Mortal Pleasures

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#20 of Stories

Author's Note: So I started this like November of last year as a way to properly introduce Lunette as introduction stories is something I plan to do for pretty much all of my characters to lay down some proper ground work but uh, this ended up being WAY longer than I expected and came with an increased workload. But there it is, all 41 pages and 19-20k words. This is what happens when you keep getting ideas :P

Summary: A Goddess of Destruction had become woefully disillusioned with her tasks and her personal limits. Luckily a chance encounter with a certain Umbreon presented an opportunity to turn things around by giving her a new way to demolish and destroy planets and beyond.

Shoutouts To My Patrons!

Sage Divin, Beherit, Rad Rat Tags, Starkat, Karou, TectalTomato

Your support means the world to me!

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Across universes--perhaps on the fringes of time, space and all known dimensions--was a zone known to very few called The Higher Realm. The Realm was home to a particular pantheon that called themselves The Order--gods, goddesses, and higher beings each given a task that ultimately maintained balance within the universe they were assigned to. Our story now brings us to one member of The Order: a Goddess of Destruction--tasked with obliterating developed planets, worlds and even specific realities should they upset the balance her kind was meant to upkeep.

Within her assigned system she floated among the stars as a pulsating, unfathomably large being of light; coasting along out of sheer boredom as she lazily floated toward the galaxy and system that held her intended target. Another planet of mortals to be just like the rest--another tally, another number. When did she become so disillusioned with her assignments? A few millennia ago? Maybe longer? Maybe less?

Did it even matter? It's not as if knowing the answer would make a difference. It was all the same. Same as before and the times before that. And it'll be the same after this.

She sighed an otherworldly sigh, causing hundreds of stars to expire in the wake of her unseen breath as she did so. She was approaching the target planet now: tiny-just like the rest of them-with blue and purple hues with a hint of green. Home to billions of infinitesimal mortals. Just insignificant little things with short looping lifespans. Just numbers.

She could recall a time when she was interested in the little things. Each one with their own lives and souls and existences. Each of their worlds were so similar; yet different. It used to be a fascinating fact that intrigued her so, but alas, she was worlds apart from them--literally for the most part. She tried appearing to them once; a beam of light attempting to communicate, but she was far beyond them. Just gazing upon her drove them insane, her presence was paralyzing, her voice was deafening and ripped their planet apart. She was far too mighty, and they were far too weak. She was scolded by The Keepers of the Realm afterwards; upset she nearly disturbed the balance and invoked chaos.

Boring. But still, it's not like she could interact with the lower worlds as she wished.

With hardly a second thought she then bathed the planet in her light--vaporizing it within an instant. Quick. Painless. Unceremonious. Boring. Tired. Uninteresting. With another star-obliterating sigh, she returned to her part of the Realm, perhaps to snooze for a few centuries until she was called upon again after delivering her report.


Ms. Destruction listlessly floated about her space, letting her relative brain wander and ponder. In a way, she envied those little specks; she had no desire to earn her own destruction--and yet--she would welcome an escape from the mundane. Even if those little beings had grown as bored as she did, their existences were finite--they had an end. Or at the very least, they had an opportunity to change, to escape, to become something different. For her, it was all an endless cycle she had lost passion for, and there was no escaping from it. It was forbidden, and subject to exhausting talks and lectures--even punishment was predictable and boring. She sighed once more and continued to drift; the brightness of her light dimming as she slowly drifted off to a long slumber.

That was until she heard an ungodly sharp, ripping noise within her own realm that put her on alert. "??????? ??? ?????????!" She yelled in her divine language. Within her own private zone was a sudden tear in time and space, a spacial rend that opened up like a yawning maw to reveal a particular, casually dressed, male Umbreon pokemorph who slowly floated through; the rift slowly closing behind him as he fully passed through.

"Well that's odd..." Moonlight said to himself as took a quick glance around the dark space before glancing down to gaze at a device held in his hand, "There's some crazy energy readings here, but I don't see anything. Just space...and strange lights." But he couldn't help the feeling that he was being watched. Directly watched. Like someone nearby was watching him.

The mass of light dimmed slightly before surging brightly; its pure whiteness becoming mostly black with sparkles of purple and white glittering about its 'form'. "??????? ????????? ?? ????? ??? ????! ??? ??? ??? ????? ????? ?????????!" She yelled once more; this time her voice reverberated throughout the area with a thunderous roar.

The Umbreon winced slightly--much like one who walked into a concert hall and adjusted themselves to the noise, instead of wincing out of any pain, threat or fear. His ears flitted as he gazed upon the light, pocketed the device and shrugged his shoulders, "I can't understand a word you're saying." He said simply.

If she could display an expression, it would have been one of confusion. He didn't understand the divine tongue? But only the divine could enter The Realm, how could he not know such a common language among Higher Beings? And yet he spoke one of the languages mortals speak, but he couldn't be mortal and exist here; the lower lifeforms would be utterly destroyed here. Could he be a devil? His eyes were of a burning crimson, he carried a strange and sinister energy about him...but he didn't look the part. How odd; yet interesting.

"Who or what are you?" She repeated in his language.

This took Moonlight a bit by surprise, but he smiled nonetheless--ridding himself of the worry that communication would be difficult, or worse, impossible. "My name is Moonlight Penumbra," he put a hand to his chest and bowed gracefully, "I'm what you call an Umbreon, a species among many."

"Umbreon?" Her ethereal voice echoed. "Are you a god? Or a devil?"

He slowly raised his head, scratching underneath his muzzle in thought. "One could argue I'm a sort of devil, but I don't hail from an Underworld of any kind. So neither, or something else entirely you could say."

The body of light moved once again, expanding as she spread out over the immediate area. That light then shifted, folding in to take the shape of something vaguely humanoid; still a body of light, but there was clearly a head, torso, and a pair of arms and legs--all undefined, but very much large in size, at least six times the Umbreon's own size. Moonlight couldn't tell if she was trying to intimidate him, or imitate him, but with this size difference, it was almost like gazing up at the night sky with purple hues--and that sky was 'alive'.

An additional body of light emerged from that massive lightform--one his size this time--and fluttered toward him. "Do not move," her voice echoed as the smaller body moved close enough to touch, then shifted behind him; her 'head' seemingly taking a closer look at him, looking over his ears, then his shoulders and arms, his tail, his legs, his feet, his crotch, then back to his face before hovering backwards. "It's true. You're something else entirely. You're a mortal, yet something more at the same time, something beyond that of a god or a devil. How does something like you exist? What even are you?"

Moonlight looked at her, then up at her, then folded his arms while tilting his head in thought. "In a way, it's complicated. I am mortal, but I'm also attached to something greater, or rather, we're fused together. Kind of like a god, kind of like a demon, kind of like a devil, but not really a demon-devil-god. It's more like..." He trailed off a bit before perking his ears with an idea, "You know how light and darkness are two sides of the same coin and have existed since the beginning of well...everything? That darkness incarnate lies within me, or is me these days. We have a complicated relationship."

The lights seemed to quiver. "Of course. A primordial being spawned from a void of nothingness. An entity of wild abandon. A cursed soul. An embodiment of chaos, disorder and shadow. Housed within a mortal, part of a mortal. Which would make you one of the greatest and most powerful ones to ever exist, yes? That explains why my mere presence hasn't destroyed you!" Her body of light trembled and warped, as if struggling to maintain her shape. Moonlight could feel an odd outpour of emotions: a bit of fear, but mostly curiosity, and...excitement?

Moonlight shrugged, "Sure, I suppose if you want to be poetic about it. But I'm simply me, sometimes 'we', but mainly me."

"You! Umbreon Moonlight Penumbra thing! You are perhaps the most fascinating and interesting being I've come across in over many millennia!" She echoed with such thrilled excitement; gone from some sort of threatening godly being to something akin to a fan-girl coming across her favorite celebrity, right down to her larger form moving to lay down on her stomach, propping her head up on her elbow-balanced head, and kicking her legs behind her.

The pokemorph tilted his head in a bit of confusion this time, raising an eyebrow, "You...don't say?"

Her smaller form spread her arms wide, the 'starlights' within her flickering almost cheerfully. "I have become so bored out of my existence. I've been wanting to meet and interact with something like you for eons! Please, do indulge me, Umbreon Moonlight Penumbra."

Moonlight raised his hands, "Alright first off, you can just call me Moonlight. Second, I have no idea what you are. Given your excessive usage of 'mortal', I'm assuming you're some kind of deity?"

A glittering brightness sparkled across her form--a sense of embarrassment was being felt. "Oh me! I got so carried away and was prepared to obliterate your very existence when you first showed up that I never introduced myself, my name is ??????????? and I am a Goddess of Destruction. I'm assigned to wipe out entire worlds and existences to make room for newer creations, and before creation comes destruction." She said as-a-matter-of-factly; as if it were perfectly normal to introduce one's self that way. And in her field, maybe it was.

Moonlight's ears flitted as an odd expression crept onto his face. A mix of both surprise and disbelief, if it were to be described. "I think I'll just call you Goddess, and I suppose that explains a few things," he folded his arms as he gazed at her smaller form, then her larger one (which if she had eyes, would no doubt be intently focused on him), then her smaller one again, "but that was quite a spiel. In fact, you made the whole destruction thing sound like a job more than something you naturally do."

The Goddess' heads tilted in unison. Whether it was something she naturally did or was simply copying him, the Umbreon was uncertain. "What is a 'job'?"

Moonlight rubbed the back of his neck. "Like, work. Where you're in a position and ordered or assigned to do specific tasks over and over by someone else. For us mortals, if you will, it's usually something we have to do for one reason or another, and not something we necessarily want to do. Or maybe we did want to do it, but for some reason we no longer love it, or circumstances changed and it's not what it used to be. Various reasons really."

The realization hit her like a speeding comet colliding with a planet, and she then sighed one of her galaxy-destroying sighs. The Umbreon stood unfazed, but it did make his fur stand on end. "That. That certainly sounds like a job alright."

"Tired of destroying?" Moonlight inquired.

The smaller form fell backwards into a lying position as if she were in a hammock; floating in the air while putting her 'hands' behind her head. "It doesn't thrill me like it once did. There was enjoyment in it. Now it's just mundane, just some...some sort of thing I do to satisfy the Order and Balance of things."

"You don't say," Moonlight replied. He had to admit, the last thing he expected while arriving here was to play therapist for a bored goddess. "What made it enjoyable?"

"The mortals, I think," she replied wistfully. "The way they reacted to their ends was so interesting and fun. A mix of panic, acceptance and desperation. Millions upon billions of lives all reacting differently. Such fascinating creatures for being mere dust."

"What changed?"

Another sigh, while crossing one leg over the other. "Nothing. And that's the problem. Everything is done the same way as it always has been. Even if I want to act on my own regardless of the Order, my presence alone obliterates the tiny, fragile things. The sight of me drives them mad and makes them blind. My voice shatters them and any attempt to make contact vaporizes them. I am too powerful and they are too weak, it seems."

There was something stunning to the bree about how remarkably casual she was in speaking in such a way. Like some kind of kid that loved torturing ants while also recognizing that they're people. He could only guess that's what a whole existence of godhood does to someone. Moonlight scratched under his lower jaw, smirking a bit, "You mean to tell me you interacted with them before? As you are now?"

Both of the Goddess' bodies sat up, oddly surprised by his question. "Do you mean to imply there's something wrong with me, Primordial Chaos?"

