The Princess and The Punk (Commission)

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#59 of Commissions

Alexandra has never been one to settle for a permanent partner or hangers-on. The Amazonian hyena herm can get anything she wants with no problem. But when a certain hyena femboy rocks her night, she considers getting one or two such talented holes to prep her for a future rematch.

This is a commission for GreatBritainBill over on FA. You can stories like this and more over on my Patreon and/or Subscribestar (Subscribestar is for things not appropriate on Patreon). Top supporters get a discount on commissions.

I hope you enjoy!

Characters belong to their respective owners.

Alexandra woke up with a cool and saliva-drenched wilting erection. Not a feeling she was unused to, but from the night prior the hyena actually worried if she would only feel the tightness of the smaller partner she'd brought home. Looking around, she didn't find the other yeen beside her bed, which had broken underneath her.

That was a first.

Slowly, she regained her mental bearings while making no effort to pull herself from the wreckage. Last night she went out looking for tail as usual. She'd spotted a cute yeen boi dressed like a punk and cornered him. To her surprise, he met her enthusiasm in kind, practically dragging her cock out in public before she brought him back to her apartment. Not for any need of privacy, just a feeling that she'd need him all to herself.

The night was wild. Their tongues danced in tango as their clothes scattered about the room in a chaotic mess that left her big bra hanging from the ceiling fan. She remembered blowing into him, with the yeen demanding more and more.

And more.

And more.

Rocky, if she remembered right, had been riding her cock before she blacked out. Alexandra felt her pride falter for a moment, realizing that, technically, he conquered her, and she had a no-defeat policy. Yet her desire for another round wasn't for revenge. No, something about his boundless enthusiasm and trained asshole made her want to lock him to her cock forever.

The smell of sizzling eggs hooked her nose. Pulling herself up, the tall Amazonian hyena wandered into the kitchen, scratching her bedraggled hair. Standing over the burners, clad in an apron too big for him and nothing else was the punk yeen boi, Rocky. He smiled facing her, one eye hidden behind his folded-over mohawk. "Mornin'."

Alexandra smiled. "Morning," peering over to the small frying pan with a fluffy yellow cloud of scrambled eggs, she added. "As much as I love the idea of you cooking for me, I'm not a scrambled eggs kind of girl."

"Who said these are for you?" Rocky pushed the batch side to side with his spatula.

"Because it's my place?" Alexandra raised her brow, "And my eggs?"

"And after spending several hours knotted to you, I've earned myself some breakfast. You're free to help yourself."

"Can I ask you nicely to make me some?" Alexandra leaned against the fridge, blocking his path to the table as her shadow encompassed him. "Pretty please?" she asked, fluttering her eyes and subtlety thrusting her hips.

Taking a fork, he just ate his eggs standing. "As much as I'd love to, I got a shoot soon and an Uber coming in ten minutes."

"A shoot?" she asked, "What are you, an actor?"

He looked taken aback by the question, then nodded. "And a model, both for porn. Did you not know that?" She shook her head. With pull like hers, Alexandra rarely made time to watch porn. Rocky held out his hand. "It's Rocky Rhodes. You might know me from such things like several Urban Savannah features, Wastelanders, and B.I.L.P: Sacrilege."

Some of those rang a bell but not enough for Alex to really grasp. "What's bilp?" she asked, taking his hand.

"Boys I'd love to Peg. It's a play on Milf where actors who play the milf role in porn take a strap-on to younger guys. I'll admit my role in Sacrilege was a stray from what I normally play, I had to suppress my bratty urges to be some innocent bible selling choir boy."

"Choir boy?" Alexandra asked, "As in a student?"

Rocky nodded, "Look, no one thinks too deeply about the lore behind porn, else we have to scrub like ninety percent of the sexy teacher genre. It's fiction, just beat it and move on."

"I'll, uh, I'll keep that in mind," Nervous shivered her tightening throat, another first for her. No one she'd ever brought to her apartment to fuck ever looked so unintimidated by her to the point that they made idle chitchat without lusting over her dick or hoping she'd ravish them again. Did she like that? The hyena reasoned she did, and that's why it made her nervous. She didn't want to fuck it up. "So, since you gotta go for a shoot soon, do you think we can meet up again sometime?"

