Exodus Fornicatio Chapter 1

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#1 of Exodus Fronicatio

Follow Maurin as he begins a new chapter in his life. Not knowing what to expect or what awaits him, he is mostly surprised and amazed. Finding himself in a situation he never expected to be in.

Thank you for taking the time to read the first chapter of this story. I thought about it for a while, but realized that a short story would not do it justice. So here we are with my first multi-chapter story. I hope you liked what you read. In the near future, our main character will face numerous challenges. I can't wait to show you how he overcomes or stumbles through the obstacles that await him~

Exodus Fornicatio

Chapter 1

Maurin was sitting in a wagon. It has been a long journey so far, multiple changes of carriage all the way to this one. He couldn't even remember when it was the last time he felt his lower back or butt. All the shaking and the bumpy roads he was travelling on made them completely numb at this point. His gaze went out the window. It was a pretty remote place. When was the last time he saw a house, farmland or village? His fear from the start of his travel grew more and more, knowing that he would reach his destination soon.

Maurin was still unsure if this was all just a big ruse to get rid of him. It was also an expensive one, given how long he was travelling and how much money they spent. They must have paid a fortune for this. He had grown up in an orphanage. There were no memories of his parents or family he could recall, even if he wanted. That was how young he ended up in that place. It wasn't too bad. Monks and the church keep it in good condition. He was never concerned about food or education. But, as with so many orphanages, adoption was extremely rare. Most ended up like him, maturing into adults and being assigned to a monastery in need of new members.

As much as Maurin liked the orphanage and how it was handled, he didn't like living in it. He was a big, overweight black panther, unlike the other kids. He wasn't lazy. Stamina was not something he lacked. Even though he ate as much as the other orphans, he was never able to lose weight. So he turned into an easy target for many other frustrated orphans who had no other way to relieve their stress than by mockery and bullying behind the monks' backs.

When he was finally considered an adult, he believed he could begin to live a more normal life. But what the head monk told him sounded like a big fat joke in and of itself. A monastery that was ideal for him, full of overweight men who were highly respected in their field of work. He didn't say anything else. Just how well he'd fit in.

His eyes focus shifted from the background to the window itself, where he noticed his own reflection. He never thought of himself as anything special. Even with the dark black fur and cat-like pupils, chubby cheeks, and a big belly, the whole package suggests someone who is carrying too much weight on their hips. However, being a little rounder made him appear less intimidating. As he reflected on what-if scenarios, he realised that the other kids would have always found a way to tease him anyways. If it was not his weight, it would have been how scary he was or his pitch black fur.

As his focus slowly shifted between different topics in his head a knock on wood made his big ears twitch slightly. Pulled out of his thoughts, he looked to the spot the driver should be sitting at.

"We arrive any moment sir. We can see the monastery already."

Unaware of this, his gaze returned to the outside. It didn't take Maurin long to spot the location. It was enormous. That's not all. There were clearly many fields surrounding it, as well as what appeared to be a thriving village. The monastery stood on a small hill, overlooking everything. This was possibly the largest town he had seen since beginning his journey. Perhaps even larger than the village in which his orphanage was located. It almost appeared magical.

It didn't take long, as the driver said, and he passed through the village. Nobody seemed unhappy, and he didn't see any beggars or other unsightly people. Of course, he could have been driving through a safer part of town, but he was still taken aback. People appear to thrive in their own businesses. He could see monks assisting here and there. The sight took him by surprise. They were dressed in elaborate robes. They were dark purple, long, and covered their entire body, with the exception of a hole right above their chest that showed the top of their beefy chests. It was shaped like a heart, or so it appeared from what he could see. Some golden writings run down the sides of the robe, from the arms to the bottom. Everyone they spoke with was cheerful and smiling. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. They were all the same size as him, if not bigger. He wanted to go out and talk to them.

But this village was not his real destination.

