Maid's Story ch03-Devotion

Story by Jaffah on SoFurry

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#3 of Maid's Story


"Why ... do you do it?" The question barely a whisper from the white furred feline femme.

Rebecca perked an ear, her eyes closed as she relaxed in a hot bath, her fur soaking as the warmth of the water eases her tired muscles.

It felt like it were only minutes ago not hours of the events of the night before, the red tiger, Mr Smith, choosing to punish his pets for being tardy. Jessica had been tied to a pommel horse in the gym and had her bare bottom spanked while Rebecca was placed in a room with two strange tigers whom proceed to fuck her silly while the maid watched.

"Hmmm?" The bunny opened her eyes to see Jessica slowly slipping out of her maids outfit then come closer, the masters orders were to make sure Rebecca had thoroughly cleaned and gave specific details on what had to be done.

"Why do you do these things for him?" Jessica asked again, a little louder as she slipped into the water of the large tub and moved in behind her friend.

"It's a long story Jessica," Rebecca sighed and gave a groan when she felt the other femmes hands move over her shoulders in a light massage.

"If you don't want to say I will understand." The maid replied, not wanting to be nosey but her curiosity had become an overflowing well.

"No, it's alright." The said as she arched her back, Jessica's hands covering and washing her breasts. "You've noticed the stripes on my back and legs, haven't you?"

The girl nodded, her cheeks turning a little red at not only the thought of Rebecca's body but her actions as her fingers close on the bunnies nipples to rub and tweak, one of the things her master had told her to do.

"Mmmm feels good." Rebecca moaned before going on. "My father was a tiger, not like the Master, white in colour. He was a very strong and handsome man, my mother and he met when he was in the military, she feel for him right away and he was captivated by her beauty."

A smile appeared on Jessica's lips as she listened, letting her hands linger on her friends firm globes.

"It was only a matter of time before they got married and settled down to raise a family, my father leaving the service to pursue his hobby of archaeology as well as his new family. Myself and my brother Darren."

While Rebecca spoke, Jessica's hands began to wash lower, moving over the rabbits tummy in circular motions, one hand dipping under the water to her sex, making the bunny gasp.

"Oh my ... someone's being naughty." Rebecca commented upon feeling the girl's fingers. "M-my father was very strict, well disciplined thanks to his life in the army, his home reflected this ... mmm yes ... He was the only man I would look up to, my mother called me "His little soldier" because of the way I would always follow him around the house."

Jessica suppressed a giggle at this thought, looking down as Rebecca tilted her head to the side to expose more of her neck to the maid, licking her lips and remembering her Masters instructions she lowered her muzzle to the bunnies fur.

"Please go on."

"Unfortunately he left one day for a journey to a dig site and well ... " Rebecca sighed, her ears lowering as sad thoughts came to mind, Jessica hesitating just short of the bunnies flesh. I tried not to dwell on it, doing my best to carry on, taking several jobs before deciding to pursue a career in law, it was here I met Mr Smith."

Closing her eyes the girl felt sad in a way for Rebecca, then in accordance to her masters instructions bit down on the rabbits neck firmly while holding her tight, her friend gasping at the hard bite and squirming.

"Oh my god." Was all Rebecca could manage, her body trembling in pleasure as the maid held on tightly, breaking contact form the briefest of moments.

"D-don't stop, what happened next?" Jessica asked, her cheeks burning red as she again bot down on the inviting neck, her fingers fondling and probing.

"N-naughty slut ... " the young lawyer groaned and squirmed. "Master t-told you, didn't he?"

Her breathing picked up and her paw went to Jessica's head, not so much to push her away but to hold her close as the girl closed her eyes and placed another firm yet loving bite on the bunnies neck flesh.

"He ... I was ... on the verge of giving up w-when we met." The lapine giving off a soft growl as she squirmed and pushed back to rub against Jessica's breasts and crotch. "My career s-seemed to fail short, n-none were willing to trust an independent w-with their dealings."

Jessica was surprised at her friend's reaction but felt a tingle in her belly as the bunny rubbed against her, the moan she let out was enough for her captive to turn around and grip the girl tightly, a look of lust filling her eyes.

