
Story by WhiteFire Sondergaard on SoFurry

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This story, which I have no better title for the moment for, takes place in the same world as the Brother's set of stories. That huge mess can be found at in a draft state. It's getting kinda large.

As is typical of my one-offs, this draft is mostly unedited. The errors may offend those of a more literary bent.

This story contains nonconsentual situations. It also contains sex between males of different species. If either of these are either 1. offensive to you, or 2. illegal in your country/state/province/etc, please stop reading here.

~ Thief ~

Fuck fuck fuck.

That was about all that was going through my mind at that moment as I ran for my life.

From the sounds of it the entire town was following me. Who would have thought that a town would be so loyal to their Lord Wizard?

There was a howl behind me as I jumped clear over a small bush. They must have some sort of beast tracking me.


Okay, I suppose I lied. There was one other thought that was trying to distract me at the time. Why oh why had they chosen this day to redo their entire guard and patrol schedule?

I had done everything right. Executed my plan perfectly. Defeated every ward, every trap. But no, they had to change the guard an hour early.

A stream. Perfect. Okay, down the stream like this until they were all in it. Loop around until I hit the point where I entered it and follow it the other way. That ought to get rid of the damned tracking beasts.

Well, it was a nice plan, anyway.

The stones of the riverbed had other ideas, and shifted under my foot, tossing me face first into the stream. I did not have the time that cost me. Still, I tried. I bolted through some bushes, feeling like I was made of lead with all the water in my fur and clothes.

I burst through into a clearing and...


I ran right into a circle of guards and townsfolk. They had gotten ahead of me, and my perusers closed the noose behind me.

I was dead. That is all there was to it. I had failed completely.

I fished the damned amulet out of my vest, and dropped to my knees in the center of the circle of angry eyes. I held it up on the palms of my hands. There was no sense trying to deny it, I may as well just get it over with.

The Lord Wizard himself stepped forward to take it from my palms. He was a squirrel. You know, any other time, that could have been humorous.

He said, "Well, at least you take defeat well, thief." He looked down at me, and then said, "I don't suppose that you will be so kind as to save me the trouble of extracting the name of your employer, would you?"

I thought about that. He would kill me, horrifically, if I gave that up. Then again, he was going to kill me horrifically anyway. Fuck him.

"Lord Wizard, I will, for one boon."

He looked angerly at me. He was just amused before, but those eyes... I swear by everything I know they honestly glowed.

So what. I was dead anyway.

"You are hardly in a position to dictate terms, thief. You will not be granted your miserable life. That belongs to me to dispose of how I please now."

I shook my head, and I said, "Lord Wizard, you mistake me. I have no such illusions. All I ask is that you grant me a swift and merciful death in exchange for the name."

I took some pleasure in the fact that stopped him cold. It also nicely silenced the mumbling crowd around us.

He walked around me slowly. I suppose I could have tried to take a shot at him. I had all sorts of surprises hidden on my person, as most thieves did. But what's the point? Even if I killed him the guards would finish me off, and if not them, an angry mob. So I just lowered my hands to my sides.

Besides, maybe this wizard would make my employer's life difficult.

"Why, little thief, do you so want to die?"

I found myself shrugging, and explaining. Why not? "The one that hired me, and I use that term loosely, described to me in quite vivid terms how he would kill me if I did not take his job, or complete it in a timely fassion. That is why, Lord Wizard. I am already dead. It's now just by who's hand, and how long it takes."

I looked down, there was nothing more to say. Either he would take the terms, or I would resist in the hopes that death by his torture was less horrific than what had been described to me.

"Ahhhhhh, forced. Thats why you would give up the name so easily. I had never seen a thief so willing before." The Wizard sounded thoughtful, and the crowd murmured to itself as it contemplated this turn of events. I think some of them might even have sounded sympathetic.

He decided, and spoke, "So be it thief. I will promise you your quick and painless death, to be delivered before your employer can give his. Now, the name."

I did. I spilled everything, too. I told him how he approached me, I gave him the tools I was provided to defeat his wards. Everything. By the time I was done he didn't even have any questions to ask.

"Guards, bring him. We will give him his reward once I have verified this tale."

They forced me to my feet, and searched me. I was secretly amused as they just kept finding things on me, a little dagger here, a throwing knife or five there. The humor was lost though when the guard captain said, "to hell with this, just strip him."

