A foray into the unknown

Story by Eric_S on SoFurry

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Hey guys it's Eric_S here and I know it's been a while since I've posted anything. I've been working on this for the past 3 or so weeks in order to get it out for a Christmas release and it looks like I have managed to pull it off. So from me have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

"Ah holiday time! What better way to waste it than sitting at home playing games," said a satisfied Eric as he sat down in his computer chair, the blinds drawn enough to let in enough light to faintly illuminate the room and nothing else. It was warm enough in his room to warrant wearing shorts and a t-shirt but not hot enough to be worth turning on the ceiling fan above him. As he booted up his computer and flicked through his collection of CD's and DVD's he started to wonder what everyone else was doing. Alex was supposedly on a camp, Chris was tutoring some young kid and he had no idea what Carla was up to. Pulling out the disk for Diablo 2: Lord of Destruction, he put the disk into the drive and waited for it to read.

"Perhaps now I can defeat Diablo without having to go back to Act 1 to resummon all my skeletons," the wolf grumbled as he started to summon his undead army in between his casts of amplify damage and corpse explosion.

As his character raised the last skeleton and started to make his move on the oversized demon, Eric heard his mobile phone go off beside him. Reaching over to grab a hold of his mobile with a paw, the wolf didn't bother to check the caller ID before holding it up to his ear.

"Hello?" Eric started, the sounds of the mouse clicking faintly echoing into the phone.

"Eric? It's Carla, hey whatcha doing?" the tigress asked.

"Uh nothing much," the wolf answered, swearing quietly as he saw his character run dangerously low on health.

"Eric what are you doing? What are those sounds coming from?"

"No...nothing," Eric lied, quickly tapping a series of keys as he desperately tried to keep his character alive.

"It doesn't sound like it,"

The sound of the necromancer dying soon met Eric's ears and he banged his head on the desk in frustration as he checked how much gold and experience he had just lost.

"Well I'm not doing anything now, what were you thinking?"

He heard Carla giggle on the other side of the line. It was probably obvious enough as to what had happened and she was intent on teasing him about it.

"Well I was thinking of looking at a new bikini but if you want to keep playing your games...," Carla smirked before trailing off. Eric bit his tongue as he hit the escape key. There would be no way he was going to miss this opportunity.

"No I'll come, just wait up," he eventually answered, pulling the disk out of his computer and hitting the 'shut down' command.

"Cool, well you know where to meet up right? See you at 2,"

"Okay see you then,"

As he hung up his phone, Eric marched over to his wardrobe and took out a comfortable change of clothes. What he was currently wearing was hardly worth wearing outside unless he was determined to look like a fool in public. Pulling a new shirt over his head he grabbed his wallet and mobile before heading downstairs and out the door, briefly taking the time to yell out a, "I'm going out," to his mother.

"Be back by 5 sweety," he heard her call back as he closed the front door behind him.

He arrived at the Sunshine Valley mall within twenty minutes and instantly sought out the rendezvous point which he and Carla had shared for a long time. Finding that the tigress hadn't arrived yet, Eric sat down on a chair and waited for her to find him. Pulling out his mobile, he was tempted to simply send a text message telling her that he had arrived. As he typed in the letters one by one, he didn't notice that Carla had walked up in front of him until she was peering in to see what he was doing.

"Am I interrupting something?" she asked, startling the wolf and causing him to fumble and drop his phone.

"Jeez don't scare me like that... it's not cool," Eric whined as he stooped over to pick up his mobile, getting a good look at the light yellow panties that Carla was wearing underneath her skirt in the process.

"See anything you like?" she whispered, causing Eric's ears to flick slightly. Was she purposely trying to get him aroused?

"Will you beat me up if I say yes?"

Carla laughed heartily as she pulled Eric out of the chair and forcing him to follow her.

"There's no need for that! I'm pretty sure I beat you up enough last night online," she smirked, drawing back the memories of the online game that he had organised with her. He had been so confident of his character's skills in Diablo 2 that he was more than careless when they duelled one another.

"So just where are we going?" Eric asked as he followed after Carla. He hadn't gone shopping in a while and the entire process was becoming a big eternal blur as they passed one store after another, one selling bags, another selling shoes and all of them alight with their illuminated signs and sale arrows plastering the walls.

"The Surf shop... where else?" Carla responded, not pausing to see if Eric could keep up or not. The wolf was having more than a little trouble keeping pace with the white furred tigress as not only was there a lot of people shopping, quite a large number also happened to be females wearing minimal clothing because of the weather. Silently cursing himself for letting his mind wander over the various individuals passing by him in the opposite direction he started to wonder why he had bothered to come down in the first place. There would be no reason for Carla to ask him to come down with her unless she had something in mind. Does a female really need a male opinion as to what she looks good in? Threading a path in between the other shoppers, the wolf barely managed to keep track of Carla in her red skirt and light blue blouse. He could take a rough guess at which store she was talking about and he had always walked past, never really giving it much thought. She was kind enough to wait for him though before taking him by the paw and dragging him inside.

"You coming or not?" she asked him, noting that Eric was starting to ogle the plastic display models in the front of the store.


Inside the store the pounding beat of the drums and the base was the first thing that first met Eric's ears, his heart beating in time with the strong base beat of the techno. As he followed after the tigress into the female swimwear section, the wolf did his best to avert his eyes from all the different designs on display, keeping his eyes firmly on Carla.

"I don't know which looks better, the blue or the lilac?"

Turning his attention back to Carla and away from the store assistant giving him strange looks; he looked back and forth from one bikini to the other, trying to make up his mind as to which would look better on the tigress that stood before him.

"Um... I think I prefer the lilac but get both," Eric finally answered, taking his time to decide which one was better before picking up a red one, "How about this one?"

Carla raised an eyebrow, "You really have something about the colour red don't you? You do remember what happened to my last red bikini right?"

Eric thought back to what had happened a few months ago when the two of them were frolicking in the pool at the back of Eric's house.

3 months earlier

"Hey quit it Eric! You've gonna tear it!" Carla squealed, pushing Eric aside as he tried to catch her. With nobody at home apart from Eric, the wolf had invited Carla over for a swim and for the past half an hour or so they had been fooling around in the water, swimming around at first before starting to touch each other in the water. As it is, the tigress had really riled up the wolf and was teasing him by playfully refusing to fuck him. Ditching his boardshorts by throwing them into the water, the wolf tried again as he ran after Carla around the pool itself. Managing to catch up to her this time, he pulled the tigress towards him in a tight hug as he rubbed his throbbing cock against her backside. Carla soon stopped resisting and quickly moved one of the wolf's paws down to her crotch. Eric started to slowly rub his fingers against Carla's slit, drawing a soft moan from the tigress as he slid his cock in between the tigress's legs. Leaning back against Eric, Carla felt the wolf's paw wander a little further and start to pull her bikini bottom aside. Being a little overzealous though, Eric accidentally pulled a little too abruptly and ended up putting a tear in the material with a rather audible rip.

