A Bun in Vulpineva: A Vore Adventure Game 0.1.0

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Update of my game that allows you to complete the stated goal of your quest.

This is another small update of my vore text adventure game. It is small in that not that many pages were added; however, you can finally complete the stated goal at the beginning of the game and return to the human world! This update allows you to carry Null's skull through the game and ultimately return it to their body. However, carrying the skull is dangerous and makes otherwise survivable situations deadly since most characters react poorly to finding the skull in your bag.

This is an erotic vore adventure game. Some things about that:

  1. The game assumes you are a prey-type vorarephile. It is much easier to get eaten than to successfully eat other characters. You are required to be a certain size and to remain a certain size until the other character is digested. Horrific death can otherwise ensue.

  2. The player takes the form of a female rabbit/doe. If you are uncomfortable being referred to by she/her pronouns by other characters or being described as having labia and a vagina, I am sorry and understand if you do not wish to play this game.

  3. The game is highly explicit and not suitable for anyone under 18.

How to play the game:

The file can be downloaded for free from my Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Maplesburg

To play the game offline you will need Quest installed, only available for Windows, sadly. Quest is free, and can be downloaded here: https://textadventures.co.uk/quest

Alternatively, you can play the game online here: https://textadventures.co.uk/games/view/wkqe50yebeqz9wz1ymsmua/a-bun-in-vulpineva-a-vore-adventure-game

However, their website doesn't always work.

Please let me know if you discover any bugs like links that go to the wrong place or show up when they shouldn't or if the game ends without THE END or GAME OVER.

The world of the game is loosely based on the one from my novels/short stories but should not be considered in canon with the overall Vulpinevan literary universe.

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