"When he came into my office," Rebecca went on, her paw sliding up Jessica's back to take hold of her hair to ease her head back. "I was a pathetic ball of fur, wondering if my life was worth going on with, when he left I was his willing pet, his slave to do with as he pleases."

Licking her lips she bent to nip at Jessica's neck in a hungry manner, the white furred femme gasping but becoming submissive as the rabbit took control in a way she hadn't shown before.

"He turned my life around with a simple visit, slut." She growled and bit lightly, sensually at the girl's neck, moving slowly down. "I owe him everything, if he were to command me to fuck a roomful of males I would do so just to please him, just as you might one day."

Her hands braced on the edge of the tub, Jessica moaned hotly as the sensation of the rabbits touches flowed through her, the tingle becoming an intense itch at the thought of one day finding herself surrounded by needy males all wanting to fuck her in many different ways.

"Sounds as if you would like that," the rabbit smirked, taking a hard nipple into her mouth to chew lightly on; Jessica's turning her head in shame. "Tell me you want to do this, tell me slut."

"Y-yes ... " The words were quiet despite the loud pants Jessica gave off, her eyes going wide at Rebecca's paw found her sex and began to play with her nether lips.

"I'm sorry slut, I didn't hear you. What was it you said?" The bunny smiled in an evil way, lifting the girl's hips out of the water and opening her legs to display her snatch.

"Oh god.... I want to ... ahhhhh ... f-fuck a room full of men ... f-for the master..." Jessica said aloud, her hips rolling as she squirmed, her belly quivering as finally the rabbits tongue found her clit, teasing it from its hidden place to suckle.

"You're a good slut." Rebecca said, smiling and diving down to hungrily lap at the girl's sex, swirling her tongue as her fingers and paws roamed Jessica's breasts and nipples, bringing her to the brink of pleasure with her skills.

Her mind reeling from the pleasure, the girls thoughts settled on the night before and the two strange tigers who took Rebecca and ravished her for most the evening, wondering what it would be like as her climax broke through, her body thrashing as her nectar flowed onto Rebecca's face.

"Mmmm such a tasty slut, you are a credit to our master." The rabbit said, looking up from her meal. "Tell me pet, are you protected against pregnancy?"

For most of the day Jessica wandered around in a daze while thinking about what the rabbit femme had asked, not really watching where she was going at times until she bumped into the hulking for of her employer, Mr Smith.

"It appears someone is very busy today." His tails flicks as the young maid composes herself, lowering her gaze away from the male.

"I-I'm so sorry Sir." Jessica stammered, standing to the side to allow him to pass.

"Think nothing of it pet." He casually remarked, not moving past but instead taking hold of her shoulders to look at her. "Did you do what I instructed with Rebecca?"

Timidly the girl nodded, still looking away and making him frown.

"Don't tell me my pet didn't enjoy being dominated by another female?" He asked, his tone filled with a mocking tease to it.

"Oh no Master," Jessica gasped and looked up at him with her sparking green eyes. "It's just..."

She looked away again as her words trailed off, her cheeks red with embarrassment as she sought to find the right thing to say.

"It's just what?" The tiger rumbled, lifting her chin so she could see he was serious in his questioning.

"Um ... Miss Rebecca asked if I was ... pr-protected against ... pr-pregnancy... " The girl softly said, her body trembling a little as the tiger held her shoulders.

Mr Smith chuckled then laughed, caressing Jessica's cheek with a big paw, something she leant into slightly.

"Are you worried my pet?" He asked as he trailed his fingers down her cheek and neck to stop at the top of her plump breasts. "You have shown no worry at your treatment so far so I assume deep down this is what you crave, could it be you wish to bear my child?"

Looking up in surprise Jessica saw a hint of mirth in the tiger's features, something she hadn't seen since she had started working for him, a frown then formed as he saw her look.

"Perhaps you do?" Taking her facing in his paws and leaning to kiss her forehead. "I have heard that a pet wanting to bear her master's offspring shows the level of devotion she has for him, it also lays a large claim of ownership over the pet."

Her heart beat wildly as she listened, a gasp escaping her lips as she felt his paws grip her rear and lift so she was looking him in the face, their noses inches apart.

"Tell me pet, do you like being owned by me? Does your heart yearn to be completely owned and give birth to our young?"

