Hypnotizing You Into Battle

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#1 of Dale's World of Magic

Dale was a normal young guy and thought he lived in a regular world until a week ago when he came across a necro, a demonic monster that had enchanted a crew at an agricultural center and made them behave like monkeys! He also met Franklin, a crass imp that guided him into defeating the demonic monster.

The day had been saved and Dale went home pretending like he hadn't done something unbelievable but the lingering curiosity gets the better of him and he returns to where he met Franklin to see what else he could discover...

This is a new story in a new world. I have some plans with Dale but for now enjoy this little story about a group of supernatural creatures hypnotizing a poor myuman sap.

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_It was almost a week ago when Dale got himself involved in something that flipped his world upside down.

Stopping by an agricultural center out in the countryside, Dale came across an unprecedented encounter. There was a shadowy monster called a 'necro' that was roaming about and a crass imp named Franklin trying to kill it. The necro had the ability to temporarily reset people's minds so when Dale arrived a number of people were running around and behaving like animals!

Dale defeated the monster and handled the situation, but after meeting an imp and slaying a monster, what he knew of the world had changed forever. Monsters, said to be things of fiction, were actually real! What else was out there? Was the world full of strange, magical creatures?

Curiosity would not escape Dale. After the incident was taken care of at the agricultural center, Franklin flew off towards a nearby forest, leaving Dale alone to ponder what had just happened. Dale wondered if that's where he would find Franklin again._

Dale passed by the agricultural center. There was a pleasant chatter coming from the place, so it looked like whatever happened the other day with the necro, it was old news. Dale wasn't up for making sure things were alright with them, and kept on walking. It would have been too awkward to walk through the place.

There was a path off the sidewalk that lead down the side of the forest. It was a public path for hiking but it wasn't maintained like the ones inside the city. It didn't seem to be used a lot, either, but for Dale that was a good thing. If he was going to investigate supernatural creatures, he would want to be undisturbed or have someone attach their curious eyes to him.

He looked around the open hills to see if anyone had him in their field of vision, confirmed no one was around, and then slipped into the trees and walked around the forest floor. What was he looking for, he didn't know. But if something around there belonged to Franklin, Dale would have a good idea.

He walked around for minutes and found something unusual. A large stone in the ground with a curve like the top of an egg. If the smooth round shape wasn't enough to prove it wasn't natural, the carvings on the side were obviously artisan.

It would have been weird for someone to make an art project out of a stone in the middle of a simple forest although Dale wasn't knowledgeable on traditions of the rural spaces outside of town. It was also unlikely that anyone had dumped some sort of garden sculpture in the middle of the forest.

Dale kneeled down and got a closer look. He felt his hand over the surface. He had known paper to have a coarser texture than the stone. Nothing about it was inherently strange but he couldn't shake the feeling that it was related to the supernatural somehow.

"Whatchu doing?" said a voice behind Dale.

He jolted up on his feet and turned around. Flapping in the air on tiny wings was Franklin, a rotund blue imp just over a foot in height. He wore a white collared shirt and a pair of dark brown corduroys.


Franklin sighed and put a hand to his waist, "Didn't I tell you not to come around here anymore? You were supposed to forget about what happened the other day."

"I know..." said Dale, "But I couldn't! How was I supposed to forget the monster or those people being behaving like animals?"

Franklin smirked, his fang protruding out, "Or you pissing your pants in terror?"

Dale was taken aback. He slapped his wrists to his side, "Um... well I could forget that."

Franklin cackled, "I couldn't!" He calmed his humor, "But I understand ya, kid. Yous saw something magical and there's no forgettin' that!"

Dale shuffled around, waiting for Franklin to continue to do the talking since the imp seemed like he was divulging information anyway.

"So what are you hoping to find?" said Franklin with a smug smile, "Magical powers? A fairy princess? A werewolf?"

Dale shrugged, smiling and chuckling breathily, "I don't really care what. I just want to see it!"

Looks like we got a test subject, thought Franklin.

The imp faked a comfortable smile and said, "All's right then. Follow me."

The imp turned and flapped in the other direction, Dale following behind him. Dale scanned the forest, looking to spot where Franklin was leading him. There was nothing around, though.

Franklin stopped, hovering in the air.

Dale gave another scan across the ground and the horizon, but didn't see anything out of the ordinary. He shrugged, "What's going on? What's here?"

