Feeling Sluggish

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Two explorers attempt to find an ancient civilization, only to unleash what had made them disappear in the first place. Sometimes artifacts should just be left where they are, but for the bull and fox they quickly find themselves the harbringers of a brand new civilization hosted by alien slugs.

Commission for mangocurl

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"Alright, I'm going to be checking quadrants four and seven today," Theron said as the bull looked over the digital map that was projected on their table. "Are you going to be looking at anything in particular or will you be doing more scans?"

"More scans probably," Iris replied as the fox looked over his own personal data tablet. "We're going to need more symbols if we're going to figure out what this ancient language was. If we don't crack it soon they're going to put more people on this and then we have to share everything."

Theron nodded and grabbed his excavation gear before heading out of the cavern that the two were calling their home base. Ever since an earthquake had opened up a cave system north of an ancient set of ruins the two had fought tooth and nail in order to study it. The bull was an archeologist while the fox studied anthropology and was a linguistics expert, and this was the academic score that they had been looking for ever since they entered into the field. Basically Theron dug it up and Iris examined it, which worked for them and for at least the first year that they were out in the field worked for the academic board and regional government.

Though they had found some things to keep their apatite satiated both groups were starting to think that perhaps that the site didn't have anything of worth culturally, and though the academic board would just replace them the regional government wanted to bring in surveyors and mining teams. The chances of them preserving anything of significance was extremely low as they would just destroy or steal anything that they happened to come across. This was their chance to get something that would not only preserve the sight but put them on the map, which was why Theron was ready to get digging as he got to their marker for the new dig site. While they hadn't touched on it before as the bull did the surveying he found the remains of river that had potential and with the flashlight on his head leading the way he followed it hopefully to anyone that might have made this place their home.

After about an hour of walking Theron finally found what he was looking for, taking out his camera and photographing the scratches he found. Normally someone wouldn't think twice but to him it looked like tool marks, something this cave hadn't found in quite some time. He found several more and when he found a spot that looked like it was sunken in he decided to give his pickaxe a try in order to reveal something. After seeing up his search lights he took the tool and gave it a mighty swing down, then another and another in order to crack and break the rock beneath.

Several hours of hard toiling passed and as he examined the fragments he broke he didn't find anything of note yet. He feared other than a few pictures that he would be coming back empty handed once more as he swung down. It felt like something was vibrating under his feet though with each swing and that gave him more than a little hope. Something like that meant he was potentially on top of some wooden structure as he hit the rock that rang out with a ting, or perhaps some sort of clay structure as another ting rang out...

...followed by the loud clang of metal on metal.

The sound had caught Theron by surprise and after a few more strikes yielding the same result he widened his digging until he was able to hear rock instead of metal. Once he had gotten that he continued to dig excitedly before he was able to clear away enough debris and find... something there. His eager grin turned to a look of confusion as he found that the metal was polished and looked machine-worked, something that given the maps they had looked at it should be there. After a bit more loosening he managed to get his pickaxe underneath it and finally get it so that he could pull the heavy object up.

When he finally managed to get it into the light Theron's eyes widened at what he saw. The entire chest had intricate designs and filigree that would have been way beyond most civilizations, at least the ones he knew of. As he continued to examine it he did find a few symbols that were similar to the ones that Iris was currently studying, though just like everything else these were far more intricate in nature. Though he didn't like bandying the word around there was really only one initial explanation for this...


Even the mention of the word would probably get them laughed out, but as he tried to find a way to open the box he couldn't think of an explanation for why this would be here. It was advanced even by modern standards and as he found what looked like a button he pushed it and found the top swinging open. "Iris is going to have a field day with this one," Theron said as he saw several glass tubes that were inside of it, all of them filled with a black liquid that seemed to be swirling about. "Hell, everyone is going to want a piece of this... whatever this is..."

