A Fathers Sacrifice

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#41 of 2023 Shorts

Jack Harper hasn't always been a good man, he left his old life behind to try do what was best for his family, to become a better person. But his old life refuses to let him go and ghosts from his past come seeking revenge, intent on dragging him back into his old life...after punishing Jack in the only way they know how.

This is a work of fiction. Unless otherwise indicated, all the names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents in this story are either the product of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. All characters are of legal and consenting age, likewise if you are reading this story, you should be of legal age in your respective country.

All characters are my own creation, any resemblance to existing characters is purely coincidental and not intentional, please do not use them without permission. If you would like to use them in a story, please feel free to send me a PM either as Inja on SoFurry or TheRealInja on FA. As always, I am open to new story ideas or situations with existing characters as well.


Jack Harper had made many mistakes in his life; he'd gotten mixed up with the wrong crowd just out of high school and his life started spiralling soon after. After spending time in juvi and a few narrow escapes of doing serious hard time, his life was set to descend down into a darkness there would be no escaping from, the only way out would have been in a body bag, especially once he got involved with The Crayzees. Then Stacy was born and for the first time in years, Jack felt happy and hopeful. He had a real reason to live, she opened his eyes and turned his life around. His little beautiful baby girl gave Jack new reason to not only live, but to do better.

He knew he was always one step away from being locked up for the rest of his life, so Jack moved his family away from everyone and everything that could risk him missing out on any time spent with his daughter. For a while it worked, Jack became a well-liked and respected member of his community, a law-abiding citizen and a pretty good father too. Stacy was growing into a pretty little girl, so full of life and laughter; every day just reaffirmed he had done the right thing. Even though times were tough, he still had a steady job, a roof over his head and a family to come home to. Jack couldn't be happier.

Enough time had passed that Jack almost began to forget about his past life and any grievances his old acquaintances might have harboured towards him. He hadn't outright snitched on anyone, but he was exceptionally good at what he did, which left a void when he got out the game. This caused his old business partners to lose out on substantial amounts of money, something they could not and would not abide by. Unfortunately for Jack, they were the cold and calculating type, their plans were meticulous and well thought-out, lying-in wait for years before springing their trap once they saw his defences were down.

Jack smiled down at Stacy walking beside him, holding his hand as he carried their bag of goodies out of the store. He loved going shopping with his daughter, even though he couldn't always afford to spoil her, she never complained and her wonder and enthusiasm at seeing the world around her was infectious. The older snow leopard, dressed in his simple jeans and plain lumberjack styled plaid patterned top was so distracted by his pretty little blue-eyed girl that he nearly jumped out of his skin when the store alarm blared as soon as he walked between the sensors.

"Sir, please come with me" A large imposing looking Suffolk ram in his pressed uniform demanded. Jack was not a short snow leopard, however he still had to look up at the security guard addressing him.

"Oh, sorry. She must've put something in the bag, I'll just take it out for..." Jack smiled apologetically at the large security guard before reaching down into his black cloth shopping bag.

"Sir, do not touch your bag. That is evidence, now please come with me" Leland Yarc, his name badge indicated, demanded of the smaller spotted feline. One of his hands moving back to his hip to grab what appeared to be a taser, much the same way an actual policeman would've gripped their service pistol.

"But...I...I didn't..." Jack stammered and tried to defend himself. He'd encountered this sort of person before, usually it was someone in the police force. He recalled all the times they'd mistreated him, all the old anger at the injustice he felt came rushing back instantly. He truly was innocent this time, at worst it was a silly mistake, but he knew with his past this could turn out really bad for him if he didn't comply.

"Sir, either you come with me now to my office so we can get this straightened out, or I can get the police involved" the Suffolk ram snorted, glaring down at Jack.

"What's wrong, daddy?" Stacy smiled up at her father innocently, and then the big security guard, whom at least had the decency to smile back.

"Nothing to worry about sweetheart, just a little misunderstanding. You and your daddy are going to come with me to my office to sort this out, okay?" Leland smiled sweetly, lowering himself down to a knee to get as close to eye level with the pretty little kitten as he could. Yet even with him kneeling, Stacy still had to peer up at the large ram with her big blue eyes.

