Change of Perspective Page 17

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#18 of Change of Perspective

The attack on the organic base kicks off, what will happen next?

Art is done by croft Story by me. I might be adding more story details/fixing anything I see as I post. The story can always be improved. And as always please comment, I love comments! Thank you for reading.

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"You can't pull the plug on the project now!" Exclaims Rheme as she stands before Xenari who has her back turned to her. Xenari has her hands behind her back looking at a screen of information, "We've lost over a half a dozen men, two out of six of your research team are missing and presumed dead. These geth have been countering our countermeasures. This facility is no longer safe. We need to get what we can and go."

"Two? But only Kirisha is missing," Rheme replies as her ears flatten.

"Well some brilliant mind thought it was a good idea to go out when I already said not to send out any more expeditions... We've lost contact with the team there, there were reports of talking geth."

"Talking geth? This is an amazing discov--," Rheme says before her words are cut off by one cold glare from the turian spectre.

"As much as I like the idea of making contact with these machines. To have a conversation, these geth are becoming too clever and with it too hostile. I'll make sacrifices when needed, but I am not going to risk the lives of everyone here for some pipe dream of understanding these geth."

"You...." Rheme says as she trails off for a moment, her ears flattening even more, "You're right."

Xenari turns around, "I'm glad you are finally seeing reason."

"But we can't leave immediately. We need to give them the teams some time to get back."

"Teams? Who is there left."

"Azreith could still be alive, he runs the dickens when he gets scared. Kirisha, she's too tough to just go down, Hux, Tiius, they can still be alive. We can't just abandon them."

"The odds that they are still alive are incredibly slim, not worth risking everyone else here."

"I understand that and I don't want that either. How about we leave in three shifts? Those who want to get off now, be it scientist or soldier, up to half of our current staff. Taking the research data and equipment in the first, then most of the heavy equipment, and the final any of those who wished to wait to see if there are any other survivors," explains Rheme.

Xenari looks at the anthropomorphic jackal staring at her with cold battle-hardened eyes for a moment before letting out a long drawn out sigh, "If none want to stay for the third, you will come on the second will you not? I don't intend to leave you here alone."

"Of course."

"The first ship will leave in about four hours, you better get to work if you want to save your data."

"Shouldn't be a problem. I'll also take the time to set up some traps."

"Traps?" Xenari asks raising a brow.

"I don't study geth for so long and be completely ignorant of their dangers now. I've come up with a few trap methods, and some I've theorized to slow or trap geth. If on the slim chance we are in the danger you hint we are in, wouldn't you want a few extra precautionary measures?" Rheme asks with a smile.

"Fine, just don't make me regret it. Last thing I need is some of my own people getting caught up in something you've concocted," remarks Xenari.

"Excellent, you won't regret it!" Rheme exclaims with an unusually happy tone. She turns and is about to step out of the room when she sees a familiar blue and purple scaled anthropomorphic raptor standing at the door's entrance, her green emerald eyes looking at her as she says, "Mila. Glad to see you are out. Xenari here just cut our mission short... I'm afraid we have to leave."

"I know... I was listening, but if you don't mind, there is something I like to talk to Xenari about... in private."

"Of course, just in hang in there, things will get better," Rheme says with a forced smile as she walks out of the room.

"Mila, good to see you could join us. I know this can't be easy for you with all that has happened."

"It's okay, I'll be fine. There's something I want to talk to you about..." she says as the door to the room automatically closes.


Platform 141895112 runs one last diagnostic check as the repairs and upgrades were completed, "Systems functioning nominally."

"Acknowledged," reply the other geth in the room as platform 101142119 enters just as 141895112 steps off of the platform.

"We have innated on the hidden organic strong hold twenty-seven minutes twelve seconds ago. Traditional platforms have fund difficulty in penetrating the second ring of defenses around the base. We are splitting control over the assault platforms on this dropship. We are to proceed to the hanger immediately," states 101142119.

