The trip to Viridian City (pt 3)

Story by Azza_rox6661 on SoFurry

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#3 of Pokemon Journey!

This story (as a whole, not just any single part) contains human- Pokémon sex, M/M action, swearing, watersports etc. You have been warned.

  • * * (Opening song) To the tune of original Pokémon tune from first series (someone singing) I want to beat the very rest (This line is similar to the first line of the real song) Like no one ever has (This line is similar to the original second) To bash them, it's my poké quest (Doesn't go great with the tune. I can't be bothered doing better) To beat them, make 'em pause. Gonna travel across the land (Exactly the same as the 6th line of the real song) Searching far and wide (Same as above, except for the 7th line rather than the 6th) Beat pokémon, the world unmanned Of people opposing I. (Doesn't go with the tune very well, oh well) Pokémon, gotta catch 'em, (Same as 10th line from real song) We fight dir-ty. Vic'try is our goal, you see. Pokémon, ohhh you're a sex friend (Relates to a few parts in the story as a whole.) In a world to comprehend. (The rest of the song will be the same as the real song) Pokémon gotta catch 'em, Oh, so true. Our courage will pull us through. You teach me and I'll teach you, Po-ké-mon Gotta catch 'em all, Gotta catch 'em all Pokémon! Jack says, "Last time... oh I can't be bothered doing a last time thing" Professor Oak says "Jack..." In an annoyed tone of voice. (They are still outside the lab, they were just about to leave Pallet Town at the end of part 2.) "FIne I'll do this thing then." Said Jack, angrily. "Last time on... whatever this thing is called... Charmander battled bulbasaur and won. We were pretty happy then... hmm actually that's pretty much all that happened except that Professor Oak gave me the translator and we were about to leave to head to Viridian city. " (No wonder I liked the first episode better. It had more... substance. That figures.) Professor Oak replies, "You're right! That really is all that happened! not very interesting like it could have been... but hey, I guess it IS only the start of the series." (Breaking the fourth wall again, and a good way to say how ambitious I was to get he first two parts up, but mostly with the second. I got too ambitious and then excited about the battle part that I didn't really put much substance in at all... I'll try to make the rest of the series better. Sorry about that.) Charmander says, "I suppose we could just start the episode now then, seeing as how there's nothing else to say here." (From now on, when a Pokémon speaks I'm going to directly translate it rather than putting it in Pokémon language first, which, although a good way to add a few extra characters and shorten the amounts of text needed for hte story, was extremely annoying to type.) The others all agree. START EPISODE. Jack and charmander had just left Professor Oak's lab again, this time with the translator in hand, and were about to head to route 1 to start their journey. They were on their way to Viridian City. But... "I'd better go home and get some supplies first." Jack said. So he ran home and packed his bags then came back out of the house again. "Alright charmander, let's go." And so the two started out on route 1, and walking through long grass they saw a pidgey. "Charmander, use scratch!" Charmander obeyed, then pidgey used gust. This went on for a few rounds until the pidgey fainted. "That was too easy, eh charmander?" Jack said. Charmander simply nodded. They headed on (with many random battles occurring) for a few hours until they got about half way and then they spotted a man on the side of the road. They went up to him and talked. "Hey, what's up?" Jack said. The guy replied, "Hi. I work a the Pokémart..." And went on for a bit about it (Like in Pokémon red, blue and yellow), then said "Here, have a sample of our products" And handed Jack a potion. (Notice how this story is progressing quite like the video games? It'll go on in this fashion for a bit with a lot of extra bits and a few bits left out.) "Thanks" Jack said, and put the potion in his bag. They then kept heading up towards viridian city until another person (not in the games)) said "Want to test your Pokémon's DNA? You would get a lot of money from doing this and..." Jack cut him off with a stern look that meant no. "Hmm according to the previous episode's 'next time' section we will still encounter a trainer that never seems to give up. " Just then the DNA testing guy ran up to him and said "I challenge you to a Pokémon battle. If I win you have to let me do the DNA tests on your Pokémon. If you win I'll stop bothering you." Jack said, "Ok. I suppose you would be that trainer that doesn't know when to give up?" The DNA guy (who was, obviously, a scientist) said, "Yep, that would be me. Let's go, grimer!" the scientist released a grimer from his Pokéball. By now, charmander had gained quite a few levels and had learned ember. However, Jack and charmander both knew that it wouldn't be much use against muk. nor would scratch. They would have to try something else... "Charmander, dig holes with your claws" Jack said, already thinking of a plan. If he could lure muk into a hole, it would get trapped. Then it wouldn't be too hard to claim victory. Charmander dug holes quickly with his claws and muk walked straight into the first one. "Get out of the hole and keep going!" Said the scientist. Muk got out of the hole and kept going, and fell right into another hole. This happened a few more times. Eventually, muk was right near charmander. "I guess we'll have to try... charmander, use ember" Said Jack. Charmander obeyed almost instantly, using ember and hitting the muk head on, although not to much effect. "Keep going!" yelled Jack frantically. Charmander kept going until it ran out of energy and couldn't use ember again. By now everyone had noticed that muk was getting low on energy. They also noticed that muk was getting close to charmander. 