Ars Technic Digimonae 1: Cool, Digimon! ^_^

Story by Cel on SoFurry

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#1 of Ars Technica Digimonae

The Department of Digimon Tracking and Control, United States of America. Digimon Spurhaltung Gruppe, Germany. Conseil pour le Cheminement de Digimon, France.

The DDTC and it's sister organizations in other governments around the world developed relatively quickly once it became obvious that the digital world was something that needed monitoring and control--especially after the D-reaper disaster, which had been nothing less than hell to cover up. Around the clock, men and women sat in front of their consoles, looking at events in the digital world encoded. They lived for code. Most of them were thoroughly grounded in the belief that digimon needed to be kept from the world at all cost--the D-Reaper had followed a group of young children and their digimon in, and only superior scientific minds were able to destroy it--while simultaneously forcing the children's digimon back to the digital world.

The only thing that 19 year old Ezra Harlow held in common with the DDTC was his passion for code. He was versed in various programming languages, and lived for challenges. He had also been a fan of the computer game. By disassembling the newest version of the Digimon game as he played it, he had made an incredible discovery--Digimon had their own reality outside of the game. That suspicion was confirmed with the outbreak of what other hackers on the 'net--or what was left of it at the time--had called the D-Reaper. Ever since it had subsided, he had been searching for a way to make those Digimon a reality. In his small computer repair and contract programming shop, he was running analysis on that particular subject nearly twenty-four hours a day.

Governments everywhere had disallowed the keeping of digimon by citizens, but that hadn't stopped many digimon enthusiasts who were intent on having a digital companion. Ezra was interested in them because they always listened to him. He knew that on the other side of his screen somewhere, his actions influenced someone. His Renamon. He had I/O logs, he had TCP logs, he had memory dumps, every single thing that went on in the computer he used for digimon was recorded. And yet, all that data yielded nothing other than the realization that he was getting nowhere and he was getting nowhere fast.

With a sigh, he looked at the screenshot of Renamon that he used as the wallpaper on his main monitor. In it, she was looking almost directly at him. It was that look in her eyes at that moment that he looked to whenever he was in doubt about what he was doing. Those big, black and blue eyes. They looked like they held so many emotions in that picture, even though it was a real-time rendering on a graphics card. The look in her eyes told him that she could easily take on anything in either the digital world or the real one, but at the same time, it looked like she was looking for something else. When he had first taken the screenshot, he had touched the monitor with two of his fingers in a vague attempt to make contact with her on a higher level than his USB card reader. Not surprisingly, it hadn't worked.

The clock just below it read 01:42. Quarter of two. AM. A time that he generally tried to be in bed by, but the earlier part of the day had held a rather exciting anomaly, but it just turned out to be another program in memory that he wasn't keeping track of. With another sigh, he switched the monitor off and went into his bed.

Ezra was awakened by the sound of a ringing alarm. It wasn't his alarm clock, and it took a few moments for his brain to register what was happening. That was an audible tie-in to the burglary alarm system, and it could only mean one thing. He jumped out of his small bed, still wearing his blue bathrobe, to retrieve the one home defense item he owned: a 9mm Glock that was kept in his desk. If he was lucky, whoever had just broken in was unarmed. If he was unlucky, well, then he wouldn't have to worry about completing his research. Either way, problem solved, a small part of his mind told him as he pulled the slide back on the weapon.

From the sounds that were issuing from the parts room adjacent to his own room, they were ransacking his parts shelves, probably hoping to salvage something that might fetch them a few dollars. Ironically enough, since most of what was in there didn't work, they wouldn't get very much of a profit from it. He opened the door and raised the gun to where the sounds were coming from.

"S-stop," he said. His statement was answered by three turning heads.

"You said there wouldn't be anyone here," the tallest member of the trio said, quite calmly.

"Well, I was obviously mistaken, wasn't I?"

"I don't invest in mistakes. You're not here to make mistakes, you're--"

"Quiet. The police will be here any minute," Ezra said. His drawling voice did little to intimidate the trio. They were probably smiling underneath the black masks that shrouded their face. Doing his best to appear unchanged by the carefree attitude of the criminals, he continued. "We're going to wait here until they arrive."

