Handy VR

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#13 of 2023 Stories

These hands are pretty nice to feel up your new body.

Check out my Patreon for goodies: https://www.patreon.com/mysterywolf

Doble was new to the concept of VR chat. He had just opened up the game, set up his avatar, and the human was having the time of his life. He was now a collie anthro, a dog with thick fine fur from head to tail, and complete with a cock twice his size, a big red rocket doggie shaft. He knew there was a clothing option of some sort, but he liked being totally naked in this VR world! The world felt so realistic too, as if his fur really blew in the wind. He decided to pick 'New York City' as his first place to explore. The VR chat had the entire world built into it! Plus or minus a few places, but exploring a massive city from the comfort of his own home was amazing. "A shame I can't live here forever." He said with a sigh.

As Doble continued to explore the world, he walked along the sidewalk and noticed a lack of people. Well, he chose to play offline after all, but he expected NPCs at the very least! He wanted to try food! Not... that he would ever be able to eat any of them. The other thing he imagined was a world of trying out this big doggie cock on an NPC collie anthro slut. As he passed by a back alleyway, he paused, catching a glimpse of... something, something that moved.

Doble knew that while he felt the wind, there was no such thing as it in the VR world, so to spot something moving in the slightest was awkward. As he peeked into the alley, he saw two giant massive white hands, as if they were straight out of a familiar video game, hands which floated in the air, not attached to a body, arms, or anything for that matter. Simply two hands, hands larger than he was. "Huh... leftover data?" He pondered. That, or a graphical error.

Curiosity got the better of Doble. He stepped into the alleyway and looked upwards at the two floating hands with the fingers slowly waving in the air as if on idle. The hands weren't quite close enough for him to touch, but he knew if one grabbed him, they could easily squeeze the life out of him, or carry him on a magic hand ride. "Must give good hand-jobs at least."

The two white gloved hands suddenly closed into fists before shooting back open. They lunged down and grabbed the transformed collie anthro before pulling him not up into the air or into some dark alley, but down underground, completely defying all physics by pulling him underneath as if the dirt below didn't exist! They pulled him down into a large white void underneath with only the 'top' of the ground visible from above them, and nothing as far as the eye could see in any other direction. They then let him go, though rather than fall, Doble simply... remained there, unable to move.

"H-hey!" Doble tried to swim upwards, but to no effect. It was as if he were trapped underground and frozen, though he was able to speak, breathe, blink, anything except move his body in the direction he wanted it to! He turned his head from side to side and opened up his profile. There, he saw various sliders that he used to make him who he was. He was able to adjust everything about him, at least from a physical standpoint, all in a semi-transparent UI directly in front of his character. He figured a simple command to reset his position would work, though he was unable to find any command that did that. There was a way to open up the user interface, though he had no idea how to open it up from a VR standpoint. In fact, he wasn't entirely sure how to open up the command console at all without being able to see his keyboard. He thought about raising his hands to his head to remove his VR headset, yet despite being frozen in a VR chat, it also felt as if he were frozen in real life, unable to even do as much as move his hands up to his face. His face pointed forwards towards the endless abyss with his eyes monitoring the two hands.

The hands floated gracefully, their nimble fingers flexed and contorted with otherworldly dexterity. The hands combined together with their fingers weaving and bobbing together before...

Crack! The two knuckles cracked together before the hands split apart once more. The duo then reached out and grabbed Doble's hands. Their massive fingers easily wrapped around his body before they slowly moved outwards, straightening out his arms in the process, making it impossible to use the UI screen in front of him to teleport out.

Doble was at a loss. Nothing in the game, at least nothing he heard about, should have been able to paralyze him like this. Yet here he was, dragged down into nothingness, all at the mercy of the two disembodied hands. He was incapable of closing the UI in front of him, and only watched as the hands grabbed the screen and pulled it away before opening up something on it, using their own fingers to press the buttons. It wasn't long before they were in the character settings, allowing them to adjust nearly everything about his character one could imagine. "Don't!" He shouted. Then again, it didn't matter too much. He had this saved as a favorite on his computer. Even if the hands screwed with his body, fixing it wasn't a challenge. Yet, why was his heart racing so wildly?

The hands enlarged the UI to allow Doble to see just how much of his body could be altered. His gender, his species, and so, so much else. His eyes scrolled through that semi-transparent window and he watched as the hands altered a setting known as 'ass size' to the max. Doble winced as his behind shook and swelled to virtually unrealistic proportions, growing to such a huge size. He was not able to turn his head to see, however feeling those furry ass cheeks ballooning outwards into a ridiculous size was more than enough. At the very least, the size was still realistic. "Ugh... quit it!"