"Okay!" Stacy replied cheerfully and smiled up at her father, whom gave Leland a thin lipped and terse smile back.

A short walk later down the twisting maze-like back halls of the large mall, Jack and Stacy found themselves in Leland's office. Outside was a seemingly pleasant enough looking waiting room with a big television set and comfy couches, with a smaller office set off to one side and partially obscured by shelves of items. Some appeared to be simple storage, but others were clearly items Leland and his crew had removed from persons attempting to steal, almost like a trophy case. The small window in the office door didn't reveal much of the actual office beyond, however.

"Will you be a good girl and wait here while your daddy and I have a little talk? You can watch cartoons on the television set over there, there's even some snacks in the bowl over on the table if you're hungry?" Leland knelt beside the large sofa as he lifted Stacy up to sit back on the large seat, her legs too short to hang over the edge. "The speakers are bust, so you'll have to use this headset to hear, comfortable right?" the ram asked as he placed a pair of large noise cancelling headphones on the little girl's head. Stacy smiled and giggled as she found she couldn't hear the large ram speaking once the headphones were on. As soon as the bright colourful images began to dance across the large television screen, Stacy may as well have been on another planet, her father and the nice man ceased to exist in her world for the time being.

"Come with me" Leland snarled at Jack as he headed back into his smaller and more private office hidden behind the shelves of items. Standing to one side, he directed the spotted feline to take a seat on the hard metal chair in front of his messy desk. The ram locked the door behind them and gave one last glance through the small window to make sure Jacks little girl was not going to be a problem. Seeing her sitting slack jawed and mesmerized while staring at the television, he knew she was completely oblivious to the world around her.

"I'm telling you; this is all just a simple mistake..." Jack began to plead his case again as he rummaged through his black cloth shopping bag to try to find whatever it was that had set the alarm off.

"I told you not to touch the evidence!" Leland almost shouted and snatched the bag from the snow leopard's hands, once again glaring down at him before stomping around to take his seat. The large black faced ram, with his polished horns curling down and forward beside his cheeks cast an imposing figure in his black and white uniform. Jack had put on a bit of muscle working his construction job, he'd even filled out a little more, but Leland was a hulk by comparison. His biceps were almost as thick as Jack's thighs, judging by his definition, it was all hard earned and not aided by the use of chemicals. There was little to no doubt in Jack's mind that Leland was every bit as strong as he appeared to be, if it came down to a physical fight, the ram would undoubtedly dismantle him like a cheap erector set.

Jack swallowed hard as the large ram began to rummage around inside his shopping bag, knowing he shouldn't find anything untoward in there. He'd been paying close attention to Stacy the entire time; at most she must've slipped a pair of socks or something in the bag in the nanosecond he'd not been watching her. But when the rams' lips curled into a broad smirk, Jack felt his blood run cold. Leland withdrew a mobile phone, still in its sealed packaging and almost slammed it down on the table before them. But how could that be? Jack hadn't let Stacy out of his sight and they hadn't even been anywhere near the electronics section of the store. There was no way she could've put that in his bag!

"Well Jack, it looks like you're in a world of trouble. Our systems picked you up the moment you walked into my mall; from the looks of things, you've been quite a naughty boy in the past. Old habits die hard, huh?" Leland smirked as he leaned back in his seat, his fingers steepled before him while he stared hard at the dumbstruck feline.

"This isn't what it looks like, someone must've planted that on me. We never even went near that section of the store, you got to believe me!" Jack pleaded, hoping to appeal to whatever decency the security guard might've had. But seeing the look in the security guards' eyes, he knew he'd have better luck trying to convince a vegan that eating bacon was good for the planet.

"Even if I did believe you, I don't think the boys in blue or even a judge would, given your rap sheet. It looks like you're out of luck here, Jacky boy. As soon as I report this, you're going away for a very long time, this being your last strike and all..." Leland continued, still smiling his infuriatingly smug smile. It almost seemed like the wannabe police officer now turned security guard was getting off on what little power he wielded, unfortunately Jack was the one caught in his sights as the ram stroked his own ego.

"Please, no. I'll do anything, just don't...don't take her away from me" Jack pleaded, turning to look at the door, as if he could see his little girl through it as clear as he saw the smug smile on the rams' lips.