He drove past fields after leaving the village. It was a strange setup. The monastery, which towered over everything on a small hill, was impressive in its sheer size. Surrounded by a ring of fields that were surrounded by a ring of houses that were creating a town. It is obvious what appeared first and what appeared last in this location.

Maurin couldn't help but open the window slightly, inhaling the aroma of fresh fruits and vegetables. Even in the fields he saw a couple more monks, and he assumed villagers, working the fields. He got the glimpse of a monk behind some trees that looked different, but he was hidden so well and only in sight for a really short time that he couldn't tell what it was. He only had a nagging feeling the monk was not looking like the others.

His mind was in total turmoil as he finally accepted that this was not just a big plot to get rid of him. It was actually a place where he would be wanted. He was so overcome with emotion that he didn't notice the carriage had come to a halt. The driver had to repeat himself several times before he could get through to him with his words.

"Sir we arrived."

The panther's gaze was drawn to the driver, who stood in front of him, his simple suitcase in hand. It was not big or much, as Maurin didn't really have many belongings he called his own.

"Oh yes of course... My apologies."

He slowly steps out of the wagon and approaches the driver, attempting to pull out his small purse, which contained a few coins. Not much, but more than he had ever owned at one time in his life.

"No need for that. It is an honour to help a new member of the Exodus Fornacatio."

The panther was taken aback by this reaction and had no idea what to do. He could only observe the driver return to his carriage and take his usual seat. He tipped his hat before driving away, leaving only a few more words behind.

"May the gods be your guide."

Maurin could only stare, perplexed, as the wagon shrank and shrank. Right now, he wasn't sure what to do or think. It appeared that the orphanage owner was not lying to him at all. Not only that. It seemed he undersold this place on top of that.

He turned around and took his suitcase in one hand, with his attention fixed on the massive front gate. He had no intention of walking through it or even moving it in the first place. To move such massive wooden doors, some sort of mechanism or magic must have been necessary. He walked up to the gate, looking for some kind of bell or other way to let himself in. However, before he could do so, a smaller door on the side opened and a man stepped out.

To say he was massive would be an understatement. He had to be two heads taller and significantly wider than him. With those horns and the typical snout of a bovine, he seemed to be a bull of some kind.

"Ha! I knew I heard a carriage. You must be Maurin. We have been waiting for you!"

Maurin was not even able to react in the slightest as he was grabbed in a big hug and lifted up into the air, before squeezed tightly. Not only the hug itself, but the fact he was hefted into the air like this, stunned the panther more than anything else. A strong smell was coming from the bull, not an unpleasant one. He smells like the sun, warm grass and forest. A pleasant combination.

"I'm Emil, the head monk of this place and the one who will take care of you at the start. You must have many questions."

He chuckled and returned the panther to the ground. Maurin had questions, but he was too overwhelmed right now to think clearly.

"Now come in. It is time to show you your new home."

Emil's voice was strong and powerful in a blissful way. A couple of slaps on Maurin's back nearly knocked him over before he began following the bull. When he stepped inside, he felt as if he had entered another plane of existence. The air was both calming and powerful, making the panther's fur stand on end. After taking a deep breath, he sighed in content. His pupils turned into slits as he looked around. Everything seemed more real. It was an odd sensation all in all. He can only shiver for a few moments before regaining control of himself.

Emil had been watching the entire time, seeing every action and reaction the Panther made, and could only smile once he calmed down. He resumed his walk as if nothing had happened. Maurin quickly followed suit.

"So this Is our humble home."

After that, he couldn't help but chuckle. Knowing full well that it was anything but humble. The vast open space they entered was filled with strange devices that Maurin had never seen before and had no idea what they were for. The walls he walked through were thick and tall, concealing the massive structure inside. Everything looked more like a king's castle than a monastery.

"Let me show you your room first, so you can put your belongings away. Then we get you into the bath and take your measurements for your new clothes."

Those last words capture the panther's attention, his ears flicking slightly at the thought of what they imply.

