The City in Her Chair (Rewrite)

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Green has an entire shrunken city trapped inside a glass box that she uses as a chair. It's her favorite chair too. She loves showing the tinies her ass.

The City in Her Chair (Rewrite)

By: Blobskin

Contains: mlp, micro, city, glass chair, pov, exhibition

Version: 2 (rewrite)

Green stood motionless in the shower with her eyes closed and her head tilted back. Hot water pattered harmlessly against her face before cascading to the floor below. An entire day's worth of sweat and tension was being washed away. The gentle hiss coming from the spout calmed and relaxed her. Green easily could have fallen asleep there under the shower's loving caress. Yet she did not. There was still some daytime left and she hoped to make use of it. With a sigh she flicked the water off and began her drying ritual.

Green stumbled out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around her mane. Then she casually tipped her head forward and shook like a dog. The towel went flying and droplets rained from her damp fur. The floor was left about as wet as herself. The mare laughed at her own antics. Now clean, Green checked her calendar to make sure she didn't have any plans already set for the weekend. She did not. What would she do with her two days off then?

Like she even had to think about it.

Green's eyes drifted to her sophisticated gaming rig while an excited grin spread across her muzzle. The mare was a huge fan of first-person shooters. Whether retro or next generation, she played them all and strove to top the leaderboards. Not that she ever did. She was certainly good, but there was always somepony better. A frustrating challenge for a competitive player like herself.

Green raced back to the kitchen where she began gathering her supplies. They were nothing special. Just some chips and liquid gamer fuel. The pony soon returned to her den with hooves full of unhealthy but delicious food items. Her steps were slow as she balanced the pile of goods until she reached the desk. Next came the careful task of placing and sorting her treats. Of course Green was well-practiced in this art so it didn't take more than a moment. Then she hit the power button on her PC and prepared to take her seat.

Green eyed the chair currently ready beneath her setup with a mischievous smirk. She actually had a couple different chairs, one for each mood. She had her "serious" chair and her "relaxed" chair and even a "work" chair. And each of them offered a distinct sitting experience. But today she intended to use the "naughty" chair. While it was far from being the most comfortable piece of furniture she owned, it provided its own kind of pleasure.

The chair at Green's desk, the one she was about to use, had a boring square backrest and didn't look like much from a distance. Yet the seat immediately stood out as particularly unusual. It was a wide box made mostly of thick glass. That's right. This chair made the user sit on a hard, flat, glass plate. So it wasn't comfortable over long periods of time. But this chair's most defining feature was more than enough to make it Green's favorite.

She gently pulled the chair back and gazed upon its seat with awe. Inside the box, surrounded by sturdy transparent walls, was an entire miniature city. The glow from her monitor shown down on this tiny world like a sun, highlighting the countless gray buildings and illuminating the lush plant-life. Green lowered her head and stared. Studying it with fascination like she had done so many times before.

At the center of the enclosure was a dense metropolis complete with towering skyscrapers and narrow streets. Forming a ring around that was a brief collection of stockier buildings sporting a variety of designs. Then there was a layer of suburbs that quickly bled into the farmland which filled the remaining space out to all four walls. And everything was impossibly detailed. There were even tiny lights in the windows! Because the city in the box wasn't just a model. It was real. Fully populated and self-sufficient.

It was Green's own little captive audience.

There was a hypnotizing pattern of minuscule movement across the city, barely detectable even this closeup. The tiny ones were simply going about their daily lives. Yet as Green observed them her breathing became slower and heavier. A patch of fog spread along the roof of the box. The mare felt her heart pounding in her chest. Her ears rang in the silence. She licked her lips. She began to sweat.

Completely lost in the moment, Green instinctively brought a hoof to her privates and started masturbating.

But then she suddenly went stiff. The mare blushed and looked away. She had to control herself. She closed her eyes, straightened up, and took a deep breath. Green then finished relaxing by exhaling through her lips, creating a low whistle. Now calm, she opened her eyes and glanced down at the city again. For a few seconds she didn't move. Then the mare smirked as she carefully caressed the glass seat, making sure it was clean and that there were no obstructions. Next she pulled the chair the rest of the way back so there was enough room to stand between it and her keyboard. After which she shuffled into position in front of her monitor, knowingly facing her backside towards the miniature world.

At once Green's enormous ass blotted out the light and cast the city in darkness. The artificial eclipse emphasized the fat of her rear with a dull halo as it loomed over the little ones. The huge mare snickered at this. Then she gave her tail a flick and teasingly wiggled her hips. Her breathing grew heavy again.

Green, however, had to focus on her computer for a moment. It was asking for a password. With a flash of her hooves she effortlessly entered the code and a loading screen appeared politely telling her to wait. Which was fine with her. She had plenty to entertain herself with for the next minute or two.

Green looked over her shoulder and grinned. Grabbing the edge of the desk with one hoof to keep her balance, the mare reached back with the other to begin massaging her ass. First she drew tight circles, ruffling her fur and forcibly shifting her blubbery posterior about. Then she pressed down into the plump landscape that was her butt. Next she pulled one cheek aside and allowed the entire city a peek into her crevice. But the sight didn't last. She quickly released the meaty globe so her rear could jiggle back into place. Finally Green gave her own ass a booming slap, making her fat bounce for several seconds longer.

The mare was blushing hard. She felt so embarrassed, but also so incredibly hot. Green felt like the sexiest mare in the world right now. Everypony was drooling over her body. Everypony was admiring her curves.