"Eric Stevenson!" she snapped, turning around to face him. Eric started to back away slowly, unaware that he was edging closer and closer to the pool's edge in the process, the gentle sound of the lapping water against the pool's edge adding a strange stillness to the atmosphere. Looking down at the ground, Carla smiled wickedly as she walked slowly towards him and shoved him violently into the water, waiting for him to resurface. When Eric's head eventually popped above the water she crouched down next to him before whispering, "Just for that I'm going to give you a fucking you'll never forget"

"Hello Earth to Eric,"

"Huh what? Oh um sorry about that... yeah I remember that day. I remember that and the enjoyable sex afterwards," Eric whispered before putting back the bikini on the rack.

"Well mum wasn't exactly happy afterwards so you've got make this one last longer," Carla huffed before making her way to the changing room, coaxing Eric to follow after her with a crook of her finger. Leading Eric to the nearby change rooms, Eric was cautious enough to make sure that nobody was watching before entering the cubicle behind him where he saw Carla starting to undress.

"So remind me what am I doing here?" Eric asked as he sat down on the bench opposite the tigress, the lighting accentuating Carla's well proportioned body features as she tried on the blue bikini.

"Hmm... this is a little too big, can you go fine one maybe one or two sizes smaller?" she asked him, totally ignoring the question as she took it off and put it back onto the hanger. Sighing quietly to himself, Eric quickly returned the hanger to its original position before finding one in the appropriate size and returning to Carla. He hadn't noticed that she had taken several different colours in and was clearly unsure which one she would look the best in.

"I don't know I think the green stands out a little too much. What do you think?"

Eric was stunned as he leaned back against the door, staring at Carla as he looked up and down, unsure of where to focus his eyes.

"Uh yeah, it stands out quite a bit," he eventually mumbled

"I thought as much,"

Sitting back down on the bench, Eric watched in silence as Carla tried on one colour after another . The tigress was taking her time in between changing between the different bikini's though, giving Eric a nice show in the process. Eric was more than hard pressed to keep his cock under control during this painfully well choreographed striptease and it was only through sheer willpower did he prevent himself from getting up and start fondling the tigress. It did finally shatter however when Carla put on the lilac coloured string bikini she was asking him about earlier. His mouth hung open as he stared dumbfounded at the material hugging her breasts and her crotch. Carla smiled gently as she walked over towards him.

"You really like this one don't you?" she smirked, pushing her chest into his face as she straddled his crotch. Eric's heart pounded in his chest as he mumbled something into her breasts. He hadn't felt so turned on in his life and Carla's intoxicating scent wasn't making hiding it any easier.

"Wait what was that?" Carla asked before leaning back a little so Eric could speak properly.

"Of course I like it! Much better than any of the other ones you tried on," he cried.

"Yeah I could tell by your little brother down there," Carla continued before reaching down and slowly pulling down Eric's shorts and underwear, revealing the wolf's hardening member. Eric blushed slightly as he heard this, leading to Carla reassuring him that it was nothing to be embarrassed about as she wrapped a paw around it and stroked it gently.

"Maybe we...ah! Maybe we shouldn't be doing this, what if somebody sees us?" Eric breathed.

"Well, I think somebody likes the idea of getting caught in public with his pants down," Carla cooed, referring to the now rock hard cock she was holding on to. Undoing the strings on the bikini, Carla set the swimsuit aside so that it wouldn't get dirty, leaving her only in the light yellow panties and bra that drove Eric's lustful mind into overdrive.

"Just relax, let me get things started," she whispered, grinding her crotch against his before slowly sliding down the wolf's body. Eric had no idea just what she had been doing prior to his return but he could swear that he could feel some moisture on the smooth material of Carla's panties. Eric let out a soft gasp as he felt something warm brush along the underside of his member. Closing his eyes, he leaned back against the wall of the cubicle, enjoying the sensation of having Carla's tongue dance all over his cock. He bit his lip in an attempt to prevent himself from letting out a long moan as a feeling of warmth washed over his crotch and a set of fingers danced over his ballsack. He balled his paws into fists as the feeling of Carla sliding her lips over his cock, her tongue dancing from the underside to the head and back again, sent shivers down his spine. His cock pulsed gently inside of her maw as Carla applied a little suction to his cock, her tongue moving from side to side around his erect member. Some pre oozed out of the end as Carla flicked her tongue against the sensitive head, causing Eric to let out a growl of lust. Bobbing her head up and down his length, Eric let out a muffled moan as his body tensed. He hadn't gotten off in a while and the sensations running through his cock were starting to become overbearing. Giving his cock one last teasing lick from the base to the tip, Carla licked her lips once before sucking on the head, pumping Eric's cock in between her paws. Letting out a soft whimper, Eric came hard, his cum spurting into Carla's mouth as his cock throbbed in time with the music. His breathing was heavy and rugged as he opened his eyes to see Carla licking the head of his cock clean before giving him a quick kiss.

Already half knowing what was expected of him, he gestured for Carla to stand up before getting onto his knees. Running a finger along Carla's slit, Eric could feel the moisture that had built up on the inside of Carla's panties. Pulling the thin, smooth yellow material down, Eric planted his face straight into Carla's crotch. He inhaled deeply as her scent rushed through his head.

"So you gonna get started or what?" Carla asked him.

Eric didn't need to be told twice before returning back to his senses. He looked at the pussy that he would hopefully be sliding his cock into minutes later and the engorged clit just above it. Taking a hold of the tigress's hips in both of his paws, he started to lick Carla's pussy lips with his tongue. He could already feel her juices start to slowly dribble into his mouth and he lapped them up like a man dying of thirst. Pushing his tongue inside of her, Carla gasped as she felt it enter her. He flicked his tongue in and out, constantly entering and leaving her. He could start to feel himself starting to get hard again and he started to stroke himself with a paw as he dived his tongue in and out. His soft moan reverberated through his tongue and tickled her insides, causing Carla to bite her lip to avoid making a sound. Pulling Eric's head into her, she urged for him to go a little deeper as he tongue flicked up and down inside of her. Eric started to rub her clit with a finger as his tongue vibrated inside of her. He could tell she was close and within minutes, she came all over his face, letting out a quiet moan in the process. Pulling away from her, Carla leaned back against a wall of the change room as she caught her breath. Pushing a finger inside of her, it came out slick with her pussy juice.

"You ready to do it again?" she asked pulling on her blouse and reattached her skirt around her waist. Eric dragged himself to sit upon the bench, his now erect cock pointing directly at her.

"Yeah, let's do it," Eric responded, his fear from earlier all but forgotten now that the wolf's libido had kicked in.