Theron took one of the cylinders out and set it aside in case the case it couldn't be opened again, then closed the lid once more. As he slammed it down the vibrations caused the glass to tip over and the bull gasped as it began to roll down into the dried up riverbed. Images of all the terrible things Iris would do to him if he lost a sample flashed through his mind as the muscular creature practically dove from his sitting position in order to try and catch it. His situation quickly went from bad to worse as his own body rolled down until he fell between two rocks, wedging his body in a way he couldn't pull himself out as the glass cylinder bounced and shattered against the stone a few feet away from him.

As the bull watched the liquid ooze out onto the stone he mentally cursed himself for not securing it, though as the radiant light from the set-up above illuminated the shiny substance he began to see the surface ripple. His predicament about his body being caught in the rocks was quickly forgotten as the goo beaded up like mercury before it started to rise up. When it had fully reformed they looked like several rubbery, gooey, slug-like creatures, and while Theron wondered what sort of alien technology this was he found his eyes widening as they all began to turn and slither towards him. Suddenly the bull found his position to be far more precarious as he attempted to extract himself from between the rocks while these alien things continued to encroach.

"Go away!" Theron shouted, hoping somehow that would deter them only to see the slugs continue. "Iris! Help!" The bull knew that was equally futile as he was far deeper in the caves then before since he had followed that riverbed down, and as they got within inches of his face he resorted to trying to blow on them to get them to stop.

After the second exhale though his desperate strategy seemed to have the opposite effect as several of them seemed to scrunch up their gooey forms before launching themselves. He tried to shake his head but they just landed on his snout and against his forehead. As the others began to crawl up the stones toward his body the one on his muzzle attempted to push inside, only for him to press his lips together as tightly as he could. That seemed to deter it for a bit, but then it seemed to sense another path...

...right into his nostril.

Theron let out a cry of shock as it wiggled its way into his bovine snout, and when he tried to blow it out he only had air go through one of them. With his arms pinned he couldn't do much as it slithered into him, feeling its body wiggle about in his nose before it managed to push itself all the way in. He was so preoccupied with the bulge in his muzzle slowly sliding deeper inside of him that he forgot about the one on his forehead before it found a hole to go into. He let out a shout of shock as the gooey tip slid against his ear, the creature far too large to push its way inside even with the one in his nose traveling down towards his throat.

"No no no..." Theron pleaded as he tried to shake his ear to dislodge the creature only to feel it somehow stretching open the hole and pushing inside. "Swallowing though my nose, okay, but not that..." The rubbery creature merely continued to push itself into his ear as he lost track of the one that had invaded his muzzle, though the others that he had lost sight of quickly became apparent to him as his head bolted upright. "Are you kidding me?!"

Theron groaned loudly as one of them had somehow slithered its way into his pants and had gotten between the meaty globes of his rear, and even with clenching he couldn't stop the slug that that managed to get next to his tailhole from pushing into him. His hooved feet practically scratched against the dirt trying to dislodge himself to pull the one out from behind him even for the one slowly slithering into his skull. Whatever this creature was made of seemed to not only be able to numb the point of entry but also stretch it, though the creatures weren't too big it was thicker than a finger and soon rubbing against its anal walls. Even though he was trying to block it out the sensation of something wiggling inside of him and even starting to slide up against his prostrate was causing his sizable member to get rock hard from the stimulation.

That was when the last slug stuck, coiling around his throbbing shaft as though to make him as hard as possible before nosing up against the slit. At this point the bull was so exhausted from fighting he couldn't even muster up resistance as it began to stretch it open and push its way inside. Even with his cock jutting out above the ground it still managed to somehow slither in and he could feel his shaft bulging with the creature inside as it traveled down to invade his body just like the rest of them. At this point the one inside his ear had completely pushed inside and for a few brief moments the bizarre insertion had caused his eyes to roll back into his head before the strangely pleasurable sensation passed.

Soon the one in his tailhole could no longer be felt either and only a radiant sensation of pleasure came from his hole as the most intrusive one continued to travel up his cock and inside his body. If it wasn't for his shaft spasming each inch it pulled itself inside he might have thought that it was some sort of nightmare... but as he squeezed his eyes shut and waited for the slug to stop sounding him and reach its destination he found his thoughts drifting back to his predicament. He was still trapped between these rocks and with slugs in various parts of his body, including his nuts as the one inside his maleness passed through the base of his shaft and into his sack where he could feel it squirming, he wasn't quite sure what to do. After a while though he felt himself able to slide about a bit more, and to his surprise with a little effort he managed to unstick himself.