"Not that something is wrong with you, but that something is wrong with your approach," he gestured toward her, "You can't hope to interact with a form they can't relate to. Showing up and being all 'HELLO I AM THE GODDESS OF YOUR DESTRUCTION, BE NOT AFRAID' while appearing as something they can't comprehend will never work." He then demonstrated an example by showcasing a bit of his dark abilities; numerous eyes and sharp-toothed grins appeared all over his body as numerous fanged tendrils sprouted from his body. From there, a shadowy mass appeared all around him, with those same eyes and teeth swirling about within it.

"An appearance like this would fill them with dread and panic. Their minds would be decimated, their bodies would freeze, their hair would turn white, and their hearts would probably stop. Quite a bit of overkill if I do say so myself," he said before returning to normal with a relaxed sigh; a dark mist escaping his lips as he did so. "You need to walk among them and talk among them. You need to be, well, be like me," Moonlight gave a sly smile.

The Goddess' light had dimmed and wavered during his display; a cautious, but interested feeling was felt by Moonlight's mind. She then brought her hands together with a light nod, "To learn about mortals is to be a mortal! It's so simple! But sadly I cannot accomplish such a thing."

"Why not? Don't tell me it's that Order and Balance stuff again."

She shook her head. "Well that's a small part of it, but not important. The problem at hand is that I can't change my appearance like you."

Moonlight splayed his ears, raising a finger to point at her. "You were a weird space cloud when I first arrived. Now you have a shape similar to myself, and 'mortals' in general."

"That is about the extent of what I can do. No matter how I change my shape, I'm stuck as a being of divine light."

The Umbreon scratched at his cheek, tilting his head once again as the gears turned in his head. "So you'd need a complete transformative makeover," his lips then pulled back to reveal a rather mischievous grin, "I might be able to help you with that. I've developed a knack for turning others into different things."

The Goddess gave a flicker of interest. "You imply that you can give me a mortal shell to disguise my appearance, yes? But this is something you've done to other mortals, correct? Do you truly think it would work on me?" Despite her interest, her tone was skeptical, dismissive, and rather smug. Just enough to motivate the Umbreon out of spite.

The pokemorph chuckled to himself and smiled. "I'm pretty much higher up on the pecking order, right? It stands to reason that my powers should work on you. Either way, I think it'd be fun to try and you lose nothing from my success."

"You have a point, Primordial. Work your magic, if you can, that is," she challenged.

"Well now, it'd be impossible for me to turn down a challenge like that," he replied, stretching his hands and arms to warm-up as he slowly approached her, "So let's see, which one of these is the real you?"

The bigger body began to fade; its light flowing into the smaller body as she spread her arms in a showing fashion, "This is my space, all the lights are me, but if that proves too intimidating for you, this body of light should suffice, no?"

"You godly types sure have high opinions of yourself, don't you? I suppose I don't blame you, when existences don't present any sort of challenge, it's hard to be humble."

"Are you insulting me?"

Moonlight laughed as a pair of tendrils sprouted from his upper back while spreading his arms wide. "Just trying to rile you up and distract you a bit before I get to work. I'd say close your eyes and think your happiest thoughts, but I doubt that'll be necessary."

The goddess scoffed. "You may be a unique mortal, but you're still one at heart, and I highly doubt I'd--eep!" She squeaked as she was swiftly engulfed in a shadowy mist that had swirled around her; not noticing the Umbreon making use of the darkness of her personal space. "What trickery is this?!" She yelled, yet her mighty voice didn't seem to pierce the infinite blackness that swallowed her up--as if she were yelling directly at a wall in front of her. She attempted to reach through, but it was to no avail, the shadows were impossibly solid. The darkness closed in further, wrapping about her entire form--she couldn't budge an inch, and then she suddenly felt an intense weight placed upon her. Heavy. Held. Bound. Restricted. A sensation she had never felt before, a feeling of vulnerability, by a partial mortal no less.. He had totally encased her in his shadows.

"And now, my dear, you're a wonderful blank canvas to paint on," he said while jabbing his tendrils into dark mold that contained her, letting his dark energies flow through them, "I'll give you a proper form, something tangible, something comprehensible, something eye-catching, and something incredible. I bet my family name on this one."

Within, his chaotic powers began to change her. Her light was darkened by his shadows--sullied, but replacing her immaterial body with something physical. Still bipedal, still humanoid, but now capable of proper touch: a being of flesh. He gave her eyes, he gave her a nose, a mouth, hands, fingers, feet, toes. It was at this point he saw an opportunity; a chance for creativity. A chance to play god to a goddess.

He would make her in his own image.

He covered her flesh with raven-dark fur, much like his own. He gave her tall ears and a fluffy, bushy tail; much like his own. He thickened her hands and feet--shaping them into plush paws similar to his, but larger and cuter, and adding some tufts of fur to her forearms for good measure. He added the standard Umbreon markings--glowing rings and bands patterning her ears, tail, outer upper arms and outer upper thighs; but coloring them a silvery-white instead of the typical golden yellow. He gave her a full head of hair--a medium length full and fluffy style; colored black with a gradient of silver to white towards the tips. He matched her height with his own; something tall, intimidating, and noticeable. He granted her a bombshell body; wide hips, thick thighs, a prodigious rear end, breasts bigger than her head and a fine waist to support it all--a grand degree of self indulgence, a look he would give to himself if he were a woman. Besides, she was a goddess, it made sense for her to have a wondrous body like one.

Then came a few more finishing touches. Her eyes--violet with lilac-colored sclera and pupils, accented by sharp white eyelashes; He applied the same violet coloring to the pads of her paws. And finally, white claw tips, white areolas and nipples; and a black and purple gradient colored maw and womanhood--to capture that curious night sky aesthetic he first encountered her with.

Satisfied. There was but one task left: to release her. He backed away from her encasing, withdrawing his tendrils in the process before gesturing towards her trapped shape with an open hand, as if expecting someone to take it. Soon the mold began to swell; becoming rounder and more oval in shape--something more akin to an egg ready to hatch. A spider-web of white cracks appeared on the egg's surface, and pieces of it fell one by one, eventually revealing a brand new Goddess of Destruction.

Her eyes shot open; the flowery color of her eyes glowing brightly as she suddenly gasped--the feeling of air rushing into her newfound lungs. She exhaled, then inhaled again--her chest lowering and raising as she came to immediate grips of this feeling of breathing. She knew what this was somehow: air. And it tasted...kind of stale? Maybe still? Or stagnant? That's right, she could taste now, how odd. Was this dull flavor the taste of her personal zone? Did her own resting area within the Realm become as passionless as her duty?

And the sight of this space; when viewed upon with her newfound mortal eyes, seemed so...empty, and dark. Was it always like this? Was she blinded by her own light? If not for the glow of both Umbreons, this place would have probably been pitch black.

"So then, Goddess of Destruction, how do you feel? Is your mortal body to your liking? I think I did a fine job myself," Moonlight said, smiling at her.

The Goddess' new ears twitched. His voice was so...enticing now. Warm. Enjoyable. Strong. Deep. Yet with a hint of youth.

How did she feel? "I'm not sure. This is all so new."

"Let's start with this then," Moonlight raised a finger and drew a large circle in the air, forming a reflective vision of the Goddess' form; a temporary mirror of sorts in which she could view herself.

Locking eyes with her bombshell form, she felt a strange warmth in her chest and a tingling sensation between her thighs. "My my," she murmured as she took a good look at her reflection, giving an amused smile while looking herself over, "Who knew you would be so...decadent? I have seen millions of different kinds of mortals, yet you chose to give me a look similar to yourself. How fitting. Is this my punishment for believing you couldn't give me a form?" She tittered, "Though I suppose I can't complain, this is a body often associated with beauty, no? I have seen mortals be drawn to those with such shapes, and I must admit, I'm quite drawn to it myself. Though I can't help it if it's for your benefit, Primordial." She flashed a wide, fanged grin at Moonlight.

Moonlight smirked in return. "Many would argue that I am the self serving type, but tell me, how do you feel? Going from pure light to having physical form, that has to feel different."

Following his words, she took her first step forward, her first step ever--now realizing for the first time in her existence that her zone had a 'floor'--and felt her own weight shift through her body. "I feel..." she trailed off, trying to find the words. It was strange to go from being something weightless and formless, to something of substance. How could she describe it? Heavy? Firm? Physical?

"I....feel!" Her piercing purples widened as she lifted her hands and gazed upon them. "I can feel!" She touched at her hair, running her fingers through those thick, luxurious strands with a wide smile. She then ran her hands all over her body, giggling with glee. "I'm so soft! So warm! So FLUFFY! And what is all this?" She brought her hands underneath her breasts; cupping them to the best of her ability (even with those larger mitts of hers), marveling over how heavy they were, how squishy they were, and how big they were, "These feel...excessive, but very enjoyable! Such a strange sensation all over, but I find great pleasure in it. And what is this?" She wagged her tail back and forth before swinging it in front of her and hugging it towards her squishy chest, "A tail! My tail! It's so soft!" She purred, nuzzling her face into it. "I never imagined touching things would be so enlightening!"

Moonlight continued to observe; watching her touch, feel and squeeze herself all over with excitement. "Now that's interesting," Moonlight smiled while pointing at her, "You never had a full range of senses before, have you?"

"My butt is so big and soft! My thighs are so thick and squishy. And these bean-shaped things on my hands and feet. They're so cute! Squishy squishy squishy!" She continued to giggle, poking at her paw-pads before his words reached her twitching ears--pausing and then glancing right over towards him. "Now that you mention it--yes. I've only ever seen and heard things. My light could touch all, but I never felt such...detail. It makes me want to experience everything," she flashed him a rather knowing grin, "How does your body feel, I wonder? Is it like mine? Or is it different?"

Moonlight shrugged rather smugly. "I don't think what I'd say would make a difference, but why don't you come and find out?" He challenged with a snicker.

She stepped within a few feet of him, smiling shyly. "You're right. I would have done it anyway." She reached forward and seized the hem of his shirt in her large mitts, feeling the fabric with the pads of her thumbs. "Clothing. Mortals wear them to hide and protect their bodies, right? Also for 'fashion', from what I understand is a way to stand out and look important among others?"

Moonlight relaxed, standing as if a tailor were taking his measurements, allowing the femme Umbreon to touch to her heart's content. "Something like that. Comfort is another reason," he explained.

"Your upper clothing is curiously soft and warm, yet your lower clothing," she brought her hands down to his waist; touching upon the denim fabric of his jeans, "It's more firm and tough. Seems more like protection than comfort."

"They're more comfortable than you think, and easy to wear. Though I do have to admit I prefer shorts for that," Moon replied.

She smirked at him with a small purr. "I am interested in the variety of clothing mortals have to offer, but in your case," she slipped her hands underneath his shirt and running her fingers along and through his fur; silky, smooth, warm, though not as thick as hers amusingly enough, "I'm more interested in what lies underneath," she leaned towards him with a smile; her hefty bust squishing against his firm chest.

Moonlight perked his ears in surprise at her forwardness. Her behavior changed considerably once he gave her a body. Perhaps making her the exact same species had an effect he didn't anticipate. "Didn't know goddesses could flirt."

"What can I say? Something about all this seems...natural," the goddess tittered, moving her head forward to nuzzle her cheek against his, "This body feels nice, as does yours. Just as fluffy and soft, yet strong, firm and lean." She turned her head slightly to gently lick his cheek before stepping back. "You fascinate me in ways beyond my own understanding, Primordial."