Some of the townsfolk had lingered, curious now that the evening's rampage through the countryside was done. So I got the pleasure of being stripped out of my clothes in front of a good number of people.

Still, I didn't resist. I was not about to make his Lordship question our deal.

Honestly, I didn't have anything to be ashamed of. I have a solid black pelt, and I mean everywhere. It's rare, and considered handsome among sables. Sleek, well exercised by my work, a little ponytail... hey, I have my pride. Apparently some of the girls found it amusing enough from the giggles. Too bad they didn't do anything for me in return.

Oh well, no reason to break their illusions.

My public humiliation was kindly ended by the captain after he decided he had made my loincloth at least safe. So I was allowed a little decency. Apparently that was the cue for the townsfolk to get back to their beds, the crowd just evaporated as I was taken in.

At some point I thanked the captain for the kindness. He just grunted at me.

You know the type.

I must say, the accommodations were not so nice. I was taken to a small cell, and shacked kneeling with my arms outstretched to the sides. I guess they thought I was still potentially dangerous.

Boom went the door, and I was alone.

I tried to find a comfortable position, but, none was to be found. Cold stone floors, kneeling, and arms hanging from shackles just do not mix well. I had hours to wait, it seemed.

I tried to entertain myself with poking around with my long tail, I have pretty good control of it, though it's too fluffy to be of much use in escaping or such.

That wore thin after a while.

To add insult to injury, the water in my fur made absolutely certain that I would cramp up in the worst way.

Eventually I managed to get into that space. Drifting, disconnected from my body. It's something I perfected over the years to deal with long waits in very inconvenient spots. Sometimes when things go wrong, you have to wait it out. Sometimes being wedged somewhere is the only way your going to get in.

It was just before dawn when the Wizard returned with his guards. It had been long enough that I hurt everywhere, and I had dried out. He looked ... singed. His head fur was charred on one side. That was very puzzling at first.

Then a guard followed them in with a head on a silver platter. No really, I mean that literally.

I had to smile, and I looked up at the man and I said, "Thank you for showing me this, Lord Wizard. It means a great deal to me."

Yep. It was the bastard that hired me. Or his head anyway. He looked like he died afraid.

I could not have asked for more.

The wizard chuckled and waved the head away. He said, "I am glad that meets with your approval, thief. Now, that brings up some... possibilities for you."

I realized what he meant. I no longer had to fear death from that man, so it was now in the power of this Lord Wizard to grant me my life.

I had been beyond fear up until that point. I had been resigned.

But now... he had given me the faintest hope. Hope, however, means I had something to lose. I had something to be afraid of.

It's amazing how fast your feelings can change on you.

He chuckled at me, and I wondered if he said that just to torment me a little before my execution. He obviously enjoyed my reaction.

"Now, to be fair, you have completed your part of the bargain, and I am satisfied as to the truth of your words. So, at any time thief, you may ask for your promised death, and it shall be granted."

"However", he continued, "I have a proposal to make. It will make me a little cash, and will allow you to live out your life in... relative peace."

It was then that I saw the white spotted cat. I had passed over him before, but something clicked. Then I realized it. He dressed in the colors of the Slaver's Guild.

That hit the pit of my stomach.

I found myself saying, "My Lord Wizard", and that was the truth, I was his now, making him my lord. "Please forgive me for not being terribly enthused at your offer, but the opportunity to live out my life in hard labor does not strike me as much of an alternative to death."

The cat then said, "Your Lordship, may I?" The squirrel just waved his hand.

"Now, what I see for you is nothing so droll as that. You see, you have a fine build to you. Good eyes. A lovely pelt."

What the hell was he talking about?

"Nothing so droll as the fields for you, no. If, and I stress if, you accept the change in your life fully. If you don't then I would have no choice but to waste you on such things."

Okay, I must admit, I must have had a rather stupid expression on my face. This turn of events was a little too fast for me to wrap my mind around. I found my voice deciding to come out on it's own, "Good sir, just what position are you offering?"

"Ah, respectful at least. My proper title is Master Slaver." I just nodded dumbly, "I am sure you know what a pleasure slave is, yes?"

Surely my eyes could not bulge out of my face any further.