Franklin smirked, reached out his hands, and clapped gesturely. There was a rumble and just before Dale, the ground sank. Surprised, Dale took a few steps back but he watched the ground shape out a ramp down into the earth, a slope sided by dirt walls left unchanged by the terrain maneuver.

The ramp lead down into the dirt, where a dark doorway was. Chatter was heard echoing up from it.

"What... what is it?" asked Dale.

Franklin gestured him along, "Come down and I'll show you."

Dale hesitated but then followed Franklin down into the hole. Roots of plants and rocks hung on the dirt walls as Dale went down into the looming doorway.

He had to blink to adjust his eyes to dark. Dale looked around. He had walked into some sort of underground burrow, high enough for Dale to stand up comfortably. The roof was held up with wooden beams like a mine.

There were pieces of furniture around but it took Dale a moment to realize they were often makeshift. The table beside the shelf was a wooden wheel on its side with wooden cylinders as the seat, an arrangement meant for people much smaller than Dale.

There were some lawnchairs, unfolded, resting in a corner. Through a wooden archway there was another room with another table- that one looking more formal even if it was just as short as the wheel one. There were crates scattered about the place with knick-knacks stored inside.

The place seemed empty until a metal contraption in the corner moved around. Dale blinked, trying to make sense of the mechanism, but then the thing turned and stared at him with tiny luminiscent eyes. The creature, which had a body shaped like a metal helmet, walked on two legs and had two arms. It was some sort of robot!

"Wh... what is that?" asked Dale.

The thing's head had a big jaw with jagged triangles as teeth and it creaked a little when it talked. "I'm a possessed pile of scrap. What are you supposed to be?"

Dale took a step back, "I'm a... myuman. I'm Dale."

"Pipes." said the robot creature in his deep male voice.

"Alright... Pipes," said Dale, "Are you a robot?"

Franklin huffed amusedly.

"You could say that," said Pipes. He lowered his expression, "but I wouldn't."

Dale wasn't satisfied with the answer, but left it alone. This was a new world and he assumed he couldn't understand what Pipes was anyway.

"Oh?" there was a voice nearby, "Is this your myuman pal, Franklin?"

She was hard to spot in the dim light of the burrow and her size made finding her harder still, but Dale spotted a frog hopping in from another room. Belula was a green frog although unlike what Dale knew of her specie, she wore a frog-fitted white dress. For most frogs it would be difficult to hop in a dress but Belula had perfected the skill and hopped gracefully with tugging on her skirt.

Dale looked down, "A frog...?"

Belula looked up, and smiled a big grin on her froggy face, "Indeed! The name's Belula."

"Dale," he smiled.

Belula hopped up on a table to get closer to Dale's height. She released a ribbit, "Glad to meet you!"

Dale was given a tour of their small burrow. The three of them lived there, practically. There was a small doll-sized bed in the corner for Franklin and in the other corner there was a cushion for Belula. There was even a makeshift kitchen although having a indoor grill connected to a gas generator with a plastic tub as a sink was not an ideal cooking space and did not get much use.

While Pipes showed Dale the underground's chimney, a metal tube stuck in the top of the cave that carried fumes up out into the surface, Franklin and Belula stepped in another room to chat quietly.

Sitting on a wooden table, Belula peaked around the corner to see if Dale was far away enough that he wouldn't hear what the imp and frog had to say to each other.

"I don't think he can hear us," Belula said lowly, looking around the corner. She hopped away from the corner and turned to Franklin, the imp hovering just at the table's edge. Belula whispered, "Were you going to go through with it?"

"Go through with what exactly?" asked Franklin, "Were we going to test how effective monkey dust is on myumans or a more direct form of control?"

Belula shook her head, "Not monkeyness. Let's test direct control."

Franklin nodded, "Yeh. Where are those cards?"

Belula pointed a frog leg up at a cupboard nearby. Franklin floated up to it, opened the doors and looked around through the collection of junk. In the corner, there was a box of playing cards. The cardboard frame was an earth shade of brick red.

Franklin picked them up, slid the few cards sticking out back into the package and brought them down to Belula. She nodded, "Those are the ones."

Franklin looked around, "So where are we going to do this?"

Pipes continued his tour for Dale until Belula and Franklin called them into the main room. There was a chair ready for Dale at a wooden table where Belula had three stacks of cards waiting for him. Dale was told to sit.