"A bath?"

The orphanage never really had a good bath system. It was all done by smell. If one of them smelled too strongly, they were sent to the nearby river. The idea of a bath sounded crazy for Maurin.

"Oh yeah, you probably never saw one, then again even if you had, you would have never seen one like that. Our bodies have to be clean for what we are doing."

Maurin was at a loss for words. He had never heard of such a monastery. Then again, everything in this place seemed different from what he had previously known and learned.

Emil checked behind him now and then to see how the panther was doing. He seemed to be waiting for reactions or other things that Maurin was not aware of.

"Do you have any questions?"

The panther had many of those. Then again he didn't want to be rude. Being in a place like this seemed already like he spent too much of his life's luck to get here.

"What do we do here?"

This appears to be the most logical question. At this point, it was obvious that this was not your typical monastery. However, the old monk who looked after him in the orphanage didn't say much about what this place was supposed to be.

"They didn't tell you when they sent you here?"

Emil takes a breather and snorts through his big nose.

"Then again not the first time. I don't know why they are all so big hush hush about this place. Considering how important we are. Old farts and their old beliefs."

He comes to a complete stop and turns to face Maurin, both hands on his broad hips. Now that the panther was looking closer, his robe appeared to be nearly too tight.

"We are Exodus Fornicatio. We are one of the groups of Exorcists under the protection of the church. If there are problems with any kind of demons or monsters we are called to take care of them."

He paused again, waiting for his words to sink in. It took some time considering the feline's facial expressions. His eyes went wide as he realised what that meant for his life and how it will continue from now on. Emil smiled as finally the realisation hit.

"And we are the best as well. No task unsolved, no members lost in many generations. Not something the other Exodus can say about themselves."

Maurin could only watch in disbelief. He wasn't unaware of the sacred clans or exorcists. He was aware of their existence and the rumours surrounding them. But the fact that he would be a part of them, and that this particular one was so good at their job, was incredible. Not to mention the monk's physical appearances. Fighting demons appears to be a physically demanding job, but every monk he'd met or seen so far was larger than him. One that recently passed them with a gentle nod as a greeting, was maybe twice his size.


"How are we so successful? Because we are using means anyone else seems to consider unworthy. Old goats. But let's get you to your room and then to the bath. I will explain more."

The bull remained silent for the remainder of the journey to Maurin's new room. The place was massive, and it felt even bigger once inside and walking down endless corridors of doors. The panther didn't notice because he was lost in his thoughts through how many halls and past how many doors they walked. So many thoughts were racing through his mind. The fact that he was now part of Exodus Fornicatio. That he will not have to be concerned with any comforts or needs, as he would in any other type of monastery. In addition, he will have to put his life in danger on a regular basis. Not to mention the initial training he had to go through. All of his thoughts and concerns rushed through his mind.

He didn't even take any notice of his room. It was much larger than any room he had ever called his own. Maurin would have asked where all the luxury was coming from, but he knew better. After all, exorcism monasteries were highly rewarded because they risked their lives every time they were dispatched on a mission to protect the lives of the innocent. He placed his suitcase in the middle of the room and quietly followed the bull through the massive castle-like structure. The silence was finally broken by said bovine.

"Maurin, do you know the layout of the demon plane?"

Finally pulled out of his own thoughts the panther blinked a couple times before trying to figure out the right words to this question. As it felt like it came out of nowhere. Then again he was in an exorcist monastery right now.

"I don't know much. Only the basics I assume. The plane of demons is separated into seven worlds. One for each Capital sin. Gula, Avaritia, Tristitia, Ira, Acedia, Superbia and Luxuria. Or better known as Gluttony, Greed, Envy, Wrath, Sloth, Pride and Lust. Every realm ruled by a lord, overlooking every demon housed in their specific planes."

Emil doesn't say anything for a bit, just letting those words ring through the seemingly endless halls they are walking through.