"Just sit right there," Carla smirked as she lifted her skirt and sat on top of Eric's cock, the wolf's member sinking into her pussy with little difficulty. Carla's cunt felt wondrous around Eric's cock, as they both simultaneously let out muffled moans. She gripped him tightly as she started to slide along his shaft as they tried their best to avoid making too much noise. Eric's cock throbbed gently inside of her as it slowly slid in and out. Holding onto Carla's hips with his paws, Eric started to take the lead as he told her to turn around so that she was facing away from him. Slowly standing up, he remained inside of her as they shuffled to the opposite wall. Bracing herself against it, Carla whimpered slightly as Eric ran his paws up her body and under her blouse. Finding her breasts, he cupped them gently in his paws as he started to slowly thrust in and out of her from behind. He nibbled the nape of her neck as he increased the speed of his thrusting, keeping in time with the new song that had started playing in the background. Flicking his fingers across her pert nipples, he slid all the way out before pushing back in all the way. Carla gasped as she was continuously filled before feeling empty again, the in stroke feeling especially wonderful as she took his entire length and gripping it tightly when he started to pull out.

"Oh god that feels so good," Eric breathed as he pulled out of her, his cock coated with her juices. Carla just smiled at him.

"Want to work on the finale?" she smirked at him as she turned around to face him. Lifting her skirt, she rubbed her clit a little while pushing a finger inside of herself, "Come on and let me feel that wolf meat once more,"

Pulling her finger out and licking it clean, Eric kissed Carla as he repositioned himself. He pushed in simultaneously with his cock and his tongue as he went back to the rhythm of the music. The pace of the electronic music intensified exponentially, as the wolf struggled to keep up with the beat. Making a wild assortment of varied thrusts, Eric let out a growl as he pumped in and out of Carla's quivering pussy. When the music reached a crescendo, the wolf buried his cock inside of her as his shot his cum into Carla, the tigress's cunt gripping his cock tightly. She reached her orgasm a few moments after Eric's and after pulling her finger away from her clit, she milked Eric's cock for every last remnant of cum that she could. The hot and sticky fluid clung inside of her as they rocked back and forth a little inside each other. "Feel nice?" Carla smiled at him as she reached for her panties. Eric was still awestruck by the sensations that were running along his cock and he let out a mumbled response which Carla barely heard. His member had become quite sensitive by this point and even the slightest of movements, coupled with Carla's tight pussy wrapped around it, was still sending trickles of pleasure to his frazzled brain. Eric did eventually pull away from Carla, letting out a moan in the process as his cock came out covered in cum and pussy juices. Pulling his underwear and shorts up, he watched as Carla quickly pulled up her panties and stuffed a few clean tissues inside of them. The scent of sex lingered in the air, meaning that it wouldn't be safe to hang around for much longer.

If Eric had felt uncomfortable, the feeling had long gone now as both he and Carla groggily left the change rooms, their scents faintly intermingling with each other as they casually made their way to the counter. The cashier had been giving Eric strange looks since he had walked in and that gaze seemed to only intensify as he waited for Carla to pay.

"We'd better get out of here," he whispered, trying his best not to look at the raccoon that appeared to be giving him the evil eye. The moment that they left though, out of the corner of his eye, Eric saw the cashier leave her register and march over to the changing rooms.

"Well she's going to be in for a surprise isn't she?" Carla mused. It's not that they left much of a mess but rather the aroma which would probably be there for at least a few hours.

Ever since that day, the wolf had had some strange sort of buzz about having sex in public. The risk of getting caught was still fresh in his mind more than a week later and from what had happened at the shopping centre; Carla was more than enthusiastic about trying it again. It must have been the inherent risk of getting caught that drove Eric's mind wild and it wasn't long before he wanted to have another stab at it.

Picking up his phone, he dialled Carla's number and waited impatiently for the tigress to pick up, hopping from one foot to another up in the sanctity of his room. She was half expecting him to call so it came to no surprise to her when she heard his voice.

"Did you enjoy last week's romp Eric?" she laughed, after briefly greeting him over the phone.

"Did I ever! Hey um listen that's sorta the reason I called actually. This Friday looks like it's gonna be really hot did you wanna..." Eric started.

"Try it again? Yeah I'm game for that. You want to try the public pool this time?"

The wolf's heart started to pound in his chest at the thought of that adrenaline rush. The same exhilarating feeling that he felt after last week's romp in the change room filtered back into his mind as he started to imagine what sort of things they could do when they would meet up at the pool next week.

"That's fine by me. See you then I guess. Can you wear the bikini you bought recently?" Eric asked. The thought of seeing her once again in the sexy swimwear was turning him on and he shifted uncomfortably as he freed his hardening member from his shorts.

"I was intending on doing that anyway. Remember to bring a water bottle with you. You're gonna be really hot and sweaty by the time I'm finished with you," she whispered in a sultry tone of voice. She could hear some soft rustling in the background as Eric lay down on his bed, lazily pawing to images of her.

"Will do," Eric panted, thrusting his hips against his right paw while he held his phone in the left.

"Oh and see if you can bring some lube as well... we might be able to get in some anal if we're careful,"

Eric grunted incoherently in between his pants as he slid his paw along his engorged length, the small bits of pre running down the side and aiding his pawing.

"Are you wanking Eric? Cause I can hear it! I can hear you sliding your paw over that hard cock of yours,"

Eric paused. He looked at the throbbing phallus that lay snugly within the confines of his enclosed paw. Was he making that much noise?

"Uh yeah," Eric responded uncertainly as he rubbed his ballsack, "Why?"

Carla laughed, "Oh you horny little boy! Mm... were you thinking about me?"

"Of course why wouldn't I?" Eric answered as he started to stroke his cock again.

"So what am I doing?" the tigress asked, her voice having taken on a sultry tone.

"You were just finishing up a blowjob," Eric murmured as he started to slow down his stroking.

"Well can I help you out?" Carla cooed, "I mean I want to help you finish off today,"

"Go on," Eric whispered as he stopped pawing, willing to let Carla take the lead in his fantasy. There was no doubt this would be a one sided conversation.

"I give your cock one last lick from the base to the tip," she started, "before getting on top of you and rubbing it against my slit,"

Eric looked around his room as he tried to remember where he had stashed his bottle of lubricant. His heart raced as he tried to think of places where it could be before Carla started to get him worked up. In the past he had mostly pawing without lubricant because of the additional mess he would have expect to clean up. Though for extended sessions like this he would need a little extra lubricant to ease the friction. As he started to rummage around in some of his drawers he heard Carla start to continue.

"I rub the head of your cock against my cunt, coating it with my juices before I let it sink inside of me. I feel it throb as I slide up and down along your cock,"

Eric gave his member a quick squeeze as he continued his search. Carla's talk was getting him really horny and he needed to find that lubricant soon. Finding it at the bottom of a drawer, the wolf quickly lay back on his bed, kicked his shorts and underwear off and poured it liberally over his crotch. Closing the bottle, he worked it over his cock with a paw, the slick fluid rubbing down his length as he moaned into his phone.

"I grip your cock tightly inside of me as I ride you faster and faster as we moan together from the sensations. You've never felt so big inside of me as you start to thrust yourself inside of me,"

Following on with what she was saying, Eric thrust himself into his paw, his slick cock pulsing inside of it. He stuck his tongue out of his mouth as the sensations of pleasure shot back and forth across his body. He was close and he could feel the pressure build up in his loins.

