Fucking Legacy - P1: Foundations - Chapter 1

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#1 of Fucking Legacy

Spike is just trying to get along with life in his unfair world where even as a medic he's still living in the slums with his beloved. But fear of getting hurt has meant saving himself even from his own love when a drunken moment and an unexpected heat changes Spike's entire world...

Fucking Legacy

Part One: Foundations

The dragons of Scourge are a space-faring race constantly searching for new territory to live and thrive but always seemingly chased by the fact they constantly work through all their resources. These hermaphrodite dragons lived long lives and originally produced with ease, but as their colonies bounced from place to place, the resources and the food they needed meant that true hermaphrodites that could carry young became rarer to the point when found they were often locked into breeding farms and genetically paired off. Along with a caste system being developed by dragons at the top with 'more brain' than strength, the majority of offspring being produced were being taken to become slaves unless from select families... the race looked to be dying when a civil war was brewing and amongst what looked to be the last generation, there would be the seemingly male dragon doctor known as Spike.

This is the story of his sexual encounters, pregnancies and later the same encounters of his own children as the race of the Scourge Dragons may soon be made up of the descendants of Spike alone!

Chapter One: It Was a Mistake


Warm baths... long soaks... scented oils.... That was a luxury that Spike only dreamt of these days, but a nice warm shower after all the work he'd done in the surgeries of the big fighting arenas was still worth it. Amongst the slave caste of the Dragons of Scourge, were some of the greatest fighters imaginable... huge and powerful dragons with brilliant blows and powers beyond just flame... but most of them were wingless and so, they were not heralded as the fighters that the Air-Swords were titled! Spike enjoyed his time cleaning and fixing the beautiful brutes, especially when some of them were quite poetic and philosophical. Amongst them was one particular being that everyone of the dragons was starting to know the name of, Tyrant, oddly not as tyrannical as his foil on the fighting stage was and winged... a rare being but his egg had been marked for slavery and so even having wings hadn't made him lucky. He was an oddly kind fellow, wanting the best and always polite to Spike, unlike some of the other 'males' that tended to look at Spike's beautiful red colour and sleek wingless frame built for running and would tug his tail or try to feel up his pussy... rude bastards!

Then there was the old master, a former Air-Sword but having lost an eye in battle he'd been deemed grounded and he had changed his name from Thunderwing to simple Thunder; he was a good sort too. Though older he was still good looking with dark blue scales and silver plated belly, but he was a teacher that Spike was ever thankful for... he kept the ruffians from lifting a claw and feeling his slit, as many tried.

"Ugh..." Spike grumbled to himself, shaking under the hot spray of the water and looking down to his slit. Like all his kind he had a wide vent where a point at the top would become erect and reveal a very fetching cock, if he did say so himself, but beneath it was the wider party of the slit. Pristine and pink, no one had touched Spikes pussy yet, for all his flirtations he only had eyes for one dragon and that was whom he was bathing for. The thought of coming out to him coated in gore or in any kind of state other than his best was intolerable. Yes, some mused that spike was arrogant even a little narcissistic, but when every dragon looked to his swinging hips and beautiful dark spikes on his neck, let alone his striking red colour... who wouldn't? Everyone was attracted to Spike and his sweeter than usual perfume was just as alluring.

"Spike? You home?" The deep grunt came from that very special dragon that made Spike's hide ripple and his arrowhead tail tip wiggled about in excitement. He dropped down onto all fours, turning off the shower and then checking his big black spike in the mirror before gently shaking the water of his ruby red hide. He was walking with his usual swank as he strolled out of the bathroom looking pristine and smelling good as he came face-to-face with a huge dragon covered in mud. "Hey beautiful... how are you?"

"UGH... what have we said about this Boulder? Ugh... you're caked in earth!" Normally, Spike's first action would be to nuzzle against his favourite being's nose, give him a kiss and maybe snuggle in... but not today. He stretched a paw out and pointed right to the bathroom, it did not matter that Boulder with his slab shoulders was built like a tank and twice the mass of Spike, he had his orders. The huge dragon gave a soft snort and slowly strolled in, leaving a trail of muddy prints that made Spike hiss. Were they a richer couple in the fancier parts of town, they could be a robot that specifically cleaned up the entire house for them, but being both counted as students still, neither was raking in enough money despite Spike's achievements!