"You know more than most. Yes, that is how the demon plane is constructed. Do you know about exorcists and their work?"

This was a more difficult question for the panther. Not that the idea of exorcist monasteries didn't excite him when he first heard of them. Most, however, felt like rumours and children's stories to believe in something that kept them safe in the shadows. Now that he was standing in one, it didn't feel quite so secret anymore.

"Not really. All I know is that they are supposed to be the part of the church that protects us from the influence of demons and their sins. But that is all."

Emil nodded at that, this seemed to be the answer he expected.

"Yes, I think it is stupid to be so secretive about it. But it makes sense. The church doesn't want young kids to seek out demons to become an exorcist and stuff like that."

Their heavy steps echoed through the halls, and every now and then another monk passed them on their way, greeting them with a simple nod or a few words before moving on with their own tasks.

"There are 7 Exodus. One for every deadly sin. Exodus Temperantia, Caritas, Diligentia, Humanitas, Patienia, Humilitas and ours Fornicatio. Can you spot the difference?"

This was not as easy to figure out. Maurin clearly needed a little more time, as he frowned while he was thinking. He had an idea, but he felt it would be a rude reply.

"Well Fornicatio makes no sense. While the others are Virtues. Temperance, Charity, Diligence, Kindness, Patience and Humility. Fornicatio is seen as the actual Sin hiding behind Luxuria."

The bull chuckled at that response. The panther's ears flicked slightly at that sound, relieved that he hadn't upset the head monk.

"You are right again. You must have been the kind of kid who liked to study."

Maurin blushed slightly, despite the fact that it was nearly impossible to see beneath his dark fur, but he could feel it clearly.

"I liked reading and studying. It was usually when I was left alone."

That second sentence was something he wouldn't normally say, but Emil seemed like someone he could be more open with, or so it seemed.

"Bullied a lot I assume. Not the first time I heard that, a lot of your brothers in arms had the same issue growing up."

He gave the panther a soft smile over his shoulder, making Maurin feel warm in his chest.

"But yes, you are correct again. Besides Temperance which is a bit more complicated, because itself is split into 5 different groups for each form of gluttony. Laute, Studiose, Nimis, Praepropere and Ardenter. We in Fornicatio think a little bit differently compared to the masses or even most of the branches of our church."

He came to a halt in front of a larger door and opened it. Maurin immediately follows and finds himself in some kind of room with shelves and woven baskets in each opening.

"Most say the Virtuo countering Lust is Chastity, while we believe it is Love itself. You know what Fornicatio means?"

Maurin doesn't need to long to answer that one as he still follows the bull to a back corner of the room.

"I believe it is the act of sexual desires with someone you are not married to."

"Right again, you really must have loved studying."

Emil chuckled once more, making the panther blush even stronger.

"But yes Fornicatio is exactly that. While chastity means denying any kind of sexual desire in any way of form. We believe that using those desires while respecting the others body and soul, as well as yourself in the utmost way, is the real counter to Lust. Without sexual desires we would never have populated the world in the first place. That is why we don't call ourselves Exodus Castitas, not to mention it sounds a little bit too similar to Caritas."

The bull chuckled again about his own joke as he finally came to a halt and turned around, holding a measuring band in his hand.

"We will continue this conversation later. Now Maurin it is time for you to undress."

The panther froze at these words, his eyes wide with surprise and his ears pointing straight up to the ceiling. Even his tail was joining his ears by their action.


This abrupt shift in topic caught him completely off guard. Not sure how he should react or what to say.

"Well you will take a bath, but before that I will take your measurements. Not to mention I never heard of someone taking a bath with clothes on."

Maurin could only blink as an answer. Nobody had seen him naked in ages, and even when he was sent to the river to clean up, he was usually alone.

"Would you feel better if I undress as well? As a small piece of advice, you need to get used to the thought of revealing yourself or even more. Every Exodus is using the power of the sin they are opposed against. I think you are smart enough to understand what that means."

