Power Play

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Penelope and Hobie have been living a charmed life since moving into the castle. By day they're friends, happy to rib each other and lounge around, but by night, the dragon and rabbit have a much different relationship...

8k commission for an Anonymous Goth! This was my first time doing canon (that I can remember). It was pretty interesting, but luckily the Barbie movies didn't have a lot of lore I had to think about. I got to just learn their personalities and run with it. The outline was a shorter one, relatively speaking, but that just gave me a lot of room to explore their relationship and really delve deep into the scenes. I hope I did a good job!---Want to join Shilva's Lounge, a Telegram chat group where fans of everything weird and raunchy (and of me) can chat with myself and each other? Follow this link: t.me/shilvasloungeCurrently accepting commission submissions! Follow this link to apply: https://forms.gle/i1JE8PaS7VPaubnt6

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The castle was quiet at night. Since the feud between the kings Wilhelm and Frederick had finally ended, there was little need for guards posted at every corridor. A rabbit and dragon snuck through the halls mostly unseen, although they had to duck into the shadows from time to time to avoid a roaming servant or a tired noble up late. Was there any need for their secrecy? Perhaps not, but it made things more fun.

Besides, if Rapunzel knew what they got up to at night, they weren't sure she wouldn't kick them out of the castle. She was a kind person, but there were limits to everyone.

"Hobie, come on!" hissed Penelope as she slipped behind a tall marble bust. The purple dragon's top half managed to slide past without issue, but her ample ass and thighs knocked the bust askew. Her thick tail almost finished the job, but Hobie dove in just in time to catch it before it smashed to the floor.

"I'm trying," the rabbit said, "but I'm busy trying to make sure your fat ass doesn't smash up everything in your way! I don't know if I can do anything tonight anymore. My poor fingers ache from catching that bust. I could have been scraped!"

Penelope rolled her eyes as she searched for a loose stone in the wall. "Your fingers will feel better once you put down the marble bust and start grabbing at mine instead. Stop complaining, this happens every time."

Her wandering hands finally found something. She hooked her claws into a hidden notch and pulled, sliding a stone out of the wall a few inches before it suddenly topped. The sound of old gears creaking echoed down the hallway, and the scraping of stone against stone made Hobie cringe. He looked down the hall, half expecting an angry servant to come running down it. It took a few seconds for the hidden door to fully open, revealing a narrow passageway that Penelope immediately slipped down.

Hobie listened carefully a few moments. There was no sound of feet tapping down the halls, no angry mutters or confused murmurs. They were safe.

"No one's there, Hobie," Penelope sighed. She watched the rabbit from the passageway, well aware he was going to stop as always. "There's never anyone there. No one comes here this late at night, that's why I choose it. Now will you stop worrying and come on?"

She had a point, Hobie knew, but knowing they were safe wasn't the same as hearing that they were safe. "I'm coming, I'm coming," he said. He slid past the bust hiding the secret passage easily enough, but squeezing into the passage was another matter. His belly brushed against one wall and his rear the other, scraping at him with every sideways saddle down the hall.

"Do we really have to go to this one on your nights?" Hobie complained. "You know I don't fit down this one very well. I'm not a skinny rabbit!"

Penelope resisted rolling her eyes. "When it's your night, you can choose the passage," she said. "But I like going down this one. It's not my fault you put on weight since moving in here."

"That's true," Hobie agreed. "It's those chefs. I had no idea you could prepare carrots so many different ways! They shouldn't let me eat so much."

The purple dragon suppressed another eye roll. She loved Hobie, she really did, but sometimes he complained like a grumpy old man. Truthfully, she always chose this secret passage precisely because Hobie couldn't easily fit it. It meant that she could stand at the end of the passage and just drink in his beautiful, chubby body. It jiggled so wonderfully with each foot he scooted, but also accentuated the very real and solid muscle beneath all the chub. The cooks might have been spoiling her rabbit friend, but the small farm he'd started as a side project kept him in shape despite his appetite.

Besides. The minor humiliation set the tone for the night quite nicely.

"No, it's just your out of control appetite," Penelope said with a smirk. "Too weak to stop eating." Hobie blushed furiously, but he had no retort. Normally he'd have a biting remark to an insult like that, but Penelope was too nice to ever say something like that... unless the night's scene was starting. "Don't worry though. Once you get your fat ass through the passage, I've got plenty for you to eat."

There was no better motivation than a promise like that. Hobie grunted and wriggled as fast as he could, finally making it through a few seconds later. He bent over with his hands on his knees, chest heaving as he caught his breath. Penelope waited with her arms crossed and a brow raised.

"Alright," Hobie wheezed after a few moments. "Alright, I'm ready."

The brow raised more. "I'm ready, what?"

Hobie stared up at Penelope with blank eyes. What did she mean, what?

The dragoness hid a small chuckle. Sometimes her Hobie could be so dense it was cute. She let him stew in her disapproval for a few moments before finally relenting. "Mistress," she said. "You call me Mistress, pet."