With a sneer, he grasped the mop and had the bucket with some soapy waters and quickly scrubbed the ground with a few swears about needing to keep the hygiene up whilst he heard the grunts and shakes of the huge brute within the shower. Once he'd cleaned up and the floor had thankfully dried, Spike had bounced over to the kitchen and prepared their stew... frustrated that their money had to stretch and meat was rationed so it was better to stew and keep stewing until even the bones were soft rather than risk losing any valuable minerals from it! But that did not matter as soon as he had prepared their bowls, the biggest bowl for Boulder so he had all the strength he needed, Spike's tail was waggling and he stood up with paws together in a beautiful smile as he watched the now cleaned and dripping wet beast shuffle into view.

"Alright... I'm all washed... can't help it sometimes you know... digging up ground for the new buildings and stuff..." Boulder groaned, swinging up onto his hind legs to chose off his broad and muscular chest. His body was a lighter perhaps sky blue shade, his underside white and his face bore a rather strike stripe of red down the very centre. Boulder was not the smartest of dragons, but he worked hard, made good friends and could be trusted... but more than anything else he was the only dragon in the world for Spike and the red beast bounced over to grasp him into a hug.

They snuggled together happily, their big heads rubbing together softly before their lips came together in a gentle kiss. They nuzzled noses too, grinning in delight at one another before Spike beckoned him to start eating his food. Boulder smiled, settling down and bringing his muzzle to the bowl, gulping down easily although Spike insisted on using spoons for his own food. As they both shared their dinner together in their home that was built into a cliff and little more than a slum like all the others in the run down neighbourhood near the gladiator school, there was an air of comfort between them both.

"Are you coming to the Smokey Tavern with me tonight? I heard Thunder's brought a recording of one of Tyrant's latest speeches. Do you think they're going to take his bid as a senator seriously? I mean... he's got lots of support from the bottom rung and now he's paid for his freedom, he's got lots of sponsors in the middle rungs too. I think he might actually be able to make real differences... now that I've finally gotten to hear him myself." Spike chuckled, knowing that any moment now, Boulder would say 'I told you so' and he nodded his big head in acceptance. Before Spike had been working on the fighters, Boulder had been hearing the speeches before anyone else and he'd made a point that they should support Tyrant's desires for change too and to stop their excessive colonisation but to focus on keeping their planets alive and not wasting resources. As a dragon in construction, Boulder knew all about that and he'd been hearing the rumours about these guys for a very long time now and was very eager to make sure that he was involved in them. But oddly, he gave a suddenly sad expression. "Something wrong darling?"

"Uh... there's... there's an opportunity for money tonight... I have to go with the group and well... it'll earn enough money that we can get you some decent meat for a while... I know exactly who to get it off too." Boulder stated, friends with some of the hunters and farmers so usually able to pay for good quality even if it was meant to keep to their rationed amounts. There was a look of anxiety upon Spike's face though, he knew damn well it meant that Boulder was going out to entertain the elite with his body and that meant... that meant he would be fucking total strangers and being insulted and treated like trash toys by them and Spike gave a whimper. "It's important... you know that."

"Its not as important as you think!" Spike whimpered, looking to his darling with sad eyes and an expression that insisted it was more important that they were together. However, Boulder gave a groan and did an eye roll that made Spike's tail slap on the ground because he knew what that look was about. It could not be helped on his end, Spike had never felt like he was capable of... of doing the deed with his cock to please his partner and boulder had always been cautious that he was so heavy so he might harm his partner, but Boulder had been very active... even when he thought Spike didn't know and it made Spike's head lower. "If... if its because of... its just because I'm trying to be careful... you know how delicate my body can be..."