"I start to rub my clit as you fuck me fast and hard. I soon cum around you and draw your cock deeper inside of me. With a few last thrusts you cum inside of me as I milk every last remnant of your wolfy cum from your cock,"

Eric rubbed himself quickly as he imagined Carla riding his cock like a pro in his bedroom. He humped his paw by thrusting into it and with one last forceful thrust he came. His hot wolf cum dribbled over his paw and his throbbing cock as he let out a lustful moan. It pulsed a few more rimes as Eric pulled his paw away to examine how much cum had stuck to the fur. He could hear Carla giggling on her side of the phone, why did it seem so funny to her?

"Have fun?" she asked him innocently.

"Oh yeah," Eric breathed as he rubbed his cum all over his cock.

"Was it messy?"

"Yep... more so than I had expected,"

Carla laughed into the phone as Eric reached over for a tissue.

"Well I'll let you get cleaned up then. I'll see you Friday then! Don't forget it! I want to feel that hard cock of yours inside of me again," she told him before handing up. Putting his phone on the side table, Eric looked at the mess that he had made over his crotch and the bed. He let out a soft groan as he discovered how much of a mess he had made and grabbed a few more tissues before starting to clean it up.

Friday couldn't come any quicker for Eric and meeting up with Carla outside the recreation complex was sending tingles down his spine.

_"She said 2pm right?"_he asked himself as he looked around for her.

"Hey Eric, sorry I'm late, something came up at the last minute which I had to quickly sort out. You ready for today?"

Turning around, Eric saw Carla approach him. Swinging his bag to his other arm, he gave Carla a tight hug as he inhaled her scent, the tigress's perfume overpowering his senses.

"Yeah I'm ready," Eric laughed as his paws explored her body before coming to rest on her rump, "I brought the lube like you requested... it's in one of the pockets of my bag"

"Oh Eric you naughty boy, I certainly hope that cock lasts longer than your conversation material otherwise we're in trouble," Carla started before snapping her fingers in front of his face, "Eric eyes up here, you'll get to see them soon enough,"

The wolf snapped his head up instantly, "I wasn't staring at your breasts," Eric quickly added "before as Carla started to drag him inside by his collar.

"I'm sure you weren't," Carla hissed as she paid for her admittance to the recreation centre. Watching Eric pay for his admittance, she happily skipped ahead of him as she found a place where they could put their bags down. She had specifically told him not to bring anything apart from a change of clothes, a towel and some lubricant so there was nothing really important that either of them would be carrying with them.

"You're certainly bouncy today," Eric whispered as he followed after her and placed his bag on the ground.

"And why wouldn't I be? I gonna be fucking you here in this area and there is nothing you can do to stop it," Carla smirked as she started to take off her white t-shirt and maroon skirt, revealing the bikini that Eric had been staring at earlier that month. Why was she wearing her school uniform over her bikini? Looking around, Eric's gaze danced over the individual lanes of the half size Olympic swimming pool which comprised the deep end. There were not only a variety of species here, either doing laps or frolicking in the cooling water, but also a large diversity of age although it was mostly adults doing laps and adolescents having fun in the other lanes. The overhead lights illuminated the lanes in a gentle fluorescent light as the design of the roof gave it an immense feeling of height.

The sound of a loud splash soon caught his attention as he turned around to see Carla surface from below the water.

"Hey are you coming in or what?" she asked him, waving a paw in his direction. Eric didn't need any more encouragement as he quickly took off his shirt and his shoes and after stuffing them into his bag, dived in beside her. Resurfacing from underneath Carla, the tigress squealed before falling backwards into the water, dragging Eric along with her.

"You are naughty," she breathed as she kicked herself away from Eric, prompting the wolf to follow her.

"Not as naughty as you're intending to be," Eric answered, "Wanting to have sex in a public place, you're the naughty one here,"

Carla splashed Eric in the face before swimming back to him.

"Well you could have refused and you were the one who suggested we do it again in the first place," Carla pouted as she wrapped her arms around him and drew him into a hug, rubbing her crotch against his in circular motions. Eric's eyes flicked down and settled upon the pair of breasts that were pressed tightly against his chest, the lilac material that contained them framing them perfectly.

"I... um," Eric started. He was having a little trouble concentrating due to what he was seeing and the friction that was building up in his loins where Carla was rubbing against him.

"Do you want to know what I was doing before I came to see you?" she whispered, drawing him in close so she only had to barely raise her voice over the sound of the water, "I was masturbating to the thought of you fucking me today,"

Eric's ears twitched slightly as his cheeks flushed a light shade of red.

"I couldn't help but imagine you driving that long, hard, throbbing cock of yours inside of me," Carla continued as she grabbed a hold of Eric's ass, "I want to feel your cock inside of my pussy and my ass and I want to feel it pulsing, throbbing and aching for release. And when you're begging for me to finish you off I want to feel your hot, sticky cum jetting into me,"

Time seemed to slow for Eric as his horny mind slowly absorbed one word after another. Carla's dirty talk was obviously well rehearsed judging from how quickly he got hard, his cock making a bulge in his board shorts and pressing against Carla's crotch.

"You poor, horny little boy... follow me," she smirked as she pushed away from him and dived under the water before pushing off the wall closest to them. She nimbly glided beneath the surface and crossed all eight of the lanes before resurfacing at the other end. Waving him across, Eric tried to do the same but only managed to get halfway across before having to break for air, almost colliding with an otter that was doing laps in the same lane. When he caught up to Carla, he made sure to stay directly behind her, holding her tightly with both arms as his boner carefully fitted in between Carla's buttocks. Carla carefully led him underneath the bridge that connected the deep end to the shallow end of the pool and as the depth of the water decreased, Eric started to get more and more self conscious about what others may think if they knew that he was sporting a hard on. Heading underneath a second bridge, the wolf recognized the two slides that were situated next to a pool of water about a metre deep.

"There's nobody around here so we should be able to do whatever we want," Carla reassuringly told him as she stood in front of him so as to block anybody looking in their direction

"I certainly hope so, we could get kicked out for doing this," Eric muttered as he pressed his cock against Carla's crotch.

"There's nothing to worry about," the tigress cooed, reaching in and grasping Eric's engorged member with a paw before stroking it a few times, "You're hot when you're scared over something... I see you're wearing those speedos that I got for you,"

Eric inhaled sharply as Carla's paw wrapped around his cock. Seeing her reaching in like that was making his heart race as he reached into Carla's bikini bottoms and rubbed her pussy lips with a paw. Drawing Eric into a kiss, both of them moaned into each other's mouths as Carla slid her paw along Eric's length faster and faster and Eric slowly pushed a finger into Carla's cunt followed by a second one.