"Oh!" Hobie let out a shaky huff, blood rushing between his legs. So they were already starting. "Yes, Mistress," he said. He kept his gaze carefully at her feet, as a good sub should. "I apologize Mistress, I hadn't realized we, uh... we started."

"That's alright, pet. I know rabbits like you have little more than fluff between those big, sensitive ears. Stand up and follow me." She straightened up and turned on a dime, striding quickly away and leaving Hobie to scramble after her. Her heart beat fast to hear his frantic footfalls behind her. They had kinky fun like this almost every night, and every other night it was her turn to be in charge, but the thrill of power and control never ceased to arouse her. It was almost addicting.

The two walked down a series of dark, musty passages deep within the bowels of the castle, presumably as old as the castle itself. Penelope had theorized they were escape passages, in case the castle was under siege, but they had never found any way out. Hobie thought they were old servant's passages. Either way, no one had been in them for years until they discovered them by accident. Hobie had been railing her against a wall in one of the bathrooms, and her tail caught on one of the secret stone triggers. They'd both fallen as the wall behind them gave out. After a few months of occasional exploration, Hobie had the idea to use them for their sexual escapades, and everything else was history.

As they continued down the musty passages, another scent slowly grew stronger. It was earthy but acrid at the same time, and pungent enough to make most other people's stomach churn. Truthfully it made Hobie's stomach churn too, but Penelope actually legitimately enjoyed the scent. Both of them leaked more the stronger it was: they'd been indulging in their scat fetish for so long, they just associated the scent with kinky, disgusting, and deeply erotic fantasies.

Finally they turned a corner and found themselves standing in front of a solid wooden door. They paused, and Penelope glanced back at Hobie. He was panting from the effort of keeping up with the fit dragoness, but judging by his dripping sheath (and the fact he was still staring), he didn't quite mind the view of her perky, jiggling ass the whole time.

She reached back and offered her hand, which Hobie took and squeezed gently. "Safeword is Gothel," she whispered. Hobie nodded, and she opened the door. The two of them stepped across the threshold, and they were no longer Hobie and Penelope, friends and royal companions to Princess Rapunzel. They were now Mistress and Pet.

In stark contrast to the winding and dark passages behind them, the room ahead of them almost looked like it could be a royal's bedroom. A massive four poster bed butted up against an ornately carved wardrobe, and across from the bed was a large, glassless window with iron bars. Velvet drapery and orange, beautiful tapestries decorated the wall, and there was enough furniture along the side of the room to entertain a small court.

One could be forgiven for thinking this really was a royal's room, had they not known about the passages connecting it to the rest of the castle, but further inspection would slowly, deliciously ruin the illusion.

The wardrobe door was propped half open, and inside were not beautiful gowns or velvet finery fit for a king. Instead hung whips, lashes, collars and leashes. Dildos ranging from tiny to monstrous lay jumbled at the bottom, and everything was covered in a thick, gritty grime.

Outside the wardrobe, things were even worse. The ground was sticky with dried piss and cum, and piles of shit lay at random across the floor. Several had footsteps in them, and one even had a very obvious bite taken out of it. The furniture was rotten and filthy, and the bed was so stained with filth that it was nearly black. The mattress itself was so thoroughly soaked it existed in a constant state of squishy dampness.

The scent was another dead giveaway: the stench of shit hung heavy in the air, with the spice of rotten cum and dried up piss mixed up into subtle notes to compliment it. More subtle were the trapped smells of fetishes and desires, the sweat, sex and musk captured in the ornate, rotting chairs and chaises.

Near anyone else would have gagged at the sight, heaved at the smell, and rushed from the room before they threw up all over the cum-soaked carpet. To Penelope and Hobie, however, the smell was home: they had been responsible for every filthy scent that hung in the air, each ounce of shit and thimble of cum and piss. Neither could help but grin as they walked in, looking around in as much wonder as the first day they'd found it.

For a moment they were silent. Penelope was the first to snap out of her appreciation with a blink and shake of her head. Their ruined room was wonderful, of course, but they were there for something much more fun than just looking at the mess...


Hobie snapped to attention, blushing bright red but standing ramrod straight at attention. Penelope smiled: she had trained Hobie quite well. She circled the rabbit leisurely, letting him simmer in anticipation while she considered her options. The two had done all manner of things together, and finding new ways to be disgusting and kinky was one of the few challenges left in her life. Long gone were her days in the tower with Rapunzel.

Her eyes settled an upturned wine barrel that they'd found in a nearby room. They had been using it as a table, but now it would have a more interesting purpose.

"Pet. Go grab that barrel and roll it here. Then tip it so the opening is facing up. Understood?"