'muk, attack!" Muk dived head on at charmander, but charmander dodged it. Muk attacked again, and missed again, although only barely. The third time muk managed to hit charmander, and get it stuck onto the ground. "Finish it off muk!" yelled the scientist. muk smashed charmander, knocking it to the ground next to Jack. Jack quickly used the potion on it. "Lucky it had 1 hp left" Thought Jack. By now, muk was getting extremely tired. "Charmander... you can beat him. I know you can. try one last hole." Charmander dug another hole, and muk went straight into it. The scientist yelled at the muk "Get up and out of that hole muk!" And kept shouting, although it was clear muk was stuck. (Hey, that rhymed!) "The battle is over" Said Jack boredly. "NO! IT ISN'T! GET UP MUCK! " The scientist yelled, along with quite a few other things. It took 10 minutes to get him to admit defeat. That was an extremely long time given how obvious it was that muk was out of action. Jack then bade goodbye to the scientist and he and charmander kept on going. Eventually charmander said "I need to take a shit... where's the toilet?" Jack sighed "You'll have to dig a hole and shit in that. There's no toilets here. In fact, I kinda need to piss too... but someone else could come along so I won't risk it." Charmander wasn't listening. He was already digging the hole. he quickly finished and pulled down his pants and underpants and squatted on the hole.He started to shit, while pissing at the same time. Jack sighed and watched as charmander finished and wiped his ass with a leaf, then dropped the leaf into a hole. "I guess I just have to hope nobody comes along" Jack said, pulling down the front of his pants and underpants and aiming at the hole. Charmander pulled on Jack's leg and then pointed at his own mouth. Jack got the message, and put his cock in charmander's mouth, then started to piss.Charmander swallowed it all and then started to lick the cock in his mouth. Jack pulled his cock out of charmanders mouth and pulled his underpants and pants back up. "Maybe later charmander. Too risky here." Charmander pulled up his pants and underpants too and the two then continued on until they finally reached Viridian City. "We made it!" Closing song: To the tune of original Pokémon tune from first series (someone singing) I want to beat the very rest (This line is similar to the first line of the real song) Like no one ever has (This line is similar to the original second) To bash them, it's my poké quest (Doesn't go great with the tune. I can't be bothered doing better) To beat them, make 'em pause. Gonna travel across the land (Exactly the same as the 6th line of the real song) Searching far and wide (Same as above, except for the 7th line rather than the 6th) Beat pokémon, the world unmanned Of people opposing I. (Doesn't go with the tune very well, oh well) Pokémon, gotta catch 'em, (Same as 10th line from real song) We fight dir-ty. Vic'try is our goal, you see. Pokémon, ohhh you're a sex friend (Relates to a few parts in the story as a whole.) In a world to comprehend. (The rest of the song will be the same as the real song) Pokémon gotta catch 'em, Oh, so true. Our courage will pull us through. You teach me and I'll teach you, Po-ké-mon Gotta catch 'em all, Gotta catch 'em all Pokémon! Jack says, "This next time will be short because the writer wants to get on to writing the next story. Next time... we enter Viridian city and it just so happens there's a new tournament hall, and a competition starting soon. We register for the competition. It sounds like fun. However, there's danger lurking around the corner. What kind of danger is this? Find out next time." Marathon person (Me, of course) says happily "Next up is another episode of pokémon! Hooray! The pokémon marathon continues, next on channel Yiff. The next episode is sure to be exciting. I really enjoyed the making of this episode and I would like to thank myself for inspiring me, My parents for bringing me life, my brother for not coming in and disrupting me, and of course, to all of our viewers/readers (Yes I actually say the words "Forwards slash"). We'll be back after these subliminal, but not very, messages." (Ad break)

The battle. (Pt 2)

This story (as a whole, not just any single part) contains human- Pokémon sex, M/M action, swearing, watersports etc. You have been warned. * * * (Opening song) To the tune of original Pokémon tune from first series (someone singing) I...

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Pokémon Journey (pt 1)

This story (as a whole, not just any single part) contains human- Pokémon sex, M/M action, swearing, watersports etc. You have been warned. * * * (Opening song which is to the tune of original Pokémon tune from first series) I want to beat the...

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