Belula took a card out of a deck and placed it on one of the stacks. Dale was confused and was wondering if the frog was going to make him play solitaire.

"What kind of game is this?" asked Dale.

"It's not a game, kid," said Franklin, hovering by Dale's shoulder.

"Think of it as fortune telling," said Belulua.

"Are you going to tell my future?" asked Dale. A jolt of discomfort hit him, "Wait... can you do that?"

Belula looked at the top card on each pile. The face of it was completely black. Nothing on it. She put the cards down and shuffled them around, slowly because she was a frog with no myuman hands to deal them around.

Dale watched anticipatively. Belula shuffled a few more cards around and split the deck on the left. She took a sticky hand and slid the card her way. She picked it up to show Dale. Dale looked at the card. It had a foresty background on it.

"What does it show?" asked Belula.

Franklin looked at the card. It was black to his eyes.

"A forest," said Dale.

The words that Franklin and Belula wanted to hear. Dale saw a forest where it was nothing for the three others. The enchantment was working.

She kept shuffling around the cards. It didn't really matter which ones were dealt, in fact nothing was being dealt at all. There was no order to the shuffling of cards, it was all meant for show to keep Dale interested and for him to assume there was some endpoint with it.

She lifted another card, "What do you see?"

A forest again, although the graphic was a little different like each card had a new drawing on it. That's what it was to Dale. "A forest," he said. Belula looked at the card- it was black to her. Same with Pipes and Franklin again. She put the card aside and shuffled around some cards some more.

She took a card from the right deck, cutting the deck and then taking a card from the middle. She picked it up and showed it to Dale.

It was a forest. The graphic was different again but it was a card with a forest painted on it, no words or anything else.

"A for-"

Dale stopped. His eyes went vacant for a second. Then he came back, blinking but sitting still on his chair.

"Is it working?" asked Belula.

"I don't know," said Franklin.

Franklin hovered over beside Dale and the myuman boy didn't respond to the imp's presence. Franklin fluttered beside Dale's ear- the boy did nothing. Franklin thought for a moment, smiled, then smacked Dale in the cheek. The slap was audible but Dale did nothing.

"So how do you control him?" asked Pipes.

"You tell him to do things," said Franklin. "Hey! Dale! Stand up for a second!"

Dale stood up, pushing the chair back with the back of his legs. The chair teetered a bit by Dale's jerky motion but landed back on its four legs. The others looked at him- seems like the command work.

"Dale," said Belula, "raise your right arm."

Dale raised his right arm, touching the bottom of the dirt ceiling and breaking loose a clod of dirt to land on his head before bouncing off onto the floor.

"Don't give him such lame instructions!" said Franklin. The imp's smile went wide, "Dale..." Franklin looked around and eyed a broken dishwasher in the corner. He pointed at it, "Go hump that dishwasher!"

Dale walked over as casually as a guy on the way to the ice cream shop and put himself to the side of the appliance. He took his hand on the back panel and the front corner and became humping into it, the rusted machine squeaky with every metallic bang that came from Dale.

Franklin laughed, Belula fell on her side in a cackling fit, and Pipes chuckled sensibly.

"Someone better get that kid laid!" hollered Franklin, "He's so desperate he's humping the household fixings!"

Dale didn't stop. He kept humping. The others figured they could have left him there all day if they wanted. Belula picked herself off the table, still tittering at the myuman's behavior.

Franklin took one last glance at his myuman friend's extra-mechanical acitivities and then said, "Dale, you can stop humping the dishwasher."

Dale stopped. He dropped his arms and stood in front of the dishwasher, motionless.

"Can he talk?" asked Belula.

"Hey Dale," said Franklin, "Can you talk?"

"Yes," said Dale.

His tone was natural enough to come off as his genuine words and thoughts but Franklin could hear something off about Dale's tone when he was speaking while under the influence of the hypnotic cards. His tone was like if syllables were stitched together artificially.

"How old are you?" asked Belula.

"Nineteen," said Dale.

"When d'ja stop wetting the bed?" asked Franklin.

"Sixteen," said Dale.

Belula tittered, Pipes gave another warm chuckle rolling his glowing eyes, and Franklin giggled, "The kid peed in his first girlfriend's bed!"

"How much does he know in this state?" asked Pipes.

"Dale," said Belula, "What is the capital of Sweden?"

