The Christmas Visit: Part 3

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#6 of Shire Horse Harem

It's Christmas Day, the third day Matt's relatives have been visiting his family for the holidays. Aunt Lindsey got what she came for on Christmas Eve, but she has a nagging feeling that she may need to do more to make sure, and those recurring dreams aren't helping. Meanwhile Ellie, after losing her V-card to her cousin the night before, sees no reason not to open the flood gates.

  • -

Long gap between this one and the last one, I know. Originally this part was supposed to be longer and include the end of this Christmas arc in the overall story, but the word count started getting longer and longer and eventually I figured it would be best to split them. So there will be a Christmas Visit part 4 to finish it out. Eventually.

Approx. word count: 23,500

Saturday, December 25, 1997

Lindsey opened her eyes to the bright red electronic glow of her nephew's alarm clock. 3:44. Way too early to get up. Why did she always wake up in the middle of the night like this?

She turned over, facing her husband's back. He was snoring, as usual. Why did he never wake up? Bob could sleep through anything.

She sighed and rolled over again, away from him, pulling some of the sheets and comforter towards her. In a few minutes she fell asleep again.

- - - - - - -

Fifteen years earlier: New Year's Eve, 1982

Lindsey's face scrunched in disappointment as she thumbed through the SAT prep book, laying on her bed with the bedroom door closed. The batteries in her Walkman were beginning to run out. Gary Neighman's 'Cars' was starting to sound like a slow ballad.

Life was like a highway, she had often thought before, which made the song more relevant. Unlike her sister, who seemed to be drifting through life like a leaf in the wind, she knew where she wanted to go and what she wanted to get. She had a destination in mind: she wanted to be a doctor. Life was full of offramps and detours, but she knew that the only way she would ever get there was to stay on the highway that led to success, avoiding those exits - however appealing they appeared in the moment. The way roads lead to roads, even a slight deviation from the path could mean she'd never get back on the highway again and never reach her destination. So while everyone else was celebrating the new year, she was studying for her college entrance exams.

She sighed, switching Walkman off as the batteries continued to fail. She could hear the television blaring loudly from the living room down the hall. Cartoons, from the sound of it, which meant her (rather large for her age) 3-year-old niece Jennifer was planted on the sofa in front of the TV.

It still seemed weird to Lindsey, even three years later, that she was an aunt. Not nearly as weird as when her sister gave birth - Lindsey had only been 15 then - but still weird. Some of the shock and scandal of her sister's teenage pregnancy had worn off in the proceeding years too, especially when her sister moved out of the house after her shotgun wedding.

But that all changed a couple months ago. Her sister had never really been compatible with her husband, who was several years older and who'd had a reputation as a wild and stereotypical 'bad boy' when they were in school. The only reason they were together was the product of a single, huge mistake she'd made at a party, a detour in the form of a moment of drunken recklessness and lust that changed the course of her life forever by creating a new one. There was no love between them, only expectations from their families that bordered on obligation. Divorce was inevitable.

So when it happened, Lindsey's sister and her 3-year-old filly had no other option than to move back in with her parents. Which, for Lindsey, meant across the hall from her bedroom, with near-permanent monopolization of the living room.

Lindsey pressed play on her Walkman again. Listening to a half-speed version of her mix-tape was better than listening to the television blaring down the hall. But the batteries would run out soon though, and it was starting to get dark. She couldn't lock herself in her room studying, avoiding her sister and niece all day _and_all night.

There was a knock at her door.

"Yeah?" she called out, pulling off her earphones.

"Your father and I are leaving, sweetie," he mother said from behind the closed door.

"All right," Lindsey answered back. It was New Year's Eve and her parents were meeting up with some of their friends and going somewhere to celebrate. Lindsey didn't know or really care where they were going.

"We'll be back late, help your sister with Jennifer if she needs anything."

"All right mom," Lindsey answered. She waited for her mom to say something else to her, but she didn't, so Lindsey put her headphones back on and pressed play.

  • -

It was close to 11 o'clock by the time the new batteries in her Walkman were running low. She'd left her bedroom to get some food from the kitchen not long after her parents left, and on the way back she had the idea to switch out the nearly-dead batteries from the Walkman for the half-used ones in the remote control for the TV in the living room. That had given her a few more hours, but now those were also on their last breath.

She pressed stop on the Walkman, and when she took off her headphones she heard people talking in the living room. At first she thought it was the TV, but as her equine ears rotated and focused more intently she was sure it was her sister. Not just her sister, talking loudly and laughing, but someone else. A boy.

Lindsey sighed loudly. What was her sister up to? Waiting until their parents left to have a boy over, wasn't she a little old for that? A 20-year-old recent divorcee with a young daughter?

Well, she would have to investigate, in any case.

As she walked down the hall she made note of how loud her sister was talking. Getting closer, she could hear her sister's voice slurring a bit; Lindsey's sister Susan was usually pretty reserved, but when she started drinking it was like a different mare came out - one with a major wild and reckless streak. Even worse, she was almost sure she recognized the other voice in the room, and that meant trouble.

They didn't even look at her when she entered the room from the hallway.

"Justin?! What are you doing here?!"

Justin - Lindsey's sister's ex-husband and Jennifer's father - turned to her.

"Oh, hey sis!" he said nonchalantly, with the sly, smug grin on his face that never seemed to leave.

She gave him a hard, mean look, but he didn't seem to notice.

"We're celebrating! It's a party! Happy new year!" Susan called out enthusiastically to her sister, erasing all doubt that she'd been drinking.

"What is he doing here?!" Lindsey repeated, speaking directly to her sister now. She was still under the impression that her sister hated her ex-husband's guts, never wanted to see him again after all the fooling around he'd done with other mares behind her back. Why did she even let him in the house?

Yet she knew the answer already. Whatever else could be said about him, Justin was a fantastically charming and extraordinarily physically attractive stallion. In a lot of ways that had been the start of Lindsey's sister's trouble; Justin had quite literally charmed her pants off at a party, and nine months later Jennifer had been born. Once they were married, Justin never even considered turning off that charm with other mares, and he never seemed to make any attempt at staying faithful. That - along with his constant run-ins with the law and seeming apathy towards his daughter Jennifer - led to the divorce.

But now here he was, back here at their parents' house flirting and drinking with Susan like nothing ever happened.

"It's fiiine! Look, they brought alcohol!" Susan answered to Lindsey, ignoring her question.

"Yeah, I can tell..." Lindsey said, rolling her eyes before she keyed in on what her sister had said. "Wait, what do you mean 'they?'"

"Hey there," Lindsey heard from behind her.

She'd been so focused on her sister and Justin that she hadn't even seen the other guy sitting in the oversized bean-bag chair in the corner of the wood-paneled room, legs sprawled on the green shag carpet in comfortable confidence.

He looked like Justin, and not just a little bit. He was Justin's brother. His twin brother. _Identical_twin brother, more correctly. Even their names reinforced that fact. Justin and Dustin, the Shire horse twins. Partners in crime.

"You remember Justin's brother Dustin? He's back! He's here!" Susan said, more excited than seemed warranted.

"So I see. Yes I remember him. From your wedding," Lindsey said, extra barbs on the word 'wedding.'

She was also about to harp on her sister's other remark, that he was 'back.' Back from where, she knew quite well; like his brother he often found his way on the wrong side of the law. He'd just gotten out of prison, where he'd been for the past few years. Lindsey knew it involved selling drugs but didn't know the details.

"I remember you, too. Lindsey, right? How could I forget such a beautiful face?"

Lindsey was surprised to feel herself blushing at the compliment. She didn't have too many nice things to say to her sister's ex-husband or his convict twin brother, but hot damn if they weren't both absolute studs. Tall, lean, big in all the right places, which she could confirm visually as well as anecdotally from her sister. Still, Justin was a cheater and a liar, and Dustin was a convict, so he was probably even worse.

"And how could I forget such a memorable name. Dustin and Justin... parents too lazy to think of something original when you popped out?"

"Don't be a party, party-pooper!" Lindsey heard from her sister with a heavy slur.

"Nah it's fine. I'm two minutes older than Justin, the original issue. If anything mom and pop got lazy with him," Dustin said.

"Psshhh..." was all Lindsey could muster in response.

"Now," Dustin said, rocking forward and lifting himself up on his hooves from the beanbag chair, "are you gonna bitch, or are we gonna have some fun ringing in the new year tonight?" He had the same self-assured smug smile as his brother.

No words came when Lindsey tried to speak. He was taller than she'd remembered, close to 8 feet. That wasn't huge for a Shire, but in a town with so few draft horses Lindsey was used to being about the same height as most stallions. The way he was looking at her left little doubt what he was thinking when he said 'have some fun.'

"Yeah, don't be a, a, a stick in the mud! 1983, here we come!" Susan shouted at her sister.

Dustin's eyes hadn't left her. She knew she should turn around and leave, head back to her bedroom and close the door, but she didn't move.

"At least stay for a little bit. We were about to pull out Twister. One game?" Justin called from the couch, Susan sprawled across his lap.

"Umm... I dunno..." Lindsey said weakly. She could feel Dustin's eyes tracing her every contour. She knew she should be appalled, but she couldn't turn away. His eyes were ravenous, like she was the only mare he'd seen in a year. It didn't dawn on her that, having just gotten out of prison, it had been closer to two years since he'd even touched one.

"One game of Twister... and one shot of tequila. Come on, we're all doing shots," Dustin said to her, and before she could say no he had four shot glasses lined up on the table.

"Shots!" Susan yelled eagerly.

Then Justin, Dustin and her sister had full shot glasses of tequila in their hands. Dustin was handing one to her.

This was bad, she knew it. This was the kind of night that could only end in regret the next morning. Her sister's two-faced ex-husband and his drug-dealer brother? These guys were losers. But god damn, they were hot. And that look he was giving her...

"All right, one game," Lindsey said.

"And one shot," Dustin said.

Her finger touched his when she took the shot glass full of tequila from his outstretched hand. He smiled at her. She smiled back.

"_One_shot..." Lindsey said.

One little detour off the highway.

  • -

"Oh god... oh yes... oh yes... yes... yes..."

Her sister's moans filled her ears. The right side of Lindsey's face was being pressed down into the shag carpet by a heavy, strong Shire horse's hand. Just in front of her, her entire field of view, was the back and underside of her sister - and Justin. Susan was laying on her back, no pants, legs spread with hooves straight in the air, getting fucked hard by her ex-husband.

She knew she should close her eyes. She hadn't seen her sister naked since they were kids, but she was looking straight down the barrel now - her sister's black donut-like tailhole twitching, and right above it her ex-husband Justin's thick black horse-cock, shaft slick, was plunging in and out of Susan's plump pussy.

Why couldn't she look away? She should be repulsed, but was instead mesmerized - her sister was getting fucked, right here in front of her. Was it pure voyeuristic fascination or something else?

Of course there was more to it than that. This little detour had taken her way too far, farther than she could have ever imagined in such a short period of time. One shot of tequila had turned to two, and two had turned to five. Before she knew it her vision was blurry and her inhibitions were gone. The game of Twister turned sensual, at some point it must have crossed the line to overtly sexual. There was kissing, there was groping, clothes started coming off, and now Lindsey's sister wasn't the only one getting fucked.

That heavy hand pushing her face down into the shag carpet belonged to Dustin, whose twin brother she hated and who, excluding a handshake at Susan's wedding, she'd just met that night. Lindsey couldn't take her eyes off Justin's cock pumping in and out of her sister, black balls bouncing as she took it to the hilt, because she knew the exact same thing was happening to her.

With her face push down into the carpet, Lindsey was on her knees with her butt up in the air. Dustin was riding her from behind and fucking her just as hard as Justin was fucking Susan. He was an identical twin, so his dick Lindsey could feel inside her was identical to the one she was looking at filling her sister.

She'd dated a little in high school and had sex with two colts in total before tonight, but neither compared to Dustin's 10-inch cock. Her previous partners were colts, truly - horny teenagers - but Dustin was 23 years old, a _stallion_in every sense of the word. With each thrust Lindsey could feel his cock deeper than anything she'd ever felt before. The feeling, along with being drunk for the first time in her life, was indescribable.

"Yes... yes... yes..." she heard from her sister, repeated like a mantra over and over again. The uniformity of those words along with the constant, mechanical, focused tempo of both Justin and Dustin's thrusts contributed to a sense of unreality, like she was in an endless loop of reckless hedonism.

But it would soon be over.

"Nnnhhnngg..." she heard Justin grunt, "Gonna... gonna cum..."

"Yes... do it... do it... fill me up..." came Susan's reply. Lindsey had never heard her sister talk like that in her life. Before tonight, she'd never once thought about her sister having sex, but now she was watching it and listening to it.

Justin grunted loudly. With one last powerful thrust, he rammed the entire 10-inch length of his horse-cock into Lindsey's sister. Lindsey watched his tail lift up reflexively. His massive balls twitched, and his now-revealed tailhole began pulsing rhythmically.

"Oh god! Oh yess, it's growing! So big, so big, it's filling me..." Lindsey heard from her sister, reacting to her ex-husband's horse cock flaring, spreading her from the inside as he recklessly shot his voluminous load into her.

A thought flashed across Lindsey's mind: my dumb sister, she's making the same mistake again. This is how her life ended up as messy as it is, taking that off-ramp and driving around in the countryside of carnal desire. She'll never reach the destination like I will. These kinds of self-important, egotistical thoughts often popped into her mind, reassuring her that she was immune from the kinds of mistakes horses like her sister would make. And under normal circumstances she might be right. But tonight was not normal. Alcohol from five shots of tequila was flowing through her veins, and Dustin's 10-inch horse cock, identical to the one that had knocked up her sister, was deep inside her.