Green never was good at talking to other ponies. Stallions were the worst though. They might as well have put a picture of her in the dictionary next to the word "introvert". That's what made video games so appealing. Nopony judged her for how she looked or talked or acted. They judged her for how she played. And she had skills. She was popular in the online world, not a socially awkward nerd. Being in public wasn't fun. Being in a game was.

However, Green was still a mare and she had other desires beyond video games. Physical needs that the digital space simply couldn't satisfy. But she was afraid to try dating. What if they saw how weird she was? What if she sounded stupid? What if she messed up?

So Green did what she always did: she found another way. She found this chair and its tiny inhabitants. She didn't even know how many lived in it except that it was tens of thousands. She could have talked to them, there were ways, but she never did. She didn't want to. They were her audience. They only existed to look at her. That was all she wanted. For somepony to see her and think she was sexy. Talking to them only to find out they didn't agree would have ruined the fantasy. So she never even tried to communicate with them beyond her erotic performances.

Green's thoughts were abruptly shattered by the computer making a silly jingle to announce it was done starting up. The mare's hooves moved almost on their own as she chose the game she wanted to play and clicked. Yet another loading screen appeared. This one wouldn't last as long though. It was time for her finale.

Her legs tensed. She licked her lips and wiggled her rear one last time for her tiny admirers. For another moment she hesitated, looming over them. Just letting them drink it all in. How small they were. How much bigger she was.

Then Green sat down.

A terrible quake rocked the city as her massive ass flattened out across their sky like dough on a pan. Fortunately, the world stilled after a few short seconds. Everypony inside the box could now look up at Green's double moons as they bore down together upon the glass ceiling. However, the mare was already sore. Her butt felt like it was being crushed. She wasn't done. Green leaned to the right, freeing her left cheek to puff outward and rest more comfortably. Then she tilted to the other side so her right cheek could do the same. The huge mare's every motion made the little city beneath her ass tremble. Only when she was good and settled did the box also return to peaceful stability.

Now Green felt about as comfortable as a pony could while sitting on a glass plate. With her rear properly spread the mare's weight was evenly distributed across almost the entire surface, leaving only the outermost edges of the seat free of her flab. This new position also meant that she was fully exposed. All the tinies below merely had to look up to see her tight hole clearly pressed against the glass. Green's blush deepened. And that wasn't all they could see...

The mare's enormous sex was centered directly above the densest part of the city, literally dwarfing the little one's greatest accomplishments. The only thing protecting their world from total annihilation was the transparent barrier. Instead they were thrown into a gloomy twilight while her titanic rear hovered menacingly over them. As the city's lights came on and attempted to push back the darkness, Green's huge winking pussy taunted them from above. The mare was already wet and painting their once clear skies with her juices. Mercifully, the city was only tortured with sight and sound. The box was airtight so they didn't have to worry about flooding or her, no doubt, overwhelming musk.

Yet they still had to endure the awful earthquakes, the sudden nights... and their goddess's passion for showing them her privates.

Green squirmed and rubbed her hooves together bashfully. Her vagina was grinding against the glass and sending regular shocks of pleasure up her spine. There was also the certain knowledge that thousands of ponies were looking at her. There was no way for them not to see. She was sitting on their sky. She felt so sexy.

The mare leaned forward and flexed her ass cheeks. Her pussy rubbed pleasantly against the cold surface and left a smear of clear fluids behind. She suppressed a neigh. How many photos of her hole were they taking right now? She had to bite down on the tip of her hoof. How many stallions were jerking off to her? Green's whole body shivered at the thought and she nearly orgasmed right then and there.

She shook her head and took a deep breath. Carefully the mare eased back into her chair while struggling to ignore the creaking that came from the box beneath her ass. She had to focus. With practiced motion she started playing her game. This was the truest test of her skills. She knew being horny crippled her reaction time, but true gamers are always looking for a challenge. Could she still dominate the competition while distracted like this? Could she ignore the attention of an entire city staring at her privates? While her pussy positively oozed? It was time to find out... again...

Green snickered to herself. She was so naughty...

The End

Author's Note:

So this was originally going to be a flash fic, but I realized a lot of my readers don't bother with them. So thinking this short, whose first draft was about 700 words, was really good and wanting to encourage everyone to give it a read, I decided to stretch it a little and make it its own submission. Right call? Cheating? Who cares as long as you enjoyed it.

This story is the product of three inspirations.

First is an OC pony named... Florb? I think? IDK. I've only seen three or four comic pages of her and thought she was cute. So I stole her. For those who've never heard of her, Florb is a gamer mare that is a touch shy and has a "tiny human boyfriend" fantasy. She is also a bit forgetful because she sits on her bf for a while in one comic. Like I said, cute.

The second and third inspirations are general fetishes that are common in the macro/micro space: the glass chair and city pov. Not much to say there. I just combined the two to make something that wasn't quite as cruel as a rampage story. Is keeping an entire city of tinies prisoner just to admire your ass and pussy cruel? I guess it depends on whether you'd like to be one of those tinies.

At a later date I also decided to rewrite this. I honestly didn't feel like the first release was long enough or good enough to be its own submission. So I went back and really touched it up. I added a lot of detail to the city, had Green tease them much more (the original didn't even have her short booty dance), and in general slowed the pace of the action way down. It is much better now and I can say confidently that I'm finally proud of this piece. It took a LOT of editing to get here. Thank you for reading my work.

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