"Ehh.. no? What? I mean?"

Maurin could imagine what that meant, his face felt hot like fire at this moment. He was sure his blush was clearly visible at this point even under his black fur. A soft chuckle from the bovine pulled Emils attention out of his thoughts again.

"Deep breaths. Try to calm down. Here. Sit down."

He guided the panther to a nearby bench, the embarrassment still tingling through his entire body. Sitting down didn't help much, especially since he could feel the bull sitting next to him. Not to mention the large hand on top of his head, rubbing through his fur.

"Let's see if I can find it."

Maurin was perplexed by those words, unsure what to make of them. All he could feel was the hand moving along his head, around his ears, down the sides of his face, and even down his neck. Given how large those hands were, it was a very gentle touch.


"There! Good to know I still got it."

Before Maurin could ask what he meant, he felt the fingers press into a spot where his neck met his scalp, a little behind and below his left ear. Instead of words, he could only utter a nearly gurgling sound of surprise, accompanied by a sigh and a hint of a moan. He wasn't sure what it exactly was, he never heard anyone make a sound like that, for sure not himself.

All he knew was that with one small push into that spot, all his tension was gone. His eyes were half-closed, his muzzle opened, and his tongue rolled out. A simple scratch followed. A spark exploded right behind his eyes, and he could feel one of his legs kicking out. The scratching didn't stop, giving him the impression that he was slowly turning into goo. At some point a deep rumbling purr erupted from his throat, he didn't even know he was able to do that.

He had no idea how long this was going. Only that it came to a halt at some point, and he needed a few moments to regain full consciousness.

"Feeling a bit better?"

Maurin was at a loss for words. He could feel the embarrassment rising again now that he was in control of his thoughts, but his body was more relaxed and less on edge. All of his worries from his journey, his fears, and the things he had learned since arriving were gone.

"I think, yeah. What did you do?"

The bovine smiled as he rubbed Maurin's head a few more times.

"Well many people have a literal sweet spot along their head. Not all of them, but felines and canines usually tend to have one. There is no fixed spot for it, everyone has it different. So it is usually hard to find. I kind of have a good touch of figuring it out quickly. Now that you feel a bit better, it is time to get rid of those clothes. My suggestion of joining you is still in the room, if it makes you feel better."

Maurin can still feel the heat in his face, but he didn't react as strongly to the thought of stripping down anymore.

"No, I think it is fine now."

He slowly rises to his feet. In any case, he didn't have much to take off. He wore a simple brown robe like many lower-ranking monks, underneath some simple underwear, and that was it.

He bent down, grabbed the robe's edge, and pulled it over his head after moving his arms through the sleeves inside. He was now only wearing his underwear. He took another deep breath, pulling it down and letting it slide to the ground before stepping out of it. Apart from the really simple sandals he called his shoes, he was now completely naked.

Now standing naked in front of the bovine, he still needed some time to turn around. The bull was pleased with what he saw. To say the least, the black panther was curvy. His wide hips, love handles, big round butt, and soft-looking thick thighs are all visible. But Emil could see the strength beneath the surface, indicating that Maurin had spent his entire life with a figure like this. The short black fur all over his body looked fantastic, with a healthy shine wherever it caught the light. The panther's long cat tail moved around, indicating that he was still slightly embarrassed about the situation.

"I have to say it, even if it will make you even more self aware. But you look amazing."

Maurin froze for a split second before quickly relaxing again. He could feel his face getting hotter. He never heard anything positive about his appearance, causing his brain to go into overdrive trying to figure out what was going on.

"Time to measure."

Emil never asked Maurin to turn around, not even attempting to measure anything in the front. He started with the back. He got everything he could from there and he was thorough. The head, neck, shoulder, arms, fingers, back, and even the width of the back in various places. His hips, his legs, the outside and the inside of his thighs. Maurin shivered slightly as he felt a finger brush against the underside of his balls while the bovine measured his inner thighs.