"Enough with the foreplay," Carla hissed as she released Eric's dick and pulled his boardshorts and speedos down, revealing the wolf's cock to the world, "I want your cock and I want it now,"

Pulling Eric's paw away from her crotch she pressed herself firmly against Eric, wrapping her legs around his and using the buoyancy of the water to help her slide herself along Eric's cock. The wolf gently clasped Carla's buttocks with his paws and kneaded them gently with his fingers. He moaned quietly as he slid his member along the outside of Carla's bikini bottoms, his mind imaging the pussy that hid behind it. Noticing that their moans could get them caught, Carla quickly kissed the wolf as they slowly rocked back and forth in the water; the hard cock that was pressing and rubbing against her pussy lips was driving her mad with a desire to be filled by it. Breaking the kiss, the tigress looked behind Eric and observed the path the slides took and the dense plant life that helped provide a lot of cover. Looking over to her right, she noticed the staircase that led up to the start of the slides and noted the that the plants would provide more than enough protection from prying eyes provided they could make it up the stairs without being spotted. The fact that the slides were closed for the time being did not deter her as her mind decided on what they should do next.

Carla could feel the gentle pulsing of Eric's cock as she tucked it back into the protective material that was hiding it from view from earlier. As Eric let out a partially grumbled question about why they had stopped, she quickly placed a finger on his lips, effectively silencing him for the moment while she directed his gaze to the staircase beside them.

"You see the staircase over there?" she whispered, pointing at it with a finger, "It leads up to the start of the waterslides which looks like it has a lot of protection from observers. Let's get up there and continue from where we left off,"

As Eric followed Carla's directions from the start to the finish, he gave a sly smile and nodded his approval as he followed after Carla and used the ladder to get out of the pool. The cool air instantly chilled his wet fur and he shivered slightly as Carla hugged him and gave him a quick kiss in an attempt to hide the wolf's erection from a casual passerby. When they were sure that the coast was clear, both Eric and Carla dashed up the stairs and crawled behind the tall plant foliage, peering over the top and then settling back behind the plants, confident that they couldn't be seen. Moving over to the start of the slides, Eric lay down on the moist cement, his legs dangling on the slide itself as Carla straddled his hips.

"Now where were we?" she whispered as she freed the wolf's cock from its prison. Eric panted slightly as it pulsed in the tigress's paw, her grip on it tightening and relaxing in time with its throbs. Eric started to thrust slightly into Carla's paw as he watched her undo one of the strings on her bikini bottom. Pulling the material free, Carla quickly stuffed it into a pocket of Eric's boardshorts as she rubbed herself against him a few times before squatting on top of the wolf's face.

"Do you want this my horny wolf?" Carla teased, rubbing her slit in front of Eric's face

"Yes ma'am," Eric whimpered. Grabbing a hold of Eric's cock, Carla positioned herself over it before rubbing the head against her slit. Eric whimpered slightly as he balled his paws into fists. He could feel the heat emanating from Carla's crotch and his desire was starting to get the better of him. Intent on teasing Eric a little more, the tigress slipped the head of his cock inside of her before sliding down to the hilt, biting her tongue to prevent herself from moaning too loudly. Eric's cock throbbed inside of her as the warmth inflamed his senses.

"Well if you want it then you have to work for it first then my wolf. I said that you would be hot and sweaty by the time I'm done with you and I intend on keeping that promise," Carla pouted as she slid off his engorged member, stifling a moan in the process and stuck her crotch into Eric's face while she settled down at his crotch, "Round one, my horny Eric, is oral... hope you're ready,"

Eric noticed the lustful look on Carla's face and he inhaled sharply as he felt his cock slide in between Carla's lips, her tongue running in circles around the head. It took him a moment for him to realize that he was to reciprocate the actions and judging from how her clit stood out and how she was leaking pussy juices, she was relatively close to orgasm.

"So she wasn't lying about masturbating earlier," Eric thought to himself as he licked Carla's slit from one end to the other. Eric was rather close to his orgasm as well and his cock was pulsing inside of Carla's maw constantly as she slid her lips over the entirety of his length, applying a lot of pressure using her tongue as she alternated from circling around the head, to sliding along his length and deepthroating him. Eric's moans carried the vibrations through his tongue which he flicked along her slit before pushing it inside of Carla, using a finger to rub her clit, running it in circles as her juices started to leak onto his face. Carla moaned around his cock as she licked off the pre that had formed at the tip. Bobbing her head along his length, she could feel by the throbbing that he was about to cum. Stopping halfway down his cock, she sucked hard on his member while she used a paw to rapidly stroke the exposed part of his cock.

"Come on, cum for me Eric," she thought to herself as she felt two fingers suddenly dive into her, threatening to make her cum as the rubbing of her clit intensified. She was promptly rewarded seconds later as she felt his warm cum splashing into her maw. Pulling it out of her mouth, some more cum oozed out of the end, sliding down Eric's throbbing cock and onto her paw. The wolf paused as he enjoyed his orgasm, his tongue hanging out of his mouth as his fingers continued to slowly work Carla's cunt. The tigress grunted slightly as she wriggled her hips a little, allowing Eric's fingers to penetrate her deeply. Wiping her cum covered fingers over Eric's fur and ballsack, she gritted her teeth as she rode out her own orgasm, her juices coating Eric's fingers and the bottom half of his face. Pulling his fingers free of Carla's crotch, he licked his fingers as the tigress turned around and lay atop his chest, her crotch now lying atop his softening member. As they both panted from the exertion they shared another kiss as they rested in preparation for their next bout.

"You've been aching for that orgasm haven't you?" Carla asked.

"What makes you say that?" Eric breathed.

"I don't remember you cumming that much before. Think you got such a big load for our next two rounds?" Carla responded. Eric gave this some thought as he pulled Carla in close to her.

"Maybe... it all depends on how much teasing you give me. You always were a cocktease,"

"I like to be able to feel you inside of me and you always feel bigger after being teased for a while. I didn't know that it also affected how much you cum as well," Carla whispered, allowing Eric to sit up properly while still straddling his crotch, "You ready for round two,"

Eric glanced down to his now limp cock, still covered in his cum and Carla's saliva.

"I gotta get hard first," he whispered.

"Well maybe this can get you started," Carla shot back as she started to knead her breasts in front of him. Eric didn't need any more encouragement as he reached out with his paws and started to knead them himself. Her nipples were standing out due to her wet swimsuit and he ran his paws around in circles before lowering his mouth to suck on one like a small child. Carla gasped as Eric's tongue danced over her pert nipple. Despite the material covering it, she could still feel Eric's tongue and she held his head over her chest as she started to pant from the sensations. Moving over to the other breast, Eric's cock started to stir and was soon pressing against Carla's slit once more.

