Nutflix and Chill

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#1 of Commissions

I come to you today with a commission. The commissioner wants to stay anonymos. To be honest with you all it has been a while

since I wrote FanFiction of canon characters. It was quite some fun, as it made me remember my roots when I started writing so

many years ago as well. I hope you all enjoy it as much as I did writing it.

In case you are wondering why I have been away for a while. I had a surgery a couple weeks ago and

a rough time recovering from it. I'm sure I will get back into my groove once I recovered enough.

Working on this reignited my interest in writing more FanFiction again. So I'm curious.

What kind of canon characters would you like to see in my writing style?

Nutflix and Chill

A beautiful summer day was underway. It wasn't overly hot or cold. A couple of fluffy clouds covered the sky, keeping the sun at bay just enough. As much as you could say in Zootopia with specially designed ecosystems for each resident's needs. At least in this case, it was a pleasant summer day.

A mostly unique van was parked in one of the many back alleys, hidden from view and secluded enough to be called a small little place of privacy. Few would look for it because it was mostly known by two people, both of whom were sitting in the spacious insides of it. A nice comfortable mattress takes up the majority of the space. A small fan kept the air moving to keep it from becoming stuffy. Despite this, Nick the sly fox and his partner in crime Finnick were not wearing anything, making it even more comfortable for both of them.

"This is nice. Nostalgic." Nick was taking in the atmosphere, not thinking about anything in particular, his eyes closed and a big smile on his face.

"I had no idea I could miss this." Soon after, silence filled the van, until a ruffling sound filled the nearly completely empty space in the back of the van.

Finnick seemed to be looking for a comfortable way to lay down, or so it appeared. "Well, if you showed up more often, you wouldn't have missed it in the first place."

"Come on, Fin, don't be that way. You know I enjoy spending time with you whenever possible."

The only response the fox received was a harumph. Silence was filling the van once more, this time like a heavy scratchy blanket on top of everyone. Finally, Nick smiled slyly as he pulled his phone from nowhere.

"The usual? This is something I haven't done in a long time either."

"Not watching porn with your new lady friend?"

Nick's usual smirk vanished as he looked at Finnick seriously for the first time since he arrived here today.

"You know it's not like that. Carrots and I are just friends." He paused for a moment, as if he was thinking about something. "But, now that you mention it, I never asked if she was up for the idea. Given the number of siblings she has, I would be surprised if she was against watching porn."

He appeared to be about to put the phone away again when a smaller paw stopped him, pulling the fox out of his thoughts. When his gaze returned to the Fennec, there was only the usual grumpy expression. No words or anything to accompany his action. Nick's soft smirk reappeared on his lips in return.

Instead of putting the phone away, he navigated through his apps, quickly finding the one he was looking for, which was easy to spot with the logo of a red hassle nut on a black background. It started with the usual sound and he was bombarded with a list of many tasteful options, moving along the different lists and categories.

"Do you have anything specific in mind?"

Finnick didn't respond, instead scooting closer, close enough for Nick to feel his body heat and vice versa. Nick moved his arm around, pulling the fennec all the way up against him and keeping it there. Only to receive another grumpy harrumph from the smaller fox.

He kept moving through the different options while holding his phone so that both of them could see the content. There was so much to choose from, most of which Nick had never seen before, reminding him how long it had been since he had done anything like this. It used to be more difficult to find something new back then. Now he was confronted with nothing but movies he has never seen. It was so much easier in the past to watch their favourite shows instead of deciding on something new both could enjoy.

This went on for a little while longer until Nicks was stopped again by a smaller paw. "That one is fine."

The fox wasn't even sure on which one he had come to a halt. He was so deep in thought that he didn't pay attention to it for a while now. But he was relieved that the Fennec had made the decision for him.

He began the movie without much thought, and it was clear that, like so many other videos on nutflix, this one was not included because of the amazing story. They only got a brief introduction of the characters. Before some strange reason, caused the characters to have the strangest kind of sexual interaction.

At least, that's what Nick assumed. He blinked a few times as the door to the bedroom flew open, revealing an officer standing in the door frame. He blinked a few more times as his brain finally connected the dots, as that particular officer seemed familiar.

