An Endless Voyage chapter 62: Mayali's checkup, and the Fleet sails on.

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Karen and Doc Natalie were waiting in the nain transporter room at 12:55 hours fleet time.

Dimitri and Mayali beamed over at precisely 13:00 hours on the dot, bearing gifts. There was something to be said for Russian punctuality.

"Plemeni, Admiral." Mayali said, handing Karen a paper bag. "Vladimir insisted on teaching me how to make them when I asked for something to bring...It is bad manners to accept an invitation without bringing something for the host." Karen's U.T. indicated switching languages back and forth, the first word Mayali had said in Russian, the rest in Canid standard. Dimitri had been teaching her to speak Russian apparently.

"Yes my love, you understand." Dimitri told Mayali, then to Karen, "Blini and caviar, and a new vodka you have not tried yet."

"Thank you," Karen told them both accepting the gifts. "The other captains won't be arriving until after our lunch and the tour, but just as it always has been, food and drink will be served during the fleet captains' meeting as well."

They all got in Natalie's utility cart after that.

The good doctor drove a brisk but safe pace, and soon stopped outside the Admiral's Mess.

Dimitri kissed Mayali passionately before climbing out of the kart after Karen, then added, "Be brave my sweet princess. I will be praying for good news."

"I will be fine, my love." Mayali assured. "Enjoy your lunch."

"Aye lad. it is a simple procedure." Natalie assured. "She will be numb for several hours, nothing more."

"Be gentle doctor, my sweet Mayali is like beautiful flower, very delicate." Dimitri said.

"Aye lad." Natalie said, moments later, they drove away and Karen led Dimitri into her Admiral's mess where she already had a bowl of cheese poppers and thin canid pastrys as appetizers.

"Natalie is always gentle as you know well yourself, captain." Karen said reassuringly, placing the food and drink Dimitri and Mayali had brought on the table as she spoke.

"Da. Admeral." Dimitri said. "even ''the shot'' only hurt for a moment. I just love her so much I can not help worrying."

Karen got a pair of drinking glasses appropriate for fine vodka from her liquor cabinet, and soon enough they sat down to eat.

"Akira the Akita girl is taking a spa treatement today, so a husky girl Lilly will be bringing the rest of the food shortly." Karen said next. "Should we wait?"

"Nyet, Admeral, lets eat." Dimitri said. "I want to know what you think of Mayali's Plemeni."

"Alright." Karen said. "I am sure they are delicious."

they spoke little more for a time, focusing on enjoying the good food instead.

eventually Karen mentioned, : "I noticed Mayali knows a few Russian words, has she taught you any Canid?"

"A few yes. but they are bedroom words, things about making love, not words for polite company." Dimitri said. "Do you speak any Russian yourself, Admeral?"

"I learned a few words from Yuri when the UT broke down one mission.' Karen said, "Yes, No, how to request refueling, and 'target'" but then again my Confederate...err...english... is almost as bad. Earth languages are difficult. Its generally easier for humans to learn Canid than it is for us to learn earth languages."

"Da, I understand." Dimitri replied.

once more they returned their attention to the food.


"Ok Mrs Poloniev, disrobe and bend over and lift your tail so I can take your temperature." a nurse (St bernard) said. "Doc Natalie will be with you shortly"

"The impudence! Mayali remarked. "Why are all these people here, Doctor!" she demanded.

"Sorry princess we get people in and out from all over the fleet." the nurse answered for Natalie, who was in her office collecting Mayali's medical file. "Doc Natalie needs a large medical staff to keep up with it all."

"Fine but wipe the thermometer as you pull it out." Mayali said. "I dont want people seeing that. " reluctantly she did as she asked.

An instant later the princess made a disgusted face as she felt something cold and wet invade her huge canine anus. cheated by the lube, the thermometer slipped in easily.

"Interesting." the nurse remarked. "no dingleberries, or pee stains in your fur."

"Of course not you peasant, I am a princess, I would never soil my fur like some hillbilly barbarian." Mayali replied.

"Careful lass, the Vice Admiral's a hillbilly." Doc Natalie surprised them, returning with a clipboard and pen.

The nurse withdrew the thermometer then, as the blinking yellow light meant it was done. She held a tissue around it as she withdrew it, wiping it down as the princess requested, and read it for Natalie before putting it away.

"101.3, perfect." she told the doctor.

"Thank you nurse Annabelle, you can go assist Tom, now." Natalie said, recording the temperatuire with her pen. Then to Mayali, "Take a seat there on the closest bed, Mrs Poloniev. I might as well give you a full check-up to save transporter power or fighter fuel doing it in a week when youre due for a physical anyway."