"Ok kitten, time to turn around. Take your time."

Hearing that nickname made Maurin blush more than anything else had. His heart was racing.


"You don't like it? I can keep calling you Maurin if you prefer that."

The panther thought only for a split second, before he slowly shook his head.

"It is fine."

Emil could only smile, patiently waiting for him to turn around. It took a few more moments for him to finally show his front, hands over his crotch at the time. Emil waited, knowing that Maurin was smart enough to know that the panther needed to lift his arms for him to measure the rest. After a few minutes, the feline took a deep breath and lifted his arms, revealing himself completely. He was already half hard, which quickly progressed to a full erection when he exposed himself completely.

The bovine was looking at his front. A soft round belly, two nicely formed moobs, not hanging too low and the right roundness, the love handles looking even better from the front. His eyes going down to his crotch, seeing that chub there as well, just adding another layer of sex appeal to the rest. Balls looking big and heavy and that cock throbbing was nothing to be ashamed of in size. Overall, his body had the ideal proportion of curves, chub, and muscles. Making him look so appealing.

"Ok, let me say this. You don't need to answer. But you looked sexy from behind already, your front is even more stunning."

The panther's face never stopped blushing, but those words only fueled it further. Emil didn't linger much longer as he measured the rest of Maurin's body. He was as thorough at the front as he was at Maurins back.

"Don't be surprised. I need this part too. Luckily we don't need any extra work to get it into the state we want it."

He let out another soft chuckle, which prompted the panther to look down at him. Emil was on his knees for a while now, reaching out and grasping Maurin's member right at the base. The cat can't help but exhale a gasp. The measuring tape tickling his sensitive skin made him shiver. It wrapped around his entire length, around the base and even the tip. His legs shivered as it brushed against his glands. Overall though, it was over faster than Maurin had hoped at this point. He could feel himself breathing heavily, and he could see a wet droplet forming at his tip if he wasn't mistaken.

"As much as I hate teasing you like this. We need to get you clean and move on. There is a lot we need to talk about and I have to show you. I want to have that all done today."

Even while saying that Emil couldn't resist completely and moves his fingers along that shaft one time, rubbing the tip with his thumb a couple moments before letting it completely go and standing up.

"You will make a lot of people happy with that one. Be proud of it."

He smiled at the feline and set the paper on which he had taken all the measurements safely aside. Maurin's face was hotter than it had ever been. The strange thing was that the cause was not the touch or even the slight tease at the end. Those words were all it needed to make him blush all the way to his ears.

He didn't say anything as he followed Emil into the bathroom. It was enormous. The bulls demonstrated proper etiquette before instructing him on how to clean himself. The feline wasn't aware that there was a wrong way of doing it. He couldn't be more oblivious of that. So many things he never considered and ways to clean himself before relaxing in a large tub designed to hold a large number of people at once. It was even strongly suggested that monks take baths together in order to strengthen their bonds with one another.

Emil remained silent the entire time, except when explaining the washing process to Maurin. One of the most important aspects of introducing someone to this monastery was allowing him to relax and making him feel at ease. So the head monk showed patience, while the panther was slowly relaxing more and more. Once Maurin was done, he was guided outside and even helped while drying himself. The feline felt more at ease around the bovine at this point. He could even go so far as to say he enjoyed having help in this way. He was finally dry and standing in the room with all the shelves again. He felt cleaner and probably smelled the best he ever did, but was unsure of what to do next.

When he looked into the basket where he had stored his old clothes, they were gone, leaving him naked and unclear of what to do.

"Now we are getting to the next stop. I will introduce you to your closer brothers. We consider ourselves in Exodus Fornicatio, like a big family. Well more gigantic considering the amount of people we have. Then again like in every family you know a couple of them closer than others. So we build groups. They spend most of their time together, training, studying and going on missions. So let's go!"

