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Gyro Feather ate a bunch of people at a bar. Now he wakes up with no memory of what happened. Join him on his journey to find out. This is pretty disposal heavy, so bear that in mind.Full Sized ThumbnailStory is by Rathalos122Posted using PostyBirb

Originally posted on 2020-09-12.

A long, pained groan escaped from Gyro Feather's beak when he finally stirred. A pounding headache hammered his skull and the rest of his body didn't feel much better. It didn't take the blue Gryphon overly long to figure out what exactly left him in this state, it wasn't exactly the first time he ended up like this. Predatory instincts and booze don't go well together, or maybe they go too well together. But Gyro wasn't one who would let the misfortune of others stop himself from having fun. And so, here he was: hungover, full of the remains of whoever was unfortunate enough to end up as gryphon chow and with no memories about the night before.

After a short look around, Gyro was forced to add 'No idea where I am' to that list. It was a nightclub of some sort, a rather lewd one at that judging by the stripper poles present throughout the entire venue. Aside from that, it was mostly standard fare: tables, bar, dance floor, all kept in a purple color scheme. The whole club was in a mess, a chaotic display of shattered glasses and clutter, almost as if all the ponies had fled in a wild panic. And judging by the size of his crop and lower gut, this might be a very accurate scenario.

Dammit, he looked downright bloated right now, almost like he was still working on his meal. But he could feel that all was processed nicely, nothing but a pellet and some more vile waste waiting to be released. Gently, he lifted one of his claws to his crop and gave the entire thing a slight lift. As he expected, it was very heavy, definitive proof that he ended a whole bunch of ponies last night. Which only made his lack of memories more annoying, he really would prefer to know what kind of mess he now has to sort out. Or, at the very least, know who was gone. Fortunately, once he hacked out the pellet the later part should solve itself.

And just as he thought about it, he could feel his body get to work. An angry groan was all he could achieve before his instincts took over and his throat muscles started working on their own. With no time to move to a more suited place for this, the dance floor will have to do. Hacking and coughing, his body desperately fought to get the pellet out of him, but progress was slow. That thing wasn't even properly leaving his stupid crop! But Gyro knew his body wouldn't stop until it was rid of it, and he had no intention to choke to death on his food remains. Again his claw went to his throat, but this time with nothing of his earlier gentleness. A hard, deep shove finally pushed the lump out of his crop and properly into his throat. While this arguably made this only more uncomfortable, now he could properly utilize the well-trained muscles of his gullet. He had managed a larger load than that, albeit in the other direction. Slowly and steadily the pellet was pushed upwards, every rhythmic pulse transporting it just a bit more toward freedom. Hacking and retching, he eventually felt the pellet enter his mouth, a bitter taste traveling over his tongue as he tasted his own inner juices. He almost began to fear he could have to reach inside his beak and pull out this big, dumb mass with his own claws when a massive heave rocked his entire body and he was finally rid of the wretched thing. It impacted with a loud, wet splash, intersected with the clatter of bones and an oddly metallic clank onto the dance floor.

"Celestia damn it, one day I actually should stop drinking. These morning-after surprises get worse and worse. So now let's see who to scratch out in my address book." But this was easier said than done, this wasn't some ordinary, single-prey pellet where you just need a single glance to figure out who it was. Instead, it was a wild mess of a multitude of colored fur, entangling an indecipherable amount of broken bones. And now that it was no longer compressed by his body it showed it full size, bigger than Gyro himself. To make matters worse the whole thing was still soaked with his salvia and, judging by the stinging stench, plenty of his stomach fluid. Definitely something one would rather keep their distance from. And to get to the bottom of last night's events, he would have to actually take it apart. And now that there was no longer a pressing concern to keep him distracted, his headache returned with a vengeance. "Urgh, what a mess, how did I fit all of you. Let's just really hope the bar has rubber gloves fit for gryphons."

Luckily, a short trot to the bar rewarded him with exactly that prize. Even better, he scored himself some painkillers, which he probably downed with a swig from the most expensive-looking bottle. Now, gloved and with his headache in the process of being taken care of, it was time to get to work.