"I just had a physical yesterday, from our doctor Ilyana Siminova." Mayali said. "She just didn't know how to perform a pregnancy check." but nonetheless she climbed up on the exam bed.

"Aye, and Human medicine is still not as advanced as ours." Natalie said. "I might as well give you another and send her my report to compare notes."

"Very well" Mayali said., shivering briefly at the cold stethoscope touching one of her smallest upper teats' sensitive nipples.

"Turn your head and bark." Natalie instructed. Instinctively people nearby covered their ears, knowing how loud it would be from one as big as Mayali.

The princess did as the doctor asked, and Natalie listened carefully before making note that Mayali's lungs sounded perfect.

She listened Mayali's heartbeat after that, and used a clock on the wall to take her pulse in the process.

These readings also normal, Natalie recorded them before getting out the blood pressure cuff.

The test took about a minute, and Natalie recorded another normal reading.

Natalie remarked she had never seen such clean ears, upon examining them thoroughly with an otoscope. "Even Admiral Karen's get a little crud in them now and then, especially on ground missions, but yours are spotless, lass. Did Dr Siminova clean them?"

"No, I just use a washcloth." Mayali said. "I never get dirty ears for some reason."

"Interesting." Natalie said. "Look at the ceiling and open wide, please."

Due to Mayali's size, Doc Natalie was using a stepladder for the ear, nose, throat exam portion of the physical.

Natalie commented on how well Mayali kept her teeth, and once more found everything normal.

"Ok princess, get on your hands and knees now, chest down against the exam bed, butt up and lift your tail"

Mayali did as the doctor instructed, dreading what was to come even before she smelled the numbing lube or heard the specific snap of those shoulder-length gloves.

Natalie took her time lubing the external sphincter thoroughly, and gave the lube a moment to work. When she felt the outer muscle begin to relax, she stuck four fingers up Mayali's butt, and took her time thoroughly slathering the internal sphincter with the special numbing lube. She then used her fingers to break off a piece of Mayali's shit, and pulled it out to place it in a sample container.

Mayali gagged and made a disgusted face, but Natalie just commented that her waste was just the right consistency, not too soft or too hard, but she needed a sample anyway.

Mayali nearly threw up when the lube having fully relaxed her canine anus made her pass flatulence, and feces no matter how she tried to stop it.

When she saw the princess' huge canine butthole was fully relaxed, Natalie stuck her whole hand up Mayali's butt, and began to rake the rest of the waste out into a large bucket at the foot of the bed.

Mayali's ears were on fire of embarassment. Leaking was bad enough, having Natalie 'play' in it like that was even worse, especially since she wasn't the least bit constipated.

Natalie didnt comment on it, but she noticed Mayali's farts and shit didnt smell as bad as most peoples, and reasoned such a fancy princess must take fancy pills to cause that.

Once she finished, she told Mayali she would feel something cool and wet deep in her colon, but the sphincter itself would feel nothing.

Then she gave the princess an enema of special gel, and moments later stuck her whole arm shoulder deep up Mayali's butt, the ultrasound probe cupped in the palm of her hand.

To help take her mind off the embarassment, Mayali asked Natalie "How early can you tell."

"4-5 days is the official minimum but I have managed it as early as 3 days. 4 days and later and I can even tell you the gender of the pups from the different densities of cell divisions of male and female embryos."

After a bit of moving the probe around, which only made Mayali flatulent and led to an even bigger mess in and around the bucket, Natalie said, well lass, you're pregnant, I canna say how many till i finish but I already found one."

"Could you record the ultrasound screen, and print out a few images I can show Dimitri?" Mayali asked.

"Aye lass that is simple, but I canna promise he will see much, not having medical training."Natalie replied. "Thats four,... no more in that uterine horn, now let me just... she moved her hand around inside Mayali's butt and began to scan the other uterine horn.

Natalie took her time counting the embryos, and triple checking her findings determining gender as well.

Then she used the opportunity to scan the princess' ovaries as well, before withdrawing her arm slowly, and stopping at one point to scan the princess' kidneys and bladder as well.

Finally Natalie gave Mayali a vitamin enema, and a plug to hold it in. then she changed her gloves, and took her time visually and endoscopically examining Mayali's huge (Y) shaped vulva, clitoral fossa, vaginal sphincter, and entier vaginal canal up to the cervix.

Next she had Mayali pee in a clean bucket, then flushed her fortune cookie out with antibacterial rinse, before using another scope to go up the princess' pisshole and visually inspect her bladder.

Once that, and another antibacterial rinse was done, Natalie examined and oiled Mayali's footpads, and used a laser clipper to perfectly trim her nails.