"Gonna... gonna cum..." Dustin said from behind her, sounding exactly the same as when his brother said the same thing.

You're making the same mistake your sister made,_that arrogant voice inside her screamed. _You'll leave the highway forever, you'll never reach your destination!

"No, not inside! Not inside me, pull out!"

Her words came out feeble and quiet, muffled by the shag carpet her face was pressed into. It was too late anyway.

Dustin grunted, the sound exactly the same as the one his twin brother made when he climaxed moments before. Dustin's hips lunged forward, all 10-inches of his horse cock enveloped by Lindsey's equine pussy.

For a brief moment the dissenting voice in Lindsey's head quieted, drowned out by the flood of dopamine her body rewarded her with for achieving the destination that _it_gave highest importance - being bred by a strong, dominant, virile stallion. Her eyes rolled back in her head as she felt the tip of Dustin's horse cock flare inside her, reaching her own orgasm as his cum flooded her womb.

And then it was over. Her brain was still awash with endorphins as Dustin's cock was softening inside her. She felt a gush of cum pouring out of her as he pulled out. She thought she was feeling the alcohol even more now, vaguely aware that the twins were putting their pants back on. The clock struck midnight and there were fireworks outside.

Lindsey could see her sister was still laying on the floor, cum oozing out of her black equine pussy. The five shots of tequila were really kicking in now, after she downed them so quickly. She felt cum dripping down her leg. She felt like she was going to be sick.

Same dream again. Lindsey had been reliving that moment in her dreams, exactly how it happened, at least once a month for the past 15 years. That one night when her whole life changed.

She rubbed her eyes and the room came into focus. Still in her nephew's bed visiting her sister and her kids for Christmas. Christmas... it was Christmas day today, wasn't it?

Lindsey was facing the empty side of the bed. Bob wasn't there. He must have already woken. The sun was barely up though, she could tell from the small amount of dull light coming in from the window. What time was it?

She rolled over to look at that bright red alarm clock. 6:39 it said in bold, straight lines. Bob got up this early? Maybe he was cooking breakfast. Maybe the kids wanted to open presents and woke up super-early. No, only little children do that. They were too old for that now.

She still felt half-asleep, and only now made note of the noise coming from the bathroom. Someone's taking a shower. Must be Bob.

She turned over again and closed her eyes, it would still be at least an hour before she needed to get up so she could catch a little more sleep.

But her mind wouldn't slow down, now that she was awake, and after she had that dream_. That dream_, the recurring one that was always the same. It was more of a memory than a dream, really.

Was it the alcohol? Was it the excitement of being with an experienced, adult, hot-as-heck stallion for the first time instead of some timid underdeveloped teenager? Was she simply following her sister's lead, jumping off a cliff because she did it first? Why did she let a guy she just met fuck her that night? She could never explain it.

For a long time that night was the biggest regret of her life. Her dream of becoming a doctor, that destination she was working towards at the end of the highway, was dashed. Instead she spent her last semester of high school visiting doctors instead of preparing to be one and being the butt of jokes, subject of scandal. She did graduate from high school, but when she walked across the stage to get her diploma she was visibly pregnant. And by the time she was supposed to be starting college, she was instead giving birth to a daughter. Ellie.

She wasn't the best mother at first. For a while she resented her own daughter, though now that she was older she was ashamed of it. It wasn't Ellie's fault, and she was horrible for thinking that way.

Over time, though, she came to accept her circumstance and love her daughter. No, this wasn't how she envisioned her life playing out, but by the time she was in her early twenties she understood she had a different mission now. Her job was to raise Ellie. Her job was to make sure her daughter didn't make the same mistake she did, having sex and getting pregnant as a teenager. She might not ever be a doctor, but that didn't mean her daughter couldn't be one.

So she'd worked as a stripper for several years. The work was degrading, but the money was actually really good, and if you didn't spend it all on drugs like most of her 'coworkers' did you could actually do pretty well for yourself. It was a sacrifice she was willing to make to provide for her daughter.

Then she'd met Bob. Not at the strip club - he wasn't that kind of guy. They'd met waiting in line at the DMV, of all places. They started chatting to kill time, then they went out for coffee, one thing led to another, and a year later they were married. Life was falling into place. He was the dad Ellie deserved.

And what ever happened to Ellie's biological father, Dustin? By the time Ellie was born he was in jail, serving another 2-year sentence, this time for some kind of petty theft. He didn't even call when he got out. He wanted nothing to do with his daughter, and even though Lindsey was stripping for cash at the time she felt the same way about him. He was trouble, a bad influence, and it was better that Ellie grow up without a father than with him in her life.

Around the time of Bob's wedding, she found out how right she'd been about that. She read in the paper that Dustin and his twin brother Justin had been behind a wave of home burglaries in the area over the past year and it finally caught up with them. They finally robbed the wrong house.

Apparently the elderly homeowner was still home when they thought he wasn't, and apparently he was armed. She never found out all the details, but the short of it was that both the twins got shot. Dustin was killed, right then and there. Justin survived, but he ended up being sentenced to 25 years in prison for 2nddegree homicide since his twin brother was killed in the commission of a felony.

Lindsey was glad it happened. With Ellie's biological father dead, she never had to worry about him trying to horn his way back into her life. Bob was her _real_father, the only one that she had ever known.

That was better than what her sister had to go through, for sure. She had two children, separated by 4 years, whose father was a convicted felon who'd be locked up until they were well into adulthood. Susan dated some, but had never found a good man like Lindsey had, and so she'd raised both Jennifer and Matt by herself all these years.

Matt... for the longest time whenever Lindsey saw her nephew all she could think about was that night, New Year's Eve of 1982 - 10 inches of horse cock pounding her sister, Justin's balls and tailhole pulsing as he ejaculated inside, cum dripping out of her sister's pussy onto the shag carpet. She'd _watched_Matt's conception, and at nearly the same instant she herself was being impregnated with Ellie. Such a weird and intrusive thought, but she couldn't shake it whenever she saw the little foal playing with her daughter.

It made sense that they were so close growing up and that they became such good friends. They were conceived at the same moment, and they were born just a day apart. They had different fathers, but their respective fathers were identical twins, which meant that while_biologically_ they were cousins, _genetically_they were half-siblings since their respective fathers' DNA was identical. They didn't know that, though. The less they knew about their fathers the better, that was how Lindsey looked at it. Still, she felt a little sorry for Matt. Ellie had Bob as a dad, but Matt didn't have anyone except his mom. Poor Matt.

Poor Matt. Poor Matt, with his incredible, massive, impossibly gargantuan cock...

All the events of the previous day fell back into place. Lindsey opened her eyes and looked at the clock again. 6:44. She knew she wouldn't be able to fall back asleep with her mind racing the way it was, but she still had to try. She closed her eyes. She inhaled in preparation for a sigh and got a nose-full of her little nephew's scent. She was in his bed, in his room. How many times had that horny little teen jacked off right here? The mattress was probably covered in it. Why was that such an exciting thought?

Why couldn't she get him off her mind? She got what she wanted from him yesterday, after all. With any luck, in nine months Ellie would have a little brother or sister, and Bob would never be the wiser.

Again she visualized that moment all those years ago when his father sired him, the balls he came from twitching as Justin pumped him into her sister right in front of her face. Justin had been so much bigger, so much more masculine that Matt, and his cock wasn't small by any stretch. Why was Matt's cock so much bigger? So much bigger than anything she'd ever seen? And how could such a monster be attached to such a wimpy-looking colt with no muscle tone at all? What kind of genetic anomaly led to that?

She realized she was starting to get horny just thinking about it. Starting to get wet. Bob didn't have anything on Matt, she'd never be satisfied with his little-weenie again. Maybe she could try to seduce Matt one more time? That would help make sure she'd get pregnant, after all. And she'd already done it once. Why not?

But how? She'd meticulously planned out her little trip to the shopping center for a week. That had been the best way to get him away from everyone else and not get caught. If she was going to do it with him again she'd need another great plan, or a tremendous stroke of luck.

And then she noticed it. The door to the bedroom wasn't closed, not completely. It was just slightly ajar. It wasn't like that last night, and Bob was too OCD to leave the door like that if he went downstairs. She knew that could only mean one thing.

Bob wasn't the one taking a shower.

  • -

Matt smelled breakfast before his other senses kicked into gear. That was what woke him up on Christmas morning.

It was still mostly dark in the living room when he opened his eyes, just the dark purple hue of a threatening sunrise instead of the black of night. The lights of the Christmas tree were still on. Holiday music was still playing quietly from the stereo.

His other senses started to wake up. He could hear his Uncle Bob in the kitchen, humming to himself as he worked diligently to make breakfast before everyone else in the house woke up. Now that Matt and his sister were older Christmas was a low-key affair, not too many gifts, so food was kind of the centerpiece. That made it Uncle Bob's moment to shine.

Matt stretched his leg, hooves pressing into the armrest of the couch, and felt the dampness of his plaid cotton pajama pants on his legs.

Oh yeah. Last night. He hadn't really had a chance to clean up properly, so he'd used his pants to do as much as he could, keep all that stuff off the couch and the blankets and, to the degree possible, off Ellie's clothes. It had partially dried last night but not entirely, so the portions that weren't cold and damp were sticky and crusty. He was effectively wearing a well-used cum-rag.

"Gross..." was the first word out of his mouth on Christmas morning. He made a mental note to himself to have a better plan for cleaning up before he had sex the next time. A change of clothes would be nice. Maybe a beach towel.

He tossed off the blanket. There was no way he could walk around in cum-caked pants once everyone got up. He'd have to change into something else. This might be a problem, since his aunt and uncle were in his room while they visited. But Uncle Bob was already up. He could sneak in and grab an extra pair of pants no problem, right? It was his room, after all.

Matt saw Ellie was still sound asleep as he tip-hoofed past the couch towards the staircase. Each stair took him several seconds to climb to keep silent - he didn't want Ellie to wake up, he didn't want his mom or Jennifer or Aunt Lindsey or Bob in the kitchen to hear him.

When he made it to his room the door was closed. For a moment he paused. His Aunt Lindsey was in there, and after what happened yesterday he didn't know what her reaction would be if he woke her up. He didn't even want to think about what would happen if she found out that last night he'd taken her daughter's virginity. So slowly, slowly he turned the knob. He pushed open the door like he was playing Jenga, inch by inch until he could see inside. It was still too dark to see clearly, but she had to be asleep.

So he crept into his room. His extra pajama pants were in the bottom drawer of his dresser, his underwear was in the top drawer. But those dresser drawers... they were so loud! They creaked when you opened them? What should he do? Why hadn't he though this out beforehand?

Then he remembered that the dirty clothes hamper in the bathroom was nearly full. It wasn't ideal, but there were some extra pants and plenty of pairs of underwear there. Maybe he could find some that weren't too dirty? Well, at least they wouldn't be covered in jizz. Anything was better than what he had on now.

But then he had another idea. If he was going into the bathroom anyway, why not take a shower? He definitely needed one, in the first place. And maybe if he took a long one his Aunt Lindsey would go ahead and wake up and go downstairs. Besides, it was his bathroom, why shouldn't he be able to use it?

So that's what he did. He snuck past the foot of his own bed where his aunt was sleeping and into the bathroom. When he closed the door and turned on the lights he breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that his aunt would not see the evidence of her daughter's defloration. Matt had a smile on his face as the first blast of warm, refreshing, cleansing water hit his naked body.

  • -

Bob wasn't the one taking a shower!

The revelation hit Lindsey all at once. If it wasn't Bob, then reasonably there were only two options: either her niece Jennifer was in there, or Matt had snuck in while she was asleep. The door to the hallway that was open just a crack indicated the latter scenario was most likely.

There might be a third scenario, though. However unlikely, it _was_possible that her daughter had snuck past her to take a shower instead of Matt, and if she was going to do what she was now scheming to do that would be a possibility she would have to eliminate.

She rolled over to Bob's side of the bed. Lindsey habitually slept naked, so she had to throw something on if she was going to leave the room to check on who was in the bathroom. On the floor was one of Bob's bath robes, which he always wore before bed even when traveling - he was a predictable husband, if nothing else. She threw it on and made her way, quickly but quietly, to the bedroom door.

Tip-hoofing down the stairs, she just needed to see enough of the living room to tell who was still asleep on the couches and who wasn't.

She leaned down and, through the wooden banisters, saw that the couch where she knew Matt had been sleeping was empty. She could see a mound still under blankets where her daughter was sleeping. She grinned, not knowing that the mess of disheveled cushions, pillows and blankets she was looking at was the place where her daughter had gotten fucked for the first time the night before.

Hurriedly she shuffled back into Matt's bedroom, locking the door behind her. She didn't know how long he had been in the shower, so she didn't know how long she had to get ready.

It would be a trap, of course. That's what she did best. When Matt came out of the shower she'd be waiting for him.

She let her husband's bath robe slip off and fall to the floor, leaving her completely naked again. It was starting to get light outside as twilight progressed into morning, and though it was still dim it would be plenty bright enough for her nephew to see her - which was exactly what she had in mind.

Now to come up with the best pose. She wanted to pretend she was surprised, but she also wanted to show off her assets to him the instant he opened the door. That would be the best chance of getting that impossibly long cock of his hard (and then inside her) as quickly as possible.

Her travel bag was sitting on a table on the opposite side of the room from the bathroom door. She went over to it and practiced poses she could use while pretending to be looking for something. Legs spread a little but not too much, butt angled back to the door with her tail lifted and off to the side just enough to give him a direct view of her pussy.