Dale opened his mouth like he was going to say something, but nothing came out. After a few seconds of holding his mouth agape, he spoke, "I do not know."

Franklin took a clawed hand to his fatty chin and stroke it, "What's 12,933.45 times 56.233?"

Dale stared into space, saying nothing. A few seconds passed, "I don't know."

"Ok, ok," said Franklin, "Better not lay on the hard questions or we might break his brain."

"What now?" asked Belula.

"Let's get him to do some hard labor," said Franklin.

The others commanded Dale to dig out a hole on the far side of the kitchen space. They gave him a shovel and once they ordered him to dig, he dug. There was some fine-tuning in his instruction since he was digging a hole too wide and dropping the dirt of the ground, but once they specified that the hole shouldn't be any wider than the shovel itself and that he should drop off the dirt in the corner of the room, Dale was working like a champ!

While Dale got busy doing their chores, the three of them found another deck of cards- actual playing cards- to play a game of poker. Belula had to rest on the shortened table and where she kept her cards face down because she couldn't hold them all. Franklin and Pipes were struggling themselves, their small hands for not meant for myuman-sized playing cards. They sat on chairs.

Pipes looked at his cards. Two fours, a six, a jack and a queen. He squinted, "How do you play this again?"

Franklin huffed, "I have no idea. It's some weird myuman game."

Belula looked over at Dale, still shoveling against the soil walled. He grunted and looked a little sweaty so Belula worried they might be over exerting their little mind slave.

"Do you think we should get him to stop?" asked Belula.

"Not really," said Franklin.

"But we're working him hard," said Belula, "He's been at this a long time."

"It's not that hard of work," said Franklin, "and it's only been about twenty minutes."

"Maybe he's not used to this exhausting of work, though," said Belula, "Think about it."

Franklin gandered behind himself at Dale. The imp didn't know Dale very well and only met him the other day so he didn't know any details on personal health problems. The didn't look unfit but he couldn't be sure.

"You're right," said Franklin, "I'll go check on him."

Franklin put his cards down and floated up from his seat. He went across the room to check on the myuman boy and he had done a decent job of digging into the wall. Franklin couldn't remember why he asked Dale to dig a hole but more space in their burrow couldn't be a bad thing.

He looked over Dale. A little sweaty but looking healthy. As Dale dug into the ground and kicked in the shovel, he grunted quietly but his voice wasn't harsh like he was running out of breath. The myuman seemed lucid, too. While his focus was on basic things like where he was digging, he seemed alright and could pass as someone who was not possessed or being controlled. But that was when Franklin looked downward and noticed something wrong.

There was a long pole hanging out in front of Dale's pants.

Franklin smiled, breaking out into fits. He gained control of himself for a moment only to yell at his friends, "G-guys! Come see this! The kid's got wood!"

Belula's eyes went bright! She had to see this! Pipes hopped off his chair and walked over to Franklin and Dale. Belula followed, hopping quickly to see what was happening.

Belula looked around the front of Dale's body and saw the rod sticking out in front. Dale didn't notice.

Belula giggled, "He... he's got an erection!? W-why!?"

Pipes walked over and examined the myuman man, hardon and all. He giggled distinguishedly, "I suppose we should have ordered him to ask if he was thinking about naked chicks."

"You think?" said Franklin. He floated up to Dale's face, "Hey kid, why are you horny?"

Dale looked at the imp, staring right through him like he didn't understand a word of the question. Dale said nothing.

"Did you see a naked chick earlier?" asked Franklin.


"Maybe it's a natural occurence to someone mind controlled," said Pipes, "like when someone wakes up with an erection."

"Ain't that a conundrum?" said Franklin, "We got a mostly functional way to control people but it's only inconspicuous if the perp is wearing a chastity belt."

"Guess the cards are not going to make a good warrior recruitment tool," said Belula.

Franklin thought for a second. The shovel was still in Dale's hand. The imp had locked up a monster for Dale to slay. This was part of their test. Could a myuman be ordered to slay a necro?

"Let's bring him to the necro and see what he can do," said Franklin.

"Want to see if that erection wears off first?" asked Belula.

Franklin didn't think it was going to wear off so he nixed the idea. Pipes had some things to take care so he left the three alone.