"Yeah but... its always going to hurt the first time and most of the time, it seems like you'd rather just not get your scales dented or scratched or let anyone see that pink spot go red to say it's been fucking used!" Boulder's tone got nastier and even more irritated as he looked across to Spike and his brow narrowed. He could not help it, since they were chicks that played with each other, the pair of them had been utterly in love with each other, but love only went so far if there was not physical pleasure save kissing and rubbing against each other. Even their oral play had its limits and with Spike not giving himself to anyone, not even to be a kept mistress to some of the richest dragons that would bring them both into good fortune... Boulder hardly knew what the point in their relationship could even be! It wasn't that he didn't love him, didn't want to be with him... but he wanted sex and it was expected that all dragons should have active sex lives... or they might as well sign up to be priests!

"That's not it! You know that's not... Boulder?" Spike began, looking upset and then watching as the huge dragon stood up and marched off to go and have a rest in the bedroom, slamming the door behind him. Spike lowered his head, his elf-like ears drooping as he looked down at his bowl with a sudden loss of appetite. However, they couldn't waste food and even feeling miserable, he drank it down with a shudder of disgust before going and cleaning up. His tears were only ever for Boulder to see and yet, when Boulder made him cry there was almost nowhere he could feel comfortable to cry and so he just got on with his cleaning.

Boulder had left quickly to join with the others and in a state of misery, Spike had strolled without his usual lustre to the Smokey Tavern, seeing a few of his colleagues as he went and not even putting on a fake smile for them. He'd even been late to the party and drinking slowly on his heavy alcohol, he'd lounged on a smooth stone within the tavern and listened to the speech that Thunder had playing with utter misery. He could hardly focus on anything being said, he just kept drinking slowly and wondering when it would end so that he could just go home and then hope to be forgiven by Boulder when he came home.

But as the speeches at finished off and the party atmosphere began, the top floor of the tavern was suddenly seeing a lot of activity. It was the rich quarter, the area that was only for the rich dragons and when Spike lifted his head up to look, his ears went back and his red eyes widened. He was almost sickened by the sight of Boulder and the other big construction males stepping over to the parties up there. It made his scales rattle and he wished he had wings so he could slap them into the ground as he curled his lips and gave a growl!

However, the only thing Spike could think of to do was the take in more alcohol. As he went, Thunder joined him in silence, the one-eyed old battler bobbing his head to his companion and then calmly drinking alongside him. As always, they were laughing with one another and discussing some of the silly things that they saw at the arena and how rude some of the males could be. Though Thunder rarely drank, he was oddly more encouraged to do so with Spike and to their own surprise, the pair of them were quite quickly drunk.

"Now, now... I think I've had enough and I certainly should be heading home now..." Spike had grumbled, he'd dropped off from the stones he'd been lounging on and was then marching home when he felt the taller, broad chested flyer wobble alongside him. One huge black wing swung around Spike's side, easing him close as if to support him. It made Spike snort, his companion wanted to take him home safe. When they reached the slums, the pair wobbled in before then collapsing on the floor... there was no sign or sound of Boulder as they lounged in the hall laughing.

When Spike rolled onto his back in response, laughing happily as one huge wing seemed to smother his whole body, Thunder's nostrils were sniffing the air curiously. He then brought his scarred up face to Spike's face, making the younger dragon stare at him in confusion. Then Thunder pressed forward and kissed him, making him give a sudden yelp of shock and swing his paws up, pushing Thunder's face away. However, the bigger dragon's huge pink tongue was soon strolling out of his jaw, stroking around Spike's paws and Thunder seemed to start drooling. Spike had no idea what was up with him so he hoisted himself up in a hurry, insisting that they should both just go to sleep... he hoped to close himself up in the bedroom and wait for Boulder.

However, as he swung his tail with a grunt and padded towards his room, Thunder's thin more serpentine body with its broad chest was up and he was on his hind feet in a flash. His muzzle was suddenly pushed under Spike's groin, making the other give a yelp as he was suddenly bowled onto his back. Before he could swat away the claws paws on the wings slapped onto his shoulders. He scratched his hind claws up into the leathery wings, but their scales were tightly packed and pretty hard to damage. Thunder's long neck with its thin needle-like blades upon it bent down and his head was to Spike's slit. Spike swatted and kicked at him, too drunk to be able to do much more, even though the sudden sensation of a tongue creasing his slit was enough to sober his mind... his body was still sluggish.