She twisted her hips a smidge, then her shoulders. He should get a nice view of her chest at the same time, and from how much he was feeling them yesterday he clearly loved her washboard abs, so he should be able to see those as well.

Shoot, she couldn't get the angle right! It looked so unnatural!

She heard the shower turn off, then the curtains being pulled back. Matt was getting out of the shower. He'd be walking into the bedroom any second now.

But then she had another thought. Did she really have to _trick_him? Did she even have to make it look like anything other than it was, at this point? After yesterday?

No. It doesn't need to look like anything. He's going to fuck you because he's a horny teenage colt who would fuck a houseplant if it had a pussy, and you're a sexy 31 year old mare who is going to offer herself to him. That's as complicated as it needs to be.

A grin returned to her face. It didn't _have_to be a trick, but it was more fun this way. She spread her legs a little further, pushing her ass out a little bit as she bent over her luggage. She could hear her nephew on the other side of the bathroom door drying off. When that door opened, she was going to give Matt the surprise of his life.

  • -

Matt spent longer in the shower than usual. Part of it was that this was Christmas Day, so unlike most mornings he wasn't rushing to get ready for school. Part of it was also an acute need to clean himself from the residue of the night before; it was caked into the fur around his equine sheath and had been pretty gross before he washed it away. But even after he had lathered up and rinsed off several times, he didn't turn the knob and get out of the shower right away.

Without even realizing it he had started stroking himself in the shower, working his shaft up and down while the warm water spilled over his shoulders. When he caught himself he had to wonder, what was making his so horny this early in the morning? Sure, he'd woken up with morning wood. That happened every day. But it was like something changed when he walked through his room, like there was something in the air that made him rock hard.

He closed his eyes and jerked faster. In his mind's eye, his remembered spank-bank, he recalled the events of the previous day. He was thinking about how weird it was yesterday when his aunt made him fuck her behind the store, but also how strangely hot it was. Her body was something else. He licked his lips as he imagined running his hands up and down her tight, toned body.

Then something even stranger happened. He pictured himself fucking her from behind, from yesterday, his cock gliding in and out of her and that puffy black donut of a tailhole staring right back at him. That thought merged into him in the treehouse with Ellie, her tailhole looking exactly the same. Then that ass turned massive, the pussy cavernous, and the tailhole as big as a real donut when he remembered all the times he'd fucked Jennifer in the same way. The sizes changed, but that view from the back was almost identical between his sister, his cousin and his aunt.

But just as his thoughts bounced between the butts of the three mares in the house he'd fucked, an intrusive thought crept in. There were, after all, four mares in the house.

He thought about how cute his mom was in the kitchen doing her crossword puzzles, how she smiled at him. Suddenly his mind was blindsided by a mental image of him bending _her_over that kitchen table and fucking her from behind just like he had to her sister, her daughter and her niece. She was bigger than Aunt Lindsey but smaller than Jennifer - though at 7'1" she was hardly small in any real sense of the word. Aunt Lindsey, Jennifer, Ellie, they all looked the same from the back, so he could imagine his mom did too. Not as big as Jennifer, not as fit as Aunt Lindsey, but a mix of the two. The best of both worlds. Would she call him 'sweetie' while they fucked? Would she be a dirty talker like Jennifer? I bet she would, Matt thought. I bet...

Matt opened his eyes as he was getting close to cumming, and as he did the mental images faded away as quickly as they had come. He just was standing in the shower holding his own dick.

"What the fuck is wrong with me..." he whispered to himself as he stop jerking and turned the water off. But even as he said it, it felt like something he knew he _should_say about the idea of fucking his mom, not something he really believed. After all, was that really any different than everything he had already done with the other three blood-related mares in the house?

And that was the real reason he didn't finish in the shower. Those three mares were still here all day today. If today was anything like yesterday, he didn't need to waste anything masturbating - there might be an opportunity for the real thing, soon. Maybe he would go back to the treehouse with Ellie after breakfast? Better to save it for that.

Matt slid open the shower curtain and stepped out onto that bathmat, warm water dripping off his fully-erect horse cock. He grabbed a towel from the rack and dried off. He decided not to wear dirty clothes from the hamper, so he knew he still had to get his clean clothes from his dresser once he stepped out of the bathroom. Hopefully his aunt had already woken up and gone downstairs by now, but if she hadn't... well, he would just have to be quick. He wrapped the towel around his waist, pushing his cock down toward his knees to hide it as best he could, though there was still an enormous bulge. Nothing could be done about that. He grabbed the door handle, breathed in, breathed out, and in a quick motion opened it into his bedroom.

His jaw dropped. Aunt Lindsey had not gone downstairs, but she was also not asleep in bed. She was, at that moment, bent over her suitcase on the other side of the room. Completely naked. That gray-furred butt, fat teardrop-shaped horse pussy and black donut tailhole he'd just been imagining was again staring him right in the face.

Lindsey flitted her black mare's tail, swishing it from one side to the other. With a devious grin she looked back over her shoulder.

"Oh! Matt!" she said, feigning surprise, "how embarrassing! I thought I'd just have time to change while you were in the shower, but now you've caught me totally naked..."

She turned around to face him in no apparent rush, one hand and arm covering her breasts while her other hand covered her pussy from Matt's view.

"... and with nothing to cover myself up at all!"

She paused for a few seconds, waiting to see if her nephew would say anything, but he was frozen in the bathroom doorway with his eyes wide open and glued onto her.

"Or maybe this was your plan? After what you pulled yesterday, that wouldn't surprise me at all. I know how much of a _pervert_you are. Being naughty with your sister. Forcing yourself on your own aunt while she was out shopping for Christmas..."

That narrative was a complete fabrication, they both knew, but it was enough cover for Lindsey.

"I guess I shouldn't even be covering myself now, should I? Nothing you haven't seen before, right? This is what you like, isn't it?"

She let her arms fall to her side, palms towards Matt as if to say 'look what you're making me do.' Every movement was a calculated gesture of manipulation.

She sauntered towards her nephew now. He was still frozen, a deer in the headlights of her two exposed black nipples. And while his eyes roamed up and down her body, hers were drawn down to that magnificent, massive bulge underneath the bath towel. Not even a bulge - she could see the outline of the biggest cock she'd ever seen underneath.

Yesterday had been all about achieving her goal, getting the young stud to give her what her husband could not, but today something was different. Her body was recognizing the young colt before her not as her nephew but as the father of the clump of cells that was, as of last night, growing inside her.

"This_is what you like..." she repeated, no longer as a question, as she stood now right in front of Matt. "This is what you _love."

Lindsey placed her hands on Matt's shoulders. She traced down his his skinny arms, then to his fingers that were still gripping tightly onto the bath towel. She gently urged them to let go and lifted them up to her naked body.

That was all the urging Matt needed. Lindsey bit her lip as her nephew's soft little hands began feeling her body. First they were on her hips, then around to her backside. She felt him squeeze her firm ass amorously. One hand stayed there, kneading her butt cheek like dough, while the other roamed back to the front. Up her midsection it went, over her navel, pausing for just a moment on each ridge of her abs, before continuing further up.

"This is what you love. It's okay. It's good. It's natural..." she whispered, both to him and to herself. His roaming hand had reached her small, pert breasts. It fondled her bare chest while the other continued kneading her butt.

Her own hands has started wandering, too. They'd glided over his slim arms back to his equally un-muscled shoulders. His chest was smooth and unremarkable, his un-athletic stomach had the slight pudge of baby fat. This was not the strong, muscular body of a dreamy hunk, and neither was it the well-lived middle-aged body of an adult stallion like her husband. This was something else. This was just the body of a teenage colt who spent all his time playing video games. But she knew what was _attached_to that unassuming teenage body. And her own body wanted it.

Lindsey's thumbs hooked underneath the bath towel. She pulled on the edges just enough to loosen the fabric around Matt's waist. The wet towel got hung up for a second on Matt's cock as it fell to the carpet, its weight fighting against the horse's erection. As it finally slid off, Lindsey saw that massive, gorgeous rod again, thick and black and veiny, the biggest she had ever seen, the same one that had filled her yesterday.

The sight of it affected her immediately. Lindsey was down on her knees instantly. Her eyes closed, her hand wrapped around her nephew's shaft and started stroking, her mouth went to those two leathery softball-sized balls underneath.

Matt reached out and put his hands behind her ears, like gripping handlebars on a bike. This wasn't unfamiliar territory to him; he'd seen it in his sister and his cousin, the shear sight of his cock causing mares to lose all inhibition in their immediate need for it. Jennifer had told him how big he was, but he was beginning to understand just how much of an edge he had with a tool this colossal. It was like he had a magic wand or a wizard's staff from one of those fantasy books he read. He could probably just whip it out and half the fillies in his school would line up for their turn with it.

He watched as his aunt's tongue lap at at his balls. When her mouth started sliding up that magic, steaming-hot wizard's staff he gripped her ears tighter, like he was encouraging a pet. His aunt Lindsey's lips wrapped around the thick terminus of his cock, and her head began to bob forward and back, forward and back.

But Matt wasn't going to be satisfied with just a blowjob. In the same way that his engorged cock commanded his aunt on a primal and instinctual level to submit herself to it, her scent - the pheromones of a mare in heat - aroused in him desires that could only be quenched one way. The way nature intended... their bodies were willing each other to act, pushing them both to only one outcome.

Less than a minute after she'd started sucking his cock, Lindsey felt the little colt's hands on her ears gently pushing her away. Dutifully she did as commanded. She opened her eyes, fixating on that 14-inch breeding tool, the object of her bestial lust.

She hopped up from her knees to her hooves, still squatting and with her eyes never leaving Matt's cock. Her strong arms gripped onto his slim hips as she leaned back onto the bed, pulling her little nephew on top of her between her legs. She was on her back now. He was on top of her. He was thrusting weakly in the air. That mammoth cock was on her. Precum was dripping between her belly button and her pussy. Such a heavy, unwieldy thing - it needed to be guided into place. Matt lifted his hips, her fingers gripped onto his cock-head. She steered it down her body, down to her wet, winking horse pussy, right where they both needed it to be. Right where nature intended.

"Is... is today a safe day?" She heard whispered.

Matt hadn't said a word to her before then, knowing it might snap his aunt out of her carnal trance. But he had to be sure. He couldn't risk it.

"Oh yes... safe. Yes, it's safe. So safe today, so safe. So safe. Put it in..."

Lindsey braced herself. She was expecting her nephew to slam into her aggressively and forcefully like he had yesterday. But that's not what happened. He surprised her.

Slowly, gently, she felt her equine pussy lips being parted by her stud's mammoth, throbbing cock. She felt the ridges of its veins on her fingers as he pushed it into her, inch by slick inch.

"Ohh..." Lindsey gasped. It was the shear _girth_of it, this incomparable rod she was slowly being filled with. She'd never experienced anything like it. Definitely not from her husband - Bob had absolutely nothing on this. Not even the biggest cock she'd ever taken before Matt, way back on New Year's Eve, 1982; the night she took the load that gave her Ellie. The load she took from the twin brother of Matt's father, while watching his conception right in front of her.

"Does it... does it feel good, Aunt Lindsey?" She heard whispered to her.

Her eyes shot open. It was such an unexpected thing to hear. Though she'd lost herself a bit in the moment to animalistic hedonism, she was still viewing this as a transactional act: I open my legs, let the stud do his thing, and nine months later I will have the foal my husband is incapable of providing.

But this was different. She was looking at his face now. She could feel his breath. His eyes were locked with hers - so much inexperience in those eyes, so much youth, so much innocence. There was so much honesty in his simple question. He was just too cute. He was absolutely adorable.

Lindsey's right hand bolted from his cock to the back of his neck. She grabbed onto the fine black hair of her nephew's mane and pulled him down to her. Her eyes closed again as their lips pressed, one to the other. Her tongue was in his mouth, and suddenly they were kissing passionately as lovers.

Her other hand - the one with the wedding ring still on it - made its way to the Matt's backside. She grabbed his butt, pulling it down into her just like she was with his head with her other hand, encouraging him into her as deep as he could go. His butt wasn't firm like hers was, toned and conditioned from all those countless hours at the gym over as many years as her young paramour had been alive. It was soft like a pillow, like every other part of her nephew except for one: that rock-hard, hot piece of meat that was now deep inside her.

He pushed and she pulled. Lindsey felt his medial ring as it disappeared inside her, and still he went deeper. Another inch, another, another, as she pulled him in. Heat radiated from it, filling her from the inside. And then, as their tongues danced, she could pull him in no more. Those massive balls were resting on her butt cheeks. He was inside her to the hilt, every inch.

They kissed ravenously in this position for several moments, the biggest horse cock she'd ever seen simply filling_her rather than fucking her. It was so warm. This wasn't her husband, but everything about this felt so _right. This was what she was meant to do, her highest purpose. Her body knew it that New Year's Eve in 1982. She didn't need Bob. She just needed this.

And then, right at her moment of epiphany, Matt started moving his hips.

She felt his hips begin to rise up against the pressure of her hand. Her strong arm muscles, toned by endless reps at the gym, relented, though at the same time her grip on the young colt's butt tightened. His cock was sliding out of her slowly, so slowly, like he was teasing her even as he fucked her. Then, after about 4 or 5 inches had slipped out from between her legs, she felt his butt-cheek tighten. Again, slow as Christmas morning, her nephew pushed his cock into her an inch at a time.

