The Turn of a Feather - Part 5 of Sunny

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#5 of Sunny!

Sunny sets his sight on the hope for something better than simply magical dealings. Companionship, love, being able to be his true self, and perhaps finding a way out of being a demon?

A further two years down the line, Sunny had an extraordinary life event. For his entire life as a demon, the tanuki found himself alone in terms of having no contact with other dark beings. The sensation of being separated from all mortals by this invisible barrier made for a lonely life, especially since most interactions included transactions.

One day, while wandering around a large and popular tropical island, a strange ringing abruptly ripped into his eardrums. One that nobody around appeared to hear or react to. The sound came from a source to his immediate right, to which he turned and sleuthed his way into an alley until the ringing became unbearable. Relief from the piercing note came only when a being slumped by a dumpster was perceived. Draped in a loose blouse, similar to what a pirate might wear, and wrapped in a sarong, with some light grey boots, was a woman. As Sunny stood before her gazing downward, dark red eyes blinked sluggishly and in a dazed fashion in reaction to her observer. The overwhelming conclusion was that Sunny had finally located another of his kind, in terms of being corrupted by the same influence as he was.

Waiting uncertainly, the dark tanuki finally gathered more information about this odd stranger. Lifting her head offered the image of a deep black she-wolf that gave the impression of being quite intoxicated. From this point, he mustered the courage to introduce himself and carefully maneuver the conversation until the two could bridge the connection into disclosing their secret. Jane had been corrupted more than two hundred years prior, and had eventually turned to her two best friends, opium and booze (particularly rum) to handle immortal demon life. Of course, the wolfess made deals and infrequently performed succubus work but emptiness and boredom had taken their toll.

Sunny and Jane spent a few weeks hanging out, but the tanuki had difficulty enjoying the company who so often was rather loaded. Despite this, he had made a friend who could relate to him and that could share the life of the otherworldly realm together. Even more so, the tanuki found that the wolf was extremely sympathetic to the loss of his family. In the end, Sunny chose to continue away around the world to continue his nomadic lifestyle while Jane remained behind. Both parties promised to stay in touch and held their promises, along with making a deal that they would meet again.

At the age of 37, life had passed with some enjoyment as Sunny made the best of things but eventually found himself sick of constantly moving. Something inside him powerfully called him back to his hometown. Upon arriving in the airport following a flight, a huge realization dawned on the passenger's mind.


Pulling out a cell phone and searching in 'Contacts' resulted only in the discovery that at some point in the past, the hawk's number had been wiped. Though desiring to hopefully visit Frederick and Gregory, the priority was now finding the woman he had shared a hospital bed with in the darkest, most miserable time of his life. Unfortunately, Rita hadn't written down her last name and, with over a hundred Rita's in the city by phone book and social media, finding her seemed difficult. Best bet, in his mind, was to make a visit the hospital that had nursed him back to life. With only a black backpack in his possession, traversing the path there proved quite simple by achieving transportation via rideshare. Once arrived, Sunny found both feet planted firmly while staring at the facility that the mere sight of made his heart sharply pang.

Trudging up through a thick winter fog towards the building had him shaking in both traumatic recollection and some slight hope. Though it was undercut my the pessimistic thought that this wonderful woman had moved on, either in employer or simply moved on from the wayward nuki. Nevertheless, the disguised demon walked through the sliding plexiglass doors and directly to the receptionist's desk. Behind the solid barrier was a timid looking lemur in his all grey scrubs with his long ringed tail wrapped into his lap. Before allowing the medical worker to speak, Sunny jumped into inquiry, "Hey, sorry! But umm... Do you have a nurse here na...." Off in the periphery of vision, a sight that immediately registered a beautiful black winged kite instilled a fluttering of the heart. " Rita...?"

The stripe tailed primate had dropped his muzzle agape, in anticipation of the opportunity to aid Sunny in his search, only to halt upon noticing the sight of the scenario finding resolution. It struck him as rather odd, but simply shrugged it off and returned to various tasks at his desktop.

Sunny stood paralyzed in place, stunned by the beauty of a deeply missed friend. At the end of a long, mostly empty hallway stood Rita, outfitted in red scrubs that matched her gorgeous eyes, as she conversed with a colleague for several seconds. Arriving at the conclusion of their interaction, the striking red eyed hawk rotated to begin walking down towards the front desk. While she started on her path, a deeply focused and confused look grew over her face in an effort to rack her mind for why this stranger seemed so damn familiar. Narrowing her eyes in assessment at a finer detail, the red windows of her perception widened with the realization of why this mystery man stirred such a reaction within her.

Feeling somewhat uncertain on account of the man who looked uncannily like Sunny, only with much more black fur than the last memory of him from years ago, the distance was closed until she found herself at the desk. With this possible Sunny doppelganger in her peripheral vision, the paperwork in her possession was turned over to the proper slot for patient documents. Upon closer inspection from the corner of her eye, it felt undeniable that her long gone friend was now standing next to her, slack-jawed and soft eyed. Incredulity characterized what sprang forth from her beak, "S..s.. Sun..?" was all she could muster prior to being interrupted by a squeezing embrace that occurred before it could even be processed.

Speedy and shallow breathing flowed through the black cloaked tanuki's chest while he weakly apologized, "I.. I'm so sorry... I missed you.. Do you have any time or interest in catching up..? I've decided to come back home.." Though the desire to remain nuzzled into her with his face buried into her crimson scrubs covering her shoulder. Fear of being turned down, out of lost interest or resentment/hurt or found a partner, burned in Sunny like a wildfire. Still, the right thing to do was to pull his head back and gaze shamefully up into her face with concern drawn all over his own.

Shocked and in disbelief, Rita gingerly encircled her old friend in her arms while nervously sharing, "I uhh.... I've missed you too. I'm kinda working right now and I've still got four more hours to go. I suppose we could chat after? I really must get back to things, but I'd like it if you could meet me here in the lobby. Okay?" A little disoriented still, all Rita could think to do was to give Sunny's head a quick pet after retreating from the hug. Her old bed companion unintentionally revealed the insecurity and even pessimism beneath the surface and it felt bad to witness. Regardless, the nurse's job was vital and little time was permitted for outside issues.

Following the unassuring comments and offer Sunny felt the distracted looking hawk pulling out and away. Though knowing there were more pressing matters than his resurfacing into Rita's life, their separation hurt in a manner which was certainly influenced by his deep held concerns. With the awareness of the necessity to leave the nurse back to the assigned duties, Sunny sniffed subtly while accepting the offer, "Oh uhh.... sure. Sure thing.. I'll be back around then.. Hope you have a good shift!" Finding the situation increasingly awkward, Sunny backed up and initiated a turn while departing and flashing a semi forced smile towards his companion of years past.

Taking leave of one another left each person feeling tense, much more so in the tanuki due to the many unknowns, so Sunny decided the next course of action should be to vacate the hospital grounds in favor of a more relaxing environment. The idea of visiting Frederick and Gregory was mulled over but, considering how long such a greatly overdue reunion would likely last, the idea was abandoned for the moment. What eventually came to transpire, after quite a bit of wandering, was that the distraught demonic nuki ended up in a small, hole-in-the-wall diner. Time dragged along rather sluggishly while Sunny picked anxiously at his breakfast plate and sipped coffee, occasionally trading light banter with the waitress and booth neighbors.

After eventually finishing his meal, the man scooted out from the booth, laid down a hefty tip, and bid his farewells to those who had engaged with him and unknowingly eased the uneasy passage of time. Along the route leading back to the medical facility, Sunny became aware of a progressively faster and harder heartbeat pounding in his black furred chest. This sensation peaked upon stepping through the sliding doors once again, eyes darting around only to discover Rita was not quite there, if she was even coming. Sitting at the desk was the same lemur from earlier manning the reception desk, who moved to address whoever just entered but presented an uncertain look at the returning visitor before redirecting his attention back to the desktop.

Excessive energy had accumulated, resulting in the sweet hearted demon pacing restlessly near the entrance to the point of looking like a stimulant user, and noticing the looks to support that, so the choice was taken to relocate outside. Once in the frosty night air, Sunny's backside planted itself against the hard concrete wall with a thud. A sharp inhale sniffed it's way in through the canid's nostrils while tilting his head back at up towards the sky with his eyelids shut tightly. After several minutes of maintaining this pose with little movement, the sound of electronic doors gliding open which was followed by only three small footsteps, led up to two heart-stopping words. "Hi, Sunny."

His breath seized in his darkened chest before finding freedom in the form of a swelling cloud of condensation. Turning to address his potential flame, some part of Sunny reflexively rushed to camouflage his eye color to that of the shade of blue produced by his parents. At the sight of his beautiful avian friend the legs of the tanuki turned to jello and a nigh unbearable hurricane of emotions. "I.. yo.. Rita.. Hi.. umm..." fell from his muzzle in a clumsy, stuttery fashion, along with feeble attempts at any clarification or elaboration.

Despite an overall sense of seriousness and caution, the scene of Sunny displaying such shy and speechless behavior cracked Rita's guard just enough for a lighthearted jab to shine through, "Oh, please. I just got off a twelve hour shift. I know I don't look *that* good. Hehe." A bit of the hawk's own tension found release, causing her eyelids to soften.

Observing the drop in tightly wound silence and attitude, a more accurate perception of himself and the scenario unfolding caused the different tanuki to crack a smile at both himself and the joke. Sapphire-like eyes flicked down and to the left while loosing a much more at ease chuckle, "Heh. Well..." Sunny finally manage to drink in the well memorized image of the nurse, noticing little ruffles of feathers that had been obviously tamped down in a hurry. "I'd like to be on the record as disagreeing with that! It's umm.. It's good to see you again. Are you... How have you been..?" More plumes of breath heated their way in the night air between the two.

Tired, aching feet called Rita's attention prompting her to shift uneasily as a giddy blush overcame her, "Pshhh.. Well, it's been noted. Officially on the record and everything. Hehe. Thank you though. It's good to see you as well.. I've been uhh.... umm.. Ugh, I'm sorry. It's been a long day. I've been good though, I'd say." The back of the kite's black feathered hand rubbed wearily at her eyelids out of sheer exhaustion.

Worried that an inappropriate time had been chosen for such an interaction, Sunny, out of embarrassment, offered an option to reschedule, "Oh shit... I'm glad you've been good but I'm so sorry. I won't hold you up from getting home. I just lost your number at some point and figured this was the best way to get in contact. I just flew into town." Blue eyes shimmered brightly as he scanned this woman's beautiful, groggy face and caught a slight instant of direct eye contact that lit up his stomach with butterflies.