The bull began to walk to the door, leaving Maurin behind perplexed and befuddled at the same spot. Not because of the next task on their list. There was a different reason for it.

"What about my clothes?"

Emil turned around, as if he had just become aware of that issue.

"Hmm? Oh yeah, probably should have started with that. Your old clothes are taken care of. You will not wear those anymore. We have special fabric and materials that are used in our robes, they help us get synced with the energy we use in our fights. Using any other would disrupt that. One of the reasons for staying clean as well. Dirt of any kind can end up dampening the effect. That is why taking your measurements was so important. So you can get your new clothes as quickly as possible."

Maurin was still waiting for an explanation to his question about what to do with his current situation. He was about to open his mouth to ask more specifically when Emil continued with his words.

"So until then, no clothes. This place is filled with the energy you need to get accustomed to. You must have felt it when stepping in earlier. It is better to be naked than wearing the wrong kind of clothes. To be honest with you it was already risky enough to keep you in your old clothes up to this point. There is a reason why the carriage stops in front of our gates; inside can be too much for common people to handle."

The calm he gained from the bath and feeling more relaxed around Emil began to fade as he considered what that meant. He can feel a blush forming on his face once more.

"You want me to walk around... naked? Outside?"

"Well yeah. To be honest with you it will happen more often than you think. Your clothes are part of your armour you are using in battles. When those are getting damaged they have to be repaired or you need new ones. The energy needed to prepare them is too much to keep multiple of them for every single monk. Only some with high fighting skills get that privilege. I'm surprised we haven't run into anyone naked yet."

Another piece of information that was more difficult for the feline to swallow than the majority of the others. He wasn't sure if he could handle being so open like this.

"See it as training. It is really something you need to get used to, you will see in a moment. So let's go, we don't have many hours left of the day."

Emil exited the room, leaving Maurin behind, confused and embarrassed by what he had discovered. He knew it would be impolite to keep the head monk waiting, even in this situation. Not to mention he can remember that weird feeling and how his senses felt like they got sharper stepping into the actual monastery earlier. He began to walk to the door, his heart racing so fast that it felt like it was about to jump out of his chest at any moment. He finally stepped out, seeing Emil waiting for him with a gentle smile. He doesn't seem to mind the long wait.

"That was rather quick. I waited hours with new additions to the Exodus Fornicatio before. Well done."

He approached the cat and patted his head a few times.

"My offer still stands from earlier. If you think you would feel better if I was naked as well, let me know. I'm used to it, so if it gives you some feeling of protection it would be the least I can do."

The blush was still heavily on Maurins face. His cheeks felt tingly at this point, as he had never blushed so much. He probably blushed more today than he did the rest of his life combined. When he heard the offer again, he shook his head. Not because he doubted he could feel better, but because he was afraid of feeling too good if that happened. Maurin could already feel his breathing quicken as his body became more sensitive.

"Let me know when it is too much. The next room is not that far. We can take breaks as well, if you need some time to calm down."

Emil resumed his walk, and Maurin did his best to keep up. He could feel how the situation itself was getting him more and more riled up. The erection that had been lost due to the relaxing bath was returning quickly and stronger than before.

"I think it is a good moment to explain some more. Like I said earlier we are using the energy from the Demons of Lust against them. That is why the monastery is built here, as it is on a spot where the connection to the Lust realm is very thin. That is what you are feeling right now."

Emil looked at the panther, noting how much he was panting already.

"You are something else. Usually it takes a couple days until people start feeling the effect of this energy. But you felt it right when you stepped in. Having a high aptitude for this kind of energy will be to your benefit."

His eyes went ahead again, before he continued speaking.

"We live here to get accustomed to it and then at some point be able to use it for our own benefits, by twisting it into the Virtue of its cause. We have different tools that help with that. I will show you soon. Those tools are more effective the closer they are to the actual sin. For example Gluttony has a lot of food related items. So you can probably guess what our items will be related to."

