Letting Off Some Steam

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"Hah, your middle name is Benjamin?"

Oh, great. That scratchy, mocking voice could only be George. And Tobias' day was going so well. He was feeling fine and getting a lot of work done, and now he had to put up with history's most insufferable raccoon. "Yes?"

"And your last name is Beck?"

Tobias did not like where this was going. "It hasn't changed recently."

So that means your name is "Toe-Bee-Bee-Bee?" George said, drawing each syllable out.

Tobias rolled his eyes and snarled. "Please don't call me Toby." He hated that nickname. He hated it from his parents, he hated it from his teachers, he hated it from his classmates, and he definitely hated it from pricks like George.

George smiled, his mouth going wider than it should have been able to. "Ha! Toby-Bee-Bee!"

Tobias looked back down at the far more pleasant sight of endless government bureaucracy. "Okay, okay, thank you, George. Can you please let me finish my work?"

Mercifully, George leaned back, and Tobias could breathe again.


"Do you need something, George?"

"Nah." And then he walked away. Just like that. Tobias gritted his teeth and picked up his pen. He stared at the back of his hand, the light glimmering off his deep purple scales. It was the size of George's head. He could easily...

His stomach twisted. No, he would not. He would never. He'd endure it forever if it meant never hurting someone. He sighed, looked down at the forms, and got back to work. Copy the number on line 133 into box 308...

Time passed, forms were filled, and the sun went down. As he watched the snow flutter in the darkening sky, he wondered why he was still sitting there. At this rate, his husband Evan would be home before him, even though Evan usually got off an hour later. Tobias sighed and tossed his pen into the air. He could finish the paperwork tomorrow. It's not like it was going to grow legs and run away. He pushed himself to his feet, unfolded his wings, and stretched his arms over his head. The tips of his claws grazed the ceiling as he shook the tension out of his heavy limbs.

"Yo, Triple-B!"

Tobias cringed. Oh god, if that nickname stuck, he might never leave his house again. He shrunk out of his stretch and whipped his head to the left, where George was leaning against a door frame, wearing his harlequin smile.

"Please don't call me that," Tobias said, his deep, rumbly voice sounding pathetic to his own ears.

"Yeah, yeah, right, so, got any plans for the evening?"

As a matter of fact, he did. But they certainly--thankfully--didn't include George.

"N-no, just going to go home and rest in bed," Tobias said, shuffling his feet.

"Man, you gotta live a little!" George walked closer. Tobias recoiled slightly, despite the raccoon's head only coming up to the middle of his chest. "Ahh, well, I guess you probably don't like drinkin', right, Bee?"

That might have been worse than 'Toby.' Tobias looked down the hall, ready to bolt. "Um, well, I don't mind it sometimes--"

George's eyebrows bounced. "Seriously? It probably takes the whole damn barrel to get a big guy like you smashed, huh? Hey, how much you weigh, anyway?" he asked, punching Tobias' thigh.

Tobias took a few steps away from the raccoon, anxiety squeezing his muscles. George had no concept of boundaries, and he knew he was about two questions away from asking how big his penis was. "Can I go, George?"

"Yeah, sure, fine, but really, how much you weigh? C'mon! I'm curious! "

Tobias grunted and wrung his hands in front of his chest. "I dunno... like 230 kilos?"

George threw his head back like an invisible boxer socked him. "Shit fuck! I'm like sixty! And you don't even look chunky. I guess that's what happens when you're, what, two and a half metres tall?"

"A-around that."

George walked behind Tobias. The dragon cringed as a hand squeezed the tip of his wing. "These suckers probably add a lot of--"

"O-okay, see you tomorrow, George," Tobias said, twisting away. He marched down the hall, with his arms held close to his body and his hands balled into fists.

"Oh, and that tail probably weighs more than me, so that would..."

Tobias sped up, and George's voice trailed off. He ducked through the doors and into an elevator, wrapping his tail around his legs as the door closed behind him. Fuck, he really needed to do something about that guy. But every time he thought about snapping back and telling George to fuck off, he clammed up. The drama would be so much worse than just putting up with him...

With a clunk and a ding, the elevator doors opened, and he ducked out of the building, squeezed into a bus, and let it take him home. His anxiety deflated as public transit whisked him away from his harasser, but another kind of tension crept in behind it. Evan said he was going to treat him to dinner, as well as 'other things.' It had been a few days since 'other things,' and... no, no. He closed his eyes and tried to force the thoughts out of his head. The last thing he needed was to spring an erection on a cramped bus.