Several times transpired, during which the drained medical professional processed this new input, before sleepily sharing, "Hmmpphhmm.. Well. I think I just be too sleepy to drive right now. Prolly best if I had a friend drive me home, yeah? Heh. Since you just got back, you'll probably need to crash with someone too, right?" Her tone of voice communicated every desire underlying her words as Rita showed off a caring and pleasant smile of affection to drive home the intended message.

Sunny was also lagging at this point, due to the 20 hour commute via plane route, with only a couple of minor naps along the journey, but the male tanuki caught the drift of what was being said. A yawn erupted spontaneously which preceded supportive acceptance of the suggestions, "Hmm. yeah, you look pretty wiped. I better get you home safe! And yeah.. I totally spaced getting a room somewhere.. Would you mind if I crashed on your couch for the night? Heh." Far better than he imagined it going, the situation at hand seemed to progress rapidly into suddenly finding a set of warmed keys pressed into his hand with the brush of several dark black feathers.

A faint smirk turned a corner of Rita's mouth upward in reaction to their shared sub textual communication. "Mmm. I suppose you could stay over. But let's hurry. I *am* wiped out and starving and I'll be ordering some food on the way. Come here a sec though." Her facial expression dropped from the smug amusement to sweet and almost overwhelmed, and Sunny was welcomed into her taxed but affectionate embrace. Both beings, canid and avian, hummed pleasantly in rather harmonic notes and eventually parted to embark on their journey.

All along their commute it was silent, with Sunny focusing his attention on the task at hand and Rita scrolled and tapped away at the online ordering site for a favorite local restaurant of hers. The two barely managed to arrive at Rita's home in time for the delivery driver to pull up. The transaction was fulfilled in a handoff on the sidewalk before even getting the opportunity step inside, but in the end the reunited friends made their entry into the perfectly heated home. Working as a team, Sunny and Rita supported each other's fatigued bodies until flopping onto the couch in a haze.

For the time being, Sunny had no capacity for taking in any details in the environment and sat on the love seat with his past caregiver and snacked on some the Thai food that the hawk had graciously ordered for the pair while Rita ravenously devoured her meal in merely a couple of minutes. An impending and inevitable crash created a somewhat urgent issue needing addressing by the lovely host, "I really need to get to sleep, otherwise I'll pass out right here and feel awful when I wake up."

Still in the dark as to what or where their situation or relationship status was, the drowsy tanuki bid the bird goodnight, "Alright. Good night! Thank you, by the way. For letting me stay here tonight." Sunny sank further into the couch in anticipation of following through with the most probable outcome of actually sleeping on the uncomfortably short, for lying down anyway, furniture. Blinking vigorously to counter the unfocused effect of sleep deprivation on his blue eyes, a relieved and genuine smile spread across his face until something drew concern.

Rita rose up to a full standing position and spent a brief time clearly debating on an unknown issue until ultimately dropping to a serious, sad, and worried tone, "Sunny..." anxious and hopeful canid eyes flicked up, looking unfocused and for some reason flashing purple maybe? "Are you gonna leave again...?"

Pain bolted through the demon's chest as it was finally communicated just how his vanishing and lack of contact with the delightful hawk had hurt this woman. In the most caring attitude Sunny assured Rita, "No... No, I'm not. I'm back home and I intend to remain here for a good long while. I'm sorry.. I, ughhh..."

At the absolute limit of consciousness, Rita could muster only in a slightly slurred and mumbled manner, "Shhhhh. Then come to bed." An extension of the feather coated hand ensured that the request would not be misinterpreted by her weary visitor. The two united into a force with the sole objective being to collapse on the bed near one another. In the final seconds of their short night together Rita claimed a fantasy scenario that had long been forsaken, by manipulating Sunny's physical form into the position of laying his head upon her chest and tucking him close against her own shape. Deep, dreamless, and desperately needed sleep ensued the instant the two settled into stillness.

Calming swishes of breath, in and out, greeted Sunny's re-entry into conscious territory along with the bright grey light of yet another overcast day slipping through gaps in the installed blackout curtains. Surfacing to the waking tanuki's mind was the fuzzy recollection of last night's events and left him processing a mixture of worry and joy. Sure, Rita had presented the invitation with what seemed to be authentic interest. But had it been made in exhaustion? Out of loneliness, to be regretted? Had his grief ridden disappearance actually created too much of a painful rift to be mended? Most of all.... Sunny was a DEMON, for fuck's sake. That *has* to be addressed at some point because constantly concealing the true appearance at a truly constant rate would be overly draining. There was, of course, also the issue of his immortal lack of aging that would become all too apparent at some point.

At the present moment, even though the stress had taken a firm hold, Sunny steered as best he could into embracing the cozy contact. Fluttering breath transformed into a relieving sigh while the jet lagged nuki nestled into Rita's still scrub clad chest.

"Good morning, you. Did you sleep alright?" The kite's soothing voice whispered out in a sleepy expression of affection towards the long absent man.

The warmth in Rita's voice had an uplifting effect on Sunny's darkened spirit and yet also intensified the pain and discomfort surrounding the subjects that would likely need to be addressed rather soon. Out of a desire to avoid undue worry, the houseguest did his best to hide the unhappiness with an extra excited tone, "Oh, just fantastic! How about you?"

"Fantastic too!! It's nice spending time with you again. Is something up? If this feels weird to you, that's okay. And don't take this the wrong way, but it's not exactly entirely comfortable for me. You know?" As a gesture of the innermost desire for kindling further connection, her free hand not trapped by their cuddled position came up and stroked her crush's differently colored face. Her reward was seeing Sunny close his eyes in a greater sense of peacefulness and contentment, making her smile down over him.

Not wanting to begin their relationship with dishonesty, but also not by dumping out everything immediately, Sunny agreed by sharing carefully and with hope, "I'm enjoying being with you as well. It's definitely not the easiest at the moment, yeah it's kinda weird. I'm just... worried. I want to share, I really do, I just don't really know how to word it or.... it's... it's just a lot. Honestly, I'm a little afraid.." Keeping his eyes sealed beneath their lids, the nervous nuki nestled more tightly against Rita's bosom to ease his nerves.

Resting her hand smoothly on the curves of her guest's muzzle and face, sweetly cooing reassurance, "Hey now, it's alright. I'm sure that whatever it is, we can work through it. I'm just glad you're back. Would some time alone help? Straighten things out in your head a bit?" Barely detectable nodding gave an unsure, but passable answer to her question. "Well. Maybe some time while I go pick us up a bit of breakfast? In any case, I'm gonna do that anyway. Mmm... How's that sound, sweetie?"

Glowing warmth filled up Sunny at the term of endearment used on him and caused a more prominent nodding. "That sounds wonderful. May I get this one? I appreciate the dinner last night. It was amazing!" The tanuki's own black furred hand came to rest on top of the feathered hand on his face as delightful feelings not experienced since the hospital stay bubbled up from deep down.

Rita experienced the gratitude flowing towards her from Sunny and lit up the avian quite unexpectedly as she jested, "Hmm.... Well, alright. I'll let you get this one, but you owe me. Hehe. I'm gonna get ready to go. Sound good?"

With a solid plan in place, Rita was handed some cash and continued on into taking a well deserved shower before exiting her home in search of a delicious breakfast restaurant to score a meal.

In the meantime, Sunny paced around the house to decompress pent up anxious energy, explore a little bit, and to utilize the time gifted to him for contemplating how best to share his life... That is if he could even do so. Closer inspection disclosed the finer details in the surrounding environment. The loveseat that had very nearly captured them in sleep now shown in the light to be a black faux leather material. Light grey carpeting and smooth, slate colored walls contained the living room. Modern decor, especially in the kitchen, lent itself to a fascinating and mellow vibe alongside elegant granite countertops.

The realization dawned on Sunny that he ought to wash up to prepare for the day and bring a type of the calm unique to taking a long hot shower. A distance remained between the demon and the world due to the degree to which he was wrapped up in thought. Body on autopilot, his black backpack was snatched up and transported into a minimalistic bathroom and dropped onto linoleum. Liberating himself from his typical clothing, lived in for over twenty four hours, the water was cranked on hot and high and stepped into and under. Soaking every bit of fur on his body and scrubbing away with the available hygiene products, the black furred nuki fell far into the depths of seeking introspective clarity and insight. Unknowingly, approximately thirty five minutes flew by in a flash. All the time taken in consideration ultimately led to the unsettling conclusion that, when the opportunity arose, Sunny would take the leap into sharing everything with Rita.

Whether it be acceptance or rejection, compassion or hate, it would be preferable today than down the road when more pain could have been avoided. Merely minutes after arriving at the concrete decision, several knocks impacted the bathroom door to inform Sunny of his wonderful host's return. Wafting scents of a waiting breakfast swirled into his sensitive canid nose, making his mouth water and stomach grumble. He could at least share a meal with the lovely hawk he cared greatly for.

Making haste, Sunny toweled off and dried up to the best of his ability in order to put on some black basketball shorts and a hoodie before emerging fresh and awake. Exiting the restroom with his bag, which was placed back in Rita's bedroom, Sunny was able to rejoin and happily greet his white and black feathered companion, all dressed up in a white knee high floral skirt and plain black tank top. The possible couple then laid back into the faux leather furniture to enjoy a high quality, mouthwatering meal that left each satisfied.

At the end of their breakfast while sharing the couch, Rita spoke the words that caused her potential lover to cringe inwardly, "So.. Did you get enough time to, you know.... Think things through? It's okay either way, but maybe it could be best if we discussed these things sooner rather than later? Just know that I really care about you and will try to understand, even if it's as bad as you seem to think it is. Okay?" The hawk gave her support in the form of laying her hand lovingly on Sunny's back and petting him.

Heart fluttering awkwardly in his chest, Sunny developed the sensation of losing his ability to breathe. Despite feeling as though he was suffocating, the fear saturated tanuki stumbled onward to share his story from the moment the two met, "I.. Yeah.. Okay. So, when I left I couldn't handle anything..." The entire story was openly brought to light for Rita's information up to the point where Sunny recalled the period in which he found himself alone and more desperate than ever. "So I was there in the desert at my camp. I started thinking of you," the hawk visibly brightened from the idea of the handsome tanuki thinking of her with affection while out by his lonesome, "and uhh... It made me feel guilty for having someone other than my Catherine occupy my mind..." this new detail struck Rita, causing a wince related to a sharp piercing through her heart. Desiring to provide a soothing gesture, such as leaning against the man or giving a hug, she still held back in apprehension over what the right move was to be.