"I'm flattered, but you can call me Moonlight, you know."

She clapped her hands together, "Moonlight! Right! Mortal names, good idea. I should have one too shouldn't I?"

"It'd be a good idea. I don't think speaking in Divine would go well with your so-called lessers."

"Then give me a name."


"You gave me this form, you should name it."

Moonlight folded his arms across his chest and hummed, tilting his head in thought as he typically does. "I suppose that's fair. Well, I modeled you after myself so...Luna? No, too common. How about Lunette?"

The Umbreon woman twirled a lock of her hair about a finger, smirking to herself. "Decidedly feminine, similar, unique. I can work with it." Lunette gave an agreeable nod.

"So then," Moonlight placed his hands on his hips, "Is Goddess Lunette satisfied? With your new form, you have way more experiences waiting for you. And I can take my leave."

Before he realized, she had already taken one of his hands into her own, giving it a light squeeze before lacing her thicker fingers with his. "Now what's the rush? Surely you can indulge me for a little while longer. It's been eons since I could interact with someone similar to myself who isn't so stuffy about Order and Balance. It's been eons since I had fun. I want to experience mortal pleasures with these fascinating forms we share."

Moonlight stared directly into her eyes; like staring into a pair of galaxies located far and away. There was sincerity in them, there was a need in them. He could feel the outpouring of desire from her; no doubt yearnings she had yet to fully understand. The male bree sighed with resignation, "I guess teaching IS one of my talents. Fine, for a little while longer, I'll have some fun with you. Now where did we leave off?"

Lunette gestured toward his clothes, swirling a thick finger about in the air. "You removing those fabrics, of course. Not quite fair that you have them and I don't, now is it?" She grinned.

Moonlight scoffed, swiftly pulling off his shirt and tossing it aside. "I must say I'm impressed. Usually you deity types are more rigid and predictable in your ways." And arrogant, but he didn't need to point that out, and she didn't really hide that part of her.

Lunette tittered in response, bending towards him slightly while putting her hands behind her back. "You've described most of those in the Realm pretty well. If you were to ask any of the others, they'd say I'm unruly, impulsive, disrespectful, but very good at what I do. You could say I'm not like most goddesses."

"Looks like I gave you the right form. You're a real credit to my species," the male bree laughed before undoing and removing his pants and underwear next, now standing stark-naked before the female bree.

"Seems I'm acclimating quite well then--oh my," she purred; those playful purple orbs looking over the male Umbreon's form: athletic and toned yet slender; like a runner or a swimmer's body, or perhaps a basketball player or a middle-weight combat sport practitioner (though heavier in actuality). Despite all the knowledge and wisdom beyond his years, he didn't really seem older than early-to-mid 20s. Just gazing upon his exposed form filled her with a strange warmth--namely in her chest and in-between her thighs--especially when she eyed the hefty helping of his bits dangling between his legs.

She was no stranger to mortal genitalia from all her millennia of observation--but to see them this close, and for them to be so large; that warmth became hotter, almost burning even.

"See something you like?" Moonlight regarded her staring with proud amusement.

"Maybe I do, maybe I don't," Lunette replied coyly before moving towards him; fairly eager to get her mitts all over him--for touch-experimental purposes of course.

She stepped within a few feet of him and then paused, glancing around for a bit while wiggling her nose. "What is that? It's such an odd feeling in my nose. This is one of those smelling things, isn't it? A scent! Right! It's called a scent. It's so curious. It's strong, powerful, intense..." she sniffed at the air while approaching closer, locking her eyes on his for a brief moment before leaning forward and burying her muzzle into his chest--taking in a deep, audible whiff. She then grinned up at him, her tail swishing wildly, "It's you! It's coming from you! What an incredible smell you give off!"

Moonlight's ears splayed. "Now hang on a sec--"

"How utterly remarkable," she purred deeply, before snuffling up to his neck, "Is this that so-called masculine musk?" Lunette inquired--mainly to herself--before slipping behind her fellow eon and dipping downwards, lifting his tail and huffing around the base of it; rumbling intensely. "And this! This is utterly divine! It's so much more intense back here," she said, practically moaning as she did so, "And quite the party back here as well," she added while nosing at the curves of his rear, reaching her big mitts up to squeeze at that handsome rump.

"Excuse you! We just met, you know!" Moonlight protested, his ears perking up in surprise as he brushed his tail against her in an attempt to get her to back away--a gesture she promptly ignored in her intensifying lust-drunk state.

Lunette smirked. "And such a fascinating way to get to know each other, wouldn't you say?" She tittered, slipping back around in front of him; down on her knees with her eyes focused squarely on the dangling ebon monolith--decorated with one of those yellow rings right at the center--in front of her. And then there were his massive, heavy, furry balls; it begged the question of how they all fit into his pants--truly a mystery no one was ever able to solve, including the Umbreon himself.

"Goddess that is me," she murmured, reaching up to touch and hold his dick in one hand, her eyes widening as she did so. Even for her extra sized grabbers, his goods filled her hands nicely. Ears twitching with curiosity, she curled her fingers just slightly against it; giving it the most gentle squeeze. She let out of a soft gasp as Moonlight's dick pulsed in response; thickening and hardening slightly in her light grip. It was so warm, so big, and had a bit of weight to it; the flesh had a smooth, velvety feel to it, it felt strangely enjoyable and exciting to touch and feel--and it was getting hotter and bigger the more she touched it with her pads. "I've seen some well-endowed mortals, but nothing to this degree. I believe the word is, 'hung'?"

Moonlight chuckled and placed his hands on his hips, grinning down at her. "That's a typical term for it, but I've heard more flowery sayings in my time."

But that wasn't all, no, it was more than just the size of him--her nose wiggled again, another scent; similar yet different, and far more impactful to her feminine Umbreon self. "Mmmm~" Lunette rumbled deeply as she leaned in--nuzzling and nosing along the well-endowed male's length wall the way to the base of it, then pressing her face into those large, cum-filled orbs of his. "Now this," she murmured, "This is a rather exciting scent. Mating pheromones I believe? How devious of you, Moonlight. Did you give me this form knowing your scent would drive me to such lust?" She asked, though given she didn't move her head at all, it was as if she was speaking with his testicles.

Moonlight exhaled. There was no denying that all her attentions down there was getting him riled up more than he intended...and expected. It wouldn't be the first--or last--time he'd cross into another world and get his groove on. But this was one of those special times. He had never gotten to this point with a deity before, especially one he essentially created himself. This was an opportunity and a moment to be savored. "It wasn't my intention, but it's certainly welcome."

"A shame it wasn't on purpose. You'd be very fortunate if that was the case, because it's working," Lunette growled lustfully before inhaling deeply at his nuts with a shuddering moan, "Utterly magnificent," the femmebreon mumbled before bringing up her hands along his legs to handle and fondle those wondrous orbs of his. "And these balls of yours, they absolutely dwarf most of the planets I've seen in my lifetime. Celestial bodies in their own right," she purred warmly before pursing her lips and pressing them up against the Chaos Bree's silken-furred fat nuts; kissing them in adoration.

The Goddess planted one suckling kiss after another all over those weighty spheres--peppering them with smooches before adding her hot, wet, and smooth tongue into the mix; groaning deeply with pleasure as her curvaceous form shuddered from the taste of ambrosia that was the Umbreon's addictive perspiration. Sweat tends to put many mortals off, but from him it was like a drug. A delightful yet strong, warming flavor that danced on the tongue, and a powerful, potent, heady and alluring scent that kept you hooked. And though it was her first time being turned on, she couldn't imagine being any hotter than this.

"Mmmh," Moonlight let out a warm purr of his own, slowly swishing his tail behind him. There was something magical about her lips; the way they felt against him going far beyond his expectations. Each smooch left a delightful tingle; a hot, pleasuring feeling that slithered along his spine, over his fur, and deep into the meat of his exposed loins. He was doubtful she was aware of it, not that it would have made a difference. He had now hardened and thickened into a full mass thanks to her attentions, a fact that elicited an excited 'Oooh," from down below.

"Goddess that is me," her ears swiveled as she gazed upon that awe-inspiring member with widened eyes--one could even swear her pupils shifted into the shape of hearts, "So this is the full might of the Primordial's rod, mmm? Color me, or should I say, color bree, impressed," Lunette growled lustfully while tilting her head upwards.

Making use of those incredible lips once more, she kissed lovingly against the male bree's length--one tingling smooch after another--repeating her the worshipping attentions she gave to his balls; all the way to his engorged tip, lapping eagerly at the salty-yet-sweet precum that was dribbling out it. She then flashed him a knowing look, keeping one hand between his thighs to massage continuously at his balls while bringing up her other hand to the base of his member; giving it a loving squeeze before stroking it gingerly.

The handsome dark-type rumbled over her; a heavy groan escaping his maw before he smiled down at her. "That's some expert handling you have there. And you learned all of this from watching mortals?"

Lunette tittered. "It's a thrilling joy to finally put all that study into practice. But the real important question is, who does it better? Godly girls or mortal ones?" The lust-drunk umbry gave a teasing wink before lolling out her hot, wet tongue; swirling the tip of it about his cock-head and taking a moment to delight in the addictive flavors of his sweat, his cum and him. She then brought those sweet, kissable lips down around his tip and brought her head closer, drawing more of his third leg into her wet, heated maw. The femmebreon worked up a steady rhythm, rocking her head back and forth while slurping and suckling loudly at that girthy meat--taking one additional inch after another as she made her way closer and closer to the base of the Umbreon's member.

The male Umbreon's legs quivered, his body twitched and stuttering, heavy moans escaped his lips. "Fffucking hell you're really good at this," Moonlight whispered hotly, placing both hands on her head and playing with her hair with his fingers. It was impossible to express how good she felt. He had been in plenty of holes in his lifetime and her mouth alone would rank among the highest. Those full, squeezing lips sucking greatly on his manhood combined with that hot, slick tongue slathering all over his length made for a nearly unmatched sensation that sunk him into a sea of sheer pleasure; so much so that he involuntarily let out a steady flow of preseed onto the Umbrette's tongue and down her awaiting throat.

It couldn't have been from simply observing others getting it on--she had to know exactly what she was doing. Perhaps it was a hidden gift of the body he gave her, or something else.

Either way, she was incredible.

Emboldened by his reactions, Lunette went in for the kill--taking him all the way to the base of his member with her muzzle buried deep into his enjoyably-scented crotch. She practically swallowed his meat; her neck bulging with his girth as she gulped at it--throat muscles squeezing powerfully at that fat cock with hardly a need for oxygen. And no gag reflex to speak of either.

She could also feel it, sense it--the heavy approaching climax that she was anxiously waiting for. She felt his powerful body quaking, she felt those fat nuts twitching, she heard his mighty groans of pleasure echo in her ear, she felt that intense throbbing in her throat. Her tail whipped wildly in excitement, the wetness between her thighs intensified. For the longest she never understood what pleasures mortals derived from a seemingly one-sided action, there was only so much her vision could explain to her--she had to feel, she had to taste, she had to experience. She was giving pleasure and in return she was getting the fruits of her efforts; making one feel so good they could hardly handle it--it was empowering. It was so sexy, it made her feel especially attractive. And she was mainly using her hands and mouth; imagine using her entire body. Truly phenomenal.

"Nngh, I think I hit my limit...fffuuuuck," Moonlight moaned above her.