"Yes ma'am!" came the immediate reply. Hobie rushed to the barrel and swiped off the toys on top of it before tipping it over. It knocked into one of the chairs, causing its arm to snap off, but neither of them cared. He rolled it over with some effort, then tipped it as Penelope ordered. The moment he finished he straightened up, stood by Mistress, and looked at his feet. "All done, ma'am."

Penelope nodded, a pleased smirk on her face. She liked Hobie in this state, like the manservants Rapunzel had at her beck and whim. Unlike Rapunzel, however, she could order this one to do anything she wanted, no worries about judgment or obedience. A creature like that deserved to feel lower than a manservant. A creature like that deserved to earn the title of Pet.

"On your knees," she barked out. Hobie squealed and immediately dropped to his knees at her feet, landing with a squelch in a pile of cold, almost hardened shit. He stared at her feet - then, thinking better of it, he averted his gaze from her entirely. She seemed to be in a harsh mood today, and he didn't dare risk her ire. Being uppity was for some other sub, but not Hobie.

"There we go. Right where you belong. Now, squeeze yourself into the barrel as best as you can. I don't care how you do it, and I don't care how uncomfortable it is. As long as your head is below the rim I'll be satisfied." She paused for a moment, giving Hobie time to nod his understanding. "Alright, pet. Get to it."

Hobie jumped into action, practically diving into the barrel head first. It was a tight fit due to his chub, and the sides of the barrel scraped against his skin as he struggled to squeeze himself into the small opening. He felt every nook and cranny of the wood pressing against him, but he kept going until he was all the way in. He made it as comfortable as possible by curling into a ball and resting his head on one of the staves that ran the circumference of the barrel. The smell of musty wine filled his nostrils, and despite himself he couldn't help but feel comforted.

Penelope smiled down at Hobie, pleased with what he'd managed to accomplish. She truthfully wasn't sure he could manage it with his size, but this was just proof that a pet would go to any lengths to please his Mistress.

She ran her hands down the barrel, taking in its texture before patting it gently. "Good boy, pet. Now I think you'll like this next part quite a bit."

The barrel shifted as the dragoness hoisted herself on top of it, and Hobie looked up just in time to see her ample rear block out the light of the room. It made a perfect seal, locking much of the air in, but a knotted hole in one of the planks let in just enough light for Hobie to see Penelope's perfect ass hovering inches above his face. If he strained he could just make out her pussy with its small, throbbing clit and dripping lips. The scent of her arousal sent a flush through his body, and he cursed how cramped it was in here: he wanted nothing more than to pleasure himself to her. As it was, all he could do was make tiny, needy little humps with his twitching cock trapped between his thighs.

Penelope adjusted on top of the barrel and shook it a little. She tensed visibly, then took a few deep, calming breaths. A moment later she began to piss, the hot stream thundering against the side of the barrel and spraying all over Hobie's body. The acrid liquid splashed against his fur, taking a moment to soak through his fur and seep into every nook and cranny. The rabbit let out a groan as the thick and heady scent mingled with, then overwhelmed the remnants of wine in the air.

It was similar to the scent of wine in a way, but while this casket once held sweet, fruity wine, Penelope's was dark, dry and bitter. His nostrils flared as he pushed past the initial disgust, eager to huff more of his Mistress' scent like a good pet should. Gentle sniffs and moans from the rabbit mixed with the splatter of piss and the occasional sigh of relief from Penelope to make an almost relaxing, comforting atmosphere. The golden liquid dribbled down to the bottom of the barrel and gathered there, creating a small pool for the rabbit to stew in.

Not even Penelope could piss forever. After several moments the stream ran dry, lessening first from a torrent to a stream, and then a trickle dripping onto the rabbit's leg. That didn't matter much to Hobie - Mistress had blessed him with plenty enough. A hint of light appeared as Penelope spread her legs, creating a small gap in the seal, but closed it as her hand plunged in to pleasure her pussy.

Hobie eyed that soaking pussy with a mixture of awe and greed. There she was, absolutely soaked and in obvious need just inches away from him, but there was nothing he could do to help her. He could just imagine her sweet pussy juice dripping down his chin as he ate her out, like a ripe peach or nectarine, the taste flooding across his tongue to replace the bitterness of the piss that had leaked inside.

It was not his place to beg. Not unless Mistress commanded it. Hobie closed his eyes and steeled himself, refocusing on his purpose. Pets made their Mistress happy. Pet couldn't help out Mistress in this position, so he had to do his best to make her happy in other ways. The thing that Mistress seemed to like most of all was teasing Pet for how pathetic he was... so Pet had to be pathetic.

He started whimpering and moaning in very real need, allowing himself to expose the wants he kept locked inside. Judging by Penelope's chuckle he was doing well pleasing her: he started to squirm around as much as he could, making obvious how pent up he was. Piss sloshed around, splashing against his face in frothy warm ripples, but his discomfort didn't matter: only Mistress' pleasure.

"God, does my piss really turn you on that much, pet?" Mistress asked. Her voice dripped with disgust, but she plunged two fingers deep into her pussy and started masturbating even more furiously. Pet moaned an affirmative.