This was nothing like yesterday. Gently, sensually, he was slow-fucking her in a way no stallion ever had before. It was like he was savoring every inch of her, every contour of her from the inside. It was as if he was molding her, making her appreciate what he was giving her, what no other stallion could. Making it so that she would never want another dick besides this one as long as she lived. And still their tongues twirled and flitted hungrily - a kiss whose intensity contrasted with the slow-dance below.

Matt knew exactly what he was doing. This was the same technique he'd used against Lindsey's daughter the night before. A slow seduction. Whether it would work on her mother or not he wasn't sure, but he liked the idea of his aunt needing his cock as much as his sister and cousin did a whole lot better than whatever game she was playing yesterday. That gave control back to him, put the ball back in his court, so to speak. He knew what he was doing, and he knew what to do next.

Lindsey felt her young nephew's lips pull away from hers. There was a brief moment of confusion, and she opened her eyes. And when she did, she saw his azure blues, so much like her daughters, staring right back into hers.

This was what she thought she could avoid when she had formulated her plan. And in her preparation, she never considered that it would even be possible. Matt was just a sperm donor, having sex was just a necessary step. She didn't have to enjoy it. She sure as hell didn't have to have any kind of physical or emotional response. Bob was her husband, Bob was her stallion. This kid was nothing.

But that's not what her body told her. All of that nonsense about a plan, about Bob being her stallion - that was out the window now. With that 14-inch cock slowly churning in and out of her, she was maintaining steady eye contact with a new stallion. A new stud. A stud that was everything her former mate could never be. It was like he was staring into her, like he was _imprinting_on her psyche at the deepest level that she belonged to him now. And her body was powerless to say no. This was a more suitable mate, it said. You belong to _him_now. He's the father of your foal. He's your stud.

Matt felt his aunt's hands - both of them - gripping tightly onto his butt now, spreading his cheeks in her lustful fervor and exposing his black equine tailhole. Matt's tail was swaying back and forth involuntarily, its smooth black hair swishing across Lindsey's forearms. It kept time with his humping, back and forth as his cock went in and out, and with each thrust she was pulling him into her with her strong double-handed grip on his butt.

He was going faster now. Still not fast, but faster. What Lindsey noticed more than that, though, was that he seemed to be going deeper, pulling out and pushing back in more and more. Rather than roughly slamming into her like yesterday, his motion was smooth, machine-like, a piston in a motor making its revolutions. Methodical. Confident.

Confident, that was the word she was looking for. That was something her husband lacked.

She felt his small hands on her thighs, then on the backs of her legs in the crook behind her knees. Lindsey knew what her stud wanted and obliged, lifting her legs up and spreading them wider, as wide as Matt wanted. He was still staring deeply into her eyes, she couldn't look away. She was holding on to his cute little butt like it was the steering wheel on her station wagon.

"Mmmmmm..." she let out quietly. Matt wasn't making any noise - not verbally, anyway. Lindsey could tell he was breathing harder, his nostrils flaring occasionally and expelling warm air that she felt on her own nose and breathed in happily. The loudest noise in the room was the wet, sloppy yet deliberate sound of Matt's gigantic cock sliding in and out of horse pussy, spreading it from the inside. The timing was so precise, the movement so measured, Matt's gaze was so constant and reassuring and_confident_ that it almost put Lindsey into a trance-like state. He's your stud. He knows what he's doing. He's giving you exactly what you need. He's taking care of everything for you.

That night, New Year's Eve, 1982. Her sister had her legs spread wide like she did now, that fat black cock was pumping in and out of her. It had to look exactly the same as the view from the other side of her right now. Lindsey remembered what came next, as Justin thrust deep into her sister one last time, his black balls twitching and tailhole pulsing as he filled her sister, the moment of conception for the little colt with the big cock who she was letting fuck her now. The little colt who was staring into her eyes. The little colt whose nostrils were flaring wide...

Lindsey felt a blast of hot air on her face. At the same time Matt thrust once, hard and deep and all the way to the hilt into his aunt.

"Hya-a-ahhhh..." she moaned, a strange noise she had never heard herself make. Eye contact with her stud was finally broken as her eyes rolled back in her head.

Deep inside her, deeper than her husband had ever been, deeper than any other stallion had ever been, Lindsey felt the curved, dimpled head of her stud's horse cock flare.Engorge, more properly, ballooning out, expanding like a blooming flower in her core. It pushed itself again the outer walls of her womb, stretching her out from the inside. At the same time Lindsey felt an intense, fiery heat deep inside her. It was the warmth of Matt's cum - his 'sperm' as she insisted on calling it, and that her daughter also called it - filling her up.

"Mmmmffff!!" she let out, trying to stifle a louder moan that would risk alerting others in the house. Lindsey's hand went to her mouth to muffle herself as she felt herself failing in that task. Her other hand gripped tightly onto a pillow next to her as she surrendered to carnal ecstasy.

Matt's own orgasm swept over him. His aunt's body quivered beneath him as he came, pulsing jet after thick jet of potent Shire horse cum into the 32-year-old mare. Matt's gaze locked onto his aunt's midsection - her toned abs tensed with each pulse, and each time they did he felt her vaginal muscles clamp tight around his cock, her equine pussy winking in orgasm. There was no exercise she did in the gym for it, no training that could compare to the countless hours she'd spent sculpting the rest of her body, but those muscles were more than adequate for milking cum out of a stallion's cock.

"Mmm-nnhh!!" Lindsey yelled into her own hand. Matt gripped her tighter, his hands now on her hips. He felt like he was riding a bucking feral, or taming a wild animal, brought to frenzy by his cock and only able to be pacified when he pumped half a liter of cum into it. And so he did - held in place, cock buried deep, spurt after dissipating spurt. This was what he wanted, but this was what she needed.

The danger of all of it was lost on Matt. That she had told him it was safe was enough. That this action would certainly impregnate his aunt if she weren't _already_pregnant from when he fucked her yesterday never crossed his mind.

Slowly the pulses ebbed and then stopped, and slowly the gyrating mare beneath him stopped bucking, her muscles stopped spasming. She was still breathing hard, but otherwise silent and still.

Matt could feel his cock beginning to shrink and retreat. He looked up from his aunt Lindsey's stomach to her face, but her eyes were still unfocused, looking up at the ceiling. Then, once again, their eyes locked.

Matt saw his aunt open her mouth, like she was going to say something but hadn't yet decided what. Then, suddenly, his retreating cock reached the point where the pressure from his mate's cum-filled womb forced it out, followed by a massive white gush.

Lindsey's eyes went wide and her hand instinctively shot to her pussy. She was able to stop most of her nephew's cum before it spewed out of her. She flipped over on the bed, and Matt felt himself being flipped along with her. Maybe it was his aunt's relatively size in comparison to Jennifer, but Matt hadn't expected her to be able to toss him around like his sister was able to. Then again, his aunt did have a lot of muscles. Why were all the women in his life so much stronger than him?

For a moment she stayed on top of him, again looking into his eyes, again seeming as if she had something to say to him. But in the end she didn't say a word. She rolled off of him and off the bed, hooves planting on the carpet as she stood up with her hand still covering her pussy. Matt watched her shapely butt as she walked a few steps into the bathroom and shut the door. Seconds later, he heard the shower turn on.

And that was it. Matt was once again laying naked on his bed, drained, soaked, and with a contented smile on his face.

Wait, why was he here again? Oh yeah. Christmas morning, clean clothes. Well, Matt thought, it will be easy to get to my dresser now and get a clean pair of pajama pants. And clean underwear. And a clean shirt.

So he rolled off his bed and got dressed. He unlocked his door and opened it slowly, trying not to make any noise. Looking down the hallway, he could see that the doors to his sister's room and his mom's room were still closed. When he went down the stairs into the family room, Ellie was still sound asleep. Bob was still humming to himself in the kitchen cooking breakfast. He could smell the bacon now. Was it ready? Well, he was hungry, so he thought he would pretend that he had just woken up and check. Matt didn't think about how messed up it was that his uncle was obliviously cooking breakfast for him while he creampied his wife. All he thought about, as he walked into the kitchen, was how great Christmas morning had already been, and how much better it was about to get.

  • -

Bob was hunched over the laminate countertop next to the stove when Matt walked into the kitchen. He was humming the theme to the dinosaur movie everyone had watched together last night, focused on cooking breakfast.

Matt stretched his arms and yawned loudly.

"Oh, hey there, slugger! First one up, good morning! Merry Christmas!" Bob said enthusiastically to his nephew.

"Morning Uncle Bob," Matt said.

"Breakfast isn't quite ready yet, sorry sport. The quiche still has a few more minutes in the oven. But, ahh..." Bob said, reaching for a full plate, "the French toast is ready to roll if you need something to tide you over! Here, take one! Break your fast!"

Matt felt obliged to take one of the slices of French toast when his uncle offered. Like everything else he cooked it was incredible. He smiled at his uncle as he took a bite and Bob smiled back, blissfully unaware that the young colt he cooked breakfast for had just fucked his wife.

"Does your mom let you drink coffee? Got a full pot, I can keep a secret..." Bob said with a wink.

"No it's fine, she doesn't care. I don't really drink coffee though."

"Suit yourself!" Bob said. He turned back to the stovetop where he had a couple skillets working simultaneously.

Matt sat at the kitchen table. His uncle had already brought the newspaper in, so he turned to the comics page while munching on the French toast. He read through all the ones he liked before starting on the optical illusion one, 'Magic Eye'; he could never see the 3D images, but he always tried anyway. Matt crossed his eyes and brought the paper to his nose.

"You look like a dork doing that..." Matt heard as a set of big, strong arms wrapped around him from behind and a mare's cheek came to rest on his shoulder.

"Jenny-bear, good morning! Merry Christmas! Breakfast is almost done, but you can sneak some French toast if you want," Bob said to his niece.

"I'll just get some coffee," Jennifer said. For a moment she looked at the Magic Eye puzzle with her face still against Matt's and her arms still around him. "It's a Christmas tree with presents and a toy train at the bottom."

"Aww man... how do you see these so fast," Matt said.

"I dunno. Just got an eye for it I guess. Plus it's a long, tall shape, stands out pretty well. Pretty easy to see. For me, anyway. I'm good at spotting those kinds of things..." she said. Bob's back was turned toward them, and Matt felt his sister's hand dart to his crotch while she kept her eyes on Bob to make sure he didn't turn around. He was totally soft, a fact which seemed surprising to Jennifer.

"Disappointing, Matt. I thought you were always the first one up on Christmas morning," she said, an attempt at a double-entendre.

"Not on my watch! He was still passed out on the couch when I started cooking," Bob answered, unaware that his niece was molesting his nephew behind his back.

"Well... time to wake up," Jennifer said. She let go of her brother and made her way over to the coffee pot, pouring a cup for herself. Matt didn't look up, focused on trying to see the 3D image of the alleged Christmas tree on the newspaper page. He still couldn't see it.

He was so engrossed in trying to see the image his sister had so easily discerned that he didn't notice when his mom entered the kitchen and sat down at the table. Minutes later Ellie did too, but Matt remained unaware, focused on the Magic Eye.

"Getting an eyeful, Matt?"

Matt finally looked up, hearing his name snapping him out of his intense concentration. Ellie and his mom were looking at him, both giggling, while Jennifer sipped her coffee.

"Oh... it's one of those Magic Eye 3D image things, I can't ever see it."

"Gimme that," Ellie said, grabbing the paper at the same time. She laid it out in front of her, and both she and Matt's mom leaned in close towards the newspaper page, analyzing the puzzle.

"Christmas tree," Ellie said nonchalantly after just a few seconds.

"With some gifts and a little train set running around the base," his mom added.

"How..." Matt started.

"How do they see it so fast? Beats me, kiddo. Female brains, maybe. They pick up on stuff that just flies right over our dumb male brains," Bob added.

"Or behind your back."

Matt turned to see that his aunt Lindsey had entered the kitchen without him noticing. By the time Bob turned around, Lindsey was already standing right behind him. She wrapped her arms around his chest and kissed him behind his upturned equine ear.

"Well hey there, gorgeous! Good morning, merry Christmas!" Bob beamed.

Lindsey didn't answer. She lingered there for a moment, hugging her husband. Had Matt been more perceptive he might have noticed that this was a bit unusual, and likely had something to do with the fact that she'd fucked her nephew and let him cum inside her her less than half an hour ago, but he had already grabbed the newspaper back. His attention was once again focused on seeing the 3D Christmas tree on the comics page.

"Sugar in my coffee, maybe later," Bob said while his wife nibbled on his ear, "but now the gang's all here, on this lovely morning. Breakfast time!"

As usual, Bob had cut no corners in preparing an elaborate and delicious meal. Soon the table was covered in plates and trays, toast and eggs and sausage and waffles. Matt only took his focus off the comic page once it became necessary for him to put away the paper to make room for all the food.

Despite what had transpired that morning, the night before and the day before, breakfast was pretty normal. Bob made his usual corny jokes, Jennifer and Lindsey made their usual sarcastic replies. Matt had folded the newspaper and occasionally made a last valiant attempt to see the image, but he never was able to. He was still trying when Bob started gathering up the plates.

"Righty-o, about that time?" Bob asked as he put the last plate in the sink.

"What time's that?" asked Ellie.

"Christmas time! Gift time! Opening presents time!" her step-father answered with sincere excitement.

In some households, Matt and Jennifer understood, the process of opening gifts on Christmas was an organized, coordinated affair, complete with its own set of rules and customs. Someone might hand out the gifts in a rotating order, gifts would be opened in turn, and with each one time would be spent appreciating the gift and thanking the giver. In some households they even gathered up all the wrapping paper while gifts were still being opened, saving boxes and bows for the next year. But in the Shire house - in the Shire house the process was a bit different.