The kind of words she was waiting to hear. She doubled down; suckling, slurping and squeezing hard at him, preparing herself for the release that was to come. If she had room to speak she would have challenged him; taunted him. Dared him to give her every drop he had.

And in a way, it was almost as if he heard her thoughts.

Lunette let out a quizzical 'mrrl?' as she felt his grip on her head tighten; her eyes then widening suddenly while grabbing at his thighs and squeezing at them--immediately feeling the intense results of Moonlight's climax spilling down her throat. Load after load was dumped down the lady eon's gullet; each cup-filling burst of bree-cum filling her stomach rapidly as if she was drinking him straight from a running faucet. She groaned deeply; painstakingly gulping down each intense deluge he had to offer despite the mess that had welled up in her mouth and dripped out past her stretched-taut lips--in addition to the bubble of cum that ballooned out of her nostrils. Still, she held on with steadfast determination; holding out until her relative creator had nothing left--her stomach rounding out slightly as a result.

"Incredible," Moonlight huffed, releasing the grip on the goddess' head before slumping backwards into a sitting position--his member slowly pulling out of her maw with a suckling *pop*. "Truly out of this world...and I can say that fairly literally."

Lunette's ears twitched to his words of adoration before drawing in a breath of fresh air followed by some heavy panting of her own. She certainly had to rest her jaw and throat after that whole ordeal, but she gave an adoring smile before shuffling next to the Umbreon and laying down on her back next to him. "You have my thanks, Primordi--I mean Moonlight. Without your arrival, I would have never known such joys. And to think this is perhaps a mere sample."

Moonlight laid next to her with a warm grin, running a gentle hand up along her thigh and over her stomach, rubbing it gingerly. "Oh you have no idea. I promise you that there's many pleasures you can experience."

"Speaking of which. I never did ask, just how exactly did you get here? You couldn't have known to arrive in this exact location. Or do you make a habit of appearing in women's rooms unannounced and uninvited?" She snickered.

Moonlight scoffed. "You're correct on that first point. I came here through a rift connected to a spatial realm my sister calls the Ultra Nexus. I didn't see anything but emptiness when I looked through the rift, however, I felt a strange power coming from it--which of course turned out to be you."

"Ultra Nexus," Lunette repeated, "So a realm that connects to other realms?"

"Pretty much. Like a big open universe that's like a big train station or airport. Countless wormholes, rifts, portals, all leading to different places," he explained.

The Goddess smiled, her eyes widening with a gleam of excitement and interest. "Ahhh, those busy locations where mortals take moving boxes and flying metal insects to different parts of their world, I know about those! How fascinating! So is it possible for anyone to enter this Ultra Nexus and travel to other worlds?"

"You're asking if it's possible for you?"

"Am I that transparent?"

Moonlight laughed, "For you, it'd be a simple task. I'd imagine once you've fully grown used to your new body, you'll be crossing dimensions with hardly an issue."

Lunette gave a wide, playful grin. "Now that is something I look forward to."

"Of course. Though, I do have a question."

"For you? Ask me anything."

"Are my balls really bigger than most planets you've seen?"

Lunette let out a loud, delightful laugh--a fit of glee that lasted over a minute before finally dissolving into mere giggles; the lady Umbreon wiping tears of joy from her face before smiling to him, "Sorry darling, I couldn't resist. To think the almighty Primordial Chaos can be swayed by such primal compliments. Mortal souls are fascinating ones, but yes," she ran a hand down along his strong torso to between his legs once again, rubbing lightly at those fuzzy orbs, "Care to see for yourself? I could use a bit of 'exercise' after that round of fun, after all."

Moonlight flopped his tail against the 'floor' during her bout of laughter, one ear tilting to the side as he wondered just exactly what was so funny; then smirking once she explained herself. "Sure, but you mean to take me into your," he gestured, "Workspace? Won't that get you in trouble with your peers?"

Lunette playfully nipped at his cheek, "Stickler for the rules all of a sudden, oh creature of chaos? Or are you just worried about me?" She fluttered her eyes at him.

Even now he was surprised by her forward, cheeky and flirtatious nature. He felt more and more convinced it was a byproduct of using himself as a blueprint. "I just have some concern that your search for fun would cause issues for you, that's all."

"My my, such a gentleman, but that's the least of your worries, and mine. Since becoming bored I merely do the bare minimum. There's dozens of worlds on the chopping block I do need to take care of, so it'd be a good opportunity to make use of this new form," Lunette quickly eyed Moonlight up and down, "As well as yours."

Moonlight smiled, taking up her thick hand in his own. "Sounds like a win-win to me then. Show me this galaxy of yours."

The lady-bree snickered. "Why I thought you'd never ask," she said while playfully giving his hand a squeeze before raising her free hand, extending her index finger and swirling it about in the air. Within moments, the 'flooring' seemed to give away--the pair sinking out of it and falling into a more typical star-filled universe that Moonlight was more familiar with.

The pair now hovered amongst numerous planets of varying sizes as the stars glittered and twinkled all around them. Given that the sun was a fair distance away from them, Moonlight surmised that they were on a rather far end of the system. It wasn't the male bree's first rodeo in being amongst the stars, but this sort of view never failed to take his breath away. It was a strange reminder of just how small everything truly is. Worlds beyond planets, beyond galaxies, beyond the universe; dimensions, times, realities--yet at the same time, a mere sand grain of an individual could also experience many amazing things; something that gods couldn't even imagine on their own. Everything was just so fascinating in their own ways.

"Goddess that is me," Lunette whispered beside him before letting go of his hand and floating on ahead. Her violet eyes shined and her white rings twinkled as she looked from one planet to the next with newfound wonder. "I never saw the universe like this before."

"Were you not able to see in your old form?"

"I could but it wasn't anything like this. Before it was just...shapes. Vague, colorless shapes. But now it's so vivid, so lively, so...beautiful," she whirled around to face him, "It's not only that. I can seems like pulses in my chest...and all over my body. I hear faint noises in my ears. There's so much I can feel, such strange sensations."

Another unexpected result. Perhaps due to her goddess-hood, she managed to take on some of his capabilities when he created her body. With each new discovery it was as if she was a pseudo-clone of him. "So you can sense all of that huh? What you're feeling is a collective sense of all beings around you. The liveliness of their souls, the whispers of their thoughts, dreams, nightmares, desires, everything. It's like having your finger on a pulse, it's like a heartbeat. The fact you're taking it so well is impressive, it used to drive me insane," Moonlight explained.

Lunette wrapped her arms around her sides, hugging herself tightly. "It's strange. There's billions upon billions of mortal thoughts and feelings, but I can single out each one as well. I can silence the many and listen to a few. Or hear them all at once. Is this something an--Umbreon was it?-- can do? Or is this a product of you?"

"A bit of column A, and a bit of column B. Truth is, I'm not fully sure myself, but it also doesn't matter." Moonlight floated over to her side, wrapping an arm about her waist while gesturing toward the planets with the other, "This is about you and enjoying your existence again."

"I thought this was about the size of your balls," she snickered, "But you do have a point. Ah, but where to begin?"

The male bree gazed about the nearby space, looking over the planets both large and small, thinking on which one would be a good one to begin experimenting with. "Well let's see. Since you can actually touch things now, literally feeling things out might be a good start. You've spent ages just doing the same thing over and over, right? No wonder you got bored," Moonlight said before pointing to an Earth-like planet--beautiful with lively blues and greens all over its surface; the sphere itself about the size of a baseball in comparison to the galactic beings. "How about that one?"

"My my, you certainly have an eye for quality," Lunette purred, hovering closer with her shining purple eyes gleaming down upon the planet. There was no doubt that those on the side of the planet facing her could see her knowing smile beyond the layers of atmospheres in the sky. No doubt indeed--given that she was able to feel out the billions of souls and hear endless thoughts and feelings as one. She could almost project their collective vision into her mind. Fear. Panic. Worry. Confusion. E-excitement?! Gratefulness in the form of their likely apocalypse being such a beautiful face. How amusing, she thought. To think when facing down the end, their primal and baser instincts would surface.

The Destruction Goddess slowly lifted her hand up underneath the terrene sphere, nestling it in the palm of her fluffy paw, and flattening the underside of it under an endless sky of dark, silken fur. Smirking, she started to curl her fingers inward--her thick fingers as dark, unfathomably huge pillars beyond the skies slowly colliding with the planet. "Oh~" She cooed, surprised by the initial resistance of the planet's surface. It was less fragile than she expected; even as her fingers glassed entire continents and the countries that housed them, even as the planet formed spider-web cracks due to the force of her tightening grip, even as the crust began to break and crumble apart--releasing a surprising burst of warmth against her hand. In a final, decisive action, she sharply formed a tight fist--crushing the planet to bits within her hand. All those thoughts, those feelings, and those visions all vanished in an instant. Lunette slowly unfurled her fingers, staring at the bits in her hand and then grinned.

"How was it?" The handsome witness inquired.

The femmebreon sighed warmly and looked toward her companion, "Indescribable," she whispered, "Is it normal to feel hot and excited from doing that?"

"Let's just say you found a new way to love your work. Try a few more," Moonlight suggested.

"Hmmm," Lunette's eyes drifted to the side, noticing a small red planet--about the size of a marble--hovering nearby into the range of her gaze, "Well would you look at this teeny thing. I don't think I've ever noticed such a small planet before, it's hardly bigger than my nose," she snickered, reaching out to pluck it from its orbit like a berry from a bush, but the moment she grabbed it between her thumb and index finger, it cracked then crumbled into bits; crushed to dust between her fingers from the extremely light pressure she forced on it. "Oh come now, I barely even held it," she complained.

"Small fries like that one crumble pretty easily," said Moonlight as he hovered over the planet the size of a medicine ball. "Let the gravity of your fingers do the heavy lifting or stick to the big boys like this one here," he said while uprighting himself and landing onto the large body with effortless grace. While it was simple as someone planting their feet on the ground, his paws landed with cataclysmic impact. Plumes of fire and dust burst out from the landing point of his feet; the surface underneath his sky-filling soles cracking, breaking, shifting upon impact while eons of sedimentation continent wide raised around the shape of his thick paws. "Would you look at that? The damage is only surface level," he grinned.

Lunette's eyes locked onto him, or more specifically, those godly feet of his causing such devastation. Once again she felt a whole collection of lives, souls, existences--all falling silent under the glassing force of the Primordial's paws. She felt another pang of arousal run through her, quite thrilled at watching her relative peer go to work. "Tips from the master himself? Do tell."

"My only advice is to have fun. Experiment a little. You have more than just your hands, you know." Standing firm on the planet, Moonlight's eyes glanced over to the planet's orbiting moon, a planetoid nearly the size of his head. "Well aren't you a big one," he remarked, reaching up to grab it as if plucking an item from a store shelf; his fingers digging into the cold, rocky surface of the moon as he gripped it. Smirking, he raised the satellite high above his head while turning his attention back to the planet he stood upon; with a surge of his rings, he dunked the moon right down onto the planet--a flash of a violent red plume rising up from the point of impact as the already fractured surface broke apart even further with vermilion-colored blasts erupting from them.

"Goddess that is me, how delightfully barbaric," Lunette purred, tilting her body forward so that she hovered in a 'laying' position on her stomach, propping her head up in her hands while lazily kicking her legs and swishing her tail.