"Man I want this so bad," Carla moaned as she sat atop of Eric's cock and started to slide down the thick, rigid shaft. First letting the head pop in then ever so slowly sliding down, one inch after another until it was completely inside of her. Eric rested his paws on Carla's thighs, letting the tigress go at her own pace as she started to ride his cock. They moaned in unison as she slid from the bottom of Eric's member to the very top, leaving only the head inside of her, before sliding back down to the base and grinding in circles. Eric's cock throbbed inside of her as Carla's cunt gripped him tightly, the combination of spit, cum and pussy juices allowing the tigress to slide along Eric's shaft with little difficulty as she started to ride him with an ever increasing speed. Carla quickly leaned forward and kissed Eric just as a loud moan escaped her mouth. The wolf moved his paws to Carla's ass and started thrusting up as their tongues wrapped together in an embrace. Moaning into each other's mouths, neither of them had noticed that they were slowly edging towards the slide and within moments the both of them were sliding along before hitting the water seconds later with a loud splash. Eric quickly sank below Carla as they separated underwater, the cold water quickly bringing the both of them back to their senses as they resurfaced. Wearing nothing else but her bikini top, Carla quickly scuttled to the wall closest to the slides and covered her crotch with a paw. Eric soon waded over and hugged her tightly in an attempt to hide her behind his body, his cock still hanging out and pressing against her thigh.

"Did anybody hear us?" Carla whispered, her heart thumping in her chest as she idly rubbed Eric's cock head against her engorged clit.

"I don't think so," Eric responded, his cock throbbing underwater in Carla's paw. They waited for a few minutes just to be sure and when nobody came they both heaved a huge sigh of relief.

"Should we continue?" Eric asked slyly.

"Oh god yes," Carla breathed, aiming Eric's cock back at her pussy entrance, "I've never been so turned on in my life and I'm gonna cum soon... don't disappoint me my horny wolf,"

Moving Carla's paw away from her pussy, Eric rubbed his body against Carla's bracing her against the smooth tiled wall behind her. Pressing the head of his cock against her slit, he slowly pushed it in, followed up by the full throbbing length of his cock. Carla panted lustfully as her pussy gripped Eric's member tightly. Resting his head on her shoulder, Eric started to grind up against Carla, rubbing his crotch in circles around Carla's before slowly pulling his cock out of her. Carla was in no mood for games however, as she quickly wrapped her legs around Eric while mentally urging him to stay inside of her. Pushing himself back in, Eric could feel Carla tightening around him as he started to make a series of short, sharp thrusts into her. Rubbing her clit with a finger, Carla tensed up as the feelings of pleasure started to peak inside of her. Biting her lip, she trembled as Eric pumped his pulsing cock deep inside of her. She could feel every inch push in and out of her as the wolf constantly alternated his rhythm of thrusting. Burying himself inside of her, Carla let out a long moan as she came around him, her cunt tightening and gripping his cock like a vice. Shutting her eyes, she held onto Eric tightly as she waited for him to orgasm as well. Eric was near cumming but he still didn't quite have enough to push him over the edge just yet. The tight vagina that was currently refusing to let go of him was causing his cock to throb and he wondered how much longer it would be before he could blow his load inside of her. As Carla's intense panting died down, she released her tight grip on Eric's member, allowing him to pull free of her warm, moist pussy and into the comparatively cold water that surrounded him.

"You didn't cum," she whispered as she pulled her bikini bottoms from Eric's boardshorts and put them back on, "Let's finish this outside and this time I want to feel that cum of yours splashing around in me"

Following Carla's almost groggy movements, Eric was about to follow after her when she stopped him.

"I don't want the others to see your boner. Let me get your towel and the lube, since you didn't cum I don't want you wanking okay. I want you nice and hard when we finish up outside," she told him, pushing him back into the water with a splash. Having almost forgotten that he was still hard, Eric sheepishly tucked his cock back into his boardshorts but couldn't help but notice the bulge that he was making in the material. All of the teasing sex was really paying off but in his horny mind the only thing that Eric currently was caring about was getting to cum as soon as possible. The sensations that was building up inside of him was nothing short of excruciating and he wanted Carla's quivering pussy to milk him dry.

Minutes seemed like hours to Eric as he waited for Carla to return with his towel. The temptation to paw was growing with every passing second but he had practically promised to wait until they were outside before blowing his load.

"Finally! What took you so long?" Eric demanded as he saw Carla stand in front of him and waiting for him to get out. The tigress's fur was relatively dry from the looks of things, making the question rhetorical more than anything else.

"Well you hid the lube pretty well so it took me a while to find it," Carla answered as she wrapped her towel around her waist, "Is your sceptre still rigid your highness,"

Eric laughed as he finished drying himself with his towel and wrapped his towel around his waist as well.

"It's as hard as when you left it," he whispered, rubbing his cock against Carla's ass.

"You poor boy I bet you want to cum so badly," she pouted. Eric slipped a paw in the back of her towel and reached into Carla's bikini bottoms to rub her slit.

"Like you wouldn't believe," he whispered as they both shuffled to the outdoor pool.

In the small outdoor section of the swimming pool was the area for babies. The pool of water here ranged only between ten to thirty centimetres deep and was covered by plenty of umbrellas. Surrounding it was a lush garden with a few tables and chairs scattered around the place. Luckily for Eric and Carla, the place was deserted with only the faint bubbling of fountains being the only thing to reach their ears. Laying her towel down on the grass out of sight of the main building, she whipped off Eric's towel with a flourish before laying down on hers.

"Come on, let's get down to it," she smirked at him as she undid both of the strings on her bikini bottoms. Letting the top of the bikini bottoms flop out onto her towel, Carla took the bottle of lube and poured some of it over her exposed crotch. The slick fluid ran down her clit and pussy lips onto her tailhole as she rubbed her slit with a paw in a beckoning motion towards Eric. The wolf didn't need any more provocation as he looked around for the presence of anybody coming outside. Satisfied that nobody was, he pulled his cock free and lay atop of Carla, sucking her nipples for a few moments before rubbing his cock against her slit.

"Hold on a sec, don't want anybody else watching now do we?" Carla smiled as she took Eric's towel and draped it over the both of them. Letting his horny mind take control of him, Eric aimed his cock as Carla's pussy before sliding in to the hilt. They moaned in unison as the wolf started to thrust in and out of Carla. She gripped his buttocks firmly as he quickened his pace, pulling out slowly before thrusting back in quickly. She tightened her cunt as best she could as Eric slid inside of her on every thrust. The wolf's cock throbbed blissfully inside of her as every inch filled her with one wave of pleasure after another.

"You're so big," she hissed as Eric did a series of small quick thrusts into her, each one feeling like it was going deeper and deeper. Eric growled deeply as Carla's cunt gripped his cock tightly, the lube and her pussy juices the only thing allowing him to slide in and out with relative ease. The pleasure building in his loins started to short circuit his brain as he pumped hard and fast into Carla's slick cunt.

