Picnics and Chastity

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#3 of Ry'ken Stories

Chapter 3~

The ante has been upped! Hehe~

Warning for these kinks: urethral penetration/sounding

Description: After hanging up already annoyed by his brother, Zern has to deal with Jack making one of the greatest mistakes ever and both sides will struggle with the consequences of it...

This chapter is a much longer ~4.8k words.

Zern - A male Ry'ken who's taken the shape of a muscular Dragon.

Jack - A male black and white harlequin rabbit and pet of Zern. In love with being edged, denied, and wearing chastity.

Other Characters:

Talik - A male Ry'ken who's taken the shape of a well-built Hyena.

Zern grumbled under his breath as he hung up the phone. Calling his brother was always an extremely annoying task. The hyena ry'ken always took pleasure in attempting embarrass him further each time Zern needed help from him. It didn't help that said brother hid a scarily intelligent side under said teasing tone. It was always a pain.

Zern hung the phone back on its pad and turned to the kitchen. While his brother was annoying, he at least knew to not make him angry. No Ry'ken would ever like when Zern was angry. And, no pet would want him to get angry...

In the kitchen, Jack was utterly panicking. Never had he managed to do anything more embarrassingly terrible than this. He put his hands over his mouth as his eyes began to water. Sitting, in pieces on the floor, was his Master's favorite cup. But not just any cup...

"Is that the cup Talik had Polo handcraft for me?" The harlequin rabbit stopped dead in his tracks as the lighting above him was obscured by a draconic figure. His blood ran cold as the weight of the scene hung in the air.

The room seemed to darken as Jack began to feel Zern's hot breath on the back of his neck. "Oh Jack~? Master asked his pet a question. Aren't you going to respond?"

A lump seemed to form in Jack's throat, barring him from speaking at all. Instead, he chose to stare at the mess in front of him. His eyes traced the chipped and cracked pieces one by one until he had each of them mentally accounted for. Maybe if he went to pick them up and glue them together, he wouldn't be a bad boy anymore.

Zern waited a few more seconds for his pet to respond. What a bad boy he was. First, breaking the cup to begin with, and now, choosing to say nothing about it. Ever since the couch incident Jack had promised Zern he would be better. Sadly, it appears that the poor rabbit had relapsed again, and Zern had gotten very tired of it.

The annoyed ry'ken growled in his pet's ear. "What a shame really... That cup was one of a kind. Made with heart and soul..." Jack audibly gasped as Zern seized him by his waist and lifted him. The rabbit squirmed at the grab, knowing fully the punishment to come. This wasn't playfully annoyed Zern who teased and played with Jack. No, this was angrily annoyed Zern who was fill with decadence and a need to break his pet as punishment.

Deep down, some part of Zern couldn't believe he was doing this. It's normal for mistakes to happen in this planet's society. The trigger was just poor Jack fumbling a cup and having it break. It was an ultimately minor mistake but his annoyance was saying otherwise. Such an obscene and embarrassing mistake deserves an equal, no, GREATER punishment and he would reward his pet with said punishment.

Jack began leaking from his cage again in anticipation. The scent of the annoyed ry'ken dominated his senses. He whimpered and cursed himself for getting horny. This coming punishment was supposed to be harrowing for him, but the anticipation of it happening made the rabbit's cock strain in its cage.

Zern carried his pet to the bedroom and dropped him at the entrance. As Jack began to stand up, Zern pointed to the bed. "Jack. On the bed. Now." His pet kept his head down, only nodding in response.

Jack climbed onto the bed. His eyes slowly followed Zern as the ry'ken walked to the closet door. His eyes widened as he heard a certain drawer inside groan open. He knew what he did was bad but was it so bad that Master needed to open that drawer? Jack had to say something. They had a picnic to go to and if Zern wanted to do this, they risked being late for it. "W-wait Master! What about getting ready for the Picnic?"

Zern groaned in his head, he wasn't thinking about the Picnic right now. "That can wait. Your punishment come first." Zern moved around another object in the drawer until he found what he was looking for: a clear box with two pairs of handcuffs and an ornate black box with a symbol similar to skull on it. Zern smiled while examining the boxes. Yes... This would be the perfect punishment for a bad pet.