"Don't get too excited, we're not quite done yet," Moonlight grinned, slowly raising his paw over the partially smashed moon, "Gotta apply the finishing blow!" He slammed his foot down on the planetoid, smashing it further into the planet. The sheer force amplified the catastrophe of the previous impact; that apocalyptic stomp forcing countless additional explosive fissures to appear--erupting web-like cracks spreading deep, far and wide all over the gigantic celestial body. The resulting massive explosions blew the planet into chunks, causing countless pieces of its remains to quickly scatter into space. For the tera-sized dark-types, it was like a mere fireworks show; those explosions being simple sparks of light in comparison to their massive forms.

"My my, so that's the result of a little Moon on moon action, hmm?" Lunette tittered, "That was quite a show, I think you have a knack for this, but I should warn you, The Order isn't looking for a new god of destruction," she flashed him a grin.

Moonlight flashed her a sly grin in kind, "Oh don't you worry. I don't have any plans to steal your job away from you. And I've been wondering about that," he folded his arms, "What has these planets marked for destruction anyway?"

"Oh, you know," Lunette started twirling a lock of her hair around a finger, "Just The Order being concerned about the advancement of mortals. They say if they become too advanced or too powerful, it'll upset the Balance. Pretty boring if you ask me. I get to see just how far along they grow, to see them go from barely communicating to being able to soar among the stars, to see them develop in power, to see them evolve. Some get really close to scraping the floors of the heavens--metaphorically of course--, and The Order really hates that. There's no point in asking why cause it's 'Balance this' and 'Balance that', 'Go deal with them, ???????????!' Truly a shame," she explained.

"So they're afraid of what they could become," Moonlight assumed, "I've heard that one before. This 'Balance' being nothing more than some decided upon way of existence to make sure their 'Order' is never threatened. Your typical group of control freaks."

Lunette grinned with a flicker of her silver-white rings. "Sounds like you have a strong opinion on that."

Moonlight shrugged his shoulders. "It'd be one thing if it was a law founded on right and wrongs, y'know, morals. These are just guidelines to maintain control. But I suppose that's credit to the ones you're wiping out, don't you think? There's potential that they're afraid of."

Lunette rotated into an upright position with an expression on her face that made it clear she was giving a thought to his words; those glowing purple eyes now carrying a hint of curiosity as she slowly glanced over to a cluster of planets. "The potential of mortals capable of making the gods wary? Those silly little specks? As interesting as they can be, I highly doubt they could handle one of the lowest of higher beings, let alone an entire pantheon."

"You'd think so, wouldn't you?" Moonlight grinned while floating closer towards her, "But all it takes is one discovery, one bid for power, or a surprising creation to elevate them beyond what they are. Naturally, as you can see, they're never given a chance. Maybe they could be within reach of the gods, or maybe not. But it seems the Order is keen on never finding out."

"Have you come across mortals with godlike abilities?"

Moonlight nodded simply. "In just my homeworld alone. They're simply known as Metas. And I've seen many more in other worlds. Every universe is massive y'know, who knows what you might have missed out on."

Lunette brought a thumb to her lips, biting down on a claw. Her ears splayed as she reflected on his words--Metas, beings of great power--mortals could certainly be interesting enough, but the sheer possibility of them having such ability was just... "This is certainly hard to believe."

The male Umbreon hovered even closer, staring right into her lost eyes. "I have a proposal for you, but first let me ask you something. Are all you higher ones equal?"


"Are you all the same in relative power? No hierarchy? None stronger than the other? Or to be extremely blunt: if you happened to fight each other, who would win?"

Lunette folded her arms under her expansive bust. "It's never occurred to me, or any of us I'm sure. The Order is designed in such a way that we don't impede each other's affairs. But now you've made me curious. If I had to guess, as a Destroyer, I'd be on the same level, or higher, than the Creators. The Observers keep watch on mortal development and task me to destroy--then a Creator gives new life into that destroyed space."

"Mmm, I see," Moonlight replied, slipping behind the female bree and wrapping his arms around her waist tightly. "So if I had to guess," he brushed his head over her shoulder before nuzzling his cheek against hers with a delighted purr, "The ones that watch are the weaker ones, but the Creators and Destroyers are on the same level, but their capabilities aren't the same. This is good."

Lunette perked her ears in surprise once she felt his warm, strong body against her back, and subconsciously settled against him with a hidden smile. Being held like this was quite an enjoyable feeling. "And what's good about that?"

"Well that brings me back to my proposal: what would you say if I could make you even more powerful? Enough so that you could truly do whatever you wanted and The Order couldn't stop you?" Moonlight asked in a low voice, squeezing her lightly.

Lunette let out a warm purr of her own, curling her fluffy tail around his waist, "My my, first you give me the gift of form and now this? That is quite an offer, but to give me the ability to disrupt The Balance and overpower the entire pantheon of The Order...despite all you've shown and given me, I can't help but be skeptical," she replied, "That is unless you have another gift to grant me."

Moonlight chuckled lightly, "What I've given you is more than enough. You simply need to learn how to use it. I will warn you that once you start, it'll be quite difficult to stop."

"When you make it sound that enticing, I doubt I would want to."

"You make a fine Umbreon, you know that?"

"Technically, you're the one that made this fine Umbreon. So are you gonna teach me this new thing or not?"

Moonlight laughed. "Alright then," loosening an arm, he brought a hand to one of hers and held it lightly, "Now remember that planet you held in your hand? Recall how you felt and heard all those souls and thoughts. Among the countless amounts of them, did you feel anything in particular? Perhaps some souls that shined brighter than others?"

Lunette parted her fingers slightly, allowing his fingers to intertwine with her own. "It all happened so fast, and they were gone in an instant. But I did pick up on something," she glanced down at their hands, "A few sparks of heat. Though nothing more than pinpricks."

"Good good. That's a fine start, this makes this even easier. Now let's see," Moonlight's devious eyes glanced over to a nearby cluster of planets--focusing squarely on a particularly green, plum-sized planet with hues of blues decorated all over it, "That green planet over there. I want you to eat it."

"Green planet..." Lunette repeated as her own purple orbs found their way to his target, "My my, I can feel all the life from it already. And you want me it? I can't imagine it would taste any good."

Moonlight lifted a hand and pointed it at the planet. His rings gave off a gentle glow as a faint purple outline appeared around his index finger. That same outline then appeared around the planet, and it slowly drew closer to the otherworldly pair--towards Lunette's muzzle in particular. "The flavor might just surprise you, just take a bite, and focus on the feeling of all those souls."

"Well, I have little reason to doubt you now," she said softly before leaning towards the life-housing sphere. Once she was a few relative inches away, she felt that strong sensation from before; that collective existence flowing into her heart and mind once again--like she had dipped a finger into a running river of thoughts, feelings and the energy of life itself. This time, she focused harder than before, trying to pick up on any life-forces more notable than others. Her rings soon gave off a flicker in response as her ears perked--she could feel them! Those souls that shined brighter than others; mortals more powerful than their peers. There weren't many--perhaps one in every few thousand, but enough to impress.

The more she focused, the more she felt, the more she understood what he was trying to teach her. She leaned even closer now; feeling like a gigantic moth attracted to a minuscule, but powerful flame. She felt a strange, but now familiar, sensation run along her body. She felt it on her lips, she felt it on her tongue--causing her to salivate. She felt it on the tips of her ears, the tips of her fingers, the tips of her toes, and even between her thighs--forcing her to press them together as she became even more aroused.

She parted her lips, releasing a breathy exhale over the planet--a vicious gust of hot, humid air all over the civilizations that called that sphere home; all their climates changing to a breezy tropical one in a mere instant. Their collective visions painted a picture for her mind's eye once again; presenting an awe-inspiring hazy view of her opened maw--the colors of her mouth making it seem like a portal into another universe behind a gate of teeth; each tooth large enough to make their moon seem like a crumb that could get stuck in between them. She felt those myriads of feelings again--fear, anger, confusion, desperation, excitement--all serving to arouse her even further as she bit down onto the planet; causing massive explosions that served to rip the planet apart as she ripped off half of it and used her tongue to draw all those pieces into her mouth with a heaven-rattling moan.

Slowly closing her eyes, Lunette drew in a deep breath and slowly began to chew; muffled, destructive crunches echoing from her working jaws, all coming to an end when she swallowed with a satisfied -ulp!-. Her eyes slowly fluttered soon after, licking her lips with her black and purple tongue; taking a moment to reflect on what she had done.

"So how was it?" Her partner in destruction inquired.

"For what is essentially a ball of dirt, it's surprisingly enjoyable." Given that she had a newly developed sense of taste, she really couldn't elaborate more than that. But if she could, she would say it was a tad bitter and salty, yet sweet and savory. "I can say the best part was all those delicious souls and their life force. It's such a delightful taste on my lips and my tongue, not as good as you of course, but I could certainly make a habit of this," she tittered. Indeed, all those mortals she devoured along with half the planet made for an excellent condiment she couldn't do without. If you were to ask, the people were the main attraction to the dish rather than the celestial spheres they called home.

"Good. Good," Moonlight snickered, "Now I want you to focus on that feeling of life. Concentrate on it."

"It certainly tingles, but I don't really feel anything more than--ooh." It was then she felt it--an intense building warmth in her chest that slowly spread throughout her body, like an overflowing pot of warm water. She felt it flow up towards her ears--feeling that warmth within them while the tips tingled enticingly. She felt it spread across her tongue and onto her lips--feeling as if they were coated with a smooth, honeyed sauce she couldn't get enough of. She felt it flow into her breasts, forcing a moan from her throat as that sensation arrived at her already hardened nipples. She felt it across her arms, flowing towards the tips of her fingers. She felt it in her stomach; a feeling as if she just had a satisfactory meal. She felt it drift over her thighs, down the length of her legs, through her paws to the tips of her toes. "Goddess that is me," she panted, "What's happening to me?"

Moonlight gave an unseen grin as he slowly raised an outstretched finger and placed it behind the remaining half-eaten planet, "That, my dear Dark-Type of Destruction, is a little thing I call Conversion. Instead of erasing those lives, they exist as part of you. They're all in their own little heaven or hell, where you're an omnipresent existence in their afterlives. In return, their knowledge, their strength, their entire beings all serve to empower you. This is the key to your freedom. To consume and absorb until you can break those shackles and grow past your ceiling. But you shouldn't leave a meal unfinished," He said while gently nudging the broken planet towards her lips.

Lunette wasn't sure what to make of yet another newfound capability. Not once did she ever imagine becoming more powerful. The very idea of it had been so far from her mind. But it started to make more sense the more she hung around him. She had always been mighty, but only specifically so. She was only capable of one thing, nothing more, nothing less. But now she could do so much more, and there was even more beyond that.

Her world. Her existence. The endless universe and spaces she knew for millennia upon millennia started to feel cramped. The Order had her on a leash and kept her in a cage for so long and she didn't even realize it. And now she felt like she could finally break free.

And it all felt so good.

The femmebreon lowered her eyes to the other half of her snack being nudged toward her. If half of a planet could make her feel like this. What would the rest of it be like? How would she feel after devouring more worlds? What about the larger ones? What about the sun? What about the system entirely? What about the galaxies of her domain?

She closed her eyes. What about him? Just how many worlds exist within him? How much existences did the Primordial consume? What an odd and well timed stroke of luck that brought him to her, blessed her, gave her a new form and new abilities. Darkness does indeed spread easily, she grinned inwardly.