The plot was completely lost when the woman in the video was pulled away for some strange reason, leaving a rather flustered pig and the officer behind. It's a cheetah. A certain cheetah. Nick had to talk about that at work tomorrow. Especially with that cheetah. That certain cheetah.

Perhaps more surprising was how the video continued, demonstrating how graceful that officer could be. Replaced the women's spot in a moment's notice. And he appeared to know what he was doing, particularly with his mouth. He wasn't sure if Finnick had chosen that one by chance. If that was the case, it was a huge coincidence.

The sounds, the visuals, everything was hitting all the right spots. Nick wasn't sure if it was because he knew one of the actors that he was so aroused. But it most certainly worked. He could feel his member growing to full mast in no time, throbbing and even leaking. It didn't take long for the desire to help himself to overpower his willpower to resist.

"Could you please hold the phone, Fin? I need to..."

The fox couldn't even finish his sentence before twitching and feeling another hand on his already aroused member. He can only huff out air from the strong reaction, feeling a drop of pre run down his length.

"Fin you don't..."

"Shut up, Nick, and enjoy yourself..."

A second hand was added to the first, running up and down his entire length. When they stroked along his whole length, Nick felt a shiver run up and down his spine. His breathing already quickened; it had been a long time since anyone other than himself had touched this part of him in such a way. It would have been sad thinking about it any much longer. Luckily, he didn't because his mind was flooded with all sorts of pleasure instead.

His eyes were only half open at this point, as he was still partially watching the video. But that was only a fleeting thought as his eyes moved past the phone to his own member and what was going on there more often than not.

He kept his mouth shut as he felt and watched the fennec move away from him and between his legs. His attention was fixed on Finnick as he opened his muzzle and licked the top of his dick. The sensation caused the fox's legs to shake.

"Oh Fin~"

The phone was set aside because Nick's full attention was now on the fennec. In any case, it was the better show to begin with in his opinion. His senses were filled with the sensation of a warm mouth around his sensitive tip as that muzzle opened and his own member started to vanish inside it. A tongue running along his glands. Finnick knew how to play with him like a musical instrument. It was not his first time.

The fox can't help but reach out, running one hand along the edge of those big adorable ears, rubbing it between his fingers. He knew Finnick enjoyed that sensation, even if he always gave him a grumpy expression whenever the fox played with those. Nick could only smile as he saw more and more of his cock disappear into his friend's warm muzzle.

He could see it going deeper and deeper, already imagining reaching the fennec's throat, as he stopped Fin's movement, getting a confused annoyed look in return. Finnick let the member slip from his mouth with a loud sound.

"Why did you stop me?"

"Well, you were about to deepthroat, and I don't want to hurt you."

Finnick huffed. "You know I can handle it."

"I know you do, but let me be considerate for once."

Before the fennec could respond, he felt two hands reach for his sides and lift him up. "Hey! What is the big d..."

He was about to complain, but he got cut off when he felt two lips pressed against his. His first thought was to fight it, to complain. But it only lasted a fraction of a second before he closed his eyes, wrapped his arms around Nick's neck, and returned the kiss.

They were both enjoying the connection, the electricity that was coursing through their bodies as a result of the simple touch of a kiss. As they opened their muzzles and let their tongues dance with each other, exploring their tastes, the kiss grew deeper and more passionate. Their breathing became faster and deeper. Until the kiss slowly dissolved, leaving both of them speechless as they gazed into each other's eyes.

"My adorable, grumpy Fin." After saying that, Nick's confident grin reappeared on his lips.

"I'm not..."

"What are you? Not mine?"

Finnick came to a halt, opening his mouth and closing it again, his usually grumpy expression gone. "I am.. If you still have me."

Now was the time for Nick to lose his usual confident expression. "Why wouldn't I?"

"You seem happy now." The last part was nothing more than a whisper, a long-held thought in the fennec's mind. "Away from me..."

Nick wasn't sure what Finnick said at the end, but he had a feeling. His hand moved slowly to the fennec's cheek, gently running his thumb over it.

"Yeah, I'm happy. I feel like I'm doing something significant. Something important. Like I've always wanted."

He pauses here, noticing the sadness in those big, adorable eyes in front of him. He leans forward, pressing his forehead against Finnicks'.