As soon as Doble shouted that, his ass went from massive, to nearly nonexistent, shrinking backwards nearly straight into his body and making it look as if he barely had a behind at all! It was something he was a bit more grateful for, though it made the upper part of his body stand out with an ass so scrawny.

The hands continued to mess with various settings for Doble's body. They hadn't adjusted his species or his gender, but nearly every other aspect of him had been changed at one point or another. His ass went from giant to nothing. His pawed feet went from normal to stickly to bigger than minivans! His chest went from nothing, to muscular, to having massive boobs on a body that was otherwise male! Not even his face was safe as his nose swelled to a massive size along with his ears. All of this, happening right before him before everything returned to normal.

"Uhn..." Doble groaned. The sensations of his body stretching, shifting, transforming, and so many other things were so real they almost felt as if they were really happening to him. Worse yet, whenever his nose, ears, and eyes were enlarged, those senses grew exponentially until they returned back to their normal size. He looked like the collie anthro he started as, though his body felt as if it had been brought through a wringer. He noticed the hands were trying to fiddle around with some sliders and move them even though they had been maxed out. "H-heh..." He had heard rumors of an override setting, though few knew the password to unlock 'admin mode' for such sliders.

The hands pressed a button on the UI, a big giant red button that said 'Admin Mode' and typed in three simple words. 'OwO'

Once those words were entered, the sliders began to expand and stretch outwards, moving well beyond what the UI was capable of, and having arrows pointing to the left and right, indicating that these could be moved even further outwards! The hands went right to work, starting with Doble's cock. One hand moved the slider, while the other zoomed over to Doble's doggy shaft.

Doble watched helplessly as the massive hand gingerly wrapped it's digits around his shaft. The hand's size was so big that it only took two fingers before it wrapped around him entirely, while the thumb of the hand pressed up against his testicles. Doble winced and turned red at both the sight, and the feeling of the big warm thing hugging his cock. "S-stop..." He squeaked. He didn't realize the direction the other hand moved the slider, assuming it was moving it downwards. That was until his cock throbbed with much greater intensity than before, again and again. He had only felt two fingers before, but soon he felt three... and then the bottom of the fourth. The hand unwrapped itself from him and let him see a cock that was now giant for his form! His shaft must have measured at least four feet in length, and incredibly thick! His cock blocked the lower part of his vision when it was fully erect, which it very much was now! "Ahn... ahn...c-curse these video game physics." He imagined he must have had an erection in real life to explain these... feelings..

The hands did a 'high five' before the duo traded off. One of those hands went down and stroked Doble's testicles while the other swelled the size of them. Doble shuddered as his testicles pulsed and swelled, taking on big perfectly round orbs before swelling down to his knees in length, swimming in cum that had to be expelled. Doble heard the game was capable of simulating orgasms, but he wasn't... well, he was curious about it, but he didn't buy the game for that! "Uhnn... y-you two are massive perverts, that's for sure." He groaned. Orgasming didn't sound like a bad idea. He was so close to the edge of cumming, but before he had the chance, the hands disabled his ability to cum, all from the tick of a single box.

"D-dammit... g-give me at least... I need to cum!" Doble's doggie tongue stuck out with what limited movements he had. The hands were far from done though as they adjusted another part of his body, his muscles. With the slider unlocked, the hands moved the 'muscle' part of his body to well beyond what should have been normal limits, and Doble soon felt the pounds packing onto him, slowly making him so much bigger and stronger. His arms developed massive pecs with veins hidden underneath his long fine fur. He managed to flex his fingers in a hopeful attempt that these new growing strengths would free him, but to no avail. His chest grew outwards with muscles hidden perfectly underneath his fur, as did his legs. He soon looked so incredibly powerful and muscular! His new body was so powerful, he was sure bench pressing a car would be trivial. "Uhn...and yet..." No amount of strength allowed him to be free from this T-pose!

Doble was beginning to be a bit grateful that this was the worst that was happening to him, though he didn't speak it aloud, and did his best not to think about it. The hands scrolled through the UI screen in front of him while continuing to fondle his body and squeeze his newfound muscles, as if to test them out. They paused at the setting of the size of his anus, and slid that farther than the setting of his muscles.

"Oh no..." Doble muttered as one of the hands pressed a finger up against his ass.

At first, his ass was far too small for the hands, but then his rear began to open up. As his ass cheeks slid apart for his increasing donut hole, Doble let out a soft moan, his large cock unleashed a wave of seed abruptly. The hands made sure he'd be able to cum much more though! The orgasm was short, sweet, and clean. His seed flew into the abyss, going to only he imagined where.

"Uhn..." Doble groaned. "Okay, so I'm... I'm a big giant muscle bound collie. You can let me go now!" This was hardly a form he could complain about. Well, maybe the big giant donut anus, but nothing else! He begged to know when this torment was going to stop.