"Everything about you turns me on, Mistress," Pet simpered. "Your body and everything that comes from it is perfection."

"Even my piss?"

"Even your piss." There was no hesitation. Hobie dipped his lips below the surface of frothy piss and started loudly slurping, gagging when the bitter, greasy texture slid across his tongue but persevering. The noises made Mistress masturbate even harder, slipping a second hand inside to stimulate her twitching clit.

"You're such a good pet," Mistress encouraged. This elicited a needier moan from Pet than he had thought possible. Even her praise sent shivers down his spine. He redoubled his efforts to make her happy by focusing on her glorious piss. With his limited mobility he splashed as much as he could over his body and enjoyed the feeling of it seeping through his fur again and again. He thrust the tip of his cock into the pool of it with ragged breaths, closing his eyes and imagining he was plunging into her. Even the taste, the way dragon piss was thick and greasy, the way it strung in his teeth, all of it was glorious and perfect. Hobie was into piss regardless, but Pet's enjoyment was enhanced by Mistress' approval.

Penelope was happy to let Hobie indulge for a while, especially as that gave her time to pleasure herself. Hearing his petulant, needy moans from below her, muffled by the seal of her ass on the barrel, made her heart race. That such a stubborn rabbit could be reduced to a melted pool of want just from her piss... it was unthinkable. Her chest heaved as she tried to keep her breathing calm, as she edged herself but struggled not to spill over and climax right then and there. It was far too early in the night to finish already.

She closed her eyes and just let herself soak in the pleasure for a moment. A pressure built in her, starting at her clit and radiating outwards. Dragons were always hot, but she felt as if her pussy was boiling in the most wonderful way. The pressure in her body grew and grew, making her limbs tingle and her head swim. The soft breeze on her nipples was enough to make her whimper and her toes curl, and every plunge of her fingers into her vagina was pleasure ten times that. Everything grew more and more intense, more and more overwhelming, pushing her further, further, closer to the edge until she was teetering on the cliff, until she was about to explode, until--!

The dragoness snatched her fingers from her cunt at the last second and gripped the side of the barrel hard enough to dig gouges into the planks. Her chest heaved as she struggled to calm her breathing, audible gasps coming every moment. Her pussy burned, her clit ached for release, but she held on, fighting through her primal urges until finally, slowly, the wave subsided, she stepped away from the edge, and she could think again.

With a long exhale, she relaxed. Gods, that was close. Giving in would have been so pleasurable, but there was no way she could do this next part so soon after orgasm. She gave herself a few moments to calm down and ground herself, then slowly made her way back into headspace.

The noises below her were becoming more and more desperate and needy. Hobie tended to work himself into a furor when he set his mind to it, and it was very easy for his own body to get away from him. As much as she ached for release, she could only imagine the sea of pleasure Hobie found himself drowning in. His cock had to be so needy that a stray touch could set him off.

Mistress let out one final calming breath, then grinned. Pet was so cute when he got like this, but he would be useless to her if he came. Pets had to earn that - and post-nut clarity was a bitch. She could force him to stop, but she had something much more fun in mind.

Back in the barrel, Hobie was lost in a haze of sensation and pleasure. His mind buzzed with the acrid tang of piss in the air, the greasy sensation of cooling piss in his fur and the thick texture and taste of it in his mouth all combined to overwhelm his senses. His cock throbbed unattended in the air, practically shooting precum. A stray breeze might set it off at this point, and even the sensation of plunging the tip into the puddle of piss he soaked in was getting him close. All the sloshing and whimpers echoed against the barrel's walls, bouncing around and creating a drone that lulled him further into headspace.

Above him, Mistress shifted and gathered herself. With one deep, full breath, she clenched her abs and let out a wet, spluttering fart that ripped through the droning noise in Pet's brain like a thunderclap.

Pet froze as the disgusting sound echoed through his mind and broke his trance. He looked up at Penelope's ass, and his eyes locked on her twitching, pulsing asshole. A fresh sheen of filth clung to her skin there, a few brown-green strands of muck hanging off in strands. The scent hit him immediately after, yanking him the rest of the way from his trance, yet sending him tumbling deeper into headspace. It was a heavy mix of sulfur and rotten eggs that made him want to gag and choke. He huffed it deep despite that, unable to get enough of it. The air grew warm and humid, and he could almost physically feel the wet stench in the air.

Mistress pushed out another, this time a long, hissing burst of rancid air. Another wave of humidity smacked Pet in the face, and he started to gag. His stomach churned, but he didn't dare stop heaving that beautiful, wonderful, disgusting tainted air. This was his Mistress! In no reality would he reject the chance to be so close to her, to have her inside his very lungs. He steeled his stomach and kept loudly sniffing, squirming and whimpering as he did so. It was pleasurable like worshiping her piss, but in a different way: the tension in his body faded, and his cock slowly but surely shrunk down to a half hard, dripping state. The edge subsided, and he relaxed into his pool of filth.