Detecting the disturbance in his innocent companion, Sunny placed his hand flatly against Rita's bare thigh with a squeeze and some rubs. A request/offer was set out in the lingering silence by a subtle gesture of the tanuki's head, which was tentatively accepted by leaning her head on Sunny's shoulder and laying her beak onto his chest. "I'm sorry.. I still hadn't processed my grief yet. I ended up getting myself some help with it though. Actually in my campsite. And actually *that* night. But Rita... This is the actually part that I'm scared to share... I'll understand if you hate me for it or never wanna see me again.."

Momentarily, Rita found her sweetheart's head resting on her own. In an overwhelming reaction to such an objectionable statement drove her away and out in order to meet Sunny's downcast eyes while attempting to disarm such an attitude, "Sunny... I can't possibly see either of those happening. Look... When I met you in the hospital, I knew you were someone that could be important to me, if we ever met again anyways. You've made me very happy by coming back around. Whatever it is, we can work through it. Just tell me, sweetheart. Okay?" Seeking to drive the truest and deepest meaning emanating from her heart, the man's muzzle was tipped up to enable eye contact. Though her canid friend obviously desired to direct his solid blue eyes anywhere else, that particular urge was resisted and their connection strengthened rapidly.

This basic and deliberately caring act bolstered Sunny's spirit enough to the point that progressing felt doable, though not while looking to Rita. Averting his gaze and lifting his hand not on the woman against him to look at his palm, the soon to be unveiled demon sighed with heart thundering away, "Ugghh... Okay. Here goes.. Umm. So as I was saying, when I got help? I was at my camp site and from nowhere I suddenly had someone right in front of me. He actually scared the shit out of me! Name was Jack. He made me an offer to heal my suffering and in return, I'd .. I would.. I mean... Ah fuck... Just look." Lacking both the words and the courage to speak them, had they been accessible, the only reasonable option was to perform a reveal of some degree.

In past experiences a display of nether flames, electrical lightshows, and/or spheres of void was a source of endless enjoyment in the reactions of the mortals entering into otherworldly agreements. This felt like an inappropriate moment for such an unnecessarily drastic and dramatic display. More reasonably was the option to reveal a minimal amount of his true nature. Eyes glued onto his appendage, the powerful veil concealing his hand faded away until the lengthier and more slender fingers with their claw-like nails lay bare for each to witness.

Voice wavering in self consciousness and burdensome fear, Sunny explained, "Jack.. He's a demon. I was offered assistance in stopping my grief and suffering. Before then, I was literally planning to end it... Well. Jack came along and we made the deal. The thing is, I had to become... Like this.. I'm not evil. I'm not malicious. I'm just immortal, I have abilities, and I can't access the afterlife... So, umm... I'm sorry.. This is me now though...." Terror ripped into the dark furred nuki's deepest core, fully believing that rejection, or much worse, was imminent. Turning away from Rita and closing his eyes tightly, focusing on the breath flowing in and out with attempts at regulation being made to take focus away from the anxiety.

For nearly fifteen seconds, no words were uttered and no movements occurred in the stillness of the living room. A world shaking event had just transpired and required major processing. Contemplation surprisingly led to some level of cautious understanding and willingness to remain open to this new revelation. Given enough thought, Rita glanced over and felt her heart break at the sight of Sunny who almost appeared to be cowering away from her.

Once she overcame her shock sufficiently, the sweet bird made hushing noises, planted a caring kiss on the man's cheek, and set about alleviating tensions, "Shh, shh, shhh... This is *a lot*. But! From what I can see, you are the same Sunny I met back before all of this. Such a sweetheart of a man... Maybe even though you're a.... a demon... Maybe we can make this work. I guess I never really said but since you came back, I've been really hoping we could be something more.... And honestly... in your bed in the hospital, I felt that maybe we would at some point. I felt awful for even thinking those thoughts, with you grieving and so freshly hurt... If you're still the same Sunny inside, then that's still what I want. You're beautiful. Thank you for trusting me with seeing and knowing this side of you."

It was difficult for Sunny to comprehend such an outcome. It had actually seemed such a miniscule likelihood as to be absolutely impossible. The words entering his soft shaped ears weren't matching what he expected, and additional consideration was required prior to addressing Rita. An odd sensation washed over the shrunken man but he, upon registering and understanding the input, rotated his body swiveled his head back around. In an effort to acclimate this astoundingly compassionate woman, little bits were to be disclosed as opposed to wholly dropping the illusory alterations at once. Reassuring warmth heated Sunny upon the realization that, though giving up his corrupted purple eyes to be seen, Rita merely met his gaze to bridge a connection.

Naturally, the unannounced change in coloration made for a startled ruffling of her feathers but the affection and admiration for her sweet hearted tanuki rose to prominence. With the woman's glittering red eyes completely devoid of disgust or hatred, Sunny's heart skipped and fluttered out of sheer joy. Weakness, of both anxious depletion as well as mind-blowing relief, made itself at home in the voice of the partially exposed demonic entity, "You.. uhh.. you.... you..." while stuttering and stammering, Rita's eyes showed only openness and fascination for what was to come next, "Yeah, uhh... You're welcome. Thanks for being accepting of me. You're fucking amazing! I..." Overloaded by emotion, and with tears breaking into rivers flowing down either side of his muzzle, surged forward and planted his lips firmly to Rita's black hooked beak.

In response to the intimate act, Rita openly wrapped her arms around the man for whom she held wildfire-like affection and pulled him into the position in which she had Sunny laying on top of her. Reestablishing connection through their eyes, Rita inquired with care and uncertainty, "Of course, dear. Umm... Sweetheart..? May I... See you? I promise you're safe with me. It's probably best if we get this out of the way, you think?" The black and tan furry face received loving strokes from a black and feathery hand in reassurance of the true degree of security available.

With no hesitation whatsoever, an eagerness led to a wholehearted agreement, "I'd like that... honey." It felt unpleasant, yet strangely right, to be appointing a pet name to someone other than Catherine. Sunny's difficulty with speaking it was noticed clearly on Rita's face but overall the feeling was one of pure understanding. A shaky smile grew on the nuki's mouth while lifting himself up to his transformed feet for the unnerving presentation. "Umm.... okay. Here we go. Just a heads up, it's gonna get bright for a second." Providing a couple of seconds to allow for possible eye aversion or protection, the explosive flash synced up with the unveiling of Sunny's true corporeal form.

Rita had not opted to close or shade her sensitive hawk eyes because of her wish to take in the entire spectacle. Temporary blindness and large spots blocked her view until fading out of her vision. Once cleared up, Rita was gifted her first glimpse at the real Sunny. The unnatural appearance stirred up unknown feelings, similar to repulsion, but those were greatly outweighed by her love for the man. Every feature was examined by super-powered bird of prey sight in fine detail. Sharpened wolf-like ears, finer teeth and fangs, ancient leg structures and features, the already observed hands and eyes, and finally the vibrant pentagram mark of the corrupted immortal.

The owner of the home observed Sunny as he shifted in anxiety and appeared to almost go to cover himself in some desperate attempt for comfort. An astoundingly loving outpour was expressed in, "Like I said.. Beautiful, my dear. No more need to be afraid or hide from me. I just want to know a couple of things, if you don't mind..?" Remaining laid back on the couch of black synthetic material, Rita beamed a smile that communicated everything she felt for the man and in general. The following action was to gesture with a welcoming wave to beckon her guest to rejoin her.

Essentially at home with this woman, Sunny took his place at the avian's side and took her in his hard featured arm. Easiness came through in his voice, "You're incredible, Rita. Truly. Go ahead."

A sigh of beautiful appreciation for the compliment whispered out and transitioned into the seeking inquiries, "Okay umm.... I'm sorry if these are too much. I know you loved Catherine so much and I know you've gone through... hell.. in your grieving process. I was wondering how if you've gotten through that. As much as possible anyway. Next, I.... I'll just lay it out here. Like I said earlier, I've been interested in you since we met. My question is, do you maybe feel the same? Is a relationship something you might want, now or someday..?" The questions held tremendous weight and saturated the noiseless room, creating a sort of angst felt by all.

Taking in the image of a completely vulnerable hawk putting herself out after many a year, Sunny felt nothing except for compassion and peace while immediately jumping to aid in Rita's sense of security, "You're so cute. Getting all flustered and sweet over a big bad demon. Hehe. I uhh. I actually spoke with Catherine already, as part of my exchange. I didn't have long, but I got to talk to her. And Jeremy. I told them I'd try to see them again, but I can't do it. I haven't found in ANY section of my book. It appears that my kind will never cross over into the afterlife... I've grieved though.. Maybe, all things considered, I should move on.." For the first time since his beloved Catherine's death, the possibility of pursuing someone else clouded over Sunny's pensive eyes.

Elation flittered Rita's heart at an opening of a door she so intensely desired to pass through. Of course, before anything, compassion was extended for her hopefully future partner. Treading carefully, the adoring hawk put forth effort to allay any potential feelings of pressure with a sweet toned, "A big, bad, AMAZING demon, mister. I sure am. I hope you know that there's no pressure at all. Please, make sure to take your time." The head of the canid was then guided into her silky soft shoulder in a tender display of affection.

Analyzing every detail and aspect of the past, present, and future ultimately produced a critical question, "Heh. You're cute! Umm... You remember I'm immortal, right? I'm not going to... y'know.. die.." Nestling into Rita gave the sense of feeling at home, despite a newfound concern over the eventual loss of yet another loved one down the line. Realizing this conjured the concept of repeated grief at the death of mates throughout time. For the moment, though, his belly was full and he was at home with a loved one.

Reading her guest's general thinking, Rita swept several pets on Sunny's tan snout, "Yeah... I get that.. Well, we can talk about it whenever you want or... if.. you ever want to." Checking the time on phone resulted in a quick startle, "Oof! I need to be heading to work soon. I'm gonna change and head out. Just know I'd love to hear your thoughts any time you're up to it. You gonna be okay here, or..?"

A several second space elapsed during which Sunny gave consideration to the matters at hand until sharing the decision. He pressed his muzzle up against Rita's hand and kindly spoke, "Of course. I just need a bit of time. Umm. Now that I'm rested up, I think I'll drop by Frederick and Gregory's place and say hi. I haven't seen them since I left either. I just needed to see you first." A loving smile pressed it's way against the palm and digits creating the physical connection between the two.