Jack watched as Zern reemerged from the closet. He blushed with some excitement upon seeing Zern holding Jack's handcuffs. When in bed, Jack always loved wearing those while Zern fucked him. As Zern got closer to the bed, the rabbit's heart sunk upon seeing what was under the ry'ken's arm. The black box. No, the Bad Box. The box that's only supposed to be opened if Jack was being nigh irredeemably bad.

Zern only side eyed his pet as he made him look at the box while cuffing his hands to the bed. As Zern finished, he heard his pet begin to eye him sadly. "Don't give me that look Pet. The mistake you did today warrants this. Do you object?"

Jack wanted to cry. He didn't think he was such a bad boy. But, according to his master, he was. It was true, his mistake was irredeemable. Talik and Polo spent so long on that cup only for the clumsy rabbit to break it in seconds. Jack closed his eyes in defeat. "...No Master, I don't object." He opened them back to look his master squarely in the eyes, "I am a bad boy... And a bad boy like me needs a fitting punishment."

Zern smiled in approval. "Well then, Pet. I'll start your punishment..."

Jack followed Zern's hands as he reached for and opened the box. The first object he would pull out was a familiar key. "T-That's..." Jack didn't get to finish as his chastity cage fell off his cock and onto the bed. The rabbit moaned as his cock immediately became fully erect at its freedom.

"Ahh... There's the seven-inch beauty." Jack moaned loudly as Zern wrapped his hands around the sensitive organ and peered closer at it. "Been locked up for so long that my Pet's going to cum just from me touching it."

"Hah, Hhhahh. W-wait Master I-I'm-" Jack stumbled over his words. He was stopped by a draconic finger being put over his mouth. The rabbit quieted but he couldn't help moaning as Zern fiddled around and examined the organ.

"Mmmh. Such a good cock. Can't compare to mine but passable for this planet." Zern began lightly milking the cock. The feeling causing his pet to shudder with pleasure.

Jack couldn't help but hump into his master's hands. He had forgotten what this felt like. His instinctive need to cum was something he managed to repress a bit when he became Zern's pet but now said Master was bringing the instinct back to him. His cock began leaking copious amounts of pre as he got closer to that which his old self sought.

He panted heavily as he felt everything raise to a peak.

He was ready...

Jack aimed to give Zern's hands the final hump he needed. But, strangely, the hand was no longer there. The feeling of it seemed to disappear.

Zern grinned as Jack slowly reopened his eyes. The poor pet became so lost in the moment that he didn't realize his eye's rolled to the back of his head and closed while saliva dripped from his mouth. Such a small, repeated movement nearly sent the rabbit into an orgasm. Zern looked his hand, it was now coated with his pet's precum. Just the outcome he wanted.

Jack wasn't given any time refocus himself. He felt everything become warped and nonsensical as his master coated his snout and mouth with his own pre. That was okay though. His pre felt and tasted so good. He was happy Master let him focus tasting and feeling it. He felt so light, so malleable... He could stay like this forever...

The way Jack's dumbfounded face looked pleased Zern yet again. The rabbit was a bad boy, yes, but he at least was following his training. He stopped himself from saying "good boy" to his pet. Yes, remember the cup. That's what sparked this whole punishment to begin with. He couldn't lose sight of that.

The more his mind reminded him, the more annoyed he became again. "Jack, " he commanded, "I want you to witness this. I want to feel this."

The words boomed in Jack's mind. They were soothing and scary at the same time. Right... Now he remembered, he was being punished by his master. His master ordered him to refocus and prepare to feel the coming punishment.

"Mmmph~", that was the best Jack could do. The taste of his pre made words sound weird to him. He began to feel his currently restrained arms again. His eyes began to refocus and center his gaze on his erect and leaking cock again. It took some effort, but he managed to crane his eyes to look at his master.

Zern had finished getting the two objects he planned to use: A peculiar rod and a circular device. He placed the two objects on the bed, near his pet's dick. "Well then Pet, which one happens first? The rod or surprise?"