One last trumpet of gas blasted into the barrel, this time an ass-clapper that sprayed Pet's body with thick strands of gooey, semi-shit muck. Mistress' slimy hole puckered and pulsed as she audibly strained. The rim bulged once, twice, and then again, each time stretching more and more without anything to show for it. On the fourth attempt, the dark brown head of a fat log peeked past the rim before retreating back inside. One final push, and the log finally came crackling out.

Pet gagged at the eggy, rotten scent of the log as it oozed out. Mistress must have been saving this special for him: it was thicker than her forearm and mostly solid, composed of solid nuggets held together with a clay-like paste of filth. A thick layer of slime clung to it, the lube likely the only reason she was even able to push such a monster out.

More than anything though, it was long. He could hardly believe his luck as it just kept coming and coming. It pressed against his leg before finally breaking off, plopping onto his thigh and rolling into the pool of piss with a splash.

His cock sprung to life the instant Mistress' disgusting shit touched his skin, and he began to whimper excitedly as he did all he could to reach the log and bring it up to his face. He wanted nothing more than to just smell it, kiss it, worship and lick it.

Mistress grunted as she kept pushing out the rest of the log. Before long, several inches of solid shit tapered off into a creamy mush, like soft serve ice cream. She let out a sigh of relief: that had been baking for the better part of three days, and it had been begging to come out since the end of day one. Though she felt emptier, her bowels still gurgled and complained. She wasn't finished yet.

Pet had finally managed to shift the log up into his grasp and was working on mashing it against his face when another wet burst of gas interrupted his worship. He looked up at Mistress' hole just in time to watch it flex open once again, letting a creamier, greasier log plop onto his leg. Then came another, and another, one after the other in increasingly sloppy and disgusting form.

"Oh god," he gagged as the warm, sticky shit blasted over his legs and body. There was disgust of course, but the joy overrode it. Elation flooded his veins as he started squirming around, smearing it into his fur and between his limbs as well as he could. The feeling was indescribable.

He wanted more, and he pressed his face into the fat, solid log. It mushed against his cheek and filled his nostrils with the humid scent of rotten egg. The smell was overwhelming now - powerful and pungent. It filled his nostrils and scratched at the back of his throat, but he just couldn't get enough. This was his heaven, his reward for being a good boy. Pet reveled in it all, smearing himself with her glorious filth however he could as she kept pushing out more and more of her waste.

"I can't believe you," Mistress gagged from above. Pet froze as her words of disgust registered, but it only sent another thrill down his spine. His cock throbbed as she continued.

"Imagine if they knew just how disgusting everyone's favorite rabbit was at night. You're absolutely slathered in my filth, you're barely able to keep from puking, and yet you're rock hard and doing everything you can to mush it into every inch of your pelt. Fucking disgusting."

A wordless, strangled cry of humiliation and joy escaped Pet's throat. "Mistress," he whimpered. "Please, more."

"More what?" Mistress scoffed as she pushed out another log with a spluttering fart. Pet squealed with delight and started grinding it into his arm. "More shit? More degradation? It's pathetic that I don't even know. What kind of low life degenerate craves even one of those things, let alone both?"

Her hand slipped down to her cunt, and she began to masturbate furiously as she degraded him. To hear Pet hang onto her every insult was the ultimate power trip, reduced him lower than dirt and her as high as a goddess. "Do you even deserve my shit?"

"Yes, Mistress!" Pet cried out immediately.

She slid three fingers into her hole, pumping in and out. Quiet, high pitched moans slipped out with each thrust, but her words were steady and confident. "What was that, scum? Did you say you deserve something?"

She heard his gasp of horror and nearly came right there. "No, Mistress!" came Pet's reply.

Her second hand slipped to her clit and started rubbing and tweaking, amplifying the intense pleasure radiating from her aching, drooling cunt. "No?" she spat the word. "Pet, are you lying to me? Do you think I'm dumb? I know what you just said."

A whimper of despair burst from Pet's chest, guttural and sincere. "I'm sorry Mistress! I don't deserve your shit, I don't deserve anything! Please forgive a stupid, worthless pet!"

That was much better. Mistress slid off of the barrel and towered over her pet with an intense glare. She crossed her arms, and he drew back from her with a whimper. Despite this, he never stopped smearing her shit into his fur, nor did he stop humping the air, his throbbing cock spurting pre against the side of the barrel.

Penelope had stopped touching herself, but her orgasm was not subsiding. If anything, it felt closer than ever. Her pussy ached, her clit throbbed, even her nipples were painfully erect. Her masturbation was one type of pleasure, but seeing Hobie in that state - pathetic, sniveling, submissive and shamelessly in need of her filth - was as good as the fattest cock slamming inside her.

She needed a bit of a cool down.