A flushing burst of flattered coyness swirled and expanded throughout the hawk's body and weakened her voice, "Hhhnnn.. me..? My goodness... really, me first..? Oh, alright. I'll let you know when I'm home then?"

Sunny beamed at his wonderful companion's obvious giddiness and let loose a warm-hearted giggle, "Hehe. Yes, you! Now get your stunning self off to work so you're not late. I'll call a cab and be off shortly."

Following the suggestion provided to her, Rita rose to her feet and worked mostly in vain to tamp down her fluffy and ruffled feathers while glancing back over her exposed shoulder. Enabling some amount of relief was the fact that her admirer appeared to be experiencing his own equally hefty blush. Shaking off some of the overwhelming emotions, the task of switching into work scrubs was fulfilled and the avian planted a kiss into the dark colored canid's cheek before leaving her home and driving to work.

With a beautiful start to the day, the demon kicked back and called for a cab. Fifteen or so minutes later, Sunny locked the door on the inside and stepped outside, emotionally floating out and into his ride. Time seemed to flash forward and before long, Sunny found himself standing outside the nostalgic high rise complex being greeted by both the doorman and the valet, a pair of cheetah brothers, standing nearby. An odd look in each of their faces told him that the more dominantly black fur had thrown them off even though they recognized him. A similar reaction became the expectation of his old friends' once reunited.

Onward along the path through the familiar lobby, with it's beautiful decor and architecture, and into the spotless and sparkling elevator that had reliably escorting Sunny up to his old employer's apartment. As the doors slid open and revealed the 32nd floor hallway, anxious thoughts of guilt captured his mind regarding the essential ghosting the men in his quest to end his torment. Heaviness settled upon the tanuki and the hall appeared to stretch further out, making the walk seem much longer than ever. In front of the door at last, the stray nuki hesitated briefly before having his confidence bolstered by the knowledge that the his friends would welcome with open arms. A series of heavy-handed knocks impacted the tenant's sturdy door and then absolute silence thickened with an almost suffocating quality.

Eventually the door swung all the way inward, placing a white, grey faced, ferret in business attire and bearing a quizzical facial expression on exhibit. Something about this visitor had piqued his interest in a way not yet understood. Starting out politely, he presented an inquiry to this unfamiliar raccoonish/foxish/wolfish? stranger outside his home, "Yes? May I h.. wait.... do I know..? SUNNY??" By the time he had finished speaking, the 56 year old Frederick had rushed forward and wrapped himself around Sunny while simultaneously planting a passionate smooch on the nuki's cheek. The instant Sunny opened his maw to say something he was cut off by the ferret who had already predicted where it was leading, "Don't you dare apologize, mister! My god... it's just so wonderful to see you again. Please! Do come in!"

Zero resistance was raised as Sunny found himself ushered fervently into his friend's residence. Both parties fell speechless under the influence of powerful emotions spilling out from their hearts, while the disguised tanuki took a moment to appreciate the still pristine mahogany furniture located precisely according to memory. With a hand firmly on the small of his back, Sunny found himself guided confidently through the elegant living room until each man plopped down on the stain resistant couch with little "humph" noises. Breaking the silence by speaking first, Sunny offered the information, "I just got back to the city yesterday afternoon. It's so damn good to see you again!"

The ferret's eyes narrowed in a skeptical upset while inquiring, "Yesterday? You better not have gotten a hotel when you can stay here!" Having spoken his piece, the mustelid's charismatic smile replaced the stern look and a long, slow outward huff communicated contentment, "It truly is fantastic having you back around. Are you gonna stick around for a bit? I mean, you're not ALLOWED to show up for a day and vanish on us again, okay?!"

Sunny had been running through a hellscape of pain for all those years, but he had still neglected to drop even a single message to anyone he knew. Guilt made his stomach flip with sadness and shame, which was pushed away and countered with joy to be seeing Frederick, "Nope, no hotel. And okay. If you're worried I'll bolt, you can tie me up and keep me in place. Hehe. I'm back for good though!" Purple eyes, altered to their original azure color, detected a spark in those of the snowy furred ferret at the joke involving bondage.

"Heh heh. You tease! Hardly been here a couple minutes and already tempting me. Well! Just remember that you gave me permission. Anyways.... sheesh. Uhhmmm...... Right! Where'd you stay if you didn't score a room..?" A soft, white fur coated hand slapped down over Frederick's long lost friend and business associate's shoulders and pulled the younger male in much closer until the two sat solidly against one another.

Sunny laughed with an utterly bright tone, "Haha! I can't help it. You're just too fun to play with. Just as horny as I remembered. Hehe. Ahhh... You remember that nurse? From the hospital? I met up with her when I got into town and stayed at her place."

Frederick purred affectionately at the comment, "Hmmhmmmhh.. Well, I do love being... played with. And you're right! No amount of time is going to steal my heat. Heh! Ohhh. Right, right. The pretty hawk, yeah? Mmm. Potential love interest, perhaps?" Gentle nudging pressed into Sunny in amused fascination and anticipation to hear what the tanuki's future may hold.

Sunny, ever more lighthearted by the second, giggled at his aged friend's energy and confidence, "Hehe. I'd assume the worst if you ever lost that. And it's possible. We're kinda talking some things out for the time being since we just reconnected. I think right now we're sticking with friends and taking things real slow." Sunny pressed closer into the grey faced ferret and received a wild burst of comfort and assurance.

Wrapping his arms around Sunny and lowering the man into his lap, Frederick pet his canid friend's face while asking, "You'd be correct in that. Heh! Well, I think she's wonderful. You two would make a great couple. That aside, I'm quite interested in hearing what's gone on since you left. It's the least you could do for not reaching out one single time! I'm kidding of course, but if you're so inclined I'd love it. Also, please include your new goth boy look. Hehe."

Adjusting himself into a supine position in order to put his body at ease, Sunny gazed up at the delightfully endearing face of his ferret friend, "Okay! Well......."

Sunny recounted every detail and event that occurred from the intimate interactions with Rita in the hospital and through most of his experience in the desert. Being that the story included the sensitive piece in which Sunny felt absolutely hopeless and desperate for the end, Frederick softly interjected, "Whoa... Alone out there..? Feeling like that... What changed your mind..? If you don't mind me asking."

This subject had been played out over and over during the many years Sunny had been absent in a form of mental simulation with the end result being that the covenant between beings would be disclosed upon reconnecting with Frederick. Frederick and Gregory, along with Catherine and Jeremy, were his best friends. If anyone were to be understanding and loving, it would be these two and particularly Mr. Thomson. Sealing his eyes tightly behind his eyes, Sunny exhaled a stressed sigh of jumping into the unknown, "I... uhhm... You may not... probably not... believe this but... I was visited by a demon in my camp... I made a deal to heal my pain... and in return, I'd..."

The grey faced man's eyes peeled completely wide open at the minimal disclosure in Sunny's change of eye color, "You.... You turned? You're hiding then..? Does your lady know..?" Frederick continued to stroke Sunny's face, only now from the tip of his snout to the back of his head on repeat.

The response to this wild revelation was atypical in that, rather than being met with shock and/or fear, only care and moderate surprise were presented. With careful suspicion the demon reacted with these crucial questions, "You... Know about my kind? About cloaking my appearance?? She's not my lady, but yes. She knows."

Bashfulness and awe detected in his friend provoked amusement in Frederick as he teased, "Uh huh. Maybe not yet, but you two have something deep between you. If she has already accepted you as you truly are, then it's only a matter of time. Hehe. And yes, I've met another quite a few years back."

As he began to reminisce, a dreamy expression painted itself on the ferret's aged face. "Yes... I remember so vividly. I was rather young, early twenties with a plan and an appetite for success! I just needed some funds, some investors, to start up but it never came to fruition. That is... Until, funnily enough, I was out camping. Middle of the forest with some college buddies having drinks and a bonfire. Those people eventually left and I was about to turn in when the fire EXPLODED! Out from the fire walks this GORGEOUS man. A stallion. Coat like the void and so smooth. His eyes glowed brilliantly red. Introduced himself as-"

An all too familiar story seemed to lead only to one conclusion for Sunny to mumble in disbelief, "JACK."

"You know of Jack..?" Faint nodding confirmed the answer to Frederick's question. "I'm interested to hear about *that* as well! To be that renowned... Anyways. Jack laid out a deal that I couldn't refuse. I'd be connected with the right resources and investors and in return, we fuck as many times as possible so he could collect that type of energy. Damn... That cock of his. Ass too! Ahem. Well, that's the beginning of Thomson industries! Would you care to share how you came to change over..?" The sleek furred ferret grinned teasingly at the gawking tanuki laid out on his lap.

Awkward stammering eventually cleared out into a chilled out tone and pace, "Whoa.... so crazy... Umm. Actually, it was JACK who turned me. Same exact appearance into my camp. Said he adores dramatic entrances. His offer was something I couldn't turn down. Not only was I to end the degree of grief and suffering I felt, but I would also get to see Catherine and Jeremy again!" Paralysis due to anticipation and hope seized upon the loving friend above him while Sunny continued on. "Precisely! I felt the same. Obviously I took advantage of the opportunity! I bound my soul to the netherworld and became the immortal demon right here. I did see Catherine and Jeremy, like Jack promised. Frederick... It was so wonderful... I got to say goodbye.."

So overwhelmed with elation for his younger best friend, tears pooled up and sprang into rivers down the ferret's face and onto Sunny's by accident. Faint sniffling sounds accompanied a loving tone, "Oops, sorry about that.. I'm just so ecstatic for you to have gotten that chance. It must be such a relief. So... what's next for you, my undying friend? Also.... May I see you? The real you?"

Invigorated by the all encompassing sense of security and trust, Sunny popped up with speedy agility while sniffling happily, "It was absolutely relieving to make some peace with losing them. For now, plans are to just settle back home in the city. And sure!! It'll be bright, so cover your eyes." Ensuring Frederick had the opportunity to shield his vision, Sunny patiently gave a couple seconds before performing the transformation and unleashed the explosion of light. Fully relieved of the burdensome masking energy, Sunny proudly displayed himself for the older businessman.