The smaller yeen held his fork against his lip as he thought. "I'd love to, but my schedule is pretty packed. Truth be told you kind of just caught me on the tail end of my vacation."

"Porn stars take vacations?"

"Sex work is work and holidays are important."

She nodded, seeing the logic in that. "But you would be interested some time, right?"

"If it means I keep knocking you down a peg, sure," he grinned, "Though you might need some practice. It doesn't look like you're used to brats." He slipped past her frame and took to a seat at the nearest table, with chairs too big for him.

She fit in hers just fine since they were custom-made for her size. "Well the only way I could get better is with some practice, so we might have to meet up often," Alexandra said, leaning in to add, "Unless you know a few friends like yourself?"

Raising his brow with a smirk, Rocky leaned back into the massive chair, "Oh, I see how it is. No loyalty huh?" Alexandra blinked, worried she might have just fucked up. He laughed and whipped out his phone, "I'm kidding. There's only one me, but I may have a few friends interested, outspoken or otherwise, in downing some big yeen dick from a big strong girl like yourself." Her phone buzzed with a text displaying a number. "His name is Jovi. Bit of a fashionista but tries to limit being a gold digger."

While that last part sounded important, Alexandra found herself compelled to ask something else. "How did you get my number?"

"You have facial unlock," Rocky said, winking. "And I like to surprise people. Speaking of," In a blink of an eye, the hyena vanished. Warm lips braced against her cockhead. Looking down, Alexandra smiled in surprise at seeing him between her legs. "I'll give you one more before I hit the road."


Jovi liked to talk in emojis. Alexandra considered stopping off of that alone, but her dick won out in most situations, and texts with Jovi were no exception. They spoke for a day before planning to meet despite not sharing any pictures. Jovi wanted to be surprised based on only Rocky's description of Alexandra. She didn't even know what Jovi looked like.

They settled on a cafe with lots of outdoor seating. The warm morning made Alexandra question if she should be wearing leather in the season. Despite her size, she had no problem finding a table. They even had long tablecloths which she found odd, figuring those would get dirty easily outside.

"Hey!" What could only be described as the most valley-girl-toned voice called out from behind. Alexandra turned around, spotting a tall and supermodel svelte zebra in a pink halter sweater crop top with loose sleeves and a matching miniskirt. His mane had been dyed beach blonde and hung loose but brushed, with large golden hoops hanging from his ears and designer sunglasses perched over his eyes. Platform heels built for hooves clicked across the pavement as he approached, hips swaying side to side with playful grace. A small pink choker topped it all off, revealed to be a leather collar upon closer look.

Her heart sank when she saw him, knowing it had to be Jovi. In her experience, anyone too obsessed with the specific shade of pink on their nails was too soft for her liking. Jovi dropped his designer purse onto the table before wrapping his arms around her. Thanks to his heels, he was close to her height. "Oh my gosh, it's like, so good to meet you," he said, "Have you been waiting long?"

"No, not long," she said, forcing a smile. How was Alexandra supposed to work with this? The benefit of the doubt told her that Rocky wouldn't be having her meet the zebra if he didn't think they'd work, but she did end up tapping out to the smaller hyena. Did he think she needed someone soft? Holding her sigh, she pulled out a seat for her special date. "Did it take you long to get here?"

"Oh, it was the worst!" Jovi said, sighing exasperatedly as he sat down, "Thank you, by the way. So nice to meet a proper lady, or do you go by gentleman?"

"It's all the same." Alexandra didn't care much about honorifics.

Nodding, he continued, "Well, anyway I had to take a rideshare here and you wouldn't believe how rude they were. I've been in enough to know people like to talk, but he just wanted me to shut up and I was like, 'I'm not gonna shut up. You're not the boss of me' so I, like, asked what his deal was." Jovi kept talking, drowning out Alexandra's internal thoughts with his story that went on and on. "Oh I just love the mochi here," Jovi said, scrolling through the menu on his phone. Alexandra hadn't even scanned the QR code yet. "They come in the shape of these soft feral bunnies. They're just so cute, especially when they wiggle as you spank them."

"Yeah..." the menu actually did mention spanking them for some reason. Was it for Instagram people? The hyena wasn't sure, but she started to consider dropping this 'date' entirely.