"Acknowledged," responds 141895112 as it steps off its repair platform, "Re-establishing connection to geth network... connection established. ETA to organic base, four minutes 28 seconds," reports 141895112 as the two platforms head to the primary hanger of the drop ship. Their feet tap, clank against the metal ground, their bodies give off a soft whir noise as they enter the room.

Lights hum to life as rows of bunched up geth platforms stand at the ready. Several armatures and two geth colossus also idle in their tightly packaged state, waiting for commands. The two platforms stand in the center of the room as they look over them, "Establishing connection with platforms in sections one, five, seven, eight," states 141895112 as over twenty-five geth platforms start to come to life. Their optics start to glow, while the three armatures and one colossus hum, but they do not move, only giving a soft hum as they activate.

Program 1191891981 felt a surge of information, energy go through the platform's systems. It helped, watched, learned, and quickly applied what was going on, "Establishing Centralized Hub Network: 141905112" program 1191891981 stated along with thousands of other geth working in tandem to speed up the process. Geth were uploaded from 141905112 and into the nearby designated platforms. They activated and took control of the platform, using approximately 15.719% of the total geth programs designated to platform 141895112.

"Platform 57844896598 activating... establishing connection to Centralized Hub Network: 141895112. Connection established," stated the one platform, which was soon followed by the others. Program 1191891981 felt these new connections. There was always a connection to the greater geth consensus, but data transfer between them and the rest were at specific intervals or when necessary. This connection was different. It felt the other platforms were connected only to its platform. They exchanged data readily like other get platforms normally do, but this was faster. Though most sensory data isn't transferred between them and their platform, but these platforms were connected almost to the point they were in the same original platform. 1191891981 can calculate the increased intelligence, teamwork and overall improved functions as they worked, becoming parts of a whole in multiple platforms in a way never done before.

"This is what we were trying to achieve," remarks program 1261859208 internally in platform 101142119. It felt the connection that temporarily lessened, as geth left the platform be restored to almost the same level as before as 16.542% of programs were uploaded into their designated platforms. Geth are networked machines, growing more intelligent the more geth nearby are networked, but most platforms can only hold so many programs, limiting their overall intelligence and making them vulnerable. Geth hubs contained millions to billions of geth programs, working together to enhance their intelligence and become closer to individuals. Working to establish security for their people, but hubs are heavy, massive, blind to the world, requiring platforms, this was a new blend of the two, the very cutting edge of their technology.

"This is absolutely amazing, this connection is unlike we've felt before," remarks 1191891881 to not only the other geth in its platform, the surrounding platforms, but to the other mobile hub platform and their programs, especially to 1261859208.

"It is amazing that we are now able to work together in such a way. Let us hope we can limit loss of geth and death of organics in the assault," responds 1261859208 along with countless other geth speaking with it in unison.

"Acknowledged," responded 1191891881 with countless more geth speaking with it in unison.

Back at the organic base

Fires rage on the outer defenses of the base, sirens blare as sounds of plasma gun fire, crack and boom in the surrounding areas. Soldiers rush to any breaches, as they defend against ever increasing geth attacks. Geth platforms lay broken, battered all around the outskirts of the base. Several hidden defense towers lay battered and broken. Soldiers scream out in pain or lay blooded on the ground, but despite the direness of the situation the defenses appear to be holding.

Rheme rushes to the hanger where the sounds of battle are extremely muffed. There the quarians, Mila and the wounded are already loaded up onto the transport. Mila stands by the loading bay as she looks out to the door where Rheme came from.

"Are you going too?" asks Xenari as she stands off to the side spouting orders to the troops as she looks over an electronic map of the base's current defenses.

Rheme looks over at Xenari and shakes her head, "I'll wait for the second shuttle."

"Are you mad? There may not be a second shuttle at this rate. We are holding but just barely," remarks Xenari as she looks over at the map.

"Where are they now?" Rheme asks as she walks over.

"We're completely surrounded," she remarks with a huff.