Mistress set her foot on the rim of the barrel and pushed it over, sending piss and shit sloshing out as Pet and his barrel rolled into the wall with a thud. He let out a grunt and whimper, but he didn't dare crawl out of his confinement until he was told to.

At least he was being a smart pet for once. "Good boy," she said. He let out a shuddering gasp, as if her words alone overwhelmed him. "Crawl out of your cage and present to your Mistress."

Hobie groaned, and for a moment Penelope's heart skipped. Was kicking the barrel down too much? The rabbit really wasn't in the best of shape, and the thud was rather forceful. He hadn't used the safe word, but she still considered checking on him.

Before she could, Pet started shuffling around in the barrel, and after a few seconds he slithered out, spilling onto the floor like a liquid. Mistress grinned. What a resilient pet. She was lucky to command such obedience.

She stormed forward and spat on his face before using her foot to turn him onto his back.

"You're pushing your luck," she said. "No 'Yes Mistress', and you took almost ten seconds to crawl out of your cage. Then again, a pathetic performance from a pathetic pet is nothing to be surprised about. If you want to redeem yourself, get up and present to your Mistress like I trained you. Now!"

Pet scrambled to his feet. He lifted his hands behind his head, exposing his chest and body to her, and then bowed deep at his waist. His head hung low, and he trembled slightly. "I'm sorry Mistress," he whispered. "I'll do better, I promise."

Mistress smiled approvingly. He was resilient in more way than one. Definitely a worthwhile pet. "Much better," she purred, taking a step closer to him and ran her fingers over him, exploring his body. Not an inch of him was spared - he was hers entirely, no pride prevented her access, and nothing was sacred.

At the same time she poked and prodded at him, studying his reaction carefully as she checked for sore spots. This continued until her fingers fell lightly on the bridge of his nose. "You may rise."

Pet gasped in relief and straightened himself the best he could. His body still shook but his eyes were as bright and eager as ever. There was plenty of him left to abuse. Still, his body was beginning to falter. Mistress pursed her lips as she looked him up and down, lost in thought.

"Alright pet," she said finally. "I think you did a... passable job being my toilet today. You deserve a reward."

"Yes, Mistress!" Pet said. His voice cracked a bit and he put on a genuinely convincing show of measured obedience, but his twitching and wriggling nose betrayed his excitement at the concept.

She sauntered over to the bed and bent over, wrapping her arms around one of the solid oak posts and arching her ass out with raised tail. Pet visibly shivered at the sight, but stayed obediently still. His eyes focused in on her beautiful tailhole, covered in slime, muck and a few clumps of genuine shit, but he couldn't help but glance every now and then to her dripping pussy. It was obvious how needy she was: her clit twitched, her mound practically steamed, and thick, clear juice dribbled down her leg.

"Good boy, staying still like that," she praised him. "I've trained you well, my pet. Now all this filth has gotten Mistress' hole pretty filthy: you're going to crawl over here and clean me with your tongue. You're not going to start until my scales shine like new - I want not a trace of brown sullying my beauty. Got it, Pet?"

He nodded, unable to hide a grin. Mistress grinned a bit too. "Alright boy - go!"

Pet dropped to all fours and bounded over, plunging headfirst between her cheeks and pushing his nose right into her hole. The warmth of her body comforted him, and the silkiness of her skin surprised him. For a scaled creature, she was quite soft. He spent a few moments just worshiping her ass, grinding his face into it and giving it butterfly kisses up and down its curves. It was plush and pliant, but there was substantial muscle beneath the surface, giving it a firm core. And the smell. God, it was rancid. It made his cock throb.

Mistress snickered at Pet's enthusiasm. It was cute, but at the same time he was smearing the shit on his own face into her ass. "Pet!" she barked. Pet jerked upright, pulled out of his worship. "You're making things messier. Get to work! I won't tell you again."

Chastened, Pet nodded. He took a deep breath to help himself settle down, and then set back to the task. This time, he started by spreading her ample cheeks and rasping his long, wet tongue over her soft skin. Shit melted away with each slurp, building in the back of his mouth as a gooey shit-saliva mix. Though the taste was bitter and rancid, it didn't cause his hard-on to die down at all. He swallowed every few slurps to refresh his maw with fresh saliva - otherwise, he ended up just smearing shit across her ass instead of cleaning it off.

Every lick earned a small, pleasured moan from Mistress, encouraging him to lose himself further in his work. There was an undeniable erotic element to it, of course -- how could there not be, so close to her perfect ass and swallowing her vile, wonderful shit? But more than that, Pet threw himself into his work with diligent patience and dedication. Mistress had given him a task to do, so no matter how much he wanted to give in and hump at her legs, smear his face in her ass and kiss every inch of her disgusting, ample ass, it was the role of a good pet to ignore all that and make sure her ass was spotless. And Pet was nothing if not a good pet.