If Jack was focused on widening his eyes he would have. He only vaguely knew about these objects. He knew for a fact that a lot of the stuff in Zern's box contained Ry'ken technology and he was sure the two objects in front of him were Ry'ken too. Jack gulped again, he shuddered as he felt some of his precum trickle down his throat in the process. When did he swallow so much?

"Ahh right, I never told you to refocus your speech huh?" His Pet remained staring at the object with slight worry in his eyes. "Nor did I have you refocus your head movement to even nod at me..." The rabbit's eyes slowly panned their way to the ry'ken when he said that. "No worries. I was going to begin with the rod anyways."

Zern picked up the unassuming rod and held it over his pet's cock. Both of their eyes remained focused on the tool as it inched closer to the rabbit's cock.

Jack moaned as the rod invaded his urethra. His body shuddered and attempted to squirm at the pleasure. He felt his hole stretch to fit the foreign object as it crept deeper inside of him.

Zern stopped the rod halfway, almost immediately upon it's insertion, his pet's cock began leaking pre larger volumes of pre. The fluid trickled down the rabbit's shaft and splattered on to his balls and the bed.

After letting his pet leak for a bit, Zern continued, pushing the rod deeper inside. Out of the corner of his eye, Zern watched with glee as his pet moaned and drooled at the sensation. He was so cute helpless like this.

Jack feverishly told his body to fuck the rod. He needed to fuck it. He was so close to cumming. The rod in his cock brought him back to the brink so fast and that was when it was half way inside him. Now it had bottomed out with his master still expertly holding on to the last bit remaining. "Unngnn...prlleash..."

Zern could only laugh at the beg. "All I did was insert it Pet. The main event still hasn't started." The rabbit seemed to slowly be regaining his ability to focus his body movements again because his eyes began to widen at his statement. "Yes. It's true. That was just the test. If it's anything, I'm pleased you didn't immediately cum on the insertion. That would have gotten you into a lot more trouble."

Jack took the praise to heart. He finally managed to impress his master for the first time since beginning the punishment. Now he should focus on-

Zern's pet moaned loudly, at the feeling of the rod exit his cock. It seemed the sudden burst of pleasure ripped the rabbit from his thoughts. Good... He didn't need to be thinking, he needed to be punished.

Zern suspended the rod above the hole it left, his pet's pre was dripping from it and onto the rabbit's stomach. Zern brought the rod to his mouth. The sweet smell of his pets pre filled his snout. He inched the rod closer, as if he was going to lick it clean and muttered a strange word to it.

Jack had managed to calm down from empty feeling. Somehow, he didn't immediately cum from the sudden removal. He tried to refocus himself again and reorder his thoughts. The pre that was originally smeared on his face felt like it was almost gone.

When he fully came to his eyes instantly locked on to the rod in his master's hands. It was no longer the simple cylindrical object but instead a more sophisticated cylinder with noticeable bumps peppering it's length. Jack didn't even get a say before his master plunged the rod back into him.

"AAAhhh~Hahhhaaa. M-mashtur I-" A finger was put to the rabbit's mouth.

"Heh heh, no pet of mine will be cumming. Don't worry about that. I will make sure..."

Zern continued to sound his pet's urethra again. The rabbit moan and curled his feet. Zern couldn't help but smile as his pet squirmed around the rod. Each bump hitting a nerve inside the poor rabbit's cock. He would only stop his assault when he heard a low humming sound.

Instantly, pleasure was ripped away from Jack again. His once full cock was now empty of rods. He was so close yet again but the feeling wasn't blossoming. His subconsciousness yelled at him. He needed to finish. By any means necessary. He stared hungrily at the bulbous rod. Words seemed to fully come back to him now. "P-please Master... P-please let me finish..."

Zern stopped admiring the pre-coated rod and looked his pet dead in the eyes. All traces of emotion vanished from his face. He only heard the sound of his pet gulping hard again as he crawled up close to his pet's face and said one powerful word... "No."