Removing the snowy white hand from it's position blocking his sight from the excessive and dazzling light allowed for Frederick to absorb the confident and giddy tanuki slowly rotating in place. The exhibition initially brought simple delight and appreciation of Sunny's trust, happiness, and his new normal form. After several seconds, though, a warmth spread throughout his entire being. Sunny's show, which felt like a private show for Frederick, had an arousing effect on the aged ferret. Their history together had been intensely sexual and this factor combined with Sunny showing off his body, created a stiffening of the dick hidden beneath Mr. Thomson's pants. Spreading across the ferret's muzzle was a loving smile to compliment a spectacular sparkling in his green irises.

Sunny eventually oriented himself back towards his mustelid friend and grew an expansive smile in reaction to the bubbling acceptance of his true shape. Gushing a shy appreciation, the tanuki in his full demonic glory quietly shared, "Whoa... I definitely wasn't expecting this, but thanks. It means a lot to have you accept me." At this point, Sunny gracefully paced over to the couch supporting Frederick with the implication that the two were to hug. Standing in front of the grey faced ferret, Sunny couldn't help but chuckle and tease the man for remaining sitting, "Aww. Lemme help you up, old man. Hehe."

Detecting an eye roll and a scoff from his affluent host, the nuki couldn't help but cock his head to the side and analyze the situation. Suddenly, it all came together and Sunny's sight focused on the now tented crotch area, making him loose a suppressed cackle, "Ha! Um, Heh! Looks like I already helped you UP, eh? What's that about? And just hug me already!"

Frederick blushed with overwhelming heat and lifted himself up, wrapping himself around his good friend in deep loving expression. "Ahem... Yes, yes... Well, you were just there showing off for me! You know what your sexy ass does to me! Plus... This new thing you've got going on is downright GORGEOUS. I can't help it. Hehe." Not desiring the moment to turn entirely sexual, Frederick buried his face snug into the shoulder of his long time friend and hummed in contentment.

The candid share inspired amusement in the tanuki and he further cuddled the man in his arms, "You're so sweet. Thank you!" Unbeknownst to his friend, Sunny chuckled inwardly as a wildly mischievous grin lifted his mostly dark face. Moving forward in the sneaky plan, he gripped the ferret, pressed the two of them together, and sandwiched Mr. Thomson's erection with their bodies. Grinding his body against the rigid member elicited a shuddering moan, so the demon murred, "I suppose I should probably finish what I started then, huh? I think I can at least help you out with this one. Hehe."

This development was wholly unexpected, especially with the relationship news of Sunny and Rita being disclosed, but Frederick was able to shake himself into a responsible mindset, "Fuck... Mmff.. This isn't gonna come between you and your lovely bird, is it? You know I'd never ruin something like that for you." Several tension filled seconds passed following the ferret's question until an action, namely having his neck chomped down on by the demonic being, provided the answer he wished for more than anything in that moment. "Uuhhnnnnfff.. I'll take that as a noOOOOFFFF!" The older businessman had his comment interrupted by a harsh shove that launched him stumbling back into falling into the couch. Hot and heavy breaths announced the burning escalation of lust inside Frederick as his fully wide eyes, with pupils dilating out of the rush of hormones and neurotransmitters, pinned their sights on the tanuki.

Elation captured Sunny in an all encompassing sensation at the image of a near panting ferret driven mad with desire. To further excite his former employer Sunny played out a sensual, yet quick paced, strip tease before dropping down and crawling up to Frederick across the dark stained hardwood flooring. Positioning his snout at the lower end of the already declothed thigh of his friend and sniffed upward while making a show of taking in the delightful, musky scent. Upon arrival at the location directly between each white furred thigh, Sunny huffed loudly and purred, "Mmm... Your scent is making me hungry, Frederick." To drive his point all the way home, the kneeling male sharply inhaled through his nostrils mere millimeters from the sleek furry sac and deliberately drooled in full view of the erect ferret.

A feeble groan grumbled out from Frederick's chest and throat and faded into a meaningful declaration, "Ohhhnn, my Sunny.. It truly is beautiful having you back. Not because of this, though not *not* because of this, but please stay around. I just needed to say that. Also, if there is ever, EVER, a time in which Gregory and I might share you and your Rita, please let me or us know! Anyways, I don't want to keep you hungry any longer. Get your fill, handsome devil."

Eager energy rippled through Sunny's mind at the predictable effect his saliva would have on his friend's dick. To compound the giddiness, the pair's sexual history had likely set a standard of pleasure much lower than was about to be achieved. A mischievous grin spread around the tanuki's maw as his tongue slithered from it's confines and slid a trail up from Frederick's balls to the very peak of the cock. Several times this was repeated, all while the purple eyes absorbing the expression on Frederick's greying face that put on full display the bewildering euphoria being experienced. Allowing for the full power of his salivary fluid to kick in, the younger of the two let his jaw go slack so a heavy, hot breath could be exhaled onto the exposed ferret cock.

As predicted, the breeze projected from Sunny's mouth synergized with the fluid coated member. In reaction to the minor stimulation the man, whose lap the demon's face was located, began thrusting uncontrollably as if overcome by explosive orgasm. Clear fluid shot upward in long arcs ending in a few streaks of pre streaming down from the top of Sunny's snout. The seductive tanuki flicked out a sexy giggle, "Hehe. Oh no. We're not done until I say we're done!"

Frederick's cock was worshipped and stimulated inside Sunny's heavenly mouth to a pleasure never experienced before. The overwhelmed ferret's euphoric delight translated into a symphony of moans, groans, panting, and whines that carried out for nearly half an hour. Eventually, the time came for Sunny to conclude the expression of intimacy and appreciation. An amused smile warmed the foxlike face as he dropped the control over his friend's restrained orgasm with the thought, "Release." Cum immediately blasted the back of Sunny's throat and was swallowed while he savored the sensation of a dick throbbing wildly and the balls resting on his chin tightened in their process of emptying.

Pulling away to rest back on his feet, Sunny received on last drool of jizz that fell from the mustelid's dick and onto Sunny's lower lip and chin. A slow movement of the arm was made to wipe the sticky fluid on the black furred hand, leaving a visible glimmering wetness. "Hmhmm.. I hope I at least made up a little bit for disappearing. And at some point, I'll see if it can happen again. Y'know, if Rita is into some sort of arrangement. How ya doin?" The energy started to rise inside of Sunny, creating the wonderfully sedating and warming sensation bubbling up from within. Satisfied and at ease with the world, half lidded demon eyes glanced upwards to his old friend's face.

Shaking and with heaving breaths, Frederick purred out, "My sweet Sunny... That was so damn incredible. I've never cum that hard and intense before. I mean... like... fuck! Jack was absolutely mind-blowing, and so were you back when I had you. But you just took me so much higher.... You're really just gonna give me that and never let me use that muzzle of yours again? I'm, of course, kidding. You're amazing, and I'm so happy to have you back around..."

Having reconnected and having had some fun, Sunny and Frederick relaxed into catching up and reminiscing with one another. A decision was made to hold off on disclosing the tanuki's otherworldly nature to Gregory for the time being. The buck eventually arrived a while later, and experienced an explosion of joy at the surprising appearance of his long absent companion. In celebration of being reunited the trio had some nostalgic Thai food delivered and mixed up some top notch drinks. All three had their fill of dinner and drink and continued to reconnect until about 11:30 P.M. Sunny joyfully received a text from Rita explaining that she had finished her shift and would be home shortly. The pull of his dear hawk led the lighthearted man to call for a cab, considering Gregory was too inebriated for driving to be an option, and the men bid their farewells with assurance that they would spend time together soon.

The delightful departure, along with a growing intoxication of his own, had Sunny soaring as he entered the cab and cruised off towards the lovely Rita's home. Fuzzy warmth flushed through his body on the drive over, leading to the realization that he *may* just have had more to drink than anticipated. Nearing his tentative home, a quick text transmitted itself to the hawk notifying her of Sunny's imminent arrival. Upon pulling up, the drunken nuki paid the spotted cheetah cab driver and went to step out. A complication, being an awkward position they parked in, caused Sunny to trip and fall onto the pavement of the walkway leading to the home's door. He had mostly caught himself but experienced an odd awareness that his nose had made contact with the hard surface. Lifting himself up, the sound of the feline driver's voice rang out in concern.

"Oh shit! You alright, mate??"

Centering himself and evaluating the situation, the concealed dark entity chuckled and assured the man, "Ahh. All good here! Thanks for checking. Have a wonderful night!" The bright green vehicle rolled away following a quick nod of acknowledgement and relief that all was well. His arms extended to lift himself to his feet and then dusted himself off. Tidied up from the accidental leveling, Sunny meandered along the paved path until reaching and opening the door. Rita had anticipated his presence and met the tanuki near the entrance with a look of deep affection gracing her slightly tired face.

"Hello, dear. How was your visit with your friends?"

"It was fantastic. I've missed them so much! I'm so happy to be back home. How was your day at work?"

A sweet grin spread around Sunny's muzzle and he made some approaching steps towards his sweetheart with the intent of hugging the woman. Confusion seized the hazy minded man when Rita's hand pressed firmly against his chest and held still. The smile disappeared from the face of the unsettled canid and he looked to his short beaked hawk for clarification as to what was occurring.

Rita's look of concern collaborated with her vocal communication, "Sunny, are you okay?? Your nose is bleeding.. What happened??"

Sunny lifted an arm and touched his index and middle finger to his nose, feeling the extra wetness and holding his hand out to display the glistening red blood on his fingertips. Understanding the apprehension in Rita in regards to sharing an embrace, he briefly cupped her face with his non-bloody hand before rerouting with a minor wobble to the kitchen to clean up. Sheepishly, Sunny responded, "Oh goshhh.... I'm so sorry. I tripped outside when I got out of the cab. I'm a little buz... Well... I had a bunch of drinks with Frederick and Gregory. Definitely drunkish... I'll clean up. But was work okay? I missed yuhhh!"

Observing her sweet demon clumsily splashing his face and dabbing the end of his snout with a couple of paper towels, Rita sighed in a mixture of emotions, "Hmmhhh.. Work was non-stop. I'm exhausted. I missed you too. Having you to come home to certainly made it easier. Glad you're alright, but.... This isn't a common thing, is it? I've dated drunks before and I'm not willing to put myself through that again. You know?"

Embarrassment racked the man with his head over the sink with paper towels compressing his nose, "Shit.. sorry! Absolutely not like that. Been a couple of years, hence me not knowing when to lay off. Heh! So happy to see you though! Can I do anything to help you get relaxed and comfy?"

Thoughts passed through the bird's weary mind in a disorganized fashion until finally piecing together her decision. "Oh. That's good. I... Ugh, sorry. I'm so tired I can't think straight. Just come to bed with me and cuddle up. Okay?" A loose gesture called for her houseguest to catch up as she stumbled just as much, if not slightly more, than Sunny.