Once he had gotten free Theron found himself on his knees still panting heavily, his fingers going up to his ear as though he still had a chance to pull out the invading creature. They were all gone though and he was at least an hour away from camp and probably a good day away from proper civilization. Not to mention that what was inside of him was still alien, though that might be a boon as the exhaustion he had felt in his limbs was starting to disappear. He also felt stronger and when he got back up to the metal chest he found himself able to lift what had been a slightly worrisome weight up with ease.

All the other stuff Theron left behind for the moment, he would get to it later and he needed Iris to know about what he had found. As he continued to walk down the dry riverbed the encounter he had with the slugs had left his mind almost entirely as he huffed and panted while he made good time. He just needed to get to the fox, needed to get back to civilization... but as he started to get close to where he had entered the riverbed previously it felt like he was sweating profusely and his mouth felt full of saliva. It also started to feel like he was holding the box down lower and lower, and when he looked at his muscular arms the brown fur looked like it was matted and wet.

It wasn't until he saw a shiny black liquid dripping down onto the lid of the case that he finally stopped, groaning as the heat that had been slowly rising inside of him was growing to the point he couldn't take it anymore. With his progress already stopped he grabbed his shirt and nearly tore it off, though as he did he saw more black stains on it while something began to drip down his nose. Using the newly ruined cloth as a means to try and stopper it he looked down at his chest and was shocked to find that the thick hair there was also completely wet and shined in the light of his head flashlight while his gut and chest looked bloated. As he slowly pushed his fingers against his stomach they sank in further than he expected, meeting little resistance before he noticed he had been walking the entire way while completely erect.

There was another mysterious black stain on his pants and Theron decided to pull them off as well, leaving him completely naked in the middle of a cave that they were supposed to explore. He couldn't stop panting though and as he leaned down to try and catch his breath he heard a loud clanging noise at his feet. As he used his flashlight to find the source of the sound his eyes widened slightly as it was his golden ring that he used as a septum piercing... except that it was no longer in his nostrils. When he tried to gasp it sounded wet and the entire time it was becoming increasingly hard to think from the pleasure as he rubbed his hand to his ear where more of the shiny black substance was dripping out.

Even with the haze of pure bliss flooding his corrupted mind Theron finally gathered that something was happening to him, especially as the drool that he had been trying to hold back finally started to dribble down his chin from his mouth and nostrils. When the black substance dripped down his skin it absorbed into him and shifted hues, taking on his coloration while melting the fur around it. It felt like he had just jumped into a pool and when he staggered over to try and grab the box to keep going his fingers just slid right along the metal handles causing him to drop it. His breathing became shorter and became ragged gasps as he brought his fingers to his face and saw that they were malformed and misshapen, though when he concentrated on them again they reverted back to their previous form.

A sudden surge of pleasure from his groin dropped Theron to his knees and he looked down at his midsection he found his balls and his stomach squirming about slightly. Once more he found himself pressing his fingers into his stomach, but this time instead of depressing the rather shiny skin they sank down inside of him completely. There was no way... but as his arms felt heavy and his muzzle began to deform it was like his entire body was melting. When he saw his balls continue to writhe about the memories of what had happened to him came flooding back, Theron putting a partially melted hand to his head while still staring down at his shaft.

Though it should have been the last thing on his mind all the bull could think about was how big he had gotten and how flexible his body was getting, his tongue slipping past his lips to hang down nearly a foot past his muzzle while thick goo dripped from it. For some reason even though he was becoming increasingly semi-solid all he could think about was what it would be like to get that throbbing shaft into his maw. With his body becoming more gelatinous by the second he found himself succumbing, his eyes rolling back as he took the head of his shaft and pushed it into his own maw.