As the bus rattled down the road, Tobias thought of stinky smells, horror movies, and George. Anything to keep the fantasies out of his head. His imagination, mercifully, saved him from humiliation, and before long, a robotic voice buzzed over the crappy bus speakers.

"Next stop: Huron at Webster."

Tobias stood up as tall as he could in the low-ceilinged bus and walked to the back door. People squished against each other with nervous expressions, giving him a wide berth as he passed. It never got easier to see; he took great care to never tread on anyone, but he knew they couldn't know that. When the doors opened, he yelled, ''thank you!" to the driver, much to the consternation of the other passengers, then tromped down the stairs, the entire bus shaking with each step. He hopped to the ground, his big tail smacking the side of the bus. He walked the rest of the way home, his hot breath steaming the cold winter air in front of his face. When he got to his house, he opened the door and walked in, grateful to finally not have to duck to get through one.

He looked around the dark living room. "Evan? You home?"

No response. He flicked the light on, took off his shoes, grabbed a change of clothes, then hopped into the shower. As the warm water ran down his scales, anticipation returned to him. What was Evan planning? Maybe a nice meal at the nearby fish and chips place? He could eat a whole plate of smoked halibut--and he often did. Or perhaps the pizza place down the street? Mmmm, he could go for an extra large meat lovers right about now...

He scrubbed his whole body, starting at his wingtips, working his way inward and down, taking extra care to focus on his ... intimate parts. He shuddered and slipped a finger into his genital slit, teasing the tip of his cock as it tried to push its way out of his body. But he pulled back. Not yet... he wouldn't spoil the evening.

When he was clean, he stepped out of the shower and dried himself off. He looked at himself in the mirror, turning side to side. He slapped his muscular butt, watching it ripple. Yeah... Evan would like that. He threw on his clothes, flicked off the light, and opened the door. Immediately, something was wrong. Why was it so dark? Didn't he leave the light on? He tiptoed out of the washroom, the floorboards groaning under his feet. He wasn't afraid of the dark. No, no, it was just--


Tobias squeaked and hopped into the air, pinning his wings and tail close to his body. He spun around and saw nothing until he looked down. Standing there, faintly silhouetted by what little dying sunlight made its way into the hall, was a fennec fox, half as tall as him, hands on his hips.

"Evan! Don't scare me like that," Tobias said, chuckling nervously.

Evan patted his thigh. "Love you too. How was work?"

Tobias reached down and scooped up his husband with one arm, holding him against his chest. "Endless papers and annoying coworkers. The usual." He walked into the living room as he spoke, flicking on a light switch. "How about you?"

Evan wrapped his arms around Tobias' neck and nuzzled his cheek. "It was so boring that I literally forgot. The only proof that I was even there is the fact that it's late and I believe in linear time."

Tobias giggled, then looked away. He cleared his throat. "So... I heard you have a little surprise for me?"

"Oh, right. So, they had a little raffle at work, right? Some office morale bullshit or whatever."

Tobias rolled his eyes. "Maybe they could actually pay their employees better?"

Evan's eyes went wide and his big, fluffy ears drooped on the sides of his head. "But then the boss wouldn't be able to afford his fourth vacation home," he said, his voice an exaggerated whine.

"Only four?"

Evan shrugged. "Maybe I dropped a digit somewhere. Okay, anyway, I won! I got to choose from a few prizes, and..." He reached into his pants pocket, pulled out a card, and held it up to Tobias' face.

The dragon's mouth immediately filled with saliva as he read 'Mike's' and '$100.' He grabbed at the card with his free hand, but Evan pulled it away and hid it behind his back.

"Nuh-uh," the fennec said, smirking.

"But... pizza..."

"Ooh, is my big dragon hungry?"

Tobias nodded, trying not to drool.

"Hundred bucks is a lot. We could get double--no--triple meat."


The fennec grinned. "Thing is, I had a bit to eat before coming home, so I'm not very hungry." His ears flicked back and forth. "But maybe I could be convinced to order some..."

Tobias whimpered, but on the inside, he shuddered with anticipation and excitement. "What do you want?"

Evan stared into Tobias' eyes. "I want some fun with my little kobold. It's been a couple of days. I'm pent up."

Tobias glanced away. "S-sorry. I've been busy--"

"No excuses. Take us to our room," Evan said as he pressed a finger into Tobias' snout.


Evan wrapped his hand around the snout. "Now," he said, in his lowest, sharpest voice.