But even with his claws protected, he still didn't really want to just blindly dig in, in fact avoiding that completely would be much preferred. A much better starting point would be to figure out the source of that metallic clatter he heard earlier. Walking around the pellet quickly served him with an answer. "Fuck me. I ate two night guards? That...might cause problems." No point in denying it, the pair of dark blue armor hugging a bundle of bones and dark fur pointed firmly in that direction. Although... it looked a bit off. One of his claws reached forwards and gave one of them a quick tap. A dull thud sounded through the room, Instead of the metal he expected, this thing was just made out of plastic. "Whew, just night guard strippers, you really had me worried there, guys." Yet, that still didn't explain the metallic noise and he couldn't see any other potential source. Just to be sure, he gave the other armor a test too, and this time it was definitely metal, meaning this was the real thing.

"Okay, what?" Earlier squeamishness forgotten, Gyro pulled the whole bundle out of the pellet, ignoring the disgusting wet squelch this action caused. Now that it was free, he could give it a proper inspection, with some interesting results. First of all, the remains inside the metal armor were certainly ones of a bat pony stallion, the fangs on the skull nested in the maroon fur left no doubt. Very likely a night guard. A stark contrast to the stallion in the fake armor, who turned out to just be a pegasus with black feathers and fur. Having a pegasus as a night guard stripper felt rather cheap in Gyro's opinion, the stallion could at least have dyed his green mane into something more fitting. But the most unusual tidbit was that the two skeletons were bound together by their legs with a combination of regular and fur-lined hoof cuffs.

"Soooooo, I cuffed a guard to a guard stripper and scarfed them down? I can see drunk me doing that." Honestly, it sounded like a fun idea even for sober times. "Just hoping that won't backfire on me." Scanning the room he eventually managed to spot the guard's helmet, laying right next to the battered door. Either the guard showed up and was taken down or Gyro actually dragged the bat in after some alteration on the street. Hopefully, it was just a lone one on patrol or something like that.

Although that raised another question. Being able to take down a guard while drunk was not something that would be possible without help. And since said help was nowhere to see...Gyro's gaze switched back towards the pellet. "Back to work, I guess. Let's get this behind me." Now he started to literally rip the pellet apart, pulling out chunks to inspect. Luckily most ponies in there were completely unknown to him and he could simply discard them. This one for example, some mare's skull, amidst yellow fur and red mane? Didn't ring any bells and was tossed to the side. Nor did he care for the grey and teal furred unicorn mare, the blue and brown-furred pegasus stallion, or even the singular gryphon in there, who's blue, white, and black feathers reminded him of a blue jay. But it wasn't long until he stumbled over the next point of interest.

"Ah, I scored myself a zebra, splendid." Zebras were always one of his favorite meals and from the look of it, he even had his fun with this one. Remains of rope snaked through the bones, a ball gag was still holding fast onto the skull and, even better, a sizable dildo right next to the pelvis. But now he noticed something else, a multitude of small golden rings interwoven with the loose mane and fur. "Hmmm, these are familiar....Ruzeth? A yes, the skull is just about the right size for him. Always wanted to tug you in, such a shame I don't remember it now." The small zebra alchemist had always been such a tempting treat for Gyro and he felt that it was almost a crime that Ruzeth was the only one in the city who could produce certain substances Gyro needed for his shipyard. The elated smile on Gyro beak faded away in an instant. "Fuck me. Now I have to get my supplies out of town. You are really screwing me over here, Ruzeth." One quick push with his claws and the zebra's skull was crushed and tossed aside. Now he noticed another reason to worry: Several potion bottles, luckily unbroken but empty. Even ignoring the danger of eating glass, this was concerning indeed. Who knows what kind of magical nonsense his drunk self had quaffed. Although considering the amount of prey he managed to fit, Gyro had a hunch. But, that aside, at least he had another point of last night figured out. Likely somewhat in the middle