"Anything?" Leland asked with a raised brow, suddenly leaning forward as he stared at the panicked feline.

"Yes...anything..." Jack sighed and slumped back in his seat, defeated. He wasn't stupid, he knew he had enemies out there still. No doubt this was just a ploy to get him back in the game, if doing a job or two meant he could stay a free man, then he'd do it. It wouldn't be the first time someone had tried something to get him to step back into his old life, the only difference this time was that he actually had something to lose, something he cared deeply about. Maybe this time he would turn snitch and get his family put into witness protection.

"Good..." Leland smirked and stared hard at Jack for a long moment, eventually pushing his chair out from under his desk with a heavy metallic squeal before standing and moving around to stand beside a confused looking Jack. "Suck it..." the ram demanded, shoving his large hands in his pockets to pull his pants tighter, outlining his ample bulge invitingly.

"W...what?" Jack balked at the command, his eyes going wide as he stared up at Leland with a look of horror. Surely he'd misheard the security guard, there's no way this asshole had just asked him to give him a blowjob?

"I know you've done time, Jack. You even look like a prison bitch, so this shouldn't be new to you, now suck!" Leland reaffirmed and snorted impatiently, his hips rolling forward suggestively again.

"I never..." Jack swallowed hard; he knew that look in Leland's eye. He'd seen it when he first went to juvi and the bigger guys in the yard intended to make him their bitch. Lucky for him back then, Frank the tank, one of the other even bigger inmates had taken a liking to him and had protected him. But Frank wasn't here this time.

"Do it or I call the cops..." Leland threatened, smirking when Jack reluctantly reached out and began working his pants open and tugged his underwear down to reveal a hefty ebony package. "Soft hands for a construction worker..." the ram mocked when he felt the snow leopards' soft fingers began grasping and massaging at him while working his thick shaft through the opening of his trousers.

Jack wanted to growl, but something told him that would only excite the large ram more. He was already doing too much, so he refused to give Leland anything extra. With his nose wrinkled, Jack turned in his seat to lean forward, bringing his muzzle close to the ram's crotch. His rough tongue reached out and rasped across one of the large males' orbs, then dragging it up along his slowly rising shaft. At least Leland was clean, nothing but the taste of slightly salty flesh as his tongue traced every inch the large male sported. The feeling of holding and caressing another mans junk made Jack's skin crawl and his stomach turn, almost as if he'd stuck his hand down a garbage disposal full of week-old spaghetti.

"I said, suck it!" Leland snorted, one of his large hands grasped into Jack's silky white mop of hair and suddenly thrust his thick ebony spear between the feline's lips. Jacks' eyes watered as he gagged around the invading member when it pressed against the back of his throat, something the ram seemed to enjoy. "I love it when a bitch gags on my dick" he snorted and laughed, holding Jacks head down on his crotch, ignoring the felines claws digging into is hips as he tried to free himself.

Somehow Jack managed not to empty his stomach of its contents, even when Leland began to face fuck him roughly. His ears lowered when he felt the rams' large orbs constantly tapping against his chin, as if they were a mocking reminder that he was being forced to suck another man's cock. As bad as his situation was though, he would do anything for his little girl, even this. Soon Leland's face fucking grew to ecstatic proportions, forcing Jack up and off his seat to instead kneel before the large ram. At least it sounded like the big brute wasn't going to last much longer, the way he was snorting and panting, along with how his thick member throbbed and pulsed against Jacks tongue, he knew the signs of an impending climax. Hell, his mouth was amply coated in the rams precum already, even though he wasn't an expert cocksucker by any stretch of the imagination, Jack was surprised the ram hadn't cum already with the hair trigger he seemed to be sporting.

"Open wide, kitty. Here comes your cream!" Laland snorted and closed his eyes, his fingers gripping at Jack's hair painfully while he gave a few last rough bucks into his captive's maw. Hot salty jets of watery cum spurted against the back of Jacks tongue and throat, again almost making the married feline gag. Jack tried to close his eyes and imagine his beautiful wife, but the sounds the large ram made, the corny porno styled lines he was constantly muttering, made it all but impossible for the snow leopard to cast his mind elsewhere. Especially when Leland finally withdrew his slick cock from Jacks aching maw, his jaw not used to being held so wide for so long, or so roughly hammered like that. Just to add insult to injury, the ram mockingly slapped his messy shaft against Jacks face and muzzle, marking him with his sickening scent.