Tobias' chest tightened. His husband's commands always got him going. "Yes, Evan," he said--or tried to say--as the words slurred into an indistinct mumble. He marched down the hall to their bedroom, opened the door with his foot, and fell backwards on his bed, Evan landing on his chest with a grunt.

The fennec tore Tobias' shirt off, grabbed the top button of his pants, then stopped. "Actually..." He slid off the bed, yanked off the dragon's socks, and put them over his ears. "I can't believe your feet are this big."

Tobias snort-laughed. "You gonna fuck me or are you just gonna play dress-up?"

Evan's face turned stone-serious, and he climbed back onto the bed. "What was that?"

Tobias looked away. "S-sorry, Ev." He quivered as the bed creaked, the fennec crawling closer. His cock hardened and slipped out of his genital slit.

"Maybe I will just play dress-up," Evan said, his mouth close to the dragon's ears. He put his hand on Tobias' cheek and pulled gently. "Look at me when I speak to you."

Tobias turned his head toward his husband and had to swallow a laugh as his eyes darted to the fennec's ears, his socks still dangling off them. "Yes--" His voice squeaked as the laugh attempted to escape. "Yes, Evan," he said again, this time with a properly deep voice.

Evan maintained eye contact for a few more moments, then slid down the bed. "Well, what do we have here?" He grabbed the bulge in Tobias' underwear. "Oh, someone's already excited?"

"M-maybe a little," Tobias said, rolling onto his side.

Evan squeezed Tobias' ample butt, then unfastened the button around his tail. With one mighty tug, he yanked Tobias' pants and underwear down, then quickly pulled his own clothes off. "Such a big dick, going to waste," he said as he climbed onto the dragon. He straddled Tobias' dick, rubbing the base between his glutes, grinding his own cock and balls against the middle of the shaft. "Bet you wanna fuck me, don't you?"

Tobias whimpered and shook his head. "N-no..."

"Why not?" Evan thrust forward, his cock sliding up and down Tobias' slick shaft. "Your whole cock is as thick as my knot... I bet you could make me squeal."

"Is... is that what you want?" Tobias asked, his tail swishing back and forth.

Evan slid his hand up the inside of Tobias' thigh. "Nah. What I want... is to make you squeal."

The dragon's cock throbbed as the fennec's soft, fuzzy hand tickled his sensitive scales. "Ah!"

Evan reached back and ran his finger across Tobias' hole. "I haven't even put it in yet and you're already--"

Tobias clenched up and shuddered. "Please, Evan, I want your cock."

The fennec smirked and looked Tobias in the eye. "Want?"

Tobias curled his wrists in front of his chest. "I need it!"

Evan slid off Tobias, his knees bracing both sides of the dragon's wagging tail. "Alright, alright. You've been a good kobold. I'll give you what you want... Toby."

The dragon moaned and turned his head. That stupid nickname, always like nails on a chalkboard... except when Evan said it. Except when Evan claimed him with it. He would always let Evan use Toby...

Toby pulled his knees to his chest and spread his legs wide. His body tensed up as Toby's slick cock slipped across, then into, his ass. He wiggled back and forth, wings splaying and folding, as his husband pushed deeper and deeper. The fennec's cock soon pressed against his prostate, and Toby gasped and threw his head back, sudden sensation surging through him.

Evan growled, a smile on his face. "Fuck... your hole's always so hot..."

Toby produced a little flame on the tip of his tongue. "Do you want it even hotter?"

"You know the answer, Toby." Evan pulled out then slammed back in, his knot smacking the dragon's muscular ring.

Toby took a shallow breath and held it in, letting fire build inside of him. Warmth crept from his throat to his limbs, heating his whole body.

Evan groaned loudly as his hips smacked the dragon's powerful glutes. "Come on. Hotter."

Toby's deep voice turned into a whine. "I don't want to burn you, though."

Evan wrapped his paws around Toby's cock. "Kobolds don't talk back to their masters."

"Ah!" Toby said, exhilarated by tongue and touch in equal measure. "Y-yes, Ev." He took another, deeper breath, and the heat surged through his body.

"Damn, yeah, just like that." Evan's thrusts sped up as he churned Toby's cock. "Holy fuck, you're gonna set my hands on fire."

Toby's dick twitched and jumped, precum oozing out of the tip and onto his abdomen. Evan scooped it up, rubbed it between his pawpads, then went back to stroking the dragon, his hands sliding much more smoothly. Toby squirmed and writhed as his prostate and sensitive length burned, both from the internal heat and the external stimulation. He turned his head to the side and let out a whiny, wobbly moan.