Finally Natalie removed the plug holding a bucket in place, and had Mayali sit on the bucket and try to expel as much of the fluid as she could.

At first Mayali protested adamantly when Natalie said she needed to wear a diaper for a few hours, but once Natalie explained why and that her dress would largely hide it, the princess eventually relented.

Once the diaper was in place, Natalie told Mayali she could get dressed, and then Natalie set about printing out the scans, before sending the princess on her way with the good news. 8 pups. 4 girls, 4 boys.

When Mayali left, Natalie updated Mayali's medical file and transmitted a copy to Dr Siminova on the Suvorov, before tending to her next patient.


It wasn't long until Lilly arrived with the rest of the food, and Dimitri commented it was practicly a feast, for a lunch meal.

"Just returning the favor, my friend." Karen replied modestly.

"Thank you comrade." Dimitri said. "Do you think the meeting will go well."

"Yes." Karen said. "Emily is a bit more 'by the book' than Daniels was, and Haruka has an odd sense of humor, but I think once we get down to buisness they will learn how these meetings work pretty quickly."

At that moment, Mayali burst through the door, having obviously demanded Vice Admiral Ashley unlock it for her, excitedly, carrying a printout, and trying to keep her fancy dress fluffed up so it hid the fact she was wearing a diaper beneath it.

"Dimitri, My love! I can't believe it, I'm pregnant." She handed him the printouts.

"We are having a baby! That is wonderful news my sweet." Dimitri replied, looking at the printout. He didnt know how to read the scans properly of course, but the shadowy shape of what he guessed was a baby was visible."

"Even better." Mayali said. "You know we canids have two uterine horns right."

"You mean twins!" Dimitri was showing even more excitement now."

"Eight." Mayali said. "Doctor Natalie says I'm having 8, 4 girls and four boys."

" God princess, I knew we were both healthy, but I had no idea we lay together that much." Dimitri said.

"Its normal for our kind to have that many, I usually have 6 or 8 but I had 11 once." Karen said.

"I am very happy for us now, my love." Dimitri said. "I just do not know how I will get much sleep."

"Well we got a couple months." Mayali said. "Natalie says I'm only about 5 days along. I'm sure we can work something out."

"Bring them to the bridge with you." Karen said. "I always have. That way you can focus on commanding your ship instead of worrying about them."

"Good thinking Admeral." Dimitri said.

"And Mayali, I know you're a princess and excited, but it is NOT acceptable to barge into the Admiral's mess uninvited." Karen said. "I will forget it happened in the spirit of congratulations this time, just don't do it again."

Sorry Admiral.": Mayali said., taking the vodka Karen poured for her.

"To the new babies." Dimitri said, making the first toast.

They drank up and Karen refilled their glasses.

"That they be happy and Healthy." Mayali made the next toast.

After they drank up, Karen refilled their glasses again.

"That they enjoy life in the fleet, and grow up strong." Karen said.

Once the toasts to the babies were done, Karen and Dimitri finished off the rest of the food, and Karen comandeered the utility cart Mayali had ''stolen'' from a janitorial worker outside sickbay and they set out to show Dimitri (and Mayali as she insisted on coming along) all of Excalibur's new upgrades.


Meanwhile all over the fleet, Department heads prepared reports for their captains, (The Suvorov did this last night) concerning inventories and various status details that would be sure to come up in the meeting.

Excalibur was no exception. Tina had Belle help her triple check everything, and Callie was just as busy in the armory, Sarah in the fighter bay, Holly in the transporter room, and so forth.

They brought their reports to Vice Admiral Ashley on the bridge, who would sort them and present them to Admiral Karen as soon as the tour was finished.

Relieved of CAP duty while in hyperspace, all the pilots who werent in bed used the opportunity for R&R activities, or getting in some sparring practice in the ship's gym.

Molly used her time off-duty to visit the Ontario, and the Amaterasu, switching off her U.T. in both cases, and asking the ship's captains to do the same, showing them how easily she picked up /any/ language as she had long ago for the Confederates, British, Chinese, and Russians.

One would think Canadian french would have been the easier of the two, but it actually took .3 miliseconds longer to master than Japanese.

Molly explained to the captains how she invented the U.T., and that her natural ability to pick up any language quickly was why Admiral Karen insisted she be part of any First Contact they might make, just in case the UT failed.

Molly returned before the captains had to get ready for their meeting of course, but nonetheless her linguistics skills made a good impression, she was sure of that.

Of course for some people, off-duty hours meant sex, and alcohol, and lots of it.

Tom was one of them. But surprisingly, so was Kayla. her daughter Kassie was getting a lot better at the helm anyway, and she desparately needed heat relief.