"Can I go now?" Jack asked with a low growl, his long spotted tail curled and flicked angrily behind him while he glared up at the security guard. The snow leopard tried to use the back of his sleeve to wipe the ram's taste from his mouth, or at least try wipe away some of the mess the asshole had slapped against his furred cheeks.

"Go? We've only just started, Jacky boy. Now, strip!" Leland demanded with a malicious grin, while he too began to remove his clothing, indicating it was not a joke. Jack should've known it wouldn't be that easy, nothing in his life ever was.

"Do it for her" Jack thought to himself, the same mantra he'd told himself every time something bad happened in his life. No matter what life had thrown at him, knowing he was fighting for his precious little girl was always enough to see him through. This would be the same as all... "fucking hell!" Jack yelped as he was forced to bend over the ram's desk as soon as he had removed his clothing, without warning, a pair of thick ebony furred fingers jammed themselves under his tail and into his virgin pucker roughly. The searing pain of being spread without warning made the feline yowl and squirm against the desk, his claws scratching against the cheap fake wooden finish, but Leland cared little for his comfort. At most, a large wad of spit beneath Jack's painfully tugged up tail was as much care as the security guard would give him.

"Tight little bitch, ain'tcha?" Leland mocked while he finger fucked his captive roughly, his dark fingers pumping in and out of the little pink hole nestled between the firm, soft white furred feline buttocks as he worked Jack open. His crushing grip about the felines tail ensuring he couldn't lower it and ruin the view of the virgin asshole being forced to submit to the crude entry of his fingers.

"Fuck you..." the snow leopard hissed between clenched jaws, his claws digging into Leland's desk as he grit his teeth and screwed his eyes shut tight. Jack tried to fool himself into thinking this was no worse than getting his prostate checked, but at least the doctor used lube and had smaller fingers. He was sure Leland's sausage fingers would put most men's endowments to shame.

"Not into taking dick, only giving it; family tradition and all..." the ram mocked and gave a rougher jab of his thick fingers under Jacks hoisted tail. Leland grinned maliciously down at the snow leopard, the feline's twitching tail was gripped in his hand, just above the base and lifting the snow leopard almost off his feet while he forced it up out the way painfully. Just to add insult to injury, the cruel ram rotated his hand palm down, letting his broad fingertips rub against Jacks prostate. Soon Leland was massaging the snow leopards joy buzzer, laughing that same cruel and sadistic mocking laugh of his when the felines own member began to rise. "Looks like you like it up the ass after all, pretty boy."

"Fuck...no..." Jack whimpered and whined, trying to fight off the unwanted sensations. But it was no use, he could feel his body responding to the stimulation against his wishes and soon he was sporting the hardest erection he'd had since being a horny teenager. "Stop...please..." he panted in desperation, but the security guard had no intention of letting him off that easy. Instead, Jack found himself hoisted up into a standing position by his scruff, his tail finally released at least.

"Smile for the camera, kitty" Leland grumbled into his ear before biting down at the edge of his sensitive flesh, nodding over at the CCTV camera mounted above his chair and aimed straight down at them. From his former life, Jack knew it was a high-end model, meaning it would capture the long glimmering drip of precum forming at his pointed cocktip in high definition, just as it dripped down to the desk before him. All while he was being fingered like a bitch by the big ram. No doubt it'd look like he was enjoying this treatment on camera, at least if there was no audio to go along with the images. Somehow, he doubted the people that would be watching the playback of what was being done to him would care whether he enjoyed this or not, if he were still a betting man, he'd bet they'd prefer if he didn't.

Jack grit his teeth again, feeling the churning in his balls as they begged for release. The constant massage to his prostate was pushing him closer and closer to the edge of release, but he wasn't sure if that would be a good or bad thing. Maybe Leland would take it easy on him if he did cum? No, he doubted that from how the asshole had been treating him so far. There was undoubtedly more to come, why else would the ram have stripped as well. Someone was out to make a point, a very deep one considering who they got to send the message.