"Hmm," the one that looked like he was the leader said, cocking his head to one side in a gesture of consideration. "No. I don't think we'll be doing that. Natalya?"

Ezra heard a noise from above him, but it was too late. Before he had time to react, a form dropped from above him, hitting him squarely on the head with something extremely hard. Every muscle in his body went limp, and he fell to the floor, only dimly aware of what was going on around him. His gun was kicked from his hand, causing him enough pain to only barely know that one of the trio--quartet?--was screwing a silencer onto a gun not entirely dissimilar from his own.

"You'll never make that mistake again," one of the voices--probably the one holding the silenced gun--said. "You won't be making any mistakes again." What went through his mind as it gradually recovered and began to understood the severity of the situation wasn't an abbreviated life history, regrets, any of that. It was the digimon that he would never be able to bring into the real world. Nearly any one of them easily could have gotten him out of this situation. But he wasn't smart enough, or fast enough. Specifically, his thoughts turned to the Renamon that he had adopted in the game. How would she do without the upgrade cards, or the help in combat digivolution? Would she miss the help? A pang of guilt took up residence in what was left of his mind.

He gritted his teeth, partially against the pain and partially against the robbers, doing his best to look defiant. He never knew how well he did, because before he could, the man pulled the trigger of the gun.

CLICK! Nothing happened. CLICK! Again, nothing.

"Damn, it's jammed. I knew we shouldn't have bought from Renaldo again."

"Here. Quickly, we have to get outta here."

Ezra opened the eye that had closed just before he was sure his life was about to end to see a gun being tossed aside and another one changing hands. The second gun was cocked and leveled at his head.

"Diamond storm!" A female voice rang out and echoed through the small room, accompanied by the shining light of a thousand crystalline shards flying over his head. Ezra heard a few brief screams, and then, for the first time in his life, he fainted.

Ezra opened his eyes. A useless gesture, apparently, since wherever he was, it was dark enough so it didn't matter. That brought up an interesting question itself: where was he, anyway? The only thing he concretely knew at the moment was that he had a throbbing pain in the back of his head. He sat up from his prone position and ran his hand over the large bump that had taken up residence there. It certainly wasn't going away any time soon. That, he could live with...but he knew he should be home--or at least not somewhere in the middle of nowhere in a dark room. He wrinkled his brow in thought as he tried to trace what he had been doing since the last thing he remembered.

"You are awake." His heart skipped three consecutive heartbeats.

"Who are you?" He asked the vaguely familiar female voice.

"That blow to the head must have done more damage than I thought." That wasn't the answer he was looking for at all. It did, however, explain the memory loss he was experiencing.

"I...I still don't know who you are." There was another long, uncomfortable pause while he waited for an answer. he closed his eyes for a second, and when he did, he felt something touch his shoulder. his heart skipped another few beats--he liked to think that he had decent hearing, but he hadn't heard anything at all other than his own breathing. This situation was making him very uncomfortable--chiefly because he couldn't see a thing. Standing up shakily, he moved in the direction of what he hoped was the light switch. With a little stumbling, a little feeling around, and a little luck, he eventually found it and flipped it on. He turned around to see who his mystery companion was, and his heart skipped another three or four heartbeats. Standing before him, at full 6 foot height, was a digimon. A Renamon. His Renamon, he realized, when he saw her light blue eyes.

"You--you''re real. You''re a Renamon, and you're real. You're real..." As his eyes moved over her fur-covered body, his memory returned. Those robbers, they were going to kill him... "You're real...and you saved my life."

"Of course. You are my tamer."

"Your...tamer?" Next to her feet was what looked like a large, rotund PDA...a D-arc? Ezra picked up the small, light blue device and looked and the screen. It was a digivice, alright. A genuine d-arc, the central mechanism by which digital code was realized. If only he had one of these earlier...

"How did you get here?" He asked.

"I do not know." She answered, kneeling down beside him. Now at eye level, he noticed that the color of her haunting black and light blue eyes matched the color of his D-arc perfectly. "One moment, I just...knew. The next moment, I was watching you getting thoroughly beaten," Ezra saw the slightest of grins on her face as she finished the sentence. "I drove off your attackers and took you here."

"You saved my life," he repeated in awe.

"You are my tamer." She repeated again, as simply as before.

"What is your name?"

"My name?"