"Ev... keep doing that."

Evan stopped.

Toby looked up and whimpered.

Evan smirked. "Kobolds don't tell their masters what to do."

"S-sorry, Ev... please?"

"Mmmm... nope."

Toby balled his hands into fists and held them against his muzzle as he whined. His tail wagged some more, shaking the fennec's cock back and forth inside of him. It took all of his willpower to keep from wrapping his powerful legs around Evan's fragile body.

Evan slowly moved his hands back up the shaft. "Actually, I'm in a good mood."

Toby nodded vigorously.

Evan sighed very loudly. "I guess I'll let it slide this time." His hips moved once more, but at a much slower rate than before. His cock, rather than assaulting the dragon's prostate, merely teased it, kissing it gently. His hands danced up and down the sensitive, glistening cock, no longer squeezing it like he was wringing out a cloth. And yet these different motions titillated Toby just as well. They were expressions of love. Of care and tenderness. It made him feel warm inside--and it wasn't just the fireball he was nurturing in his chest. The fennec folded himself forward and licked the leaking tip of Toby's cock.

"Oh!" Toby's shoulders wiggled as electricity shot through his dick, his muscles seizing up as the fennec's wet tongue lashed his sensitive length.

Evan lifted his head and licked his lips. "Fuck, I could drink that stuff up..." His thrusts sped back up, faster and faster and faster until he caught up to his original pace. For Toby, it was just as well. Soft or hard, gentle or rough, he loved it all the same.

But there was just something special about getting your prostate pummeled.

Toby groaned and covered his face with his palms. Wet slaps reverberated around the room as his husband groaned and fucked him hard. The air above him steamed up as he exhaled, the inferno inside of him desperate to escape.

The fennec's hands slid up and down his dripping cock like a potter shaping clay, and his tongue dangled from the corner of his mouth.

"You're burning me up," Evan said, his chest bouncing as he panted.

"Too hot?" Toby asked, sitting up slightly.

"Fuck no. Lie back down."

Toby snapped back to the bed. Good kobolds did what they were told. His tail shook faster as Evan leaned against one of his legs, nuzzling his face against it, continuing his pounding.

"Fuck, even your legs are so warm." Evan pushed harder against the dragon's powerful thigh, and Toby gently wrapped his leg around the fennec's back, drawing a gasp and a moan out of his husband. Faster and faster he thrust, his teeth gritted, his face scrunched up, his eyes looking like they were about to roll into the back of his head.

Toby's heart pounded as his body burned hot and his prostate burned hotter. His groin tingled, a harbinger of pleasure soon to rip through him. His toes wiggled and his cheeks puffed out. He tried to last a little longer, but every slam against his prostate brought him closer to the edge. "Ev, I'm gonna... I'm gonna..." He gasped as his husband's hands gripped tighter and stroked faster, making his cock flex and pulse.

"Cum for me, little kobold."

The magic words. Toby clenched his teeth, his jaws squeezing as though trying to bite through each other. His words disappeared into a groaning screech, and he threw back his head and screamed. Powerful contractions ripped through his body, and his cock jumped in the fennec's hand, spraying jets of cum across his chest, his neck, his chin, his face, and his headboard.

"Fuck!" Evan slammed his knot into the dragon's twitching hole, his cock dumping its seed deep into the dragon as they bucked and jolted against each other. He fell forward, his head landing on the bottom of the dragon's cum covered chest, lurching and groaning, his orgasm overtaking him.

Toby's legs and arms tensed, the heat in his body overwhelming him. His cock spit the last of its seed into his husband's fluffy torso, and he opened his mouth and panted. Plumes of flames swirled in front of his face as his body at last found its relief in both ways. Eventually, the fire too left his breath, and he lay gasping for air, the room spinning. His ribs heaved up and down, bouncing the fennec along with it. A wet tickle ran across his chest, and he giggled. He looked down and softly pushed against the fennec's head. "Stoooop!"

"Not my fault your cum is so tasty," Evan said between slurps. "Or that you're hot to the touch."

The dragon ruffled Evan's head, then pulled his socks off his husband's ears. "I can't believe you kept these on the whole time."

"Huh?" Evan looked up, a string of cum dangling from his nose and lips. "Oh, fuck, I totally forgot."

Toby laughed. "How do you not feel something like that?"

"It helps when you get to fuck a ridiculously hot dragon."

"When you say hot--"


Toby smiled. "That felt so fucking good, man."

Evan reached up and stroked Toby's chin, then shoveled a strand of cum down his scales and into his mouth. "Can't I just have this stuff for dinner?"