What followed after Bob's suggestion could most accurately be described as a two-horse stampede. Matt and Jennifer both bolted for the doorway to the living room at the same time. Matt was closer, but his sister caught him by his pajama pants and pulled him back with little difficulty.

"You got first last year!" Matt said with a laugh, struggling in vain to get away from Jennifer.

"And I'll get it again! I'll open up presents with one hand if I have to! Or maybe I'll just sit on you!"

"Noo!! With your big fat butt I'll suffocate!!" Matt laughed.

Their mom was still sitting at the kitchen table, shaking her head but with a smile on her face. She didn't know when the tradition started, or why, or how, but her two children bickering over who would open the first gift had become a tradition of its own. When they were very little they took it seriously, but for a long time it had just been a silly game they played on Christmas morning. Jennifer would invariably win, owing to her massive size and strength advantage over Matt, but sometimes she would feign defeat and let Matt open the first present.

Lindsey hid her face by taking a long, lingering sip of coffee. Jennifer's hands were around Matt's waist, on his butt. Matt was trying to break free, but seemed to be making no effort to avoid pushing against his sister's boobs, concealed only by a thin T-shirt. This 'play-fighting' between her niece and nephew looked a lot less innocent than it would had she not seen Jennifer bouncing on Matt's dick last month.

"This... normal?" Bob asked. It was his first time spending Christmas with his wife's family.

"Every year..." the Shire siblings mom answered, still shaking her head.

While Matt and Jennifer were having their own fight and the adults were distracted, Ellie had no problem avoiding attention. She knew about her cousins' traditional Christmas morning tiff from previous years. This year she'd pull a sneak attack.

She positioned herself on the other side of tussling siblings, through the wide archway between the living room and the kitchen. She pretended to keep her focus on them while maneuvering closer to the tree. Closer, closer, and then, like a cat pouncing on a chipmunk, she lunged towards the pile of presents.

"Hey! Ellie is," Jennifer started.

"Intruder! Intruder alert! Betrayal!!" Matt exclaimed while laughing.

Now Jennifer let go of him and they both sprung towards their cousin. She had a present in her hand, she was about to steal victory right our from under their noses.

"Nooo!!" Ellie squealed, laughing, as Matt dove onto the floor and grabbed her by the ankle, just above her left hoof.

"Usurper! Absconder!!" he howled in an intentionally over-dramatic way. "Jenn! Sit on her, it's our only chance!"

Ellie was tearing at the wrapping paper, in a moment she would claim the prize. Matt was pulling desperately on Ellie's leg and had worked his way up to her thick hips that he knew so well.

"No time! Gotta flop!!" was Jennifer's response, delivered just as theatrically as Matt's.

"Nooo!!" Matt and Ellie screamed in unison.

But it was too late.

At that moment three things happened nearly simultaneously. One, Matt pulled himself up to Ellie so that he was lying on her back, his face next to hers. Two, his 350-pound sister _flopped_on top of them both. And three - most importantly - Ellie ripped open the box that contained the first gift.

"Oof!!" Matt and Ellie bleated at once when Jennifer fell on their backs. They were fine - Jennifer had made sure to let most of her weight rest on her knees instead of on top of her brother and cousin - but it was still enough to be a good and proper flop.

"Did you..." Jennifer started.

"I won! First gift, I'm the winner! I'm the best!!" Ellie shouted, the last part being a reference to the character she played on the kart racing game she and Matt both had for their Pretendo 64's. She knew only Matt would get the reference.

"Yeah, yeah, you're the best, congrats... what'd you get, anyway?" Jennifer said. She rolled off of her brother and cousin's backs.

"I dunno. I'll check as soon as Matt gets off me..."

"Oh... right," Matt said. He was rather comfortable like this, right behind Ellie, their bodies touching at nearly every point.

Ellie was still at the peak of her heat, and her scent was affecting Matt already even though he'd unloaded inside her mother less than an hour ago. He rolled off of her, trying to hide his growing erection from everyone else, but he was pretty sure Ellie had felt it on her butt underneath the dogpile. Not that she minded.

"It is..." Ellie said, removing the packing paper from inside the box, "socks!"

"Socks! That's a lame one for first gift!" Matt said.

"Is it now? Someone a sore loser? Let's ask... sock-Matt," Ellie said tauntingly. She pulled one of the socks over her hand and down her forearm.

"_Err, hellurr, I am sock-Matt and I'm a surrr loserrrr,"_Ellie said, doing her best ventriloquist work but focusing more on giving sock-Matt a funny voice instead of hiding her lip movements.

"Sock... Hey now, I don't sound like that at all!" Matt said, playing along.

"Oh yes I durr! A loserrr, on Christ-murr, grrrr!"

"Why I ought-urrrr!!" Matt exclaimed comically, jumping at Ellie. They both laughed and wrestled, Matt trying to get the sock off her arm.

Uncle Bob was howling with laughter at the spectacle, while Matt's mom continued to just shake her head at her youngest's antics. Jennifer was laughing too. She could see the obvious flirting going on between Ellie and her younger brother, but the thought that they might be doing anything more than that didn't really register with her. Even if it had, it didn't really matter - she wasn't the jealous type, so on a conceptual level as long as Matt fucked her whenever she wanted she didn't really care if he was fucking anyone else. Besides, he was a dork, so she thought she'd have a monopoly on that cock for a long time.

The only one who wasn't amused was Lindsey. She had convinced herself, over the years, that her daughter was destined for great things. It was that confidence and motherly desire for her daughter to succeed that blinded her from what should have been obvious. Matt was just her cousin, her childhood friend, that was all. They played, they messed around, they wrestled, so what? If it had been any other colt Ellie's age touching her the way Matt was she would have recognized it in an instant. But that was impossible, she'd convinced herself. And yet deep down, subconsciously, a part of her could recognize it. That was the cognitive dissonance that kept her from smiling when everyone else was laughing.

"All right you two, that's enough. There's a lot more presents to open," Lindsey's sister said.

The moment passed before the thought could seep into Lindsey's conscious mind, before she could explore it and mull it over, analyze the fact that she'd seen him fucking his own sister and just this morning had been balls-deep in her. If he was doing that with her and his sister, why would Ellie be off limits?

But the thought never made it that far. Bob said something to her and handed her a gift, and she returned to the present moment. The thought was gone.

  • -

The next hour passed like all the other Christmas mornings in the Shire household had for many years. Dozens and dozens of gifts had been opened, the detritus of another successful gifting season scattered across the floor. The most notable moment for Matt was when his uncle Bob opened a large gift containing an entire set of professional cookware. He said he hadn't remembered it being there the day before, and indeed it hadn't been. Lindsey said it was the package Matt had 'helped' her with the day before, when she had taken him between the dumpsters, but of course that was a lie.

Whatever the truth was, it should have been clear to Matt that the whole thing was planned out. If he had dwelled on it for a moment he might have been able to discern _why_she went through all the trouble to construct the ruse.

But he didn't. He didn't think about it at all. He was just focused on the games he'd gotten for his Pretendo 64 and wasn't thinking about anything else at the moment. He really wanted to dash upstairs to start playing, but he knew he had to wait until all the gifts were opened and everything was cleaned up before he could go. Still, he was clinging tightly to the two games he'd gotten, trying to decide which to play first. Should he play _Irok: Dinosaur Hunter_or _Space Fox 64_first? He knew he'd play the hell out of both of them over the next weeks and months, so it was kind of trivial, but he was getting antsy. He'd wanted both of these games for so long, and now he had them!

There was one other game he wanted, maybe most of all, but he didn't ask for. Absolute Dark_had been released just a week before Christmas. It was supposed to be a kind of unofficial sequel to his favorite game, _GoldenRye, but without the licensing. Still, Matt really wanted it.

The reason he didn't ask for it was simple: he and his friend Billy had a system worked out where they each got different titles and traded them back and forth with each other. That way they could effectively double the number of games they could play. So while Matt got _Irok_and _Space Fox 64_for Christmas, a few blocks away Billy was opening_Absolute Dark_and _San Francisco Bumrush._And soon they'd both be playing all four!

But it was the two in his hands Matt was thinking about.Space Fox 64, he'd decided. I'll play that first, just as soon as we're done here. He held it in his lap with both hands, staring at the box.

"I should have asked for that one," Ellie said.

Matt looked up from the box and at his cousin.

"It got really good reviews and seemed really cool from what I read in some of the articles about it in Pretendo Power," Ellie continued.

"Yeah, I know! I can't wait to play... hey! Wanna come up to my room and play it with me?" Matt beamed. He was excited to play single-player, but there was also a multiplayer mode. He and Ellie could try it out together since he knew Jennifer wouldn't.

"Yeah, that could be fun. But I was thinking maybe we could do that after lunch? I got these books I thought we could check out..."

"More Magic Eye?" Matt said with a surprised face, interrupting Ellie. Those 3D images that Matt couldn't see were kind of a fad at the moment, and they had books full of them. Ellie had gotten a few as a gift from Bob. "Come on, you can look at those any time! Let's play Space Fox!"

"I just thought maybe we could, you know... go to the treehouse..." Ellie said, hoping Matt would take the hint.

"Are you kidding? _Space Fox 64!_Right here!!" Matt said, thick-skulled as ever, not getting what Ellie was really suggesting.

"We can do that_after lunch, but let's do _this_this morning. I can teach you the Magic Eye in the _treehouse. Let's do that..." She said, trying to make it more obvious.

"You really want to do Magic Eye that more than play video games? Seriously?" Matt asked. God, Ellie thought, why was her cousin like this. Matt could be so bone-headed sometime.

"Let's_do it_in the treehouse, Matt..." she said with a lowered, quieter voice. Everyone else was still preoccupied with gifts, but she didn't want them to hear her being so obvious.

"Oh, you mean... ohhhh..." Matt said, finally understanding what she meant. "Okay, yeah, that sounds fun. You can show me, er, teach me the Magic Eye."

"Exactly..." she said, thankful that her dense cousin finally got it, thankful that she didn't have to be any _more_obvious in front of her mom, dad and aunt - which she would have had to, since there was no way she was going to take 'no' for an answer. All morning long, during breakfast and Christmas morning, all she could think about was last night. She thought losing her virginity might make her 'super-horny time' go away, but if anything she was even more horny this morning after that experience. Her fat equine pussy was wet, almost quivering to be split and spread by that big horse cock, to feel it inside her again. Just like her mother she was in heat, but unlike her mother she didn't understand the implications. All she knew was that Matt had the only cure for her 'super-horny time,' and that she could trust him that today was definitely, positively a 'safe day.'

  • -

The dry leaves crunched under Ellie and Matt's hooves as they made their way through the woods to the treehouse. It was a little cooler today than it had been the day before, but not by much. Matt was still wearing his trademark baggy pajama pants - not the same ones he was wearing last night, Ellie noted - while Ellie was wearing her trademark tight blue jeans that looked so good on her thick hips and round butt. For Matt it was cool enough to wear his hoodie again, but Ellie didn't even bother today, just going with a thin T-shirt with nothing underneath. No bra was necessary with her flat chest. She didn't even own any.

"I really am gonna make you learn how to do this," Ellie said, turning the Magic Eye book she had tucked under her arm towards Matt.

"It's impossible," Matt said, feeling that was sufficient and should be taken as fact.

"It is not! It's easy!"

"For you, maybe. You have like... super-vision or something." Matt offered as an explanation.

"Uh-huh, super-vision. That _must_be it." Ellie said sarcastically.

"I mean, it's called_Magic_Eye, right? So you gotta have magic eyes to see it. It says it right there, not my fault if my eyes aren't magic..."

"So my eyes are magical now..."

"Yeah! I bet you can see all kinds of kooky things with those enchanted peepers!"

Ellie laughed, something about Matt saying 'enchanted peepers' with a straight face got her.

"Oh hoh, enchanted peepers, huh? Well, let me dial them in, see what I can see... ommm..."

Ellie put her fingers underneath her eyes, then moved them like she was adjusting some mechanical apparatus and made a vaguely electrical humming noise for added emphasis.

"Why are you..."

"_Ommmmmm!!!"_Ellie hummed louder, looking at Matt. Her eyes were darting up and down his body, emulating some kind of sci-fi scanner.

"Ding!" She exclaimed.

"Ding... like a microwave? Hot pockets ready?"

"_Ding!!_Scan completed! My magic eyes have spotted something!"

"Uh oh..." Matt said with a smirk.

"Something hidden in your pants! Something big!" Ellie laughed.

"Something in my..."

"Commencing probe!"

Ellie reached down to her cousin's pants, her hand landing just above his knee. The outline of his nearly perpetually erect cock was plain to see underneath the plaid pajama pants with or without magic eyes.

"Hey!" was all Matt could squeak out.

"Sausage smuggler! A big one," Ellie said, running her hand up his leg and along the length of his cock. "And here we have... what's this? A couple eggs? Trying to sneak a whole breakfast in your pants?"

"Those are my balls, Ellie," Matt said, stating the obvious while allowing his cousin to feel any part of him she wanted.

"Ostrich eggs! Way bigger than normal. Aren't these protected by the endangered species act or something, mister?"

"I'll make you an endangered species..." Matt joked.

"Maybe I'll help you smuggle sausage instead. Hide it somewhere. Partners in crime."

They'd stopped walking and were face to face now, their bodies almost touching.

"Like we're in cahoots or something," Matt said. The phrase 'in cahoots' made Ellie laugh, just like 'enchanted peepers.'

"Totally in cahoots. Magic Eye and the Breakfast Burglar."