During the period in which the woman who held his affection processed her thoughts with a fatigued mind, Sunny had kept his snout compressed and caught up to the nurse. The moment seemed to call for silence, so Sunny nodded with a tired head and similar desire for sleep. Falling in tow behind the beautiful woman, Sunny trudged the short path into her bedroom, stripped down to the basics, and found himself suddenly wrapped around Rita from behind while fully covered. It hadn't been an effect of the alcohol, but more out of drowsiness that made the skip in time occur.

Nestling cozily into the semiconscious bird, Sunny couldn't help but to nuzzle and kiss the back of her neck out of pure adoration. Even though the act was one of sweetness, the inebriated tanuki's body had other plans as he nervously noticed a growing erection as a result of their physical contact and position. Shyness gripped the man's mind and compelled him to inform his companion, "I uhh... Sorry about this but umm... Should I scoot back..?"

Although she was careening towards unconsciousness, the closed-eyed hawk swung her arm lazily behind her and evoked a gasp upon placing a firm grasp on the member pressing against her rump. The voice projecting from her beak as the drowsy head rotated communicated a contentment, along with a seductive tone, "Hmmh.. Not bad. Hehe. It's okay, mister hellhound, but we're waiting for anything like that. Buuuuut.... I don't mind if you keep close and tease yourself a bit. You know... for later. Good night, Sunny." With the share concluded, a couple of sensual rubs stimulated a now pulsing cock preceded a return to her side sleeping position with her hands clasped together.

Mildly bewildered at what had just happened, Sunny gently shook his head so as not to disturb the lady sharing the bed. Scooting forward until he was once again snug against Rita, the demon soon found his hard-on in full contact with the feathered cheeks. A degree of horny pleasure caught up and overcame the anxiety that had prevented such sensations. Having been given some permission/encouragement, the nuki made long, drawn out thrusts that drew his breath to grow heavy and heated as they blew into Sunny's bedmate's neck. Occasionally, a minimally audible gasp would escape the darling hawk's mouth during a moment of lesser unconsciousness.

Such sounds spurred on the increasingly horny canid, leading to a decision to slide down the black boxers beneath Rita's lavish comforter. Cautious to not disturb his sweetheart's essential sleep, care was taken to minimize excess movement. Upon pressing his freed dick to the soft feathered booty, Sunny was surprised when a weak moan accompanied a return of equal force. Driven into a barely regulated impulsively humping, the tanuki buried his primarily black face into his old friend's back, feeling her bra strap rub over his snout. After a couple of minutes, the sensation of pre-cum droplets welling up and dribbling down the man's cock caused Sunny to reluctantly slow to a stop. Making a mess on his host for her to wake up to seemed impolite and sleep didn't seem like a bad idea.

Time was taken to wind back down as Sunny panted as quietly as possible. After finally achieving a more peaceful state, a wonderful and delicate kiss was planted on his potential new love's slender shoulder. Sleep carried the man away in little time and soon dropped him into a dream world sculpted in the likeness of the final section of waking life.

This subconscious scenario initiated with the pair laid together as they had been, only now they had slept through the night and were now waking up together. A loving squeeze by Sunny connected the, in the dream, dating couple. The demon was in full, true form and at absolute ease, simply delighted to be with his loved one. As in the real world, lusty energy flooded the man. His cock laid between Rita's silky thighs and the sensation of a wet, hot pussy slid over the top of the stiff rod. Cravings burned uncontrollably as Sunny growled, "Ggrrr.... FUCK. Babe.. I *really* wanna fuck you..."

The fantasy version of the feathered woman giggled sweetly at her boyfriend and cooed, "Hehe. Aww, sweetie.. I know, I can feel it. Can we please just wait a little longer? You know I'll take care of you, just lay back for me." During the response she shared, Rita reached down between her legs and gave gentle strokes over Sunny's cock head.

Happy to give his woman all the time she needed before taking the next step, the immortal entity purred, "Of course, my love. I don't deserve you honey. Hehe. You're perfect." He was met an endearing rolling of brilliant crimson eyes as he rolled into a supine position in preparation for his partner to treat him to something special. Overwhelming surges of energy coursed throughout Sunny's body and mind while the hawk seductively stretched, rolled, and crawled into place. Further assessment revealed that, in place of the typical beak possessed in real life, Rita had the muzzle of a wolf. Though somewhat unsettling, the disturbance melted away upon contact of the long canine tongue slithering up the shaft and over the pre oozing head.

Before Sunny could even comment on anything, his beautiful woman was already devouring his throbbing cock with unprecedented lust and passion. Overcome by euphoria, the horny demon tilted his head back while groaning quietly, "Uunnggghhh... I love you."

  • In the real world dawn had come, the sun rose, and Rita had woken up. Having the one who held all of her affection cuddled up so closely charged her up for the day as cheer lit up her state of mind. While resting and mindfully appreciating the sleeping man's presence, the tanuki stirred and surprisingly uttered the words, "I love you." On the assumption that it had been intentional from a conscious being, true joy filled the avian's heart and she found herself immediately responding in kind, "I love you too, Sunny. Good morning."

  • When no further speech occurred, Rita blushed harder than ever and she tensed out of painful embarrassment. Since it seemed apparent that Sunny was dreaming, the possibility emerged that it wasn't her being spoken to, that maybe it was Catherine, or Jeremy, or maybe another love interest not yet disclosed, and the pained woman cringed inwardly as she froze in place, hoping that all went unnoticed.

Inside the dream, the interaction had progressed drastically. This muzzle equipped hawk expertly switched between slurping and lapping at Sunny's cock and pulling back to stroke it while utilizing her long canine tongue to pull his balls into her muzzle. The tactile sensations were unreal, (he reflected on the idea that perhaps this feeling must be similar to that which his supernatural saliva creates) driving the man nearly paralyzed as impending release approached. Coming so close led to the woman's head being seized and shoved down onto his desperate dick, fucking her face without reservation. From this point, it only took several seconds before he found sweet, powerful release that resulted in physically impossible torrents of semen pumping down Rita's throat and overflowing out, down his member, and all over his lap.

The vivid dream event propelled Sunny upwards into consciousness in time to experience the ejaculation initiated by his subconscious experience. A freshly awakened tanuki became perfectly aware of the current situation as tension captured his body in reaction to the fact that he had, and continued to, blow his load all over his hosts rear end. Uncertain as to whether Rita was awake or not, and equally unsure of which was actually preferable, he swallowed his embarrassment and pet his dear friend in case she was still asleep and to gather her attention.

Meekly, Sunny whispered, "Hey, good morning. Are you awake?"

Rita remained embarrassed over her slip of the tongue, though was somewhat reassured due to Sunny's inquiry into her wakefulness. The accident of the wet dream had not gone unnoticed as the man behind her had grunted quite audibly and made solid contact. Fully expecting her guest to be experiencing emotional discomfort, if he was cognizant enough, a gentle greeting was extended, "Good morning, sweetie. How did you sleep?"

Flushing with uncomfortable heat, Sunny replied, "I slept pretty great. It was nice getting to sleep while holding you." Then he sighed heavily and stumbled through a shameful confession, "Ehh.... I umm.. well.. you should know... I.. uggghh.. I'm sorry, but I kinda uhhh.. had a dream and like.. I came on you.." Suddenly, he felt uncomfortable about touching his new darling in light of such an occurrence. Maybe the fact that he had painted the nurse's backside had put her off of further contact. The spiritually altered being had no clue, and terror clamped down on his heart.

It appeared with certainty that the "I love you" slip had not been noticed, and the relief being experienced carried Rita's mood sky high despite having a fat load of semen sticking to her feathers in multiple mats. As the embarrassment faded, the avian lady giggled at their situation and assured her friend, "Ohh, it's okay. I kinda noticed. Hehe. I suppose I might have some part in it, considering my encouragement last night. Heh. Would you mind grabbing a washcloth from the bathroom and cleaning me up? I'll get us some breakfast ordered in the meantime, sound good??" To communicate the lack of hard feelings towards the man, a white and black feathered arm swung back around to provide affectionate petting and rubbing.

Tension alleviated at least a small amount, Sunny let loose a laugh out of both upset and genuine amusement as the two emotions battled it out. While already yanking up his boxers to cover his previously exposed sheath, he crawled out from bed with purpose while confirming, "Heh! Ugh. Still... I'm so sorry. You got it! I'll be right back!" A swirling of thoughts and emotions fused together into a strange experience. The realization that the form of a corrupted being remained unhidden from the woman as well as the way Sunny felt at ease astounded him. This was previously unexperienced around mortals. The other side of things was the inability to look over his shoulder at his lovely host, still riding waves of tension over leaving a woman in her own bed covered in cum.

Hustling along as fast as reasonable, Sunny made it to the bathroom and rustled through cupboards and drawers until ultimately discovering the compartment containing the pure white rags and removed one to soak under the faucet. A few tiny droplets of soap was added to one of the corners to aid the cleanup process. The demon padded swiftly back to his sticky friend, sliding back up and tossing the cover off of her in one smooth motion. In no time at all, Sunny had set upon the task at hand, wiping and tenderly washing the mesmerizing ass cheeks of his hopeful eventual partner. The sight of the rear end in combination with the knowledge that it was his jizz adorning it, caused a serious stirring of his loins and a surprising swelling of the sheath hidden beneath the black fabric.

Alongside the current actions being taken and the visual input taken in, was the realization that the mess was not confined to the mortal woman in the bed. Not only had some of the canid's load dripped off the feathered rump, but some of the fluid had shot directly onto the sheets. As soon as Rita had been cleaned up as much as possible, Sunny immediately set to scrubbing the bedsheets while guiltily informing the side laid hawk, "I... also got some on your sheets.. I'm sorry, Rita.."

Rita found amusement in hearing how embarrassed this full blown demon was but also felt the need to soothe his nerves, "Oh hush! It's. OH. KAY! It's not *that* hard to do laundry, silly. Stop your worrying and lie down, alright? Toss that in the laundry basket over there and come back here so I can hold you this time." She flipped over onto the opposite side of her body and gazed softly with crimson colored eyes at the man she shared a hospital bed with so many years ago. The way this true formed immortal had deflated in powerful shyness produced a giggle in Rita that caused the black coated man's sharpened ears to rotate backwards as the noise was picked up.

