Rebuilding the Pack

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#1 of Rebuilding the Pack

Every writer has done a werewolf story so here is mine. This is a 4 part series so keep an eye out for the rest as it's released. This was actually the first story I wrote so let me know what you think!

Kalis was the Alpha of his pack and had been for hundreds of years. Standing 7'5" with large muscles from daily hunts nobody dared to challenge him. He was strict to protect the pack as humans developed more and more of the woods and to avoid hunters they were always on the move. Most humans didn't believe in werewolves and Kalis wanted to keep it that way. Hunters however knew the truth and were always hunting him and his kin down. They believed the earth was theirs and any threat to humanity's existence must be killed off. Kalis tried to stay under their radar, kept a small pack, didn't pick off humans, and stayed in the woods. They'd hunt wildlife and fuck and they were happy. Nothing lasts forever unfortunately.

One night, after their hunt. The wolves were fat from their meal lounging around preparing to lay and sleep. Suddenly a woosh of arrows came from the darkness of the trees around them. Kalis was hit twice in the chest, the burning was agonizing. He pulled them out, silver. He heard a roar as 20-30 men charged down the 8 wolves. Weakened from the poisonous silver and the sudden attack the first few fell without a fight. Slashed down with no remorse.

"Kalis, run! We'll hold him off as long as we can!" yelled his beta before rushing into the fight. Kalis didn't want to run, but it was clear there was no winning this fight. As he turned to run another arrow hit him in his shoulder blade. He roared in pain as he escaped. He remembered there was a town a few hundred meters away. He had to get there. As he ran he was able to get that arrow out of him, but it caused a lot of bleeding. No doubt he was creating a trail. He couldn't worry about that now, he was approaching the town. He transformed back into his human form and rushed out of the woods.

Officers Mason and Johnson were checking out a report of strange noises coming from the forest at the edge of town. They were about to head back to the station when suddenly a naked bleeding man charged them from the woods. He came and scratched Mason's chest before turning on Johnson. Johnson put his arm up to block and got scratched as well. While Johnson was busy defending himself Mason pulled his taser and shot him. Between the silver, blood loss, and electricity it was too much for Kalis and he passed out.

"Fucking homeless" Mason said. "He's probably high off meth. Let's get him back to the station and he can sober up in a cell." They threw him in a cell and ended their shift to go back home. Little did they know the virus was already taking effect.

Mason was dropped off by his partner and immediately headed to bed. That homeless guy really wore him out. He stripped and fell asleep. Mason was tossing and turning. He kept dreaming of wolves running, hunting, fucking. One wolf kept reappearing. A tall muscular black wolf with a 15 inch dick. He was submitting to him, blowing him, and being fucked by him, but he wasn't himself. He was a brown muscled wolf. As he slept his body started to change. He grew more hair. His muscles started to grow bigger. Every breath expanded his chest more and more. He became fully erect. Finally the black wolf came in him and bit his shoulder and Mason woke up covered in his own seed. He looked over at the clock by his bed, 6:34am. Johnson would be here to pick him up soon, he doesn't have time to shower. He went to the bathroom to wipe off and looked at himself in the mirror.

"Wow!" Mason said, surprised. He couldn't take his eyes off himself. He was always in shape before due to his job, but now he looked like a damn movie star! His hair was even a little longer and had a lot more body hair. He was making himself hard just from his own reflection. He couldn't believe his eyes, it didn't make any sense. The doorbell ringing shook him out of his thoughts.

"Shit, shit, shit" he cursed himself for taking this long. He rushed to put on his uniform which was now incredibly tight. He couldn't button every button. He rushes to the door and opens it to see Johnson, or what he had become. He had grown the same way now a few inches taller than himself. He gained a lot more muscle as well, no longer had that belly from those late night donuts. As soon as their eyes met Johnson jumped him and pulled him in for a kiss. Mason had no idea what was happening and didn't care as he kissed back, painfully erect. Johnson pushed him inside against a wall and pulled down his pants as he got on his knees.

"God you smell so good" Johnson said as he pulled down his underwear with his teeth. Taking a big whiff of his manhood before taking it into his mouth. Mason had never had better head in his life as he is taking in all that is happening.

"Johnson, ah. I'm going to.." Mason moaned, but before he could finish Johnson stood up and flipped Mason around and forced him to bend over. Mason wasn't given much time, but he knew what was about to happen. Johnson pushed his way in slowly down to the base before he started to pump hearing whimpers and grunts from Mason before they slowly turned into moans. Johnson energetically thrusted into Mason, each thrust rubbing against Mason's prostate causing him to leak on the floor. Mason was loving every second, giving Johnson control, being held down, having his ass slapped. He had never felt such pleasure. It didn't take long before Johnson slammed him down on his cock and came in him causing Mason to cum all over the wall in front of him.