"Yes. Your name. Mine is Ezra Harlow."

"I'm Renamon."

"No, that's what you are. I want to know who you are." The Renamon cocked her head slightly, evidently confused.

"I'm Renamon. I'm your Renamon."

"That may work in the digital world, but here I'd rather call you by something other than race--"

"If you wish to call me by something else, I would not object. You are my tamer."

"Well, then, what would you want me to call you?"

"How do you humans normally name your animals?"

"Well, um..." Ezra thought for a few moments. "Usually it's something they do, or a unique feature about them. your eyes."

"My eyes?"

"Aren't they usually darker?"

"Yes, I'm...they're corrupted. Not functionally," she added quickly. "It is a...mutation, from--"

"Well, I like them. And they remind me of the moon. So, how about Luna?"

"Luna?" She looked at her reflection in the tiled floor and gave Ezra a small smile. "I like it."

"It's settled, the way, where are we?" He asked, looking around the empty room. It almost looked like a bathroom, minus the...bathroom part.

"The first empty building I saw. I did not know if there were going to be others who wanted to hurt you, so I took you here."

Wherever they were, it couldn't be too bad, so Ezra opened the door. It seemed like Luna had taken him to empty bathroom of the new gas station they were building down the street. He could see his house from here, surrounded by police cars.

He had forgotten about the alarm. He obviously couldn't go back there with his digimon--it was unlikely that any one of them would recognize her as a digimon, but since the incident with the D-Reaper entity in Tokyo a year ago, a surprising number of adults were aware of the existence and potentials of digimon, so having her masquerade as something else didn't seem like a particularly good idea.

No, a much better idea would be to simply wait until they all went away and decided that he hadn't been present for the event.

"We should wait a while before going back." He said over his back, to where the 'bathroom' was.

"Why?" Said Luna's voice from his immediate left. While his heart didn't stop this time, he was still surprised by it.

"I'd rather wait until the police leave. I don't know how they would react"

"I understand," Luna said with a nod.

Luna spent the time waiting sitting on the ground with her eyes closed. Ezra spent the time sitting across from Luna, half-staring at her, not knowing if she was sleeping, or meditating, or...what. His eyes found themselves looking at the symbols that covered her body--the the yin-yang on her arms and thighs and the small lines below her eyes.

"What's it like?" She asked, out of the blue.


"The Real World."

"As opposed to the 'net?"

She nodded.

"I've never been...physically. To the digital world, I mean. I've read Ryo's accounts of it--at least before they were cleared out by the DDTC--I don't know. I know that you won't find any stray data packets floating anywhere around downtown Boston." The Renamon opened her eyes and looked down at the floor after briefly meeting his gaze.

"You know, a lot of digimon would have done anything to come here."

"But none of them are. You are."

"Yes, I know. But don't it expect it to stay that way."

"What do you mean?"

"The Chaos didn't destroy some Digimon's dreams of coming to this world. It put them on hold for a while, certainly, especially with the temporary side-effects of whatever it was you did to arrest it when it made the transition to the real world."

It was Ezra's turn to nod. The effects of whatever the Tokyo-centered Hypnos program had done to the D-reaper were well known across the net--Ryo, judging by his internet posts after the incident dealing with his adventures as a tamer had been all to clear about that. Ezra's own grounding in quantum mechanics was relatively loose, but he had assumed after reading of it that since a finite amount of energy had been put into the reaction, the result would only last for a similarly finite amount of time.

"I understand that. It's something that both humans and civil digimon alike are going to have to come to terms with--these two worlds exist in parallel now, and regardless of how hard anyone tries, the links can not be severed. But why do you bring up the subject?"

"I just want to warn you. I might not be what you were hoping for in a digimon." This time, it was Ezra who put his hand on Luna's shoulder. Unlike he had, however, Luna did not respond by standing up.

"And I might not be what you were hoping for in a tamer." He took a brief glance out of his window. This kind of conversation wasn't his strong point. Of course, conversations with digimon weren't the strong point of a great number of people anyway, so he tried not to hold it against himself. "Luna...When we get home, there's something I'd like to do, but I don't know how you would feel about it."


"If you wouldn't mind, I'd like to scan your code."

"Why would you wish to do that?" she asked.