Despite the initial reaction burning on the inside, once turned around Sunny caught sight of the kind eyed avian's face and simply melted inwardly as the longer foxlike legs carried him forward and onto the slightly dirtied sheets. With a well calculated roll, his dark furred back was snug up against Rita's belly and rest of her front side. A fluttering of the heart resulted from feeling a black and white feathered arms draped over his side with a smart phone clasped in it's hand. The screen flashed on to display a breakfast menu on a food delivery application for Rita's favorite restaurant.

The not quite couple worked their way through the selection and ordering process to get their order, simply a couple of stacks of waffles buried in berries, whipped cream, and syrup, sent on their way. When the noise of a knocking on the main door echoed throughout Rita's house, the still exhausted nurse commanded, comically, Sunny to retrieve the goods from the delivery person. Starting out as an ordinary friendly exchange, there came a wildly tense moment in which the tanuki caught the grey wolf glancing down uncomfortably before the two locked eyes. Sunny made a lightning quick assessment only to notice what had shocked the man, being a blood encrusted nose and a surprisingly large amount of dried semen that had evaded detection.

Beneath lush black fur, Sunny blushed vibrant red and averted his gaze while coughing and sputtering, "Ack! Fuck, sorry.. I had an interesting night.. um.. heh.. y'know..? Thanks for the food. Here's some extra for you. Keep it. Have a nice day!" Desiring nothing more than to escape the tense situation, Sunny closed the door as quickly as politely possible with a light accidental slam that served to encourage a hastier retreat in embarrassment. Anticipating a comforting welcome, the fleeing guy swiftly padded along the path to his gracious host.

Rita's meal was served by a sheepish looking tanuki as she propped herself up against the headboard of her bed. Sunny followed suit and, while eating in comfortable silence, stole shy glances of affection at the nurse who made it clear that his gaze was not only noticed, but quite appreciated and reciprocated. The chemistry between the two was undeniable and exceptional. Once each person had their fill, they closed the lids of their takeout boxes and set them up on the nightstand to be dealt with at a later time.

With bellies filled to satisfaction, Sunny and Rita snuggled up against one another while remaining upright against the hardwood at the head of the mattress. After several contentment filled minutes, an important issue prompted Sunny to clear his throat with a rumbly noise to retrieve the kite's attention, "Uhhmmhh.. hey... Can we talk about something..? It's kinda important to me, and I'd like to discuss it sooner rather than later." His heart skipped as the beaming red eyes met his corrupted purples and took in the concerned yet soft appearance held in hers. The demon drank in the sight of his beautiful avian friend nodding without breaking eye contact, seemingly understanding the matter at hand.

With the two seemingly peering into one another's souls, a significant degree of peace was stoked in the man, leading to a sigh preceding the inquiry, "I feel like you already know... but with me being immortal... If we're gonna be together, it means I'll lose you at some point.. Y'know, it's not something that I want to think about, but it scares me that I could continue to live and lose my people over and over again..... I'd like to hear what your thoughts about this are. And, of course, I don't need any answers right now because for the moment I'm just beyond happy to have you right here next to me." To emphasize his message, Sunny beamed a soft smile at the avian woman and leaned sideways until the two were resting their heads together.

The silence that hung in the air was one of comfort and contemplation and drew on for nearly a full minute. This was not an easy topic for the mortal who had only just became aware of the existence of immortals, demons, and mystical powers. Cutting through the quiet was a surprisingly calm and collected response from the woman's hooked beak, "Oh, Sunny.. I can only imagine how awful that must feel... I'd hate to put you through something like that, especially after... who you've already lost... I don't really know my options for the future, but I promise I'll give it some thought. Do.. do you know what we could do..? Can you be... cured..? I'd really like to hear what you think is possible." In a gesture of pure adoration, Rita swung her legs across the lap of the ageless tanuki residing within her bed and laid her head into the furry black, heaving chest.

A golden warmth simmered up within Sunny and filled his heart with hope for a less cruel future. Pulling on the wisdom obtained throughout the years, the dark souled canid closed his eyes and drew a long breath, "I appreciate your openness to this. It truly means a great deal to me. Umm... Well, I've researched in my book for everything I can think of regarding this subject. I haven't come across a single mention of even possibly unbinding my spirit from the netherworld... Maybe it's possible," a less than optimistic shrug accompanied the mention of unlikely outcomes, "But it doesn't seem to be. As for the other options..? I see three. One, ugh.. We don't get involved so it doesn't hurt *quite* as bad in the end..."

Sunny's pain at the mere mention of the option was palpable and brought tension into the space. The sensation became so strongly uncomfortable that a shaking off of the stress was performed, shaking the woman moderately before trailing off into stillness once more. A steeling breath centered the full-bellied nuki before picking back up with escalating anxiety and tension in his voice, "Mhh, sorry. The second option is we get together and live out our life together and eventually you move on into the afterlife.. Uhhmm... And uhh... the third route we could possibly take... Is you could maybe like... also become like me... I know that one is probably hard to consider or imagine. I just... whatever you choose, I'll handle it. Take however much time you need."

Disclosing such vulnerable feelings to Rita was the sensation of her being pulled and cradled into the deceptively strong arms and atop her male visitors lap. A pool of security and warmth welled up and constructed a feeling in Rita of immense comfort that aided the hawk in her soul searching mission. Thoughts of possibilities, potential consequences, and calculations all occurred in the greater pursuit to discover her truest desire regarding the issue at hand.

After nearly six minutes of hyper focused introspection, the soft tone of the red eyed avian emanated outward in sufficient volume to reach the furred tanuki, "I appreciate you thinking of these options. I... I think I know what I want. It's not exactly one of those. What I feel drawn to, is to maybe give a relationship a chance..? For a little bit, to analyze what we want or are capable of, and to be able to grow closer. Enough to get a feel for what a future could hold. Is that something you might be interested in....?"

The concept of a trial period avenue had not been considered and the unpredicted option had an odd mixture of both desirable and undesirable outcomes that jolted through the demon's dark heart with pain. Following the panging was a swift uplifting feeling that swept throughout Sunny's corporeal form as he gave a loving hug to accompany the agreement, "Hmmhh... You know, I'd at least love to try. Just please don't let it ruin things if we can't make it work. You're already an important part of my life and I don't want to lose you. But I'd love to give us a shot, if you'll have me."

Rita's heart thumped heavily in her white feather coated chest and the awareness of her sweetheart's held breath grew and sweetened the moment. To alleviate their tension filled moment in time, Rita nuzzled her face firmly into the fluffy black chest to accentuate the acceptance of such a beautiful outcome, "Of course I'll have you! Trust me, we're gonna be fine. I don't know how or why, but I don't feel this failing. You're staying right here in my life." The muzzle of the man was manipulated downward and the two shared the best version of a kiss that could be shared between a beak and a mammalian maw.

Days turned into weeks, weeks into months, and months into years. The trial period had gone extremely well! Rita had befriended Sunny's friends, Gregory and Frederick, and had continued her nursing career. Sunny processed every thing that had happened in his years and his grief surrounding his deceased wife decreased tremendously. Readjusted to a typical life, the desire and motivation to restart his outreach program resulted in unearthing his philanthropic endeavors. This new way of living was adopted with a natural ease and most issues, aside from Sunny's non-succubus type dealings, faded away.

Around the two and a half year mark in their loving relationship, Rita found herself curled up against her man, while wrapped up in his trademark black hoodie and relaxing for the evening. Something had been on the hawk's mind increasingly over several months and the time had elapsed alongside a fully developed sense of certainty. Sharp talons, kept short, capped the slender fingers and were combed through the lush, black chest fur until they met the flesh beneath. The claws dragged along the skin as Rita cooed with an audible anxiety, "Hey babe..? Can we talk about something?"

The at ease tanuki, who had always been brought to peace at hearing his partner's voice, mindfully immersed himself in the tactile experience to prepare for whatever conversation may be to come. "Mm, of course! What's up, dear?" It happened to be rather late at night and the sleepiness saturated Sunny's voice.

A sigh of resignation, to engaging in such a daunting exchange, was softly exhaled in an act of steeling oneself. The realization dawned on the black winged kite that the prepared thoughts were no longer accessible. She would need to improvise, and it seemed like keeping things short and to the point would be the least difficult. Sharp, crimson eyes rapidly darted back and forth between Sunny's affectionate face and his lap during her nervous toned share, "Umm, well.. Since we've been together for a while, I've been thinking about our agreement. The one we made when we first got together..?" A glance was shot up to her demonic boyfriend's sleepy and intrigued face, being met with an almost knowing nod that encouraged Rita to continue.

No moments were wasted in hesitation, and were instead utilized with a lighter heart, "I've thought a lot. I'd hate to put you through losing me like you were worried about. But equally.... I've fallen so deeply in love with you that I can't imagine being separated. I was thinking.... I'd.. I want to be with you. I know what that means, and I'm ready." Unexpectedly, the heart hidden inside the avian's chest began to hammer away at the potentially imminent leap into a great unknown aspect of reality that tended to remain concealed from the mortal beings.

Having been fairly drowsy, the gravity of the subject at hand perked Sunny up with a zap of elevated focus. The shift toward seriousness interfered with his ability to verbalize all thoughts and emotions whirling around the canid's mind. "uh.. You what? Oh. Really?? Are you totally certain..? You know it's permanent, yeah? No going back. As far as I've been able to learn about.." This particular discussion felt that it would benefit from a better position for the couple's interaction. A deliberate shift of his body on the couch resulted in the sweet hearted demon facing his lover while resting cross legged. Tilting his head off to the side, Sunny waited rather patiently for Rita to clarify her desires.

Mirroring her partner's action, Rita reoriented her pajama clad form into a cross legged position and reached forth to capture the furred hands in her own. Beginning at this moment, the lovers locked their crimson and violet eyes in such a manner that all else in the world surrounding the two faded away until it was just them as if in a void. From here, the anxiety dissipated and speaking became easy as Rita shared the truth from the core of her pristine soul. "Deep down, I knew that one day I'd have to make this decision. I've kept it in mind the whole time we've been together. I love you dearly, and I know you'll face a loneliness and you'll probably find someone else but maybe none of them would want to be immortal. I... I do. If I can keep you forever, then that's what I want."

