without any more time for me to think, the food bowl was full of wet and dry food, a mixture of slop with differently colored pebbles from red to yellow nestled within. A nightmare for a human, but something grand for a dog, just, like, me.

I wanted to stop myself. This was getting too far. But my nose smelled the scents, and my body was already on all fours and moving, I simply had no chance as I couldn't get it through my head, I couldn't stop it, and to be human again, I had to do this.

Even if I had to, the dog in me wanted to. My maw dropped saliva caked in my jowls, gurgling strands of spit falling into my food.

"Bon appétit Kyet!"

In an instant, my jaws snapped at the food, slime greasing around my mouth as my teeth crunched into the hard stuff. The taste was mild, yet as a dog it was amplified so I identified everything to a terrifying degree. Chicken, beef, everything grisled in fatty gravy. I swallowed before I could really savor it, going in for the next bite without even thinking about it. Another swallow, another bite, another piece of my dignity traveling to my stomach to dissolve with everything else. I was satisfying Spiffy, but diminishing myself.

It got to the point where I hadn't even realized that I was done with my food, my head between my legs, food-covered tongue licking my red anus. My eyes widened rather expressively for a dog, and the fae in my body laughed a ridiculously storm. It sounded just like me, as if I was laughing at a family member's impressive joke.

What was happening to me?

"Some other rules too Kyet! No counter surfing for food, no sleeping on the bed, and if you need to go out in the back, you'll have to sit near the sliding door and whine, just like a dog!"

I turned around, seeing so much of the house had changed in my apparent distraction of eating the food. A bed with fluff the color of wool was near the entertainment system, it had my name on it too. Dog toys were all over the floor, and I wanted to almost cry, because I wanted to scarf them up into my mouth, and chew on them. The squeaks they'd-

A hand grasped my head from behind, causing me to loll out my tongue, shake my tail, and set my butt against the floor. A weird smile crept onto my face.

"Enough thinking about all of that. It's time to go out!"

So much of my house was different now, it was nothing like how I had it before, almost like I was being replaced completely. The fae had called me Kyet so many times, it was hard to even recall my old name. Edgar, Edward, Evan, Ethan? No, it must've not been any of those. Oh my head!

I heard a latch made near my neck, my body now controlled with a leash. This was really going to happen. A walk. My ears perked. A walk! A walk for a good boy like me! Oh I can't wait!

"Exciting yourself there Kyet? Now listen closely! This leash is pretty special. Depending on how hard I have to yank, the dog in you will take over, temporarily. If I have to give a little tug, you'll lose yourself for a few seconds. No more human intelligence! If I have to give a big yank, you might not realize you've been doggy for a whole minute! And if I have to pull you, really hard, then you know what happens."

My throat bulged as I swallowed a large ball of canine spit.

"That's right. So let's go."

I was guided to the door, looking up at a knob so high. It felt like an extreme task even thinking of opening it, and the fae did it so easily with my own hands.

My legs worked on their own, running off onto the grass as the clear sun baked my fur. Yet, I misjudged just how strict the leash was, and before I could even think of my mistake, my mind blanked, a small choke constricting my neck.

When I came to, I realized my furry form was rolling around in the grass in my front lawn, the green blades scratching my itchy brown-white hide. My eye sockets enlarged as my head looked up to Spiffy.

"About seven seconds! I gotta make sure you stay close to me! Who knows what'll happen in this neighborhood?"

On the other side of the street, the neighbor's dog, a tall and heavy German Shepherd, stared at me with what I could only think of as a death glare, his tail wagging ever so slightly. It made my own tail retreat between my rear legs, hunching my neck down as I tried to move swiftly and somewhat stealthily. I couldn't help it though, the smells and signals he gave off. My eyes went between his legs, noticing the sheath there expanding. His scent was... extremely overwhelming. That was a literal dog! Like a dog born as a dog and everything else, oh god, I had to keep moving. My owner, no, the fae was moving along, and I didn't want to be yanked again. I really was a dog there for those seconds I was out.

The walk was extremely eventful, so many smells lingering on the tip of my snout, every animal who's walked on these streets in the last twenty-fours could be detected. No wonder dogs wanted to smell everything and had anxieties if they didn't. Some of these animals could be dangerous, for me, and the people around me. There was an overpowering instinct in my chest that told me to protect human beings, like my genetics themselves had been taught to do so. Aromas of foxes, black bears, skunks, oh how the skunks smelled so good, could be detected. We were fifteen minutes into the walk but it felt like it was all passing by in seconds.