"I... I'm gonna cum," he breathed as Carla wrapped her legs around him, forcing the wolf to grind against her in circles

"Then cum inside of me," Carla whispered back before releasing her grip on his ass and hugging his chest close to hers. With a few last thrusts in and out of her tight pussy, Eric plunged his throbbing member deep inside of Carla. Growling loudly, he came hard as he painted Carla's insides with one spurt after another of his hot, sticky cum. Carla inhaled sharply as she pulled him deep inside of her, milking as much cum out of him as she could. Three spurts later, Eric became still as he started to catch his breath. Cum started to ooze out of Carla's pussy and down over her tailhole as Eric's cock continued to throb inside of her.

"Don't pull out," she whispered as she rubbed some of the wolf's cum over her tailhole. Eric had no intention of doing that as he did a few small thrusts in and out of her.

"You're so tight," Eric whimpered as he hugged Carla tightly.

"Don't fall asleep yet my wolf, I want to do it once more," the tigress murmured as she felt Eric start to lose his hard on.

"Just let me rest for a bit first," Eric murmured as he pulled himself out of her, his cock covered in his cum and Carla's pussy juices.

Ten minutes soon passed before either of them had the motivation to get up again.

"You're such a dirty boy... look at the mess you've made inside of me," Carla pouted as she reached down and scooped up some of Eric's cum to show him. Kissing Carla on the nose, Eric licked Carla's fingers clean.

"I thought you wanted me to cum inside of you," he asked confusedly.

"I did," she smirked as she gestured for Eric to lift his crotch up so she could retie her bikini bottoms properly, "Now I want to see if you have enough to blow your load once more,"

Tucking his limp cock back inside of his board shorts, Eric stiffly got up and flexed his body slightly. He was starting to get a little stiff and the constant sex was starting to take a toll on his body. Carla got up soon afterwards and after shaking her towel out of any dry grass, she slipped the bottle of lube into one of Eric's pockets.

"This time we go for anal," she whispered, touching Eric's nose with her own, "But let's relax a little bit first. We'll put our towels away then sit in the hot tub for a while,"

Eric dumbly followed her commands and after putting his towel away into his bag, let the tigress drag him over to the hot tubs.

Sitting on a small section that overlooked the shallow end of the pool, was a small area containing below ground hot tubs, a shower, a steam room and a sauna. Despite that there was a sign that clearly stated that one needed a specific pass to use the area, Eric was sure that nobody had ever bothered checking and that it was more to ward off young children from using it than anything else. By a stroke of luck, there was nobody using either of the two hot tubs or any of the adjoining facilities. Smiling at Eric, Carla quickly took him by the paw and opened the gate that separated it from the nearby corridor that led to the change rooms.

"What luck huh?" she told him as she led him over to the controls for the hot tubs on a nearby wall, "Now do you have any idea what controls what?"

Eric rubbed his chin thoughtfully as he stared at the faded writing on two of the control knobs. There were essentially two sets of controls, one of which he assumed was for the steam room and the other for the hot tubs about a metre or so away.

"I think one controls temperature and the other controls the amount of bubbling," Eric murmured as he twisted one knob clockwise. Looking behind him he saw that there was no effect on the water in the hot tubs. Twisting the other one clockwise he once again turned back to see the results. This time there was some bubbling of the water.

"Do you want to see what temperature the water is at?" he asked Carla as he remained at the control switches. Sitting on the edge of the hot tub Carla brushed a foot into the water.

"A little warmer Eric, currently it's like the normal pool water only slightly warmer," she called out, "Oh and put some more bubbles as well,"

Twisting the temperature dial first, he continued to twist it slowly until Carla called out for him to stop. Turning his attention to the other dial, he proceeded to turn it further and further clockwise until it couldn't go any further.

"Yep that's perfect Eric. Now are you gonna come in and enjoy the warm water as well?" Carla called out, slipping into the luxuriously warm and bubbly water with a sigh of relief. Trotting over to Carla, Eric stuck the bottle of lube behind a rock before he climbed in beside her before sinking below the water, leaving his head above the surface.

"Oh that is good," Eric murmured as the bubbling of the water helped ease the dull ache that had built up in his body. Looking at the glass walls that surrounded the area, Eric had only just noticed that the bottom half was frosted, impeding anybody looking in or anybody looking out.

"Maybe that's why she wanted to do it here," Eric thought to himself as Carla straddled his lap and kissed him, their tongues intertwining with each other. Wrapping their arms around each other, they melted into each other as the water washed away their inhibitions.

"Do you want to get it started or shall I?" Carla asked, positioning herself over one of the jets of the hot tub. Without saying a word, Eric reached out with a paw and rubbed Carla's slit through her bikini. The tigress licked her lips as she reached in and brushed her paw against Eric's hardening member. She giggled in delight as it stiffened quickly in her paw.

"Do you really have it in you to go once more? I mean if you don't want to do it that's completely fine," she told him, a tinge of concern etched into her voice.

"Don't worry I got it in me," Eric smiled, "Now give me some of that sweet pussy of yours,"

Sticking her tongue out at him, Carla carefully parted the material aside before lowering herself onto Eric's cock once more. Carla was tired and her pussy was starting to ache a little as it swallowed Eric's member, allowing it to sink deep into her. Letting out a soft grunt of exertion, Eric grasped a hold of Carla's hips before thrusting slightly into her, drawing his cock half way out before pushing back in again.

"Let's try a different position," Eric murmured as he pulled out, the warm water feeling barely any different from the temperature in Carla's cunt. Standing up, he gestured for Carla to lean over and brace herself against the wall of the hot tub while he entered her from behind. The tigress willingly complied as she bent over the side while wriggling her hips at Eric.

"Come on we don't have all day," she smirked playfully. Smiling to himself, Eric repositioned himself before pushing back into her. Reaching for the bottle of lube, he coated two of his fingers with it before carefully sliding them to Carla's tailhole. He ran his fingertips around her pert hole, running a finger around it in slow circles. Carla clenched slightly, gripping the tip of Eric's finger with her ass and his cock with her pussy. The wolf was choosing not to pump himself in and out, instead opting just to remain inside of her warm, slippery insides. Carla was somewhat grateful and spiteful at the same time because of this. She was tired from today's exertions but also irritated by the fact that Eric simply wasn't going all out on her like she was expecting. Biting her lip, Carla inhaled deeply as she let Eric's finger slowly push into her ass. Her breathing quickened slightly as Eric carefully spread the lubricant inside of her. He soon followed it up with a second finger and started to slowly stretch her, gently and carefully. Pulling his fingers out, Eric covered them in more lubricant before sliding them back in, slowly running them in circles as he felt the resistance in Carla's ass start to slowly disappear.

"Mm... damn that's good," she murmured as she slowly reached for her clit and started to rub it.

Looking up from what he was doing, Eric caught sight of a young couple, probably not much older than 21 or 22 start to approach the gate which they had marched confidently through only minutes earlier.