"Just so you know, my favorite drink here is the Mocha Raspberry Frappe."

"Sure," Alexandra nodded, "Look, I'm not sure if..." Jovi was gone. She blinked, confirming that the seat across from her had become vacant in the few seconds she'd spoken. A waitress came before she could go looking for where the valley-girl zebra had vanished. "Uh, I'll have a black co-" Alexandra gritted her teeth and hunched over before she could finish. Delicate hands pulled her zipper silently and fished her cock out, enveloping its tip between warm and wet lips. "B-Black coffee..." she finished, hands clenched as Jovi went deeper.

Nodding, the waitress wrote her order on a small notepad, "And anything else?"

Jovi's tongue coiled around her cock like a python. With deep breaths she tried to calm herself, remembering the items Jovi talked about. "S-Some m-mochi bunnies and a...fuck..."

"I can come back if-"

Alexandra shook her head, "N-no, no, it's a mocha. My f-friend wanted a" The living vacuum between her legs made it hard to think, "Strawb-berry I think?"

"You mean raspberry?" the waitress asked.

She nodded, wondering if the waitress noticed what was happening. The tablecloth was large enough that anyone could hide underneath the table, but were the sounds obvious? "Y-Yeah, as a frappe, I think?"

The waitress nodded, writing it all down, "So one black coffee, one mocha raspberry frappe, and some mochi bunnies. Anything else?"

Seeing Jovi's nose slip through the tablecloth against the base of her knot, Alexandra shook her head. "N-Nope." Her hands dug into the armrests once the waitress walked away. The zebra underneath her traveled up and down the entirety of her massive shaft with no issue, even going as far to massage her sack with his hands. Never before had she felt someone go down on her without a choke or gag. Even Rocky struggled to take everything down his throat. Jovi didn't have a throat. Rather, the zebra's talkative mouth functioned like some sort of oral pussy, taunting the massive yeen to take it with both hands and pound it until she filled his stomach with her seed.

As tempted as she was, Alexandra held back. Public fucking wasn't so much a no-no as it was a pain to deal with in crowded spaces. Jovi's bold choice renewed her hopes on this little date though, even as he left her hanging when their orders arrived. While the tablecloth protected her from the wind, the feeling of her wet cock standing tall gave her an unfulfilling chill. "Do you do that to everyone you meet?" She asked.

"I wish," Jovi smiled, sipping through his straw, "Most don't like a surprise fellatio. But when Rocky told me about your size, well, I had to see it for myself. Size doesn't mean everything, but I'd be lying if I said yours doesn't excite me a little."

"So why'd you stop?" The table creaked as Alexandra leaned in and grabbed one of the tiny spoons brought with the mochi. Lining it against the fake rabbit's bum, she gently rubbed it before giving it a soft pat. The dessert jiggled on impact. Adorable. "Didn't want your frappe to melt?"

Giggling, Jovi shook his head, "Oh no, I just wanted to get you randy so you'll have more fun later. If you don't mind spending some time with me first."

"Oh?" Alexandra asked, letting the scent of her black coffee waft through her before she sipped it, "And what do you have in mind?"

"I just need to pick up a few things at the mall, no issue."

Either Jovi lied, or he and Alexandra had a different definition on the meaning of the word 'few'. The zebra trotted through every store, eyes on the prowl for outfits that he found cute, sexy, or somewhere in between. From sundresses, crop top jackets, short skirts, long skirts, hotpants, and more, the hyena felt dizzy hearing the explanation behind every outfit, mixed with the ring of every cashier they checked out at. Alexandra found herself carrying all of his baggage, yet she couldn't help but smile as they made their way from store to store.

Because Jovi loved to fuck.

Be it in the changing rooms, the bathrooms, or even by the coat racks, the zebra found ways to entertain Alexandra. To make things better, he prompted it, overjoyed to see her smile even at the risk of getting caught. Of course, sometimes she had to make Jovi quiet. A little makeshift gag with his new purchases in the changing room, or just her good old hand clamping his maw shut while the other pulled his hair. Oh, how he quivered when she tugged that mane of his, sinking his ass deeper into her cock the harder she pulled. He didn't drain her like Rocky, but damn if Jovi wasn't durable.