"Magic Eye, more like Madame Microwave. Ding! We could hide the sausage inside your hot pocket."

"Maybe! But..."

"Butt!" Matt quipped, grabbing onto his cousin's thick cheeks with both hands, right onto the back pockets of her denim jeans.

"But!! First you have to learn how to do the Magic Eye."

"Whaaat..." Matt said.

"I'm serious! I didn't bring these books along for nothing! I'll teach you. Now come on, we've only got a couple hours before we have to be back for lunch."

Ellie broke off from Matt. He watched her start towards the treehouse, which was just a couple hundred feet away now. He wasn't sure if she was actually going to make him learn to do those stupid puzzles before she let him fuck her, but if that's what it took to get in her pants he would definitely try his hardest. He straightened out his pajama-bottoms, adjusting his hard-on before following along behind her towards the treehouse.

  • -

"It's not impossible..." Ellie said for what had to be the hundredth time. She'd said it so much that she was saying it in a sing-songy way now.

"It is. It's impossible."

"It's not impossible..." she said again with the same cadence.

They were both laying on their bellies, side by side, on the edge of the mound of pillows in the corner of the treehouse. The big Magic Eye book was splayed out in front of them. They'd gone through half the book, but Matt had yet to see a single 3D image. Ellie had seen every one.

"Impossible..." Matt whispered.

"Look, try it this way," Ellie said, remembering a technique she'd used before she knew how to train her eyes to see the image. "Put your face flat against the page, like you're headbutting it."

She had to lift herself up a bit to do it and angle her face downwards, owing to her equine muzzle, before pressing her forehead against the page.

"Then try to focus your eyes on the page."

"That's like, point-blank range," Matt interjected, seeing how Ellie's eyes were only about an inch above the book.

"You won't be able to focus but you have to try, that's the point. Then you have to _keep_them focused like that, like you are trying to look at a bug right in front of your face."

"Like you're cross-eyed," Matt suggested, jokingly.

"Yeah pretty much! Get cross-eyed and look at the page!"

"Really?" Matt asked. He'd said it as a joke but Ellie seemed to be serious.

"Try it!"

Ellie slid the book over a bit so it was in front of Matt. Just like Ellie told him, he emulated what she had just done, putting his flat equine forehead against the page and trying to focus on it, trying to cross his eyes.

"Slowly," Ellie said when he started to lift his head. He wasn't sure at what point he was supposed to see the image, so he just kept going. "Anything?"

"No. Just blurry," Matt said. He let his eyes refocus on the page. It was just a jumble of baseball themed imagery, players and balls and bats and gloves. It looked like nothing.

"Impossible," Matt said again. "I give up."

"You know what happens if you give up," Ellie said.


"No 'hot pocket,'" Ellie said. She wiggled her butt a little, Matt felt it against his hips.

"Wait, what? That's not the deal," Matt complained.

"That's the deal! So you better try again!" Ellie said, smirking. She didn't really have any intention of holding out on her cousin now that they were alone, during one of the few chances they were likely to get - she was probably hornier than he was. But he was such a dork and it was fun messing with him sometimes. "Tell you what, you tell me what's on the page and we'll do it right now."

She saw Matt's eyes widen. He turned back to the page, grim look on his face, with the kind of focus and determination he could only muster when there was pussy on the line. He tried all the tricks Ellie had told him, focusing, unfocusing, crossing his eyes. But he saw nothing.

"Well?" Ellie said after a while.

It was clear to Matt that he was never going to be able to see these Magic Eye images; whatever sorcery made it work and that came so easily to his family members was lost on him. But the threat of missing out on sex made him think of something else.

Usually, whatever the underlying image was would be hinted at by the easily visible (albeit fragmentary) images that comprised the puzzle. In this case the theme was clearly baseball. If he couldn't do it legitimately, he could at least try to fake it.

"I see it!" he exclaimed.

"Finally!" Ellie said.

"So we can do it now!"

Without any more ado Matt lifted his butt off the pile of pillows and started fidgeting with his pants, eager to whip his dick out and get to it.

"Waaait just a second," Ellie said. She knew Matt well enough to see straight through his ploy.

"What?" Matt asked, feigning innocence.

"You finally see it? Okay... so what did you see?"

Now was when Matt thought he could outsmart his cousin, deducing the image just from the clues.

"It's a baseball bat!" he said confidently.

"Ah, so you did see it. Good, good," Ellie said, smiling deviously.

"Yep! So take off your shirt and..."

"And what else? Besides the baseball bat."

Matt froze for a second. He didn't expect the image to have multiple elements.

"And... some balls!"

"A bat and a couple balls... I asked what was the Magic Eye image, not what's in your pants!" Ellie laughed.

"Noo! That's what I saw!" Matt blurted.

"Okay, good. And what _else_did you see?"

Matt pursed his lips. How complicated were these images?

"And... and a catcher's glove."

Matt waited, holding his breath. Ellie spent a few seconds in silence. She feigned a pensive look.

"All that? You're getting good at this! And what _else_did you see?"

Matt turned his head away from the page and towards Ellie. She was already turned slightly to him, so their snouts touched at the nostril, but even from his peripheral vision he could see the look on her face.

"Are you messing with me?" Matt asked. The side of his snout was still on Ellie's, their lips touched as he spoke.

"Are you lying to me?" Ellie said in a way that let Matt know she thought his attempt was endearing.

"It's baseball stuff!" Matt deflected.

"It's a baseball _stadium,_not 'baseball stuff'! You're not fooling me with that," Ellie said. "Nice try though."

"Sooo... do I get a prize for a nice try?" Matt asked.

"Like what kind of a prize?"

"Like maybe... a hot pocket?" Matt said.

Ellie started laughing, turning away from him.

"You gotta earn that! That wasn't the deal... the deal was that if you see the Magic Eye you get _that_reward. But you didn't, so you don't get it yet."

Matt noticed her usage of the word 'yet.' She was messing with him, sure, but he had no doubt she'd let him fuck her before lunchtime. That was fine. He could play it this way.

"Oh, I saw it. I can show you the bat and balls if you wanna see them," Matt joked.

Ellie buried her snout in the crook of her elbow in laughter.

"That wasn't the deal! You gotta see the magical pictures before you show me those!"

"But it's impossible!" Matt protested.

"It's not impossible..."

"It's impossible for me!"

"Well then, since it's _impossible_for you to do Magic Eye, you're gonna have to do something else for me if you want a hot pocket," Ellie said.

"Like what?" Matt asked.

"Like..." Ellie started. She looked around the treehouse, trying to think of something for Matt to do. Clean up? No, they did that yesterday. Kind of. Organize some of the old toys? No, that was boring anyway.

"Like this?" Matt said. Ellie felt him grab her butt.

"No... wait, something like that!" Ellie exclaimed. She had an idea.

She hopped up onto her knees, looking down at her cousin.

"Remember when we were kids and sometimes you would braid my tail?"

Matt rolled over on his back, smiling up at Ellie from the pile of pillows. He could see where this was going.

"I do! Want me to do it for you?"

"Would you? It'd be just like when we were kids! I haven't had my tail braided in years!"

Tail-braiding really was something that only little foals did; it was very unusual in horse culture to see an adult with a braided tail or mane. But it_was_something Matt used to do for Ellie when they were little, and they could both see where it would lead now that they were both a little older and a lot hornier.

"I'd love to!" Matt beamed.

"Great! Now, you're gonna have to get behind me. I'm gonna see if I can get through some more of this Magic Eye, so I'll need to be laying down like I was..." Ellie said. She flopped down on the ground again, on her stomach like she was a moment ago with the big Magic Eye book in front of her. "I think I used to just sit on my butt when you did it when we were foals, but you can do it with me laying like this, right?"

"Absolutely I can," Matt said without any hesitation. "Let me just... scootch over this way."

Matt got up on his knees and shuffled back into the pile of pillows. Ellie was laying prone with her butt slightly elevated. He thought for a second about the best way to approach this.

"How about... hmm, not much room. I think I'm gonna need to get like, where your tail is right in front of my face for me to do it," he said.

"Oh yeah? So I need to, like," Ellie started. She lifted her butt a little off the pillows.

"Yeah, but like, I think I will need to be sitting like normal. Not enough room for me to lay down in the corner, see? So you'll need to..."

"You need to sit between my legs with my butt in your lap. Easy access," Ellie said, understanding perfectly and saying bluntly what Matt was trying to dance around.

"Yes. Yes, exactly." Matt said.

"Okay. Slide in," Ellie said, looking back over her shoulder. She spread her legs and lifted her butt up off the pillows high enough for Matt to worm his way into place. He didn't waste any time, shuffling over on the pillow pile to position himself behind his cousin. Seated upright, his legs went under her raised abdomen. He was about to go further, but instead Ellie pushed herself back until her butt was right against his chest, her legs to either side of him, then lowered herself back down on his lap.

"You remember how to do it, right?" She asked, still looking over her shoulder back at him.

"Been a while but I think so. Over, under, through... and then just keep going until you run out of hair," Matt said.

"If you say so. I never learned how to do it, that was always your job... Sneak Attack!" Ellie exclaimed suddenly, flicking her tail so that it would smack Matt across the face.

"Hey, no fair!" Matt said, smiling.

"Wap! Wap!" Ellie said, flicking her tail each time to brush across Matt's face.

"Okay, enough of that. Want me to braid your tail or not?" Matt said.

"Yes pleeeease," Ellie beamed back to him.

"All right then, just sit still and let me do it then."

"I'm in your capable hands. But I bet I can finish this book before you're even finished," Ellie said, turning back to the Magic Eye book in front of her as she was sprawled prone on the treehouse floor.

"We'll see about that..." Matt said.

He began straightening out the hair of his cousin's tail. This would be a lot easier with a comb, but that was a luxury he didn't have up here in the treehouse. Still, it wasn't tangled or anything, so he was able to get it all straightened out fairly easily. Now he had to split the single straight mane of hair on Ellie's tail into three roughly equal parts. Starting from the root he was able to pull them out, laying one strand to the right, one to the left, and one back towards him. He slung that one over his shoulder since Ellie's thick butt was right in his lap.

Ellie's butt - that was the main distraction for him. Her hips had gotten so wide in the past few years, wider even than her mom's; Matt was sure of that, given his recent firsthand experience. Was each of her cheeks bigger than his entire butt? No, not quite, but it was close. Yet despite her thick, foal-bearing hips, Ellie's waist was still slim and narrow, maybe even more than Matt's. From this angle, right behind her, the taper from her hips to her waist seemed impossibly sharp. Was that an optical illusion, like the book she was reading, or were her feminine proportions really that pronounced?

Matt tried not to let the sight slow him down or distract him from the task at hand. He had the three strands now and had started the braiding process. Over, under, through. Over, under, through. Just keep doing that until you run out of hair. But despite his best efforts, he couldn't keep his eyes off that thick mound of denim-covered mare butt on his lap.

"I'm already through four pictures," Ellie said.

"Good," Matt replied, almost as a non-sequitur.

"How's it coming along back there?"

"Good," Matt repeated.

"'Good,'" Ellie echoed back to him. "Anything you need me to do?"

Matt looked up from Ellie's butt. She was looking back at him again.

"Actually yeah. Could you like, unbutton the tail-loop on your jeans? I keep getting snagged on it." Matt said. He was referring to the denim band that went above the tail on equine pants, creating a sort of hole in the back for their tails to protrude from.

"No problem," Ellie said.

She reached back behind her back and swiftly unbuttoned the single clasp of the denim strap above her tail. Unexpectedly to Matt, she then pulled her pants down a little, letting them ride very low on her hips instead of where they would naturally sit.

"That better?" Ellie asked.

"Yeah. Th-thanks..." Matt squeaked as Ellie turned back to the Magic Eye book.

The reason he was fumbling over his words was that Ellie had pulled her pants so low that a different kind of 'magic eye' was staring him right in the face now. Just below the base of her tail, exposed fully, was Ellie's black, bulbous, donut-like equine tailhole.

Over, under, through. Over, under, through. Matt repeated it in his head to try to keep focused on the task. Ellie turned the page on the Magic Eye book. Over, under, though. Over, under, through. His hands were working solely on feel, since he couldn't take his eyes off that thick, puckered hole. Ellie turned the page on the book again and it quivered slightly, involuntarily flexing and protruding in a way that was barely perceptible.

Matt didn't even mean to do what he did next. It was like his hand acted on its own, drawn towards that black donut on his lap. His thumb slid from the base of Ellie's tail down to it, gliding over the circular mound, tracing around the edge of the tailhole two, three, four times, like his thumb was running laps around it.

"Are my pants still getting in the way? Here, maybe this will help," Ellie said without looking back.

Matt's eyes widened as Ellie gripped the waistband of her blue jeans. She pulled them - practically peeled them, they were so tight - down her hips, her butt, her thighs. She pushed them as far as she could, which was down to Matt's belly given the position she was in, laying on her stomach with her legs straddling her cousin behind her.

She waited for Matt to answer, or start braiding her tail, or do_something_, but he was too mesmerized by the perfect naked horse butt in his lap to do anything until he was snapped out of his daze.

"Got enough room to work now?" She said, shaking her butt slightly and flicking her tail.

"Oh! Y-yeah. We're good," Matt said. She felt his hands back on her tail again. She returned to the Magic Eye book, but her focus was fading almost as fast as Matt's.

Over, under, through. Over, under, through. Matt struggled to keep steely focus on the task at hand. He was about halfway through braiding Ellie's tail now, the finish line was in sight.