The questions lingered in the air as Jessica bit her lip, the close proximity causing her swoon as his scent filled her senses.

"I ... I am happy being here with you and Miss Rebecca, Sir but..." She started saying but was cut off by a soft kiss to her lips.

"Do not answer with words my pet but instead answer with actions, let what you do for the next few days tell me what you want and desire." He smirked and set her down.

"My-my actions Sir?" She looked up at him hesitantly.

"Yes my sweet pet." The smirk still on his face as he reached to grope her bosom, drawing a soft moan from her. "Your mind may be hesitant to decide but it is your body that will lead you to what you want."

With that he moved past her, leaving Jessica standing with a familiar tingle in her loins as she watched him go.

The rest of the day passed quickly with Jessica continuing on with her work with a new spring in her step, her Master occupying himself in the study looking over business details. A call late in the afternoon had Rebecca excusing herself from attending due to family matters, so this left Jessica and their Master alone for the evening.

"Dinner was excellent pet, a credit to your skills." Mr Smith smiled as he finished eating, Jessica blushing at the compliment.

"Thank you Master." She set about cleaning up after the meal, the tiger stretching his arms out.

"I will bathe then retire early I think." Glancing at the girls lithe form as she passed, reaching to snag the hem of her skirt and pull her back.

Jessica almost dropped the dishes when he did this, looking wide-eyed as he lifted her uniform to expose her naked sex.

"I am pleased to see you have adjusted to wearing no panties my lovely slut." Purring as he ran a finger down her front and along her moist slit, Jessica softly gasping as she eased her legs open a little to allow her master better access.

"Th-thank you Sir." Happy in a way she had pleased her master but also happy at his touch, her mind came back to the question of motherhood.

Giving a devious smile the tiger removed his finger quickly; a teasing rub was all he would allow for the moment.

"Please run a bath for me and I will be upstairs as soon as I have dealt with some things in the study."

"Yes Master." Jessica bowed as best she could before leaving the dining room, loading up the dishwasher before almost racing to the bathroom on the upper level to start the water running, the girl slowly undressing as she watched the tub fill.

Mr Smith entered shortly after and saw his pet standing demurely next to the bath, her naked features perfect to the eye, her long blonde hair done up in a bun while her cheeks were a light shade of pink at being on display to him.

"And what do we have here?" The tiger asks folding his arms as the young maid slowly padded over to him, her hips swaying in a sexy manner.

"I ... I feel it's only right a good pet washes her Master." She begins to fumble with his clothing, lifting his shirt to undress him.

"I see." Was all he said in reply, allowing the smaller fur to strip him of his trousers, the slowness of her actions along with her touches was almost enough to make him want to take sexy young blonde, but he refrained for the moment curious to what she would do next.

She led him to the bath and stepped in, waiting until her master had settled in the warm water before kneeling before him with soap and wash cloth in hand, her eyes taking in all before her from his fit toned chest to the firmness of his sheath, she then leant forward to wash the big males chest.

Purring in satisfaction the tiger closed his eyes, letting the girl lather his chest and arms, the apparent feeling of her large breasts pressing against his sheath causing it to fill, his length emerging into the warmth of her cleavage.

Jessica's mind was spinning with a hidden desire, the desire to please her master and with the large member nestled between her globes she knew exactly how to do this, while she rubbed and caressed his chest with her soapy hand she rocked her chest, massaging the tigers shaft with her bosoms.

"My Master is in great need, I must tend to him." She whispered, her cheeks becoming redder as she hears her own words.

"Yes, my slut." He growled in response, his hips rolling as their flesh rub together. "A good slut knows how to please her Master."

"And I wish to please my Master very much." She went on, her hands slipping down his sides and hips, finally cupping her globes and squeezing them around her Masters girth, now moving her firm flesh up and down his slick cock, her tongue snaking out to tease his tip much to her own surprise.

"Oh god pet, you please your Master very much." The tiger hissed and tensed at the lick, his back arching as he lifted his hips higher, bracing with his paws on the baths edge.

Her heart pounding with each loving stroke, Jessica lowered her head and suckled his tip as clear fluid began to ooze from the males cock, her tongue swirling hotly while she milked his length with her tits, her nipples throbbing as the lust in her rose higher and higher.