"So, something's been bothering me," Alexandra asked, one hand on her steering wheel while the other held Jovi's face against her cock. "How exactly are you not getting your card declined? You got some sugar Daddy I need to worry about?" If he did, how could she expect him to be loyal to her? Sure, first-day loyalty was asking for a lot, but she didn't want their relationship to go on for a few months only to learn he was letting other people fill him up. Granted, she wouldn't mind it if he asked her for permission. Only now did it occur to Alexnadra how possessive she could be.

Pulling off her cock, he smiled up to her while brushing her wet phallus against his face, "Not at the moment. Like, I've had a few in the past, but I know some who have plenty of sugar babies so they forget to turn off their cards. Whenever those fail, I have my trust to keep me satisfied until I find a new one."

A trust fund baby without shame? Something about that made Alexandra want to make him squeal, but she pushed it aside. "Do any of those old daddies own the key to that pretty little cage of yours?" she asked, pointing to the golden tube underneath his skirt. She'd never seen a chastity cage so glamorous as his. Was it solid gold or just meant to look like it? Either way, it locked his long cock tight, pulsing every second he was with her.

Fluttering his eyes, the zebra shook his head. "Nope. That's all me," pulling himself up, Jovi lifted his skirt to better reveal the illustrious prison. "Long time ago I realized my cock just didn't seem to work right. I figured I might as well encase it in something pretty if I wasn't going to use it."

"Doesn't work right how?" Alexandra asked, "Like you can't get hard?" from how it pulsed and pushed against his cage, that didn't quite make sense.

Jovi shook his head, "Oh, I can get hard. In fact, I'm pretty sure I'm as big as you, though me being an equine is basically cheating, lolz." Alexandra had never heard someone say lol out loud and wasn't sure if she liked it. "No, I just can't seem to cum with my dick."

Alexandra blinked. She knew what those words meant but the combination caught her off guard. "What?" she asked.

The femme zebra nodded, "It's nothing too crazy. I just can't orgasm from my dick. No matter how hard I try or how long I go, it doesn't happen. You would not believe how confused I was until I discovered how to milk my prostate. Unlike Knox, I don't pretend to not like it up my ass."

She had trouble imagining that, but it did give her an idea on how to punish the zebra if he ever needed one. "Who's Knox?"

"Oh, did Rocky not tell you?" Jovi asked. "He's another friend of ours. Bit of a punk, but I think he just likes to look tough in comparison to the both of us. After this next mall, I'll totally set him up for a meeting."

After a few more stores and dressing room poundings, Alexandra asked, "So as much as I enjoy this little outing, your sugar daddy's comment has me concerned. I hope you don't mind me asking, but why do you go through so many of them?"

"I'm just another baby to them," Jovi said, sifting through racks of clothes as he spoke. "And at first I accepted that. Eventually, all the infighting and struggles for attention just bothered me too much to enjoy what I liked. It was the same every time. The moment I think I got someone as their sole baby, I learn they have a bunch. Now that's not always the only thing, some are just unable to satisfy me in bed, not that you're lacking in that area, honey."

"Right back at you." By her count, she shouldn't have been walking around, let alone shopping with a zebra that looked like he could keep going all day. Something kept clicking and Alexandra wanted to keep it going. "So you're looking for someone to give you more attention?"

"That's shallow, right?" Jovi asked, "I mean, I know it's shallow, but it's what I want. I can share with one or two people, but five or more? No, that's too much for me."

"I wouldn't say so," Alexandra wrapped her arm around his neck, pulling him out of the clothing rack and into her chest. "No, you just want to have someone treat you as their personal princess rather than another pretty face in a crowd of them. And I want someone that won't break so easily. I'd say we're a match already. Though I am still curious about this Knox you spoke of earlier. Are you two an item or something?"

Jovi giggled, pulling out his phone from the pretty purse in his hands. "Something like that. Once you meet Knox, you'll see the pecking order of this relationship clear as day."

"Oh, so we're calling it a relationship now?" Alexandra teased.

"Why not?" Jovi asked, "You seem to enjoy it." That she did. After a short exchange of texts, Jovi told her that Knox was free to meet at a small concert being held in an abandoned warehouse later that evening. "So we're got a lot of time to kill. Fancy a few more rounds of shopping?"