Zern's face completely blocked Jack's vision of his cock. All he could do was feel the rod be reinserted into his tip again. The rabbit cried out loud as the rod was inserted deeper and more forcefully. He occasionally humped at the rod to gain more pleasure but it was all to no avail.

Again, as soon as Jack was close, the feeling was ripped away. A continuous cycle of edging that the rabbit both loved and hated. His master would sound him over and over again and then stop, letting pre splatter all over the bed. A seemingly endless cycle of edging... That was his punishment.

Zern would sound his Pet for a few minutes, never taking his eyes off the desperate rabbit's face. He wanted to make sure he was pleading in tears and truly repentant for what he had done.

Jack was panting hard after what had to be the 22th time he was edged. Tears were already streaming from his eyes. His body was tired of trying to hump the rod. It was fruitless. His instincts were left battered and broken. Why had he unsuppressed them again? He couldn't remember... No, he couldn't think... He was being punished for something. What was it? Something with the kitchen? Did he speak out of turn? No. What was it?

"I-I'm sorry Master! Jack is sorry! Jack won't do it again!" There! He said it! He said something he hoped.

Zern stared deeply into his pet's tearful eyes. They were tearful and repentant. Just the way he wanted. Zern smiled. "Good boy." Zern wiped the precum from the rod and made it revert to normal. He got out of his pet's face and looked at his hand... Perhaps he could give his pet a little something... Yeah. He would love that... Strangely thought, the more Zern thought about the small gift the more annoyed he became again...

Something was nagging at Zern. Something annoying... His pet was repentant. He apologized... What was missing? Zern looked at his pet suspiciously. The change and attitude also seemed the put the rabbit back on edge again. That's when he realized... "Jack my pet. What are you sorry for?"

Jack's heart sunk. The apology didn't work. He was so lost he forgot what the meaning of this was. "I-I'm s-sorry for what I did while you were talking?"

Zern crept closer to his pet, his face filled with disappointment. "You forgot didn't you?"

Jack's ears fell flat as he frantically shook his head.

"Your ears are flat Pet... Which means you're lying to me..." Zern's voice growled with anger. "Your punishment continues then. Only... Much, MUCH worse..."

Jack once again felt detached from reality. The scent of his own pre cover his muzzle again. Only this time was different. His eyes and feelings were still focused but everything else went limp again.

Zern wiped the excess pre back onto the sounding rod grabbed his pet's dick. It immediately stopped relaxing and hardened itself again. The ry'ken brought the rod to his mouth and said something strange again. The rod changed to be more bulbous but there also seemed to be something strange about it to.

Jack could only moan as the rod forced back into his stretched hole again. Only this time felt much different. Despite his master seemingly sounding him harsher there wasn't pain nor was there pleasure. It just felt like something was lightly stretching the inside of his cock.

Zern would milk his pet's cock with the rod a few more times. The rabbit's confused face told him the rod was working. A wicked smile appeared on his face as he slipped the rod inside his pet's shaft fully. The rabbit squirmed at feeling of their cock being filled to the base. A quiet air filled the room for a few seconds as Zern admired the beauty of his pet's sounded cock.

Jack was growing increasingly unsettled for two reasons. First, never before had he seen Zern look at something with such an evil intent like he has now. Second, some time had passed and the two were still naked like this. They were going to be late to the picnic at this rate.

Jack gulped, tasting his precum again and attempted to speak, "Wuh-whuh naoow~?"

Zern slowly looked at his pet. His wicked, decadent smile never leaving him. "What now? Now it's time for a bad, lying, pet like you to put in his place..."

Jack shuddered at the tone. It felt both eerie and pleasurable at the same time. How did his master manage to do that?

Zern brought is attention back to the rod. He put his mouth close to the rod, and blew into it.

Jack shivered and shuddered at the sensation. It felt like a hot piece of air infiltrated is his dick. Something he never thought he would feel in his lifetime. The rod seemed to absorb the air, creating a much hotter feeling in Jack's cock. It felt sooo good...

He needed to cum. He needed to do it now. He attempted refocus his body. He wanted his master to breath on his cock like that again. He needed it...