"So, who else do we have here?" there wasn't much left of the pellet, it was more or less a shredded mess by now. Two unknowns were again discarded without a second thought but the last two finally sparked some proper recognition. The first thing that caught his attention was a more unusual skull. It looked mostly like that of a regular pony but the three horns on it were a clear oddity. Large and elegant, two and the side and one in the middle, angled backward in a fine curve, nestled in a mix of dark teal and white fur. A dragony's skull, a special one at that. "Ahh, Sanft. Looks like I finally went ahead and dumped you." A deep rumble went through his gut, "Oh, my. Right we still have to go to that part, but close enough. A shame really, I really liked the feeling of your cunt around my cock, but I was always going to end like that. Don't worry, I have already some replacements for you lined up!" A little black box amidst Sanft's remains caught his eyes. Its shape and size were just right for...indeed, opening it revealed a beautiful golden ring. "Bwahaha, really? A fucking ring? No wonder I scarfed you down if you come at me that clingy. At least it looks pretty valuable, you got that part right, It will probably fetch a good sum. As a matter of fact..." A quick pull freed Sanft's skull from the pellet and Gyro gave it a quick look, nodding happily when finding it intact and in one piece. "I know someone who would pay good bits for an exotic skull like yours." Both skull and ring were put to the side and Gyro shifted his attention to the last of his former 'guests'. At least things had been cleared enough that he no longer needed to dig in the vile remains to reach it. Good luck to whoever wants to clean this thought, by now the pieces of the pellet were scattered over the entire floor.

As elated as Gyro was due his little prizes, his mood was ruined in an instant when he identified the last pony. "Oh no, come on not you Rune. Of all the ponies it has to be you that died. Fuck, three months wasted, we were so close to getting that blasted contract." A long groan of annoyance escaped Gyro's throat. It had been such a great opportunity. For some reason, a dragon named Seres had decided that he wanted to move his entire hoard onto an airship. And since he didn't trust the regular lightweight hulls usually used, he was offering a good chunk of his hoard to whoever can build him one with proper armor. Easier said than done, heavy ship hulls he could do, but inventing a magical engine capable of actually turning it into a workable airship? A whole other issue. Luckily Gyro found a skilled rune crafter capable of achieving such a feat and after quite some trial and error dear Rune Chisel had developed a working design. And now he was dead. Quite inconsiderate of him.

Gyro was quite busy pacing around the room, wracking his head while trying to figure out a way out of this mess. He knew there were design documents, many of them in fact, but he likely hadn't had the knowledge to figure out which ones were the working ones. And hiring another rune crafter to go through the note of a "mysteriously killed" colleague might attract just the kind of attention Gyro would prefer to avoid. Also as soon as he thought about documentation and the contract, something started nagging in his mind, but frustratingly he could place it down. Then, suddenly, he got a spark of clarity through the hazy memories of the past day. Yes, of course, he got the contract! That was the reason he and Rune went drinking in the first place. And the final design documents were likely attached to it anyway, so he wouldn't need the stallion anymore.

Great relief coursed through his body, that had been quite a scare, but now he was in the clear. Or would have been if it weren't for his body interpreting this feeling of relief as a signal to start vacating the other half of the waste. It was going to be a big load, that much was obvious, and Gyro had barely any time to react. He needed to find a suitable place fast, one that had enough space without risking any kind of... backlog issue. He really should have thought of that earlier. One of the club's corners looked suitable, a table outfitted with a pole, surrounded by all sides with cushioned seats. The table should give him some good height and while he would definitely not be doing any pole dancing, having something to grab on was certainly a plus. Although he was certain he wouldn't really need it, even for a bigger load like this. His gizzard makes sure that nothing indigestible can reach his intestines, so everything would be smooth and easy to pass. As soon as he was in position he stopped holding it back.