After cleaning up they both discussed the changes that happened to them and the dream they both had. They needed to figure out what that homeless man did to them. So they got dressed and headed back to the station.

It was late morning when Kalis woke up. His ability to quickly regenerate made sure he was healed up while he was sleeping. The guards gave him some clothes and some food which he was thankful for. Almost dying does create an appetite after all. He sat there watching the guards thinking of how he was going to get out of there. He couldn't risk turning wolf and busting out. There are too many cameras and if this got out he'd have more to worry about than the hunters. Even if he tried to convert one of the guards there were too many people and cameras around. He wondered if anyone else in his pack was able to escape. He could use some help to get out of this.

A loud BZZT pulled him out of his thoughts as he saw Johnson and Mason enter the holding area. They started walking up to him as Kalis stood to greet them. He could smell them, cum stained pups, but the wolves within them were growing. This was his way out.

"Someone had fun this morning" Kalis said with a seductive smile, causing the two officers to turn red. "I'm sure you have some questions, take me somewhere private and it will all make sense".

The officers complied, somehow feeling they didn't have a choice. They opened the gate and walked him to one of the interrogation rooms.

"Are we alone?" Kalis asked.

"Yes" Mason replied. "This room doesn't have any cameras and there is nobody on the other side of the glass. So how about you start talking".

"Good" Kalsi said as he turned to face the officers and started to get undressed. "Don't want to ruin this nice orange jumpsuit your friends were so nice to give me" he said sarcastically. The officers couldn't take their eyes off him. Kalis could see the bulges in their already tight uniforms. "Undress." Kalis ordered. Mason and Johnson started to take off their clothes enthusiastically. With all three men standing naked, eyes fell back on Kalis. "Now watch" He commanded as he started to transform. Black fur sprouted all over his body, he started growing taller getting to his true 7' 5" height, muscles bulking out, his face morphing out into a muzzle, sharp fangs replacing his human teeth, and his cock reaching 15 inches. Mason and Johnson were frozen, standing there painfully erect. They couldn't believe what was going on. The wolf from their dreams was standing right in front of them. It was like looking at a God. This can't be happening though, werewolves aren't real. Yet there he was, right in front of them. Unable to move, all they could do was watch the transformation in awe. Kalis stepped forward now as a towering wolf. "Well, what are you pups waiting for?" He teased, gesturing to his cock. Both men rushed over and started licking. Worshiping his shaft, taking turns on the balls and trying to fit the massive meat in their small human mouths, they couldn't get enough, the smell, the taste, it was amazing. "Good boys" Kalis moaned. After it was well lubricated Kalis picked up Mason and laid him against the table. "Now this might hurt at first, but relax" he said as he lined up his dick with Mason's hole. He slowly pushed in. He could hear Mason grunt in pain. "Shh it's ok pup, relax yourself" he said as he leaned in and bit his shoulder and pushed in all the way at the same time. With each thrust you could see brown fur start to sprout, muscles expanding out to body builder proportions, you could see him start to grow taller reaching 7'2". Face started to push outwards forming a muzzle while his ears shifted to the top of his head. Kalis came and caused Mason to cum and as he started to how Kalis grabbed his muscle to quiet him. "Not too much noise now pup, we aren't safe yet". Kalis whispered in his ear. Kalis pulled out and Mason exhausted fell to the floor. "Now where is the other one?" Kalis mused.

Johnson was sitting against the wall jerking off already covered in his own cum. He's never seen something so hot before in his life. Kalis motioned for him to come closer. Johnson crawled over to him and started cleaning his shaft. Slurping of the residual cum desperate for more. Once it was nice and slick Kalis bent him over the table just as he did for Mason. Slowly entered him as he bit his shoulder as he pushed him down to the knot. Johnson was struggling to stay quiet with these new sensation, pain and pleasure all in one he wanted to scream. Kalis could sense Johnson was about to scream. "Pup" he said to freshly minted wolf. "Help keep your partner here quiet will you". Mason knew exactly what to do as he walked over to his partner and shoved his new canine dick right in his mouth and started to face fuck him. With their rhythm in sync they could feel him start growing under them. Dark brown fur began to spread across his body, his muscles pushing out, his mouth elongating allowing more of Johnson's cock in, a fluffy tail sprouting from behind new claws dug into the table as he was getting close. Kalis came in him causing the other two to cum.