"It's always been something I've wanted to do...I think it would help me to understand your abilities and how to use them here. And I'm curious. But I wouldn't hold it against you to say no. Obviously, it's every bit of yourdata, and since I'm not familiar with it's, uh..." he searched for an appropriate word. 'Format' just didn't seem to fit the context when he was touching the 'file' with his hand, and he was able to feel every time it inhaled a breath. "...arrangment, i'd have no way to differentiate between the code of your attacks, and say...your memories."

"If you think it will help you as my tamer, you can do whatever you wish." She said, with what seemed to Ezra as a hint of sadness. She wasn't telling him something.

"You're sure? You're absolutely sure?"

"Yes. You are my tamer. I have no secrets from you. I only ask that whatever you find, you don't think any less of me for it." She broke eye contact again, turning her gaze once more to the ground.

"There's nothing that could be in your code that would me think any less of you. You saved my life. For that, I can never thank you enough."

"The other vehicles are gone," she said suddenly, without really answering what he had said. She was right, thought--the last police cruiser had just started driving down the road, probably headed off to some other crime scene or donut shop. Ezra promptly rushed over to the house. Hopefully, they hadn't done anything with his computers. That would have raised flags on so many levels, it wouldn't have been funny. Once he opened the door, he flipped the switches on the antiquated monitors.

Nope. Everything was exactly as he had left it.

"Um...where do I..." Luna's voice asked from behind him, after a minute or so of silence from him as he searched through logs to make sure that none of them had been on his computer and hid themselves moderately well.

"Oh. Right. The scan." Ezra motioned her into another computer chair as he looked for sthe scanner, whose drivers and design-like so many other things - had been leaked from Hypnos by a very open-source minded member of the Monster Makers.

"This could take a while. These computers are good, but I don't have a staff and government funding to do my work."

"What do I do?"

"Just relax. It shouldn't be painful."

Once everything was plugged in, he started up the scanning module. Luna, whom he kept close watch on for the first minute, twitched once at the start of the process but she quickly recovered. After making sure she was still alive, he turned down the scanner's intensity and took the digivice out of his pocket. The link between that little thing and the digimon it was connected to. Maybe there would be something about that relationship in her code. He watched the scanners output as it scrolled across five of the six monitors that were attached to his two computers. It would take a year alone to figure out what any of that meant without the proper decoders.

"Does thirty-three gigabytes sound right to you?"

"Yes. Thirty-three million, seven hundred twenty six thousand, four hundred thirty two bytes."

"Okay..." he said, just before having another idea. "Just how much do you know about yourself, from a data standpoint?"

"It begins and ends with my size, which I only know to use as a gauge of my strength. How much do you know about your DNA?" Luna smiled at him.

"Good point," Ezra said, setting the digivice underneath one of his monitors. "Despite that I'm doing this...I don't want you to get the impression that I perceive you as this," he gestured at the ever-growing mass of binary code. "I've just never had the oppurtunity, and well...I don't know if I ever will again, and--" Her three fingered-hand sudddenly went from being on the arm of the chair to being on his wrist, as if she had just willed it to change places.

"I understand, Ezra. It does not bother me. You are my tamer. Every bit of me is yours to know, if you wish." Ezra placed his free hand on top of hers. It was surprisingly soft--he had always pictured it being rough, more like the hair of a dog. But it reminded him much more of a the fur of a young cat.

"Luna, just because I'm your tamer doesn't make your unconditional superior. For all the research I've put into the subject, you know far more about digimon than I do. You are one. Now--"

"Is that me?" She asked. He followed her eyes to the one unoccupied screen on his monitors. At first, he thought she was talking about the data that was streaming across the other five, but he quickly realized that she was talking about his wallpaper. He immediately suppresed an

embarrassing blush.

"Yes, yes it is. I keep it there as a reminder that the digital world has a more sophisticated aspect from what I throw out thre." he said, hoping that she wouldn't take it the wrong way. He was already sure that her first impression of him was something far different than what he would have hoped.

"When was that?" she asked, demonstrating more of an understanding of what the image was than he would have thought to attribute to her.

"Um, after you fought DarkLizardmon, I believe."

"That was when I realized someone else was there."

"You mean you didn't already know I was helping you?"

"I did not. And I was still not entirely sure until I arrived here."