"Let's see.... Oh I see they are there, let's see how they like this..." Rheme remarks as she pulls out from her trench coat a tablet and with a few swipes of her fingers she smiles, "There we go."

"Ma'am, the geth in the west wing have suddenly become sluggish. They are pulling back, we've managed to take down their retreating armature in the process," reports one of Xenari's forces. Rheme flicks her tail excitedly upon hearing the news.

"Well that certainly works, wonderful."

"One of my many traps, that one was inspired by something the quarians have been cooking up in their desire to retake their home world."

"How many more surprises like that do you have?"

"Hopefully enough to buy us time to get a second shuttle prepped for departure. I've come to ask for two things."

"What is it?"

"First, I need a gun," Rheme states bluntly as Xenari lets out a soft chuckle.

"No need to ask, here," Xenari replies as she tosses her a heavy black assault rifle.

"This is a spectre grade assault rifle. You're just giving it to me?" Rheme asks as she looks up at the turian with surprise, her mouth slightly ajar.

"I am lending it to you. I will want that back. If you go get yourself killed trying to delay them and lose that, I'll kill you. That thing cost me a lot of credits."

"You have to buy your own gear? But you're a spectre!"

"Tell me about it," Xenari responds as she rolls her eyes, "What's the second request?"

"Go with Mila and the others. You're a spectre the best of the best, you need to be on the shuttle to defend them in case the geth manage to board the vessel."

Xenari shakes her head, "No. First, if they managed to board that small of a vessel it is already all over. Secondly, I am needed here to see as many survive. I do what it takes to get the job done, and right now my job is to make sure as many of us get out of her as possible."

"Geth dropships inbound from the east!" reports a soldier over the coms.

"If you want to help, I think you know where you need to go."

"Yes Ma'am," Rheme replies giving a salute. Xenari salutes in kind as Rheme rushes off.

Geth Dropship

The ship hums as it moves over the battlefield. The geth platforms prepare to drop in as the hanger doors below the ship open up like old World War 2 bombers. The geth look down as they drop from the sky landing on the ground below with a heavy thud. Their bodies kicking up dust as they land. The armatures land behind them with the two colossuses in the back. They look around briefly before splitting into separate directions taking cover as combat programs take over the brunt of the processing for the connected platforms.

"Organic combat mechs detected. Threat level: High," states one platform as the armatures unfurl, popping onto their four legs as they start their assault, shooting laser cannons in the general direction of the organics, pinning them down as the two much larger geth colossuses take aim and fire as the heavy mechanized suit barely dodges the attack.

Geth hoppers jump across onto the nearby buildings drawing fire as other geth flank and assault the defending forces, pinning them down in deadly crossfire while the mechanized suits are kept busy. The two core platforms move up with the others, organizing them into an elite fighting unit. Platform 101142119 firing off a geth plasma rifle as its core program 1261859208 focuses on keeping up with the information. The former feline not even taking a moment that this is the first time that its really held and fired a weapon in earnest. That it is not running away in fear by leading with thousands of other geth in a tight organized unit within a few platforms. Fear didn't exist. It had a job, it knew the risks, the consequences. It had to help, and help it did.

"Geth reinforcements are pushing us back on the east side," reports a soldier as they steadily fall back when possible. Rheme rushes to the area, firing off a shot at a nearby geth hopper as it clung to the side of a building. The machine jumping off right before the rounds land, disappearing on the roof.

"Damn. Let's see, they are on the east and probably around there. Let's see how they handle this," remarks Rheme as she pulls out her tablet and unleashes a series of traps of various sorts. EMC pulse, electric wire fencing on the ground, causing electrical shock to geth caught in the trap. That was until the other geth quickly responded and disabled the traps within a few shots, "Damn it, I really liked those ideas," Rheme remarks as she takes cover, "Okay let's try this one, it worked last time," she comments as she releases the same attack from earlier.

The geth notice a sudden increase in waste data that must be scrubbed through their systems, "This must have been what slowed down the other geth," reports one platform.