He didn't even need to throw his feet up into the air to do it, though as his hooves had distorted and were practically flat lumps on the end of his feet he doubted he would be able to do it. As he began to such on himself the pleasure was the only thing that he could think about, how good it felt that his maw was able to practically suction around his shaft that conformed perfectly to his maw. Even his tongue was able to get in on it as he pulled it back and pressed the tip against his slit before sliding it in. While his shaft bulged slightly the gooey shaft was able to easily stretch to accommodate it to the point he didn't even need his hands.

While his mouth was occupied with his massive shaft his hands went down to his gut and massaged the goo there, feeling the ooze that his hands had become merging and mingling with his body before he pulled them back and saw them reform. Not only did it seem that the goo had a memory of his form and reverted to it but he was made completely of the stuff without anything else. He was some sort of gooey alien bull creature, though the ramifications of that were lost on his corrupted mind as he pushed down so far on his cock that the back of his head stretched out from it. As he continued to sit there the last of the black rubber leaked out of him, becoming clear instead while his entire body shifted and dripped that made him look like he was constantly melting.

Theron was so preoccupied with the act that he hadn't even realized he was close until the first blast of cum caused him to rock back, falling against the stone floor as his hips arched up from load after load. Though most of it was more goo that reabsorbed into his body and made his form even more gelatinous there were several slugs that emerged as well, most of them landing on his chest and head. The bull had to blink several times from the sheer euphoria that he had experienced and as he felt the slug starting to slide down towards his ear he found himself taking a hand and cupping it so that it had easier access. With his body being goo it was easy for the new creatures to find their way into his head, the bull moaning in pure bliss as the thoughts of worry and fear that had started to surface were whisked away while they also pushed into his mouth, nose, and even into his nipples that capped his pecs.

For a while Theron continued to lay there as his body melted and reformed, his skull and face bulging and swelling while the goo rippled from the slugs squirming underneath. When everything finally settled the bull stood up and silently began to make his way back to camp. The chest, the light, his clothes, all of it remained behind save for one piece of jewelry that he pushed up against his nose until the goo wrapped around it. Once he had that in he began to make his way back towards camp with renewed purpose...

Meanwhile Iris sat at his computer looking at the scans he had just taken, referencing them with other symbols from other civilizations that had come by. From what he could tell there was some reference to enlightenment or something of that nature but also warned of danger. Enlightenment and danger... he wasn't quite sure what that meant, but unless Theron had found something from his latest dig he didn't know if they would find either. As he turned off his the music that he played through his computer and pulled the buds out of his ears he suddenly heard something that caused him to jump slightly.

Probably just Theron coming back, iris thought to himself as he looked at the time. At this point they would usually get dinner and talk about all the stuff they didn't find that day, though his partial translation of the glyphs was at least a step in the right direction. When he looked around though he didn't see the bull or his gear anywhere and wondered if he had just been hearing things. He was pretty much done for the day anyway but as he went back to the small camper that served as their sleeping quarters he noticed something on the cave floor that caused his head to tilt.

It looked like... wet hoof prints? They seemed to come from the camper back towards the small storage area they had built for equipment and any artifacts they might find. Had Theron found something that had caused him to get wet? It would have been strange for the bull to make a discovery and not come rushing back, but as he went to the storage area and opened the rickety door they had built he didn't see any sign of his partner.

Theron was close by however, and as Iris closed the door he felt something drip onto his shoulder that caused him to look up. The fox put his hands to his face in pure shock at seeing the bull crouched over him, his mouth dripping with some sort of slime that his entire body looked like it was coated in. Iris indulged in his first instinct to run but he only made it a few steps before he suddenly found the thick arms of the other man slide under his armpits and hoist him up. The grey fur of his legs kicked in the air before they fell back against the bull that was holding him there, but instead of pressing against them he watched in horror as they sank into his thighs instead!

"Theron!" Iris shouted as he could feel his legs sinking deeper into the warm goo that was the bull, his arms following suit as they were pressed against the beefy biceps. Theron didn't respond and with the man somehow being even bigger than he had remembered it didn't take long before the fox found himself unable to move his arms and legs as they were buried up to the shoulders and thighs of the thick black goo. When he tried to at least pull out one of his arms it was held there like a suction, which was the same for his back as the abs and pecs of the bigger man started to melt over his own.