"Maybe," Alexandra smiled, "Or we could try something else, get ourselves really ready for Knox."

"Oh?" the zebra fluttered his eyelashes, "What do you have in mind?"

"Depends. Comedy, horror, or drama?" The actual movie didn't matter so much to Alexandra. She made sure to stop by a hardware store for some zip ties before they arrived at her apartment, letting Jovi pick a movie while she bound his wrists behind him. The zebra didn't protest, until she fished out his key and unlocked his cage.

"So you're telling me that, no matter what I do, you can't get off with this?" Pumping his meat in her hand, Alexandra noted he wasn't kidding about size. Most guys in chastity, especially long-term, tended to have some shrinkage. Jovi's cock rivaled hers in length, losing out in thickness as she effortlessly wrapped one hand around it.

The zebra's comments were stifled by the underwear she shoved in his mouth. From how his eyes fluttered, he had nothing but good little whimpers to say. Normally she wouldn't care to tease the equipment outside of her partner's holes, but seeing the zebra squirm as she pumped his rod brought a new sense of pleasure. A newfound sadism took hold, experimenting with different speeds and tightness on the black rod. Soon his gagged moans went over the movie playing behind them.

Still no orgasm. There was certainly enough pre-cum drooling from his cock to make his dick shiny, but no sign of him exploding. She'd even gone as far as taking a wand to his cock, holding it at the tip on high settings to get him off. "You must be so close," she whispered, holding his mane tight, "I'd bet if I so much as prodded your asshole you'd make a mess of my living room, wouldn't you?" Jovi nodded rapidly, begging incomprehensibly. "Did any of your daddies use this as a punishment?" Jovi nodded, "Smart. I think I'll do it too. Or maybe I'll do it for fun? Pass you around as a party favor for people to use. A living dildo. Bet you'd hate that."

His throbbing rod said otherwise. She had no doubt it'd be an effective punishment, but the zebra had to like it on some level. Being used and unable to satisfy themselves until someone else said. Why else would he lock himself up? Looking at the cloak, Alexandra sighed and grabbed an ice bag from her fridge, holding it steady against Jovi's erection. "As much as I'd love to torment you further, I believe we have a friend of yours to meet, don't we? Did you like me teasing you?"

Jovi nodded, letting her pull his gag out before adding, "Not what I expected given our outings so far."

"To be fair, you got me interested. I think you and Knox might be good for me."

After locking Jovi back up and letting him freshen up, the two set out to the concert Knox said to meet at. Deep in the warehouse district, Alexandra noticed the flashing multicolored lights from the windows of an abandoned building. Circling around it, she found a band using a shipping platform as their stage while a pit of punks formed underneath, banging their heads at the harsh music while the scent of sweat and leather filled the air.

Despite the crowd, Alexandra opted to stay at the fence surrounding the warehouse per Jovi's request. The zebra wanted to surprise her with Knox and, though she could push her way through people easily, the hyena found it more fun to wait. After all, how often did someone bring her a new playmate?

Knox stood out from the crowd in stature alone, or lack of it. She blinked at the short pear-shaped lion that followed Jovi from the mosh pit. Chains swung from swaying hips. Several piercings across his ears, and eyebrows, mirroring the studs of his high-collared leather vest. Fishnets rode up his legs and past delectable studded daisy dukes where a pair of cuffs kept hung from a black leather belt, clicking against each other with every step. At first, she questioned if Knox was even a guy. Lions being short was a rarity all their own, but the lack of a mane made her more confused.

His face soured at the sight of her. "Dude, you didn't tell me she was a hyena," Knox said contemptuously. Alexandra felt her blood boil at that. The rivalry of spotted hyenas and lions was something she'd prefer to let die, but seeing it in action from a shortstack little shit made her want to teach him some manners.

Jovi giggled. "O.M.G. Knoxy, you are such a kidder," the zebra slapped the back of his friend's head. "Alexandra, this is Knox. Knox, this is Alexandra. She's been showing me around town all day in all the right ways."

"So she's another sugar daddy?" Knox scoffed, rolling his eyes, "Sorry, but I can't be bought."