Unsurprisingly, Jack was turned around and pushed back to lay down on the rams table, sending papers and items scattering to the floor below. Leland grinned down at the feline with an unsettling hunger in his gaze, Leland grabbed Jack behind his knees and lifting his thighs up against his broad muscled chest, while the ram's heavy thick ebony length rubbed between the snow leopard's thighs. His thick shaft dwarfed Jack's own as he ground his cock back and forth against the smaller male. Jack knew what was coming, having a visual representation of what the ram was about to stick in him certainly wasn't helping any. The goddamn ram would put most horses to shame, as thick around as a soft drink can and easily reaching Jacks belly button. There was no way he wasn't going to feel this and probably for a long while after the ram had finished with him too. Whomever was sending the message wanted to make sure Jack would remember his lesson.

"Those are some high-end noise cancelling headphones your little girl has on, wonder if I can make you scream loud enough for her to hear you" Leland growled, his hands firmly gripping behind Jack's knees to force his legs up higher and open wider, leaving the snow leopards behind vulnerable for what was to come.

It was as if time slowed down, Jack watched in slow motion as his legs were lifted and spread, while Leland's hips drew back to drag his heavy cock back across his own smaller pink member. The ram's hefty meat was aided by gravity as his blunt tip was drawn down across the felines soft furred balls and tapped right against his still aching and slick little tail hole. The ram didn't give any warning before his hips surged forward to force himself deep into the spotted felines posterior either, he loved the surprised expression on their faces the first time they felt his fat cock split them open. For a brief moment, Jack thought he'd had a goddamn fire extinguisher crammed up his tailpipe he felt so full and painfully stretched, but in reality, it wasn't even half of Leland's monster. The ram wasted no time in pulling back a couple of inches before bucking forward again, forcing more of himself into the growling feline.

Leland was almost impressed; he'd made bigger guys than Jack cry out by just getting his tip in them. But the little spotted pussy somehow managed to do little more than growl, even with how taut his no longer virgin asshole was stretched, turning from pale pink to almost white as it gripped about the base of his thick ebony spire. The ram knew this would be looking great on camera too, the toned and fit snow leopard laid out across his desk, legs up in the air as a thick ebony cock was crammed up his asshole. Made even better with the feline's own throbbing pink member bouncing over his belly and dripping precum with every little move the ram made.

Leland was more than tempted to just go all out, but that wouldn't look good on video. He wanted to make the little kitty scream, but instead he did as his cousins had requested, he drew out Jack's punishment and slowly withdrew himself almost all the way out. The ram watched the felines facial expressions, waiting for that mixture of relief and confusion when he wasn't immediately filled back up again, letting him grasp whatever sliver of hope it was over, just before he pushed back inside.

"Fuck!" Jack finally cried out when the ram forced every inch back up his aching ass. His long spotted tail curled and flicked erratically between the security guards' thick thighs, batting against his legs and heavy swaying balls as Leland made sure Jack felt every thick veiny inch when he split him open anew. The snow leopard growled and hissed, he even tried to crawl away from the pain, but he was no match for the large ram. Leland simply laughed his cruel and mocking laugh again, easily pulling Jack back down onto his spear of flesh. The snow leopards' claws scratching against his table was like music to his ears, he loved when they fought, it made it so much more fun. "Stop...please!" Jack begged, his eyes screwed shut tight as he tried to crawl away again, unsuccessfully.

Now that he knew he'd broken Jack, Leland didn't have to hold back. Soon his hips would be bucking harder and faster into the smaller male, almost bouncing him with every stroke. To the felines dismay, the damned ram had angled him so that his fat cock would be battering his prostate on every thrust. Under normal circumstances his own dick would've been softer than melted marshmallow right then, but with the constant pressure and hammering of his prostate, on camera it looked as though Jack was thoroughly enjoying his reaming with how much precum his stiff pink kitty cock was flinging over and around him as it bounced with the force of the ram's thrusts. Again, Jack's nose wrinkled as Leland's hot breath washed over him with every lusty grunt and groan, his breath tinged with cigar smoke and peppermint. The ram's hips slapping and clapping against his buttocks made the feline clench inadvertently around the girthy invader under his tail.