Mr Smith stroked his pets ears, his length throbbing as she suckled, her tongue rasping over his sensitive member as she grinded her breasts around his cock, the combined sensations driving him over the edge and making his cum in her mouth.

Jessica blinking as the first salty spurt was gulped down eagerly, gasping and releasing his jerking shaft as the next fell onto her muzzle, the warmth sending a thrill down her spine as another wad of tiger cream shot and landed on her face, more seed oozing from her masters length and spilling over her warm breasts.

A groan from the tiger makes Jessica look up, the love in her eyes a shining beacon as her Master strokes her hair, the maid licking her lips and tasting more of his cum, the male surprising her more by leaning down to kiss her deeply while his sed was in her mouth, the two slipping into the water to snuggle and kiss.

Jessica lay awake in bed; her body throbbed and ached in a need that had stayed with her since dinner when her master had felt her sex, the incident in the bath a result of the feelings inside.

Sitting up in bed she reached for an oversized t-shirt and pulled it on, the length only just covering her bottom as she stood and stretched in the darkness of her room.

The rest of the bath had the two kissing and teasing, the tiger making her squirm more with lust and need and yet denying her the release her body now craved, maybe she needed something to cool her down, padding out and down the dark hallways in the direction of the kitchen.

Stopping along the way to get her bearing, the girl noticed she stood outside a familiar looking door, the door that led to the room in which her friend Rebecca was "punished" by their Master.

Hesitantly she turned the handle and found it to be unlocked, opening the door enough to slip into the room after looking both ways to make sure no one had seen her.

The room was dark, the walls and ceiling black, Jessica remembering the two-way mirror as the one she and her master were behind as they watched Rebecca being ravished.

A musky male smell wafted past and she closed her eyes, her mind drifting as she imagined herself being the one the strange tigers would ravish, the thoughts causing her body to ache more.

"Not helping Jessica." She murmured to herself, turning to the door and squeaking in shock as she saw a large figure standing in the doorway.

"Something wrong pet?" Mr Smith asked, flicking a light switch on to illuminate the room with a dimmed light.

Jessica gasped seeing the tiger standing naked before her, the craving inside her calling out to him as she involuntarily took a step forward.

"I ... I couldn't sleep Master." Her breathing picked up as her eyes roamed his body, her cheeks burning in shame at the thoughts she was having.

"I see." he said, stepping into the room and closing the door behind him. " I was thinking, that seeing how good you have been, that I should reward you in some way."

"R-reward?" Jessica said breathlessly, licking her dry lips as the tiger stood before her.

"Yes pet." He reached to brush a loose strand of hair from her face, making her tremble. "I did have something in mind, but then I thought you might want something ... specific."

The girl looked up into the tiger's eyes, almost loosing herself as she felt his arms slip around her waist and cup her rear.

"Yes ... " She gasped as her ass was roughly fondled. "I want ... "

"Beg me pet." The male cut her off. Taking an ear into his mouth to chew lightly. "Beg for it, beg loud for it."

Her eyes snap open as the heat and desire inside her wells up, overflowing as her master gropes and fondles her.

"Please Master, please make me yours. I want ... need your cum inside me, filling me up." Her words loud and clear in between her gasps and moans. "I want to be completely yours and want your child Master."

Hesitating Smith looks to the young girl, seeing the lust and need in her eyes.

"Are you sure of this pet?" Asking though he's sure of her answer.

Panting heavily Jessica leant into his embrace, nodding quickly while breathing in his musky scent.

"The show me where you want my seed slut." He purrs, stepping back.

Biting her lip Jessica slowly lifted the front of her shirt, and pointed to her bare sex.

"H-here Master, in here." She whimpered slightly as he pulled away, the tiger frowned.

"Where slut? I cannot see what you are pointing to."

Taking a deep breath the girl backed up the bed, never taking her eyes from the tiger and his swelling sheath as she sat and eased open her legs, reaching to spread her wet folds despite the shameful feeling.

"In here Master ... in my cunny. Please fill my cunny with your cum." Her words were shocking to hear coming from her mouth but they came, need burning her up on the inside.