The hands moved the slider up to another setting, his gender, and opened it up. There was a setting for his cock, and as he saw the fingers hover over removing his shaft, his heart pounded harder than normal. Then, it moved to vagina, and then pressed the button. Right after, they moved to another setting and slid it to the max. Doble wished he was able to pay attention to what that setting was, but the moment the new velvet lips between his legs opened up to create a new vagina, Doble let out a lewd moan, throwing his head up high. "Ahhnnn!" His voice cracked. He was no longer fully male, but a mixture of genders. Those new vaginal lips dripped needily, desiring a cock in it, like the one he himself had. "F-fuck...need...cock...need...cunt...fuck!"

The hands then opened up his breast option and increased the size of his chest. Doble felt the warmth in his... her? In their chest. He didn't know what to refer to themselves as now with cock and cunt. "Uhn...my... my tits." Doble shuddered as his chest grew with every breath. His muscles hid the growth at first, but soon his tits reached C... D... E cups and beyond, pushing well into the F range, giving him as hyper tits as his muscles and cock. He was now a herm, a herm with hyper sexes begging to be stuffed. Doble herself moaned for release. "Y-you stupid hands are big enough to jerk me off now, so do it!"

Unfortunately, the hands continued to taunt and tease Doble's settings, changing different sliders and adjusting her body. Doble's body was puddy in their... well, hands. Her tits went to growing so big they were larger than her body, back to their hyper F size. Her testicles swelled so big that walking was impossible, and then they went to their 'normal' size, which was just below her damn knees. She was a hyper collie slut in need of some fun, and she whined the longer the hands continued to play with the settings but never with her! She knew the first thing she was going to do was to pull off these goggles once they released her, then she was going to masturbate like mad!

The hands closed the UI and stroked Doble slowly, little by little, exploring each and every crevice of her body. Doble shuddered at the sensation of the hands, cumming again with the feelings. While cumming at a mere light touch was humiliating, she knew her massive balls would let her cum again, and again, and again. She blushed underneath her fur as the hands explored her new feminine features, though without penetrating that cunt. She closed her eyes and mentally prayed for them to stop. She craved to be free once more!

Doble felt a soft breeze and opened up her eyes. She found herself back in the alley she was dragged out of, but her body was fully transformed. Her massive shaft touched the ground even as she pulled herself up. She attempted to open up the UI to alter herself and fix her form, only to find that it wouldn't open up at first. "Ugh! I've got to get this damn headset off!" She reached up to her head and... grabbed the headset she was wearing. She thought it was a little strange that she was able to feel the headset in this VR world so well. She pulled it off and tossed it to the side to see the VR headset now in the alleyway, but she... was still in the alleyway of that city. "Wait... what?"

Doble knew she just removed the headset, and she was still stuck in the alleyway. She reached up and tried to pull off her headset again, but to no avail. There was a broken, shattered headset next to her, one that looked like the one she wore before getting into this VR world. Moreover, the world now looked and felt much more real. The chill in the air, the scent of garbage around her, as well as her own scent and needy heat. Her tail repeatedly batted her butt. The fur along every inch of her body. Everything felt, smelled, and looked so real. The noises of traffic also were in the air, as well as people walking past the alley she was now in. It was as if she really were in New York, and there was no way to get out of there! "B-but..." She shuddered. Every man and woman that walked by was another creature that had either a cock or cunt that she smelled thanks to her powerful doggy nose, a cock or cunt that wasn't being used, one that she NEEDED! Her donut anus pulsed with desire, just another hole that needed filling, yet she was constantly ignored by the passerbys! Dammit, she was a horny needy doggy!

Doble's eyes shot upwards towards the sky with her heart racing, yet the hands she looked for did not appear once more, as if they had never existed. Yet here she was, a needy herm dog in craving for some sex. She turned her head and spotted a doorway into a club of sorts. The scent of sex from this club was faint, but enough for her to pick up on. Her cock throbbed eagerly at that, and without knowing what awaited her, she opened the doorway and moved on to her next adventure, hoping whatever the hell this was, sex was involved. She would hopefully find a way to change back, just as soon as she was no longer damn horny.

Xandy's Showtime

Xandere stepped into the strip club with a smile on his face. He had been promised a good time by the owner, and it wasn't long before he was greeted by Myu, a herm anthro horse with a reputation for being manipulative and deceptive, but also sassy,...

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VR headsets that are so immersive you'll believe you were actually there! That was the advertisement Xandre was told as he placed on the headsets and turned them on. The moment he did however, his room appeared in front of him? He remembered being...

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The Jubjub Way

With staff in hand, a young moogle cast a spell destroying a set of eggs in a large nest nearby. A person in town had sent him on a quest to vanquish what appeared to be harpies getting a little too bold. However, each time they sent a human, it was as...

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