"However, that doesn't mean I don't want to spend time with you. You've been a part of my life since forever. We made so many memories together. You are important to me, and I never want to be without you in my life. It makes no difference where I go or what I do."

Finnick acted first this time as he leaned forward slightly, binding their lips together again, ending in a deep passionate kiss for a few moments before it broke again.

"You are such a romantic sap." That was all the fennec could say while avoiding eye contact.

"And you love it." Nick's confidence returned, as did his smirk, as he ran his finger down Finnick's front, only to stop at that hard throbbing cock. There was no reason for him to be that hard, besides loving hearing every word he got told. "This little guy can't lie to me."

A fierce blush appeared on the fennec's face, his big adorable ears moving slightly against his head. He huffed softly. "Fuck me, already."

This prompted Nick to look up once more. "You sure, I haven't been around for a while, you think you can handle me."

The fennec only grunts as he leans forward again, this time to retrieve something from between the mattress and van walls. Ending up with a bottle of lube and a toy roughly the size of Nick's eagerly throbbing cock. "Yes."

That was all the fox needed to go for another deep kiss, this time slobby and far more passionate than any of them before. He didn't need to look as he went for the lube, making sure he and Finnick were ready to go. His hands moved back to the fennec's hips, lifting him up and putting him in position.

His hot tip throbbed eagerly when he touched that lubed up pucker, only grinding against it a couple times before pushing in. Both let out a soft moan, breaking the kiss, and closing their eyes to concentrate on the pleasure coursing through their bodies. The warm velvet tunnel took him in, nearly sucking him in, without much resistance from that tender muscle.

With an easy change in position, Nick couldn't hold back any longer. Finnick was on his back, Nick above him, pushing that hard cock deeper and deeper inside that eager hole, watching it quickly vanish. "Fuck, I love you."

Two hands reached out to him, arms wrapping around his neck once more.Fingers dicking into the fur on his neck. "I love you, too, now fuck me silly."

Nick didn't need to be told twice as he drew back and pushed back in harder. He could tell that Finnick was trained well, not feeling any resistance. Pushes quickly turned to thrusts, filling the back of the Van with the sound of Nick's hips slapping against Finnick's.

The fox's tongue rolled out as his thrusts began to lose rhythm, becoming stronger and stronger, feeling how he was getting closer with every passing fraction of a second. He opened one eye as he noticed the warm tunnel tighten around his cock, seeing string after string of cum painting the fennec's belly while riding his own orgasm. It was all he needed to unleash his own torrent of hot, sticky cream inside that eager hole.

He didn't stop right away, instead thrusting for the duration of his orgasm and even a little longer, until he sat back out of breath. His cock slipped free on his own. "That was quick. I'm sorry, Fin. I really needed that badly. It's been far too long."

Nick hadn't even had a chance to catch his breath when he heard words reach his ears. "You're not done. I said fuck me silly. We are not even close." He can only open his eyes to see Finnick on all fours, a slightly gaping and cum dripping hole in front of him. Even giving his butt a gentle shake.

Nick's smirk turned into a grin. That was all it took for his member to decide there was no rest needed at all.


They both lost track of how many times they went at it, how many times Nick filled Finnick with his warm cum. Now completely exhausted, both of them were lying on the mattress, enjoying their massive afterglows. Finnick laid on top of Nick, the fox having his arms laid around the fennec enjoying being close to each other in that way.

The fox picked up his phone, only roughly recalling what they had been watching. "Oh yeah, did you know this video?"


"Well, the cheetah is a work colleague. It caught me by total surprise."

The fennec looked like he saw the video for the first time ever. At least it seemed that way judging by his expression. "No, I had no idea. He's kind of adorable. You think he purrs when he's been fucked to oblivion like you just did to me?"

Nick could see the image in his head right away. His trademark smirk appeared on his lips. "You want me to bring him next time to find out?"

Nick wasn't sure if it was because the fennec was completely exhausted or out of genuine curiosity. Nothing less, He was taken aback by the response.

"Of course, why not. It's been a while since I had some fun with a chunky boy. They can be a lot of fun."

The fox grinned even wider. One was for sure, he was looking forward to work tomorrow. He couldn't wait to talk with the cheetah about this and see his reaction.

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