I again was speaking, I wish that would stop, I'd much rather think. "You... I...." then I managed to beat it down long enough to form a coherent thought. "Master Slaver, with all due respect, you can not possibly be serious. I am a thief, who in the world would trust me in their bed??"

The Lord Wizard made a little yawn at this point, and he said, "he is yours if he agrees, otherwise let my guards know. I am quite done with this for the night." He promptly left, and all but one of the guards did. The slaver had him wait outside and close the door.

Really, I was not much of a threat after all. Even if I magically picked the locks, which sadly is not a skill that I have, I would barely be able to fling my arms around wildly at him in the condition they were currently in.

He came to one knee before me, and took a close look at me. "Mmmm, maybe a bit younger than I thought. All the better. Anyway. I can arrange it so your papers simply explain that you were made a slave by right of conquest when your lord, the good Lord Headless back there, was defeated."

"Master Slaver", and I didn't know why I was bothering to use his title, I mean, this was all insane. Still... he had a presence about him. I just could not bring myself to insult the man. Anyway, I was saying to him, "I don't even like the girls, I would have no idea what to do with them. Are you not afraid I would try and escape?"

He chuckled and he says, "they will not be an issue in this. As for escape, I think I am willing to take that risk. You will cost me nearly nothing, and if you shape up right, I could make quite a profit."

"And... I see the potential in you. You are smart, and you accept what the fates deal you. I saw how you took your defeat. You didn't fight it, you just did the best you could with it. I was quite impressed."

Why did his praising me like that make me feel good? It must be something in the tone, or maybe magic, surely. I don't know much about how slavers work, really, most people don't. They avoid them whenever possible.

"If you can accept this, you can not only live, but you will have a fairly easy life. Even when you grow too old to be a proper bed toy, pleasure slaves are often kept around for sentimental reasons by their owners, or at worst, delegated to light house duty."

I really didn't know what to say. I guess what he said made sense. Which was scaring the hell out of me, mind you.

"Your choices: die tonight and see what the fates have in store for you in the afterlife. Pretend to accept, and try and escape. Maybe you'll even get away. Then you can spend the rest of your life hunted, or worse. You know the Empire looks dimly on escaped slaves. Or accept what has been dealt to you, and live."

He waited patiently for me, that in of itself felt strange. He was being so... nice about it.

I guess in a way, that helped me take it seriously. He let me mull over the options, which he had quite correctly laid out, and decide my own fate.

Hunted was not much of an option. There isn't much of anywhere for an escaped slave to go, and I was so unusual in coloration and breed that I would have a hell of a time blending back into a town somewhere.

So that left, live as a fucktoy, or go to the afterlife.

Aw, fuck it. Not much to lose here.

"Master Slaver, I accept your proposal."

I could always go get myself killed later if it turned out to be the wrong choice, eh?

He lifted my chin with a finger, and made me look up at him. He had lovely eyes, to be honest. I don't know why that struck me at that moment, but there you have it. And it was difficult to look into them considering the situation.

"Now, boy." Being addressed that way hurt, but, that is what I was agreeing to. I better get used to it. "In exchange for your life, I want you to look me in the eye and give me your word that you will give me your best. Be as good a slave as you can. There is some pride you can take in that, don't turn it down."

Pride? As a slave? That odd comment aside, why was he asking for the word of a thief? And why was I finding it difficult to say it? It's just words, right?

"You have my word, Master Slaver."

Why did that feel so very final?

"Guard, come in here and release my slave."

The guard opened the door and came in, and he looked funny at the slaver. I guess I did too. "Are you certain, Master Slaver? We found that man with more knives on him than we have in our armory."

He gave the guard a look that scared me, and it was not turned on me. It certainly got the guard to back down, he unlocked the shackles with no further instruction, mumbling something like, "as you wish, Master Slaver."

My arms fell limply to my sides. Thud thud. How very graceful I must have seemed. That cat stood up and just waited patiently for me to roll my shoulders, stretch out my arms, and then legs which proved to be in considerably better shape. With a little inward sigh, I found myself saying, "Master Slaver, may I stand?"

"Just Master will do for now, slave. Yes, you may stand, and follow me."

It took a minute for me to get my feet properly under me, and walk. He didn't help, but he didn't rush me. It felt odd. Shouldn't he smack me or something for taking so long?