The room was quiet, with only the sounds of their breathing, Mistress' restrained moans, and the occasional slap of Pet's tongue against her pert cheeks. At some point both of them had closed their eyes to more deeply enjoy the sensation and sounds of his service. He worked his way from top to bottom in rows, moving left to right again and again until his tongue no longer tasted bitter shit, but the salty-sweet tang of her velvet skin. Bit by bit he worked through his task until he finally reached the crease of her lower glutes. Then he got to spread her cheeks, diving into the cleft of her ass and using his tongue to dig out all the tasty little nuggets that she had trapped in there.

Finally, all that was left was her hole. He took a moment to rest before pressing his lips gently against her rim. She felt his warm breath against her inner cheeks, tickling her in a way that was both intimate and primally erotic. Her clit and pussy ached, and she couldn't help but brace her shoulder against the post and slide a hand between her legs. Each touch of her clit threatened to send her over, but she risked it anyway, gingerly cupping it and rubbing at its base.

Pet gently tongued her outer ring, his wet, warm probes relaxing her bit by bit until it could finally slide in. She let out a breath in a quiet hiss as she adjusted to his presence inside her. He waited as her ring squeezed and massaged the tip of his tongue, only an inch deep. As she relaxed, he wriggled his tongue more and more, exploring the small gap between her first and second ring. When he thought she was ready, he probed against that second ring.

Mistress groaned as he finally pushed past, digging her claws into the post as she focused on her breathing and the wet, warm sensation inside her. This was so much different from a cock. When Hobie railed her he pressed his way in, stopping to let her adjust only after he'd plunged past her rings. Pet's tongue, on the other hand, was polite and considerate, waiting for almost complete relaxation before sliding in deeper and deeper. It writhed deep inside, pressing against every inch of her sensitive walls. It was much as she'd imagine a snake would feel if it slithered into her hole... was that even possible?

Something to be filed away for later. Pet broke that particular train of thought as he suddenly plunged his tongue as deep as he could inside her. She threw her head back and let out a loud groan, and her eyes rolled back as he greedily plunged her for every delicious hint of shit that he could. There was only far his tongue could go, but he whimpered and gasped as he tonguefucked her, straining to press that limit more and more. Just another inch and he could taste more, another centimeter and he could taste more, another millimeter! It was a privilege to be so deep inside his Mistress, and he would not let that opportunity go to waste.

"Fuuuck!" she cried out. Her claws tore deeper and deeper gauges into the bedpost, and she started to buck back into his tonguings. This was nothing like a cock, but it was so much better! She craved it deeper and deeper inside her, and the longings only grew as Pet reached the limit that his tongue could explore. She knew there was nothing he could do, yet she felt herself growing irritated at his inability to push even deeper. It was as if the spot that would satisfy her was always an inch out of his reach.

Orgasm teased her again and again, rushing up to the edge and pulling back just before satisfaction. Despite her sensitivity, not even her own fingers were able to bring her relief. It was finally the right time to cum! For the last hour she'd been staving off climax, using every ounce of will to deny herself when she could so easily tumble into the sea of pleasure awaiting her, so why couldn't she manage it now? What was missing?

Mistress gasped as realization hit her. She reached back and grabbed her rabbit by the ears, yanking him back roughly. Pet scarcely had time to open his mouth to question Mistress before she pressed his face into her pussy. His lips met her cunt lips, and Pet caught on immediately. An explosion of sweetness washed over his taste buds, and he took only a moment to embrace it before setting to work.

Pet plunged his tongue directly into her hole, feeling the plush caress of her tunnel surrounding his tongue. This was a different kind of heaven than her delicious hole, but one that he was happy to be in. He thrust his tongue in and out, forcing himself as deep as he could and sliding back so far that only his tip teased her entrance. There was no need for relaxation and patience as this: his need was as furiously urgent as hers, and he knew just how much her cunt could take.

He usurped her hand's place against her clit, tweaking and rubbing it in her stead. She accepted this without protest, and her displaced hand simply migrated to her breasts to massage and grope them. Every inch of him against her sent waves through her body, made her whimper and moan. A pressure built in her vagina, growing more untenable by the moment. Her breathing grew ragged, her posture loosened, and she could no longer control herself.

"Fuck," she whimpered with each thrust. "Fuck, fuck, more, deeper. Deeper!" she cried out. She felt herself rushing towards the edge again, but this time nothing held her back. Her hands wandered over her body, brushing against every erogenous zone she knew of and finding a few new ones as she went. Her mind grew fuzzy and filled with static, her body acted on instinct, and Mistress found herself at the mercy of her primal, bestial self.

"More, pet," she whimpered. "Hobie, gods give me more. Just like that pet, just like -- god, fuck, fuck, FUCK!"

Penelope screamed out in ecstasy as the pressure in her cunt finally exploded, sending wave after wave of burning pleasure through her body. Her cum sprayed across Pet's face, and he pulled back in surprise as her tunnel milked his tongue for all it was worth. Squirt after squirt splattered against her legs and the bedpost.