It started as usual, just a bit faster due to the pressure. One brown log after the other, smoothly gliding out and plopping with a wet splash onto one of the seats. Really a shame, that upholstery looked expensive. But just as this thought crossed Gyro's mind, things started to take a turn for the worst. -squark- A very embarrassing sound escaped his beak when he suddenly felt something hard scrape along his insides. A quick glance backward once he passed that part confirmed his suspicion, he'd just passed a pony's leg-bone, sticking out proudly of the pile. Something that was not supposed to happen. And more came soon, bones, hooves and Celestia knows what other kinds of hard stuff he was feeling, all packed in a layer shit that did only little to cushion the sensations. At one point he was certain there were scales rubbing past his tailhole. "W-What is the meaning of this? Did I overload my gizzard or something? Is that even possible?" As much as he tried to slow it down, the gates were open and the pressure in his bowels alone did most of the work. His only "break" was whenever a skull lodged itself at his exit, slowly and painfully stretching it. And when it finally forced its way through, it wasn't too long until he had to fight with the next one. The pole had become quite useful after all, Gyro claws clamping onto it with an iron grip while he grunted and panted.

But there was one aspect about this spot that soon made him very much regretting his choice. More and more rancid waste was piling up on the seats behind him and even though some of it managed to slide to the floor, the pile soon got too height and he had to adjust his position. Seat after seat was topped off. Only then Gyro realized that he was essentially shitting a half-circle around himself, creating a prison of stench around him. There was no safe way to turn his head, everywhere something reached his nose. And it looked like there was even more to go, keeping him trapped in the midst of this mess. By this point, he had expelled about three times his own body size, way more than should be even remotely feasible. "Celestia dammit! What is going on? It's that blasted zebra potion, isn't it? It must be." Some capacity booster or internal shrinking magic or something. But since Ruzeth is dead there is no way to get behind that particular detail. That zebra seems quite intent to make his death as annoying for Gyro as possible. Rude.

In the end, Gyro didn't know how long he was trapped there, it all just combined into a haze of passing bones, shit, and skulls, broken up by the occasional readjustment of his position. All while trying to ignore the stench as much as possible. The only outstanding oddity was when he was passing something even bigger than the rest, something made of hard, smooth metal. A loud clunk echoed through the room when it slid off the pile and impacted onto the ground. But finally, the brown tide slowed down, the last few turds merciful smooth. Very much a relief after this ordeal. As soon as Gyro felt there was nothing else on his way he spread his wing and flew the fuck away from the mountain, crossing the room and desperately filling his lung with non-polluted air.

He just wanted to leave, to let all this behind him. But he couldn't afford to, the mess he just passed very much told him he hadn't gotten the full picture of yesterday's events. It would be prudent to figure out the rest. Of course, he was not all liking the prospect of digging through the monstrosity he had just expelled, but the sooner as he gets this done the sooner he can actually leave. Maybe he should arm up again, search for something that allows him to keep his distance or something. Luckily the backroom did indeed provide him with something. A quick twist removed the head of a mop and Gyro returned with a sturdy staff.

But it was only a marginal help he still had to go close enough to it that he was forced to endure the stench. This time he bothered even less with the regular pony skulls, though all in all he counted about eight of them. The only way to identify them would be to closely inspect the fur mixed with the waste around them and he definitely wouldn't do that. Hopefully, most of them were just unimportant bystanders. Only one of them stood out anyway, possessing some freakishly split jaw. But based on the green feathers around it, it was likely only a pegasus. Maybe the thing just got damaged on its way through him.

The first actually identifiable thing he found turned out to be a redshirt scrunched next to a broken gryphon skull and a mess of brown fur and feathers. He almost ignored it, until he spied the name tag on the shirt. After carefully fishing the shirt out with his pole, he was able to decipher the name on the dirtied tag. Saybin. "I... have no ideas who that is." A quick swing of the staff later and the shirt was sent sailing through the room. What a waste of his time, just searching through the mount was getting nowhere, maybe he should instead look for the oddities he had felt during the disposal. Starting with whatever that weird metal object had been. He was sure he remembered where it had been.