When the tour reached the armory, Mayali was pleased to see another kuvasz who didn't smell like a hillbilly, unlike Vice Admiral Ashley.

Callie was hard at work painting "From Karen with love" on a batch of huge cannon shells.

Dimitri was equally pleased to see Excalibur did indeed have a rack of AK47's, among the racks of Canid rifles, and moreover they looked to be well maintained, but had clearly seen combat. It wasn't his first time touring Excalibur of course, but when Maya was in charge, she'd never shown him the armory, just a datapad with specs on the main cannons.

As Dimitri had done for Karen, Karen returned the favor, and had Callie take their picture standing beside one of the huge shells for the largest cannons.

"Your armory is impressive, Admeral." Dimitri said.

"We made some improvements." Karen said, not wanting to sound like she was boasting, "Most notably in the targeting and fire-control systems."

"I help out down here sometimes, but Rena, the collie back there anally tied with Tom Jr hiding behind a stack of ammo crates is the Armory officer." Callie explained. "I was armory officer in Maya's time, but Karen promoted me to Chief of security, and a bridge position as tactical officer."

"Interesting design." Dimitri said, referring to the standard issue Canid rifles. "May I?"

"Sure, go ahead." Karen said.

Dimitri got one of the rifles down to examine, while Mayali, feeling her diaper grow heavier, sat down on a sealed ammo crate to try and stop the leaking as best she could.

"Like a elephant gun with selective fire." Dimitri said. "How does this work."

"Hydraulic recoil buffers, and inertial compensation." Karen said. "The recoil is still unpleasant, for humans and smaller canids like me, but as long as you pull it back good and tight to your shoulder it is manageable" She held up one of the bullets. "A standard magazine holds twenty rounds."

"This however" Callie got a BFG Personal Autocannon down as she spoke, "This is our version of a antimaterial rifle, and also selective fire. It is impossible for all but the largest Canids, or other mammilian species to operate properly, and would need to be vehicle-mounted or tripod mounted for humans to withstand the recoil. even with all the damping features, recoil is massive." Callie held the rifle one handed leaned over her shoulder thanks to her size, and used her free hand to show off one of the 1.25" by 6.5" fat bottlenecked cartriges the gun uses.

"And some people complain SVD has stiff recoil," Dimitri said with a laugh.

He returned the Canid rifle to the rack, and picked up a sidearm while Callie put the BFG away.

"15mm bullet on a 21mm long cartrige case." Karen said. " The grip is thick for human or small canine hands like mine, but the recoil damping features make it no more difficult to shoot accurately than the Earth .44 magnum round."

"THeres a firing range just down the corridor outside, three doors down on your right, if you want to test that." Callie said.

"Thank you but I had something else in mind." Dimitri said, returning the pistol to its rack, and taking down a pair of AK47's. "What do you say Admeral, want to make some holes in paper Xians." He handed one rifle to Karen.

"Sure why not, I could use a little practice to stay sharp." Karen agreed. She grabbed two full 30 round magazines, and a ammo can of 7.62x39, and they made their way back to the utility cart, for the short ride to the armory.

Mayali felt like her ears were on fire. She could do nothing to prevent it, as her diaper grew heavier with every step.

Worse, the wet squish when she sat down in the cart nearly made her throw up. She needed to get cleaned up, but her embarassment kept her from saying anything.

It took only a moment to reach the firing range, and they could have simply walked except would have had to walk back to the armory to get the cart.

Karen set up the targets while Dimitri loaded the rifles, and soon they got started.

First, was stationary targets at 100 meters, then they'd do moving targets at 75, and a random mix of moving, stationary, and pop-up targets from 50-250 meters after that.


When Tom was finally relieved of assisting Natalie in sick bay, he hurried down to the fighter bay as fast as he felt comfortable with driving a utility cart, and set about making sure everything was in order. His pride as a fighter pilot meant he wanted to ensure the fighter bay was a high point in the tour.

Unfortunately that's also where he ran into Kayla. The masterful helmsman apparently had the same idea, as she was currently giving Karen's alternate fighter, Excalibur's version of the Raven II, a wash and a wax.

One thing led to another, and with Kayla being in heat, soon enough the only ''polishing'' going on was Tom polishing his "Nuclear missile" in Kayla's big dirty canine wolf butthole instead.

Kayla was hoping to be bred of course, but Tom explained the last thing they needed was their best helmsman getting pregnant, when they had no idea what they'd find on this mission.


The rounds in the firing range was relaxing, Karen and Dimitri hit their marks every time, touching off short controlled bursts, and seemlessly switching between full auto, and semi auto for headshots.