Toby laughed. "I don't know how nutritious that would be. Besides, you owe me a pizza." He ran his big hand over his face, scooping the semen into his paw, then held it to Evan's face.

The fennec lapped up the cum, then turned his head and put his cheek on the dragon's chest. He rubbed his face up and down the scales while rubbing his paws all over Evan's glistening torso. "Fuck, you're so goddamn perfect."

Toby relaxed and his head hit the pillow. "Love you so much, Ev..."

"I love you too, my little kobold."

The dragon shuddered and giggled, then turned and looked at his headboard. "Oh, damn it."


Toby pointed at the trail of cum running down the wood. "We should probably clean up."

"Yeah, I guess." Evan sighed and pushed himself upright. Blobs of cum dangled from his stomach fur, the smeared mess worse where the dragon's cock pushed into it. With an audible slurp, the fennec's knot popped out, and a gush of semen ran out, pooling at the base of his tail.

Toby sighed. "Ah, fuck, that feels so good every time."

The fennec patted his husband's thighs, then hopped off the bed and looked at his torso. "Man, you fucked me up good this time." He rubbed his paw over his stomach, spreading the load through even more of his fur.

"You fell onto my dick when I was cumming!"

"Oh, I'm not complaining," Evan said, licking his paw clean. "But I am gonna take a shower. Feel free to join me once you've got the headboard cleaned off."

"Why do I have to clean it?" Toby said, crossing his arms and pouting.

"Because I'm your master. And besides. It's your cum."

"It's my cum all over your belly, too." Toby licked the air with long strokes.

Evan's eyes went wide. "Oh no, not like last time." He spun around and ran out of the room.

Tobias laughed, gave the headboard a quick wipe with his shirt, then chased his husband into the washroom. The shower turned on just as he opened the door, and he leapt forward, grabbing Evan's shoulder just before he stepped under the water.

"Oh, no, no, no," Evan said, but his giggle betrayed his attempt to sound scared.

Tobias lifted his husband off the ground and spun him around. "So, I have to clean my cum myself, do I?"

The fennec smiled and turned his head away, thrusting his arms toward Tobias. "Okay, okay, I'm sorry. I'll clean the--"

"Too late!" Tobias lifted the fennec's groin to his muzzle, then licked his balls and pulled his husband down across his face. He ignored Evan's giggles and pleas as his tongue slid up his sheath, over his cum-matted belly, his chest, his neck, and finally his face. He wrapped his tongue around his muzzle, snorting hot air as he did so.

Evan's tail swung back and forth as his feet dangled in the air, gently kicking Tobias' hips. "Ahh! I'm sorry!" He tried to say more, but Tobias wrapped his entire face in warm, wet dragon tongue and lifted him back up, reversing the direction of his lick until he got to the fennec's scrotum. "You win! You win!"

Tobias rolled his eyes, then looked at Evan. All of his fur, from his face to his groin, was slicked in dragon slobber. "There. You're clean now."

Evan smacked the top of Tobias' head. "We're wasting water. Can you let go of me now?"

"The master, asking instead of telling?"

Evan crossed his arms. "Toby, put me down."

Toby set his husband on the ground. "Yes, Ev."

The fennec looked up at Toby and rolled his eyes. "You're such a goof." He extended his hand. "C'mon. Let's actually get clean."

Toby offered a finger, and Evan wrapped his hand around it and guided him into the shower. The water washed away all evidence of their lovemaking, and when they were done, Tobias scrubbed Evan dry with a towel, then looked him straight in the eyes with the most pleading stare he could manage. "Pizza now?"

Evan sighed and smiled. "Fine. You've been a good boy, my big dragon."

Tobias' tail wagged so hard he nearly knocked the toilet into the hallway.

What's One More?

"Daddy, why do I only look like Wally?" Chiaro's head looked toward his daughter. She looked up at him with those big, curious eyes. God, she was growing so, so fast. Three years old. Almost four. How in the world was she almost four years old?...

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Epilogue: A Short Story

The sun blazed in the vivid blue sky, without a single cloud in sight. Gusts of crisp air, mild for the late autumn season, tickled his whiskers as he ambled down the paved stone path. What a perfect day for fenceball. Xaza felt the...

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Epilogue: Love Me Forever

"No, I--no, it's fine. Thank you for telling me. No, I... yes, I would. Thank you. I will. Goodbye." He hung up the phone and stared at the name on the caller ID. For his whole life, it was a place of misery, a place of bliss, a place of home....

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