Opening her maw, she dipped her head forward and closed her lips around the broken planet and the Umbreon's finger; purring deeply. She pressed her tongue up against the tip of his finger as she began to suckle on it; shattering the planet between that all mighty muscle and her companion's digit. Already she could feel the warmth of life force fill her mouth, leaving such a divine taste on her tongue. To think she didn't even swallow yet and she could sense the remaining billions flowing into her.

Conversion, was it? Lunette thought to herself as she bobbed her head back and forth; subconsciously fellating Moonlight's finger while reflecting on her new capabilities. Could it be possible to absorb life through touch alone if she focused on doing so? There were so many theories, she just had to try.

"Having fun?"

Lunette's eyes suddenly popped open and she withdrew herself from Moon's finger with a quick gasp, her eyes glancing down at the starry trail of saliva that stretched between her lips and the male Umbreon's digit. She then chewed at the remaining planetary bits and then swallowed. "It was different that time, I--"

"Felt it before you even swallowed, right?"

"How did you--"

Moonlight chuckled. "You're practically wearing your desires on your face. Empathic Sense is another thing you'll soon learn. But you figured it out. You thought about absorbing through fur and flesh, you focused on it, and you did so. Admittedly it isn't my preferred method, but it can get the job done. But the important question is," he released her from his embrace and hovered over in front of her, "How do you feel now?"

Lunette blinked a few times and looked down at herself, "Well, I feel about the same as I did before, I can feel that energy filling me up and I..." she trailed off a bit and looked back to Moonlight, "I feel...full. Not just full, I feel like I'm about to," she started to wince, hunching over and clutching her stomach, "What IS this? It feels like all life is trying to escape, I feel like I'm about to burst!"

Moonlight spread his arms wide, gesturing broadly, "Good! Don't fight that feeling, let it build up and explode within you!"

Good? What was good about this? Nothing was good about...well it wasn't painful, it was just slight discomfort at best. But it felt so strong. It was so physically resonating she wasn't sure what to think. Still, he was the teacher, and she was the student; the Dark Goddess took his advice, bringing herself upright and letting that sensation do its thing. She heard a single, thunderous heartbeat in her ears alongside the feeling of a powerful pulse of force all over her body, and then nothing.

Lunette looked herself over--down at her hands, over her shoulder and at her tail, everything--before looking back to Moonlight in confusion. "That's it? I was expecting something more dramatic like--" Before she could finish, that warmth of life and soul energy welled up within her in a sudden frenzy; a furious storm of power building so intensely that she let out a loud moan of pleasured surprise. Her body then began to swell, growing in a pulsatile manner; as if the process was tied to her focused breathing. She grew for a few seconds, then stopped, she swelled a bit more, then stopped, she embiggened even more, and then stopped; each occurrence happening with a rush of power and nigh unparalleled pleasure. She shut her eyes tight, her cheeks flushed intensely, she bit down on her lower lip, she gripped those huge tits of hers that spilled so easily out of her large hands. "Oh Goddess that is me, this is incredible!"

This process occurred until she was roughly three to four times the size she was before--roughly 20 ft bigger than Moonlight--before finally fizzling out, her body at a size capable of handling the power that was unleashed within her. Her eyes slowly fluttered open, immediately noticing the difference in scope. Planets that were the size of volleyballs were now mere marbles, planets that were the size of marbles were just barely noticeable specks, the giants she could traverse were now comparable to beach balls or watermelons. She was already used to an existence of countless planets and microscopic life forms being nothing to her in comparison, but to think she could even become much more than that--if she got any more turned on there'd be a waterfall between her legs.

"Well just look at you!" Moonlight exclaimed as he flew up towards her, stopping at around her chest, "You certainly filled out nicely."

Glancing down at him, Lunette pursed her lips and slowly bent forward; her even more massive breasts wobbling as she did so, making sure they occupied a considerable amount of his view. "And look at you, Little Moonlight," she giggled, unable to resist the opportunity.

"Correction," Moonlight raised a finger, "I'm not smaller, you're just bigger. I know it seems like semantics, but some people can really be sticklers about these things."

"Well I," Lunette gestured to herself, "Am currently bigger than you, and most of everything else in this system, which makes you," she pointed a finger at him, "Smaller than me, and because you're smaller, that makes you little, comparatively. Besides," she leaned back and cupped her breasts once more, giving them a warm squeeze before winking at him, "There's more to appreciate, like this, don't you think?" She stuck her tongue out.

"Naturally, since I made that body, you essentially have all the eye candy in the universe. I'm quite proud of my handiwork," Moonlight replied.

"Like one of those mortal artists carving large statues, hmm? Except said statue came to life to show some...appreciation of its own towards her creator." She grinned while her eyes flickered with playful intentions.

Moonlight smirked, folding his hands behind his head. "Appreciation at my expense? Well I do have to admit it's quite a treat to watch you have fun."

"More fun than I've had in eons, you'll have to forgive me if I find it all to be addicting. It's all so new and so refreshing and I can't get enough. Speaking of which..."

Continuing to marvel at this particular size difference, Lunette reached out and gently curled her fingers around the currently small Umbreon, carefully grabbing him by his torso and lifting him up towards her face. "Who knew you could look so adorable, Primordial?" Lunette tittered while dipping her head closer. "I must say, you're pretty cute at this size. I've only ever seen them as specks, but having a mortal I could just hold in my hand like this seems like a promising venture to explore." She closed her lips over his groin, suckling and tonguing playfully at his goods for a few seconds before pulling back with a warm, rumbling purr. "But for you, I think I prefer you at a bigger size, there's far more to enjoy that way," she grinned while placing a finger against his still-impressive-at-a-doll-size manhood, massaging it knowingly briefly before letting him go.

Moonlight huffed a bit once she released him, lazily floating backwards while splaying his ears, "You're turning into quite the tease."

"Maybe I'm just learning from the best."

"Maybe you're just a size queen."

"Given that we're in forms big enough to crush planets underfoot, there's multiple ways to take that."


"So it's the same for you, right? Feed you a couple planets and you're upsized? Cause there's a lovely cluster of marbles over there with our name on them." Lunette grinned, thumbing to the side.

"There's numerous things I can use as a power source, being who I am of course, but I also have plenty of stored power I can freely unleash. Comes with the territory," Moonlight smirked while flying back a fair distance; being quite keen on giving her a demonstration. Drawing in a deep breath, his rings shined as bright as the healthiest stars as the Umbreon's body began to rumble with power; he flashed the Goddess a wink before his athletic, slender form surged in size--Moonlight rapidly growing before her at a steady pace. If Lunette's growth was comparable to a person blowing a balloon using their lungs, Moon's growth was more akin to using an air compressor to inflate an air mattress; quick and steady without any pause until his ascendance came to a stop. The Goddess watched in awe as she watched him grow to about her height, but topped off at a few (relative) inches higher for good measure.

With a happy swish of her tail, Lunette lunged forward and wrapped her arms around Moonlight's neck and shoulders, grinning up at him. "Show off, couldn't resist making yourself taller than me, could you? Though I can't say I'm against looking up at someone for a change."

Moonlight grinned in return, resting his hands on her lovely hips, "I could easily do 20 times this size, you know. In case you want something more to look up at."

"Tempting, but I think this'll do just fine. And this way, we can have some more fun and demolish this tired galaxy together." Lunette tittered before giving him a quick smooch upon his lips, unwrapping her arms from around him and grabbing his hand, "Now come on, I want more of this amazing feeling. More life force, more power, I want to experience more of these incredible sensations, and perhaps we can both be 20 times this current size." She flashed a sharp-toothed grin.


Flying hand in hand, the multi light-year spanning pair drifted toward the aforementioned cluster of planets and moons; all of which were instantly thrown off their orbits the moment the dark-type duo drew near, bringing an overwhelming gravitational pull with them. The heavenly bodies that were now too small to be easily seen were effortlessly trapped among the soft hairs of their luxurious fur; or simply deleted in the form of an unnoticeable red spark upon collision with those unfathomable forms.

"You weren't kidding, this is a good spot," Moonlight commented, looking at the few dozen planets of varying sizes.

"Yeah, these planets here have been on the chopping block for a while. The Order has been concerned with the development of these worlds and expects they'll all engage in a big galactic war with each other. I'd say let them fight, but I guess they're worried about the outcome or something. I wasn't really paying attention," Lunette shrugged.

Moonlight gave a judging gaze. "For a while?"

"Hey don't judge me, all I ever need to do is make sure I hit my quota, okay?" Lunette scoffed, "Besides~, no time like the present right? And it'll be way more fun instead of vaporizing them," she grinned while looking at all the nearby planets, "Now the real question is, how shall we begin?"

"Oh I think I have an idea," Moonlight said while positioning himself in front of her with a sizable planet conveniently drifting in between their faces, "Care to share a treat?" He grinned--his eyes glowing like burning red suns over his chosen target.

Lunette's eyes drifted downward, bathing the other side of the planet in the violet glow of her own surging eyes, "I could be talked into such an offer."

"I thought you might agree," Moonlight purred while leaning closer to both the goddess and the planet. He extended his tongue and gently pushed it against the planet--the surface already buckling and breaking under the pressure of taste buds far larger than any mountain on the sphere--nudging it towards the fellow Umbreon's lips while he brought his face closer.

Following his lead, Lunette did the same; her eyes half-lidding as she leaned forward with parted lips--an extended tongue colliding with the other side of the planet. The sphere began to break and bend against the two overwhelming organs as the two -eonmorphs began to kiss--their lips and tongues meeting each other with the poor planet caught in between, pummeled to bits between the massive muscles as they invaded the maws of the other.

With Moon's hands on her waist and Lunette's arms wrapped around his torso, their bodies pressed together as they kissed; every celestial body caught in between exploding into beautiful sparks as they were crushed between their unfathomably large forms with very little acknowledgment on their part--distracting passions be damned.

Flashes of the final moments of countless lives dashed against her curves began to fill Lunette's mind: sights of skies darkening, illuminated mere moments later by the glow of the Umbreons' rings like harbingers bringing word of the end of days. Billions of pairs of eyes bore witness to Lunette's curves and Moonlight's taut, slender muscles crashing into them; their planets ravaged by endless strands and system spanning fields of fur, and completely crushed by the powerful godly squish and muscle that lay beyond them.

Smashed against breasts, compacted against firm pecs, pressed between stomachs, flattened between thighs, drowned and suffocated in the building heats of their passion; Lunette saw and felt it all.

She moaned and murmured into Moonlight's mouth before breaking the kiss, pulling her head back with a strong gasp before panting and catching her breath. "That...that was..." Lunette huffed, "It was so many at once, and it felt so good. I need...I need..." She held him tightly and looked desperately into his eyes--a powerful, piercing gaze that demanded more.

Moonlight's ears twitched. He was mildly surprised she picked up on using her whole body to absorb and convert life that quickly. He smirked and thumbed over his shoulder towards a massive planet roughly the size of a pumpkin with a few baseball-sized ones nearby. "Those should be suitable enough, just let your body be your guide," he said with a wink. She may not have fully understood the needs of her physical form, but she knew what she wanted to feel, and the malebreon was fully aware of that.

Lunette wasted no time in hovering over to those remaining planets; her eyes filled with a hungry lust unlike anything she ever felt before--desperate to satisfy these wild, wanton, primal urges. She approached that massive planet; certainly the largest in the system by far given how big it was to her current size, only rivaled by the sun that was three times larger. Her eyes gleamed as she positioned herself above it, parting her legs to draw it in-between them; nestling it in-between her thighs with a gentle grip. Already she felt the countless sparks of life press into her squishy thighs as she straddled that celestial body; moaning over the nearby moon--blown into space dust via her passionate, deific, breathy gust.