Once the final round was over Dimitri asked Mayali if she wanted to try the rifle out.

"I do not have the training." Mayali said, trying to hide her embarrasment at having a full diaper.

"Thats ok, its just for fun, princess." Karen said, here, put the magazine in like this, give it a little slap, then pull this back, and let it go. Put this lever here for full auto, and here for single fire. Squeeze the trigger here to fire. Here its ready to shoot, just stand where I was, pull it snugly to your shoulder, and look down the sights. The big ugly picture of King Jerry of X is what we are shooting at."

"Like this?" Mayali asked.

"Good, my love, now just squeeze the trigger." Dimitri said.

"Don't worry it won't bite." Karen said. "the recoil is mild and easily controlled."

Mayali finally pulled the trigger, and held it too long, some of the rounds hitting the armored backstop as the rifle climbed off target.

"Not bad for a first attempt." Karen said, helping Mayali reload the rifle. "You actually hit the target, though a gut-shot is hardly a fatal wound."

"Do not hold the trigger so long., my beautiful princess." Dimitri said. "Short controlled bursts, here, aim for the heart or the head, and listen to my rifle, try to control your bursts so they sound like that."

Dimitri fired a burst to demonstrate, and Mayali did her best to copy his actions.

"Better." Karen said. "Use your foregrip hand to pull down as you begin firing to counter the muzzle climb."

Again Dimitri fired first, and Mayali copied what she saw and heard.

"Perfect, for a beginner." Karen said. "Those chest wounds would at least be fatal. "Keep trying until you empty that magazine, then I will field strip, clean, and re-oil the rifles, before we return them to the armory, and continue on to the fighter bay.

Mayali and Dimitri finished off their magazines, and Mayali showed a little improvement as expected.

While Karen was cleaning the guns however, Mayali fought through her embarassment enough to ask; Admiral could we stop by a bathroom first?"

"After the armory, princess." Karen said. "I need to pee anyway."

She knew what Mayali wanted of course, but saw no reason to further embarass the princess by mentioning a diaper change.

As soon as Karen finished with the rifles, they got back in the cart. Karen drove back to the armory to return the guns, then headed for the nearest latrine.

Dimitri decided to take a leak as well, so there was no time wasted later.

Once inside, Karen found a stall, and was about to drop her pants and squat as the toilets were designed for, but Mayali rushed in before she could close the door, and whispered she needed help.

"Nothing to worry about princess, I've smelled far worse things than shit, on the battlefield. And having as many pups as I have, even my sensitive nose has more or less trained itself to ignore the smell of feces. I'll get some wet paper towels and clean you up as soon as I get done taking a leak."

"Leak?" Mayali asked. "I don't see any leak."

"Oh right sorry your vocabulary is probably too sophistocated for slang words." karen said. "It meens peeing, urinating, draining one's bladder."

"Ah, that explains it." Mayali said.

True to her word, as soon as Karen had flushed, wiped, and pulled her pants back up, She washed her hands, then got some wet paper towels, and Directed Mayali to an extra large changing table that was there for medical procedure induced diaper usage.

Without another thought she relieved the princess of her soiled diaper, and quickly set to work thoroughly cleaning her up.

Unfortunately to Mayali's embarassment, Agnes Moore the ship's counselor came out of a stall before Karen finished.

"Colonoscopy?" she asked Mayali.

"Preg check." Karen answered for her as Mayali was too embarassed to speak.

"Shouldnt take too long then." Agnes said, Probably one more diaper. "I know you dont want your shipmates to smell you or see you in a diaper, but it should wear off before you beam home, provided you stay and socialize with us in the pilots lounge while Karen meets with the fleet captains."

"You're a pilot? " Mayali fored herself to say.

"I am yes, though I seldom fly unless we're going all-in" these days." Agnes said. "Back in my day I could blast the testicles off a fly at 10,000 meters, but these newfangled digital ships are a lot harder."

"You're showing a little sphincter reflex." Karen told Mayali, "thats a good sign. this last diaper should be enough... and I wouldn't send you home with a full diaper, just so you know."

"THank you, Admiral." Mayali said, replacing her dress when Karen finished.

Their next sop was the fighter bay, where Karen showed off her own Mk 7 phoenixes, and Excalibur Raven II''s, but of course the ship Dimitri was most interested in was Karen's prototype Phoenix Mk 8, the only Mk * in existance.

"In earth terms you could think of it as a luxury car and a fighter jet rolled into one." Karen said, tossing Dimitri the keys. "Climb on up, have a look, the guages are in Canid, but your UT will project a Russian overlay."