With the bull not responding to his pleas Iris was at a loss for what to do, especially as he felt his clothing getting torn off of his body to leave him completely naked. By this point only the white fur of his chest, belly, groin and head were exposed and as he began to feel something push up against his tailhole he thought it might be Theron's cock. When he looked down though his eyes widened at the bull's shaft actually being just underneath his own purpose maleness, the thick gooey length dripping with shiny brown goo that was reabsorbed into his body. That meant there was something else sliding into him and as his eyes widened from it starting to poke past his butt and slither into his tailhole.

As the first slug crawled inside of the fox others began to gather where his head was, Iris letting out a yelp as he could feel them crawling through the grey and purple of his fur towards his mouth and ears. He attempted to try and shake them off but Theron just put his gooey hands against them, not only pressing his head further back into his gelatinous chest but also holding him in place. The fox's eyes widen and his entire body trembled as he could feel them pushing in everywhere, several making their way around his held open muzzle while others slid into his nostrils. It wasn't until he saw one wiggling in the holes of each of his triangular ears did the corrupted creature know that soon this one would be just like him.

Iris' mouth froze open in a look of shock as his throat and muzzle bulged from the slugs invading it, though strangely for him it just caused his maleness to become even more erect then before. With the ones in his ears already squishing their way into his skull the bull behind him let go of his head and reached down to where his cock was throbbing underneath the purple one and pressed them together. Iris practically thrusted his hips out even more than when they were starting to push into his tailhole as not only was his shaft completely engulfed but he could feel something slithering from the bull's gooey member into the tip of his own.

It didn't take long for a glazed look to form over the face of the trapped fox as the shocked expression turned to one of being placid. Unlike the bull the corruption from multiple slugs quickly did their work as his purple tongue began to stick out from his muzzle while black drool dripped from it. Theron could feel them changing the vulpine's form already and as he continued to stroke both their members at the same time he could feel the sack inflating from the first slug while a second one made its way into the increasingly pliable purple cock. Soon Iris slumped forward as black goo began to pour out of his ears, nostrils, and mouth, dripping onto the white fur of his chest where it melted while his stomach and chest began to wiggle and push out from the creatures within it.

Once Theron knew that Iris was close enough he pulled the increasingly gooey fox out of his body, letting him down gently onto the ground as the corrupted creature continued to shudder and twitch occasionally. They were still working on him but soon his body would be a good gooey hive for them just like his was, and while they waited he found his need rising once more. Just seeing the fox get invested wasn't enough for his own pleasure anymore and this time when he tilted the vulpine's head up it was to push his throbbing gooey cock down into his throat. The head of the other man stretched and became distorted from the size of it but the slick insides provided no resistance as he pushed all the way down into his throat.

If either man had been in their right mind the sight of Iris' throat conforming around the cock inside of it that had had nearly slid down into his chest would have been almost comical, but while also providing pleasure Theron was giving extra slugs that he had created to continue to speed the process along. Iris started to stroke his own maleness as his stomach began to swell, growing slightly distended from the amount of goo and slugs that were being pumped into him. With the fox becoming equally as gooey as him Theron thrusted into him with wild abandon while Iris just held on for the ride, eventually switching places with Iris once more against his chest except that his already swollen stomach was pushed out even further by the cock inside his tailhole.

Once the two were finished and Iris had been fully corrupted, a smile forming on his dripping face as his gooey fingers wrapped around a cock dangling from his groin that was twice its typical size, the two went to the radio in order to report that they had found nothing and were giving up. Whether that meant that the academic board would replace them with a new team or the regional government would be sending in crews of people it didn't matter to them... all they cared about was spreading their newfound corruption to as many other people as they could until all were host to the alien slugs. It would be a world of enlightened paradise as Iris took a turn thrusting into the bull with their gooey bodies practically sinking into one another while they waited, the slugs forming in their gooey hive bodies soon finding their homes in every sentient creature on the planet.

Eventually everyone out there would be feeling as sluggish as they were...

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