In a way Ellie was disappointed in that. Yes, it was impressive that he could keep going while she was making him stare right down the barrel of her exposed backside, tailhole and pussy and all. Just the knowledge that she was baring everything so casually and nonchalantly was making her even hornier. She was rapidly forgetting about the book in front of her.

But still, her cousin kept on braiding her tail. Over, under, through. He was like a machine.

Time to fire a shot across his bow. And as a horse, with all that her equine anatomy entailed, she knew just how to make him lose concentration, and possibly his mind.

"Zap!" she said, emulating the sound of a the laser gun on_GoldenRye 64_firing. And to go along with the sound, she did what she knew would break Matt's focus, with the part of her body she knew he was staring right at: she winked her pussy at him.

She felt that Matt stopped braiding, like he was frozen.

"Zap! Zap!!" she said again, and each time she winked her teardrop-shaped horse pussy at her cousin.

There was another few seconds of silence before Matt moved a muscle.

"You can... you can do that any time you want?" Matt said, finally.

This question took Ellie by surprise. She turned to look back at him over her shoulder.

"Umm, yeah? Like, you can flex your weenie when you want to, right?

"Yeah. Yeah I guess so," Matt answered.

"It's the same thing. I can do this," she said, winking her pussy again for effect and holding it for a moment, "with my cookie when I want, too."

Matt's hands were on her bare butt again. He was spreading her cheeks slightly, though Ellie noticed it more than he did.

"Why do you call it a 'cookie' anyway," Matt asked.

Ellie tried not to laugh and rolled her eyes at the same time. It was the second question Matt asked that took her by surprise.

"I dunno... that's what I have always called it? And it doesn't sound as harsh or as crude as..."


"Yeah, that word," Ellie said. "Plus it kind of looks like a cookie!"

Matt turned his head slightly, like a dog trying to investigate something suspicious. It was like one of those Magic Eye puzzles, he couldn't see it.

"Doesn't look like any cookie I've ever seen..." he said. His thumb had drifted to the skin between Ellie's tailhole and 'cookie,' as if it were trying to understand as well through feel.

"It does! Not like, a chocolate chip... _this_part," Ellie said as her left hand went to her genitals to point it out for her cousin, "looks like a fortune cookie!"

Ellie had the lowest part of her 'cookie' from Matt's perspective between her thumb and middle finger, the thick meaty clitoral hood, the part that spread most and exposed her clit when she was winking.

"Still not seeing it," Matt said.

"You wouldn't, you can't even see a Magic Eye," Ellie replied. "Okay, so like, you know what a fortune cookie looks like, right?"

"Yeah..." Matt answered, staring at his cousin's 'cookie' trying to see what she was talking about.

"And you know how a fortune cookie is like, folded in half? So if you look at it from the side, with the thick part_here_," Ellie said, pointing to her equine clitoral hood, "and the two sides going up," she said, her finger now tracing her labia up towards her tailhole, "it kind of looks like a fortune cookie!"

Matt crooked his head the other way, still trying to see it. Did he have to cross his eyes?

"I'm still not..." he started, but then all of a sudden he could see it. The thick fleshy part at the bottom of Ellie's pussy - Matt didn't know the proper name for it, but it _did_look kind of like the thick part of a fortune cookie viewed from the side. "Ohh, I see it!!"

"Finally!" Ellie said. "Zap!"

She winked her pussy again at Matt, exposing the slick pink exterior that contrasted so heavily against the leathery black exterior.

"Hey now, when you do that it doesn't look like a cookie any more," Matt said. His hand drifted down from Ellie's tailhole, his thumb casually ran across her slit.

"But you see it when it's normal, right?" Ellie asked.

"Oh yeah, definitely after you explained it. Doesn't feel like a fortune cookie though," Matt said.

A tingle ran up Ellie's spine as Matt's thumb now traced up and down the length of her pussy. It went down one lip to her 'fortune cookie,' where it stayed for a moment. Matt waggled his thumb back and forth gently over the fleshy mound. He then went up, sliding his thumb along her other pussy lip, up again to the skin between her tailhole and pussy, then down again, this time straight through the middle and over her opening. He penetrated her slightly, an action that was almost accidental given how wet she now was and how eager her 'cookie' was to be filled with anything.

Ellie exhaled loudly. Matt was openly exploring her backside now, his hand and fingers freely traversing her most private, sacred part. He cupped it, almost seemed to grab it at one point before his fingers started running up and down it again. Without even realizing it she had lifted her butt higher towards his face, back arched, half-braided tail raised high.

"No, doesn't feel much like a fortune cookie. I wonder if it tastes like one..." Matt said.

Ellie felt her stud's hands move sideways, one to each side of her butt. Instinctively and without thought she raised her butt even higher, pushing it towards Matt's face. She bit her lip, waiting to feel her cousin's lips on her pussy, his tongue flicking inside her.

But that's not where she felt it first.

Her eyes opened wide in surprise when she felt Matt's lips not on her cookie, but instead wrap around her donut. Before she had a chance to react, she could feel Matt's tongue making laps around the rim. His mouth was latched on firmly to it, sucking on it - her donut, protruding out an inch or more like all horses, was actually in her cousin's mouth. And the way he was moving his lips, his tongue, it was almost like he was making out with it.

"Ahh..." she uttered, trying make sense of it. It didn't feel bad or good, not really. Just kind of weird. "Matt, th-that's my... that's my donut. I think you missed the mark. You're supposed to be tasting my_cookie..._"

With a sloppy sucking sound, Matt broke off from sucking his cousin's tailhole.

"Oh, right. Whoops," Matt said, unable to read his cousin's response and unsure himself why he dove into _that_part of her anatomy first. But he didn't have the mental capacity at the moment to consider it. Right in front of his face was what had become his favorite sight in the world. He'd seen it now from his sister, his aunt and his cousin, and apart from their relative sizes they looked almost identical from this most perfect angle: from behind, butt up, tail lifted, legs spread just enough for him to slide in. And right in the center, symmetrically framed by thick and shapely butt cheeks, the holy of holies, the sight he'd only dreamed of seeing less than two months ago. Horse pussy. Ready and waiting just for him.

Matt inhaled deeply without realizing it. His lip did that weird thing that it did when he was really horny, curling up towards his nose. He missed the part in sex ed where they told him that was a response to a mare in heat, the male sensing pheromones and getting primed to mate. If he had known this, he would have known that today was definitely not a 'safe day' and that what he was about to do would end with him siring a foal with his blood-related family member. But it was too late for that. Two other mares - two other_family members -_were already pregnant with his foals. Ellie was just next.

Matt dove into his cousin with such force that it caught Ellie by surprise. Her eyes widened as his lips pressed against her pussy. She felt his tongue twirl around the meaty part at the base, farthest away from the tailhole, her thick equine clitoral hood that she thought looked like a fortune cookie. And then, all at once, Matt's broad tongue slid inside her.

Both of Ellie's hands went to her mouth, trying to contain a squeal of excited pleasure. Matt's tongue was going absolutely nuts, spinning and lapping, twirling and flicking her clit. This energy - it was totally different than the slow sensuality of last night, her first time. Last night was love, she thought, but this was lust.

She found her hands moving from her mouth to the bottom of the legs on Matt's pajama pants, right next to her chest. She tugged on them at the fabric near his ankles, sliding them down past his hooves. She couldn't stand it any more. She needed that cock - that 14-inch long, hard and hot, black and veiny horse cock - and she needed it now.

With a hard tug the elastic waistband on Matt's pajama pants skimmed down and past his knees, freeing Matt's massive member from its plaid prison. No longer restrained, it jolted upward to Ellie's belly and chest like it was spring-loaded. It didn't make a loud slap like it had last night, since Ellie was still wearing her shirt. That was quickly remedied - Ellie pulled her shirt up and over her head. She balled it up and tossed it to the other side of the treehouse.

Matt had his eyes closed for the past few moments, focusing intently on his tongue working inside his cousin, but when he felt her arch her back and start to lift her body up off the wooden treehouse floor his eyes opened. Her butt still filled his field of vision, with her black donut of a tailhole pressed against his nose.

Ellie's hands wrapped around Matt's cock. She stroked it slowly, from tip to base, several times while her cousin's tongue still writhed inside her. She wanted to hug it, she wanted to lick it, she wanted to suck it, but it was just too big. For her to do much of anything with it she would have to slide her butt away from Matt's face. His tongue felt good, but after last night she knew of something that felt much better. Yes, she wanted to hug and lick and suck his cock, but there was something else she wanted to do far, far more. She wanted to _ride_it.

Matt knew it almost before Ellie did. Ellie's grip on his penis switched from overhand to underhand, and Matt knew from his experience with Jennifer that meant that she was transitioning from _stroking_his cock to _guiding_it into place. With a final parting lick he pulled his face away from her backside and gently pushed her butt forward. As her butt started to pull away, her blue jeans covered his face; they had never made it past her ankles. He tugged on them, and with a little help from Ellie when one pant leg snagged on her hoof he was able to get them off. He pulled his own shirt up and over his head immediately after pulling off Ellie's pants, and at the same time she finished pulling his pajama pants off him over his hooves. They both tossed his clothing into the same corner at the same time, right under the old wall-mounted mini-basketball hoop.

"Two points," Matt said, now that they were both completely naked.

"It's so big..." Ellie said, ignoring his joke, seemingly in a world of her own.

That's right, Matt thought. He had some experience with his sister and his aunt, but this was only the second time for Ellie. That was fine. He could help her out.

"Lift your butt up... yeah, like that. Scoot forward a little," Matt said, watching her from behind. Her pussy was winking in regular intervals, every few seconds. Unlike when she had done it earlier, this was an involuntarily action, a sexual reflex that Matt had seen plenty of times with Jennifer. It was the stage where lust was in complete control, where the pussy was begging, _pleading_for relief. Her tail, only halfway braided, was raised as high as it could go.

"Oh my god, oh my god..." Ellie said quietly, mostly to herself.

She had her hand on the ridged, flat-headed end of Matt's horse-cock now. She clumsily pressed it against the top portion of her pussy - the 'fortune cookie' - then down to her waiting slit. Her hips moved forward slightly, eager to accept her cousin's thick shaft inside her, but instead it only parted her pussy lips and slid past. She tried it again, but again achieved the same result.

"You gotta lean back," Matt said gently. Ellie, in her inexperience, didn't understand the logistics of getting fucked by a 14-inch horse cock. While straddling Matt, her body was nearly vertical, but laying on his back with his dick on his chest, Matt's orientation was horizontal. There were a few ways to fix this, but every solution involved at least one of them changing position.

Matt expected Ellie to simply lay back on top of him. But Ellie had a habit of doing things her own way, even if it made things more complicated.

"What are you doing," Matt said in confusion. With a quick - and impressively athletic - movement, Ellie hopped up from her knees onto her hooves. The view of her squatting over him was magnificent, but Matt didn't have any time to enjoy it. Before he knew it she was standing over him, legs still on either side of his hips and facing away from him.

"Make your weenie point straight up," Ellie commanded. The discrepancy between her serious tone and her choice of words was peak Ellie.

That was one way to line things up, Matt thought. And he could honestly say that, while he and his sister had fucked in a lot of different positions over the past few months, this was a new one for him. So without a word he did as he was told. He grabbed onto the base of his cock and forcefully angled it straight up, perfectly vertical.

Ellie looked down the length of her body, flat chest and flat stomach. Her cousin's cock was looking straight back up at her between her legs. It looked kind of funny from this angle, bulbous with little raised dimples on the fringe, clearly defined and slightly protruding urethra. She reached down to grab hold of it. Unusually warm, hard but with a little give, like one of those Yerf balls they used to play with when they were kids. A dribble of clear precum oozed out of that protruding urethra. Wasn't it weird that something that looked so bizarre and almost alien was so _sexy_at the same time?

Matt saw Ellie's knees start to bend as she slowly lowered herself onto him. It was like she was performing a spacecraft docking maneuver on one of those cheesy sci-fi movies they used to watch, lining up the hatch with the probe. Not knowing what else to do with his hands, he grabbed Ellie's feet, right where fur transitioned into hoof.

"Ah, ahhh..." Ellie winced, then moaned as she lowered herself onto her cousin's black tower of a cock, feeling it spread her out from the inside.

"Take it slow..." Matt urged. In his current position he wasn't doing much of anything, just watching Ellie.

She took his advice, lowering herself inch by inch down onto him. After last night she knew she couldn't take his whole length, but in this position she had total control. Her limit, conveniently, was right where Matt's medial ring was, about a third of the way from the base. Nine or ten inches, that was as far as she could go. That filled her completely.

Matt's eyes were on her leg muscles and her butt. He was impressed, even surprised by her ability to hold this half-squat position and move so deliberately and smoothly. Her mom was the gym rat, but Ellie was athletic enough in her own right. He doubted he would be able to do what she was doing without his muscles shaking. Maybe even not at all; he wasn't exactly an athlete, after all.

But after a minute or so of slow and methodical riding, like doing squats in her P.E. class, Ellie's thighs began to tire. She paused for a moment, Matt's cock filling her nearly as deep as her body would allow. With her hooves still planted firmly on the wooden treehouse floor she began bending forward, bowing down and down until her hands reached the floor, taking some of the strain off her legs.

She started riding Matt's cock again. Her hands went from the floor to his ankles. To him, it looked and felt like some wild animal had pinned him to the ground, its butt pistoning up and down while devouring his cock with its pussy. It reminded him of some of the nights he'd spent with his sister. Jennifer may have had the size and strength to make the whole 'pinned to the ground being used as a fucktoy' scenario more of a reality than a fantasy, but Ellie was just as convincing in the moment. She may not have the size, but Matt was pretty sure Jennifer would never be able to bend and stretch the way Ellie was right now.