Dimitri did as Karen asked, and no sooner had he seated himself in the special contoured foam plasma-gel seat, that he remarked, "This is most comfortable seat I ever tried, I would love to take her for a ride."

"that /can/ be arranged." Karen said, smiling.

"Thank you Admeral." Dimitri said.

Finally the tour continued on.

Before they reached Engineering, Dimitri asked, "what is behind sealed door?" a pause then. "I asked Maya once but she never gave straight answer."

"Honestly we don't know." Karen said. "We found a secondary bridge down there, and some old fighters, but for the most part, over 50% of the ship has not been visited since Maya's mother was in command.... and thats counting the unused decks we brought online for the spa, and "Little Dixie" to house the crewmen of destroyed Confederate ships in the battle for X."k

"Maybe we explore it together sometime." Dimitri said.

"If we do, it will be with a representative of all earth nations." Karen said. "I wont foster international dissent."

"Of course, admeral, that is what I meant." Dimitri said.

"I'm sorry I meant no disrespect, my friend, its just I already got Nigel and Meilin thinking I'm favoring you Russians and the Confederacy, when in truth I value all of you and your nations." Karen said. "Hopefully this meeting will clear that up."

"No its fine Admeral, I like people to be blunt."

Dimitri said. "I do not like when people lie."

"Thanks." Karen said. "Need radiation tags for engineering... and Mayali please stay in the cart. I know its safe but /I/ wouldn't go in there if I was pregnant unless it was the only way to save the fleet."

"Yes admiral, just dont get any ideas." Mayali said, jealously.

"No worrise princess, Dimitri only has eyes for you." Karen said. "I'm married myself anyway, but I doubt I could get him in bed if we were the last people in the universe."

"Probably not, Admeral. You are pleasing to look at, but I only love my sweet Mayali." Dimitri said.

Karen handed Dimitri a radiation tag while fastening her own, and soon they headed inside.

"So how is different from our engines?" Dimitri asked, once Belle and Tina had finished giving a one-two punch lecture on Excalibr's sub-light and hyperdrive systems.

"Honestly not much." Karen said. "Your human engineers really hit the nail on the head with the Titan class engine designs. Only real difference is we use magnetolaser fields to compress the Oxygenated deuterium even further before injecting it into the combustion chambers." Karen said, accessing the engeneering computer, "Here, see how it works. Deuterium is drawn from the tanks and oxygen enriched just as it is on the Suvorov, then the stream is compressed by physical means first, as your engines do. but after that, it is atomized to a fine mist by magnetolazer compression. Power output is similar, but efficiency is improved by 3 %."

"A very modest improvement, but it would have saved lot of fuel in the Expanse." Dimitri said. "Think we ever go back there?"

"Probably." Karen said. "THe girl's transmission indicated she was somewhere equally dangerous. But knowing Xenia I would be very surprised if we didn't end up in the Expanse before this mission is done."

"Inessa would love that." Dimitri said. "Hearing of our adventures, she would give anything to set foot in the Expanse herself."

"Yeah we had some good times." Karen said. "Of Course had I been in command then we would probably taken our time studying the repair planet so Chloe and the others wouldnt need to send out a survey mission."

"You really think Colony can work?" Dimitri asked.

"CSA alone, not a chance." Karen said. "All nations helping eachother as in the fleet, absolutely."

"You know how Germans are building tugs for space barges." Dimitri said. "My people are building starliners in similar space-train design with a modified Lee-class tug, to get people to the planet."

"Hopefully after this mission, and Xenia is gone, we can escort the first colonists there." Karen said.

After that, and Belle showing off some more things, they finally set out for the fleet conference lounge to await the other captains. (after dropping Mayali off on the Observation deck to enjoy the swirling neon of hyperspace.)

Fortunately Callie who was guarding the entrance with a security detail, informed them the other captains had yet to arrive.

Dimitri and Karen went inside, and after Karen placed a datapad containing all the relevent information in front of each seat, they took their seats and waited on the others to arrive.

Once everyone was present and accounted for, Callie locked the door as usual.

"Welcome aboard Excalibur." Karen told them all, then, "The first item I want to discuss is our mission. After that, I will hear any complaints, or requisition orders any of you may have. Help yourselves to the food and drink provided, we will be here a while."

After a pause to ensure everyone was listening, Karen said, " As you all know, we are following a tip of someone who supposedly knows how to find X.S.S. Destroyer. the ultimate warship of the Xian empire that escaped the destruction of X." another pause. "What you may not know is where this girl is located. Not in the Expanse, thankfully, but deep in the Plieadian badlands, well beyond the outer colonies. This region of space is far less hospitable than the most dangerous regions of the Expanse. Supposedly she hid there to avoid capture as Jerry is afraid of the place. The datapad in front of each of you has information about the Plieadian badlands, as well as all we know about X.S.S. Destroyer from our encounter at the end of the war."