We left what I had so recently though would have been my execution chamber, and headed outside. During our little chat the sun had risen. It made me squint, I was not prepared for the light.

Being lead through the streets very nearly nakid proved to be an experience. I was fairly sure that he was doing this on purpose, but even still, it had what I presume was the desired impact. I felt very small. The snickers and finger pointing, the looks, where was this pride in slavery that he had spoke of? I sure was not feeling it.

At the inn, we stopped by his carriage. A nice affair, I would have targeted it as a mark for a little pilfering in the night if it didn't have the emblem of the Slaver's Guild on it. Seriously, stealing from them was just about as smart as stealing from a Wizard, or so they said. Having first hand experience with the later, I found that saying a lot more potent.

He pulled out various collars and compared them to my neck. They were nothing like I had ever seen before. The metal was very cleanly brushed, and each was more than a band of metal. The one he selected was made of two twisting metal bands that wound together to form the collar.

He nodded to himself. I was feeling very quiet at that point.

As I was marched to the blacksmith, I was going over it in my head. Why was I doing this? Why was I not planning how I was going to make a run for it? He didn't even have me bound in any way.

At some point I sighed, and he looked back at me curiously. Quite observant this one was. Anyway, the sigh came from the conclusion. I knew the answer. This honestly was the only chance I had at anything resembling a life.

It was a three person job, if you counted me. The feline helped me hold myself at a very awkward angle so that my neck was pressed to the side of an anvil, with the collar around it, so that the rivet joining them could be pounded into place by a bear who, I swear, had an arm as big around as my chest.

Four strikes of the hammer. The ringing of it echoing in my mind. My sentence for my crime was now affixed firmly around my neck.

It felt rather heavy to me.

Back through the town again, except now I was dressed in a little loincloth, and a nice shiny collar that showed vividly against my pelt. I kept my eyes on my feet, my tail low, and my ears pinned back the entire way. From the sounds that reached my ears this was of great amusement to those we passed by.

Into the inn, up the stairs, and to the room he had rented.

Speaking of bears, there was a big white one in the room. Light armor, weapons, a bodyguard I would guess. Why didn't he have this guy along when he picked me up? No, I'm smarter than that. I just didn't like the answer. He was proving to me that I would not run away.

What I didn't catch at first was the bear's collar. A slave as a bodyguard?

"Well, that's an interesting catch you got there Master."

The cat just chuckled and said, "Opportunity. Pure opportunity. Here, go get yourself a drink, I want some time with the boy. Oh, and bring back a proper loincloth for him when your done."

The bear's chuckle was much deeper, and one would think he had seen this all before.

The cat took a seat on the bed, and said "Now, boy. Time for introductions. I will need that for the damnable paperwork. Your Master's name is Honas. Yours would be?"

"Akini, Master."

"Hmmm, that will do fine." What, my name had to meet with his approval now? The most humbling part of that thought was, yes, it did. He could have me named anything he damn well pleased at this point.

"Undress and approach me."

The loincloth I had was worn under my pants, so it was one of those tight to the body affairs. Considering how little it was, it didn't exactly feel like I had much undressing to do. I did, however, feel suddenly more nakkid when it hit the floor.

I stepped up to stand before him, and I guess my hands were looking for something to do at my sides, because he said, "Hands at your back when you are presenting yourself, slave, unless you are told otherwise."

I took a deep breath, and then did so.

He then took my sheath and balls and inspected them, felt them, hmmmmed to himself. Slowly two things dawned on me about this. One was really humiliating, the first time I am ever touched here by another, and it's to be inspected as property. The other was perhaps worse, being felt up that way was making me hard.

"Good, good, nothing odd about these, good enough size to them. Suits your body well. Responsive, too." He was busy stroking my sheath over my cock as he said this, and much to my shame, I was soon fully erect. He tugged down my sheath to my base, exposing me entirely.

"Very nice, pink all around, no discoloration anywhere. Stands out very well against your fur." He gave me a little squeeze, and I finally could not help it, I made a little moan. My face just burned as I heard that sound come out of my mouth. The squeeze had brought a bit of my pre to the tip, earning me the remark, "Ah, good, your a wet one. Always a plus."

Yes, I admit it. Virgin. At least I knew what my own cock did and was not surprised about what it did. It and my paw were very well acquainted.