"Shit," he muttered to himself as he knocked the bottle of lube aside before dragging Carla back down into a sitting position. The tigress yelped with surprise as she was dragged on top of him. Looking up she saw the young couple that had caused Eric to pull her atop him. Now sitting on his lap, they both kept silent as they heard the couple step into the hot tub beside them. Not daring to turn around to look at them, Eric and Carla sat motionless, trying not to think about the two who were also in the same area. Carla couldn't ignore the wolf's pulsing member inside of her however and unable to take it much longer, started to move carefully around in circles, rolling Eric's cock around and around inside of her. Eric twitched a little as the warm confines of Carla's cunt gripped his cock. He simply couldn't wait much longer to take Carla from behind. Slipping a finger into Carla's tailhole, he could feel her gripping both his finger and his cock tightly as they waited for the other couple to leave.

Minutes felt like hours as Carla continued to move her crotch around in circles on top of Eric. They were both very horny and desperate to get off but didn't dare to make a move until they were alone. When the couple finally did leave, Carla pulled off of Eric before grabbing the carelessly knocked over bottle of lube.

"Let's get into the sauna, nobody will think of finding us in there," she breathed as she dashed for the wooden door. Dragging himself out of the warm water, the wolf shook his head a few times before following her into the wood lined room. Expecting to find a warm if not hot room, Eric was surprised to find that it was instead rather cooling inside. It was obvious that the heating hadn't been turned on.

"We don't have much time," Carla breathed, dropping her bikini bottoms onto one of the wooden benches inside, "So let's do this quickly,"

Dropping his boardshorts and speedos to his knees, Eric closed the wooden door quickly before getting behind Carla. Telling her to assume the position that she was in earlier, Eric rubbed the head of his cock against her pussy before pushing in once. Taking the bottle of lube, he poured some onto Carla's tailhole before pulling his cock out and applying it vigorously to his engorged member.

"Here it comes," Eric whispered as he pressed himself against Carla's tailhole. The tigress relaxed her body as much as she could, letting out a gasp as the head of Eric's cock pushed into her ass.

"Ah god, it's so big," she moaned as Eric slowly slid the rest of his cock into her.

"Easy there tiger," Eric whispered, leaning over and cupping Carla's breasts in his paws, "I'll take it slowly,"

Carla's ass gripped Eric's cock tightly, keeping the blood inside of it as he slowly pulled out before plunging back in. He flicked Carla's nipples with a finger as he felt the powerful contractions of her ass ripple through his cock.

"I'm not the one who's big," he whispered, "You're ass is so... tight,"

Carla panted lightly as she reached down to rub her clit. Two fingers dived into her pussy as she rubbed her clit with her thumb. Eric grunted with exertion as slowly thrusted in and out, the resistance increasing with every stroke he made. Pulling out, Eric applied more lube to his cock before pushing back in. Plunging in to the tip, he made a series of small, short thrusts, his cock now easily sliding in and out of her. He let out a long moan as he felt Carla start to tense up around him.

"Just relax, Carla," he muttered, giving her tits a small squeeze. Releasing her grip on Eric slightly, Carla returned her paw to help steady herself against the wall. She would let him take control when he was ready to cum. Running his paws down her body; he carefully rubbed her slit with a paw as he pulled out of her, leaving only the head inside of her ass.

"I'm close Eric," Carla murmured, taking Eric's paw in her own as she guided him over her clit. His cock throbbed gently as the pressure in his loins peaked and ebbed. Sliding back in, he started to pump in and out with an ever increasing speed, each thrust pushing him closer and closer to his orgasm. Every time he pushed in he could feel Carla clench around him, driving his mind crazy with the intense stimulation as she refused to let go of him. Rubbing her clit with her paw, she let out a quiet moan as she urged him to go a little faster. The sensations soon overwhelmed Carla as she reached the peak of her orgasm. She let out a muffled, pleasured groan as she clenched around Eric's cock drawing him deeper into her. With one last thrust, Eric plunged as deeply as he could go as he too reached his orgasm. It threatened to cause him to black out as the sensations coursed through his body. Spurts of his hot and sticky cum filled Carla's ass as he emptied himself into her, his balls aching with his third orgasm of the day as the sensations caused a short circuit in his brain. Hugging Carla tightly, the two of them waited for their hearts to return back to normal before they started to separate.

"So did you have fun today?" Carla asked, letting out a short gasp as Eric pulled out of her ass.

"Yeah today was cool," Eric mumbled as he sat back and watched his cum slowly ooze out of Carla's tailhole and pussy, pulling up his speedos and his boardshorts. The tigress shook her head at him as she donned her bikini bottoms, taking a moment to scoop up some of his cum and smear it onto his face.

"You dirty little boy. I simply no idea how much you could cum," Carla dismissively told him before playfully licking his face clean.

"I was surprised that we could actually keep going at it without getting caught," Eric laughed as he stuffed the bottle of lube into one of his pockets.

"We're not out of the woods yet until we're outside," Carla smirked, snuggling up to Eric.

"Yeah, we'd better get changed huh? I don't think we can remain here much longer,"

As they stiffly got up, they slowly made their way to the door and to their bags. Nobody questioned either of them as they sluggishly made their way to their respective change rooms.

"Wait for me here," Carla whispered before disappearing into her change room. There was no doubt that she would have a bit of a mess to clean up and would no doubt be taking a lot longer than he would be in getting changed. Walking into the male change rooms, he set his bag on a hook before walking to the shower. Standing in front of one of the shower heads, he pressed the button and cold water poured onto the top of his head, heightening his alertness. When he was satisfied that he had gotten rid of as much chlorine as he could without any soap he carefully made his way back to his bag and dug around for his towel. As he dried his fur, Eric started to wonder if they had left any lingering aromas in the areas where he and Carla had been fornicating. With some luck the stench of the pool's chlorine would help cover it up so that it wouldn't be detectable but there was always that risk. Wrapping his towel around his waist, he dropped his boardshorts and speedos before picking them up and stuffing them into the plastic bag he had brought for his wet bathers. Finding his underwear, he carefully wore them and his pair of shorts before stuffing his towel into his bag. Shaking his head a little to help get rid of the heavy feeling that had set into the back of his head, he made a few long sprays of his deodorant before pulling on a plain white short sleeved shirt. Doing up the buttons down the front, he took his shoes out before swinging the bag onto his back.

Carrying his gear outside to where he was to meet Carla, Eric wore his socks and tied up his shoes before sitting down on a nearby bench. He had almost fallen asleep by the time that Carla had emerged from the change rooms, a smile on her face as she bouncily skipped up to him before shoving him aside so she could put on her sneakers.

"Today was fun. Maybe another time yeah?" she asked, not looking at him while she did up her laces. Eric laughed.

"Yeah today was pretty cool but maybe not anytime soon. I want to be sharing you only with myself," he smiled, giving Carla a brief hug.

"Okay but only for you. To think that today this was our playground", she responded before taking him by the paw and pulling him outside where she gave him a quick kiss on the lips followed by a hug, "Let's meet again soon okay?"

"Yeah but next time let's not do it in public," he laughed. Carla poked her tongue out at him playfully as she started to skip down the sidewalk.

"Spoilsport!" she called out before waving goodbye to him.