"We could have used this information from the start, Admiral, what changed?" Mike asked.

"You know what changed." Karen said. "Maya had all this classified. She felt you people were too 'young' to know the very real threat that still exists after the Xians' defeat. But Maya isn't in command anymore, I am. I always disagreed with that assessment. and thus, in the spirit of the Global alliance on Earth, and the Earth - Canid alliance out here, I declassified it. From here on, you know everything we know."

"See Nigel I told you she was not playing favoriteism." Dimitri said. "She could have given this information just to Confederate president, but she gives it directly to all of us instead."

"Perhaps you are right, but this place is a bloody nightmare." Captain Patterson said. "How do you propose we get in there."

"If you start from grid C9, and follow the line to h 15, you will see there is a narrow corridor of normal space winding through the plasma storms gravitic eddies, and microsingularities. we will still have to contend with a small asteroid belt, and a trinary pulsar, but that's why I want the Suvorov, the Louisiana, and the Amateras up front, with Excalibur. Your advanced cannons, and more powerful shields like ours will make it easier to clear a path for the fleet." Karen said.

"What are we looking for in there, Admiral?" Haruka asked.

"A small waterworld with vertical rings, and a few tiny islands dotting the equator." Karen said. "There is a Rough Collie girl hiding from the Xians there, who supposedly has the information we seek."

"And if we find her?" Emily asked.

"She will go through decon, then be brought straight here, before all captains of the fleet." Karen said. "Nobody will have the information until she can give it to all of us at once."

"OK, but if we get in trouble in there?" the captain of the Ontario asked.

"The closest ship will render aid to any in need." Karen said. "If worst comes to worst, we go sub-light and Excalibur will dock with the ship in need and tow you clear."

"Says here there are a lot of indigenous hostile species in there. Are we expecting a fight?" Meilin asked.

"Conflict with the insectoids, and most likely the Reptillians will be unavoidable." Karen said. "Nevermind the space pirates, vagabonds, and criminals on the run that love to use places like the Badlands to hide. Not to mention rival mercenaries that want the girl's information for themselves.

"And if we come up against it?" Leroy asked.

"Not if, when." Karen said, and When it happens, if its Reptillians or insectoids, we give them no quarter. Anybody else, disable their ships first and give them the option to surrender. If they refuse, well its their funeral."

"You can not negotiate with Reptillians or Insectoids." Dimitri answered the Canadian captain's question before she spoke. "They would sooner shoot any mammal on sight than listen to them and that includes us humans."

"And those they don't kill outright they use as mining slaves, yes." Karen said. "Thank you Dimitri.

"Scuttlebutt has it you're pregnant, Admiral." Jim said. "Is that true?"

"No but I am in season." Karen said. "I have been dealing with it through meditation and anal intercourse, as I have no intention on being sidelined for pregnancy. We do this, we go all in. I'll be right there with you all the whole way, either in my cockpit, or leading the charge boots on the ground."

"Maya would fly anyway." Clarence remarked.

"I'm not Maya." Karen said. "She had big ideas but went about them the wrong way. hopefully now we can put this last hiccup of The War to rest, and focus on helping you all set up your first deep space colony."

"No more questions on the mission, Admiral." Mike said, after a bit.

"Very well, moving on." Karen said. "Does anyone have anything specific to bring to my attention."

"We are fresh off the assembly line, Admiral." Haruka said. "I would like to test our guns and shields in mock combat excercises before we get into a serious battle, and test the targeting system on asteroids or comets."

"There's a dead moon just outside the Badlands." Karen said. "It has a lot of debris in orbit, and used to be a Canid testing ground for nuclear weapons. It should suit our purposes well. As to the mock combat excercises I agree. My own gunners could use the practice as well."

"It will be great chance for Commander Ivanov to show off his new combat maneuver." Dimitri said.

"I look forward to that, myself." Karen said.

"Is it acceptable to ask for supplies so early in the mission? Canadian captain Verity wakefield asked.

"Yes, what is it you need?" Karen asked.

"40" autocannon shells, and electrical supplies." Verity said, handing Karen a clipboard. "That has the specifics. but suffice it to say we expended a lot of munitions training our gunners before joining the fleet."

"This won't be a problem." Karen said. "So you just need ''Solid'' 's,? or you need more HE, HEAP, incendiary and grapeshot too?"

"Just 'Solid' 's. Verity said. We did not expend our specialty shells."