"I didn't know you were that flexible..." Matt said nonchalantly.

In response, Ellie's torso dipped even further until it was straight down, her body bent a perfect 180 degrees. Matt saw her head on the floor, partially obscured by his dick, the hair of her mane against the wooden boards. She smiled an upside-down smile at him.

"Best in my class. Presidential fitness award," she answered, referencing her score in the V-sit reach in her school P.E. class.

Without another word Ellie stuck her tongue out and started licking. In her present position her mouth was right next to Matt's plump balls, resting heavily on the wooden floor. She couldn't suck on them - they were just too big to fit in her mouth - but she tried her best. She was unaware that their contents had already sired foals in her own aunt and mother, delivered through the same shaft that was deep inside her.

Matt's hands traced up his cousin's calves, thighs, butt. Bent over as she was, her entire body was within his reach, so he felt down her stomach to her flat chest. He lingered there for a moment before starting the circuit again, feeling up and down her. All the while she continued riding him, several inches of his cock gliding in and out of her. He could feel her muscles tightening and tensing all the way up and down her body.

But even Ellie couldn't keep this up forever, presidential fitness award notwithstanding. Matt felt her face pull away from his balls slightly. Her legs were starting to quiver with fatigue.

"It's getting a little..." she started.

"It's fine," Matt said, knowing how exhausting the position had to be for her. "I can take over. Get down."

"Get down like... what do you mean?" Ellie asked, her inexperience showing despite the relatively advanced sexual position she'd chosen to start things off.

"Hands and knees," Matt answered.

"Ohh, okay," Ellie said.

She leaned forward, dropping down from her hands to her elbows and from her hooves to her knees. There was a sound that was almost similar to a wine bottle uncorking, a wet _thwop_when Ellie slid off of her cousin's cock and it popped out from her pussy. This, as they both knew, was just a temporary eviction.

"Like this?" She asked, looking back over her shoulder. Matt saw her half-braided tail lifted high, legs set apart.

"Yeah, that's good. Just like that," Matt said, trying to act less excited than he was over this perfect example of teenage mare presenting herself to him. He pushed himself up from his back and onto his knees awkwardly; she moved so much more gracefully than him. Now, on his knees with his giant horse cock still sopping from Ellie's pussy, he shuffled on his knees behind her.

Matt couldn't get over how perfectly _perfect_Ellie's butt was. Jennifer had sheer size, and Ellie's mom had that tight muscular thing going on, but Ellie's butt was the absolute best in terms of proportions - round, thick in all the right places, firm but still jiggly when things got moving.

Matt's hands went to the base of her upturned tail. He grabbed on firmly, groping and spreading her cheeks to more accentuate her already fully exposed tailhole. Her pussy winked at him reflexively a few times, begging for his cock as her anticipation dripped out copiously.

With his left hand still spreading Ellie's butt cheek, Matt's right hand went to his cock. His 14-inches of dumb horse meat was too cumbersome to find its way into its target without manual guidance, as he well knew. Unless he piloted it in with his hand he would just poke and prod and smear precum on his mate's backside. It might eventually find itself surrounded by warm and eager mare through persistence alone, but that was how ferals did it. Much better to guide it in.

"This is called 'doing it doggy-style,' right? I think I heard that in a rap song," Ellie asked just as the flat, dimpled head of Matt's equine cock was spreading her thick black pussy lips.

"Yeah, I think so," Matt said, barely paying attention to the words his cousin was saying, his focus now solely on breeding her.

"So crazy, I never thought I'd 'do it doggy style.' Like animals on the nature channel! It's like we're... ohhhh..." Ellie moaned as raw horse cock split her and slid inside her again.

Matt brushed his cousin's lifted, half-braided tail to the side. Again he placed his hands straight onto her butt, and with his thumbs on her perineum spread apart her cheeks. No matter how many times he saw it, nothing compared to the sight of his throbbing black cock deep inside a mare. He went as far as his medial ring, knowing that was close to Ellie's limit, before backing his tool back out. It was slick like oiled leather; he could feel and see her winking as he pulled its girth out of her, then pushed back in. Out, in, slowly and gently.

"Oh my... Oh my god Matt it's... it' so deep..." Ellie panted.

"Too deep?" Matt asked, pulling back a bit more than he had up to that point.

"No! Not too deep... it's perfect... it's in me perfect..." she answered.

She went from her elbows down onto her face, reaching back with her arms and placing her hands almost on top of Matt's on her raised backside.

"It feels so good... inside my cookie..." she said.

Matt grabbed her arms near her wrists, going a little faster now and pulling her with him on his thrusts.

"It's so tight. Feels better than your mo... than your mouth. Hoo..." Matt said, sighing with relief after the last words. He'd almost said 'than your mom.' There was a reason he didn't usually say anything during sex - he always said the dumbest things. Better to stay silent.

She_was_tighter than her mom though, that was undeniable. That said, unlike when Matt had sex with Ellie's mom or Jennifer, he couldn't just pound away with reckless abandon. His length simply exceeded her ability, so he was reluctant to fuck her hard.

But Ellie wanted to be fucked hard. Her body was aching for the kind of release that could only come by being pinned down and bred by a strong stalling twice her size. And though her body might be fooled into thinking that was the case solely on the size of the horse cock plunging in and out of her, the truth of the matter was that her cousin was not a big, strong stallion; he was the same size as her, and her wasn't even as strong. So if she was going to be fucked hard, she would have to take the lead.

Matt, who was loosely gripping his cousin's arms, now felt her hands clasping much more firmly onto his wrists. With each thrust it was less and less him who was doing the humping and more and more Ellie who was pushing back into him. After just a few seconds she was in control, with Matt remaining almost still while she pumped forward and back with increasing speed and urgency.

"I want it... sperm me, inside, fill me, fill me up... sperm inside me..." Ellie grunted. Her voice was barely recognizable to Matt now. It was her heat talking, what she knew only as the 'super-horny time' of the month. Both she and Matt may have been confident that it was a 'safe day,' but her body knew the truth and pushed her towards its own goal.

Matt was getting close now. He could feel that tingling sensation at the tip of his cock that would grow and grow until his orgasmic release.

"Sperm me... sperm me... sperm inside me..." Ellie repeated, chant-like, enchanted by horse cock. If asked - and assuming she'd be able to form a coherent response - she would not have been able to explain_why_she wanted her cousin's cum inside her more than anything else in the world at that moment. It was just a_need_, like food or oxygen. There was a fire that burned in her during her super-horny time, and only a flood of cum could extinguish it.

Matt's legs started going weak and numb. His gaze was still focused on his cock sliding in and out of his cousin. Her winking was nearly constant, punctuating with pink the slick black shaft parting those two lips on either side. They were the same dark hue and just as wet. He was about to go over the edge.

"In me! In me!" Ellie cried out as she bucked her hips wildly. The wooden floorboards of the treehouse creaked.

"In me! Sperm in me! Yesss!!"

Ellie felt Matt's grip on her wrists tighten and instinctively she did the same, squeezing him even harder. Matt hesitated after pulling his cock out of her nearly to the tip, then in a smooth motion plunged it back into her all at once, right up to his medial ring and her limit.

Matt was an instant away from cumming. Had he been fucking Jennifer, or Ellie's mom, he would at that moment have rammed his dick home as hard as he could, all the way to the hilt, seeding them as deeply as his anatomy would allow. But while that approach had been successful for them - indeed, they were both now pregnant thanks to him, though he didn't know it - if he was going to cum inside Ellie without hurting her he had to be more careful. More deliberate. More controlled.

It was a strain to him, on the very edge of orgasm, to deny his natural instinct to thrust into her as far as he could. Without the experience gained from Jennifer he very well might have. But for Ellie's sake he could control himself. He pulled back for the last time, almost all the way out of her.

His medial ring was a natural point of reference. With a single thrust as quick and hard as he was comfortable with, he shoved his cock back into Ellie up to that line of demarcation. He bit his lip and scrunched his nose, like he was about to yell 'fuck' but froze on the 'ffff.' He focused resolutely on his cock and making sure that ring of flesh stayed just outside Ellie's pussy. And he came.

"It's hot, it feels sooo-ohhhhhh!" Ellie squealed. The flat head of Matt's horse cock flattened and expanded, stretching her from the inside. She felt the surge of inner warmth as Matt ejaculated his first and biggest high-pressure jet of cum into her. That first pulse alone was enough to fill one of those mugs Ellie's mom liked to drink coffee out of so much every morning. Matt's engorged, mushroomed equine cockhead - flared much wider, incidentally, than one of those coffee mugs - acted as a plug, sealing every drop of his semen inside his mate to improve the chance of conception.

"Ohhh... oh god-d-d-d..." Ellie moaned, all self-control lost in this singular moment of orgasmic ecstasy. Her body quaked and convulsed so much that her teeth were chattering as she screamed.

As usual, Matt didn't make a sound when he came. His faced was locked in that same expression that more resembled intense concentration than release, biting his lower lip like he was right on the precipice of saying 'fuck' but got stuck on the letter F. His eyes never left the junction of cock and pussy where he and his cousin - his genetic half-sister - were joined. The sight of Ellie's 'cookie' winking hard and quick while his cock tightened and relaxed over and over again in ejaculatory pulses was, he decided that moment, the most amazing thing he'd ever seen. He'd creampied mares before - he'd knocked two of them up - but he'd never been able to _watch_himself pump his seed into one like this before. It was mesmerizing.

"Oh... ohhh..." Ellie huffed mindlessly, still unable to form words. She could feel her lower stomach stretching and expanding to accommodate the incredible amount of cum being injected into her fertile womb. Again and again Matt's cock pulsed, and each time her belly bulged just a bit more, like a balloon being inflated breath by breath.

Nine, ten, eleven, twelve pulses. She thought she felt a thirteenth, though she couldn't be sure. Her pussy kept winking around Matt's cock even after the last one, desperately and hungrily trying to milk every last drop of cum from the stud.

Ellie's mind was returning to her now that the orgasmic waves had crashed and broken and started to recede. She looked down her body, expecting to see a puddle of cum on the treehouse floor. Instead she saw her own belly bulging. It wasn't much, but it was enough to obscure Matt's massive balls. Was this what it would look like if she were pregnant? That was impossible, of course - Matt told her it was a safe day, so the fact that there was so much of his cum and flared horse cock inside her that it looked like she had just eaten Thanksgiving dinner was of no concern.

Still, seeing her belly bulge like that was fascinating in its own way. She started lifting up her butt, trying to get a better look at it and see more of Matt's equipment. It was so dark when they did it last night, and she hadn't really gotten a good look at it inside her. She lifted up a little higher, and for one or two seconds she saw exactly what she was after: a massive horse cock filling her 'cookie.'

But at that moment, the dam burst. Like Icarus flying too close to the sun, Ellie lifted her butt up an inch too high, and in one wet and sloppy _shlorp_Matt's softening cock was ejected. Instead of seeing it static inside her, she now witnessed the glistening length of it glide out of the cream-filled cookie. Even more spectacularly, a monumental gush of his 'sperm' followed it out. Her slightly distended stomach flattened back to its usual, tight form, and as it did she saw what reminded her of a garden hose at full power, her pussy as the nozzle pouring cum onto the wooden treehouse floor slats.

Matt, from prior experience, knew this would happen. He knew he was in the splash-zone, so he clamored backwards right as his cock was uncorked. Fortunately for him, he was able to avoid getting splashed.

For a moment they both remained in their respective positions, Matt gazing up at a freshly-creampied cousin while Ellie looked back at him between her legs.

"Oh... my god..." Ellie said after a few seconds.

Matt was about to say something in return, but before he could Ellie flopped down and backwards, back towards him. There was a wet squish as she dropped her stomach directly into the pool of cum on the floor. There was so much of it that her entire belly got soaked wet, so much of it that cum squirted out along the grooves in the woods from her sides and between her legs. It formed a small puddle behind her pussy, which was also on the treehouse floor as she lay fully prone on her belly.

"You... you laid right in it! You got it all over you!" Matt said with mild shock.

"It's fine. It's _your_sperm so I don't mind. I kind of like it... kinda feels good," Ellie said, wiggling in the pool of like a wallowing pig. "Besides, I can just use your hoodie to clean up. It's not cold so you don't need it!"

Matt was at a loss for words. Ellie's equine pussy was still winking intermittently, slowly, and each time it did a small dribble of his cum dripped out and joined in with the puddle on the floor.

"Anyway, you gonna finish what you started? You were only halfway done, and there's still plenty of time before we have to go back for lunch" Ellie said with a smirk, flipping her tail from one side to the other.

Matt was still distracted at the moment, staring at his seed dribbling out of his cousin's 'cookie,' but he realized she was talking about finishing braiding her tail.

"Sure," he answered, grabbing her tail and starting back on the work at hand. Over, under, through. Over, under, through.

Ellie smiled and reached over for the Magic Eye book that had been discarded. She started back where she left off as Matt worked on her tail. This was turning out to be the best Christmas ever. The cum underneath her was still warm, and she couldn't get that image of her swollen belly out of her mind. Would that be what it looked like if Matt got her pregnant? Probably. But she was comfortable in the knowledge that didn't have to worry about that. She was perfectly confident that today was a safe day, even as half of the load Matt filled her with was inside her, millions of sperm cells swimming and searching for an egg to fertilize.

She didn't know how wrong she was. She couldn't dream that, in a few months, hundreds of miles away, the consequences of the best Christmas ever would be all too apparent and she'd be looking down on her own swollen belly once again.