Ezra pursed his lips in thought. So many things he thought he knew had been thrown out by Luna's off-hand comments. She was obviously happy to be in the real world, but he couldn't be as sure that she was satisfied with her tamer. For the last twenty minutes or so of the scan, there was complete silence between the two of them--not because of any hostility, but simply because neither of them said anything to the other. Ezra went back to examining the digi-vice, trying to come up with a way to interface with it. It had a twelve-pin serial port on the back of the device under a small flap, but he had no way of knowing what the proper voltages were for what pin, or even what pin did what. He'd have to probe it later when he had some time. If he was very lucky, there would be something within it that would help him to understand Luna's baseline code.

"Scan complete," his computer announced. "Writing buffered data to disk."

Ezra pulled the scanning pads off of Luna's head, whose ears went back to their original position after having been back to allow the scanner pads to sit evenly.

"Are you alright?" he asked, setting the scanner onto his desk next to the digivice.

"I feel...tired," she said, standing up shakily. "I have never felt this tired before."

"You've never had a one-to-one copy made of you before," he offered. That was another thing that he had never thought of.

"Where do you want me to rest?"

"Oh, right. Um..." Something else he hadn't thought of. "I have a spare mattress in the room upstairs," he said. "But it isn't covered or anything."

"That's alright." Luna said exasperatively.

Ezra took his digimon up to the guest room that was above the shop and downstairs residence. He found a fleece blanket in one of the drawers, which he placed on top of the mattress.

"Tomorrow, I'll clean this so it doesn't look like you live somewhere that was just shelled.", he offered, picking up a few random things to throw out on his way down. By the time he turned around, Luna had somehow already managed to lay down on the mattress and fall asleep. Despite himself, he found himself watching her for a few minutes. The way she was laying was very out-of-character from what he had observed of her personality so far. She was laying curled up, with her legs up to her stomach and her arms, gauntlets included, crossed across her chest. The only word he could find to describe it was 'cute', and that just..didn't fit.

Also despite himself, he was beginning to realize that she had quite an attractive physique, even though she wasn't human. That train of thought led his eyes up her legs, thigh and stomach, coming to an eventual halt on the tuft of white fr that covered her chest. He spent another few moments there, debating on whether or not she had breasts beneath it. Her arms were masking where they would be, but it looked like there were two small spherical objects hiding behind them.

"Do you need something?" The Renamon's voice startled him more than ever, sending him falling backwards into a stepladder, then quite ungracefully to the floor.

"You've been standing there looking at me for ten minutes," she said sleepily. "Do you need something?"

"Uh, no...just--no." He stammered, standing up and bending over to hide his growing erection. "Good night," he said quickly. He was far too...excited to go back to sleep, though. He went back to his computer to see what he could do with the digivice.

Try as he did, though, he couldn't take his eyes off of the desktop wallpaper, and similarly, he couldn't seem to rid himself of the bulge in his pants. It came to the point when he could no longer stand it, and unzipped his pants, rubbing his cock vigorously while gazing at Luna's screenshot. He knew it was wrong on so many levels, but he didn't care. It exciting, to be jerking off to someone who was barely even thirty feet away from you.

With a groan, he knelt down on the floor, bracing himself against the computer desk and pounding his hand harder against his cock. He pictured Luna there in the place of his hand, with her ass against his front and her head down on the ground in front of him in complete submission. The mental image he was formulating only made him want her more and more, and he compensated by gripping his dick tighter and jacking harder, moving his palm against the full length of his shaft, emitting soft moans for the entire time.

"Oh, Luna..." he said, surprising himself at the moment he was no longer able to contain himself. He gripped his cock tightly as load after load of his come dripped down onto the floor. He grasped the side of his desk and caught a few breaths of air. That had certainly done it in the terms of making himself tired again. The rest of this stuff would simply have to wait until the next morning.

For Love of Love 1: A Meeting in the Woods

_The Sword sang on the barren heath, the Sickle in the fruitful field the Sword he sang a song of death,_ _ but could not make the Sickle yield. ** ...

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**Excerpt from Dylan Murphy's The Final Conflict:** Digimon. Originally a development of functional AI at a Tokyo university, through various processes, they broke the bounds of their original code and began to develop new routines of their own, even...

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