"Acknowledged, uploading extra programs to partial and scrub excess waste data," responded platforms 141895112 and 101142119 as they proceed to upload 5% more of their stored programs into the other geth units as they work to remove the excess data quickly, affectively, while allowing the other programs to continue their function.

Rheme watches her smile turns to a frown as she watches that the outcome she was hoping for did not come to fruition, "Damn it, what happened? It worked last time, or did something else happen? Did my trap not work? Damn it! I won't get to find out now! What is taking so long to get that ship going!" Rheme grumbles to herself as she fires off several shots.

Moments later the roar of an engine is heard over the sound of gunfire. Rheme looks up briefly to see the shuttle depart and with it a load is taken off of Rheme's shoulders, "Thank the..." she trails off as she catches out of the corner of her eye a geth hopper which strikes down by her. Rheme rolls out of the way, falling incidentally into the open. The geth hopper jumping back before its attention is caught by one of the still functioning battle mech suits. It leaps into the as it strikes at the mech which fires a full thermal clip at the machine.

"High propriety target located," reports platform 101142119 as the information is sent to platform 141895112. The two platforms send data back to forth with each other, noticing the current situation of the battlefield the probability of successful capture to risk of geth platforms.

Time Stamp: 17:32:02.192

"Organic target: Rheme, probably of capture low. Probability several platforms damaged or destroyed resulting in loss of geth programs: High. Conclusion: Eliminated organic threat," state the majority of geth within platforms 141895112 and 101142119.

"Negative. Organic target Rheme is of high importance. Worth the risk of capture," States programs 1191891981 and 1261859208 along with a significantly smaller number of geth programs.

"Clarify," reply the other geth.

"Rheme is an organic with unusual robotic genius. Rare even amongst organics. She has served with program 1261859208 for several solar cycles before arriving. Intimate knowledge of target indicates the reward to risk ratio is miscalculated," responds 126859208's program along with a few thousand more.

"According to programs 1191891981's information and logic, there exists a high probability that the traps set off here were set by Rheme. Capture and conversion to further enhance our understanding of such traps, which have already been successful in slowing other geth would be most beneficial," responds 1191891981's program along with several thousand more.

"Every geth program is valuable. There exists a high probability that several geth programs could be lost in the process of capturing organic target. Organic resistance has been high. Limited loss of geth while neutralizing target is preferable," respond the geth majority.

"If no loss was a geth were within acceptable parameters, no attack on the organic base would have taken place. Capture and processing of organic soldiers and intelligent organic: Rheme would result in improving the overall geth collective and limited loss of geth programs and platforms in the long run. Risking a few to save the many," responded 1191891981 with increasing number of geth programs.

"We will attempt to limit risk to geth platforms and programs in the apprehension of target Rheme. Currently the organic mech is distracted by an out of local network platform. A strike from both geth colossus at this moment would render the target inoperable, increasing the probability of target apprehension and decreasing the probability of lost platforms and programs," explains program 1261859208 along with a still ever-increasing number of other geth programs.

"Acknowledged. Proceed with combined assault on organic mech and capture target Rheme," reply the former geth majority.

"Acknowledged. Consensus achieved," respond the geth as they proceed their plan.

Time Stamp: 17:32:03.512

Change of Perspective Page 18

Explosions rocked the base as Rheme ducked down instinctively as the nearby mechanized suit exploded in brilliant colors of orange and yellow. Scraps of metal flung everywhere as she could hear the whizz of shrapnel fly overhead, landing nearby. ...

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Change of Perspective Page 16

Platforms 141895112 and 101142119 stood before the geth prime for several moments as the data they transferred was being disseminated and processed by the larger geth consensus, "Alert, data indicates that platform 141895112's repairs have not been...

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Change of Perspective Page 15

Kirisha feels the energy flowing through her geth body. It grows and grows as she 'feels' a pressure building up within her mind. Her body growing hard to move as she hears a voice she can't understand, "Initiating standby mode for platform 141895112....

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