It certainly wasn't fun to crouch down and shovel shit out of the way, but his hunch was right and he quickly found it. Though he wished he hadn't. "Celestia dam it, is...that Luna's torc?" It certainly looked like it. The larger than usual horned pony-skull next to it and the blue fur speckled in the waste made things even worse. The only thing giving his mind even the slightest way out was the absence of any blue feathers. That and the fact that the club wasn't getting torn down by angry guards right now. "J-Just another stripper, yes nothing to worry, nothing at all!" Quickly the waste was pushed back in place, fully covering that part again. Gyro tried very hard to ignore and forget his most recent find.

A rather odd-looking gryphon skull provided some welcome distraction, especially once a closer look identified it to be an avian, rather than a fellow gryph. That dark-blue, crowlike beak was looking familiar. The long, violet tail feathers finally allowed him to fully place the identity: Skylar Stellarwing, a fellow competitor trying to snatch up Seres' contract for herself. Very satisfying to see her like this after all the trouble she had given him in the negotiations. "Awww, not only did you lose the contract, but now you also have lost your life to me. Such a tragedy. I wonder what hurt more, me getting the deal or the acids ripping away your flesh? Well, good riddance to you." And just like that, Gyro spirits were lifted again and the whole Luna situation almost forgotten.

Sadly that happy mood didn't last long, the last discovery worked wonders to ruin it. It started with just a few turds speckled with yellow turds. By itself, not a problem, but the sight seeded a certain worry in Gyro's mind. Staff in claw he dug deeper at this part and soon the scales became more prominent together with sturdy, non-pony bones. Finally found what he feared. A dragon's skull bearing the same horns Seres had possessed. "What? NO! Even drunk I can't be that stupid." But he couldn't deny the evidence right in front of him, the dragon was taken out by his gut, just one kill among the others. "Okay, think Gyro is there any way to salvage this?" a faint memory came to his mind, didn't the dragon carry a bag bearing all his documents? Should the contract be in there... "You know, why should you screwing up and dying stop me from getting my dues?" A bit more poking and digging later and he indeed found the filth encrusted bag. It was a stretch but it looked sealed enough that its contents might be unharmed.

A quick change of gloves later, and after moving well away from the disgusting mount, Gyro had removed the worst from the bag and was ready to open it. He let out a victorious screech upon seeing that it indeed contained the contract! Without hesitation he gave it a read, hopefully the wording would let things fall to his favor. And it looked promising, he would have to be crafty, sure, but with the right lawyer it should work out. If it weren't for the little fact that the contract was signed by Skylar, not him.

"What the fuck? Nonono, I definitely remember that dragon saying that I got it," It was still hazy, but he was certain that it happened. "Yes, yes he'd said we can sign it later after I bought him a few rounds..." His gaze turned back to the signature, noting the date behind it. Definitely signed a day before he had said conversation with the dragon "That scaled bastard! He was just leading me on and tricking a few drinks out of me. Who does that?" Now a few things finally made sense. He and Rune being pissed, angrily drunks, seeking revenge on the dragon. That is why he got himself some sort of capacity potion from Ruzeth, to be able to down a dragon. Saft, Ruzeth, and all the others were just casualties by Gyro being on a warpath, with Rune Chisel likely helping along. Of course, the stallion ended up getting murdered by Gyro's gut too, but that wasn't the Gryphons' problem.

A furious expression on his face, Gyro walked back towards the mount, pulled Sere's skull out of it, and smashed it with full force against the nearest wall. Satisfyingly it completely shattered, especially after Gyro added a few stomps for good measure. He was done here. Saft's ring and skull were safely deposited and a handy satchel he had found behind the bar and without giving the mess he caused a glaze, Gyro was out of the door.

The fresh air took him almost off guard, sure he knew the club's insides were an unpleasant, reeking mess right now but it must have been worse than he thought. At least his shocked pause had one good thing, without it he would never have looked at the club's walls. Multiple permanent markers hung from strings along the walls. The walls themselves were covered with all sorts of positive messages about the club, apparently the owners encouraged their guests to leave behind their review for all to see. Cute. Without any hesitation, Gyro left his own message behind: This place is nothing but a dumb. But that was enough time wasted, without further ado Gyro took to the skies and flew off. Hopefully, his house wouldn't be too far away.

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