Zern watched deviously as his helpless pet was lost in the pleasure of the heat. Meanwhile, the rod was busying itself. Reacting properly to his ry'ken breath, the rod transformed.

The part of the rod that remained outside of Jack's cock, expanded and stretched. Tiny tendrils seeped from the tip and covered his cock.

Jack had never felt bliss like this in his life. This was the greatest day of his life! The rod felt so warm. It felt like something was spreading through his body, sending him into a frenzy. Instinctively, the rabbit began to hump the air. His mind was filled with breeding others as if he was the greater being. He felt above it all! And better yet! He felt so close! Yes! He was going to cum!

As the feeling reached its height, it died. Everything was gone, the heat, the pleasure, the bliss. Everything was left null. Jack couldn't believe it. Frustration grew in his mind as his unfocused body humped the air. "Nnnngk~ pleaossss"

Zern only laughed. "Oh Pet. You were so focused on trying to cum you didn't even notice what the rod was doing."

Jack opened his eyes. Where the rod and his cock was supposed to be was a new black chastity cage with his cock situated inside.

"You like it? Ry'ken technology. This rod functions as a sounding rod and chastity cage at the same time." Zern grabbed and lightly squeezed his pet's newly trapped organ. Moans erupted from his pet as he pressed into rod, confirming the rod's permanence inside the cock still. "However, that's not all. The third feature this tech has pertains to your punishment..."

Zern released his hand from his pet's and grabbed a remote-like object from the box. "... The rod cage can act as a vibrator."

Jack's eyes slowly widened as he felt his cock shift and vibrate in its cage. He moaned at the top of lungs as his body began humping the air again. He began teetering on the edge of an orgasm again. "Ahhhahh~ Mmashturr"

As soon as Jack said it, the pleasure ended again. But this time was different. Jack felt different. His instincts to cum were loud but a strange feeling was telling him to not cum and that one felt MUCH louder. Jack may have always liked edging and denial, but this was step above that. He didn't want to just like it... No, he needed to FEEL it. The rush of being on that brink! That's what he needed! That's the fitting life for him! That's the punishment meant for him.

Zern was very confused at the way his pet's eyes lit up. Instead of despair at another edge, it seems like their innate kink for the act was winning. Either way, his enjoyment of the process was definitely not the outcome the ry'ken was looking for.

Zern would try edging his pet more after this, curiously, his pet pleaded more for him to do it. With each request ticking Zern off more. Once again... The meaning of the punishment was lost.

First Jack was edged to point that the meaning of the punishment was lost, now it's happened again only now the rabbit has fully succumbed to his kinks.

Admittedly, some part of Zern was happy for his pet. The rabbit managed to strengthen his own love for what the ry'ken would normally do to him lovingly. But, his other half hated this. This was supposed to be his pet's worst experience. The darker parts of the ry'ken's mind pulled him to one last option... the circular surprise... Yes... That always works.

Jack was high in bliss as he was edged yet another time by his precious Rod Cage. It was yet another punishment turned reward that his master had given him. He would love to show it at the Picnic once they got there. Polo, especially, would love to see it. That kobold always loved messing around with his cages. Jack was unfocused, completely lost in his thoughts. I didn't notice his legs being spread nor the pain that awaited him.

Zern admired his pet's tight hole for a few more seconds. Such a tiny hole that was able to fit his entire cock inside of. That was something the ry'ken could never not be proud about and the synthetic dildo that was created from the circle did rival his own.

Monstrous in nature, it looked similar to a Ry'ken penis, all barbs and knots, but with one crucial difference, it could vibrate to generate extra heat for his victims. And Zern's pet would be another victim of it.

Jack was pulled from his bliss as a large object invaded his ass. He was snapped out of his ecstasy feeling another hole of his be painfully stretched. He could only moan in response as his master had fully hilted the object inside of him. "Mmmg, fuucc~"

Zern paused to flex his wrists as he grabbed the base of the dildo and pulled it out. He heard his pet whimper as it slid out, the barbs of it being the main culprits. In, he shoved the dildo again, receiving another pained moan from his pet.