"C'mon, cum for me, kitty" Leland taunted as he leaned over a little more, almost staring straight down at Jack as he stirred and ground his hips. Jack wanted to punch the bastard, but he wasn't dumb enough to think he'd get away with that without repercussions. Even worse, the ram seemed to know exactly what he was doing, he'd angled himself and Jack so he would be giving the felines prostate an unrelenting massage with his prick. It was as if he knew making Jack cum from just being fucked in the ass would leave a permanent bruise on his ego, something he could never get rid of.

"No...no...please..." he heard himself whimpering pathetically, but it was too late. Jack's head rolled back as he groaned out loud, feeling his own balls clench and jump, tucking up close to his body just before hot streams of his own milky white essence began firing out over his own belly and chest humiliatingly. With every messy spatter, Jack's shame grew and his pride crumbled that much more.

"That's it, kitty likes a nice fat cock up his ass, doesn't he? Came handsfree from just being fucked, like the little sissy bitch he is" the ram continued to mock and taunt him, laughing with every jab of his hips to grind his cock against Jack's inner buzzer, resulting in another spurt of scalding hot shame to fire off across the snow leopards' belly and chest again.

At least it was over now, Jack thought to himself, when Leland finally withdrew himself from his abused asshole. Jack wasn't even sure if the ram had finished, not that he cared. Just so long as he could get dressed and get Stacy the hell out of there. By the time his legs were finally lowered to the table, they felt like jelly, but Jack still tried to stand as soon as his legs were released. Shooting the smirking ram a glare, he turned to bend down and collect his clothes, only to have his arm grabbed and roughly twisted up behind his back.

Jack was slammed against Leland's office door, hard enough to knock the breath from his lungs, making him gasp and wheeze. Thankfully Stacy hadn't heard the noise, he could see her through the small window now, still sitting patiently on the sofa outside as she watched colourful cartoons on the television with the noise cancelling headset on.

"Just a friendly reminder, you're never out the game Jacky boy. If you don't do what my cousins, the Cray brothers, say; you can expect a lot more of this when they send you to prison..." Leland huffed and growled into his ear, just as he sunk his thickness back under Jack's tail again.

"Jeezuschrist!" the snow leopard growled as he was practically lifted off his feet by the thick fuckstick hilting him without warning again. The ram pinned Jack against the door, one hand holding his arm painfully twisted up behind his back, while the other held his face against the window so he could clearly see his little girl while the hulk of a ram fucked him like a bitch once more.

"You're going to do whatever they ask of you, or you'll never see your little girl again, understand?" Leland snorted, getting closer to his own release now that he was free to buck and thrust, hard and fast, completely unrestrained into the pinned feline. He'd made the snow leopard cum against his will, now he was free to enjoy himself.

It all made sense now, the Cray brothers, twin rams he'd worked for a few years back. Leland must have been related to them somehow, no doubt he'd been the one that placed the stolen item in Jack's shopping bag. Even his name should have been a giveaway, t wasn't even that well-hidden...Leland Yarc...goddamn Cray backwards... "Jacky boy, you've let your guard down and now you're paying for your carelessness" he chastised himself. Apparently, the feeling of being watched all those years wasn't just pointless paranoia, he was being watched and studied. Now they knew his weakness and weren't afraid to use it against him.

Jack was snapped out of his inner monologuing by the sudden hotness spreading deep inside him, the ram had finally hit his peak. He'd never felt so dirty and soiled before, not even when he'd been so desperate that he stole money from that old blind homeless woman in his youth. Every rope of hot white ram seed under his tail felt like more black ink staining his very soul, further marks he'd never be able to get rid of.


"Daddy, you smell funny..." Stacy mumbled as she took her father's hand, once he'd finally exited the security guard's office. Jack glared at the grinning ram when Leland heard the little girl's comment, Jack's cheeks flaring deep red in shame and embarrassment. He hadn't even been given the courtesy of cleaning himself, his clothing was now sticking to his fur in spots where both his and Leland's cum had marked him.

"Sorry about the confusion, big guy. But we got it sorted out in the end...right?" Leland asked with obvious ulterior motives, one hand lowering to his crotch almost threateningly.

"Yes..." Jack replied tersely, gritting his teeth and resisting the urge to growl. Every step was agony, he could still feel the ram under his tail, along with his mess starting to soak through his clothing. He could only hope to get home before his wife and clean himself up, he didn't know how he'd explain his state to her otherwise.