Franklin grabbed a key from the cupboard and stuck it in his pocket and directed Dale pick up the hypnosis cards that had enslaved him and stick them in his pocket. Then Franklin ordered Dale to follow him outside. It's not like anyone was going to be around except for them in the necro awaiting them so Dale had nothing to be embarrassed, even if he couldn't feel embarrassed in that state, presumably. Pipes went off to find some clothes to steal in a nearby house or even the agricultural center that Dale visited the other day.

The place where Franklin kept the necro was in the bush. Dale followed the imp has he fluttered deeper into the trees, the myuman carrying Belula in one hand and a shovel in the other.

"If this did work without Dale here getting erect," asked Belula, "what were you going to have these mind controlled myumans do?"

"It's not me," said Franklin, "it's my boss. She's the one with the plans, I just carry out orders."

Belula smiled and mused, "Much like Dale here."

Franklin snerked, "I can do things without an erection." He dropped the smile, "She's looking for options when it comes to footsoldiers. She's going to need all the help she can get."

"If it's battle," said Belula, "maybe this kind of hypnosis will do the trick." She looked over Dale's hand down at his legs. Still erect. Belula chuckled, "It's not like someone waving a hard rod around hurts their combat ability."

The three of them continued forward to where Franklin stashed the necro. They arrived at a fenced in area with the fence extending well out of view. Whatever it was containing, it had a lot of room.

"Where was the-?"

Franklin took Dale and Belula around the edge of the fence until he found the gate. It was locked but Franklin fluttered up and took out a key from one of his front pockets. It fit into the lock and there was a click when Franklin turned it. It was a smaller lock so Franklin was able to carry the lock off of its handle, open the gate, and direct Dale inside.

The gate was surrounding a large pit, about 10 feet deep. There was a growling and a rummaging down there and as Dale walked down the slope into the pit. Running between two trees in the distance, there was the necro. A macabre looking black skinned quadrupedal beast. It had spikes like rock formations jutting out of its head and back. It had the face of a demon dog without eyes.

It grunted like a wolf. Not having visible eyes did not mean it couldn't see and when it saw Dale and the others, it turned itself to them and began its approach. Franklin looked at Dale's shovel, "Ok kid, get that shovel ready. You're going to fight this thing."

Belula hopped out of Dale's hand and Dale took the shovel in both of his. He stared at the necro calmly, his eyes sharp.

Franklin looked at Dale and chuckled, "If he had faculties this would be the part he peed his pants anyway."

Belula hopped away from Dale and the necro and watched the fight from afar.

The beast growled but Dale didn't flinch. When he leaped at Dale- which got a gasp out of Franklin and Belula. Dale was quick though, and struck it down with the length side of the shovel, a thud that hit like a truck. The necro collapsed on the ground, but got back up.

"Slam it, Dale!" said Franklin.

Dale heaved the shovel upward and threw it down, but the necro was quick too, and jumped out of the way. With Dale's shovel on the ground, he was open for attack.

Franklin didn't know what to bark at the kid. He opened his mouth but all that came out was a fearsome scream.

The necro pounced but Dale took the shovel from the ground and smacked the necro on the head. It still hurdled towards Dale but all its attack was a check against the bottom of Dale's legs. Dale hopped back and brought the shovel up again to crash it down on the necro.

The thud could have been heard from outside the forest. The shovel rang in Dale's hands.

The necro twitched on the ground. Not quite dead yet.

"Whack him again, Dale!" said Franklin.

This time the hit was faster. A quick raise of the shovel and then a lunge downward. The necro twitched at the beat and its body began to dissolve, emitting a wispy hiss as it melted into the ground into nothingness.

Franklin sighed a breath of relief. Belula, shivering the ground and covering her head, took her froggy legs off her top and stood up.

"It's dead," said Franklin. He looked at Dale. He looked fine. Better than fine with the rod poking on the front of his pants.

"So..." said Belula, "these people can fight even when they are captured by the cards."

"Not bad," said Franklin, "Now how to we get him out of it? Do we have to wait?"

Belula hopped over to Dale, Franklin and where the necro once were. She motioned at Dale's pants, "Dale, hand Franklin the cards."

Dale reached into his pocket and took out the deck. He put it out for Franklin to take. It was a little heavy for Franklin so he took to the ground and set his feet on the dirt.

"Now," said Belula, "take out a handful of cards, make sure they are all facing the same direction."