My nose suddenly twerked, snapping up as a red squirrel was right in the middle of the street. The tail behind me shot straight up as the fae giggled, and without warning, to neither Spiffy nor myself, I ran forward as fast as I could at it, I had to chew on it!

The last thing I heard was a dog-like yelp from my own lips.

Sniff. Chew on grass. Bird. Jingly noise near ear. Good boy? Yes. Good boy. Walk, keep walking. Pine cone? Food? Not food. Fun to chew. Sniff. Turning around. Going home? Tired. Squirrel still around. Human. Lick hand, lick fingers. He's leaving. Sad. Near home! Smell bed, smell food. Other dog? Friend dog! Sniff his rear. He sniffs my rear. Sniff his rear more. Sniff. Sniff. Sniff.

I awoke to the flaring, sweaty stench of a German Shepherd's rear, my nose nestled between his hind legs. No matter how I reasserted my mind, my body still did the next action without my consent. I brought my tongue from the bottom of his hole, to the top in one grand lick. The taste... it was immaculate. I stood there dumbly as he went behind me, causing me to shriek as he did the same. Our cocks were both out, even if I didn't realize it.

"Look who's back! Just in time for your new boyfriend too!"

Boyfriend? I immediately felt the presence of a heavy load on my hind, the German Shepherd from across the street now mounting my rear. A dog! A real dog! He thinks I'm a dog too! It's because I am a dog! I've been a dog for so long, for years! I've always been a dog, my owner's name is... is...

I could feel his tip miss my anus, prodding against the white fur of my fuzzy legs, I nearly lost myself, and in a ironic way, it was when I felt his tip enter my asshole that I shot forward, breaking his grip, only to feel the yank of my leash bring me back to a dog-brained mind.

"Kyet?" There were fingers snapping in my face. "Kyet? Oh. I thought I really did lose you this time."

I was in my house, still a dog, but I was safe from being fucked. Our bodies were both dogs, sure, but, wasn't it wrong that I wasn't always a dog? I felt him stretch me just for that brief second, the pain, and the pleasure. I couldn't remove it from my mind.

"Kyet, I really think Rex is going to miss you, you know? Are you sure you don't want to go see him? He was whining that you ran from him."

My teeth were baring at the fae as I growled. No more was I going to take this imposter in my body telling me what to do.

My old human face merely beamed at me. "I don't like that attitude Kyet."

My name is not Kyet! It's...

"I think it's time for your final challenge." Spiffy clapped their hands, and my ears heard a metal tone. It rang similar to tinnitus. "Remember. No cumming or else you'll be permanently a dog."

My long snout became a grimace, and there was an aching feeling in my loins. I laid on my side, looking between my legs. Fuck. My penis looked so foreign to me. Foreskin was so different to having a sheath, and the knot had already popped out. Feeling the natural air around the house tickle those sensitive bulbs was enough to make my heart beat thousands of times a minute. My fuzzed testicles were bulging, almost twitching from an increase in sperm, physically expanding in size, almost like... the fae was trying to make me incredibly horny. Fucking females, fucking males, I'd take anything just to drain this irritation.

Why... why not just try to drain it myself? No-no. I'd cum, I can't cum. But I'm so horny. I have to resist. My head was getting closer, and it really wanted to taste that meat, my meat. Would it hurt? Just one lick. Just one lick and that's it! Just to try it.

Just, one lick? One lick. One... lick.

I gasped as my canine tongue acted, just as I wanted, I allowed. A white sheen of light hit the glistening mark I made. A tangy, doggy funk was on my tongue, sweat-caked flesh that rubbed the inside of an unwashed sheath all day. It wouldn't hurt to lick again... right?

That's right! All I had to do was not cum! I could lick, and lick. I did so, wagging my tail as the fae above me watched, calling me a good boy as I lapped my genitals. The balls were properly washed, and my cock pulsed, dolloping yellowish pre into my mouth that I swallowed along with all of the spittle piling in my maw, getting all over my pure white crotch. I thought of Rex, how close he was to truly penetrating me. I should've allowed it, I shouldn't have been so afraid! After all, we're both dogs aren't we? That scene played in my head again and again, and in every replay, I let him in, deeper, further. Rex was so strong, so dominant! I'm... I'm just a bitch for him!