"Now rise" Kalis commanded as Johnson and Mason obeyed. Kalis took a second to appreciate his creation. Mason was shorter, only by an inch, with a lighter brown fur than Johnson. Both were bulging with muscle and had sharp yellow eyes. What he wouldn't give to continue fooling around with his new pups, but he had to make a plan and get out of there. "As much as I'd like to have you bust me out, that would draw too much attention. The only way to be able to move around freely is to convert everyone else." He said thinking out loud. "I can't do it myself however, we can't have a prisonnier walking around biting people". Then with a smirk he said "You two will just have to do it for me. Pups look at me, look into my eyes". He ordered. Johnson and Mason looked deeply into his golden yellow eyes. " You two are my Beta's. You are an extension of my will. You will take me back to my cell and convert the rest of the people here, but you cannot be found out. You must keep it hidden until we are ready. You corrupt people with your scratches and cum but you must bite them to fully transform them." Kalis explained. "Now let's go."

"Yes Alpha" the two said in unison. With their orders set they started transforming back into their human forms along with their Alpha. They put on their tight uniforms and walked Kalis back to his cell. "Mason, set your radio to channel 3, nobody uses that line. I'll take out Jones in the camera room and once we have eyes you get Casey in evidence." Johnson said. With a nod they were off.

Johnson knew how to turn Casey. He was a chubby guy from sitting behind a computer all day and like the stereotypical cop he loved his donuts. Johnson banged on the door. "Hey Casey I brought you something". Johnson yelled through the door. The camera room stayed locked from the inside so he had to get him to let him in.

Casey opens the door "Hey Johnson, what brings you up here?" he questioned.

"I know how much the chief hates you leaving your post and I didn't want you to miss out on the donuts someone left in the breakroom so I thought I'd bring you some" Johnson answered with a smile.

"Wow that is so nice of you, come in" Casey said as he started to turn and walk back to his seat. He didn't hear the sound of Johnson locking the door behind him. Before he could get back to his desk suddenly he felt a strong hand grab his mouth and a sharp pain in his shoulder.

"Shhh pup, you'll understand soon enough" Johnson said. "Mason you're clear" he radioed down.

Mason was waiting with an evidence box around the corner. When he heard the broadcast he walked up to the glass and gave the intercom a buzz.

"Oh hey Mason, got some evidence you want me to stock?" Asked Jones.

"Sure do." Mason answered, patting the box in front of him.

"Alright just pass it through and I'll get it sorted" Jones said handing him the form.

"Ah well here's the thing" Mason quickly lied. "This evidence is crucial for the DA's case. This is about the Cruz case and if anything happens to it I'd lose my job. I'd really like to store this one myself".

"Mason, you know I can't let you in alone." Jones replied.

"Then come with me!" Mason said a little too enthusiastically. "You can watch me the whole time, in and out real quick".

With a sigh Jones hit the buzzer letting Mason in. They walked through the shelves of different evidence to the Cruz case files. Jones gestured to let him have the box and Mason handed it over. He was surprised to feel how light it was. He opened the box to look inside and saw it was empty. "Mason what is go-" was all he could get out before being tackled to the ground feeling a sharp pain in his shoulder.

With his own eyes in the sky Johnson walked over to his next victims. Two officers were getting ready to start their shift. What the officers didn't know was that the donuts provided were from Johnson and Casey upstairs. They also didn't know Johnson switched out the creamer with his own. Johnson silently waited as he watched the officers start devouring those donuts and coffees. The officers didn't know what came over them, those donuts were addicting. The cream filling was somehow still warm which made everything just melt in your mouth. It was a little odd that the cream tasted salty but somehow the sugar from the pastry and the salt from the cream just mixed perfectly. The officers didn't notice themselves start to bulk up and their hair was getting longer. With the donuts gone they sat back in their chairs moaning. They didn't understand why they needed more or why they were so horny. They pulled out their dicks and started stroking. "That's my cue," Johnson thought as he walked in naked in his wolf form.

Mason and Jones headed to the showers. From their eye in the sky there was two officers ending their shifts and preparing to shower and change to go home. These were the last two in the station so they didn't bother hiding. The steam filled the room and made it hard to see, easy to get into the showers unnoticed.

"What smells like wet dog?" One asked before turning around and seeing two giant fully erect wolves. They hardly were able to let out a scream before being pounced up, bitten, and fucked.

With only a few hours after Kalis sent his beta's out on their mission he heard a bzzt to see his beta's enter in their wolf form with a few new friends. Mason unlocked the door and let Kalis out. "Alpha, let me introduce you to your new pack." Mason said gesturing to the wolves in front of them. There stood 7 wolves all different shades of brown and gray. Standing at differing heights all about 7ft but none taller than their alpha.

"Is this everyone?" Kalis asked?

"No Alpha," Replied Johnson. "Chief is alone in his office, he rarely leaves. We thought you would enjoy the honor of turning our former leader into your bitch."

Kalis smiled as he started to shift "Well then, lets pay him a visit"

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