It was so profoundly decadent to use lives like this. Not for a survival need, but purely for pleasure and greed. A strange cycle of enjoyment with a burst of power that led her new form--this new her--to desire more and more. No, that wasn't entirely correct. She always had this desire, but she didn't know it, and she didn't have the means to know it. But he did, that handsome ringed agent of chaos, that eternal darkness; Moonlight knew the whole damn time, didn't he?

"Nngh," Lunette groaned; pressing her soaking wet, gorgeous, uniquely-colored goddesshood onto the surface of the planet while pushing her hips forward; glassing and drowning a continent or two under her nether 'apocalips' as she bucked and grinded against it. The planet was so warm, so overflowing with life, and so perfectly sturdy to handle her thighs hugging around it. She licked her lips and grinned down to the planet--her ravenous eyes flickering. She felt the smallest of tickles against her folds and the most minuscule of pokes against her engorged clitoris; those infinitesimal specks were trying to fight back against her.

"Oh I see," she murmured to herself, pressing back against the planet in retaliation--billions snuffed out and their sparks of life drawn into the most precious of places on her body. These were the mortals the gods were weary of. She wasn't feeling the typical rush of emotions from them; a lack of fear, a lack of confusion--just pure anger and fury. They were prepared for war, they aimed for galactic conquest. Truly a shame she was so beyond them in her current state, it would have been fun to see how far they could go.

"How amusing," she tittered, "I commend your boldness and your efforts, but your arms are too short to box with this goddess. So I think it's my turn now, my little darlings." Relaxing her legs, she granted the planet a slight reprieve from the devastating grip of her almighty thighs. She then swung her legs forward and crossed them at the ankles, putting her in position to apply more pressure than she did before. "No begging for mercy now," she taunted, pressing her thighs against the planet once more, "Cause I'm not that kind of goddess."

With a sharp grunt, her destructive legs flexed tightly--her thighs squeezing the planet with an unstoppable, crushing force. Much to her delight, the planet itself seemed to resist, bending slightly against her overwhelming power but not fully giving in, as if it was actively pushing back against her. Unbeknownst to the femmebreon, they had deployed a protective barrier around the entirety of the massive sphere in an attempt to ward off further damage.

Lunette licked her lips before grinning down at them with an excited glimmer in her glowing eyes. There was a sense of thrill that overcame her when faced with such resistance, no matter how futile it was. They may not have stood a chance, but they stood up to her; a situation she had never been faced with in all of her existence. Many of her kind would probably find it insulting, demeaning, or humiliating; but she found it thrilling, impressive, and intriguing. How much of a fight could they put up if she allowed them the time they needed? Would they have pushed her to her limit? Would they have managed to defeat her? Oh how she would have loved them to even try.

"Oh just look at you! You're all some tough little cookies, with a tough little planet, aren't you? Guess I'll have to try harder!" With a devious giggle, she flexed her legs even harder; her thighs squeezing with twice the force they did before--that devastating 'hug' quickly proving to be far more than the planet's defenses could handle.

The protective barrier bent and warped against her smothering power before completely shattering; leaving the planet and its inhabitants completely at her mercy. She felt an immediate warmth against her thighs as the sides of the massive sphere burst against her; releasing the heat of its core. Deep cracks ran all over the celestial body before it fully broke apart--popping between her legs like a crushed melon; all smashed to bits between her thighs as she pressed them together while arching her back and letting out a warm moan of lusty victory while basking in the enjoyable wave of energy flowing into her.

"Goddess that is me, that felt amazing!" Lunette exclaimed, somehow even more turned on. While she had initially intended on using that planet for her own pleasure, she managed to derive a different type of excitement from it, and that served to be an experience as valuable as any other.

And even then, she didn't want to climax just yet. She wanted to savor it just a little bit more. Perhaps make use of more worthy mortals if possible. But were there any left? There were no other planets as big as that one to be found. It would be far too unlikely to find one with billions of mortals preparing to fight gods.

But then, I don't need billions of mortals. I just need a few, or at least one; she thought to herself as her eyes drifted towards a nearby planet. The lady bree smiled. There was one mighty spark of life to be found.


Down on that particular planet, down underground within the ruins of a particular ancient civilization, a particular adventurous rabbit had finally come across a particular mysterious jewel that would change everything forever. The moment she set her hands on it, the powers that contained within quickly flowed into her small, slender form. "Yes, this is it, this is exactly what I had been searching for!" She laughed madly; feeling her body fill with unfathomable strength and power.

Soon, somehow already knowing how to invoke her new found abilities, her body bulked and thickened with a sudden growth of muscle and curves; her tiny self quickly changing from something short and unremarkable to tall, shapely and eye-catching. From there, she quickly swelled in size; growing as fast as a balloon being filled with air. Within mere moments she filled that chamber, and within a few more she broke out of it. The ground underneath a bustling metropolis built over those ruins suddenly ripped apart as the bunny burst right through; her form still swelling without any signs of stopping as she climbed out and found her footing.

"Hehehe..." The rabbit chuckled as her devious eyes took in just how small everything was becoming at such a rapid pace. "Look at you all, already mere ants at my toes and I haven't even showcased a quarter of my newfound power," she boasted as her body continued to expand; rising above the first cloud layer as her growing paws bulldozed and flattened everything in their way. To think in under 10 seconds, the tallest buildings went from being as tall as her, to chest height, then waist height, then knee height, then ankle height, and now they barely cleared her toes.

"So this is the power that allows me to stand among the gods! No, I might even have the power to go beyond them. Hah, not just this world, I could make the entire galaxy mine, or maybe even the universe!" She raised her arms in triumph, laughing madly as she grew and grew. Beyond the clouds, beyond the atmospheres. She was beyond mere mortals now.

Nothing could stop her. Everything was hers.

Or so she thought until she felt the very space quake around all around her accompanied by a soft, echoing moan.

"H-huh?" The rabbit was so caught up in herself she didn't pay attention to her changing surroundings. Below was the planet she stood upon, yes, but surrounding it were high, black-furred, mountain-like curves; like massive walls threatening to swallow up and crush the planet between them. "What...what IS this?"

"My, my. What do we have here?" A voice echoed from behind and above her. The bunny quickly spun around and looked at the source of it all. Tracing those curves to the massive body they belonged to, she quickly realized that she--and the planet she stood on--were nestled deep in a seemingly endless valley between a pair of unfathomably large breasts. She then turned her gaze upward, mouth opening wide as she stared up at Lunette's glimmering eyes--like massive bodies of violet water--gazing down at her.

The Umbreon licked her lips. "You're quite a big one, aren't you? But do you really think you have enough power to go beyond me?"

The rabbit was frozen from the impossible sight before her. Her arms fell to her side as if filled with lead, her legs wouldn't budge no matter how much she tried as if she were paralyzed, and she couldn't find the ability to speak as if her very voice was taken from her. Her growth came to a halt, all that confidence faded away, the adrenaline rush had petered out. She simply dropped to her knees in defeat. Was this one of the gods she thought she could stand toe-to-toe with? One of the ones she thought she could conquer?

Lunette frowned. She expected far more fight out of this one. She was eager to see how far this one would go, but alas, all the rabbit could offer was disappointment. "Shame. You've given up before you even tried. I guess I can't blame you, it's natural an ant would cower before a dinosaur. But don't lose heart, you'll get to be as powerful as you'll ever be as a part of me."

"P-part of you?" The bunny choked out, "What do you mean? What are you doing?! Wait, stop! No!"

Lunette gripped her breasts tight and uttered a heavy, breathy moan--the hot, humid, heady, pheromonic gust rushing out of her maw and rolling over the supposed demi-goddess--knocking her onto her back as the femmebreon began pushing her mountainous tits together. The long-eared lapin raised a hand toward those open, plush lips--the last thing she was able to see before being swallowed up by the darkness of those dark-furred, sweat-dampened, squishy funbags.

Like the many celestial bodies that came before--the planet was smashed to bits and dust with a small explosive spark--and the rabbit was joyously compacted between Lunette's galaxy-conquering girls; her energies added to the Umbreon's reserves while her body was absorbed into the Umbreon's curves. The Goddess moaned out another destructive sigh; squeezing and kneading at those massive mammaries of hers as she felt all that life, energy and power flowed into her. "Mmmm...I guess I'll take back what I said. You were more satisfying than I expected, little rabbit."

"You know if you keep this up, you'll be Employee of the Millennium," Moonlight quipped from behind her, resting his head on her shoulder with a playful chuckle.

Lunette snickered, turning her head slightly toward him. "How does the mortal saying go? 'If you do what you love and enjoy, you'll never work a day in your life'? I'd say that has some merit."

"Hah, it hasn't even been a day and you're picking up on 'mortal-isms' already?" He slid his hands forward over her hips to rest them upon her thighs, squeezing at them, "Though I'm very pleased you're enjoying yourself, but you shouldn't tease your body too much, you're liable to cause another big bang at this rate," he rumbled deeply, sliding a hand toward her soaking inner thighs and up towards her goddesshood; gliding his fingers over her dripping outer folds, "You're practically a faucet and your heat could rival the sun at this point."

"Ggh!" Lunette's body trembled by his touch. She shut her eyes tight and bit down on her lower lip while squirming against him--letting go of one of her breasts to reach back and grip the back of his head for support. "Not...yet..." she panted.

Moonlight practically grinned from ear to ear. "It's not good to fight off your desires, you know. The results could be catastrophic," he extended a finger towards a nearby planet, surrounding it in a purple glow. With a simple tug of his mind, he drew it in-between the Goddess' world-ending thighs toward her nebula colored pussy. "Not just for you, but also for everything around you." Reinforcing the sphere with a protective barrier of his own, he pressed it up against her glistening nether-lips, sliding it over them teasingly before pushing it into her needy snatch. "Or at the very least, catastrophic for them."

Lunette groaned, gripping the male bree tighter as her body trembled by having such a needy part of her new body be used in such an incredibly arousing way. "Y-you," she huffed, "You ringed bastard," she moaned out shakily, "I said not yet, I need something more than these measly planets."

"Oh I know," Moonlight snickered, shoving that planet in even deeper and leaving it to the whims of her inner walls, "But I can't help but wonder how long you'll hold out." He rumbled deeply against his fellow Umbreon while reaching his hands forward in front of her. He drew in two more planets and smashed them firmly against her hardened nipples like fruit pressed to a squeezer.

Lunette growled a lustful, needy, desperate growl; her legs shifting and her body quaking even more as he played with it. "A challenge is it? Fine," she panted, "But you're going to give me what I want!" Fully resolved to achieve her first--and perhaps mightiest--climax on her own terms; she focused all of her efforts on dealing with the reinforced planet within her depths. Which, for the relative billions of microbes stuck on that marble, was a perilous situation indeed.

Surrounded, gripped and trapped by the overbearing outer-space colored walls of her womanhood; the planet temporarily avoided being crushed to oblivion thanks to Moonlight's protective barrier. In exchange for that so-called mercy, however, was a bit of a 'curse' that was too much to bear. The heat and humidity of the Goddess' love tunnel enveloped the entire planet--hotter and heavier than any summer those mortals ever had. Carried on those sweltering winds and wafting was the intense, overwhelming passionate scent that was the femmebreon's arousal--pheromones so potent it practically paralyzes the weak willed and minded with crippling lust; forcing them to their knees in orgasmic agony, essentially climaxing in an instant. And last but not least, the endless flood that was the Destruction Goddess' juices--bathing the ball of dirt in her passions.