"Undress me, slave." I sort of gawked at him, and he said, "cut that out and get to it, or your going to end up with Earl watching you your first time." I'm guessing Earl was the bear.

I don't know which was worse, the fact he had picked up on my little secret, or the idea of my first time with another man being in front of another.

You know, helping another person out of their close is quite different than undressing yourself. It's awkward. You have to work with them to do anything.

I got his shirt off as he raised his arms for me, and I got a look at his chest. He was rather attractive, actually. A little heavier build than mine, but not to much. Strong but flowing, I'd say. And his grey nipples showed well in the white of his front.

That wasn't helping my erection relax any.

I kneeled down before him, and tugged at his boots as he lifted his feet. Then there were his pants. Despite myself, that made my heart flutter for a moment as I unlaced and pulled them slowly down, getting a very close view of his sheath and balls.

"I see that they meet with your approval, boy." By the gods did that make me blush. "That's good, because you will get well antiquated with me. Starting now." He spread his thighs for me, and said, "you may start with your hands, boy."

I did. I have very sensitive fingers, it's needed in my line of work. I should say, my former line of work. So it was with a light touch that I caressed over his sheath and sac, the first I had ever touched other than my own. I found myself staring as my black paws moved through the equally white fur, and my muzzle parting a bit. I was lightly panting.

As I touched him, he grew hard, and purrred. That purrr, it was a deep rumbling sound, and the fact I was making him do it by touching him sent a shiver down my spine. I started gently moving his sheath over his shaft, and he smiled down at me and said, "that's good, boy. Get me hard like that."

He was genuinely pleased with me, and I felt a craving for that. For another's approval. I had not had much of that in my life.

"Now use your tongue, feel me with it. Get to know my taste." And so I did. It made him purrr more, and moan softly. That encouraged me to explore more, taste him. His words of praise made me feel good, good in a way I had not felt in... really, I didn't know when. Perhaps when I was a child.

He didn't need to tell me what to do next, though he guided me with a gentle touch on my cheek. I didn't know what I was doing as I went down on him, but he liked it anyway. He let me try that way before whispering little instructions on how to do it, where to lick, how fast to go.

I guess I should have been embarrassed by his telling me how to suck his cock, but at the time, it just felt good that I didn't have to guess. I was told exactly what was wanted to make him happy.

He cupped a hand over the back of my head, and he growled out in pleasure, saying, "be ready to swallow it, boy." Shortly after he came, and I did.

Out of curiosity I had tasted myself before, he tasted different, not quite as salty maybe. I found I rather liked it.

He eased me off his shaft, and he said, "very well done, boy. Stand for me, you deserve a reward for that."

With the moment passed, the heat on my cheeks returned when I stood, my shaft having left a trail of wetness all the way to my sheath while I had pleasured him.

I never had felt anything like what came next. He was not subtle about giving me my climax, he knew exactly how to make me gasp and moan, his muzzle felt like heaven, and it soon I was cumming for all I was worth. I had never cum that hard, ever. Your paw just can't do that.

When I was spent, he pulled me back onto the bed, and I found myself curling up against him, with my head on his chest, listening to his purrr.

"Very good, boy. You will do well."

Those words made me feel so good. It was all I had to do, please him. I didn't have to look over my shoulder. I didn't have to wonder when someone would catch up with me. I just had to do what this man said, and I would be safe.

I had not felt that in so many years, I had forgotten what it was like.

Not being afraid.

I found myself thinking, with my head against a slaver's chest, "maybe, just maybe, this has all been for the best."

Kitsune Incubus

Copyright (c) 2007 WhiteFire blah blah blah... WARNING: This is a piece of pure jackoff material. It makes no attempt to be nothing more. It involves snuff, extreme torture, magic, technology, a kind of gore, and perhaps worse. I beg that you...

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Isbre By Peter "WhiteFire" Torkelson Copyright (C) 2006 - 2007 [[email protected]](/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection) []( DRAFT WARNING: This is a work in progress. It may or may not...

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Tan II

Tan II (?) By Peter "WhiteFire" Torkelson Copyright (C) 2000 - 2007 [[email protected]](/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection) []( Edited by WhiteFire 1/10/07 This is for the moment the second...

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