Zern quickly began to pick up the pace, forcefully rutting his pet with the dildo, only slowing down when a humming sound was heard. Precum from his pet's cock spilled and was absorbed by the Rod Cage.

Jack reached several peaks during the rough penetration, each one lovingly denying him of release. The cock hurt. It hurt a lot. As Master quickened, it began to hurt and be just as pleasurable. The poor rabbit couldn't take it! "Hahhhnhng! S-sorroy Mashturr! JAaaccKnng ISsssSs SOrroy!"

Zern wasn't impressed. "For what Pet? Sorry for what? You better say the cup!"

There! That's what it was! The cup! Jack was a bad boy and broke the cup! How dare he? How dare he break it while cleaning? How dare he try to benefit from this punishment! Jack felt defeated again. Once again... He had failed his master... He truly was an embarrassment. A bad boy...

Zern slowed down on the thrusts. His pet's face was filled with tears and regret. What was he doing? How did he even get this far? "Jack," he brought out his commanding tone again, "I want you to speak to me."

Just from the command alone, the strange taste of Jack's precum didn't seem to muddle his words anymore. Jack stared dejectedly at his master. "I-I'm sorry Master. I'm sorry for b-breaking the cup. I-I'm sorry for lying in the middle o-of you punishing me. Truly am a bad boy..."

Zern felt happy for the apology. All parts of him felt satiated too. Finally, his pet was truly regretful. Well, all except one. A very annoying one at that. Zern managed cull it's complaints but it's thoughts still swayed his words. "Thank you, Pet. I accept your apology." Zern uncuffed and hugged his favorite rabbit.

Jack held himself in the embrace. Happy both that the punishment was over and that he could redeem himself.

Zern's nagging feeling forced him to break the embrace much earlier than he wanted. Perhaps letting it say was it wants to say would be best. "Alas my Pet. While I accept your apology, your punishment must extend beyond this point."

... What? Why did he let himself say that? Zern's eyes widened. Sadly, his pet nodded in response to it.

Jack was in full agreement with Master. Who wouldn't be? A mistake like the one he made can't fully be repented with just words. His punishment must be fully carried out. Jack eyed the large dildo again. An idea forming in his head. "M-Master... if I may... I have a good punishment you can afflict on me..."

Zern didn't want to go through with it. It felt excessive. Even after all that was done. But that what he gets for letting that terrible side of him speak...

Jack struggled a bit, but, just like with Zern's cock, the knot of the massive dildo disappeared into the rabbit's ass. He panted hard as the full feeling made him leak pre.

"You did it?" Zern held a concerned and slightly empty tone.

"Hah, hah. Yep! Done!" Jack held a proud smile as he poked at the stomach bulge the dildo gave him. "Now all you gotta do is push the button right?"

Zern said nothing. Instead, he pulled out the remote-like device again and pressed it. Zern watched as his pet moaned loudly. The vibrations of his cage and the dildo being perfectly visible. Zern only pressed the button again when a hum was heard.

Jack was panting heavily. Such stimulation from multiple places was distracting for him, being so close to an orgasm from it made it worse. It felt so good and so bad at the same time.

Zern walked back into the closet, coming back out with suitable clothes for both of them. He tossed them onto the bed and walked over to his pet. "The Rod Cage will make being erect for longer periods of time okay. It basically gives you the erectile strength of our species... You'll be fine." His pet shakily nodded in response.

"Now go get your clothes on Pet. We're late for a picnic"

Picnics and Breeding

**Talik -** A male Ry'ken who's taken the shape of a well-built Hyena. **Polo -** A male azure blue kobold and pet of Talik. In love with crossdressing and being bred. **Other Characters:** **Zern -** A male Ry'ken who's taken the shape of...

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Quinn's Ruin

**Quinn's Ruin** ** ** **_Blightbark, Hidden Outpost_** Quinn grimaced as he walked out of the Briefing Room. The newly graduated Scout was just told that he would be surveying Desolation...

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Couches and Punishment

**Cast:** **Zern -** A male Ry'ken who's taken the shape of a muscular Dragon. **Jack -** A male black and white harlequin rabbit and pet of Zern. In love with being edged, denied, and wearing...

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