"So my slut wants me to claim her with my seed." The tiger said padding closer to the bed, his shaft becoming erect at the sight of the girl squirming in need. "It is a fitting reward, yes?"

Taking hold of her legs and lifting them, he made Jessica fall back onto the bed as he moved his hard length into position at her sopping entrance.

"From this moment you now belong to me pet, you do as I say, and fuck who I tell you to fuck and you will not question it, understood?"

"Yes Master ... ahhh." She cried out as he thrust forward, ramming his length into her tight passage, hilting deep with one firm stroke, his paws gripping her shirt and tearing it away roughly to expose her heaving bosoms to his hungry mouth.

Jessica saw stars float across her vision as her master began to thrust, humping against her spread legs as his shaft drove deep, her own legs wrapping around his waist as the heat in her body called out for his seed to quench it, her hands gripping his fur as her grunted and mated with her.

"My slut, my sweet cum loving slut." He growled, the tiger looking into her eyes and pumping faster, the girl crying in delight as her first orgasm hits, her body thrashing as her passage tightens around his cock, making him hump harder before roaring out his dominance and climaxing as well, his cum spewing into Jessica's ripe belly.

Quivering in bliss the young femme grips the males fur tight, her pussy spasming and milking more of the tigers load for her womb, a warm feeling spreading through her as more of her masters seed is drawn into her body, the orgasmic high lasting several minutes before the two furs settle, both panting to catch their breath.

"Master's cum will always be the first to grace your womb my sweet slut." He purrs, kissing her lips as he slowly withdraws. "Now for the rest of your reward."

Shivering at the feel of the tiger pulling out the girl arched her back and wondered for a brief moment what the rest of her reward was when she saw, almost perfectly blended in with the black walls, the two twin black tigers she saw with Rebecca.

Both had erections as the scent of hot sex filled the air, both moving forward onto the bed as Jessica sat up, looking to Mr Smith.

"As my slut you will allow these two to fuck you, I wish to see how well my slut performs."

"Yes Master." Jessica replies, bowing her head before crawling on all fours to the nearest male and nuzzling his length while the other stroked his paw along the femmes back to scritch her tail base, her tail lifting and dropping as she purred in response.

Easing back to watch the red tiger smiled, watching his pet eagerly run her tongue along the length of the black males cock, she brought her breasts into play as she wrapped her globes around his girth and started to pleasure him as she did her master earlier, the second male spreading the girls cheeks and licking roughly at her tail hole.

Jessica trembled in bliss at the rasping over her rear passage, relaxing as she felt the males fingers probing, her suckling becoming wetter as the first males shaft began to ooze hot pre due to her actions while her tail hole is spread and stretched in preparation for the other males cock.

The black male tiger behind Jessica quickly moved into position, sliding his hard prick into her rear as his twin arched and growled in lust, Jessica picking up her pace and finally bringing him off with her skilled touch, his cum spurting onto her face and breasts as her master watched, his shaft becoming hard once more.

"Oh Master, he is filling my ass." The girl cries out as the horney male humping her rear growls in climax, his hips jerking as his seed spills into Jessica's tail hole.

"Such a good slut." He smirks as the black males eases out, his spurting length squirting more seed onto Jessica's rear.

The red feline rolling his pet onto her back, moving to present his wet length to her mouth, something she eagerly takes into her mouth to suckle on as one of the other tigers slips in between her spread legs, the maid lifting her hips to allow the slick hard meat to enter her, knowing that even though he may cum inside her it's her masters seed that has filled her belly first.

The wet sounds of sex along with rough grunting and groaning continued to fill the air as the three male tigers used the young blonde again and again, Jessica losing count of the number of climaxes she's brought to until all are spent, the twin black tigers eventually pulling themselves away to leave the pretty maid a sticky mess, cuddling up in the arms of her Master.

"I love you Master." The girl purred as she curled up close to the red tiger. "It is a pity Rebecca wasn't here for this."

The tiger chuckled and stroked the blonde's messy hair, knowing well enough that with the cameras in the other room Rebecca would miss out on nothing, and besides, it wasn't as if this would be the only time he would get Jessica to show her devotion to him.

Jessica (C) Jessica Elwood; Mr Smith and tiger beef cake (C) Jaffah; story (C) Jaffah 2007