Alas, there was no truly delaying the inevitable. Moonlight knew it. Lunette most certainly knew it. Those mortals were simply on borrowed time that had quickly run out.

Throwing her head back, Lunette unleashed a moan that echoed across the cosmos as she pressed down on the planet--those inner walls contracting and compacting it--causing the barrier to shatter against her ungodly crushing force. Bursting, breaking and then smashed to pieces; the planet was utterly obliterated by her passions, and she was still able to withhold her climax.

"Color me impressed. To have this much control over a body you never had like this is utterly fascinating," Moonlight remarked, grinning toothily.

"Hmph." Lunette scoffed and spun away from the Umbreon, facing him with a hungry, needy look in her eyes, "I held up my end. Now I will claim my reward: you!" She moved in close, reaching down and gripping his fat dick with her thick hand; squeezing fondly while measuring and admiring his girth and length with her warm digits, "But first, we need to get more energy in you," she purred as she moved up against his side, pointing that monolith of a dick at a cluster of tiny planets.

Moonlight let out a soft grunt as Lunette gripped him and placed herself at his side, giving an amused smirk as she let her intentions known. He tested her resolve and she exceeded his expectations. It was only fair that he gave her what she wanted. "Gonna fill me up with planets as well?"

"Well, it's like I said, your balls are bigger than planets. So it stands to reason they can be filled with planets as well," Lunette flashed a devious grin as she focused her attention on her current targets. Taking a page out of his book, she pointed at the collection of tiny habitable marbles with her free hand, swirled her finger about in a circle and then pointed to the tip of Moonlight's member. Within moments, an intense vacuum effect picked up--the male bree's dick now having the capabilities of a black hole--rapidly drawing in the planets and the surrounding stars into that girthy bree-pole; sending them down those heated depths into an endless ocean of his white, sticky seed--a portion of the galaxy now relocated within his heavy nuts.

"Nngh," the male Umbreon groaned; his balls twitching as an enjoyable tingling sensation spread throughout his body, "Now that's a kinky feeling," he murmured hotly.

"With a satisfying result at that," Lunette purred, caressing his weighty nuts as they became bigger and heavier; brimming with all that energy within. She gave a pleased smile and rose up to meet him, "Now then, O Granter of Desires, are you ready to give me what I crave?" And before he could even respond or even make the first move, she immediately took matters into her own hands; leaning in close and squishing her massive breasts into his firm chest. She pushed against him, forcing him to lay down on his back (in relative terms, what with the floating in space and all) beneath her as she positioned her hips over his--grinning knowingly at him. "I want to partake of these mortal pleasures. This body yearns for it. I yearn for it." The ladybree growled lustfully.

It may have been her first time doing this--ever, but she somehow knew what her body wanted and how it wanted to go about it. In a way, it made sense, she had seen it millions of times before at this point; like an immortal with infinite access to all forms of amateur porn. The only thing missing was the execution of it all; the experience, the feel.

"Goddess that is me!"

She had slowly lowered her hips--drawing in that Rod of Darkness into her Galactic Nethers--feeling a sensation she couldn't have prepared herself for. It was only about one fourth of that fat dick within her and it was already driving her crazy; the way it was utterly filling and stretching her out as her inner walls hugged every relative inch of that invading cock with a desperate embrace. "B-big..." she muttered with a shaking gasp as she dropped her hips even more to take in more of him; her body trembling with jolts of pleasure in the process. Her cheeks reddened considerably and her expression shifted to one of lust-driven drunken ecstasy--the feeling was intense, but the important thing was that it felt incredible.

"Geez you're tight," Moonlight groaned with enjoyment. He built her to be snug, sure, but he never factored in her making his dick too large to properly fit. He placed his hands upon her thighs, giving them a firm squeeze while arching his back slightly; pushing his hips up as she pressed hers down, assisting in pushing the entirety of his length in until their groins met. He let out another heavy groan, curling his toes tightly as he felt her snatch grip and squeeze at his hefty member. Slick, tight and hot; it was a perfect feel--a fact that made him rather proud.

"Wh-what? Am I t-too much for the big...guh...the big guy to h-handle?" Lunette whispered among stuttering gasps, her hips rocking and shifting on top of him as she struggled with the mind breaking pleasure of having his godhood throb inside of her.

"You should see the look on your face. No shame in giving up here, y'know," Moonlight teased.

"Y-you sh-should see the look on yours. I," she interrupted herself with a huff, "I told you, I'm getting what's mine."

After a declaration of her resolve, she began to bounce her hips in a steady rhythm; sliding up and down on that galaxy piercing Umbreon dick while resting her large hands on his chest--fingers playing at his chest fur. She shut her eyes and threw her head back, moaning melodically as she basked in the indescribable feeling of having all of that inside of her being slid in and out of her. Such heat, such passion--this was the mortal pleasure she craved: love making.

As for Moonlight, he wasn't a stranger to lying with the otherworldly--be they mortal, deity, or anything in between--and can certainly give back what was thrown at him. Inexperienced Lunette may be, that body he provided her was a form of sexual perfection; soft, firm, warm, tight--all in the right ways that could satisfy any being, including him. But he made that body, and he certainly knew how to satisfy it.

And soon they were in sync--well-timed thrusts meeting well-timed bounces; a space-filling, girthy rod of hardened flesh oozing of the Primordial's pre-seed being pumped within those tight confines of the Goddess of Destruction's hot, wet, silken walls. Moans, groans and cries of pleasure echoing across the cosmos as the unfathomable, otherworldly pair engaged in their passions.

But that wasn't even the height of things--not even close--it was their literal heights instead; as their lust was shared, so was that stored and built up life energy--that very same energy that was used to enhance their power and their statures. To put it simply: the pair of dark-types were rapidly growing in size.

As if in tune and rhythm of a slow, heavy heartbeat; their bodies surged in growth with pulsing intervals. The planets around them could no longer be perceived with the naked eye; just now relative bits of dust much like the hundreds that had to deal with those cosmic forms invading their space. Even the sun; the largest star in that vast system was eventually a pebble-sized spark until it was lost among the space sea of Umbreon fur.

It wasn't long before their ever expanding bodies would occupy neighboring systems, swallowing up everything within and outgrowing them far faster than anyone would possibly imagine. Their unfathomable forms and noises of passion stretching across parsecs all over the universe. There seemed to be no end in sight as they outgrew one galaxy after another, pushing upon the boundaries of the edges of the universe.

It wasn't until they encroached on the Realm of the Gods that they hit their climax; a grand finale to their passionate love-making that was felt and heard across time and space. Somehow, someway, it all finally came to a stop, leaving Lunette an exhausted mess as she collapsed against her fellow cosmic destroyer; gleefully giggling to herself.

It may have taken many a millennia, but she had finally gotten the mortal pleasure she was searching for.


"Leaving already, hmm?" Lunette regarded Moonlight, sitting in mid-air while lazily kicking her legs.

Moonlight stood before the reopened rift he had originally arrived from in preparation to leave. He looked to the other Umbreon with a smile, shrugging his shoulders slightly. "I think I've overstayed my welcome. I shouldn't linger in other places for too long anyway, the more acclimated I get, the harder it is to leave."

Lunette tittered. "Certainly you wouldn't want to leave all of this behind," she teased, gesturing graciously to her figure.

"Oh believe me, it's taking all my willpower to resist," he replied with a twinge of sarcasm.


"Besides, there isn't exactly much of a world left here now is there? Y'know, considering..." Moonlight trailed off while making a broad gesture.

Lunette snickered. He wasn't exactly wrong there. It would be quite a while before The Order would get things back in...well...order. "Hard to argue that point. It also doesn't help that they've been summoning me non-stop ever since returning to my realm."

"Well, if you ever need to get away from this Order mess," Moonlight thumbed over to the rift, "You can always dimension hop too. You certainly have the ability."

"Mmm, now that's an offer I can hardly turn down. Mingling with mortals of other worlds sounds delightful, although..." she crossed one leg over the other, "It'll have to wait. Until I take care of this unfinished business."

"I assume they'll want an explanation as to why most of the universe is wiped out and why galaxies are lost in your fur?" Moonlight pointed at her with a grin.

She nodded with a hint of pride. "That, and why I have fur to begin with. They'll be quite surprised to see I have a corporeal form."

Moonlight flicked his ears at that, "Did they not notice?"

Lunette huffed. "Oh they never watch, they just look at the results. Dreadfully boring, what's the point of putting on such a show if no one is going to watch?"

"Didn't fancy you to be an exhibitionist."

"That's because I didn't have the body to be one."

Moonlight laughed. "Alright fair, but I guess I won't keep you. Have fun at your business meeting, and feel free to hit me up sometime. Just don't go wrecking my world, I am quite fond of it."

Lunette purred softly before moving toward him to give him a warm hug and a playful lick at his cheek. "In exchange for this body you gave me, I'll gladly honor your wishes, Primordial." She then stepped away from him and turned around, running the tip of her tail underneath his muzzle with a snicker, "Any wish." She hinted.

Moonlight smirked and stepped toward the rift, "I'm sure we'll develop quite the Friends With Benefits relationship, and then some. See you soon, gorgeous." He flashed her a wink and gave a quick wave before slipping into the dimensional crack, heading off to Goddess knows where.

"Sooner than you might think," Lunette mused while watching the rift close, quickly focusing on her next matter of business: answering The Order's summons.


The particular part of the Higher Realm where The Keepers of The Order claimed as their domain is what a mortal would consider Paradise, or Heaven. An endlessly and impossibly beautiful sight to behold. With the most gorgeous skies, lovely views, and impressive erected temples that housed many of the highest and those underneath them in an obvious, hierarchical fashion. It was before these temples that seven godly figures stood--five of which were visibly elderly while the remaining two didn't look a day over 50,000--awaiting their rather free-spirited Goddess of Destruction.

"??????????? knows better than to keep us waiting," spoke one of the elderly gods.

"She has grown rather incorrigible over the centuries. Perhaps some re-educating is in order, maybe even a replacement," said another.

One of the younger ones cleared his throat, raising a hand to voice a mild objection. "My lords, please. Sure, she can be quite free-spirited, but she is quite an effective destroyer--who are rather difficult to come by, mind you."

"I suspect, as you are her handler, ?????????, you would voice your opinions with a level of bias," the elder retorted.

"Your accusations are noted, but I assure you they're incorrect. Flighty as she may be, she is very thorough and efficient."

"But not very punctual."

"I assure you she will arrive sooner than you think."

And as if the fates themselves were tempted, everything seemed to suddenly change in ways the gods couldn't put their fingers on.


That was until things became very obvious very quickly.

The entirety of the realm began to rattle like a shaken snow globe as both the ground and the skies quaked violently. A deep booming giggle reverberated far and wide as those gorgeous skies suddenly fell pitch black with silver-white lights shining and surging in the distance.

"SORRY FOR THE DELAY, I DIDN'T REALIZE HOW BIG I'VE GOTTEN." Lunette's voice boomed throughout the realm like roaring thunder--a deafening force that was punctuated by gleeful laughter. A single purple eye, bigger than any star, large enough to swallow up the entirety of that paradise appeared over them all; observing them as if they were minuscule organisms being observed through a microscope. "SHALL WE GET TO BUSINESS, MY LITTLE LORDS?"