"You're the one that put them away, Belula," said Franklin, opening the deck and sliding out a small stack of cards, "You're supposed to make sure they're facing the same direction when you put them away and not put them away haphazard like some kind of mongrel."

Belula ignored Franklin's taunt. Franklin put the deck down and looked at his small stack. Belula continued, "Now, fan them out so that Dale can see them."

Franklin fanned them out awkwardly. There was a lot of them and he dropped a couple struggling to spread them out. The imp grumbled, "Are you sure this is right?"

Belula hopped over in front of Franklin's card to see what Dale was seeing, "I think it works when Dale can see six cards decently. Spread them out."

Franklin rearranged them and used his other hand to fold some out better so that Dale could see a good portion of the card. Belula nodded encouraging and the imp folded out six cards. Dale didn't react, so Franklin continued. He got another showing most of it's face and then one more.

Dale blinked, dropped the shovel and took a hand to his head. "What just-" He looked around and saw he was in a forest. He recognized it was the one he walked into earlier, but after that his memory was blank.

There was a tightness below. "Do I have a boner?"

Belula and Franklin broke out into a laughing fit. Dale burned with embarrassment, hiding his boner. Franklin keeled over and cackled while pounding the ground with his fist. Belula toppled on her back, clutching her stomach with her front legs while her back legs kicked in the air.

Dale growled at them, his eyes full of rage. He gazed at the shovel and picked it up. When he turned to them with a glare in his eyes their laughter became surprise as Dale swiped at them with the shovel's blade.

They hopped out of the way and the fan from the shovel's motion blew a few of the cards into the air.

Franklin hovered up towards, "Hey, watch where you're waving that thing! Watch the cards!"

"I know you did something, Franklin!" snarled Dale.

Franklin stifled a laugh and clamped his smile, "It's fine." He cleared his throat, looking down at Dale's pants and watching Dale's cock deflate, "You just got a little excited from battle."

They gathered the cards, Dale picked up the shovel, and the three of them left the pit the necro having been vanquished. Franklin would have to report this to his boss. They left the fenced area, Franklin put the lock back on the door and locked it tight.

As they walked home, Dale uncomfortable with the embarrassment of coming to with a hardon, the other two explained to him what he had done that last hour since being hypnotized by the cards. It was so bewildering to hear about enchanted cards that literally controlled people that Dale forgot to be angry that they chose him as a test subject without their permission.

They returned back to their hideout, Dale again impressed with the magical ramp technology that dug down into the ground to the hideout's doorway, and they walked inside. The others took a seat at their card-playing table but Dale had to remain standing with there being no clean chair available.

"I was hoping for something cooler," said Dale, "I wanted to meet a ghost or something, not get hypnotized into standing full mast!"

"If the ghost was sexy enough," said Franklin, "I think there wouldn't be much different of an outcome."

Dale scowled.

Belula lit up and turned to Franklin, "Why don't we have him meet Fiona?"

"Who's Fiona?" asked Dale.

"She's a tiefling," said Belula.

"What's a tiefling?" asked Dale.

"Tieflings are people are natural magic," said Belula, "they have glowing-" she stopped herself, "Well, why don't we go visit her and you can find out?"

While Dale and his pint-sized friends were making plans to visit the mysterious Fiona, Pipes returned and got involved in their plans to see their neighbor. Dale mentioned he felt underdressed.

"Don't worry about that," said Franklin, "Fiona doesn't care about that. She's not a myuman- she doesn't demand formal attire."

With Dale having shaken off the jitters of being mind-controlled, the four of them were ready for a late night visit to a tiefling friend of theirs. Dale hoped that his interact with this 'tiefling' was less embarrassing than what had happened to him that afternoon.

Embrace Animality: Be Gay 3 [Scat/WS]

Darwin asked everyone to get out of their seats and mingle. No one was being forced to do anything sexual, but she wanted the class to unwind after a tense lesson like the one they just got. Darwin herself had to take a moment to let her heart stop...

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Embrace Animality: Be Gay 3

Darwin asked everyone to get out of their seats and mingle. No one was being forced to do anything sexual, but she wanted the class to unwind after a tense lesson like the one they just got. Darwin herself had to take a moment to let her heart stop...

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Embrace Animality: Be Gay 2

When the students returned to class for the second period of that day, everyone knew something was going on with the way Darwin stood at the chalkboard with her hands behind her back, watching them with an alert seriousness. Students moved in and...

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