"Alright, I will have the munitions beamed over after the meeting, as for the electrical supplies, I'll see what we can do. I know we have most of it, but electro-optical piezo-flash crystals have to be laser-cut to fit the particular application." Karen said.

"Potable water." Emily said. "Daniels forgot to fill the tanks or report their status when I replaced him, so we left home with less than 20,000 liters of potable water."

"Alright, we'll go sub-light at 18:00 hours tomorro for water unrep." Karen said. "You'll have to tank off Excalibur. we have more than enough to go around."

"I would like to requisition some lioness milk." Dimitri said. "My chef Vladimir likes to make his own sour cream ((smetana)) and you know how difficult it is to store whole cream milk."

"You drink lioness milk, Admiral? I would like to taste that." Haruka said.

"You just did." Karen said.

"All Canid dairy products, like the cheese poppers we have been eating here, are made from lioness milk." Mike explained.

"I'll have a jug sent over after the meeting though." Karen said. then, to Dimitri, "How much do you need?"

"50 liters should do for now, Admeral." Dimitri said.

"easy enough." Karen said. "Our farm deck is even more productive than in the Expanse. I just sent 200 liters back to earth with the Buckner."

"We need parts for our engines." Jim said. "We're running fine for the moment, but the Lee is Earth's oldest ship, and its starting to show."

"Done." Karen said.

"Bloody hell mate, I cant believe this." Nigel said. "All those times I had lunch with her, and Maya was hiding so much."

"She thought it was for your own good." Karen said. "She felt if Earth knew what we knew you would only destroy yourselves in another world war."

'But this /is/ everything?" Meilin asked.

"Technologically yes. For the rest, you can download anything you want to know about from Excalibur's computer database. Its freely avalible on the secure fleet intranet between ships." Karen said.

"Thank you, Admeral." Dimitri said.

"IS there any personal issues in the fleet I should know about." Karen asked next.

"Well you know Mayali is pregnant, Admeral." Dimitri said.

"Congratulations, so is Erika, ... again." Mike said.

"Personal issues? really? Is that what you guys been doing in here for 5 years and change in the Expanse, talking about personal things?" Emily asked.

"If it pertains to the fleet, yes. Like in this instance, Mayali is Dimitri's wife, and Erika is my comm officer which means Mike beams over from the Jackson or she beams to the Jackson a lot." Karen said.

"we dont sexchat if thats what you mean, captain Walker." Mike said. "But you have to know you can come to Admiral Karen with /anything/ no matter how personal and she will hear you out."

"My point exactly." Karen said.

"Speaking of persinal things, I want to throw party to celebrate Mayali being pregnant." Dimitri said. "I would like to hold the party here, on Excalibur, so there is enough room for people from every ship to attend."

The unused deck we used for Mayali's estrus festival would be perfect." Karen said. "Consider it done."

THe meeting went on like this for several hours, with each captain giving reports on their ship's fuel, O2, and other consumables, and any issues that needed addressed.

When it was finally over, even 'by the book' Emily Walker was starting to appreciate Karen's way of doing things.

Dimitri stayed long enough to collect Mayali from the observation deck, and once Karen had helped Mayali out of that last diaper, Mayali showered and got dressed while Karen and Dimitri talked in the cart, planning the party.

Karen drove them to the main transporter room when Mayali got out of the shower, and bid them farewell as Holly beamed them back to the Suvorov...


"Has sensation fully returned, my love?" Dimitri asked Mayali.

"Yes, my love." Mayali said.

"In that case." Dimitri paused to use a comm panel set into the corridor wall.: "Poloniev to bridge; "You have the bridge a bit longer, Lt Petrovich. I have personal matter to attend to." Dimitri released the button on the comm panel to hear Lt Petrovich reply. "Yes captain.". Then he took Mayali to their cabin to ''celebrate'' the babies in a more personal way..

An Endless Voyage chapter 61:

Though one would not know it in the inky black of space, The clocks on their instrument panels read 06:11 hours Fleet Time, when the last of the VIP shuttles landed aboard the C.S.S. Buckner. "Another half dozen cargo shuttles and we're done." Hank...

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Ship references part 1

Part one: Admiral Karen's fleet, then and now. And some of the unassigned ships kept in reserve. Starship Excalibur Class: Heavy Dreadnought Battleship. Country of Origin (N/A) Personally owned by Admiral Karen Captain: ...

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An Endless Voyage chapter 60:

Karen couldn't help but like captain Walker, despite her rather strict buisnesslike nature. Emily was strict, not cruel, and being strict wasn't necessarily a bad thing. Karen toured many more ships after the Jefferson Davis, and finally she had...

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