Hobie swore as restraint left him: he hugged himself to his Mistress' ass and desperately humped at her legs. Even the rough scales of her ankles were enough to get him close, and he was desperate to finally find the release denied to him for so long. His balls ached as he lost himself in the pleasure, coming closer and closer to the brink.

He pressed his nose against her sloppy wet hole, furiously huffing in the faint stench of shit that still clung to her skin. Her cheeks tensed around his face with every squirt, he could feel each wave as it traveled through her body, he was so close, right at the edge, he just needed something, anything, a sensation, a scent.

There was no warning. Mistress pushed out a loud, humid fart directly up Pet's nostrils, forcing his lungs to expand and take in the putrid air. The rotten scent sent Pet over the edge, and he let out a yell as he came all over her feet, thrusting against her the whole time. Orgasm wracked his body as hers finally died down, and he spent the next several moments thrusting, whimpering and moaning as his cock sprayed torrent after torrent of white cum against her skin. His balls emptied so hard they almost ached as he finally settled down, slumping against her with an exhausted sigh.

Exhaustion took hold of Mistress' body too, and she leaned against the post for a while, resting and panting as she gathered herself. The two recovered there in silence for a while, their ragged breaths slowly returning to normal.

Penelope looked down at her wonderful, disgusting Hobie with a smile. He looked even more exhausted than she did, eyes lidded and heavy, jaw slightly slack. Pussy juice soaked his jaw, mixing with the shit there and differentiating it from the layer of shit smeared over the rest of his body. It looked to be worked pretty deep into his fur. At this point her scat was cooling, and the dragoness could see it starting to dry and clump together.

"Alright pet," she said as she prodded Hobie with her foot. "Up."

Hobie looked up with tired eyes and a lazy grin, but did not move.

"C'mon pet, there's just one last thing we need to do. Then we can rest. Can you do that for Mistress, Pet? Just get up and follow me."

He closed his eyes and gave a deep yawn. For a moment it looked as if he might just refuse the order entirely, either that or pass out. Just before she prodded him again, he nodded and used her for balance as he clambered to his feet. He leaned against her as he stood, and they walked step by step to the cistern in the corner of the room. The stone there sloped ever so gently into a drain against the wall. Penelope grabbed a cup and dipped it into the cistern, then poured it over Hobie's head.

The rabbit jumped a bit at the shock of the cold water, but relaxed after a moment. Penelope and Hobie worked together to scrub the shit from his fur, massaging from head to toe to dislodge every hint of her disgusting filth. The dragoness kept the water coming with steady splashes to wash away the worked up shit, and bit by bit it washed away to reveal the rabbit underneath. Before long Hobie stood there, stinking for the lack of soap but looking as clean as ever.

Penelope took his hand and led him to the bed, making sure to support him with each step. He stood at the foot of the bed for a moment and chuckled quietly. "I'm wet," he said.

It was true: he still dripped from the impromptu bath. A puddle gathered at his feet. Penelope glanced around for something to dry him off with, but there was nothing in the room clean enough to serve as an impromptu towel. Come to think of it, though, the bed wasn't all too clean itself.

"I'm a dragon," Penelope said with a grin. "My warmth will dry you off as you sleep." She pulled Hobie against her chest in a gentle hug, then slowly lowered the two onto the edge of the bed. Hobie followed without complaint, either too tired to care or well aware that he was going to soak the bed no matter what. Penelope pulled them into the center of the plush mattress and laid down.

The bed embraced their bodies with warmth, and they both sighed in relief. The dragoness looked down at her rabbit and smiled. She pulled his head into her chest and kept him there, serving as blanket, warmer and pillow. He closed his eyes and nestled in, the heat of her body proving far more comfortable than a blanket ever good. His breathing slowed to a steady, deep rhythm as he drifted off to sleep.

Penelope's eyes struggled to stay open, but she remained awake just a little longer, just until she could be sure her Hobie was comfortable and secure in his slumber. Then she gave his ears a final stroke, yawned, and closed her eyes. She felt exhaustion take hold of her body, and finally, finally she gave in. As her consciousness dipped below into rest, her last conscious thought was of how cute her Hobie's little snores were.


-- The afternoon sun gleamed through the open window of Master Torash's observatory, glinting off the silver of the tea service Jessie had carried out from the kitchen. She carefully laid out the cups and saucers, the teapot and the sugar bowl,...

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Life Swap II

Usually, this part of the adventure was Arti's favorite. Once the villain had been caught and the obligatory last minute major obstacle had been cleared, Team Knockout were always in high spirits, joking and laughing with each other while their...

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Life Swap I

Shiro stepped out of her house into the night, the cool air providing a refreshing contrast to the warm, humid air of the bedroom. Yet another unsuccessful night with Arti - it was almost noble, how completely unaffected he seemed to be by his...

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