My cock was getting harder and harder. I used my new and dextrous spine to hump my own face as I panted faster and faster. No cumming, no cumming! Just lick! Just lick! Good boy, great boy! Keep licking, don't stop!

My breaths were so fast now, that metal ringing in my ears sounding like church bells as my brain was being overflowed with the steamy libido that all dogs had, dogs like me! Don't stop! More licks! Can't stop, cum. Have to cum! Have to stop! Cum! Cum! So many slurping sounds in my ears! I'm a good boy!

"Kyet. Cum."

A flash of hot seed nailed the inside of my mouth, giving my last human vestiges a shock of surprise, eyes wide, only to dwindle away slowly for the final time, my steadily changing mind finally taking over. I closed my mouth completely around my cock, knotting it unintentionally as I swallowed each and every rope that lathered my mouth. Yellow, pungent, and salty. Kyet was my name, a word that had no meaning other than a realization that it was the sound my owner used when they wanted me. I looked up to them, panting with a happy, swaying tail as the cum in my mouth created strands that connected to other parts like a spider's web.

"Good boy." The human said, scratching my ears once again.

Good boy!? Good boy! Yes-yes! I am! I'm a good boy!!!

It'd been three months since then. I was laying on the grass in my backyard, that fall-summer weather perfect for the outdoors. Kyet was being the cute dog he always was, rolling around in the dirt, chewing on random objects. I made sure to feed him well today, he deserved it. Being a human was interesting, going to the same job that Kyet once did, meeting people, his family, I made sure they wouldn't worry too much about him, and I dare say that perhaps they like me plenty, never once thinking I was his doppelganger.

I wasn't sure how long I'd stay like this. In all honesty, I did this because in my long life I'd never tried being a human.

My thoughts were broken as Kyet brought a slobbery tennis ball to me held tightly within his mouth. "Are you going to let me have it boy?" I reached forward, only for him to growl playfully as he pulled his head to the side. The more I leaned to grasp it, the more he wagged his tail and twisted away, this time running in a complete circle only to look at me, leaning down his front and sticking his butt up in the air as he charged from one side to the other in wide half-circles, tearing up turf.

"Come on Kyet!" I yelled. "How am I going to keep throwing you the ball if you don't stop running from me?"

The thing fell from his maw near me as he barked several times, panting and chasing his tail for a quick second as I picked up the wet green orb, chucking it thirty feet ahead of me.

This was nice. Kyet was a good dog, properly house-trained too. He'd never be human again, but that look on his face? I don't think he'd want to be either. Plus, with him mating that feral female who showed up two months ago, it seemed he'd be a father here soon too.

Looking to my right, I heard another dog appear from between my house and the neighbor's, the happy German Shepherd known as Rex. I called to Kyet. "Hey! I think your boyfriend's wanting something!"

The two dogs ran at each other, greeting as they did with sniffs and laps to their rears. I always wondered what that felt like, since they enjoyed it so much. They both ran around, barking at each other, chasing one another as they nipped at each other's heels. The game they played would decide the next part. All they needed was a winner, and a loser.

And that loser was normally Kyet, just as he lost now. I figured he did that on purpose, because Rex soon clambered up onto his rear and humped. There was no hesitation, and both of their doggy dicks were already full mast from their fun. Kyet may not have been born a dog, but there was no denying that he was one now.

The pair kept barking as eventually that knot went deep inside Kyet's hole, his tongue flopping out as he looked like he was nearly going to pass out from the pleasure. Rex bit his mate hard on the neck, cumming deep into his ass. What good boys!

I laid back as the horny canines kept at it with whatever they did, playing, fucking, sucking, whatever would be allowed once that knot lost its swelling. It was nice being a human, being called Evan. I'd stay like this for a while, see what happens. Make sure Kyet has a nice time with his life as a dog. Going to the vet, feeding him, walking him, loving him.

Plus, this house really was too empty without a dog, and a brown husky like Kyet was exactly what was needed to make it real. Soon, years would pass, and I'd most likely forget that I did transform him, believing that he was a puppy I picked up from the store, and that maybe my own mind would believe I was always Evan. That was good for me, and good for him.

For Kyet was a dog through and through, experiencing true freedom and with nothing able to convince anyone if you asked them a question of his origin. He was a good dog, a good husky. He was --

A good boy.