A sudden swooning overtook Sunny as the disclosure graced his rounded ears. It seemed unimaginable that someone could love him enough to throw away their mortality and possibility to enter the afterlife. Despite any doubts attempting to persuade against accepting his avian girlfriend's confession, glowing purplish eyes detected the authenticity in each and every word spoken toward the tanuki. Nearly unprecedented joy zapped through the blackened core within Sunny during the response rushing out his maw, "Yeah... uh, yes, of course! Of course I want that! But um. Would you give it until tomorrow..? I just want to make sure, because this is such a huge deal that I'd feel better if you slept on it. If that makes sense..? I'd also rather be rested anyways. I love you SO MUCH honey, and it means more than I can even express in words!"

The sight of tears, filling up and spilling over the brim of Sunny's eyelids and down his face, resulted in a sympathetic response that created crying streams pouring down the white feathered hawk face. With a tremble of excitement, love, and nerves in her voice, Rita gently cooed reassurance, "I understand. I *suppose* I could give you a night." The joking agreement made for a lighthearted giggle in the woman. "Hehe. You're worth it. I love you too! Umm, would you maybe wanna turn in for the night then? Might take a while to fall asleep and I'd like to be good and rested!"

Sunny kissed his woman on the top of her soft feathered head and pushed himself off of the couch. Upon raising up to his feet, it brought delight to look down on the lovely partner of the corrupted tanuki. Warmth spread as the opportunity was seized to treat Rita to one of the things that most lifted her spirit, which was for Sunny to slip his arms beneath the hawk and effortlessly pull up and hold the kite as if a groom carrying their bride across the threshold. The display of heartwarming euphoria plastered over her face immediately kicked off a similar reaction in the male partner and sparked a goofy, lovestruck grin to beam throughout his muzzle. Along the way, silence grew deafening and served to cultivate a deeper feeling of connection between the elated partners as Sunny padded along the path to their bedroom.

Having entered the lovers' bedroom, Sunny carried his black winged kite to the bed and plopped her down about three feet, resulting in a dull but loud thump upon contact with the foam mattress. Rita loved this kind of occasional dropping by Sunny and expelled an exceedingly loud giggle. Sunny crawled over his, more clearly now, future wife while in his corrupted form, catching Rita stealing affectionate and excited glances. The way she had come to look at the demon had cultivated a deep security and self confidence that had been slow to build in the earlier days.

Rolling into position, Sunny bared his teeth in mischievous glee and awaited a response.

Rita was immediately intrigued and feigned skeptical disapproval. Squinting and focusing on the silly face of her powerful boyfriend, the primarily white bird inquired, "Mmmh.. What are you up to, mister?"

Elated at the bait being taken, Sunny chuckled before transitioning into, "Aww, you forgot, didn't you..?" The raccoon dog observed the puzzled look flash across Rita's face. Sunny took a centering breath before raising his hand and tapping the woman on the forehead with a sharp claw while hypnotically whispering, "Sssssssllleeeeeeeeeepppppp...."

Rita immediately processed and remembered, while the world wavered as if under water before beginning to collapse, the fact that her boyfriend had these powers and had aided her rest many times, though infrequently. In the warping reality leading towards unconsciousness, the last thing perceived by the hawk was the sensation her loving companion nestling into her side with his chin resting upon her breast. Soft sighing from each person sent Rita off into a deep, restful slumber.

Due to the potent sleep cast upon Rita keeping her well under, the nuki rose to the waking world first. Immediately, the monumental event to come on this particular day swirled through his canid mind and it was decided that some loving preparation was in order. In hopes that a pleasant start to the day might ease the impending suffering, Sunny scrambled some eggs, grilled some toast, put together a fruit bowl, and took it all to his woman on a tray along with some coffee and orange juice. A wood on wood clacking noise resonated around the room prior to the tanuki dropping his rear down onto their bed. Gazing back at his dearly loved partner, resulting in a joyful wagging of the fluffy tail, before placing his dark hand affectionately on Rita's face. A soft whispering of, "Wakeee..." pulled the bird lightly into wakefulness.

Crimson eyes were revealed in a rapid fluttering that eased to a stop at their mostly open state. Overwhelming affection flooded the bird's corporeal form at the sight of her soon-to-be eternal partner. With a sleepy characteristic, Rita mumbled, "Hmmff... Good morning, sweetie. Awh, breakfast in bed? Thank you!" Her comment was accompanied by a repositioning into being propped up against the headboard.

The tanuki drank in the picture of Rita's loving glow in her face and sipped at the aromatic bean juice. After a pleasant mouthful of coffee, Sunny responded with, "Good morning, honey! Of course! Just figured it'd be a great idea to start the day on a happy note." A tense pause of several seconds proceeded the greeting before the important issue was addressed, "So umm.... Do you want to like... wait? For the change, I mean.. Sorry to bring this up so early. Heh. I guess I'm just a little antsy.. I also sense that it's what you desire." An anxious nuki squirmed in his seated position on the bed in anticipation of the still undisclosed plan for the day.

This particular topic had actually already entered Rita's thoughts, both before sleep and immediately upon waking, and a foggy mind sluggishly processed the major consideration. Brightening up into a more perky state, the kite rushed out an emphatic proposed plan, "Oh, um! I... I think as soon as we have some breakfast and get cleaned up. If that's okay..? It's just that I'll probably end up thinking about it all day." A sigh of exhilarated resignation whispered it's way out of the sharp, hooked beak of it's owner.

The sweethearts had come to a point where silent communication occurred regularly. Sunny simply nodded in affirmation before joining his mate in sharing a breakfast. A post-meal shower was taken to freshen up in preparation for the radical ritual just a sliver of time away. A high pressure spray of rushing water flowed with a relaxing noise and culminated in a splattering against the shower floor. All of their cleansing served to enhance Sunny and Rita's bond in anticipation of the stripping of Rita's mortality.

The soothing twenty-five minute shower filled the room with a thick fog as the hot water steamed all around the couple. A tension lay beneath all of the sweetness as the two built up an eager current of anticipation. A session in the stand-in blow dryer had the hawk and her tanuki partner freed of the residual saturation, mostly in Sunny's fur, and encouraged them to retire to their bedroom.

Eventually, the moment came where Sunny stood in front of his avian woman who sat upright on the bed. The flesh surrounding her blood-red ringed windows scrunched in a gentle expression of a smile. However, beneath the sweet softening was a growing fear that made itself more noticeable by the moment. "Lie back, babe."

A rustling against the bedding connected with the tall, sharp canid ears as his tense partner followed his guidance. Not wishing to drag out the process, Sunny hopped up onto the bed and assumed a cross-legged position and centered himself into a meditative state beside Rita. The lovers captured one another's hand and consent was communicated to begin the rite. The male concentrated on his years exploring, training, and advancing his powers in search of the ability to bring back his loved ones, or at least be able to visit.

This was to be his first corruption as lower demons lacked the capacity to successfully complete such an advanced ritual. In addition, even though Sunny had greatly surpassed the required status and skill to perform the spell, he refrained from turning anyone. Some would clearly have been swift in their fall into evil acts, others just wouldn't benefit from turning. Finally, the fact that his beloved Rita would be put through the suffering he recalled far too well filled him to the brim with apprehension.

Along with a shared squeezing of hands, the well educated demon brought about the bubble of void that separated them from the mortal world in a similar fashion to what Jack had done years back. Agonizing vocalizations of pain and suffering would certainly draw unwanted attention from the neighbors and passers-by. With awesome silence seeming to crush the life from their otherworldly terrarium, Sunny sent an energy of compassion and love prior to setting forth into the corruption of his beloved black-winged kite. As Rita had her spirit imprinted with the hell-brand, an ear-splitting hawk's screech caused a jagged shaking of the visual world.

Extreme achiness surged into the canid's heart as he winced at the image of his spasming partner with her back arching. Then, something that concerned, and even terrified Sunny made its way into his awareness. Something, or someone, failed to completely conceal its presence as it attempted to infiltrate the two via different methods. In the nuki, it attempted to exploit the fear, guilt, and shame surrounding his demonification of his lover as well as influencing feelings of anger and resentment towards the state of the world and the way suffering was allowed.

At the same time, he was able to sense what the entity was pushing upon Rita. It was attempting to cultivate a sense of paranoia, fear, doubt, and rage directed towards Sunny surrounding his binding her to this terrifying supernatural world. While the avian woman writhed in pain and wrestled against the invasion of feelings, Sunny soothingly called, "Honey, stay with me. I don't know what is here, but we're okay! Not much longer and we'll be on the other side. Just feel my hand." A death grip locked his hand in a vice while the two grounded with one another until *finally* the hawk fell from rigid into fully limp.

During the period of time of recovery following the unbelievably painful process, Sunny assessed the transformation of the woman freshly bound to the netherworld. The glaring differences were along the feral ancestral feature lines. Feet turned to the original bird feet with piercing talons, knees bent in reverse, much more sleek and sharp looking feathers and body, a larger, intimidatingly sharpened beak, and finally between weakened eyelids were eyes that appeared to be actual portals to Hell itself.

This change signified an immortal life together and Rita struck Sunny's eyes as more stunningly gorgeous than ever. The furred one's free hand relocated onto the silky feathered face for affectionate and calming strokes to ease the woman's re-entry into the world as an altered being.

Rita's consciousness flowed back as the pain ebbed and she flushed with gratitude for her arrival to be illustrated with Sunny's adoring face on directed at her. The world previously removed by sheer emptiness glimmered back into place and provided a greater sense of comfort. "Hhh... Hey there.. *huff...*"

Having developed a fearful attitude as a result of the strange attack, Sunny experienced an explosive decompression at his sweetheart's glowing relief and relaxation. "Hi there, hon. Welcome to.. umm.. Your new life! You doing okay...?"

"I'm exhausted... But I think I'm good What happened..? You know, whatever that was..?"

Sunny peered away pensively and spoke quietly, "I'm not sure... But we made it through without giving into whatever was interfering. I love you, Rita! I can't believe you did this. I'm so amazed we're in it forever. I was actually scared to end up alone in this life."

The hawk beamed in her weakened state while breathlessly responding, "Not if I have anything to say about it. Heh! I love you too."

The next two and a half years were spent maintaining a balance between exploring and training in their practices, working their respective occupations, and continuing their life as a couple. While Sunny had plenty of time to learn to conceal his unnatural appearance, Rita was still required to work at the hospital, so initially their focus was entirely on teaching her the same ability to enable a normal life. There was, of course, also the matter of planning their future as undying beings that needed to be addressed. The path forward was certainly complicated but, for now, the lovely Hell-couple rested and proceeded accordingly. Little did they know, a darkness was hidden and plotting against the pair, waiting for the perfect moment to strike.