"I haven't bought anything," Alexandra said, trying to get to his eye level by leaning only for Knox to keep his neck craned. She noted his blush despite the flashing lights coating the three of them from the party, "Everything I've had today is given freely without regrets."

"As if a scavenger gets anything for free," Knox said under his breath. She had half a mind to pound him into the dirt until he apologized, but Jovi held his hand up before she could move.

"Can you give us a minute?" he asked, "Privately?" Alexandra turned around to give them space, ears perked to listen in on their conversation. She didn't hear any arguments or even words. Just the sloppy sounds of kissing, the click of metal, and a surprised mumble followed by the shaking of a fence. "Ok, I think Knox is ready to apologize."

"Fuck you!" Knox shouted. Alexandra turned to see the lion had been pushed face-first against the fence with his arms bound behind him by his own cuffs and pants dropped. Peering underneath the lion's delectable bubblebutt she noticed a stubby chastity cage locked with a pair of swollen nuts.

"Who owns this?" Alexandra asked, fondling the package. Drops of pre-cum pooled into her palm.

"Oh, I do," Jovi said. At her raised brow, the zebra explained, "What? I'm not a complete bottom like Knox here. Don't let his little rebellion fool you, he likes playing hard to get."

Through bitten lips, Knox lied, "N-No, I don't."

Her pants grew tight at that scrumptious little lie. Knox was a brat, a punk putting up the facade of rebellion just to get a taste of the leather sole of authority. Why else would he carry so many chains if not to be locked up? The lion hid his face from her but she pursued to see the flush across those pretty cheeks. "You don't, huh?" Alexandra asked, tightly squeezing the fat cheeks of his backside. He shuddered with guilty delight. She turned those restrained pants into sharp squeals with her bare hand cracking against his ass.

"F-Fuck you!" Knox growled. Alexandra smiled at how his knees bent and his ass jiggled. What kind of diet did he have to make his bottom ripple like jello? She didn't ask, preferring to watch it bounce. Each strike pushed him against the fence till it dug imprints into his face.

He stopped squealing soon enough, replaced with lustful panting that told her foreplay was over. "Jovi, over here," she commanded, pointing to the dirt for the zebra to kneel. He crouched inside, not wanting to get his knees filthy against the dirt. She'd punish him for that later. "Lube me up, then Knox."

In the heat of the moment, Alexandra forgot to bring lube. That didn't stop Jovi from unzipping her third leg and wrapping his lips over it, eyes up watching her with every inch he went down. A small pop echoed when he pulled off it, leaving it drenched in saliva as the zebra turned to make out with the lion's asshole. He pulled a bottle of lube from his purse as he gave Knox's ass his attention, lathering a dollop of it over her wet cock with a slippery handjob.

She hesitated when the tip braced Knox's inviting ring. Alexandra, for a moment, believed that if she slipped into him then she'd never go back. That these two pretty bois would be under her lock and key, bringing responsibilities as well as perks. She had a gang, sure, but they were self-sufficient. These two would need to be cared for. Could she do that? The hyena pushed in, accepting she could.

Knox wasn't as loose as Jovi. The lion boy had a tightness to his walls that squeezed her cock just right. His mouth gaped throughout the slow push as if to scream that she should just put everything inside him and be done with it. Jovi filled that maw with his tongue, letting Alexandra enjoy him how she pleased.

Savoring him, she pulled back to thrust deeper, building a rhythm that rattled the fence. Her hands sank into his cheeks as her thrusts sped up while the wet poundings echoed over the music behind them. The hyena cackled, slapping his backside as she saw his hips move to her rhythm. The fucking brat wanted her to fill him, to ruin him like the little bitch he was.

So eager was she that Alexandra slipped her knot inside before she realized it. It inflated, locking the bratty lion around her right as the wave crashed. His legs gave in, leaving him held aloft by her cock as pools of pre slipped from his cage. "Oh, something I forgot to mention," Jovi added, clamping Knox's mouth shut, "Knox needs to be fucked a lot before his prostate listens. Everyone gives up too early, leaving him with ruined orgasms."

"Oh?" Alexandra slapped his ass again, "Challenge accepted." She did need practice. How else was she going to get back at Rocky?

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