Thunder's long tongue was soon tracing the line of the slit, watching it open out gently to show off that pretty pink opening and then Thunder's tongue was delving into it. He felt it clench with Spike's hip, the sudden groan of discomfort coming from the little red dragon did not dissuade the drunken battler but made him drool down onto the slit, getting it wetter as the thick tongue stuffed in deep. It reached into the fresh tasting passage, the split tip wagging and wiggling against the insides, making them wetter and open out more though they clenched down firmly. The sensation was uncomfortable for Spike, he smacked his paw, trying to knock him away but he seemed to start losing control of his body as the tongue delved in deeper and he found his legs stretching out more. He started to pant and huff, a strange build up of pressure developing within and making him whimper at the way his body seemed to keep clenching and his hips rolling at the tongue's attention.

"I don't want it!" Spike whimpered in upset, swinging out a paw and slapping firmly on Thunder's head before the big male then straightened up, squatting down over Spike, his one eye glazed over and then Spike's eyes widened. He'd never seen this before, Thunder's slit was bright red and pouring precum, his cock came out glistening, wet and so thick it looked like he was about to burst... but the knot was visible! Such a thing was only spoken of in the biology books as a sign of the cock reacting to heat, the knot to swell and ensure locking in and impregnation! It was obvious what was happening and yet, Spike had no sensation or wanting it at all! "No! Come to your senses... don't be stupid!"

He attempted to kick at him again but the wing claws still held him down and then the cock was angled before being thrust deep into the virgin pussy that was now sticky and twitching. Spike gave out a roar for help, pain filling his mind but that pressure being given something. Thunder gave strange groaning sounds, making weird noises in his throat like a song, weirdly it seemed to soothe Spike a little but he was crying and whimpering in dismay as he felt the cock pull out and then stuff back in. Wet sounds filled his ears and he could smell blood, it panicked him as Thunder groaned and growled in utter delight as his cock stuffed in and out of the virgin slit, staining its edges with fresh blood and filling its insides with the squelching precum.

As the cock began to pump in and out, the length seemed to stuff in deep, stretching Spike out wider as he gave a desperate moan of despair, Thunder ignoring him over instinct, breeding him as he dove in deeper and his knot began to bulge. He continued to make that gurgling sound to soothe him, but he was pumping in faster, drooling down onto Spike's belly as his cock dove in and out, swelling and squelching as the knot swelled. Thunder began to clench his teeth, his one eye rolling and his nostrils producing jets of steam as Spike continued to cry sadly as the cock was still pumping in and out, the knot stretching him out wider and then rubbing aggressively against his insides, making them dribble with juice to make wetter and wetter noises.

Then, as the bigger dragon gave a moan of delight, his knot locked in place and he was soon pumping in his seed. Spike could feel it, hot and fluid, weirdly like a soothing flush until it mixed in with the pressure. He began to groan, looking down to his belly as the cock continued to pump a never-ending stream of cum into Spike's body, his belly just above his spike starting to bulge out. Spike whimpered and squealed, the sensation burning hot, the stretching hideously tight and that damned knot seemingly swelling and he could feel his skin ripping under its pressure. Finally though, the last pump of seed got in, the knot deflated and the sudden release of pressure gave Spike a slap of pleasure... but his belly above the groin remained visibly swollen, his torn pussy no longer perfect but leaking and even spitting cum as Thunder's cock slid back into it's slit and the big dragon turned away.

Thunder just walked off... Spike was left there panting and crying, knowing he'd remain swollen and marked like this for a whole twenty-four hours before Thunder might come back and fill him again. He did not want that... right now the only thing he wanted was Thunder.

Why hadn't he been able to fight and what had that meant... no Scourger went into heat anymore!