Maurin was shivering just thinking about it. His senses alternate between being extremely heightened and what he usually knows, slightly disorienting him. The bovine noticed this and slowed down slightly.

"Our bodies are our strongest weapons. We have the benefit that Lust is the desire to let your most deep rooted instincts let loose and explore each other in the most intimate way. So the body being at the centre, we can make ours a weapon itself."

Someone passed by, making Maurin shiver even more. He received a knowing smile and a gentle pat on the head before the monk continued on his way. Another man who is significantly overweight. The touch almost made him moan. He can feel droplets of pre hitting his thighs while walking at this point.

"Why...Why is everyone overweight here?"

It was a burning question in his soul for some time now. Something he had been mocked for so long now appeared to be the norm and even desired here.

"Oh? Oh yeah! Well it is again for the energy to take hold easier. As I said, the body itself is the fix point of it. The more body there is, the more it can take hold. Some other aspects that you will realise soon go into it as well. But that is the base thought of it all."

Emil came to a halt in front of a door. Maurin was breathing as if he were running the entire distance at full speed and not slowly walking instead. His legs trembled from time to time.

"You ready? I will introduce you to your close family now. We can take a break if you think you need a couple moments to think straight."

As flustered and horny as the feline was, his mind had never been sharper. The world around him seemed to have lost its filters, becoming much clearer and more vibrant. He shook his head slowly.

"Well okay then. But remember you can always tell me when you need a break. As much as I want to get everything important done today, it doesn't mean anything if you are not able to remember it tomorrow."

Maurin only nodded again, showing that he still was of clear mind.

"I understand. I'm slowly getting a hang of this."

He wasn't lying, as disoriented his senses were at the start of this small walk, the clearer they were now. It was an odd sensation. He got another nod from the bull before he stepped into the room. Maurin followed, and was greeted by a much larger room than he had anticipated. It featured various tools and mechanisms along the walls and in the centre of the room. But none of this was particularly significant. His gaze was drawn to two people sitting on a bench. Sweating profusely and struggling to breathe. Once again, it was not the first thing he noticed. They were both completely naked, just like him.

One of them was a type of ursine. In terms of height and size, he was slightly smaller than him. His fur was black, except for a half crescent moon in light brown that ran across his chest. Besides him there was a bull. He looked just like Emil, only smaller and younger. Maurin could have sworn he was the head monk's younger brother or even his son. Then again, he didn't know Emil's age to make that assumption.

"Edmund! Gregory! I see you both are training like I told you to. I got Maurin through his start so you all can now finally get to know each other."

They both looked up. The bear had the cutest smile Maurin had ever seen on his lips. The bull's eyes were such a vibrant green that it felt like they were piercing the feline's soul. He seemed as thrilled to see Maurin as the bear.

His heart felt like it exploded out of his chest the moment both of their eyes met his. Before everything slowly turned black, the world was engulfed in the most vibrant colours he couldn't even describe if he tried.

The last thing he saw was those two faces changing from happy to worried.

The last thing he felt were his legs giving way and two arms catching him before he hit the ground.

Even if it has been denied for so long, the body will take what it requires at some point. It needed a break this time and did the only thing it knew how to get it: pass out.

Exodus Fornicatio Chapter 2

**Exodus Fornicatio** **Chapter 2** The entire world was in complete darkness. Maurin was floating in the middle of nowhere, with nothing around him. None of his senses were stimulated. Not that he cared or even desired anything like that. He needed...

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Ghostly Surprise

Ghostly Surprise "Let's go! All the pieces are in place, investigators. As you can see, we have four cameras installed, along with a few motion detectors, and I'll start the spirit box right away. Let's hope that a ghost is finally captured on...

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Unexpected Love

Unexpected Love Loud music blasting from large speakers. There are voices coming from all directions. People standing in groups, having a good time. Jin was sitting on the couch, desperate for a break. This party had been going on for hours, and...

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